IDLA Final Present Self Rubric

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Final Presentation Self - Evaluation

Competed and submitted before the final presentation

Name _______________________
Exemplary Learned Basic Apprentice
Organization  Organization is intuitive and clear  Includes appropriate clues  Some confusion over  Lacks logical sequence
 Easy to follow text (numbers, arrows) to clarify sequencing  Visuals do not support text
 Clear relationships between text sequence.  Some visuals do not connect
and visuals  Easy to follow text with text.
 Title(s) enhance organization  Clear relationships between
text and visuals
Areas for organization improvement:

Areas of organization strength:

Visual Appeal  Visually attractive and creative  Visually attractive  Lacks visual appeal  Display has serious visual
 Significant variety of visual  Variety of visual elements  Lacks variety of visual deficiencies: boring, bare,
elements which add depth to the add depth to the display. elements. messy, crooked, falling apart.
display.  Most of the display is visually  Display includes too much blank  Little to no use of different
 Display is visually balanced balanced. space an imbalance of visuals. visual elements.
 Display has visual unity.  Display has visual unity.  Fonts change or color scheme  Significant balance or color
 Choice of elements and fonts fit the  Choice of elements and fonts is inconsistent. problems.
topic and adds depth, originality, fit with the topic.  Choice of elements and fonts  Choice of elements and fonts
and inventiveness.  Choice of colors and visuals does not fit well with topic. detracts from effectiveness.
 Choice of colors and visuals fit display.  Visuals do not match text well  Visuals do not support text.
enhances the display.  Most visuals are properly  More than two are incorrectly  Visuals are not sourced or not
 All visuals are sourced properly. sourced. sourced. sourced correctly per
 Display is of professional finished  Display has a polished look.  Display has messy elements. MLA/APA.
Areas for visual improvement:

Areas of visual strength:

Multimedia and  Multimedia elements take project to  Multimedia elements utilized  One multimedia or interactive  No multimedia elements
Interactive a higher level than what could be enrich the display. element utilized. utilized.
Elements accomplished with text alone.  Video/audio adheres to rules  Video/audio adheres to rules for  Video/audio does NOT
 Video/audio enhances display and for length. length. adhere to rules for length.
adheres to rules for length.  Display has artifact or  Display has limited or few  Display has no interactive
 Display has effective interactive interactive elements. interactive elements. elements.
elements or has artifact elements
which draw the audience in.
Areas for improvement:

Areas of strength:
Overall Final Project Self - Evaluation
Exemplary Learned Basic Apprentice
Content  Project reflects in-depth  Project reflects solid  Project reflects basic  Project reflects minimal
knowledge of topic. knowledge of topic. knowledge of topic knowledge of topic.
 Fully understands the topic.  Working towards better  Demonstrates limited effort to  Has very limited
 Text and content is fully understanding of the topic. understand the topic. understanding of the topic.
developed and complete.  Text and content is complete  Text and content is weakly  Text and content is not
and strong. developed. complete.
Theme/Topic  Topic is effective, clear, detailed  Topic is clear, strong and  Topic is weak but evident.  Topic is hinted at in
and explains a critical historical provides an important  Information attempts to introduction.
component of U.S. public historical component of U.S. support the theme but is  Project lacks support,
education. public education. weak. Weak connection to a connection, or is ineffective.
 Clear and effective support for  Information supports the topic historical component of U.S.  Topic and theme have little or
theme throughout presentation. and builds upon the theme. public education. no relevance to a historical
All sections logically reach a  Project sporadically shows  Topic and theme evident only component of U.S. public
conclusion. connection to the theme. in the introduction and education.
 Entire project thoroughly conclusion.
connects to the topic.
Analysis &  Clear and strong analysis  Clear explanation of the topic  Includes information about the
Interpretation evident in each section which and its background. topic but not much  No evidence of analysis.
supports the theme.  Includes many details on the explanation as to why it  Random facts presented.
 Detailed and clear explanation of importance of the topic in matters.  No mention of other
the topic and its context. history.  Mentions other viewpoints viewpoints.
 Includes in-depth consideration  Includes consideration of the involved.
of the different viewpoints different viewpoints involved.

Importance □ Provides detailed information □ Provides detailed information □ Provides basic information □ Provides basic information but
about the importance of the about the topic. about the topic. is very vague and
topic. □ Draws conclusions about □ Draws conclusions about the generalized.
□ Draws conclusions about significance. significance of the topic, but □ Does not clearly state the
significance. □ Includes convincing and clear doesn’t have many supporting impact of the topic on history.
□ Includes convincing and evidence. details.
inescapably clear evidence. □ Includes a detailed description
□ Includes a detailed description of of how the topic clearly
how the topic clearly changed changed education history.
the course of education history.
□ Includes many supporting
Accuracy  Information is clear and  Information is clear and  Information is confusing,  Significant portions of
appropriate. appropriate. incorrect, or flawed. information are confused,
 Gives detailed and analyzed  Gives a detailed account of  Accuracy impacts incorrect, or flawed.
account of who, what, when, who, what, when, where, why, effectiveness of project.  Accuracy undermines project.
where, why, and how of the and how of the event.  Gives only generalities about
event.  May have some accuracy the topic.
 No factual errors. issues.  Few dates used  General or minimal dates or
 Abundant use of accurate dates  Good use of accurate dates  Mentions other side of issue. inaccurate dates used.
 Fully explains both sides of the  Explains both sides of the  Information is very vague and  No attention paid to other
issue in a balanced manner (if issue (if needed). generalized. Lacks specific viewpoints in issue.
needed). facts, details, and dates.
Chronology  The chronology of information  The chronology of information  The order of information as it  The chronology of events is
presents a clear story which may wander a bit but does not presented makes the mixed up and undermines the
effectively supports topic. significantly impact chronology unclear. clarity of the project.
effectiveness.  Ordering causes confusion.
Quotes/Resources  Multiple powerful primary  Appropriate quotes/primary  Limited use of primary quotes  Use of only one primary
quotes/resources are integrated resources are properly and/or resources. resource.
seamlessly into the text. integrated and transitioned  Quotes/resources are not  Quote(s) do not support the
 Quotes enhance and strengthen into the project. transitioned or accurate thesis. No transitions.
the project and sources are  Quotes and accurate and/or applicable for the
reliable and verifiable. resources support the theme/topic.
Word Limit  Project fully utilizes the time  Appropriate use of the time.  Content is significantly below  Project is drastically below the
limit. 80-95% of time is utilized. the time limit. Uses less than time limit. Uses 60% or less
80% of time. of allowed time.
Sources  All information including pictures  Most information including  Some information including  Many facts, pictures or quotes
and quotes are properly pictures and quotes are pictures and quotes are not are not properly sourced with
sourced with parenthetical properly sourced with properly sourced with MLA/APA parenthetical
citations that follow MLA/APA parenthetical citations that parenthetical citations that citations.
format. follow MLA/APA format. follow MLA/APA format.  Project is close to plagiarism.
Mechanics  Presentation is free of obvious  Presentation has 4 or less  Many obvious spelling or  Presentation has many
misspellings or grammatical minor spelling or grammar grammar errors but meaning spelling or grammar errors
errors. errors that do not detract from is not impacted. that hinder the meaning.
 Text is well written, and makes meaning.  Text makes sense.  Text does not make sense in
sense.  Text is strong and makes  Voice recording is difficult to areas.
 Voice recording is clear, and sense. understand, and background  Voice recording is not
sound is well done.  Voice recording is mostly sounds are mildly distracting. understandable and
clear, and background sound background sounds are
is appropriate. distracting.

Project areas of improvement:

Written work areas of strength:

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