Digital Electronics Basic Gates MCQs
Digital Electronics Basic Gates MCQs
Digital Electronics Basic Gates MCQs
Surprise Test
Logic Gates Exam (Full Marks: 30)
A B Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
5. Identify the logic gate with an output that is always the opposite of all its inputs combined. a) OR
b) AND c) NAND d) XOR
6. A logic circuit has two inputs (A and B) and one output (Y). The output Y is HIGH only when A is
LOW and B is HIGH. Which of the following gates can be used to implement this circuit?
a) OR b) AND with inverter on A c) XOR d) NOR with inverter on B
7. A logic gate has an output that is LOW only when exactly three out of four inputs are HIGH. Which
gate combination (using basic gates) can achieve this? (Tricky)
a) Three NAND gates followed by an OR gate b) Two NOR gates followed by an AND gate
c) Two XOR gates followed by an AND gate d) None of the above
9. Derive a minimized logic expression for the following truth table using only AND, OR, and NOT
operators: (Tough)
| A | B | Output |
10. A logic circuit implements the following logic: "Output is HIGH only if the number of HIGH inputs
is odd." Which of the following best describes this circuit? (Tricky)
a) It uses only XOR gates.
b) It can be built using a combination of AND and OR gates.
c) It requires a special type of gate not covered in this exam.
d) The functionality is not possible with logic gates.
3. Consider the following logic expression: NOT(X OR Y). De Morgan's Law can be used to simplify
this to:
a) XY b) NOT(X) AND NOT(Y) c) X NOR Y d) X NAND Y
4. De Morgan's Law can be applied to simplify logic circuits. Which of the following best describes the
benefit of using De Morgan's Law?
5. A logic circuit implements the following function: Output = NOT(A AND B). Using De Morgan's
Law, which of the following represents an equivalent circuit with potentially fewer gates?
a) A + (B * C) = (A + B) * (A + C)
b) A * (B + C) = (A * B) + (A * C)
c) A OR (B AND C) = (A OR B) AND (A OR C)
a) A OR 0 = 1 b) A OR 1 = A
4. Simplify A + AB = A + B
5. Simplify (A + B) (A + C) = A + BC