Art Deco

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Art Deco (1910-1940):

Art Deco, short for the

French Arts décoratifs
(lit. 'Decorative Arts'), is a
style of visual arts,
architecture, and product
design, that first appeared in
Parisin the 1910s (just before
World War I),and flourished in the United States and
Europe during the 1920s to early1930s. Through styling
and design of the exterior and interior anything from
large structures to small objects, including how people
look (clothing, fashion, and jewelry), Art Deco has
influenced bridges, buildings
(from skyscrapers to cinemas),
ships ,ocean liners, trains,
cars, trucks, buses, furniture,
and everyday objects including
radios and vacuum cleaners.

The Empire State Building

New York. USA

The Empire State Building is an iconic skyscraper
located in the heart of New York City, USA. Height:
443m Art Deco Design: The Empire State Building is
known for its distinctive Art Deco architectural style.
The building features setbacks, a spire at the top, and
decorative limestone and aluminum

the main Characteristics of

Art Deco Movement

1) Geometric Shapes 2) Luxurious 3) Influence of Ancient

and Symmetry: Materials: Cultures:
Art Deco embraced Art Deco favored the Art Deco drew inspiration
geometric shapes, use of luxurious from various ancient
including zigzags, materials such as cultures and civilizations,
rectangles, and exotic woods, ivory, including Egyptian, Aztec,
stepped forms. chrome, glass, and and Greco-Roman motifs.
Symmetry played a mirrors. These This fusion of historical
crucial role in design, materials were often and contemporary
creating a sense of combined to create elements contributed to a
balance and order. opulent (costly) and unique and eclectic
glamorous designs. aesthetic.

4) Streamlined and 5) Bold Colors and 6) Architecture:
Modern: Contrasts:

Art Deco embraced a Vibrant and bold Art Deco had a

modern and streamlined color schemes significant influence on
aesthetic. The characterized Art architecture, with
movement was a Deco design. High- prominent examples
response to the ornate contrast found in buildings
and elaborate styles of combinations, such as around the world.
the previous Art black and gold or red Notable features
Nouveau era, and it and silver, were include stepped or
sought to convey a common. These color tiered structures, sleek
sense of progress and choices added drama facades, and decorative
technological and visual impact to elements like bas-
advancement. the designs. reliefs, friezes, and
stylized motifs.
7) Fashion and Jewelry: 8) Cinema and 9) Global Influence:
Graphic Design:
Art Deco had a strong The visual language of Art Deco was not
presence in fashion, Art Deco was also limited to a specific
characterized by prominent in cinema, region and had a global
geometric patterns, graphic design, and impact. It was
beading, and luxurious advertising. Movie embraced in Europe,
fabrics. Art Deco posters, magazine North America, and
inspired jewelry covers, and beyond, influencing
featured bold promotional materials design in cities like New
geometric shapes, often featured bold York, Paris, and
often with the use of typography, Shanghai.
diamonds, platinum, and streamlined imagery,
gemstones. and stylized

10) Automotive and 11) End of an Era:
Transportation Design:
Art Deco influenced the design The Art Deco movement
of automobiles, trains, and declined in popularity by the
ocean liners. Streamlined onset of World War II. The
shapes, chrome detailing, and war and subsequent design
bold graphics were applied to movements, such as Mid-
transportation design, Century Modernism, shifted
reflecting the modern and the focus away from the
dynamic spirit of the era. decorative and ornate
characteristics of Art Deco.

Art Deco furniture:

Art Deco furniture
refers to a style of
decorative arts and
design that emerged
in the early 20th
century, reaching its
peak of popularity in
the 1920s and with
style gained widespread recognition. Art Deco is
characterized by its luxurious, glamorous, and
geometric design elements, reflecting a
departure from the ornate and intricate styles
of the preceding Art Nouveau movement.

These features were prominent more on
Furniture Design:

1- Geometric Shapes Luxury and bold colors

2- Symmetry and Decorative details
3- Functional Design

Common examples of Art Deco furniture include

sleek cabinets, sideboards, cocktail cabinets, and
vanity tables with distinctive geometric patterns
and luxurious finishes. Iconic designers such as
Jacques-Émile Ruhlmann, Émile Jacques
Ruhlmann, and Jean-Michel Frank played
significant roles in shaping the Art Deco
aesthetic in furniture design.


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