Energy Balance
Energy Balance
Energy Balance
2 Energy
2.1 Introduction
An important goal in human nutrition is to ensure that the energy ingested in food
is adequate to meet energy demands. The body needs energy for maintaining body
temperature, metabolic activity, supporting growth and for physical work. It is also
important, particularly in affluent societies, to minimize excess energy intake over
expenditure in order to prevent obesity and its complications.
The first important principle is that energy requirement must be estimated on the
basis of energy expenditure and not of energy intake. It is based on the recognition that
it is energy expenditure that drives energy needs rather than intake, which does not
necessarily reflect energy needs and may vary independently.
consists of the summation of various activities representing the energy expenses, such as
the costs of the diverse types of physical activity, the extra energy allocated for pregnancy
and lactation and the energy cost of growth.
The standard unit of energy is the joule and human energetics are usually
expressed in term of kilojoules (i.e. joules x 1000). A megajoule (MJ) is 1000 kJ. One
kcalorie or Calorie = 4.184 kJ. It is a fundamental principle of thermodynamics that
energy cannot ‘disappear’. Food energy eaten has to be either excreted in the faeces, or
absorbed by the body. Once absorbed, a small amount of energy is excreted in the urine
as the by-product of protein metabolism and the rest of the absorbed fuel has to be
metabolized for energy or stored in the tissue as protein, fat or as carbohydrate in the form
of glycogen. Metabolized energy supports the making of new chemical compounds
within the body, fuels the muscular activity required to breathe, digest food and maintain
body posture, and also provides the energy for physical activity (James & Schofield,
Physiologically, BMR is defined as the lowest rate of energy exchange in the body,
which is related to the organization of bodily functions and production of body heat.
Technically, it is defined as the rate of energy expenditure of a fasted and fully-rested
individual in a thermoneutral environment or can simply be defined as the minimal rate
of energy expenditure compatible with life.
Since basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the largest component of energy expenditure,
it has been adopted by the FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Committee 1981 as the basis for
calculating all components of total energy expenditure. To obtain the total requirement,
the estimate of BMR is multiplied by a factor that covers the energy cost of increased
muscle tone, physical activity, the thermic effect of food, and where relevant, the energy
requirements for growth and lactation (FAO/WHO/UNU,1985).
The FAO/WHO/UNU (2004) report adopted the equations for predicting BMR
from body weight as reported in the 1985 report, presented in Table 2.1. Ismail et al.,
12 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia 2005
(1998) has reported predictive equations for adult Malaysians (Table 2.2) and Poh et al.,
(1999; 2004) for Malaysian adolescents aged 10 to 18 years old (Tables 2.3 & 2.4).
Table 2.1 Equations for predicting basal metabolic rate from body weight (W)1
Age range Kcal /day Correlation SDa MJ /day Correlation SDa
(years) coefficient coefficient
0- 3 60.9 W - 54 0.97 53 0.255 W - 0.226 0.97 0.222
3 - 10 22.7 W + 495 0.86 62 0.0949 W + 2.07 0.86 0.259
10 - 18 17.5 W + 651 0.90 100 0.0732 W + 2.72 0.90 0.418
18 - 30 15.3 W + 679 0.65 151 0.0640 W + 2.84 0.65 0.632
30 - 60 11.6 W + 879 0.60 164 0.0485 W + 3.67 0.60 0.686
> 601 3.5 W + 487 0.79 148 0.0565 W + 2.04 0.79 0.619
0- 3 61.0 W - 51 0.97 61 0.255 W - 0.214 0.97 0.255
3 - 10 22.5 W + 499 0.85 63 0.0941 W + 2.09 0.85 0.264
10 - 18 12.2 W + 746 0.75 117 0.0510 W + 3.12 0.75 0.489
18 - 30 14.7 W + 496 0.72 121 0.0615 W + 2.08 0.72 0.506
30 - 60 8.7 W + 829 0.70 108 0.0364 W + 3.47 0.70 0.452
> 60 10.5 W + 596 0.74 108 0.0439 W + 2.49 0.74 0.452
FAO/WHO/UNU (1985)
Standard deviation of differences between actual BMRs and predicted estimates
Table 2.3 BMR predictive equations for Malaysian adolescents aged 10 – 15 years1
Age groups Regression equations No. of r2 s.e.2
data points
11 years BMR = 86.42 W + 2097 83 0.62 390
12 years BMR = 93.45 W + 1899 108 0.64 431
13 years BMR = 79.75 W + 2377 109 0.66 393
14 years BMR = 74.65 W + 2487 56 0.54 429
11 – 15 years BMR = 80.38 W + 2319 360 0.70 417
10 years BMR = 75.29 W + 2118 55 0.62 329
11 years BMR = 76.66 W + 2124 118 0.66 365
12 years BMR = 52.46 W + 2846 103 0.47 400
13 years BMR = 50.86 W + 2736 70 0.43 392
10 – 14 years BMR = 54.44 W + 2781 353 0.52 405
Poh et al. (1999) BMR is expressed in kJ/day, W = Body weight in kg
standard error
Table 2.4 BMR predictive equations for Malaysian adolescents aged 12 – 18 years1
Groups Regression equations No. of r s.e.e. 2
data points
Boys BMR = 55.8W + 3187 269 0.54 605
Girls BMR = 53.4W + 2182 303 0.50 498
Combined BMR = 54.9W + 1119.6S + 2116 572 0.81 551
BMR is expressed in kJ/day, W = Body weight in kg, S = sex: where 1 = female, 2 = male
Poh et al. (2004)
standard error of estimate
Physical activity
The level of physical activity must be considered in detail when assessing energy
needs. Energy needs may be calculated based on the amount of time spent and the energy
cost of various activities. To facilitate the calculations, daily activities are divided into
two broad categories, namely occupational activities and discretionary activities
(FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985). Occupational activities include those activities that are
essential for the individual and the community and can be considered as economic
activities that are life-sustaining. The traditional classification of work according to
occupation is important, but care must be taken to ensure that there is an adequate
description of the occupation. Discretionary activities are additional activities outside
working hours that may be of benefit to the community. The requirement to cover these
14 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia 2005
The increased oxygen uptake after a meal depends on the nutrient composition of
the food consumed and the amount of energy ingested. The measurement of the energy
cost of digesting, absorbing and storing ingested nutrients is not easy. It is difficult to
separate the energy expended in excess of the basal rate after eating a meal, from the
energy cost of the physical activity involved in sitting, eating and digesting
(FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985).
The energy cost of growth includes two components: the energy value of the tissue
or product formed and the energy cost of synthesizing it. Although the energy
requirement for growth relative to maintenance is small, except for the first months of
life, satisfactory growth is a sensitive indicator of whether needs are being met. To
determine the energy cost of growth, the energetics of growth must be understood and
satisfactory growth velocities must be defined. Except in the case of young infants and
during lactation, the estimates of energy cost are not very critical, since human growth is
a slow process, taking up a small proportion of the energy requirement
(FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985).
By comparing the distribution of dietary energy supply (DES) with per caput
energy requirements in different countries, two types of food inadequacy measures are
provided, namely the prevalence and the intensity of food inadequacy. The prevalence
measure is concerned with the proportion and number of people who have inadequate
access to food, i.e. whose access falls short of a specified cut-off point while the estimates
of intensity, is to assess by how far access to food falls short of requirement (FAO, 1996).
energy deficiency persists, further weight loss occurs along with deterioration in health
ultimately leading to death.
On the other hand, chronic energy deficiency (CED) is a “steady state”, due to
inadequate food energy over a lifetime. Individuals with CED could be in energy balance,
although their anthropometric parameters, may be less than desirable. This state is
achieved by the presence of low body weight and fat stores, but the individual’s health is
normal and the body’s physiological function is not compromised to the extent that the
individual is unable to lead an economically productive life. There is good evidence to
show that individuals with CED are less productive and that the CED state is associated
with higher morbidity and mortality. In addition, the steady state referred to above must
be appreciated as a theoretical one, subject to periodic fluctuations of physiological and
environment, such as the menstrual cycle and seasons. A high incidence of LBW babies
has been reported in mothers with low pre-pregnant BMI. Milder energy-nutrient
deficiency leads to stunting, and is also associated with several functional and behavioral
consequences. From a population viewpoint, it is CED that is important to prevent and
Excessive energy intake and positive energy balance are conditioned by adequate
availability of food energy and a sedentary lifestyle, accompanied by marketing strategies
which stimulate over-consumption of highly palatable energy dense foods. Development
in many societies in transition is associated with the adoption of a “western” lifestyle.
This process is shifting the nutrition related disease burden away from under-nutrition
and towards death and disability related to energy excess and positive energy balance.
Social factors such as income, education, access to information and cultural beliefs,
biological factors associated to a genetic predisposition and metabolic changes associated
to diet and physical activity are the main conditioning factors linked to the rising
prevalence of positive energy balance and excessive energy stores. The non-fatal but
debilitating health problems associated with chronic energy excess and obesity include
respiratory difficulties, chronic muscle-skeletal problems, skin problems and infertility.
The more life-threatening, chronic health problems fall into four main areas: (a) condition
associated with insulin resistance, namely Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
(NIDDM), (b) cardiovascular problems including hypertension, stroke and coronary
heart disease, (c) certain types of cancers mainly the hormonal-related and large bowel
cancers, and (d) gallbladder disease.
Energy for metabolic and physiological functions of humans is derived from the
chemical energy bound in food carbohydrates, fats, proteins and alcohol, which act as
substrates or fuels. Each of these macronutrients has numerous sub-types with specific
attributes in terms of energy delivery and potential health effects. The gross and
16 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia 2005
metabolizable energy contents of the macronutrients in their natural forms are well
established. The sources of energy is carbohydrates, fat and protein with physiological
fuel values of 4, 9, 4 kcal/g (16.7kJ, 37.7kJ, 16.7kJ/g), respectively. Ethanol has a caloric
value of 7kcal/g (29.3kJ/g). The energy value of a food or diet is calculated by applying
these factors to the amount of substrates determined by chemical analysis, or estimated
from appropriate food composition tables (FAO/WHO/UNU, 2004).
The Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on diet, nutrition and the prevention of
chronic diseases (WHO, 2003) recommends that contribution of macronutrients to total
daily energy intake should be within these ranges: total carbohydrate 55 – 75%, total fat
15 – 30% and protein 10 – 15%. The Technical Subcommittee on Energy and
Macronutrients decided to adopt the WHO (2003) recommendation with slight
modifications. The TSC recommends that total carbohydrate should contribute 55 – 70%,
total fat 20 – 30%, and protein 10 – 15% to total daily energy intake for the Malaysian
adult population.
In view of the fact that energy requirement is determined from energy expenditure,
it is therefore affected by the factors that affect basal metabolic rate and physical activity,
which are the major components of energy expenditure. The FAO/WHO/UNU (1985)
report has provided details of these factors.
The most important component of energy expenditure, the basal metabolic rate,
depends on the mass of metabolically active tissue in the body, the proportion of each
tissue in the body, and the contribution of each tissue to the energy metabolism of the
whole body. The changes in body composition with age, therefore, markedly affect
energy requirements, since some organs of the body are much more metabolically active
than others. These changes in body composition in children and adults have to be taken
into account when calculating the energy requirement of a particular section of the
population. There are also altered activity patterns with age. Children become
progressively more active once they are able to crawl or walk while the physical activity
pattern of adults are usually dominated by the nature of their work.
Men have a relatively greater muscle mass than women, which would tend to
reduce their BMR when expressed in terms of lean body mass, since muscle has a low
metabolic rate. However, the greater body fat content of women means that the observed
BMR per unit total body weight is somewhat lower in women. The energy demand for
physical activity will often depend on the different types of employment for men and
women. In children, basal energy expenditure on a weight basis differs little between pre-
adolescent boys and girls, but since there are differences in body weight and composition
Energy 17
from the first few months of life, and different physical demands is made on boys and
girls, their energy requirements are considered separately.
Individual variations
Population variations
The differences in BMR between populations of the world are equivocal. Some
studies showed 8-10% lower in the tropics while others suggested no difference in BMR
between Indians and Europeans provided the subjects were well nourished. Other
evidence suggest that the relationship between BMR and standard independent variables
such as age, sex and body size may vary among populations including seasonal variations
in BMR corresponding with diet and/or temperature changes.
The proposed recommended energy intake for Malaysia is based on the 2004
Interim Report on Human Energy Requirements. Although the basic principles set forth
in the 1985 report have withstood the test of time, several modifications were proposed
in the FAO/WHO/UNU 2004 report. The IOM (2002) report on Dietary Reference
Intakes for Energy was also used as a reference by the Technical Sub-Committee (TSC)
on Energy and Macronutrients. The energy intakes recommended by the TSC for each
group are given below in bold and summarised in Appendix 2.1.
Whitehead, Paul & Cole (1981) compiled energy intakes of infants from the
literature between 1940 up to 1980. These data were later used by the FAO/WHO/UNU
1985 consultation to estimate energy requirement of infant set at 5% higher than observed
intakes to compensate for underestimation of intake.
Since the 1980’s, even though information on the BMR of infants were available,
to estimate requirements from multiples of BMR was not appropriate because reasonable
allowance for physical activity were undefined. The FAO/WHO/UNU 1985
18 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia 2005
recommendations were 9 – 39% higher than those reported by Butte (1996). These
discrepancies are not trivial and could lead to overfeeding of infants. The current
recommendations therefore adopted the FAO/WHO/UNU (2004) principles as discussed
Energy needs for growth have two components; namely (i) the energy used to
synthesize growing tissues, and (ii) the energy deposited in those tissues. Hence, energy
requirements in infancy can be calculated by adding the energy deposited in growing
tissues to TEE.
There was very little information available in 1981 on total energy expenditure
(TEE) of children. The paucity of information on time allocated to different activities and
energy cost of such activities, did not allow reliable estimates of TEE in children below
10 years of age. Consequently, estimates of energy requirements for 1-10 years old were
derived from a review of published dietary intake data involving some 6,500 children,
mostly from developed countries (Ferro-Luzzi & Durnin, 1981). The FAO/WHO/UNU
1985 Consultation felt the need to increase the reported energy intake by 5% to
accommodate a desirable level of physical activity.
Energy needs for growth comprises (i) energy used to synthesize growing tissues,
and (ii) energy deposited in those tissues. The energy spent in tissue synthesis is part of
TEE measured with either DLW or HRM. Hence, only the energy deposited in growing
tissues was added to TEE in order to calculate energy requirements (FAO/WHO/UNU,
For children aged 1 – 9 years, TEE was calculated based on Torun’s quadratic
polynomial regression equations and the mean body weights of Malaysian children
collected from three studies (MOH, 2000; UKM, 2001; UKM, 2004). For adolescents
aged 10 – 18 years, the calculations was based on the PAL values of FAO/WHO/UNU
(2004) and BMR values as calculated from Poh et al., (1999) for those aged 10 – 14 years
and Poh et al., (2004) for those aged 15 – 18 years.
expenditure (TEE) is the BMR, which can be measured with accuracy under standardised
conditions, the 1985 Report adopted in principle for the sake of simplicity, all
components of TEE as multiples of BMR also known as PAL approach. Besides BMR,
other components of energy expenditure such as occupational activities, discretionary
activities and residual time have been identified and evaluated to derive total energy
TEE was estimated though factorial estimation that combined the time allocated to
habitual activities, and the energy cost of those activities. To account for differences in
body size and composition, the energy cost of activities was calculated as a multiple of
BMR per minute, or physical activity ratio (PAR), and the 24-hour requirement was
expressed as a multiple of BMR per 24 hours, by using the physical activity level (PAL)
value. Energy requirements are calculated by multiplying the PAL value by the energy
equivalent of the corresponding BMR.
The energy requirements recommended for adults and elderly are based on
moderately active lifestyles (PAL 1.75 for adults and PAL 1.60 for elderly) and the
average body weight of Malaysians as reported by Lim et al. (2000). The BMR for adult
Malaysians is derived from local studies (Ismail et al., 1998); while for the elderly,
FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) equations were used.
The requirements for groups with different body weights and level of physical
activity are shown in Appendix 2.1 – 2.4. It must however be emphasized that these
values are intended to be general guidelines. It may be useful to make adjustments
according to the characteristics of the population concerned.
Dietary intake during pregnancy must provide the energy that will result in the
full-term delivery of a healthy newborn baby of adequate size and body composition.
The ideal situation is that women enter pregnancy with normal weight and good
nutritional conditions. Therefore, the energy requirements of pregnancy are those needed
for the growth of the fetus, placenta and associated maternal tissues, and for the increased
metabolic demands of pregnancy, in addition to the energy needed to maintain adequate
maternal weight, body composition and physical activity throughout the gestational
period. Special considerations must be made for women who are under- or overweight
when they enter pregnancy.
Postpartum loss of body weight is usually highest in the first three months, and
generally greater among women who practice exclusive breastfeeding, but the extent to
which energy immobilized to support lactation depends on the gestational weight gain
and the nutritional status of the mother. Thus, the recommendations for lactating women
to a large part depend on the women’s nutritional status.
For women who feed their infants exclusively with breast milk during the first six
months of life, the mean energy cost over the six month period is: 807g milk/day x 2.8
kJ/d / 0.80 efficiency = 2.8 MJ/day (675 kcal/day). From the age of six month onwards,
when infants are partially breast-fed and milk production is on average 550 g/day, the
energy cost imposed by lactation is 1.925MJ/day (460 kcal/day).
Fat stores accumulated during pregnancy may cover part of the additional energy
need in the first few months of lactation. Assuming an energy factor of 27.2 MJ/kg, the
rate of weight loss in well-nourished women (0.8 kg/month) would correspond to the
mobilization of 27.2 x 0.8 kg/month = 21.8MJ/month, or 0.72 MJ/day (170 kcal/day)
from body energy stores. This amount of energy can be deducted from the 2.8 MJ (675
kcal) per day needed during the first six months of lactations. Energy requirements for
milk production in the second six months are dependent of rates of milk production,
which are highly variable between women and populations.
The recommended energy requirements for Malaysia (2005) were then compared
to the previous recommendations for Malaysian (Teoh, 1975), as well as the reports of
IOM (2002) and FAO/WHO/UNU (2004) (Appendix 2.5). For infants, the revised energy
requirement is on the average 20% lower than the 1975 recommendations. The
differences of these revised recommendations with the recommendations of the
FAO/WHO/UNU (2004) report are somewhat less; on average 15% for this age-group.
Mean body weights for children and adolescents were obtained from MOH (2000), UKM
(2001), UKM (2004); and for adults were obtained from Lim et al. (2000).
Calculation of estimated energy requirements for infants and children up to 9 years old were
based on recommended energy requirement per kg body weight per day (FAO/WHO/UNU
2004); for adolescents (PAL 1.71 – 1.84), adults (PAL 1.75) and elderly (PAL 1.60) were based
on PAL values for moderate activity as recommended by (FAO/WHO/UNU 2004).
24 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia 2005
For children and adolescents, the revised energy requirements are on an average
22% lower for boys and 26% lower for girls under 12 years old compared to Teoh (1975).
From age 12 years onwards, the requirement for boys was on average 10% higher while
the girls 2% lower. Among children, current recommendations was on average less than
10% lower than the FAO/WHO/UNU (2004) report for both boys and girls. While for
adolescents, the FAO/WHO/UNU (2004) report recommendations were 12% higher for
boys and 14% higher for girls as compared to the current Malaysian recommendations.
The differences observed may be expected since our requirements were based on body
weights and BMRs of Malaysian children and adolescents.
For adults and the elderly, it is somewhat difficult to compare the values of the
1975 and 2005 recommendations because age groups and body weights were different.
Nevertheless, the current RNI generally recommends marginally lower requirements for
men and the elderly.
As for pregnancy, in line with the FAO/WHO/UNU (2004) report, the revised RNI
proposed no additional calories for the 1st trimester whereas the 1975 recommendations
had an additional energy requirement of 150 kcal. The additional energy requirement in
the revised RNI for the 2nd is only marginally higher than the Teoh (1975)
recommendations. However for the 3rd trimester, the additional energy requirement in the
revised RNI is 34% higher than the Teoh (1975) recommendations. For lactation up to 6
months, the revised RNI proposed 9% less calories as compared to the 1975 report.
Several studies have revealed that most Malaysians maintained energy balance on
a low intake while leading a sedentary lifestyle (Ismail et al., 2002). The increasing trend
in over weight and obesity in urban and rural areas is a useful signal to revisit previous
energy recommendations. Adopting the revised RNI would mean that we need to double
our efforts in encouraging all age groups to be physically active habitually, necessary to
match the proposed requirements.
• Critical re-assessment of all data available, particularly on the extent of intra and
inter- individual variability.
• Studies to determine energy cost of different activities
• Data on physical activity levels of different activities in all age groups.
• More basal metabolic rate measurements using strict criteria in order to generate
predictive equations in all age groups, particularly in children under 10 years and
in the above 60 years age groups.
• Use doubly-labelled water method to validate other conventional techniques in
estimating energy expenditure particularly in children and adolescents.
Energy 25
2.9 References
Butte NF, Wong WW, Hopkinson JM, Heinz CJ, Mehta NR & Smith EO (2000). Energy
requirements derived from total energy expenditure and energy deposition during the
first 2 years of life. Am J Clin Nutr 72:1558-1569.
FAO (1996). The Sixth World Food Survey. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome.
Ferro-Luzzi A & Durnin JVGA (1981). The assessment of human energy intake and
expenditure: a critical review of the recent literature. Food and Agriculture
Organisation, Rome (Document ESN: FAO/WHO/UNU/EPR/81/9).
Henry CJK & Rees DG (1991). New predictive equations for the estimation of basal
metabolic rate in tropical people. Eur J Clin Nutr 45: 177-185.
IOM (2002). Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Fat, Protein
and Amino Acids (Macronutrients). Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine.
National Academy Press, Washington D.C. Chapter 5.
Ismail MN, Ng KK, Chee SS, Roslee R & Zawiah H (1998). Predictive equations for the
estimation of basal metabolic rate in Malaysian adults. Mal J Nutr 4: 81-90.
Ismail MN, Chee SS, Nawawi H, Yussoff K, Lim TK & James WPT (2002). Obesity in
Malaysia. Obesity Reviews 3(3):203-208.
James WPT & Schofield EC (1990). Human energy requirements. A manual for planners
and nutritionists. FAO and Oxford University Press; Oxford, UK.
Lim TO, Ding LM, Zaki M, Suleiman AB, Fatimah S, Siti S, Tahir A & Maimunah AH
(2000). Distribution of body weight, height and body mass index in a national sample
of Malaysian adults. Med J Mal 55(1):108-128.
MOH. (2000). Nutritional status of children below six years in Malaysia. Technical
Report for UNICEF sponsored Survey. Family Health Development Division,
Ministry of Health Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
26 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia 2005
Poh BK, Ismail MN, Zawiah H & Henry CJK (1999). Predictive equations for the
estimation of basal metabolic rate in Malaysian adolescents. Mal J Nutr 5: 1-14.
Poh BK, Ismail MN, Ong HF, Norimah AK & Safiah MY (2004). BMR predictive
equations for Malaysian adolescents aged 12 – 18 years. Final Report for IRPA 06-02-
02-0096 Research Project. Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Allied
Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
Prentice AM, Spaaij CJK, Goldberg GR, Poppitt SD, van Raaij JMA, Totton M, Swann
D & Black AE (1996). Energy requirements of pregnant and lactating women. Eur J
Clin Nutr 50: S82-S111.
Schofield WN, Schofield C & James WPT (1985). Basal metabolic rate – review and
prediction, together with an annotated bibliography of source materials. Hum Nutr:
Clin Nutr 39C(Suppl. 1):5-96.
Teoh ST (1975). Recommended daily dietary intake for Peninsular Malaysia. Med J Mal
Torun B, Davies PSW, Livingstone MBE, Paolisso M, Sackett R & Spurr GB (1996).
Energy requirements and dietary energy recommendations for children and
adolescents. 1 to 18 years old. Eur J Clin Nutr 50:S37-S81.
UKM (2001). Nutritional Status and Dietary Habits of Primary School Children in
Peninsular Malaysia. Report for UKM-Nestle Research Project. Department of
Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
UKM (2004). Energy Requirements of Malaysian Adolescents. Final Report for IRPA 06-
02-02-0096 Research Project. Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Faculty of Allied
Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
Whitehead RG, Paul AA & Cole TJ (1981). A critical analysis of measured food energy
intakes during infancy and early childhood in comparison with current international
recommendations. J Hum Nutr 35:339-348.
Energy 27
10 – 12 1870 7.82 2180 9.12 2490 10.42
13 – 15 2330 9.75 2690 11.25 3110 13.01
16 – 18 2400 10.04 2860 11.97 3330 13.93
10 – 12 1700 7.11 1990 8.33 2270 9.50
13 – 15 1880 7.87 2190 9.16 2500 10.46
16 – 18 1740 7.28 2040 8.54 2340 9.79
28 Recommended Nutrient Intakes for Malaysia 2005
Values are calculated based on height of 1.65m; reference weight of Malaysian men of 62 kg for adults and
57 kg for elderly; and PAL of 1.6 – 1.9 (active) for adults and 1.4 – 1.6 (low active) for elderly.
Values are calculated based on height of 1.55m; reference weight of Malaysian women of 55 kg for adults
and 49 kg for elderly; and PAL of 1.6 – 1.9 (active) for adults and 1.4 – 1.6 (low active) for elderly.