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Grade 9 Project

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DATE OF SUBMISSION: March 25, 2024

• Create a 5-minute Video Campaign about Climate Change to raise awareness and fight for climate
change. This will serve as your Project.
• Think of a CREATIVE TITLE for your Video Campaign. Make it short yet catchy. Then, write a short
description of what that video of yours is all about.
• You will be uploading that video on Facebook, tag all the members as well as me, because what is the
purpose of the campaign if others cannot see it?
• Make sure also that all the groupmates will have exposure to the video presentation.
• Speak clearly and loudly if necessary.
• You are free to include any video techniques that you think might add creativity to your presentation.

Activity Exemplary Proficient Developing Points
The content Information is The content does
includes a clear presented as a not present a
statement of connected theme clearly stated
purpose or theme with accurate, theme, is vague,
and is creative, current supporting and some of the
compelling, and information that supporting
clearly written. A contributes to information does
rich variety of understanding the not seem to fit the
supporting project’s main main idea or
Content/Organization information in the idea. Details are appears as a
(20 Points) video contributes logical and disconnected series
to understanding persuasive of scenes with no
the project’s main information is unifying main idea.
idea. Events and effectively used.
messages are The content
presented in includes a clear
logical order. point of view with
a progression of
ideas and
The graphics, The students use Some of the
sound and/or proper size and graphics, sounds,
animation assist in resolution to create and/or animations
presenting an images. The seem unrelated to
overall theme that graphics, sound, the topic/theme
Use of Media (Music, appeals to the and or animation and do not enhance
Voice-over, Graphics) audience and visually depict concepts.
(20 points) enhances concepts material and assist The camera work
with a high impact the audience in may be choppy or
message. Graphics understanding the the panning is too
explain and flow of fast. Sound and
reinforce key information or visual files may
points during the content. have. some
presentation. The camera work distortion but it
The camera work is generally doesn't distract the
is smooth and the smooth and the viewer. There are
focus is crisp. focus is usually some technical
Sound and visual crisp. Sound and problems, but the
files are distortion- visual files are viewer is able to
free. Transitions mostly distortion- follow the
are timed for free. Transitions presentation.
smooth movement provide a smooth
between scenes. movement
Titles are legible. between scenes.
There are few Titles are mostly
technical problems legible. There are a
and none of a few technical
serious nature. problems.
Effective Students worked Some individuals
teamwork. The together and were document how
product represents assigned different there was
something that roles. All students communication,
would have been in the group poor unresolved
impossible to participate actively conflict, or failure
accomplish 100% of the time. to collaborate on
working alone. Most students important aspects
Teamwork Students select excel in the of the work. The
(Participation) group members activities. group required.
(20 points) based on good teacher assistance
working to resolve
relationships. All differences.
students in the
group participate
actively 100% of
the time. Each
student excels in
every activity.
The quality of the The quality of the The quality of the
video and the video and the focus video and the
focus were were excellent in focus. are not very
Clarity excellent in all its most of its parts. good. Some of the
(20 points) parts. The voices The voices cannot voices. cannot be
can be heard be heard clearly heard clearly.
clearly and loudly and loudly in some
in all parts. parts.
Strong message. The message is The message is
Covers the topic clearly vaguely
Relevance to the completely and in- communicated. communicated.
topic/Originality depth. Includes Includes essential Includes some
(20 points) complete information. essential
information. information with a
few facts.

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