The document provides information about different crops grown in India including rice, wheat, pearl millet, oats, maize and barley. It lists the state, season, seed rate, temperature requirements, sowing time and other details for each crop.
The document provides information about different crops grown in India including rice, wheat, pearl millet, oats, maize and barley. It lists the state, season, seed rate, temperature requirements, sowing time and other details for each crop.
The document provides information about different crops grown in India including rice, wheat, pearl millet, oats, maize and barley. It lists the state, season, seed rate, temperature requirements, sowing time and other details for each crop.
The document provides information about different crops grown in India including rice, wheat, pearl millet, oats, maize and barley. It lists the state, season, seed rate, temperature requirements, sowing time and other details for each crop.
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state title season seed required_temp Time of sowing
All over in RICE Monsoon 8-20 kg per erature
16-30° C 15th May to 15th of India Uttar WHEAT Winter acre 30-45 kg per 21-26°C June 25 October – Pradesh, Punjab, PEARL Monsoon acre 1.2-1.8 kg per 20-30°C November Last week of July Rajasthan, Punjab, MILLET OATS Autumn acre 25 kg per 20-30°C Second week of Haryana, Maharastra, MAIZE Monsoon acre 8-10 kg per 21°C - 27°C October to lastand June - August Uttar UP, BARLEY and Winter acre 35 kg per 12-32°C harvested in MID-OCTOBER - Rajasthan, acre MID-NOVEMBER fertilizer seed_treatment 25-30 kg Before sowing, soak them in 10Ltr urea/acre 25-30 kg water Raxil -containing, 2 gm per Kg seed urea/acre 25-30 kg \n To protect from ergot disease, dip the urea/acre 20-22 kg seeds in 20%be Seed should salt solution treated forCaptan with five or urea/acre 27-32 kg Thiram @3seeds To protect gm/kgfromof seeds to protect soil borne urea/acre 15-20 kg diseases To enhance andthe insect yieldpest, seed growth seeds urea/acre should be treated with Bavistin@2 soil It can be grown on a variety of soils with low permeability and loam Soils with a clay pH varying or loamfrom 5.0 togood texture, 9.5. structure Sandy and moderate It is grown water of in variety holding capacity soils but good are ideal water for and logged sandy soilcultivated It can be is good foronits allcultivation. kinds of soil. Well drained loamy It can be grown on wide range ofissoils soil rich in organic matter suitable for loamy including sand Barleytoplants clay loam. Fertile well-drained are cultivated sandy on significant loamoftosoil number such as sodic, light & saline soil. Although, it gives good irrigation Keep field flooded up to two weeks after transplanting. When all water The number get infiltrated of irrigations two day required willafter varyapply depending upon soil type, water availability etc. After proper drying, do threshing operation andCrown root separate grains from Oats are mainly earheads. cultivated Then carry as rain-fed crop. out But if they are grown as irrigated crop, two irrigations should 3-4weeks after germination apply first irrigation. Apply be remaining For barley,irrigation at intervals two or three of 4-5weeks irrigation are required upduring to mid its life cycle. Avoid water stress during jointing, booting land_preparation Glyphosate should be applied for the betterment of the dry Afterfield to clear harvest the weeds of previous andthe crop, forfield hygienic shouldgrowth. be ploughed with disc or mould board plough. Sowing should be done in well prepared land to get Field is good Land yield. shouldTobebring the soil properly to fine to prepared tilth, 2-3a harrowing form weed free field. Ploughing should be done 6-8 times For cultivation selected land should be free from to gainweeds higher and Carryremains of previously out ploughing grown 2-3 times crop. Plough properly to makethetheland land weed free. Before sowing crop land must be crop_info harvesting Rice is the most important food crop of India Reap the yield once the panicles are developing covering Wheat is about grownone-fourth of the on 13 percent of total croppedarea the cropped area fully as wellof Harvesting ashigh the yielding crops get changed dwarf variety is of India. Bajra Next to or pearl rice,iswheat millet widelyisgrown the most important millet in the carried out when leaves and stem When grains become hard containing turnsufficient yellow world. It can tolerate drought, thats why Oats is an important Cereal crop as well as fodder it is well moisture, cropmature Oats are fully is ready forready and harvesting. Remove to harvest after crop. MaizeCultivation is known as of queen Oat is similar of cereals as wheat and is crop. used It 4-5 months of sowing. To avoid grain Harvesting should be done when cobs outer shedding, collectively in form ofcereal It is quite significant foodstuff afterorwheat, fodder.maize From& cover turns from Crop matures green at end of to white.orThe March Apriloptimum rice. Barley is cultivated in summer season in depending upon variety use. To avoid over post_harvest Reap the yield once the panicles are developing After manualfully as well asdried harvesting, the crops crops get for three to four days on threshing floor so that After proper drying, do threshing operationmoisture and separate grains from earheads. Then carry out Sweet corn must be moved quickly from the field to packing Use for malting sheds, where it should be purpose. image_link