Nuclear Program of Pakistan

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Nuclear Program of Pakistan: Safety, Security and International Concerns..................................2

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................2
2. Efforts of the world to control nuclear proliferation...................................................................3
3. History of Nuclear Program of Pakistan......................................................................................3
3. Factors responsible for apprehensions about nuclear security of Pakistan..................................3
i) Incidence of 9/11......................................................................................................................4
ii) Biasness of Western Media.....................................................................................................4
iii) AQ Khan Factor.....................................................................................................................4
iv) Attacks on important military bases.......................................................................................4
v) Rising incidents of terrorism in Pakistan................................................................................4
vi) Law and order issues and political instability of Pakistan.....................................................4
vii) Roots of Al-Qaida and Jihadi networks in Pakistan..............................................................5
viii) Comments of Pakistani nuclear pessimists and media.........................................................5
ix) Natural disasters in Pakistan..................................................................................................5
4. Nuclear security system of Pakistan............................................................................................5
i) National Command Authority (NCA)......................................................................................5
ii) Security division......................................................................................................................6
iii) Personal reliability program...................................................................................................6
iv) Physical protection of nuclear facilities.................................................................................6
v) Transportation security............................................................................................................6
vi) Fissile material protection controls........................................................................................6
vii) Export control regimes..........................................................................................................7
viii) International agreements to prevent nuclear terrorism........................................................7
ix) Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA)...................................................................7
x) Radiological source security...................................................................................................7
xi) Nuclear plants stress tests.......................................................................................................7
xii) International cooperation and agreements............................................................................8
5. How nuclear security system of Pakistan can be made more effective / Recommendations /
How international concerns can be answered..................................................................................8

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i) Terrorism control......................................................................................................................8
ii) Focus on Technological improvements and Research and Development...............................8
ii) Economic, Political and Social stability and growth..............................................................8
iii) Strong legislation regarding nuclear installations..................................................................9
iv) Strong borders........................................................................................................................9
v) Strictly following international resolutions.............................................................................9
v) Positive role of media regarding sensitive issue.....................................................................9
6. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................9

Nuclear Program of Pakistan:

Safety, Security and International Concerns
1. Introduction
Apprehension of nuclear proliferation and its terrorism has increased in the world
especially after the incidents of 9/11 and nuclear disasters of Fukushima and Chernobyl
nuclear power plants. These incidents compelled the world to discuss safety and security
of nuclear weapons on urgency basis. Although the nuclear program of Pakistan is in the
safe hands, yet it has become a hot topic of discussion in the world because of the
incidents of terrorism and political instability in Pakistan. The main apprehension of the
world is that the nuclear program of Pakistan may come under the control of terrorists
which will be dangerous for the entire world.
2. Efforts of the world to control nuclear proliferation
There are various organizations which control nuclear proliferation in the world and the
most prominent of them is the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). IAEA is
responsible for the control of nuclear proliferation in the world.
Also a nuclear security summit was held in 2012 in Seoul in which 53 heads of states
participated. In this summit, three main issues were discussed:
1. Measure to combat threat of nuclear terrorism
2. Protection of nuclear material and related facilities
3. Prevention of illicit trafficking of nuclear material
3. History of Nuclear Program of Pakistan
After the episode of Dhaka Debacle in 1971, it was decided by the Pakistani government
that is should have nuclear program for the security of the country. First practical step in
this regard was taken by the then PM, ZA Bhutto in January 1972 when he gave the task
of nuclear program of Pakistan to the PAEC Chairman Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan.
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In 1974, India did her first successful atomic blasts experiments which were named
‘Smiling Budha’. These experiments by India acted as catalysts for speeding up the
process of development of nuclear program of Pakistan. So, to expedite the process, Dr
AQ Khan was appointed the incharge of Kahota Project where the work on the nuclear
program of Pakistan was being carried.
The work continued and ultimately in May 1998, just two weeks after the successful
second nuclear experiments by India, Pakistan did her first successful nuclear bomb
experiment in Chagi on 28 May, 1998 and second successful experiment on 30 May,
1998 and thus became the seventh nuclear power of the world.
3. Factors responsible for apprehensions about nuclear
security of Pakistan
Following are the main apprehensions of the world about the nuclear program of
i) Incidence of 9/11
After the horrible incidence of 9/11 in USA, the western world is quite apprehensive
about the nuclear security of Pakistan. It will be extremely dangerous for the world if its
nuclear program comes in the hands of terrorists.
ii) Biasness of Western Media
Western media, think tanks, newspapers, and officials always paint a dark picture of
Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. They almost always pose that nuclear weapons of Pakistan
may fall in the hands of radicals, fundamentalists, jihadis, al-qaida, or talibans which will
be detrimental to the survival of the world.
iii) AQ Khan Factor
AQ Khan (atomic scientist) of Pakistan is blamed for being directly involved in
proliferation of nuclear technology and know-how to Iran and Korea. The west is also
terrified that atomic bomb of Pakistan may not become the Islamic A-bomb.
iv) Attacks on important military bases
In the recent past, various incidents of terrorism have occurred in the much secured areas
of Pakistan especially on army and air force bases. These include attacks on GHQ in
2009, PNS Mehran Base in 2011 and Kamrah Air Base in 2012. The major concern of the
world in this regard is that if such secured places can become the target of terrorists
attack, it is quite probable that nuclear program of Pakistan may also be attacked by the

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v) Rising incidents of terrorism in Pakistan
Terrorists’ attacks in key cities of Pakistan like Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta have also
increased which causes the international world to be apprehensive regarding the safety
and security of nuclear weapons of Pakistan.
vi) Law and order issues and political instability of Pakistan
Poor law and order condition and political instability in Pakistan may lead to insurgency
and civil war which may be harmful for the nuclear weapons of Pakistan and therefore
are the causes of concern of the internal world regarding the safety of nuclear weapons of
vii) Roots of Al-Qaida and Jihadi networks in Pakistan
It has also been blamed that the extremist networks including Al-Qaida may have links
with some insiders of the nuclear program of Pakistan which may enable them to get
access to the nuclear weapons.
viii) Comments of Pakistani nuclear pessimists and media
The propaganda of western media regarding nuclear security system of Pakistan is also
coupled with the deliberate speeches of some Pakistani nuclear pessimists about the
security of nuclear program of Pakistan.
For instance, in an interview with the Dawn, Perviaz Hood Bai said that jihadi networks
are taking over the key nuclear installations to fulfill their political interests.
ix) Natural disasters in Pakistan
Pakistan is also situated in a geographical area where it is more prone to the threats of
natural disasters like earthquakes and floods which may be detrimental to the security of
nuclear installations and nuclear weapons of Pakistan. The world is quite apprehensive
that if fool-proof measures are not taken to safeguard the nuclear installations against
these threats then it will be not only harmful for Pakistan but also for the entire world.
4. Nuclear security system of Pakistan
Nuclear security system of Pakistan is in the safe hands like the nuclear security system
of any other country. Because the NSS of Pakistan comes under various fool-proof
controls, its proliferation is out of question. Followings are the main controls of NSS of
i) National Command Authority (NCA)
In February 2000, Pakistan National Security Council (NSA) established NCA, the epic
civilian-led authority, to supervise the employment, deployment, research and
development and command and control of nuclear program of Pakistan.
NCA has taken various measures for the security and safety of nuclear program including
its physical protection, control, vital infrastructure and legislation.

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ii) Security division
Security division is the most important organ of strategic planning division. It is
responsible for the security and protection of nuclear program of Pakistan. It comprises
more than 20,000 highly trained security personnel to guard the nuclear program.
iii) Personal reliability program
The security clearance and screening process of all the individuals for the employment in
all the strategic organizations has been further consolidated through the enhancements of
personal reliability program.
Effective efforts have been made to break the insiders’ links with the terrorist
organizations. Any individual deputed in strategic task goes through multiple strategic
security clearance which is almost similar to the security system of USA.
iv) Physical protection of nuclear facilities
Security division is solely responsible for the physical protection of nuclear installations.
It has established a multi layer security system for this purpose. First layer encompasses
security personnel of the respective organizations. In the second layer, specially trained
forces operate on permanent basis in the inner perimeter and additional fencing is
installed with closed circuit cameras and electronic sensors in the outer perimeter.
Apart from above mentioned security layers, air defense system is also established
including the no fly zones.
v) Transportation security
Nuclear material and waste can become a potential target of terrorists when it is being
transported. So, specialized vehicles and tamper-proof containers, which are escorted by
military personnel, are provided for the safe transportation of nuclear material.
vi) Fissile material protection controls
Dr AQ Khan’s nuclear proliferation saga has forced Pakistan to introduce strict measures
for the protection of Fissile material. Today, strategic planning division (SPD) has
adopted strict measures to conduct external audit on nuclear inventories on regular
intervals and surprise inspections of all nuclear facilities on irregular intervals.
vii) Export control regimes
In 2001, Pakistan established a strategic export control division in the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. It comprises officers from customs, foreign affairs, commerce, defense, FBR in
addition to the officers from PNRA and SPD. It operates independently, so the personnel
will not face any conflict of interests.
viii) International agreements to prevent nuclear terrorism
Pakistan has joined many international agreements to prevent nuclear terrorism. These
include US-led CSI (container security initiative) and SFI (secured freight initiatives).

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ix) Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA)
PNRA was established after the promulgation of PNRA Ordinance 2001. It is an
independent organization which is responsible for regulating all the aspects of radiation
and nuclear energy. It also regulates and supervises all the matters related to the nuclear
safety and radiation protection.
PNRA, in coordination with the IAEA, also submits and evaluates reports in compliance
with the UNSC (United Nations Security Council) Resolution 1540 which calls for
national measures to prevent non-state actors from obtaining dangerous weapons.
x) Radiological source security
PNRA is also given the task to protect workers against accidental or malicious acts
involving nuclear material and facilities. It continuously revises and updates safety and
security measures according to guidance of IAEA.
Pakistan also participates in the IAEA ‘Illicit Trafficking Database’ to share information
on incidents involving theft, loss, pilferage of radioactive material.
xi) Nuclear plants stress tests
After Fukushima power plant disaster, debate about safety of nuclear power plant gained
new pace. So, Pakistan immediately carried out IAEA recommended stress tests on
civilian nuclear power plants which were quite successful.
xii) International cooperation and agreements
Pakistan has signed a number of agreements with IAEA to show its commitment and
level of cooperation. The most important agreement is ‘Technical Cooperation’ (TC). In
addition, Pakistan is one of the top three countries who received assistance of two to three
million dollars annually in terms of TC. Pakistan is also among the top countries who
submitted reports in obligation under UNSCR 1540.
5. How nuclear security system of Pakistan can be made
more effective / Recommendations / How international
concerns can be answered
i) Terrorism control
Effective steps should be taken to get rid of the devil of terrorism. Most of the
international concerns will be answered automatically if we are able to get rid of
ii) Focus on Technological improvements and Research and
Technical competency should be enhanced for the security of nuclear system of Pakistan.
It can be achieved by focusing on technological advancements through research and

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development, training programs and cooperation with other technologically advanced
countries like China and USA.
ii) Economic, Political and Social stability and growth
Economic, political and social stability and growth will lead to the development of
prosperous Pakistan resulting in healthy, wealthy and happy people. This will contribute
not only to the safety and security of Pakistan but also to the safety of nuclear security
system of Pakistan.
iii) Strong legislation regarding nuclear installations
Strong legislation should be introduced relating to the rights and duties of and rewards
and punishments for those who are attached with the nuclear system of Pakistan. This
will also contribute to the safety of nuclear system of Pakistan
iv) Strong borders
Strong borders will help in keeping a check on foreign spies and invaders which will
contribute to the security of nuclear system of Pakistan.
v) Strictly following international resolutions
Pakistan should strictly follow the international resolutions regarding the safety and
security of nuclear systems. This will create a positive image of Pakistan and will help in
abating the international concerns.
v) Positive role of media regarding sensitive issue
Media should play its role for building a positive image of Pakistan in the international
world. It should also address and answer the concerns of the international world relating
to the security of nuclear system of Pakistan by highlighting the steps taken by Pakistan
to make its nuclear system safe and secure.

6. Conclusion
In spite of all the socio-politico-economic problems of Pakistan, its nuclear program is in
safe control. It is impossible to breach this control. Pakistan has unearthed every stone to
make its nuclear program safe and secure. Its security mechanism is so extensive that it
can pre-empt and prevent any terrorist attack in future.

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