University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden „Jevremovac“, Studentski trg 16,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr Josif Pančić”, Tadeuša Košćuška 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract - There is considerable interest in the use of essential oils as alternative methods to control micromycetes from cul-
tural heritage objects. We investigated the chemical composition and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Helichrysum
italicum. The main components of the oil were γ-curcumene (22.45%), α-pinene (15.91 %) and neryl acetate (7.85 %). H.
italicum essential oil showed moderate antifungal activity against fungi isolated from cultural heritage objects. The most
susceptible fungi to oil treatment were Epicoccum nigrum and Penicillium sp., while the most resistant was Trichoderma
viride. The H. italicum essential oil showed demelanizing activity against Aspergillus niger.
Key words: antifungal activity; demelanization; essential oils; Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don
The aim of this study was to estimate the anti- tor, attached to a HP-5 column (25 m × 0.32 mm,
fungal potential of H. italicum essential oil against 0.52-µm film thickness) and fitted to FID. Carrier
selected fungal species isolated from wooden and gas flow rate (H2) was 1 ml/min, split ratio 1:30,
stone cultural heritage objects. Literature reports injector temperature 250°C, detector temperature
regarding the antifungal properties of H. italicum 300°C, while the column temperature was linearly
essential oil are scarce. However, Angioni et al. programmed from 40-240°C (at the rate of 4°/min).
(2003) reported strong antifungal activity of H. The same analytical conditions were employed for
italicum essential oil against Globisporangium ulti- GC-MS analysis, where a HP G 1800C Series II
mum (Trow) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakish, Athelia rolf- GCD system, equipped with a HP-5MS column (30
sii (Curzi) C.C. Tu & Kimbr and moderate activity m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm film thickness) was used.
against Phytophthora capsici Leonian and Zymosep- The transfer line was heated to 260°C. The mass
toria tritici (Desm.) Quaedvl. & Crous. Mastelić spectra were acquired in EI mode (70 eV), in m/z
et al. (2005) reported that H. italicum essential oil range 40-400. Identification of individual EO com-
could inhibit growth of Candida albicans (C.P. Rob- ponents was accomplished by comparison of reten-
in) Berkhout. tion times with standard substances and by match-
ing mass spectral data with those held in the Wiley
MATERIALS AND METHODS 275 library of mass spectra. Confirmation was per-
formed using AMDIS software and literature (Ad-
Essential oil ams, 2007). Area percentages obtained by FID were
used as a base for the purpose of quantitative analy-
The essential oil used in this study was a commercial sis.
sample H. italicum (Herba d.o.o, Belgrade, Serbia)
analyzed by the Institute for Medicinal Plant Re- Micro-atmosphere method
search “Dr Josif Pančić”, Belgrade.
The following method allows study of the effect of
Tested fungi the volatile fractions of the EO. The test was per-
formed in sterile Petri plates (85 mm Ø) containing
The fungal isolates used in this research were As- 20 ml of MEA (Maruzzella and Sicurella, 1960). Af-
pergillus niger Tiegh (wood, w), Aspergillus ochraceus ter the inoculation of the tested fungi at the center
G. Wilh (w), Bipolaris spicifera (Bainier) Subram of the MEA, the Petri plates were overturned. Steri-
(stone, s), Epicoccum nigrum Link (s), Penicillium lized filter paper disc was placed in the center of the
Link sp. (w) and Trichoderma viride Pers (w). The Petri plate lid soaked with various amount of EO
molds were deposited with the Mycotheca of the De- in final concentrations of 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 μL
partment for Algology, Mycology and Lichenology, mL-1. The Petri plates were incubated at 28 ± 1˚C.
Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of The growth of the tested fungi was measured after
Belgrade. Isolates were maintained on malt extract 21 days and percent of inhibition was computed af-
agar (MEA), potato dextrose agar (PDA), stored at ter comparison with the control. Fungistatic effect
4˚C and subcultured once a month. was expressed in terms of mycelia growth inhibi-
tion (%) and calculated by the formula of Pandey
Gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass et al. (1982):
spectrometry (GC/MS)
Mycelial growth inhibition (%) = 100 (dc – dt)/dc
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the EOs
were performed using GC and GC-MS. The GC where dc = average diameter of fungal colony in con-
analysis of the oil was carried out on a GC HP-5890 trol and dt = average diameter of fungal colony in
II apparatus, equipped with a split-splitless injec- treatment.
Fig. 1. Morpho-physiological changes documented in Aspergillus niger colony grown in microatmosphere conditions with Helichrysum
italicum essential oil. a. Control; b. Albino colony grown at concentration of 100 μL mL-1.
Table 1. Continued
Table 2. Antifungal activity of Helichrysum italicum essential oil against selected fungi
Oil Mycelial growth inhibition (mean ± SE)*(%)
concentration A.n A.o B.s E.n P. T.v
(μL mL-1)
10 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 0 0 0 24.31±2.16 7.26±1.40 0
50 0 0 0 59.66±2.03 12.50±1.66 0
75 2.67±1.4 9.1±0.81 18.67±1.33 65.33±3.72 31.68±8.23 0
100 29±1.4 11.5±1.22 42.33±6.17 76.93±4.05 59.56±4.07 0
*mean of three replication (P < 0.05); A.n - Aspergillus niger; A.o - Aspergillus ochraceus; B.s - Bipolaris spicifera; E.n - Epicoccum nigrum;
P. – Penicillium sp. T.v - Trichoderma viride.
presence of α-pinene (15.91 %) and β-selinene (6.94 during anthesis and rich in β-selinene, α-pinene and
%), which places this oil in the chemotype group C1. γ-curcumene (chemotype C1) have strong antibacte-
The ability of H. italicum essential oil to inhibit myc- rial activity. The tested fungi showed different suscep-
elial growth of tested fungi was monitored using the tibility to oil treatment. T. viride appeared to be the
micro-atmosphere method that allows estimation of most resistant, while E. nigrum and Penicillium sp.
the growth inhibition of mycelia exposed to oil vapor were the most sensitive. The resistance of T. viride can
components. According to Angioni et al. (2003), the be explained by a variety of enzymes produced and
antimicrobial activity of H. italicum essential oils can secreted by mycelia that can detoxify oil components
be considered as moderate. Chinou et al. (1996) sug- into inactive forms (Farooq et al., 2002). Although
gested that the antimicrobial activity of H. italicum oil 100% of mycelia growth inhibition was not accom-
was due to its richness in nerol and ester components plished, even with the highest concentration of oil
(chemotype A). However, Roussis et al. (2000) point- used in the experiment (100 μL mL-1), the morpho-
ed out that the essential oil of H. italicum synthesized physiological variations documented in the A. niger
Angioni, A., Barra, A., Arlorio, M., Coisson, J.D., Russo, M.T.,
colonies suggested that the oil components interfered Pirisi, F.M., Satta, M. and P. Cabras (2003). Chemical
with fungal metabolism. It can be concluded that H. composition, plant genetic differences and antifungal ac-
italicum essential oil can prevent A. niger from com- tivity of Helichrysum italicum G. Don ssp. microphyllum
pleting its life cycle, which was demonstrated with (Willd) Nym. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 51, 1030-1034.
the depigmentation and scarce sporulation, leading Appendino, G., Ottino, M., Marquez, N., Bianchi, F., Giana, A.,
to the formation of albino colonies. Conidia of some Ballero, M., Sterner, O., Fiebich, B.L. and E. Munoz (2007).
Aspergillus and Penicillium species contain pigments Arzanol, an anti-inflammatory and anti-HIV-1 phloroglu-
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tein and a black insoluble pigment (Eismann and Ca- phyllum. J. Nat. Prod. 70, 608-612.
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components in melanin biosynthesis. Other essential Chinou, I.B., Roussis, V., Perdetzolou, D. and A. Loukis (1996).
oils can display demelanizing activity against differ- Chemical and biological studies on two Helichrysum spe-
ent fungi. Sharma and Tripathi (2008) reported the cies of Greek origin. Planta Med. 62, 339-377.
visible pigmentation loss of A. niger colonies grown
Chinou, I.B., Roussis, V., Perdetzolou, D., Tzakou, O. and A.
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tation when treated with Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit bly of fungal melanin. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 93,
essential oil (Pessoa Moreira et al., 2010). Although 931–940.
there are reports that B. spicifera poroconidia can
Farooq, A., Choudhary, M.I., Rahman, A. and S.Tahara (2002).
be demelanized when treated with Nepeta rtanjensis Detoxification of terpinolene by plant pathogenic fungus
Diklić & Milojević essential oil (Ljaljević Grbić et al., Botrytis cinerea. Z. Naturforsch. 57, 863-866.
2011), the tested essential oil of H. italicum did not
Laljević Grbić, M., Stupar, M., Vukojević, J. and D. Grubišić
display any such activity, suggesting different target (2011). In vitro antifungal and demelanizing activity of
mechanisms of these oils. However, melanin produc- Nepeta rtanjensis essential oil against human pathogen Bi-
tion by certain fungi contributes to the virulence of polaris spicifera. Arch. Biol. Sci. 63, 897-905.
human, animal and plant pathogenic fungi (Butler
Maruzella, J.C. and N.A. Sicurella (1960). Antibacterial activity
et al., 2001), and therefore the demelanization effect of essential oil vapors. JAPhA. 49, 692-694.
caused by interaction with essential oils, as antifungal
agents, is significant. Mastelić, J., Politeo, O. and I. Jerković (2008). Contribution to the
analysis of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum (Roth)
G. Don. − determination of ester bonded acids and phe-
Acknowledgments - This research was carried out as part of nols. Molecules. 13, 795-803.
the project No.173032, financially supported by the Ministry
Mastelić, J., Politeo, O., Jerković, I. and N. Radošević (2005). Com-
of Education, Science and Technological Development of the
position and antimicrobial activity of Helichrysum itali-
Republic of Serbia. cum essential oil and its terpene and terpenoid fractions.
Chem. Nat. Compd. 41, 35-40.
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