GreyhawkRebootedFinal 57

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Chapter One: The Continent of Oerik

could control, with villages representing Since the fall of Vecna, the old Flan
the upper limit of the settlements, and tribal associations of the region had
how far they could reach. But over the been shattered, and they could do little to
centuries those settlements stretched as resist as wave after wave of Suel spread
far as the Jewel River beyond the Lortmils. out across the Javan. Thousands were
slain, and more thousands enslaved until
The largest group came only in the the establishment of Keoland and the
last quarter century of the final war outlawing of slavery within its borders.
between the Suel and Baklunish empires
before the Twin Cataclysms. Some were Having conquered their new homes, the
legitimate refugees, their lands ravaged Suel saw to three critical elements. First,
by the wars. Others were the losers in defense so they would not be expelled by
various internal conflicts, or disgraced the next refugees to come along. Second,
military commanders, fleeing to avoid the to securing sufficient slaves to maintain
executions of their entire families. Some themselves in the lifestyle to which
simply fled, afraid of the losses they would they were accustomed. And finally, to
suffer in the war, and hoping they could recreating the lifestyle they had enjoyed
make conquests in the new lands beyond in the old Suel Imperium as best they
the Crystalmists at lower cost. A very few could. Said lifestyle involving gaining
objected to the war on moral grounds. more slaves, settling old scores with rival
While admirable, such attitudes led to Houses, creating new ones, and engaging
their swift destruction at the hands of the in magical research. All of this served to
other refugees in the Sheldomar Valley. keep them weak.

For the most part, the early Suloise Unable to form alliances with the native
migrants who came to the Sheldomar inhabitants, unwilling to form them with
preferred to do as little as possible to their fellow refugees, they remained only
build new homes. Wherever possible, they as strong as their own resources could
would conquer an existing settlement, produce. As a result, most early Suel
enslave the survivors, and settle down to principalities were little more than the size
rule their new “ancestral lands.” If that of an average barony (about 1,000 square
was not possible, or if they lost such a miles.) Some few managed to conquer a
battle, they would move on in an effort few of their neighbours, and leave enough
to find someone less able to defend their of them alive to form “Kingdoms,” but the
lands than the last people. largest of these was less than half the size
of the Duchies of Gradsul and Dorlin at
Only in the most extreme cases would the time of the founding of Keoland.
they bother trying establishing new farms
and plantations, carving them from Around -450 CY, Zellif, the son of Emperor
the vast forests that covered the lower Ad-Zol himself, fled the Imperium. A high
Sheldomar in those days. While this priest of Beltar, Zellif took with him over
certainly saved time, it also outraged the 8,000 fanatically loyal Suloise followers,
people they enslaved. The Flan and demi- and fled the Imperium eastward after
humans began a constant, low-level war a failed palace coup. Imperator Ad-Zol
against the invaders. This worked well diverted forces from the war in pursuit of
for the demi-humans, and the Suel were his disloyal son, but the pursuers were
soon barred from the woods and hills never heard from again.
of the Sheldomar. The Flan were not as


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