Logic Gates and Use of Boolean Algebra

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Logic gates with Boolean Functions

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

MCQs & Part 2 questions



In digital logic the above symbols A and B respectively represent the gates,

(1) NOR and AND (3) OR and NOR

(2) NOR and OR (4) NOT and OR

2. The following is a truth table of a certain logic gate that has two inputs A, B and an
output F. The logic gate is,
(1) OR 0 0 0
(2) AND 0 1 0
(3) NOR 1 0 0
(4) NAND
1 1 1

(Dec 2007)

3. Which Boolean relation below gets verified by the truth table given in Figure-
Question 15?

(1) A+A=1 A A Output

(2) A.A = 0
1 0 1
(3) Both (1) and (2)
0 1 1
(4) A+A =A
Figure-Question 15


Which one of the following circuits indicates the construction of a NAND logic gate by using
the above logic gates?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

5. Which of the following digital logic gates can be used to characterize the operation of
the electrical circuit shown in Figure-Question 17?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Figure-Question 17
(Dec 2008)

6. Which one of the following Boolean relations is verified by the given truth table?

(1) A + A = A
(2) A.A = A
(3) A + A = A and A.A = A
(4) A + 1 = 1

7. Which of the digital logic symbols given in the table represent, NOT logic?
(1) A and B

(2) B and C
(3) A and C
(4) A, B and C

8. A Father presents an electronic talking parrot to his son on his birthday. It can be
controlled remotely by two push button switches. When both are not pressed at all or
pressed together, the parrot does not talk, but talks when either one of them is
pressed. The digital logic that corresponds to the operation of the talking parrot is,

(1) OR (3) NOR

(2) AND (4) XOR

(Dec 2009)

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

9. If the output of the logic circuit in Figure 2 is 1, what should be the values of A and B
(1) 0 and 0
(2) 1 and 0
(3) 0 and 1
(4) 1 and 1

10. A student could select either string hopper or bread to eat with dhal curry for his
breakfast. Which of the following logical operations correctly represents this

(1) AND followed by OR (3) OR followed by OR

(2) OR followed by AND (4) AND followed by AND

11. Prove the following De Morgan’s laws using a table.

(1) (A.B)’ = A’ + B’ (2) (A + B)’ = A’.B’

(Dec 2010)

12. A merchant sells a pack of three items for Rs.75. The pack contains a cup (A) and a
saucer (B). The customer can select either a plate (C) or dish (D) as the third item.
Which of the following Boolean expression represents the above scenario?

(1) (A AND B) AND C AND D (3) A AND B AND (C OR D)

(2) A AND B OR C OR D (4) A OR B OR (C AND D)

13. If the final output of the given logic circuit. D is 1, which of the following represents
the corresponding values for the inputs A, B and C respectively?
(1) A=1, B=1, C=1
(2) A=1, B=0, C=1
(3) A=0, B=1, C=0
(4) A=0, B=1, C=1

14. Write the Boolean expression to represent the following logic circuit. Simplify your

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

15. You are given the following logic circuit where the input B is a binary value. The
output of the logic circuit is either 0 or 1 depending on the input. Modify the logic
circuit by inserting an appropriate logic gate in a suitable place to produce 1
irrespective of the input value of B.

(Dec 2011)

16. A question paper consists of three questions x, y and z. Candidates are required to
answer two questions. Question x is compulsory and the candidate has to select one
from questions y and z. Which of the following represents the selection of questions
by a candidate?

(1) X OR (y OR z) (3) X AND (y OR z)

(2) X AND (y AND z) (4) X OR (y AND z)

17. Consider the given logic circuit with A and B as inputs and C as the output. Which of
the following is correct regarding the inputs when the output C=1?

(1) A should always be 0

(2) A should always be 1
(3) B should always be 0
(4) A should always be 1

18. Consider the table given below.

Modify the given logic circuit by inserting a single logic gate to represent the above
truth table.

19. A vehicle with two doors (X and Y) has an indicator light (Z) to show whether the two
doors are properly closed. When one or both doors are open, the light will be ‘on’.
When both doors are closed, the light will be ‘off’.

(a) Construct a truth table for the above scenario using the following assumptions:
 For doors: ‘closed’ = ‘0’ and ‘open’ = ‘1’
 For the indicator light: ‘off’ = ‘0’ and ‘on’ = ‘1’
(b) What is the single logic gate that represents the above scenario?
(Dec 2012)

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

20. Consider the following logical expressions P, Q and R:

P : (A > B) OR (C > D)
Q : (A < B) AND (C > D)
R : NOT (A < B)

If the above A, B, C and D contain the values 50, 40, 30 and 20 respectively, which
of the following represents the correct outcomes of P, Q and R respectively?

(1) True, False, False

(2) True, False, True
(3) True, True , False
(4) True, True , True

21. Consider the following integrated circuit (IC) chip:

Which of the following is correct regarding pins 1, 2 and 3 of the above chip?

(1) If pin 1 = 0 and pin 2 =0 then pin 3 will be 0

(2) If pin 1 = 0 and pin 2 =1 then pin 3 will be 0
(3) If pin 1 = 1 and pin 2 =0 then pin 3 will be 1
(4) If pin 1 = 1 and pin 2 =1 then pin 3 will be 1

22. In a competition, participants have to complete two compulsory events A and B, and
one of the two optional events C and D. which of the following Boolean expressions
correctly represents this situation?
(1) (A AND B) AND (C OR D) (3) (A OR B) AND (C OR D)
(2) (A AND B) AND (C AND D) (4) (A OR B) OR (C AND D)

23. Consider the logic circuit and its corresponding truth table given below. Write down
suitable Boolean values for labels P, Q, R and S.

0 0 P
0 1 Q
1 0 R
1 1 S
(Dec 2013)

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

24. Consider the given logic circuit:

If A=1 and D=0, then which of the following is correct?

(1) B=0 and C=0

(2) B=0 and C=1
(3) B=1 and C=1
(4) B=1 and C=0

25. Consider the Boolean expression

Which of the following is correct?

(1) If A=0 and B=1 then D=1 irrespective of what C is

(2) If A=1, then D=1 irrespective of what B and C are
(3) If B=0, then D=0 irrespective of what A and C are
(4) If C=0, then D=1 irrespective of what A and B are

26. The following pseudo code is used to select candidates based on Age, Height and
Weight to call for an interview for a certain job.
If (Age >= 21 AND Age <= 40) AND (Height >= 155 OR Weight >= 55)
Then output ‘Qualified for Interview’
Else output ‘Not Qualified for Interview’
Two candidates Sumith and Raju have the following values for Age, Height and

Who will be qualified for the interview?

(1) Sumith only (3) Both Sumith and Raju
(2) Raju only (4) None of them

27. To get qualified for an award students in a class must satisfy both the following
Condition 1: must have marks>75% in subject 1
Condition 2: must have marks >75% in either subject 2 or subject 3
The Boolean variables X, Y and Z are defined as follows:

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

X is true if a student has >75% marks for subject 1

Y is true if a student has >75% marks for subject 2
Z is true if a student has>75% marks for subject 3

a) Write down a Boolean expression using variables X, Y and Z to represent the

overall conditions that a student must satisfy to qualify for the award.
b) Draw a logic circuit equivalent to the Boolean expression in (a) above.

(Dec 2014)

28. Consider a logic circuit with three inputs P, Q, R and an output F. the following is
observed in this circuit:

 If any single input is 1, then output F is 0, irrespective of what the remaining

inputs are.
 If all inputs are 0, then the output F is 1.

Which of the following is the most likely logic gate configuration for the circuit?

29. To qualify in an examination, candidates have to pass one compulsory subject S 1,

and one of the three optional subject S2, S3 and S4. Which of the following Boolean
expressions correctly represents this scenario?
(1) S1 AND (S2 AND S3 AND S4) (3) S1 OR (S2 AND S3 AND S4)
(2) S1 AND (S2 OR S3 OR S4) (4) S1 OR (S2 OR S3 OR S4)

30. A main road crosses two parallel railway lines X and Y. An alarm bell should ring
when a train enters the danger area of the lines from any direction (See figure).

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

The truth table below is given to indicate the operation of the alarm bell.

P Q State of
bell (Z)
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

P – A train has entered (‘1’) or not entered (‘0’) the danger area of line X
Q – A train has entered (‘1’) or not entered (‘0’) the danger area of line Y

State of bell (Z)

Bell is ringing - ‘1’
Bell is not ringing - ‘0’

Copy the above truth table to your answer script and fill the last column (Z).

31. The basic rule (axiom) in Boolean algebra is X + X’ = 1. This rule can be proven
using a logic circuit with a two-input OR gate and a NOT gate. Draw the relevant
logic circuit diagram to illustrate the proof of the above rule.

(Dec 2015)

32. Consider the following logic circuit diagram:

Which of the following is equivalent to the above logic circuit?

33. Which of the following logic circuits represents the given truth table?

0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

34. Consider the following logic circuit diagram.

Present the equivalent Boolean expression for the above logic circuit.

(Dec 2016)

35. Which of the following truth tables is equivalent to the logic circuit given below?

36. Which of the following logic circuits has a truth table equivalent to the truth table of
the logic circuit shown on the right hand side?

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

37. A flashlight with motion and light sensors is located outside a front door of a building.
The light turns ‘on’ automatically when it is dark and when someone approaches the
door from outside (when both conditions are satisfied). The motion sensor turns from
OFF (0) to (1) when someone comes near the door. The light sensor is ON (1) when
there is light and OFF (0) when it is dark. The block diagram of the circuit Figure 1
relating to this scenario is shown below.

(a) What are the suitable logic gates for P and Q in the above circuit?
The above circuit is modified by adding an OR gate and a switch ON (1), OFF (0) as
shown below in Figure 2

(b) Identify which of the two in the following statements are correct regarding the modified
circuit given in Figure 2. Write down the relevant statement numbers.

1 – When switch is ON (1) the flashlight will always be on.

2 – When switch is OFF (0) this circuit behaves as the circuit in Figure 1.
3 – The behavior of two circuits are identical.

(Dec 2017)

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

38. Consider the following logic circuit.

Which of the following is equivalent the above circuit?

39. For given inputs, which of the following logic circuits provide the same output?

(1) I and II only (3) II and III only

(2) I and III only (4) all I, II and III

40. Consider the following simplified Iogic circuit, which is designed to switch on a ceiling fan
when temperature is HIGH while the power switch is ON. Write down the two relevant
logic gates for P and Q.

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

41. Consider the following simplified circuit of a washing machine:

42. The following is. the truth table equivalent to the above logic circuit. Write down labels
A –H and the corresponding truth value (l,0) of each label.

(Dec 2018)

43. If 0 and 1 respectively are given as inputs for X in the following logic circuit, what
would be the two respective outputs at Y?

Logic gates with Boolean Functions

44. Consider the following logic gate

Draw the truth table (having two columns as A and P) for the above gate.

45. Consider the following logic circuit.

Write down the relevant Boolean expression for S.

(Dec 2019)


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