Ass 1
Ass 1
Ass 1
The only two companies with high R&D as a percentage of sales are F and J. Both are
comparable in multiple ways but the choice of F as the pharma company is driven by higher
intangibles for F (52%, patents etc.), a higher amount of debt (19% long term debt, 0.5 debt
equity) amongst others, also has higher percentage of gross profit that is 81.6%. Secondly, The
Company has higher numbers of receivable days that 81.2 whereas, on the other side, it has
lower inventory turnover ratio of 1.2.
A temporary agent is likely to have the lowest or near-zero amount of fixed assets and this holds
true for G. For a temporary agent, therefore, the asset is likely to be. s (accounts receivable ~
30.4%) and is a fixed asset 11%, Agency must have a high amount of credit mainly the current
and the number of G is 22,23) high fixed asset turnover. The main reason is that it has larger
number of customers on credit. It has high numbers of receivable days that is 137.2 whereas, 4.3
lower inventory turnover ratio.