Seven Days FDTP: Registration Form

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Registration Form DECLARATION

Faculty Development Training

The information furnished by me is true ON
Programme to the best of my knowledge. I agree to
On abide by the rules and regulation “MICROPROCESSORS AND
governing the FDTP. If selected, I shall MICROCONTROLLERS”
“MICROPROCESSORS AND attend the program for the entire (Subject Code: EE-6502)
(Subject Code: EE-6502)
JUNE 7-14, 2018
JUNE 7-14, 2018 Place:
Registration Form
1. Name:
Signature of the Applicant CO-ORDINATORS
2. Age and DOB:

3. Designation SPONSORSHIP Dr.K R. Santha, Vice principal and Head

Dr.N K Mohanty,Professor
4. Name of the Institution:
5. Institution Affiliated to Anna University: ………………………………………………
is an employee of our
6. Address for Communication: institution/organization is hereby allowed
to attend the FDTP, approved by Anna
University on “EE-6502- Microprocessors APPROVED
and Microcontrollers”. He/She will be by
7. Official Address: permitted to attend the program, if Anna University
selected. Chennai
E-mail: Organized by
Phone/ Mobile No: Date: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
8. Similar Subject Handled in last One year: Place:

9. Professional Experience (in years)

Signature of the HOD/Principal
Industry: Teaching:
Registration form can also be sent by E mail to:
Pennalur,Sriperumbudur (TK), Tamil Nadu, 602 117,
Signature of the Applicant Phone No: 044-27152000,Extn-251
ABOUT THE COLLEGE Department has well qualified and
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering CHIEF PATRON:
experienced faculty and staff members of
Prof.Dr.M. K Surappa
(SVCE), a premier self-financing engineering proven ability and profound skills. There are Vice-Chancellor,
college was started in the year 1985 and is Anna University
35 faculty members in the department, out of
managed by Sri Venkateswara Educational which 8 of them PhD holders, 20 of them
and Health Trust. The college conducts 10 PATRON: Dr.S.Ganesan
pursing their PhD. More than 30 research
B.E / B.Tech Degree Courses 10 PG scholars have registered to pursue their PhD Anna University,
Courses in Engineering and 11 research Chennai
in the department.
centers approved by Anna University. The CHAIR: Dr.K.Shanthi
research programmes are MS (by Director, CFD
Research) and PhD programmes The FDTP is approved by Anna University, Dr.D.Sridharan
respectively. All the courses are approved by Chennai. This is compulsory subject in BE- Addl. Director, CFD
AICTE and affiliated to Anna University, EEE, 5th semester. All the 5-units syllabus of CO-CHAIR: Dr.S Ganesh Vaidyanathan
Chennai. The college got approval of EE-6502- Microprocessors and Principal, SVCE
autonomous status in the year of 2016. The Microcontrollers will be covered in the FDTP. CO-ORDINATORS:
college is also accredited by National Registration Fee: Dr.KR. Santha,
Vice Principal and Head
Assessment and Accreditation Council This course is offered by the Sri Venkateswara EEE Dept
(NAAC). College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, with
Dr.N K Mohanty,
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT: free of cost to the faculty members of Anna
Professor, EEE Dept
The Department of EEE was started in the University, Chennai and its affiliated colleges.
The registration form can be downloaded from VENUE:
year 1994. The post graduate program (M.E) Seminar Hall,
college web site, The EEE Department
in Power Electronics and Drives was started
registration is restricted to 25, with first come
in 2002. The Department has secured IMPORTANT DATES:
first basis. No TA/DA will be provided. The
permanent affiliation with Anna University
participants can use the college bus for to and Last Date of
and Accredited for five years by NBA. The Submission of Application : 31.05.2018
fro journey. Hostel accommodation will be
Department has well equipped state –of-
provided to outstation participants on prior Intimation of selection : 02.06.2018
the- art laboratories and recognized as a
research centre by Anna University. The Confirmation by Participants : 04.06.2018

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