Question Bank MID I 23-24

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Question Bank


Short answer questions

1. Explain how Operator Precedence and associativity applied in C with an example

2. What are time and space complexities of an algorithm
3. Explain about conditional operator (ternary operator). Write a program to calculate
the largest among three numbers using it?
4. Draw the various symbols used in flow charts and explain their meaning

Long answer questions

1. Explain the basic data types supported by C language and discuss their features.

2. Explain various types of operators available in C with examples

3. What is meant by type conversion? Why it is necessary? Explain about implicit and
explicit type conversion with examples.?
4. Describe the structure of a C program
5. Discuss about low-level, middle-level and high level languages with examples.
6. What is algorithm? Explain the steps involved in the development of C algorithms


Short answer questions

1. Explain if statement and if-else statement with suitable examples and proper syntax.

2. Explain in detail, the sequence of steps to be followed in writing an algorithm for finding the
sum of first ‘N’ natural numbers

3. Differentiate between while loop and do-while loop?

4. Write the various string handling functions

Long answer questions

1. What are looping statements? What is the necessity of looping statements? Explain
with examples
2. Explain switch statement with their syntax's and write a program for all arithmetic
operations using switch statement?
3. Define array? Explain the one dimensional array declaration and initialization with
example program?
4. a.Write a C program to find factorial of given number using for loop
b.Write a program to determine the real roots of a quadratic equation ax2 +bx+c=0

5. a.Explain else if ladder statement with their syntax's and suitable example.
b. Write a C program to print multiplication table of a given number upto the specified range
6. a.Explain the significance break, continue statements
b. Explain types of goto statements with example?

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