Reading03 1
Reading03 1
Reading03 1
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about 6 million years ago. Most of the
older organisms were nearly wiped out,
although a few hardy species survived. A
few managed to migrate into the Atlantic.
Somewhat later, the migrants returned,
bringing new species with them. Why did
the near extinction and migrations occur?
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indicating open ocean conditions. As they
drilled into the central and deepest part of
the Mediterranean basin, the scientists took
solid, shiny, crystalline salt from the core
barrel. Interbedded with the salt were thin
layers of what appeared to be windblown
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salty conditions remained. As evaporation
continued, the remaining brine (salt water)
became so dense that the calcium sulfate
of the hard layer was precipitated. In the
central deeper part of the basin, the last of
the brine evaporated to precipitate more
soluble sodium chloride (salt). Later, under
the weight of overlying sediments, this
salt fowed plastically upward to orm salt
domes. Before this happened, however,
the Mediterranean was a vast desert 3,000
meters deep. Then, about 5.5 million
years ago came the deluge. As a result
of crustal adjustments and faulting, the
Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean
now connects to the Atlantic, opened, and
water cascaded spectacularly back into the
Mediterranean. Turbulent waters tore into
the hardened salt fats, broke them up, and
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ground them into the pebbles observed in
the rst sample taken by the Challenger.
As the basin was relled, normal marine
organisms returned. Soon layers of oceanic
ooze began to accumulate above the old
hard layer.
gypsum: a mineral made of calcium sulfate
and water
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Directions: Answer the questions.
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2. What does the author imply by saying
“Not a single pebble was found that
might have indicated that the pebbles
came from the nearby continent”?
A The most obvious explanation for
the origin of the pebbles was not
supported by the evidence.
B The geologists did not nd as many
pebbles as they expected.
C The geologists were looking for a
particular kind of pebble.
D The different pebbles could not have
come from only one source.
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3. Select the TWO answer choices from
paragraph 3 that identify materials
discovered in the deepest part of
the Mediterranean basin. To receive
credit, you must select TWO answers.
A Volcanic rock fragments
B Thin silt layers
C Soft, deep-sea mud
D Crystalline salt
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4. What is the main purpose of
paragraph 3 ?
A To describe the physical evidence
collected by Hsu and Ryan
B To explain why some of the questions
posed earlier in the passage could not
be answered by the ndings o the
Glomar Challenger
C To evaluate techniques used by Hsu
and Ryan to explore the sea foor
D To describe the most dicult problems
faced by the Glomar Challenger
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5. According to paragraph 4, which of
the following was responsible for the
evaporation of the Mediterranean’s
A The movements of Earth’s crust
B The accumulation of sediment layers
C Changes in the water level of the
Atlantic Ocean
D Changes in Earth’s temperature
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7. According to paragraph 4, what
caused most invertebrate species in
the Mediterranean to become extinct?
A The evaporation of chemicals
necessary for their survival
B Crustal movements that connected the
Mediterranean to the saltier Atlantic
C The migration of new species through
the narrow straits
D Their inability to tolerate the increasing
salt content of the Mediterranean
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Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. IN ENGLISH WITH CONFIDENCE is a trademark of ETS.
8. Which of the sentences below best
expresses the essential information in
the highlighted sentence in paragraph
4? Incorrect choices change the
meaning in important ways or leave
out essential information.
A The Strait of Gibraltar reopened when
the Mediterranean and the Atlantic
became connected and the cascades
of water from one sea to the other
caused crustal adjustments and
B The Mediterranean was dramatically
relled by water rom the Atlantic
when crustal adjustments and faulting
opened the Strait of Gibraltar, the
place where the two seas are joined.
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Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. IN ENGLISH WITH CONFIDENCE is a trademark of ETS.
C The cascades of water from the
Atlantic to the Mediterranean were
not as spectacular as the crustal
adjustments and faulting that occurred
when the Strait of Gibraltar was
connected to those seas.
D As a result of crustal adjustments
and faulting and the creation of the
Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic and
Mediterranean were connected and
became a single sea with spectacular
cascades of water between them.
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Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. IN ENGLISH WITH CONFIDENCE is a trademark of ETS.
9. In paragraph 2 of the passage, there
is a missing sentence. The paragraph
is repeated below and shows four
letters (A, B, C, and D) that indicate
where the following sentence could
be added.
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Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. IN ENGLISH WITH CONFIDENCE is a trademark of ETS.
by echo-sounding instruments, but they
had never been penetrated in the course
of drilling. (C) Were they salt domes such
as are common along the United States
Gulf Coast, and if so, why should there
have been so much solid crystalline salt
beneath the foor o the Mediterranean?
A Option A
B Option B
C Option C
D Option D
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Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and other countries. IN ENGLISH WITH CONFIDENCE is a trademark of ETS.
most important ideas in the passage.
Some sentences do not belong in the
summary because they express ideas
that are not presented in the passage
or are minor ideas in the passage.
This question is worth 2 points.
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Answer Choices
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