Reviewer Quiz (Midterm)
Reviewer Quiz (Midterm)
Reviewer Quiz (Midterm)
those goals.
In strategic planning, the whole company is
There are many instances when the managers
considered, specifically its objectives and current
are overwhelmed by various activities which at times resources. The output of strategic planning is the
becloud his judgment. This must be expected since strategic plan which spells out “the decision about long
anybody who is confronted by several situations range goals and the course of action to achieve these
happening simultaneously will loose sight of the more goals.”
important concerns. To minimize mistakes in decision
making, planning is undertaken. INTERMEDIATE PLANNING
A plan which is the output of planning, -refers to the process of determining the
provides a methodical way of achieving desired contributions that subunits can make with allocated
results. In the implementation of activities, the plan resources.
serves as a useful guide. Without the plan some minor
tasks may be afforded major attention which may, later Under intermediate planning, the goals of a
on, hinder the accomplishment of activities. subunit are determined and a plan is prepared to
provide a guide to the realization of the goals. The
PLANNING DEFINED intermediate plan is designed to support the strategic
• refers to the management function
that involves anticipating future trends and -refers to the process of determining how
determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve specific tasks can best be accomplished on time with
organizational activities. available resources. This type of planning is a
responsibility of lower management. It must be
performed in support of the strategic plan and
• “the selection and sequential intermediate plan.
ordering of tasks required to achieve an organizational
Setting Organizational, Divisional, or Unit Goals The standards for measuring performance may
be set at the planning stage. When actual performance
• Goals may be defined as the precise
does not match with the planned performance,
statement of results sought, quantified in time and
corrections may be made or reinforcements for the
magnitude, where possible.
A strategy may be defined as “a course of 2. Production Plan - this is the written document
that states the quantity of output a company must produce
action aimed at ensuring that the organization will
in broad terms and by product family.
achieve its objectives”.
3. Financial Plan – it is a document that summarizes
Determining Resources Needed the current financial situation of the firm, analyzes financial
needs, and recommends a direction for financial activities.
When particular sets of strategies or tactics
have been devised, the engineer management will, 4. Human Resource Management Plan – it is a
then, determine the human and nonhuman resources document that indicates the human resource needs of a
required by such strategies and tactics. Even if the company detailed in terms of quantity and quality and based
on the requirements of the company’s strategic plan
• It defines the groupings of individuals into • Formal Organizations require the formation of
departments and departments into organization. formal groups which will be assigned to perform specific
tasks aimed at achieving organizational objectives. The
• It defines the system to effect coordination formal group is a part of the organization structure.
of effort in both vertical (authority) and horizontal
(task) directions. • There are instances when members of an
organization spontaneously form a group with friendship as
WHEN STRUCTURING AN ORGANIZATION, THE a principal reason for belonging. This group is called an
ENGINEER MANAGER MUST BE CONCERNED WITH THE informal group. It is not part of the formal organization and it
FOLLOWING: does not have a formal performance purpose.
• The organization provides a high concern for customer’s • FUNCTIONAL AUTHORITY – a specialist’s right to
needs. oversee lower level personnel involved in that specialty,
regardless of where the personnel are in the organization.
• The organization provides excellent coordination across
functional departments. • LINE DEPARTMENTS
• There is emphasis on overall product and division goals. -perform tasks that reflect the organization’s
primary goal and mission. In a construction firm, the
• The opportunity for the development of general department that negotiates and secures contracts for the
management skills is provided. firm is a line department. The construction division is also a
line function.
• There is a high possibility of duplication of resources across
division. -include all those that provide specialized skills in
support of line departments. Examples of staff departments
• There is less technical depth and specialization in divisions.
include those which perform strategic planning, labor
relations, research, accounting, and personnel. Staff officers
• There is poor coordination across division.
may be classified into the following:
• There is less top management control.
• There is competition for corporate resources.
– those individuals assigned to a specific manager
to provide needed staff services.