Comes 2017
Comes 2017
Comes 2017
To cite this article: Hans P. Comes, Max Coleman & Richard J. Abbott (2017) Recurrent origin of
peripheral, coastal (sub)species in Mediterranean Senecio (Asteraceae), Plant Ecology & Diversity,
10:4, 253-271, DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2017.1400127
Background: It is argued that coastal endemic taxa may evolve in parallel at the periphery of the distributional range of a
widespread species.
Aims: We tested this hypothesis for the origins of three peripheral, coastal isolates of Senecio, S. glaucus ssp. glaucus
(Israel), S. g. ssp. coronopifolius p.p. (Sicily), and S. hesperidium (Morocco), from widespread S. glaucus ssp. coronopi-
folius. We also determined the relative roles of selection vs. genetic drift in shaping phenotypic divergence in ssp. glaucus
and S. hesperidium, using Lande’s test of neutral morphological change.
Methods: We surveyed morphological and/or allozyme variation in the three peripheral isolates and mainly inland
populations of S. g. ssp. coronopifolius.
Results: Genetic data supported independent origins of the coastal taxa from nearby populations of ssp. coronopifolius.
These descendant and ancestral populations showed pronounced morphological but weak genetic differentiation. Phenotypic
similarities between ssp. glaucus (Israel) and S. hesperidium (Morocco) in plant height and floral traits may have resulted
from parallel divergent selection from ssp. coronopifolius, though drift remains an alternative cause in S. hesperidium.
Conclusions: Our results indicate parallel ecotype formation and (sub)speciation in Senecio in which primarily selective vs.
neutral determinants promoted the recurrent origin of coastal types in, respectively, Israel and Morocco.
Keywords: allozyme diversity; Asteraceae; genetic drift; Mediterranean; morphometrics; natural selection; parallel
speciation; Senecio
with reproductive barriers have been assembled repeat- wind, at least potentially, over long distances. Based on few
edly, mostly likely through ecological divergent selec- morphological features, two subspecies have been recog-
tion, with most of the available data relating to nised within S. glaucus: ssp. glaucus, sometimes treated as
correlated changes in edaphic tolerances, reproductive a separate species, S. joppensis Disnm. (e.g. Feinbrun-
phenotype (including flowering time) and/or mating sys- Dothan 1978; Danin 2006), and ssp. coronopifolius (Maire)
tem (e.g. Macnair and Gardner 1998; Vijverberg et al. Alexander. The latter is one of the most widespread members
2000; Foster et al. 2007; Pérez 2011). Nonetheless, few of the section, with a natural range from the Canary Islands
studies have attempted to trace such parallelism in mul- through the southern Mediterranean Basin/North Africa to
tiple traits in coastal environments as, for example, in south-west Asia, the western Himalayas and the deserts of
Lasthenia californica (Rajakaruna et al. 2003a, 2003b) north-west China (Figure 1; Alexander 1979; R.J. Abbott,
and Senecio lautus (Roda et al. 2013), despite wide- pers. obs.). It is found in a variety of naturally or man-
spread earlier evidence that such peripheral and suppo- disturbed habitats such as agrestral and ruderal sandy fields,
sedly ‘stressful’ habitats (Soulé 1973; Hardie and river banks, stony and rock slopes and desert wadis, at
Hutchings 2010) constitute a premier setting for the elevations between 0 and 2370 m a.s.l. (Alexander 1979).
recurrent origin and adaptive divergence of plant eco- By contrast, ssp. glaucus is endemic to the Mediterranean
types (Hieracium umbellatum: Turesson 1922; Plantago coastal plain of Israel, where it occurs on maritime sands or
maritima: Gregor 1939; Agrostis stolonifera: Hannon sandy dunes not far from the sea (Figure 1; Alexander 1979).
and Bradshaw 1968; Venables and Wilkins 1978). It differs from ssp. coronopifolius in having a more robust
Senecio glaucus L. and S. hesperidium Jahand., Maire habit, larger capitula, fleshy leaves, and distinctive trifurcate
and Weiller (sect. Senecio, Asteraceae) offer an interesting tips of the leaf lobes (Alexander 1979). Finally, S. hesper-
system to further unveil the role of peripherally isolated idium is a highly restricted south-west Moroccan endemic,
coastal populations in promoting parallel (incipient) specia- known only from a few populations in the Souss region
tion. Both species are diploid (2n = 20), entomophilous, (Mam-3 sensu Rankou et al. 2013), where it occurs on
annual herbs with showy, rayed capitula that produce pap- colonised sand dunes and sandy slopes by the sea
pus-bearing fruits (achenes), hence facilitating dispersal by (Figure 1; Alexander 1979; R.J. Abbott, pers. obs.). Both,
Figure 1. Geographic distribution of Senecio hesperidium (dotted circle), S. glaucus subspp. glaucus (bold long-dashed line) and
coronopifolius (dashed line) in the southern Mediterranean Basin/North Africa (modified from Alexander 1979). Localities for the taxa
sampled in (a) Morocco, (b) the Central Mediterranean (Tunisia, Sicily) and/or (c) the Near East (Israel, West Bank, Egypt) are indicated
by symbols (filled white triangles, S. hesperidium; filled white squares, S. g. ssp. glaucus; solid circles, S. g. ssp. coronopifolius). Most
populations sampled were analysed for both allozyme and morphometric variation, except population SI of S. hesperidium (only
morphometrics) as well as one Sicilian (POB) and all Tunisian (EJ, SB, JB, EG, HS) populations of S. g. ssp. coronopifolius (only
allozymes). Distribution maps were drawn using QGIS v.2.0.1 (QGIS Development Team 2013) and free vector and raster map data at
NATURAL EARTH (; last accessed 10 May 2017). Refer to Table 1 for locality abbreviations and
further details.
Recurrent origin of peripheral, coastal (sub)species 255
S. g. ssp. glaucus and S. hesperidium have large capitula and coronopifolius (p.p., Sicilian type) < ssp. glaucus < S.
fleshy leaves, although the latter generally lacks trifurcate hesperidium. Furthermore, we are unaware of any studies
leaf lobes (M. Coleman, pers. obs.). of parallel (sub)speciation that have determined whether
Alexander (1975) suggested that these latter two coastal genetic drift could be a cause of phenotypic divergence,
taxa could have been derived from nearby populations of S. and we attempted to do this in the current analysis for two of
g. ssp. coronopifolius (see also Kadereit 1984). If so, parallel the peripheral isolates examined (i.e. S. hesperidium and S.
selection under similar environmental conditions may have g. ssp. glaucus), using Lande’s (1976) test of neutral mor-
caused convergence among these descendant taxa in terms of phological change. Overall, this study should contribute to
certain gross morphological characters (Levin 2001; Schluter a more thorough understanding of how genetic and pheno-
2004; Rundle and Nosil 2005; Ostevik et al. 2012). A differ- typic variation is partitioned among peripheral and more
ent scenario suggests that the overall similarities between S. centrally located plant populations, and the extent to which
hesperidium and S. g. ssp. glaucus truly reflect common this system conforms to expectations of parallel ecological
ancestry, in which case their disjunct distribution might (incipient) speciation (Ostevik et al. 2012).
have arisen via long-distance dispersal. Phylogenetic ana-
lyses in Mediterranean species of sect. Senecio (Comes and
Abbott 2001), based on nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS), do Materials and methods
not allow distinguishing unambiguously between these alter- Plant material
natives due to shallow levels of sequence variation.
A further question concerns the relationship between All plant material of S. hesperidium and S. glaucus was
disjunct populations of S. g. ssp. coronopifolius in Sicily grown from wild collected seed from a total of 26 popula-
and Tunisia, isolated by a sea strait (Figure 1). We are aware tions in the southern Mediterranean. These populations
of only few populations of this subspecies in Sicily, where it were chosen from three different regions (west: Morocco;
is apparently restricted to maritime sand dune systems and central: Sicily, Tunisia; and east: Israel, West Bank, Egypt;
marshland in the southern part of the island (near Licata/ Table 1 and Figure 1). As detailed in Table 1, all S.
Pozzallo; Alexander 1979; Chapman and Abbott 2005; R.J. hesperidium and the great majority of S. g. ssp. coronopi-
Abbott and H.P. Comes, pers. obs.). There is some evidence folius populations sampled in Morocco, Tunisia, and the
from chloroplast (cp) DNA indicating that S. glaucus has Near East experience desert or semi-arid climates, whereas
repeatedly colonised Sicily from Tunisia (Chapman and those in Sicily (ssp. coronopifolius) and coastal Israel (ssp.
Abbott 2005), yet data from nuclear markers are currently glaucus) are characterised by a Mediterranean climate (as
lacking to support this scenario. Although morphological also applies to a single Tunisian population, TM).
examination of material from Sicily and Tunisia has However, all coastal populations (including those of S.
revealed some consistent differences in various floral and hesperidium) are also expected to share particular edaphic
leaf traits (Chapman and Abbott 2005), this has not been conditions, especially water shortage and high salinity
recognised taxonomically (e.g. Euro+Med 2006–). (e.g. Comes and Abbott 1999; Al-Taisan 2010; Busoms
In this paper, we report the results of a survey of genetic et al. 2015). Twenty-five populations were included in the
(allozyme) and morphological variation in peripheral vs. allozyme study, 12 of which (from the Near East) had been
non-peripheral (interior) populations of Senecio by means analysed previously (Comes and Abbott 1999; see below),
of a hierarchical sampling design in three Mediterranean/ and 20 in the morphometric analysis. Nineteen populations
North African regions: west (Morocco: S. hesperidium vs. were common to both studies. The major gap in our
S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius), central (ssp. coronopifolius morphometric study involved S. glaucus from Tunisia
from Sicily vs. Tunisia), and east [ssp. glaucus from Israel although this region was represented in the allozyme
vs. ssp. coronopifolius from Israel/West Bank/Egypt (hen- study with five populations (Table 1).
ceforth ‘Near East’)]. One specific goal of this work was to
clarify the genetic and morphological relationships between
S. hesperidium and S. g. ssp. glaucus, and to obtain evi- Electrophoretic procedure
dence for or against the hypothesis of an independent origin Allozyme variation was newly analysed in two popula-
of these coastal endemics from the widespread ssp. coro- tions of S. hesperidium, and 11 populations of S. glaucus
nopifolius via parallel adaptation to similar environments. ssp. coronopifolius from Morocco (three sites), Sicily
Our general hypothesis is that each of the three peripheral (three sites), and Tunisia (five sites) (Table 1). Individual
isolates originated independently from nearby populations genotypes were assessed at seven presumptive allozyme
of the latter taxon, and that the isolates’ genetic and/or loci by means of horizontal starch gel electrophoresis
phenotypic divergence varies among regions, potentially following Comes and Abbott (1999; and references
reflecting various stages in the process of parallel (sub) therein). These loci code for aspartate aminotransferase
speciation in different areas of the Mediterranean/North (E.C.; locus Aat-3); NADP-dependent isocitrate
African range margin of ssp. coronopifolius. For example, dehydrogenase (E.C.; locus Idh-1); glyceralde-
based on prior taxonomic and morphometric evidence hyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (E.C.; locus
(Alexander 1979; Chapman and Abbott 2005), one may G3pd-1); phosphoglucoisomerase (E.C.; loci Pgi-
expect an increasing level of divergence in the order: ssp. 1 and Pgi-2); and phosphoglucomutase (E.C.; loci
256 H. P. Comes et al.
Table 1. Locality information of sampled populations of Senecio hesperidium and intraspecific taxa/(sub)regional samples of S. glaucus
from the western, central, and eastern Mediterranean region.
S. hesperidium
SI* Morocco, Sidi Ifni, roadside 29°23ʹN 10°11ʹW 0 133 19.2 BWh NA 10 MC & RJA 13/99 (E)
above port on compacted
stony ground
AP* Morocco, Aglou Plage, sandy 29°50ʹN 09°50ʹW 0 163 19.6 BWh 31 10 MC & RJA 67-2 (E)
SR* Morocco, Sidi Rabat, sand 30°07ʹN 09°40ʹW 0 201 19.1 BSh 30 10 DGF cult. 66-8 (STA)
S. g. ssp. coronopifolius
KO Morocco, Khmess Ait Ouafqa 29°25ʹN 09°05ʹW 1358 244 15.3 BSk 33 10 DGF cult. 69-1 (STA)
(Tiffermit), roadside
adjacent to cultivated land.
TM Morocco, ca. 5 km S of Tizi 29°43ʹN 09°00ʹW 1246 331 13.9 Csa 31 10 DGF cult. 71–1 (STA)
Mlil, open woodland
valley on rocky, sandy
OS Morocco, Oued Sous, mouth 30°21ʹN 09°37ʹW 0 234 19.1 BSh 31 10 MC & RJA 11/99 (E)
of river Sous/Inezgane,
growing along river
Ssp. coronopifolius
LI* Italy, Sicily, 8 km E of Licata, 37°07ʹN 13°57ʹE 11 405 17.7 Csa 30 10 DGF cult. s.n. (STA)
sand dunes nr. Castello di
POA* Italy, Sicily, Pozzallo, open 36°44ʹN 14°51ʹE 15 440 17.8 Csa 30 10 DGF cult. s.n. (STA)
dune system
POB* Italy, Sicily, E of Pozzallo, 36°44ʹN 14°51ʹE 15 440 17.8 Csa 25 NA DGF cult. s.n. (STA)
EJ Tunisia, El Jem, cultivated 35°15ʹN 10°15ʹE 74 274 18.9 BSh 11 NA MC & RJA s.n. (E)
olive grove
SB Tunisia, Sbeitla, weed of 35°13ʹN 09°07ʹE 536 274 17.2 BSk 12 NA MC & RJA s.n. (E)
flower beds and semi-
natural vegetation
JB Tunisia, Djebel Biada (Jabal 34°26ʹN 09°14ʹE 1041 193 18.0 BWh 14 NA MC & RJA s.n. (E)
al Bayadah), nr. Saket, on
limestone in sparse scrub
EG Tunisia, El Guettar, roadside 34°20ʹN 08°57ʹE 233 152 19.3 BWh 19 NA MC & RJA s.n. (E)
and adjacent irrigated land
in wadi
HS Tunisia, Houmt-Souk, sandy 33°53ʹN 10°52ʹE 0 212 19.8 BSh 17 NA MC & RJA s.n. (E)
shore and dunes
Ssp. glaucus
AK* Israel, Haifa Bay Area, ca. 32°52ʹN 35°05ʹE 10 558 20.3 Csa 30 10 DGF cult. s.n. (STA)
8 km S of Akko, along
Mediterranean coastal road
CA* Israel, Northern Sharon 32°30ʹN 34°54ʹE 14 557 20.2 Csa 30 10 DGF cult. 24-1 (STA)
Coast, Caesarea, coastal
sand dunes
NF* Israel, Southern Sharon 32°11ʹN 34°48ʹE 3 567 19.9 Csa 32 10 DGF cult. 25-1 (STA)
Coast, Nof Yam/Herzliya,
developed entrance to
AD* Israel, Judean Coast, Ashdod, 31°48ʹN 34°38ʹE 8 479 20.0 Csa 30 10 DGF cult. s.n. (STA)
coastal sand dunes
AQ* Israel, Judean Coast, 31°40ʹN 34°35ʹE 33 421 19.9 Csa 30 10 DGF cult. 27-2 (STA)
Ashquelon, coastal sand
Ssp. coronopifolius
BS Israel, Upper Jordan Valley, 32°30ʹN 35°30ʹE −132 344 21.8 BSh 36 10 DGF cult. 13-1 (STA)
Bet-She`an, ruderal site
(Continued )
Recurrent origin of peripheral, coastal (sub)species 257
Table 1. (Continued).
AL West Bank, Dead Sea, Almog 31°45ʹN 35°28ʹE −355 100 24.0 BWh 28 10 DGF cult. 6-1 (STA)
area, roadside
KB West Bank, Dead Sea, 31°40ʹN 35°26ʹE −376 90 25.0 BWh 32 10 DGF cult. 4-1 (STA)
Khirbet Mezin, alluvial
fan/delta built by a wadi
ZT Israel, Be`er Sheva Basin, ca. 30°57ʹN 34°47ʹE 502 229 19.3 BSh 30 10 DGF cult. 8-1 (STA)
4 km S of Zomet Telalim
MR Israel, Central Negev Hills, 30°36ʹN 34°46ʹE 850 183 16.9 BSk 30 10 DGF cult. 10-1 (STA)
below Mizpe Ramon,
AX Egypt, Coastal Area, 31°13ʹN 29°55ʹE 0 183 20.6 BWh 31 10 DGF cult. 31-5 (STA)
Alexandria, environs of El
Silsila Fort
EQ Egypt, Sinai/Suez Canal, El 30°52ʹN 32°20ʹE 6 50 21.6 BWh 30 10 DGF cult. s.n. (STA)
Quantara, surroundings of
Populations marked by an asterisk (*) are considered peripheral isolates. n refers to the number of individuals surveyed in the allozyme (allo) and
morphometric (morph) analyses. Note that the 12 populations from the Near East were previously analysed for allozyme variation (Comes and Abbott
1999) and are included for comparative purposes.
Elev: elevation (in metres above or below sea level; derived from; Map and Mat: mean annual precipitation and temperature,
respectively [derived from, except for sites AL and KB (Holzapfel et al. 1995)]; NA: not analysed.
Climate type according to the Köppen–Geiger classification (Peel et al. 2007): BSh and BSk: hot and cold semi-arid climate, respectively; BWh: hot
desert climate; Csa: hot-summer Mediterranean climate.
Vouchers deposited by M. Coleman and R.J. Abbott (MC & RJA) or David G. Forbes (DGF) at the herbaria of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (E)
or the University of St Andrews (STA).
Pgm-1 and Pgm-2). Genetic interpretations of enzyme The resulting distance matrix was subjected to the
systems AAT and PGI in Senecio have been described unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages
elsewhere (Abbott et al. 1992; Ashton and Abbott 1992). (UPGMA), as implemented in DendroUPGMA (http://gen
Interpretation of the other systems (G3PD, IDH, PGM); Garcia-Vallve et al. 1999). The
was based on the generally conserved enzyme substruc- obtained dendrogram output (in Newick format) was visua-
ture, subcellular location, and number of allozyme loci in lised and edited using POPTREEW (Takezaki et al. 2014).
higher plants (Weeden and Wendel 1989). Three to four The following parameters of genetic diversity were
standards were run within each gel to allow for compar- calculated over all allozyme loci for each population,
ison of allozyme loci and allelic data (and their designa- using BIOSYS-1: the percentage of loci polymorphic at
tions) with previous studies. Accordingly, we also used the the 5% level (P5%), the mean number of alleles observed
individual genotypic data set of 12 S. glaucus populations per locus (AO), the observed (direct count) heterozygosity
from the Near East provided by Comes and Abbott (1999), (HO), and Nei’s (1987) unbiased estimate of heterozygos-
extracting only information provided by the above five ity, viz. gene diversity expected under Hardy–Weinberg
enzyme systems. The final data set used comprised geno- equilibrium (HE). Taking variation in sample size into
typic information at seven loci for 683 individuals from 25 account, we also estimated the total allelic richness (RS)
populations, with 11–36 individuals per site (mean ± sd: over all loci per population, using the rarefaction method
27.3 ± 6.88; sample sizes are given in Table 1). The implemented in FSTAT v. (Goudet 2001).
single-individual genotype data matrix generated for this Estimation of RS was adjusted for a minimum sample
study can be found in Appendix 1 (supplemental data). size of 11 individuals surveyed in population EJ.
To test for departures from random mating, we calcu-
lated the inbreeding coefficient f (FIS) across all poly-
Statistical analysis of allozyme data morphic loci for each population according to Weir and
Cockerham (1984) using FSTAT. In addition, Hardy–
To first clarify genetic relationships among all populations,
Weinberg equilibrium was tested at each locus in each
we used BIOSYS-1 v.1.7 software (Swofford and Selander
population and across loci in all populations using the
1989) to calculate pairwise chord distances (Dc; Cavalli-
GENEPOP v.3.3 (Raymond and Rousset 1995) probability
Sforza and Edwards 1967) based on allele frequencies at
test option (Fisher’s method).
all seven loci surveyed. Similar to our previous studies
To assess whether population diversity differed
(Comes and Abbott 1999), we used the chord distance
between subregions within each of the three
because it is relatively insensitive to variation in evolution-
Mediterranean regions, mean values of P5%, RS, and HE
ary rates among loci and lineages (Swofford et al. 1996).
258 H. P. Comes et al.
were calculated over populations within each subregion. In addition, the presence vs. absence of trifurcate leaf
Differences in estimates of RS and HE between subregions lobes was recorded and frequencies were calculated. This
were tested using a permutation procedure implemented in character was recorded as present if any of the lobes of the
FSTAT, with populations allocated at random to the two fifth leaf to emerge displayed this character.
alternative subregions within each region.
We also tested whether peripheral populations have
passed through a severe and recent genetic bottleneck, as Statistical analysis of morphometric data
potentially evidenced by a transient excess of observed het- For principal components analysis (PCA), character means
erozygotes relative to allele numbers at neutral loci (Luikart were calculated for each population and the resulting 20
et al. 1998; Harper et al. 2003). The significance of departure population × 13 character data matrix was standardised by
from mutation-drift equilibrium expectations was calculated characters, i.e. subtracting the character mean of the total
for each population using both a sign test, and a one-tailed sample from each populational value, and then dividing by
Wilcoxon signed-rank test as implemented in the character standard deviation (program STAND of
BOTTLENECK v.1.2.02 (Cornuet and Luikart 1996; Piry NTSYS-PC v.2.02g; Rohlf 1998). The standardised matrix
et al. 1999). In these analyses, data were pooled across loci, was exported to PAST v.1.23 (Hammer et al. 2001) and
and all loci were assumed to fit an infinite allele model of used to create a character × character correlation matrix as
mutation. well as a population × population Euclidean distance
Hierarchical analyses of molecular variance matrix. The PCA was conducted on the correlation matrix
(AMOVAs) were carried out in ARLEQUIN v.3.5 and the populations were projected in two dimensions. A
(Excoffier and Lischer 2010) for each Mediterranean minimum-length spanning tree (MST) was constructed
region separately (i.e. west: Morocco; central: Sicily/ from the distance matrix and superimposed onto the
Tunisia; east: Israel/West Bank/Egypt) to quantify the par- PCA plot to identify similarities among populations
titioning of allozyme variation at all seven loci between when all dimensions were taken into account.
peripheral and non-peripheral groups of populations/taxa The full 200 individuals × 13 character matrix was also
(FCT), and among populations within such groups (FSC). subjected to univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and
Significance levels of variance components were evaluated Tukey’s HSD (honestly significant difference) post-hoc test
by a permutation approach (10,100 replicates). using SPSS v.12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) to detect
Finally, as the population genetic analyses of this significant inequality of character means among groups of
study assume marker neutrality, we also used populations. In these analyses, S. hesperidium, S. glaucus
ARLEQUIN to carry out the Ewens–Watterson–Slatkin ssp. glaucus, and the three regional samples of ssp. coronopi-
exact test of selective neutrality at each polymorphic folius (Morocco, Sicily, Near East) were treated as separate
locus within each population under the infinite allele groups. Phyllary number (PN) and mean ray floret number
model. This test compares the observed homozygosity (MRN) were found to deviate strongly from normality, and
with the expected neutral-equilibrium homozygosity, thus were natural log-transformed to meet assumptions of
given the observed number of alleles. Significance was ANOVA. Adopting a multivariate approach, overall differ-
assessed by Slatkin’s (1996) exact P-test, using 1,000 ences in morphology among groups were tested pairwise
permutations per test (99 tests in total). using a permutation procedure based on Mahalanobis’ squared
distances (with 2,000 replicates) as implemented in PAST.
This permutation procedure does not depend on the assump-
Morphometric analysis tion of multivariate normal distributions and equal covariance
Ten plants (in nearly all cases one offspring per mother matrices (Hammer et al. 2001). Differences in overall mor-
plant) were grown from each of 20 populations (Table 1): phology between adjacent groups per region (only Morocco
6 from Morocco (three of S. hesperidium and three of S. and the Near East) were also determined with a nested multi-
glaucus ssp. coronopifolius); 2 of ssp. coronopifolius from variate analysis of variance (MANOVA) using JMP™v.13.2.0
Sicily; and 12 populations from the Near East (five of ssp. (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). ‘Groups’ and ‘popula-
glaucus and seven of ssp. coronopifolius). The 200 plants tions nested within groups’ were used as effects in the model,
were grown from seed to maturity as single individuals in and the response design was specified to give a single value
pots of 13 cm in diameter containing a 1:1 mix of (JMP option ‘Sum’). Variables PN and MRN were trans-
Levington’s M2 compost and gravel. Plants were arranged formed prior to analysis as indicated above.
in a fully randomised block design and grown in a green-
house with natural light supplemented by 400 W mercury
vapour lamps with a 16-h day length. At full anthesis of Genetic drift as a possible cause of morphological change
the apical capitulum, each plant was measured for 13 We tried to assess whether random genetic drift could be a
quantitative characters. Ten of those were descriptors of contributing cause of significant differences in morphol-
the capitulum, while the remaining three characters were ogy between those peripheral (assumed ‘derived’) and
plant height, inflorescence length, and leaf lobe number. non-peripheral (assumed ‘ancestral’) taxa for which both
Full details of the quantitative measurements made are genetic and morphological data were available, namely S.
provided in Table A1 of Appendix 2 (supplemental data). hesperidium and S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius from
Recurrent origin of peripheral, coastal (sub)species 259
Figure 2. UPGMA dendrogram depicting allozyme-derived cord distances (Dc; Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards 1967) between populations
of S. hesperidium and S. glaucus subspp. glaucus and coronopifolius. Populations are labelled according to their geographic origin. The
scale represents genetic distance. Population codes are identified in Table 1.
Table 2. Mean genetic chord distances (Dc; Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards 1967) based on allele frequencies at all seven allozyme loci
among populations within and between Senecio hesperidium and intraspecific taxa/(sub)regional samples of S. glaucus.
S. glaucus
S. hesperidium 0.088
(Morocco)* (0.088–0.088)
S. g. ssp. coro. 0.177 0.171
(Morocco) (0.154–0.197) (0.093–0.222)
S. g. ssp. coro. 0.373 0.327 0.129
(Sicily)* (0.335–0.419) (0.254–0.373) (0.084–0.160)
S. g. ssp. coro. 0.326 0.293 0.163 0.159
(Tunisia) (0.294–0.363) (0.238–0.350) (0.111–0.238) (0.121–0.211)
S. g. ssp. glaucus .384 0.315 0.280 0.262 0.163
(Israel)* (0.360–0.404) (0.277–0.364) (0.223–0.383) (0.174–0.365) (0.109–0.259)
S. g. ssp. coro. 0.297 0.264 0.241 0.208 0.245 0.181
(Near East) (0.232–0.364) (0.190–0.331) (0.184–0.282) (0.156–0.271) (0.169–0.347) (0.109–0.242)
Ranges are in parentheses. Comparisons between geographically nearest-neighbouring peripheral (*) and non-peripheral samples are marked bold.
(Dc = 0.208–0.293). The values of average Dc between On the basis of the population genetic relationships
populations within peripheral samples ranged from identified above, the distribution of alleles at several loci
0.088 to 0.163 and partly overlapped with those of displayed interesting geographical patterns. At the Pgm-2
the non-peripheral ones (Dc = 0.159–0.181; Table 2). locus, all peripheral samples, i.e. S. hesperidium, S.
Recurrent origin of peripheral, coastal (sub)species 261
glaucus ssp. coronopifolius from Sicily, and ssp. glaucus, The hierarchical AMOVAs estimated for each region
possessed only a subset of alleles present in their geogra- separately (Table 5) revealed low but significant eco-geo-
phically proximal neighbours, namely ssp. coronopifolius graphical differentiation between peripheral S. glaucus
from Morocco, Tunisia, and the Near East, respectively ssp. glaucus and non-peripheral ssp. coronopifolius in
(see Table A2 in Appendix 2), and the same applied to the the Near East (FCT = 0.059, P < 0.001), and the same
Aat-3 locus, except for the Moroccan contrast. A similar was true for differentiation among populations within
picture emerged for S. hesperidium and S. glaucus ssp. those groups (FSC = 0.084, P < 0.001). By contrast, no
glaucus at the Pgi-2 locus, as for Sicilian ssp. coronopi- significant differentiation was detected between either S.
folius at the G3pd-1 locus. In contrast, S. hesperidium hesperidium and Moroccan S. g. ssp. coronopifolius
possessed three rare alleles (Aat-3d, G3pd-1a, Idh-1a) (FCT = 0.016, P = 0.206) or Sicilian and Tunisian ssp.
not observed in S. glaucus from Morocco, but otherwise coronopifolius (FCT = 0.014, P = 0.248), while low but
present at low to moderately high frequencies in both the significant population differentiation was found within
central and eastern Mediterranean. each subregion (west: FSC = 0.073; central:
The estimates of allozyme diversity varied greatly FSC = 0.047; both P < 0.001).
across populations of S. hesperidium and S. glaucus
(Table 3). The least polymorphic populations were from
Morocco (SR), Sicily (LI, POB), and Tunisia (HS; all Morphometric analysis
P5% = 14.3%) while two populations from the Near East The first two components of the PCA plot (Figure 3)
(AQ, AL) were most polymorphic (both P5% = 71.4%). accounted for 51.66% and 19.72% of the total variance,
The mean numbers of alleles observed per locus (AO) respectively. The first component (PC1) separated most of
ranged from 1.6 in Sicily (LI, POB) to 3.0 in the Near the S. glaucus populations from the Near East into two
East (ZT). Lowest estimates of both allelic richness (RS) high- and low-score clusters, corresponding to subspp.
and Nei’s gene diversity (HE) were observed in popula- glaucus and coronopifolius, respectively. However, there
tions SR (RS = 1.42; HE = 0.046) and LI (RS = 1.33; was no clear break between these two nominal groups, as
HE = 0.081), while population AL from the Near East was evident in the allozyme dendrogram (Figure 2). The
was the most diverse (RS = 2.42; HE = 0.285) connection between these two groups was through popula-
Comparison of non-peripheral and peripheral sam- tion AX, as shown by the MST (i.e. based on the full
ples (i.e. subregions) within each of the three dimensional space). The second component (PC2) empha-
Mediterranean regions surveyed indicated apparently sised the phenotypic differentiation between Moroccan
reduced levels of allozyme diversity in S. hesperidium ssp. coronopifolius and all S. glaucus populations from
from Morocco and Sicilian S. glaucus ssp. coronopifo- the Near East. The two Sicilian populations of S. g. subsp.
lius in terms of P5%, RS, and HE (Table 4). However, the coronopifolius (LI, POA) were connected by the MST to
permutation tests (conducted for RS and HE only) those from Morocco, despite one of them (LI) showing
revealed no significance in each case, although in the affinities to those from the Near East (BS, ZT) in two-
central Mediterranean the estimator of allelic richness dimensional space. All three populations of S. hesperidium
(RS) was close to significance (one-sided P = 0.055). (AP, SI, SR) were clearly separated from Sicilian/
Moreover, no reduced levels of allozyme diversity were Moroccan S. g. ssp. coronopifolius along PC1 and less
evident in the Near East, where all three estimators were so along PC2; they had their MST connection via popula-
markedly similar between subspp. glaucus and corono- tion AP to ssp. glaucus (CA).
pifolius (Table 4). As seen in Table A1 of Appendix 2, the first compo-
As indicated in Table 3, the mean coefficient of nent had positive and very high (≈ 0.9) correlation coeffi-
inbreeding (f = FIS, calculated across all polymorphic cients (loadings) for several capitulum characters,
loci) within populations was generally low and close to including PL, MRN, DN, and CW. By contrast, one vege-
zero for both S. hesperidium (–0.011) and S. glaucus tative character, leaf lobe number (LLN), as well as CN
(0.038). Significant departures from random mating and ray floret shape (RS) dominated the second compo-
were detected only in two populations each from the nent, albeit with moderately high loadings (≈ 0.65–0.70).
Near East (AQ, NF) and Tunisia (EJ, HS), and this was An examination of group means for each character by
mostly due to a slight deficit of heterozygotes (Table 3). means of Tukey’s HSD test (Table A4 in Appendix 2)
Overall, these results confirm that most of these popula- revealed that both S. hesperidium and S. g. ssp. glaucus
tions are highly outcrossing, with neither peripheral (or were characterised by relatively large-sized plants (PH)
non-peripheral) populations showing signs of marked that, in contrast to ssp. coronopifolius from Morocco and
inbreeding. BOTTLENECK failed to detect any evi- the Near East, respectively, produced significantly broader
dence of a transient excess of heterozygotes in any of capitula (CW) with more numerous calyculus bracts (CN),
the populations analysed (Table 3). Hence, in none of phyllaries (PN), and disc florets (DN), as well as longer
the peripheral populations from Morocco (S. hesperi- and broader ray florets (MRL, MRW; see also Figure A1
dium), Sicily (S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius), and in Appendix 3 for box plots of traits). However, there were
Israel (ssp. glaucus) was a severe and recent bottleneck also significant differences between S. hesperidium and S.
indicated. g. ssp. glaucus in seven of the 13 characters examined
262 H. P. Comes et al.
Table 3. Estimates of allozyme diversity (P5%, AO, RS, HO, HE) and Weir and Cockerham’s (1984) coefficient of inbreeding (f) within
populations of Senecio hesperidium and S. glaucus.
Region/taxon/ Sign signed-rank
population code P5% AO RS HO HE f χ2 P test test
S. hesperidium
AP* 28.6 1.9 1.56 0.097 (0.060) 0.095 (0.060) −0.014 0.0 1.000 0.087 1.000
SR* 14.3 1.7 1.42 0.048 (0.023) 0.046 (0.022) −0.032 3.1 0.544 0.095 1.000
Mean −0.011
95% CI −0.002 to −0.063
S. g. ssp.
KO 28.6 2.1 1.81 0.139 (0.071) 0.143 (0.068) 0.029 15.1 0.056 0.229 0.953
TM 42.9 2.0 1.77 0.147 (0.092) 0.140 (0.080) −0.054 4.4 0.821 0.376 0.938
OS 42.9 2.1 1.85 0.157 (0.072) 0.177 (0.088) 0.115 6.1 0.637 0.671 0.906
Ssp. coronopifolius
LI* 14.3 1.6 1.33 0.086 (0.080) 0.081 (0.075) −0.061 4.3 0.639 0.741 0.875
POA* 42.9 1.9 1.74 0.129 (0.096) 0.146 (0.095) 0.122 10.1 0.261 0.369 0.844
POB* 14.3 1.6 1.53 0.114 (0.102) 0.117 (0.104) 0.021 3.4 0.501 0.754 0.250
EJ 28.6 1.9 1.86 0.104 (0.061) 0.160 (0.095) 0.363 12.8 0.012* 0.346 0.938
SB 28.6 1.9 1.84 0.143 (0.107) 0.155 (0.107) 0.083 8.1 0.088 0.655 0.250
JB 42.9 1.9 1.84 0.143 (0.099) 0.149 (0.106) 0.045 1.8 0.937 0.455 0.813
EG 57.1 2.4 2.20 0.180 (0.089) 0.193 (0.105) 0.069 5.0 0.753 0.199 0.922
HS 14.3 1.9 1.69 0.101 (0.082) 0.120 (0.101) 0.165 19.2 0.038* 0.518 0.938
Ssp. glaucus
AK* 42.9 2.0 1.88 0.238 (0.113) 0.219 (0.104) −0.088 6.7 0.352 0.565 0.150
CA* 42.9 2.1 1.94 0.248 (0.124) 0.241 (0.112) −0.028 9.8 0.135 0.331 0.156
NF* 42.9 2.6 2.00 0.192 (0.088) 0.200 (0.093) 0.043 14.7 0.023* 0.493 0.953
AD* 57.1 2.4 2.14 0.290 (0.116) 0.277 (0.110) −0.049 3.1 0.927 0.522 0.313
AQ* 71.4 2.6 2.18 0.243 (0.100) 0.274 (0.091) 0.117 24.8 0.006** 0.530 0.500
Ssp. coronopifolius
BS 57.1 2.6 2.34 0.246 (0.100) 0.251 (0.104) 0.021 3.0 0.981 0.517 0.500
AL 71.4 2.9 2.42 0.276 (0.104) 0.285 (0.111) 0.034 7.8 0.651 0.537 0.406
KB 42.9 2.4 2.16 0.295 (0.143) 0.258 (0.127) −0.145 10.2 0.116 0.433 0.313
ZT 57.1 3.0 2.41 0.271 (0.124) 0.261 (0.118) −0.041 2.7 0.953 0.595 0.563
MR 57.1 2.9 2.39 0.200 (0.080) 0.250 (0.106) 0.204 14.7 0.143 0.459 0.891
AX 42.9 2.3 2.08 0.203 (0.111) 0.225 (0.117) 0.100 4.4 0.621 0.575 0.125
EQ 42.9 2.3 1.81 0.176 (0.084) 0.200 (0.093) 0.120 6.0 0.418 0.291 0.906
Mean (S. glaucus) 0.038
95% CI −0.010 to 0.076
Mean estimates of f for each species were obtained by jackknifing over loci. Ninety-five per cent confidence intervals (CI) around these means were
obtained by bootstrapping over loci. Tests of Hardy–Weinberg (HW) equilibrium across loci within populations (Fisher’s method) are indicated. Also
shown are results of the BOTTLENECK analysis with P values for both a sign test and a one-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Standard deviations are
shown in parentheses. Populations marked by an asterisk (*) are considered peripheral isolates.
P5%: percentage of polymorphic loci (5% criterion); AO, mean number of alleles observed per locus; RS, mean number of alleles per locus calculated after
rarefaction method (allelic richness); HO, mean observed (direct count) heterozygosity; HE, mean expected heterozygosity, viz. Nei’s (1987) unbiased gene
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium rejected at * P < 0.05, and ** P < 0.01.
Analysed for only a single locus (i.e. Aat-3) due to almost complete fixation at the other loci surveyed, using the Hardy–Weinberg chi-square test option
in BIOSYS-1 (Swofford and Selander 1989).
(Table A4). In four of those traits (IL, CN, MRN, MRW), this character was present in nearly all populations of S.
ssp. glaucus displayed higher and more extreme values, glaucus from the Near East (except MR), and significantly
not (or only rarely) observed in any other group analysed, associated with ssp. glaucus (94%) rather than ssp. coro-
whereas S. hesperidium had distinctly broader capitula nopifolius (43%; χ2 = 33.2, df = 1, P < 0.001).
(CW) and exceptionally longer, but also narrower ray The multivariate permutation tests based on
florets (MRL, RS). In addition, trifurcate leaf lobes were Mahalanobis’ distances showed that all pairwise compar-
absent in S. hesperidium, as in all western and central isons of overall morphology among the five groups stu-
material of S. g. ssp. coronopifolius studied. In contrast, died were highly significant (all P values < 0.001;
Recurrent origin of peripheral, coastal (sub)species 263
Table 4. Mean estimates of allozyme diversity (P5%, RS, HE) calculated over all seven loci and populations within Senecio hesperidium
and intraspecific/(sub)regional samples of S. glaucus.
Peripheral samples are marked by asterisks (*). Probability values for differences between non-peripheral (G1) and peripheral (G2) samples within each
Mediterranean region are given for one-sided tests (G1 > G2), after 10,000 permutations, using FSTAT (Goudet 2001).
N: number of populations surveyed; NA: not analysed; P5%: percentage of polymorphic loci (5% criterion); RS: mean number of alleles per locus calculated
after rarefaction method (allelic richness); HE: mean expected heterozygosity, viz. Nei’s (1987) unbiased gene diversity.
Table 5. Hierarchical analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) for allozyme variation at seven loci within S. hesperidium and S.
glaucus (subspp. glaucus and coronopifolius) sampled from three Mediterranean regions (i.e. west: Morocco; central: Sicily/Tunisia; east:
Israel/West Bank/Egypt), and based on the partitioning of populations into peripheral and non-peripheral subregions (see footnote).
Region/source of variation Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Variance components of variation F-statistics P
Among subregions 1 3.60 0.008 1.60 FCT = 0.016 0.206
Among populations 3 7.55 0.034 7.21 FSC = 0.073 <0.001
Within populations 307 130.00 0.424 91.19 FST = 0.088 <0.001
Among subregions 1 2.56 0.007 1.40 FCT = 0.014 0.248
Among populations 6 8.10 0.023 4.65 FSC = 0.047 <0.001
Within populations 308 144.20 0.468 93.95 FST = 0.061 <0.001
Among subregions 1 27.05 0.059 5.95 FCT = 0.059 <0.001
Among populations 10 56.70 0.078 7.88 FSC = 0.084 <0.001
Within populations 726 622.23 0.857 86.17 FST = 0.138 <0.010
Significance values (P) obtained for variance components are indicated based on 10,100 permutations.
S. hesperidium (AP, SR) vs. S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius Morocco (KO, TM, OS).
Ssp. coronopifolius Sicily (LI, POA, POB) vs. Tunisia (EJ, SB, JB, EG, HS).
Ssp. glaucus Israel (AK, CA, NF, AD, AQ) vs. ssp. coronopifolius Israel/West Bank/Egypt (BS, ZT, MR; AL, KB; AX, EQ).
Population codes are identified in Table 1.
Table A5 in the Appendix 2). The group effect from the hesperidium and S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius from
nested MANOVA confirmed that S. hesperidium and S. g. Morocco (Dc = 0.177), and between S. g. subspp. glaucus
ssp. coronopifolius from Morocco differed significantly in and coronopifolius from the Near East (Dc = 0.245), trans-
overall phenotype (exact F test: F1, 54 = 28.171, lated to divergence times of about 88,500 and
P < 0.001), and the same applied to S. g. subspp. glaucus 122,500 years, respectively. When combined with our
and coronopifolius from the Near East (F1, 108 = 34.524, estimates of HE (Table 4), these timings suggest a faster
P < 0.001); however, the population within group effect and much stronger decrease in genetic diversity (54%)
was only significant in the latter region (F10, 108 = 5.895, from Moroccan S. g. ssp. coronopifolius to S. hesperidium
P < 0.001) but not in Morocco (F4, 54 = 1.957, P = 0.114). (HE = 0.153 vs. 0.071) when compared to the situation in
Overall, these results indicate that peripheral taxa diverged the Near East, where diversity decreased by only 2% from
considerably from their nearest-neighbouring relatives in S. g. ssp. coronopifolius to ssp. glaucus (0.247 vs. 0.242)
phenotype, in both the western and eastern Mediterranean. over an extended time period, thus implying much lower
effective population sizes in the former taxon pair relative
to the latter (Ne = 5.8 × 104 vs. 3.0 × 106).
Genetic drift as a possible cause of morphological change Table 6 shows estimates of the maximum effective
Assuming an allozyme mutation rate (µ) of 10–6, the mean population size (N*; sensu Lande 1976) for one vegeta-
genetic distances (Dc; Table 2) observed between S. tive (PH) and three floral traits (CW, CN, DN; all with
264 H. P. Comes et al.
Figure 3. Principal components analysis (PCA) plot of the first two components based on 13 morphological variables in populations of
S. hesperidium (Morocco) and S. glaucus subspp. glaucus (Israel) and coronopifolius (Morocco, Sicily, Near East), with a minimum-
length spanning tree (MST) superimposed (dashed lines). Convex hulls (solid lines) depict the smallest area occupied by different groups.
Percentages of total variance explained by each component are noted in parentheses. Note the lack of data for populations of S. g. ssp.
coronopifolius from Tunisia. Refer to Table 1 for population codes.
Table 6. Results for maximum estimates of effective population sizes for rejection of the neutral hypothesis at the 95% level (N*; sensu
Lande 1976) for four trait means between (1) S. hesperidium and S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius (Morocco); and (2) S. g. subspp. glaucus
and coronopifolius (Near East), respectively.
S. hesperidium vs. S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius (Morocco) S. glaucus ssp. glaucus vs. ssp. coronopifolius (Near East)
t = 88.5, Ne = 5.8 × 104 t = 122.5, Ne = 3.0 × 106
PH 0.43 52.9 67.75 0.781 2.4 × 105 57.3 96.71 0.592 5.8 × 105
CW 0.14 1.65 0.986 1.673 1.4 × 104 1.49 1.087 1.371 3.5 × 104
CN 0.65 2.53 1.831 1.382 1.2 × 105 1.29 2.234 0.577 9.2 × 105
DN 0.50 37.0 28.12 1.136 1.3 × 105 28.2 27.66 1.020 2.3 × 105
Calculations were restricted to traits with known heritability and showing significant mean differences at the 5% level (see Table A4 in Appendix 2).
t: divergence time in thousands of years ago (kya); Ne: observed effective population size (both estimated from allozyme data; see ‘Materials and
methods’); h2: narrow-sense heritability (taken from Comes 1994); z: mean difference in phenotype; s: pooled standard deviation; z/s: mean difference in
phenotype in units of standard deviations; N*: population size above which genetic drift would be unlikely (P ≤ 0.05) to have led to the observed
differences in trait means.
Trait abbreviations: PH: plant height; CW: capitulum width; CN: calyculus bract number; DN: disc floret number (see Table A1 in Appendix 2 for details).
to this latter material based on the Dc values recorded fluctuations fragmented ranges and fostered plant evolu-
(Table 2). This supports the previous hypothesis tion throughout the Mediterranean Basin and adjacent
(Alexander 1975) that ssp. glaucus originated from popu- regions (Pons and Quézel 1985; Cheddadi et al. 2005;
lations in this eastern region of ssp. coronopifolius. Médail and Diadema 2009; Nieto Feliner 2014). The
Finally, all peripheral isolates had no private alleles (in dates of divergence obtained in this study therefore sug-
relation to the entire data set) and only a subset of those gest a biogeographic scenario where the intensification of
present in their nearest neighbours [i.e., generally at Pgm- glacial/interglacial cycles from ca. 0.45 Ma onward
2, but also, depending on the region, at Aat-3 (Sicily, (Cheddadi et al. 2005) may have provided new ecological
Israel), G3pd-1 (Sicily) and Pgi-2 (Morocco, Israel); opportunities for the establishment, isolation and diver-
Table A2], as would be expected from recently diverged gence of peripheral populations of S. g. ssp. coronopifo-
progenitor-derivative pairs (e.g. Levin 2000; Crawford lius, giving rise to parallel, independent parapatric coastal
2010; Lopéz et al. 2011). taxa in Morocco (S. hesperidium) and Israel (S. g. ssp.
We did not find a gradient of increasing allozyme glaucus; see also Alexander 1975; Kadereit 1984). This
divergence across the three descendant ecotypes as might hypothesis gains further weight from the fact that the
have been expected from their taxonomic ranks (i.e. extant ranges of both descendant taxa correlate to some
Sicilian ssp. coronopifolius p.p. < ssp. glaucus < S. extent with putative glacial refugia (‘Souss Valley/western
hesperidium). Instead, the mean Dc values between ances- Anti-Atlas’ and ‘Israel/Palestine’, respectively) as
tral and descendant populations within each Mediterranean described for various other plant and animal species
region (west, central, east) were of similar magnitude and (Médail and Diadema 2009; Blondel et al. 2010; Planas
low, ranging from 0.163 to 0.245 (Table 2). Again, these et al. 2014).
values are typical for conspecific plant populations and/or Considering the central Mediterranean, it is perhaps
congeneric species related as progenitor-derivative pairs not surprising to find a close genetic link between popula-
(Gottlieb 1981; Crawford et al. 1985; Briggs and Walters tions of ssp. coronopifolius across the Strait of Sicily,
2016). In fact, hierarchical AMOVAs (Table 5) indicated given the high dispersal ability of Senecio through wind-
non-significant levels of subdivision between those pairs borne achenes. It is noticeable, however, that the estimated
in Morocco (S. hesperidium vs. S. g. ssp. coronopifolius: date of divergence between Tunisian and Sicilian material
FCT = 0.016, P = 0.206) and the central Mediterranean falls into a glacial period (see above). If correct, this would
(Sicilian vs. Tunisian ssp. coronopifolius: FCT = 0.014, support the hypothesis that glacial sea-level lowstands
P = 0.248), while there was a numerically low but sig- facilitated biotic exchange in the Sicilian insular system
nificant level of differentiation detectable in the Near East (Nieto Feliner 2014), as postulated for other coastal or low
(subspp. glaucus vs. coronopifolius: FCT = 0.059, elevation plants (e.g., Matthiola spp.: Sanchéz et al. 2005;
P < 0.001). Such low levels of genetic divergence between Anthemis secundiramea: Lo Presti and Oberprieler 2011;
ancestral and descendant populations are generally taken Linaria sect. Versicolores: Fernández-Mazuecos and
as evidence for a relatively recent divergence history Vargas 2011). Moreover, the separate genetic placement
(Levin 2001; Ostevik et al. 2012), barring, of course, of the Sicilian populations (LI vs. POA/POB) within the
extensive post-divergence gene flow (see below). Tunisian cluster (Figure 2) agrees with evidence from
cpDNA, indicating that there have been recurrent intro-
ductions of S. glaucus to Sicily from North Africa
Times and modes of divergence between ancestral and (Chapman and Abbott 2005).
descendant populations
Molecular clock estimates from nuclear ribosomal DNA
(Comes and Abbott 2001) suggest early-to-mid Levels of inbreeding and contrasting patterns of genetic
Pleistocene crown ages (ca.1.0–0.44 million years ago, diversity
Ma) for the relevant clade of sect. Senecio (termed ‘A’) As further based on the allozyme data, we found no
containing S. hesperidium, S. glaucus, and other diploid evidence for strong signatures of inbreeding at the species
Mediterranean species (e.g. S. aethnensis Jan. ex DC., S. and population levels (Table 3). That is, for both S. hesper-
gallicus Vill., S. leucanthemifolius Poiret.; see also idium and S. glaucus, the mean coefficient of inbreeding
Coleman et al. 2003 for similar time estimates). (f = FIS) was close to zero, and the same was true for most
Assuming an allozyme mutation rate in the order of 10–6 populations sampled. Positive values of f and significant
(Ouborg et al. 1999), the similarly low mean Dc values heterozygote deficiencies were only found in populations
between S. hesperidium and S. g. ssp. coronopifolius of ssp. coronopifolius from Morocco (EJ, HS) and ssp.
(0.177), and between Sicilian and Tunisian ssp. coronopi- glaucus (AQ, NF; Table 3). Such deviations from pan-
folius (0.163), correspond to the last glacial period [ca. mixia could have arisen from various site-specific factors
88.5 and 81.5 thousand years ago (ka), respectively], while promoting bi-parental inbreeding (e.g. restricted pollinator
the slightly higher Dc value between subspp. glaucus and foraging regimes, clumping and/or high plant density;
coronopifolius from the Near East (0.245) suggests a Comes and Abbott 1998, 1999). Alternatively, such devia-
divergence during the Last Interglacial (ca. 122.5 ka). It tions may indicate cryptic natural variation for pseudo-
is also well recognised that the Pleistocene climatic self-compatibility (Liu et al. 2007), but there is as yet no
266 H. P. Comes et al.
experimental evidence for this phenomenon in S. glaucus. differs from Tunisian (mostly inland) source material in var-
In any event, and despite these exceptions, the present ious floral and leaf traits, although in this case the coastal
results do not jeopardise the general perception that ran- (island) derivative showed mostly reduced values (e.g. in leaf
dom mating is the norm in diploid and self-incompatible perimeter/dissection, inflorescence length, ray floret length).
species of sect. Senecio (e.g. Abbott and Forbes 1993; In the present study, lacking morphometric data from
Abbott et al. 2000). Tunisian material, the Sicilian type was morphologically
More surprisingly, none of the populations of three intermediate to ssp. coronopifolius from Morocco and the
descendant ecotypes, viz. peripheral isolates showed a Near East, and clearly distinguishable from both ssp. glaucus
transient excess of heterozygotes (Table 3), and neither and S. hesperidium (Figure 3).
were there significant differences in mean genetic diversity Taken together, these results have two major implica-
(in terms of RS and HE) between peripheral and non- tions. First, the significant morphological differentiation
peripheral (ancestral) samples within each of the three between ancestral and descendant populations sharply
Mediterranean regions (Table 4). These non-significant contrasts with their weak differentiation at allozyme loci.
results, however, could be due to the small sample sizes We suppose that the very low genetic divergence between
of populations and loci screened, hence limiting the statis- these populations more likely reflects shared ancestry
tical power of the bottleneck and permutation tests used rather than ongoing gene flow among them, as frequently
(Peery et al. 2012; Yineger et al. 2014). Nevertheless, invoked for organisms that are characterised by great
there was a drastic reduction of genetic diversity in S. differentiation in phenotype but not in genotype (e.g.
hesperidium (with ∼30% decrease in RS and ∼54% Avise 2000; Rheindt et al. 2011; and further references
decrease in HE) in comparison with Moroccan S. g. ssp. therein). In turn, this inference of impeded post-divergence
coronopifolius, and a similar but less pronounced decrease gene flow (viz. hybridisation) makes it unlikely that our
in Sicilian relative to Tunisian material of the latter sub- dates of divergence are underestimates (see above).
species (∼19% in RS; ∼27% in HE). The reduced genetic Nonetheless, it could be argued that our allozyme markers
diversity in S. hesperidium may reflect a small number of may have been too few (or too crude) to provide sufficient
individuals involved in its origin and/or consistently small discrimination between such recently diverged population
population sizes (Levin 2000; Hardie and Hutchings 2010; groups or taxa. This argument, however, is tempered with
Lopéz et al. 2011), while the decreased diversity in the observation of significant FSC values within each study
Sicilian S. glaucus concurs with the hypothesis of multiple region (Table 5), suggesting that our markers at least
founder effects during island colonisation and subsequent provided sufficient population-genetic resolution.
genetic drift (Chapman and Abbott 2005). By contrast, in Second, despite their broadly similar environments, the
the Near East, genetic diversity was only slightly reduced three independently evolved coastal ecotypes exhibit only
in ssp. glaucus relative to ssp. coronopifolius (∼9% in RS; partly similar and clearly non-identical phenotypes.
∼2% in HE; Table 4), suggesting relatively increased popu- Although little is known about the genetic bases of the
lation sizes that buffered against the loss of genetic varia- (quantitative) traits involved, a significant fraction of this
tion via drift (see also below). variation is likely heritable, given that comparisons were
generally made under controlled glasshouse conditions
(Chapman and Abbott 2005; this study). Overall, this would
Morphological divergence between ancestral and suggest that the three coastal derivatives follow their own
descendant populations evolutionary trajectories, perhaps reflecting the recruitment of
Much in contrast to the allozyme data, our PCA of morpho- different mutations at the quantitative trait loci controlling
metric measurements (Figure 3) revealed that the coastal their divergent phenotypes (Ostevik et al. 2012; Martin and
ecotypes from both Morocco (S. hesperidium) and Israel (S. Orgogozo 2013; Roda et al. 2013; further references therein).
g. ssp. glaucus) have diverged strongly in phenotype from
nearby ancestral populations of ssp. coronopifolius. Although
such differentiation appeared to be more gradual and less Reproductive isolation and the evolutionary forces
pronounced in the Near East (see also Table A5), the shaping phenotypic divergence
among-group (or subregion) effect there was just as signifi- As with any study of (incipient) speciation, a crucial
cant as in Morocco (both P values < 0.001 in nested question remains regarding the nature and extent of
MANOVAs). Notably, in each region, the main multivariate reproductive isolation between descendant and ancestral
axes of divergence were in plant size and floral morphology populations (Levin 2001; Coyne and Orr 2004; Ostevik
(i.e. capitulum width, number of calyculus bracts, phyllaries et al. 2012). In general, however, all diploid taxa of
and disc florets, ray floret length and width), with both coastal Mediterranean Senecio (clade ‘A’ sensu Comes and
derivatives showing significantly larger values (Table A4). Abbott 2001) produce vigorous and largely fertile artifi-
However, despite their resemblance in gross morphology, S. cial hybrids (Alexander 1979; Kadereit 1984; Abbott
hesperidium and S. g. ssp. glaucus also differed significantly et al. 1995), notwithstanding some reduced pollen viabi-
in seven of the 13 traits examined (Table A4). A similar lity reported in an F1 hybrid between S. hesperidium and
morphometric study has previously shown (Chapman and S. glaucus (ca. 75% stainable pollen) relative to a typical
Abbott 2005) that Sicilian ssp. coronopifolius significantly inter- or intraspecific cross (usually above ca. 80–90%;
Recurrent origin of peripheral, coastal (sub)species 267
Alexander 1979). Thus, there is little evidence of strong examined (PH, CN, DN; Ne << N*) but this did not apply
intrinsic post-zygotic barriers to gene flow, indicating to CW (Ne > N*; Table 6). Clearly, the former outcome
that reproductive isolation in our study system should does not mean that the null hypothesis of drift is ‘true’, but
be primarily extrinsic. Specifically, the divergence of only that there is insufficient evidence to reject this
Sicilian ssp. coronopifolius from its Tunisian source hypothesis. It is still possible that the similarities between
populations is most likely due to geographical isolation S. hesperidium and S. g. ssp. glaucus, in all four traits
(with the Sicilian Strait acting as a present-day barrier to considered, have been shaped by selection in parallel,
gene flow; Chapman and Abbott 2005), although selec- although drift remains an alternative cause of most of
tion against immigrants in the different environments these changes in S. hesperidium (excepting CW).
(Mediterranean coastal vs. semi-arid/desert, mostly There are at least two possible explanations for why
inland) may further maintain differences between these different evolutionary forces could have been at play in
disjunct populations (Ostevik et al. 2012). By contrast, in shaping phenotypic variation in these latter taxa. First,
Morocco and the Near East, it would seem that ecologi- nearly neutral theory (Ohta and Gillespie 1996) predicts
cally based reproductive barriers had a primary role in the that population dynamics become more similar to random
origin of, respectively, S. hesperidium and S. g. ssp. genetic drift as Ne declines (e.g. at range edges due to high
glaucus, because these coastal taxa are apparently demographic or environmental stochasticity; Soulé 1973;
derived from mostly inland, semi-arid/desert populations Hardie and Hutchings 2010), whereas selection should be
of ssp. coronopifolius, i.e. despite opportunities for gene more efficient at large population sizes (see also Hodgins-
flow. Taken at face value, the latter two systems are prime Davis et al. 2015). Currently, for our system, we have only
candidates of parallel ecological (sub)speciation (sensu crude estimates of Ne, to say nothing about historical
Ostevik et al. 2012), especially as the two descendant fluctuations in population size. However, by taking range
taxa share characteristics with potential consequences for size as an independent proxy of Ne, it should not be
fitness and extrinsic reproductive isolation, including an unexpected that stochastic/neutral processes had a larger
increase in plant height, greater numbers of disc florets role in driving phenotypic divergence in the rare and local
(viz. broader capitula) as well as more ‘showy’ ray florets Moroccan endemic S. hesperidium than in the more wide-
(see above). In general, such broadly consistent patterns spread and abundant S. g. ssp. glaucus, which has large
of morphological divergence among unrelated taxa are and near continuous populations along the Mediterranean
viewed as indirect evidence for a non-random process in coast of Israel (Danin 2006; R.J. Abbott and H.P. Comes,
parallel, and hence divergent natural selection in generat- pers. obs.). Second, it is widely recognised that steep
ing adaptation to shared environments (e.g. Levin 2001; ecological gradients are particularly permissive of diver-
Schluter 2004; Ostevik et al. 2012). In our case, this gent selection (e.g. Barton 1999; Bridle and Vines 2006;
would imply adaptation to shared coastal environments, Evans et al. 2016). Such conditions are clearly borne out
although the possibility remains that both edaphic and in the Near East, where sharp ecological (e.g. edaphic,
climate conditions acted in concert driving local adapta- climatic) clines occur across short distances from
tion of ssp. glaucus to coastal-Mediterranean habitats in Mediterranean to semi-arid/desert ecosystems, and which
the Near East. coincide with the distributional margins of many organ-
We attempted to explore this issue by applying isms, including the two subspecies of S. glaucus (e.g.
Lande’s (1976) statistical test for the hypothesis of neutral Yom-Tov and Tchernov 1988; Kadmon and Danin 1997;
evolution to a subset of traits known to be heritable in Kark et al. 1999; Danin 2006).
Senecio (i.e. plant height, PH; capitulum width, CW; caly-
culus bract number, CN; and disc floret number, DN;
Table 6). For S. g. ssp. glaucus, our data are consistent Conclusions and future directions
with the above expectation, suggesting that effective popu- The present data suggest that S. glaucus ssp. coronopifolius
lation size (Ne), as calculated from the allozyme data, was gave rise to two coastal taxa with similar phenotypes at its
too large for genetic drift causing the observed change in range margins in Morocco (S. hesperidium) and Israel (S. g.
all four traits (Ne >> N*). For this case, therefore, it is ssp. glaucus), in addition to a phenotypically deviant but
feasible that divergent selection favoured larger coastal ecologically similar variant in Sicily, founded from Tunisia.
plants producing more disc florets in broader capitula Our estimates of divergence times from the allozyme data
(possibly also bearing more attractive ray florets). Along further suggest that these divergences occurred during the
this adaptive scenario, such trait changes would have con- last glacial/interglacial cycle(s). We therefore propose that
veyed a higher reproductive output and served concur- the pronounced morphological but weak genetic differentia-
rently in assortative mating by attracting different tion between these ancestral and descendant populations lar-
pollinators, hence leading to pollinator isolation from gely reflects recent divergence rather than high levels of
ancestral inland populations of ssp. coronopifolius (e.g. hybridisation/post-divergence gene flow. Finally, based on
Harder and Johnson 2009; Ostevik et al. 2012; Anderson our estimates of Ne and tests of neutral morphological change
et al. 2016). However, for S. hesperidium, effective popu- (Lande 1976), we hypothesise that ecological divergent selec-
lation size was found to be sufficiently small for drift to tion drove the origin of ssp. glaucus, possibly via changes in
account for the magnitude of change in three of the traits plant size and floral morphology (potentially underlying
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