December 22, 2023 - Misa de Gallo
December 22, 2023 - Misa de Gallo
December 22, 2023 - Misa de Gallo
by Fr. Brian L. Tayag, SSP
“H e has helped Israel his attributes is interesting and mercy is founded on love. It is
servant, remembering meaningful for us. It leads us to because of God’s love that his
his mercy, according to his realize that Jesus Christ became promises are fulfilled, and he
promise to our fathers, to like us and lived with us because continually fulfills them.
Abraham and to his descendants God is an exemplary promise- In the Gospel, Mary
forever” (Lk 1:54-55). The keeper. In the First Reading, heralds God’s greatness, love,
passage echoes one of the most Hannah is extremely grateful compassion, and mercy, but
overused words we humans that God has heard her prayer above all she praises God for
are guilty of abuse: Promise. and given her a son: Samuel. remembering his “promise of
We often hear people say She has waited and hoped. mercy” to his people by sending
that promises are made to be Now that the Lord has granted Christ as ransom for our sins.
broken. And indeed, for many her request, lo and behold, she This means that the waiting and
this is so. The cliché reminds us gives him back and dedicates hoping is over, but the trusting in
that keeping promises is tough. him to God’s service. God’s promises continues.
There are countless moments of God has countless promises, Just like God, do we promise
our life when we feel frustrated but the greatest of them all is with commitment and mercy,
due to our failure to keep our love, and this promise of love or are our promises empty—no
promises to others and vice is Christ. God’s promise of love commitment, no mercy at all?
versa. comes with commitment and As we celebrate the season of
The readings of today speak mercy. In the history of salvation, Advent, may we come to realize
about three essential attributes God showed his unconditional that like God, when we make
of God: faithful (in keeping commitment to the Israelites. promises, our hope-giving
promises), committed, and God did not leave them in words come with commitment
merciful. The interplay of these time of crisis and tribulations and mercy.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria him at the temple of the Lord
in Shiloh. After the boy’s father
All — Glory to God in the had sacrificed the young
Entrance Antiphon highest, and on earth peace to bull, Hannah, his mother,
(Ps 24 [23]:7) people of good will. We praise
(Recited when there is no opening song.) approached Eli and said:
you, we bless you, we adore “Pardon, my lord! As you live,
you, we glorify you, we give my lord, I am the woman who
O gates, lift high your heads; you thanks for your great glory,
grow higher, ancient doors. Let stood near you here, praying
him enter, the king of glory! Lord God, heavenly King, O to the Lord. I prayed for this
God, almighty Father. Lord child, and the Lord granted my
Greeting Jesus Christ, Only Begotten request. Now I, in turn, give
(The sign of the cross is made here.) Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, him to the Lord; as long as he
Son of the Father, you take lives, he shall be dedicated
P—The Lord be with you. away the sins of the world, to the Lord.” She left Samuel
All—And with your spirit. have mercy on us; you take there.
away the sins of the world, —The word of the Lord.
Introduction receive our prayer; you are All—Thanks be to God.
(These [or similar words] may be seated at the right hand of
used to address the assembly.) the Father, have mercy on us. Responsorial Psalm (1 Sm 2)
For you alone are the Holy
P —Today’s Gospel focuses One, you alone are the Lord, R—My heart rejoices in the
on Mary’s song of praise, you alone are the Most High, Lord, my Savior.
the Magnificat. Here Mary Jesus Christ, with the Holy
narrates how God intervenes Spirit, in the glory of God the Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP
in the history of mankind. The Father. Amen.
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Magnificat is not only a song
but a prophetic word and Collect
My heart re joi ces in the
witness. What the Lord has
done for Mary, he will also do P—Let us pray. (Pause)
for all of us, his people. May
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