Art Deco
Art Deco
Art Deco
The Empire State Building is an iconic skyscraper
located in the heart of New York City, USA. Height:
443m Art Deco Design: The Empire State Building is
known for its distinctive Art Deco architectural style.
The building features setbacks, a spire at the top, and
decorative limestone and aluminum
4) Streamlined and 5) Bold Colors and 6) Architecture:
Modern: Contrasts:
10) Automotive and 11) End of an Era:
Transportation Design:
Art Deco influenced the design The Art Deco movement
of automobiles, trains, and declined in popularity by the
ocean liners. Streamlined onset of World War II. The
shapes, chrome detailing, and war and subsequent design
bold graphics were applied to movements, such as Mid-
transportation design, Century Modernism, shifted
reflecting the modern and the focus away from the
dynamic spirit of the era. decorative and ornate
characteristics of Art Deco.
These features were prominent more on
Furniture Design: