What Is Test Cases in Software Testing ?

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What is Test Cases In Software Testing ?

In software engineering, test cases are a fundamental component of the software testing process. They are
specific scenarios or conditions that are designed to assess the functionality and quality of a software
application. Test cases consist of a set of inputs, expected results, and execution steps. Their primary
purpose is to validate that the software performs as intended and to identify any defects or errors.

Test cases are typically created to cover a wide range of conditions, including normal use cases, edge cases,
and error scenarios. They help ensure that the software meets its requirements, functions correctly, and can
handle various inputs and conditions. Test cases can be automated or executed manually, and they play a
crucial role in quality assurance, helping developers and testers identify and address issues before a software
release, thereby improving the reliability and performance of the software.

What is Test Cases Report In Software Testing ?

A test case report in software testing is a comprehensive document that provides a detailed account of the
testing process, outcomes, and the quality of the software being tested. It serves as a critical communication
and documentation tool for various stakeholders involved in software development. Here's what a test case
report typically includes:

Test Case Information: The report starts with details about the test cases, including their names, IDs, and
descriptions. This section may also specify who created and executed the test cases.

Test Environment: Information about the testing environment, including hardware, software,
configurations, and any specific setups required for testing.

Test Execution Summary: A summary of the test execution, showing the number of test cases executed,
passed, failed, and any pending or skipped test cases.
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Test Case Results: A detailed breakdown of each test case, including the status (pass/fail), actual results,
expected results, and any comments or observations made during testing.

Defects and Issues: Any defects or issues discovered during testing, including their severity, status, and
steps to reproduce. These are often linked back to specific test cases.

Test Coverage: Information about the coverage achieved by the test cases, indicating which parts of the
software were tested and which were not.

Traceability: A matrix showing how each test case relates to specific requirements or user stories. This
ensures that all requirements have corresponding test coverage.

Testing Schedule and Resources: Details about the timeline, resources (testers, tools), and any deviations
from the original testing plan.

Recommendations: Suggestions for further testing, improvements in the testing process, or changes in the

Conclusion: A summary of the overall quality of the software based on the test results and any risks or
concerns that need to be addressed.

Test case reports serve as a crucial artifact for project managers, developers, and other stakeholders to assess
the software's readiness for release, track progress, and make informed decisions regarding bug fixes and
further development. They also help in compliance, auditing, and continuous improvement of the software
development process.

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A test case report in software testing is a vital document that encapsulates the results and insights gathered
during the testing phase of a software project. This report provides comprehensive information that assists
project stakeholders in making informed decisions about the software's quality, readiness for release, and
areas that may need improvement. Here are some key theoretical concepts and elements typically found in
a test case report:

Test Case Identification: Each test case should be uniquely identified by a name, number, or code for
easy reference and traceability.

Test Case Description: A brief description of the purpose and objectives of each test case, including the
functionality being tested.

Test Environment Details: Information about the testing environment, including hardware, software,
configurations, and any specific prerequisites for testing.

Test Execution Summary: An overview of the test execution, summarizing the number of test cases
executed, passed, failed, and any pending or skipped cases.

Detailed Test Results: A comprehensive breakdown of the test results for each test case, including the
execution status (pass/fail), actual results, expected results, and any comments, observations, or notes
made during testing.

Defects and Issues: A section dedicated to logging defects, issues, or anomalies encountered during
testing. Each defect should be documented with information like its severity, status, steps to reproduce,
and links to associated test cases.

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Test Case Priority: Assigning a priority to each test case helps in determining which defects need to be
addressed first and guides the development team's focus.

Test Case Execution Logs: Detailed execution logs, often with timestamps, provide a chronological
record of the testing process, making it easier to track the history of a test case.

Test Coverage: Indicating the extent to which the software has been tested. This helps in understanding
which parts of the software have been thoroughly tested and which may require further attention.

Traceability Matrix: A matrix that establishes the traceability between test cases and the corresponding
requirements or user stories, ensuring that all aspects of the software have adequate test coverage.

Testing Schedule and Resources: Information about the timeline, allocation of testing resources (testers,
testing tools), and any deviations from the initial testing plan.

Recommendations and Conclusions: Suggestions for further testing, areas for improvement, or changes
to the software. The report should conclude with an overall assessment of the software's quality and
readiness for release.

Historical Data: Maintaining historical data and trends from previous test case reports can help in
understanding the software's evolution and improvement over time.

Compliance and Audit Requirements: Ensuring that the test case report meets any compliance or audit
requirements specific to the project or industry standards.

Distribution and Access: Specifying who should have access to the report, how it should be distributed,
and how frequently it will be updated or reviewed.

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Title of Micro-Project: Text Editor

1.0 Rationale :

In this project we are going to test an text editor using software testing. Text editor is frame created using
java which is mainly used for performing operations such as copy, cut, select, paste, etc.

2.0 Literature Review :

1. We require knowledge of various software testing techniques to test the application.

2. We must know how to prepare functionalities by requirement specification document. As it contains all
the functionality related to the software.

3. We require knowledge of preparing test plan.

4. We must know how to create test cases.

5. We should atleast provide conclusion related to the project and application.

3.0 Proposed Methodology :

1. Firstly we will decide which software testing techniques are required to test the text editor created using
frame in java.

2. Then we will prepare functionality requirement specification document for text editor.

3. We will then prepare test plan for text editor.

4. Then we will design test cases for text editor to check the functionality of software.

5. After that we will prepare a defect report summary if any serious bug or defect is encountered in the

6. At least we will provide a summary report and provide a proper conclusion.

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4.0 Action Plan

Sr. No. Details Of Planned Start Planned Finish Name Of

Activity Date Date Responsible
Team Members
1 Decide subject of 27/10/2023 27/10/2023 Adib
the project
2 Collecting info of 28/10/2023 29/10/2023 Adib
3 Creating project 29/10/2023 31/10/2023 Adib, Salik,
Ashar, Yasir

5.0 Resources Required :

Sr. No. Name Of Specification Qty Remarks

1 Computer System Intel core-i3 1 Used
2 Operating system Windows 11 - Used
3 Software MS Word - Used

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6.0 Course Outcomes Integrated :

1. Apply various software testing methods.
2. Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.

7.0 Literature Review :

1. Decide testing technique.
2. Prepared Functionality Requirement Specification document.
3. Prepared test plan and test cases.
4. Prepared defect report and summary report.

8.0 Actual Procedure Followed :

1. Introduction to software testing and application.
2. Prepared functionality requirement specification document of text editor.
3. Prepared test plan.
4. Prepared and executed test cases.
5. Prepared defect report.
6. Prepared summary report.

9.0 Actual Resources Used :

Sr. No. Name Of Specification Qty Remarks

1 Computer System Intel core-i3 1 Used
2 Operating system Windows 11 - Used
3 Software MS Word - Used

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10. Output Of The Micro-Project :

Test Test Case Pre- Test Steps Expected Actual Status

Case ID Description Conditions Result Result
TC-001 Verify that the The 1. Launch The text The text Test to
text editor frame application the editor frame editor frame pass.
is displayed is installed application should is displayed
correctly upon and 2. Observe displayed without any
launching the launched the text without any visual defects
application. successfully. editor frame. visual defects or
or abnormalities.
TC-002 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The user The user is Test to
user can enter editor frame the text should be able to enter pass.
and edit text in is displayed. editor area. able to enter and edit text
the text editor. 2. Type and edit text in the text
some text. in the text editor without
3. Edit the editor without any issues.
entered text. any issues.
TC-003 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The entered The entered Test to
user can save the editor frame the "Save" text should be text is saved pass.
entered text in a is displayed button. saved as a file as a file in the
file. and contains 2. Enter a in the specified
some file name specified destination
entered text. and select a destination folder without
destination folder without any errors.
folder. any errors.
3. Click on
the "Save"
button in the
file save
TC-004 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The selected The selected Test to
file should be file is opened
user can open editor frame the "Open" pass.
opened in the in the text
and edit an is displayed. button. text editor, editor, and

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existing file in 2. Select an and the user the user is
should be able to edit its
the text editor. existing text
able to edit its content
file. content without any
without any issues.
3. Edit the
opened file.
TC-005 Verify that the The text 1. Select The selected The selected Test to
user can change editor frame some text in text should be text is pass.
the font style and is displayed. the editor. displayed in displayed in
size of the text in 2. Choose a the chosen the chosen
the editor. different font style and font style and
font style size without size without
and size any visual any visual
from the font defects. defects.
TC-006 Verify that the The text 1. Make The user The user is Test to
user can undo editor frame some edits to should be able to undo pass.
and redo text is displayed. the text in able to undo and redo text
edits in the the editor. and redo text edits in the
editor. 2. Click on edits in the editor, and
the "Undo" editor, and the text
button. the text contents are
3. Click on content updated
the "Redo" should be accordingly.
button. updated
TC-007 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The text The text Test to
user can close editor frame the "Close" editor frame editor frame pass.
the text editor is displayed. button. should be is closed
frame. closed without any
without any errors, and
errors, and the
the application is
application exited
should exit gracefully.

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TC-008 Verify that the The text 1. Select The selected The selected Test to
user can copy, editor frame some text in text should be text is copied, pass.
cut, and paste is displayed. the editor. copied, cut, cut, and
text in the editor. 2. Click on and pasted pasted
the "Copy" successfully successfully
button. in the editor in the editor
3. Click on without any without any
the "Cut" issues. issues.
4. Click on
the "Paste"
TC-009 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The search The search Test to
user can find and editor frame the "Find" term should term is found pass.
replace text in is displayed button. be found and and replaced
the editor. and contains 2. Enter a replaced successfully
some search term. successfully in the editor
entered text. 3. Click on in the editor without any
the "Next" without any errors.
button. errors.
4. Click on
TC-010 Verify that the The text 1. Select The selected The selected Test to
user can select editor frame some text in text should be text is deleted pass.
and delete text in is displayed the editor. deleted from from the
the editor. and contains 2. Click on the editor editor without
some the "Delete" without any any issues.
entered text. button. issues.
TC-011 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The The Test to
user can change editor frame the "Change background background pass.
the is displayed. Background color of the color of the
background color Color" text editor text editor is
of the text editor. button. should be changed to
changed to the selected

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2. Select a the selected color without
different color without any visual
background any visual defects.
color from defects.
the color
TC-012 Verify that the The text 1. Click and The user The user is Test to
should be able to resize
user can resize editor frame drag the pass.
able to resize the text editor
the text editor is displayed. edges of the the text editor frame without
frame without any issues,
frame. text editor
any issues, and the
frame. and the contents are
content adjusted
should adjust accordingly.

TC-013 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The user The user is Test to
user can editor frame the should be able to pass.
maximize and is displayed. "Maximize" able to maximize and
restore the text button. maximize and restore the
editor frame. 2. Click on restore the text editor
the text editor frame without
"Restore" frame without any issues,
button. any issues, and the
and the contents are
content adjusted
should adjust accordingly.
TC-014 Verify that the The text 1. Click on The user The user is Test to
user can editor frame the should be able to pass.
minimize and is displayed. "Minimize" able to minimize and
restore the text button. minimize and restore the
editor frame. 2. Click on restore the text editor
the text editor frame without
application frame without any issues,
icon in the any issues, and the
taskbar to and the contents

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restore the content adjusted
text editor should adjust accordingly.
frame. accordingly.
TC-015 Verify that the The text 1. Use The user The user is Test to
user can navigate editor frame keyboard should be able to pass.
through the text is displayed shortcuts able to navigate
editor using and contains (e.g., arrow navigate through the
keyboard some keys, Home, through the text editor
shortcuts. entered text. End, Page text editor using
Up, Page using keyboard
Down) to keyboard shortcuts
navigate shortcuts without any
through the without any issues.
text editor. issues.
TC-016 Verify that the The text 1. Make The user The user is Test to
user can undo editor frame some edits to should be able to undo pass.
and redo text is displayed the text in able to undo and redo text
edits using and contains the editor. and redo text edits using
keyboard some 2. Use edits using keyboard
shortcuts. entered text. keyboard keyboard shortcuts
shortcuts shortcuts without any
(e.g., Ctrl+Z without any issues.
for Undo, issues.
Ctrl+Y for
Redo) to
undo and
redo text
TC-017 Verify that the The text 1. Select The user The user is Test to
user can copy, editor frame some text in should be able to copy, pass.
cut, and paste is displayed the editor. able to copy, cut, and paste
text using and contains 2. Use cut, and paste text using
keyboard some keyboard text using keyboard
shortcuts. entered text. shortcuts keyboard shortcuts
(e.g., Ctrl+C shortcuts without any
for Copy, issues.

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Ctrl+X for without any
Cut, Ctrl+V issues.
for Paste) to
copy, cut,
and paste
TC-018 Verify that the The text 1. Use a The entered The entered Test to
user can save the editor frame keyboard text should be text is saved pass
entered text is displayed shortcut saved as a file as a file
using a keyboard and contains (e.g., without any without any
shortcut. some Ctrl+S) to errors. errors.
entered text. save the
entered text.
TC-019 Verify that the The text 1. Use a The selected The selected Test to
user can open an editor frame keyboard file should be file is opened pass.
existing file is displayed. shortcut opened in the in the text
using a keyboard (e.g., text editor editor without
shortcut. Ctrl+O) to without any any issues.
open an issues.
existing text
TC-20 Verify that the The text 1. Use a The text The text Test to
user can close editor frame keyboard editor frame editor frame pass.
the text editor is displayed. shortcut should be is closed
frame using a (e.g., closed without any
keyboard Alt+F4) to without any errors, and
shortcut. close the text errors, and the
editor frame. the application
application exited
should exit gracefully.

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11.0 Skill Developed :

This product is created for improving testing knowledge of application.

1. Studying of the different types of testing techniques.

2. Learned how to prepare test plan.

3. Learned how to prepare test cases.

4. Learned about SRS.

5. Learned about defect reports and its necessity.

6. Studied advantages and disadvantages of testing

12.0 Application Of This Micro-Project :

Text editor software allows user to perform various operation on huge amount of text. We can perform
various operation such as creating new text file, selecting, copying, delete, saving text an many more
operations. In conclusion, text editor is an important software to perform such operation on text file.

13.0 Area Of Future Improvement :

1. Enhanced collaboration features: Future text editors should focus on improving real-time
collaboration capabilities, allowing multiple users to edit and review documents simultaneously, similar to
Google Docs.

2. Advanced AI-powered grammar and style suggestions: Text editors could integrate more
sophisticated AI algorithms to provide more accurate and contextual grammar and style suggestions,
helping users improve their writing skills.

3. Seamless integration with other tools: Future text editors should aim to seamlessly integrate with
other productivity tools, such as project management software or note-taking apps, to enhance workflow

4. Customizable user interfaces: Providing users with the ability to customize the text editor's interface,
including font styles, layout options, and color schemes, would allow for a more personalized and user-
friendly experience.

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In this test case report, we examined key functionalities of the SimpleTextEditor, a Java-based text editor
developed using Java Swing. The aim was to validate its fundamental features and ensure its reliability.

The test cases included:

Creating a New File: This test case verified the text editor's ability to create a new, empty document,
ensuring a seamless start to text editing.

Typing and Saving Text: We confirmed that users could enter and save text successfully, a fundamental
aspect of any text editor.

Opening Text From a File: This test case validated the capability to open existing text files, essential for
editing previously created content.

The actual results for each test case should be documented as "Pass" or "Fail" to indicate whether the
functionality met expectations.

Throughout testing, the SimpleTextEditor demonstrated [state whether it passed or failed for each test case].
Any issues discovered should be addressed in subsequent development iterations. While these tests
examined core functionalities, further and more extensive testing is necessary to ensure the robustness and
reliability of the text editor.

This test case report serves as a starting point for evaluating the text editor's performance and functionality.
Additional test cases and continuous testing efforts are recommended to comprehensively assess the
application's suitability for users and identify areas for improvement.

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