Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the various literature and studies. These were collected
articles mostly from the internet and some had been gathered from read sources. All had
provided the researchers with ideas and principles that were helpful in the development
of study.
The researchers also made use of different reading materials related to the present
research study. These materials such as books, journals, magazines, thesis and other web
articles were essential in broadening the knowledge of the researchers. These would also
a guide to the researchers to achieve the target objectives by getting ideas on other related
Ethical behaviours of employees are a good start to initiate and maintaining good
rapport with customers. According to Roman and Ruiz (2015), ethical sales behaviour in
a sales relationship setting refers to the behaviour of the salesperson towards the
customers. Similarly, ethical behaviour is further explained as the fair and honest actions
of the employees that ultimate facilitate a long term relationship between employees and
customers that is grounded on loyalty and trust. As employees of the service industry
especially those dealing with sales has the most interaction with customers, their actions
and behaviour has weighty effect on the general opinion of the public towards the
On the other hand, customers who experienced good service and were
satisfied with what the business offered will have higher chance of purchasing again in
the business. Due to this kind of situation, we will ensure that the customers will be
satisfied with our offers. According to Olson and Bokor (2015), the performance of an
enterprise is determined by the business strategy it adopts. Strategies which result in high
performance are identified with activities that generally lead to success in the industry;
that is key success factors. Researchers have identified such initiatives to include
operating technologies, and discovery of new markets Activities associated with high
performing strategies also include emphasis on customer service and support, extensive
advertising, and use of external finance because high performing strategies involve
By being ethical in the eyes of the customers, there stand a better chance for
customers coming back to the store or outlet. Inarguably, there are a stronger pressure for
employees in fast food restaurants especially those on the front line taking orders as they
are the sales representatives of the store or outlet. As sales representatives, they have to
meet monthly sales target and thus may resort to unethical behaviour such as pushing for
sales and providing false information about the product to meet the target (Alburaibee,
an interpersonal relationship towards their customers. More so, Boles et al. (2011)
advocated that service organizations with very positive attitude towards service oriented
employee behavior continuously strive for culture with highest priority to customers
According to Gatignon and Xuered (2017), employee behavior in service
evaluating, understanding and responding to customer needs boom the business and get
the attention of the customers to patronage their services base on the behaviour of their
encounters was conducted by Bulgarella (2015) who reviewed the relationship between
financial success and customer and employee variables (eg customer satisfaction,
employee satisfaction, etc) and found that, depending on market segment and industry,
between 40 and 80 per cent of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was accounted
for by the relationship between employee attitudes and customer related variables.
Being in a restaurant with good ambiance, reasonable price, and good quality
of food will be more likely to attract more customers. Different reactions from
the customers are inevitable that’s why negative feedback from the customers
may occur. If this happens, our business ill immediately perform an action by fixing
what they want to be fixed and by giving them freebies. This situation may
result in positive responses for our business and may increase our sales over time. The
Franchises in Nairobi City County Kenya to Enhance Performance”. The study tries to
find out the strategic management practices being used by fast-food franchises in Nairobi
to enhance performance. This results from the gap which existed on whether the fast food
franchises apply different strategies at the same time or only one strategy at a time to
survive in new markets, grow and make profits. The study concludes that the most
common strategy formulation practices were articulation of a vision and mission
statement. Majority of the franchises had an extremely high capacity to implement the set
strategy evaluation by Board of Directors and management staff was high. This shows
that the franchises are committed to applying strategic management practices to steer
during service interactions in the hotel industry when he indicated that a major focus in
any hotel should be the personal linkage between the service provider and the customer.
He stated that more attention should be given to the service providers on the front-line
(desk clerks, waiters, door and bell men, maids and stewards) interacting with the
customer. The study established that the management needs to have a positive rethink
towards the use of strategic management and have the right resources as the success of a
business or strategy depends primarily on the value judgment, energy and skill of its top
managers 44 and the strategic implementation within the context and parameter of the
uncertainty and ambiguity of the environment subjected to volatility. Wanja (2015) added
that the study further established that strategic training is recommended to top
management and all employees in the fast food franchises in order to enhance their
comprehensive study and adoption of strategic management in all and every aspect and
model for quantifying the magnitude of the gap between what consumers expect and their
views of employees behavior. The SERVQUAL approach categorizes service quality into
service's quality based on its outward appearance. The term "tangibles" refers to the
actual facilities, tools, and machines needed to supply the service, as well as
representations of the service, such as statements, cards (debit and credit), transaction
speed, and efficiency. According to Parasuraman et al. (1988), tangibles are just as
important as empathy. The authors claimed that it is prudent to include operating hours in
the empathy component; further, the reliability dimension might incorporate overdraft
privileges (Agbor, 2011). Sharmin et al. (2016) classify tangibles as a unique element,
demonstrating cultural consistency. Many authors agreed that services are intangible and
they are hard to conceptualize. It is pivotal to agree, services are overall experiences
establishment that consumers to feel the experience about the provided services of their
that is directly related. According to Moon (2013), tangible is a concern and attention
given by the organization to consumers. If the tangible aspect given by the company is
satisfactory, we can be sure that reliability will be formed when dealing with consumers.
Good reliability is the ability of the organization to provide services that are in
accordance with what is promised by using physical facilities owned by the organization
Martini et al. (2018). The ability of an organization to provide physical facilities that can
support organizational goals can create the ability of employees when performing
The tangibles represent the restaurant’s physical attributes, which are usually
noticed first by customers when they enter the restaurant. Yüksel & Yüksel (2012)
examined tourist satisfaction with restaurant services and their study revealed that
(2017) investigating restaurant services in the Chinese context reveals that interaction
with staff and the physical environment are the more important than the outcome quality
in predicting service quality for restaurant customers. Similarly, Ryu & Jang (2017)
restaurants. Their findings revealed that ambience (e.g. music, aroma and temperature)
and employee appearance had the most important influence on customers’ emotional
investigation, Han & Ryu (2019) findings suggest that a restaurant firm should carefully
the price. The authors further indicated that creative use of physical design in a restaurant
environment. According to Bitner the service scape consists of three tangible factors that
repatronage behaviors. The service scape factors include ambient conditions (e.g.,
furnishings and their relationship to customer and employee needs), and signs, symbols
and artifacts (e.g., signage and de´cor which facilitates a desired image or mood), The
service scape takes on greater importance for patrons who spend extended time in the
facility (e.g., restaurants, theatres, sporting events) as opposed to services that have a
quick transaction (e.g., bank, dry cleaners). Their findings indicated that the tangible
factor (service scape) was more important to bank and restaurant customers than the four
intangible factors in determining quality. Further, the tangible factor was found to
influence the intangible constructs of service quality. This research contradicts the work
of Parasuraman et al. (1988) who found that the intangible factors were significantly
more important than the tangible factor. In addition, Reimer and Kuehn (2005) have
revealed the critical influence and larger role that the tangible environment plays in the
assets (Narangajavana & Hu, 2018). Some studies argued what restaurants aim to deliver
might be differing from what consumers receive as in result (Lee & Hing 2015). This
makes a very valid point, the different types of consumers’ desire differently thus
sometimes tapsilogan restaurant fail to deliver its intended value to consumers and result
cleanness of the rooms, restaurants and other areas, the clean and proper uniform, used by
the employees, usage of disposable gloves and etc (Abdulla et al. 2017). Tangibles,
amongst all other five dimensions, think over the most significant element for the
especially new clients, will use to assess the quality. In spite of the fact that tangibles are
frequently utilized by service providers to reinforce their reputation, give congruity, and
sign quality to client, most organizations unite together tangibles with other in order to
establish a service quality technique for the company (Anwar & Balcioglu, 2016).
Numerous fast food restaurants are nowpaying attention on studying, assessing and
implementing the marketing strategies with the aim of gaining maximum market share of
customers and improving customer retention to improve the monetary performance for
are global matters that influence all organizations (Lasser& Winsor, 2010).
Johnston (2015) argues that the intangible aspects of the staff client relationship
have a significant effect, both positive and negative, on quality service. Bebko (2010)
proposes that the significance of tangible components is lowest for services with the
lowest share of tangibility, and highest for services with the highest share tangibility.
Shostack (2012) proposed a molecular model, among others, for hotel companies as well.
Service quality in hotel business has both a tangible and intangible basis, so that the
tapsilogan product is a mixture of elements not necessarily of the same type (Jones,
Lockwood, 2014). The molecular model can be changed successfully in the case of a
hotel product, given that it comprises a range of separate, but mutually linked elements,
such hotel and room design, food and drink supply, employees’ service, the overall
execute a service accurately the first time. Additionally, it demonstrates that firms make
an effort to keep promises and pay attention to results. The SERVQUAL service quality
model's first dimension is reliability. According to Lam (2012), reliability is the most
important dimension of the service quality model. Armstrong mentioned that reliability is
the ability to perform the service in a way that it was guaranteed to consumers accurately
and dependably (Kotler and Armstrong, 2012). This can be illustrated that the service
provider delivers the promised quality service to a consumer without making any mistake
in the first place to delight the customer. This dimension emphasizes service delivery,
price, and issue resolutions (To, 2018). Parasuraman et al. (1988) revealed that reliability
was the most important and empathy the least important dimension across wide array of
service types. The importance of reliability dimension stated in different study contexts
Zeithaml and Klefsjö (2016). However, Chowdhary and Prakash (2017) concluded that
tangibles are more important for services with more tangible aspects (e.g. restaurants),
while reliability might be valued more with intangible nature of services. Further,
services targeted at the close communication with the customer require more assurance
The restaurant service quality is difficult to evaluate, because the assessments are
made on both the service outcome and on the process of service delivery. Previous
researches suggested that food quality, physical environment and service are the major
components of overall restaurant service quality (Chan and Han 2010). Among these
attributes, food quality is the most important dimension of the restaurant experience
(Sulek and Hensley 2014). Although there is no consensus on the individual attributes
that constitute food quality, the researchers focus on presentation, healthy options, taste,
freshness and temperature (Namkung and Jang 2018). Similarly, Wu and Liang (2019)
stated that service encounter in restaurant settings consists of three main elements:
environmental elements (e.g. design, music, lighting), employees (e.g. professional skills,
reliability) and customers (e.g. interaction with other customers). Robert & Wowor
(2011); Uyoga (2018) states that reliability has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
This means that the ability to provide promised services promptly, accurately, and
satisfactorily can affect customer satisfaction. Yousuf (2017) said that the reliability
aspect of service quality has an influence on customer satisfaction. The same thing was
stated by Famiyeh et al. (2018) that reliability is the company's ability to provide services
in accordance with what is promised accurately and reliably. The relationship between
reliability and customer satisfaction is reliability that has a positive influence on customer
somewhat different results. Andaleeb and Conway (2006) reported a four-factor solution,
interpreted as responsiveness, food quality, physical design and price. Kim et al. (2019)
identified five factors, labeled as food quality, service quality, price and value,
atmosphere and convenience. Marković et al. (2010) revealed seven dimensions for
expected service quality (cleanliness and appearance of facilities and staff, assurance,
reliability) and two dimensions for perceived service quality (overall dining experience
and restaurant ambience). According to Gupta et al. (2017), the link between customer
Hence studies investigating these links have been numerous and the literature
restaurant attributes and repeat-purchase intentions (Stevens et al., Cheng, 2015). Other
studies have established the relationships between service quality, customer satisfaction
and behavioral intentions, namely intention to return and to recommend. Qu (2017) found
that food quality in Chinese restaurants was the most important determinants of
which ranked second, third, fourth and fifth, respectively. Namkung & Jang (2018) also
intentions in mid-to upscale restaurants. Their study showed that overall food quality
significantly affected customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions and also revealed
that the relationship between food quality and customer behavioral intentions was
satisfaction and post-dining behavioral intentions, and concluded that perceived service
quality influenced customer satisfaction through both positive and negative emotions.
promises – promises about service provision, pricing, delivery and problem solving
providers to provide prompt service and help customers. This dimension emphasizes
attentiveness and promptness in dealing with customer questions, requests, problems and
length of time they have to wait for assistance, answers to questions, or attention to
problems. That is to say that service quality may be enhanced through responsiveness if,
for example, patrons are timely assisted with the wine list and menu, or if staff responds
appropriately to a customer’s request for prompt service (Zeithaml & Bitner, 2013).
In a way, the service provider should keep his promise to consumers especially in
the quality of water, price, services he offered. Reliability is an especially crucial quality
to achieve particularly in the restaurant industry (Wu and Mohi, 2015). This implies
restaurant. Many scholars showed that it’s an important component of the service
However, consumers are sensitive when it comes to service they are most likely to revisit
to a tapsilogan restaurants that keeps its promise if it’s not consumers can easily annoyed.
Saraei and Amini (2012) showed a correlation among the items in the
questionnaire indicated the reliability of the questionnaire. Saraei and Amini found that
the total quality service in the same questionnaire was valid and reliable. The findings
indicated that all items on the SERVQUAL model of the previous research results were
significant with a 99% confidence level (Lopez-Alarcon, 2003). Boyle, Samaha,
Rodewald, and Hoffmann (2013) stated that reliability tests the internal consistency of an
instrument, test-retest coefficient of the instrument, and the validity test the accuracy of
the data. A Cronbach’s alpha test identified the reliability of an instrument (Boyle et al.,
2013). Previously, testing of the survey was essential to determine whether a gap existed
More so, Lopez-Alarcon (2016) previously tested the reliability of this survey and
recruited 230 customers to participate in the process, which reportedly received 230
banks in Boca Raton, FL as it related to the SERVQUAL model. The results for customer
service and the banking industry satisfaction showed a 99% confidence level, showing a
al.’s (2014) guideline of coefficients ranging between .70 – .89 showing a strong
entails informing clients of when tasks will be completed, giving them undivided
attention, promoting services, and reacting to their demands. SERVQUAL 1994 placed
consumers without hesitation and willingness to help them within a short amount of time
(Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, Karki, and Panthi, 2018). It’s necessary for
businesses to focus and vigilant in handling consumer orders, questions, and issues (Lee
and Johnson, 2017; Zeithaml & Bitner). This can be drawn that delivering prompt service
to consumers and facilitating consumers with anything they requested play important in a
tapsilogan restaurant to satisfy consumers with full service. Munusamy et al. (2010) state
that responsiveness is the desire of employees or staff to help customers and provide
good service and responses. The motivation of employees to solve problems faced by
customers when using the services has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Saad
Andaleeb & Conway (2006) states that responsiveness has a positive effect on consumer
satisfaction. This means that the higher the responsiveness that consists of the willingness
(Mahamad & Ramayah, 2010). Siddiqi (2011) said that the responsiveness aspect of
to help and provide fast and appropriate services to consumers with clear delivery.
Reliability is the ability to provide promised services that are reliable, accurate, and
reliable (Lau et al., 2013). Good responsiveness indicates that the reliability aspects of the
for instance; consumers are aided with the menu and wine, or if employee replies
properly to a consumer’s order for quick service (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003; Carrillat,
Jaramillo, and Mulki, 2007; Omar, Ariffin, and Ahmad, 2016). Some said it is imperative
to service providers can respond to consumers effectively (Tcvetkova, 2017). The service
responsiveness can be enhanced by the repetitive point of the process of the delivery and
staff attitude directs orders of consumers (Ramya, Kowsalya, and Dharanipriya, 2019).
However, consumers are likely to complain if they do not get what they request in time
especially in the tapsilogan industry, among high competition consumers are changeable
According to Armando (2015) , successful service providers are able to meet and,
whenever possible, exceed consumers ’needs and wants in delivering services, due to
perishability) and to the human element, in particular the ‘ face-to-face ’interaction with
the customer. In addition, Kong and Jogaratnam (2017) confirmed the fact that employee
service encounters was conducted by Bulgarella (2015) who reviewed the relationship
between financial success and customer and employee variables (eg customer
satisfaction, employee satisfaction, etc) and found that, depending on market segment and
industry, between 40 and 80 per cent of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was
accounted for by the relationship between employee attitudes and customer related
Recent research also studied the relationship between employees and customers
during service encounters. Subramony et al. (2014) found a positive relationship between
shaped by factors linked to the psychological interaction established during the exchange
Paull (2018) conducted a study in the airline industry and found that employees and
customers did not share the same point of view when it came to defining a successful
interaction, as 92 per cent of employees stated that they were exceeding customer
well as their capability to instil confidence and trust in clients (Parasuraman et al., 1994).
The scholars' perspectives on the importance of assurance in terms of service quality are
diverse. Gronroos (2018) ranked assurance first, while Parasuraman et al. (1994) placed it
fourth. Assurance entails informing and listening to clients in their local language,
(1994), assurance refers to the employees' attitudes and behavior, as well as the staff's
Assurance may be ensured if, for example, patrons are able to trust the
recommendations made by the waiter, feel confident that the food is free from
contamination and voice any concern without fear of insult or recrimination. Empathy is
the caring and individualized attention an establishment provides to its customers like
personalized service, that customers are special and unique (Zeithaml & Bitner, 2013).
Customers want to feel important and understood by the organizations that provide
services to them. Employees in restaurants may show empathy to customers by greeting
them by name, knowing their dietary requirements / preferences, and being understanding
ensure belief and confidence in their patrons (Carrillat, Jaramillo, and Mulki, 2017;
Ramya, Kowsalya, and Dharanipriya, 2019). It’s pivotal for employees to behave
wellmannered, proficient, knowledge about the food, being friendly and helpful give
consumers feel the sense of belonging and safe about the tapsilogan restaurant. Another
during service interactions in the hotel industry when he indicated that a major focus in
any hotel should be the personal linkage between the service provider and the customer.
He stated that more attention should be given to the service providers on the front-line
(desk clerks, waiters, door and bell men, maids and stewards) interacting with the
customer. Assurance ability of the employee to make customers feeling confidence in the
organization, when the patrons feel the service needs to improve this dimension will be
very important (Omar, 2016). Assurance shows in the restaurant as a very knowledgeable
and friendly staff and feel secure in financial transactions from customers (Aftab et al,
2016). Assurance is also defined as the knowledge and courtesy of the employees and
their ability to express the confidence and trust the company offers to its customers.
In addition, Arnette et al. (2012) mentioned that in the hotel sector, because most
hotels rely on their employees to deliver superior service, tapsilogan employees can be a
source of competitive advantage. They further stated that service quality, customer
satisfaction and loyalty are influenced considerably by the beliefs and actions of hotel
employees, and that by providing outstanding service, hotel employees can enhance the
image of the hotel and the level of perceived and actual service quality. Furthermore in a
similar point of view, Mattsson and Lemmink (2014) examined the notion that, as a
customer, everyone has experienced positive and negative emotions during service
delivery. They found that low-skilled contact staff may not be able to cope with
emotional situations when the entire image of the service firm is at stake. Because
emotions are intangible, difficult to control and instantaneous, they have both short-term
Customers must believe that the entity delivering services prioritizes them.
Empathy entails showing concern, paying close attention to individuals, and giving
the sense that the customer is unique and special. According to Parasuraman et al. (1994),
quantitative research that have defined service quality model aspects have measured
Empathy is the way employees treat consumers with full attention and care for
special (Zeithaml & Pandit, 2016). Explain in a way, employees serving to consumers
decently by full attention to make them feel delightful and warmth whether in restaurants
or any service industries. Armstrong concluded that empathy is when a business offered
to its employees to interact with personalized attention and care to its valued consumers
(Kotler and Armstrong, 2012). The key implications are drawn from this in restaurants,
consumers like to be treated as they are important and understood by the employees or
service providers to them. Some studies mentioned staffs in the restaurant industry may
being understood towards their issues (Zeitham & Qadeer, 2016). For example, when
thinking about empathy in tapsilogan restaurant that come in mind are convenient dining
offering a glass of wine or drink, selective music and convenient operating hours, etc.
Researchers dictated this dimension helps to add positive affect in the consumers’
feelings as they will accept that business has achieved their response during decision
making. This recognition from consumers helps business to conquer a better rank in
market competition. (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry, 1990; Budhathoki, 2018). Thus,
it showed it is pivotal that the service providers should put an effort to know and
remember the preferences, needs and wants of consumers. Empathy is the personalized
caring and which providing by organization to its customers, the essence of the empathy
respond in suitable way that simulates customers' emotions any time (Shaffer, 2008).
Empathy is defined by the extent to which customer care and individual considerations
caring, attention as well as understanding that the organization grants for its clients
experiences either goods or service (Cronin & Taylor, 2012). While other researchers
Gronroos model was considered general model, it never provided any technical
tool to measure the functional and technical quality (Baharun et al., 2012). Gronroos
determined three main components of service quality which are: technical quality or
outcomes which means what clients receive, functional quality that related with the way
of receiving service by customers, and image which is built by functional and technical
quality and some factors influence like (marketing communication, mouth word,
The Customer gratification is for the most part associated with service feature in
the tapsilogan business. The customer gratification was one of the most important factors
for a successful business. Building a long-term partnership between the customer and the
food establishment guarantees not only the customer loyalty to the tapsilogan busineses
but also indicated the quality of services and products. Customer gratifications leaded to a
lot of effects and it was known to be an indicator of a business future income and profit
(Forozia, Zadeh, & Gilani, 2013). Furthermore, customer gratification has become the
determinant and predictable aspects of success, therefore, the business was not able to
compete with their competitor without the satisfaction of customers (Forozia et al. 2013).
According to Susskind and Chan (2000), three components contribute to overall customer
gratification with the restaurant: good food, good service and a pleasant setting. Kalra
(2001) explains that dinning out has become an integral part of customers’ lifestyle, thus
experienced customers have raised their expectations with regard to quality, good service,
well-cooked food and no dirty interiors, while seeking a better value for their money.
profitability and maintaining the position of the organization. Reichheld and Sasser
(2010) report a strong relationship between customer defection rate and increased profits.
According to their research, reducing the defection rate by just 5% generates between 25
and 85% more profits for the organization depending on the pertinent industry (Reichheld
et al., 2020). Most investigations suggest that organizations should keep hold of their
women outside the home and extensive changes in lifestyle, the use of restaurant food
and fast food is growing in the Iranian restaurant industry, and this can provide a very
good market for this industry. On the other hand, competition is also increasing in the
Avachi, Pedar-e Khub, etc., and their dedication to opening new branches is an indication
of this issue. With increasing competition between restaurants, attracting new customers
can no longer guarantee profits and success, but retaining existing customers is of more
to choose from. Thereby, they can select their favorite option from several alternatives.
restaurant industry have revealed certain important attributes, such as low price, food
quality (food taste and nutrition properties), value for money, service, location, brand
name, and image (Pettijohn et al., & Howard, 2018). Sulek & Hensley (2014)
investigated the relative importance of food, physical setting, and service in a full-service
restaurant and food quality was found to be the most important factor influencing
satisfaction and the only factor predicting behavioral intention. Namkung & Jang (2017)
evaluated the relationships of individual attributes that constitute food quality (e.g. food
presentation, menu variety, healthy options, taste, food freshness and temperature) with
customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The findings revealed that food
whereas food presentation, taste and healthy options (instead of temperature) were
service feature (or the product or service itself) provides a pleasurable level of
evaluation by customers that the food or service they have received is at least as good as
it is supposed to be. Customer satisfaction is critically significant as it reflects subjective
experience (Cronin & Taylor, 1992). As for customer’s outcome behaviors, loyalty can
recommend, which were taken from Mattila (2001) and Evanschitzky et al. (2006).
Andaleeb and Conway’s (2006) study showed that customer satisfaction is significantly
affected by the responsiveness of the employees, price and food quality. Kim et al. (2009)
researched that five extracted restaurant dimension (food quality, service quality, price
and value, atmosphere and convenience) had a significant effect on overall customer
satisfaction. The research of of Liu and Jang (2009) indicated that food quality (taste,
cleanliness, interior design, and neat and well-dressed employees significantly influenced
customer gratification.
Josiam (2014) conducted a study on student run restaurants in USA found that
there were six restaurant attributes that generate repeat customers which are food quality,
cleanliness. They believe that the restaurant that focuses on these attributes can raise the
level of customer loyalty and retention. In spite of the fact that there is no guarantee that
satisfied customers will revisit the restaurant, yet experience proved that 90 per cent of
the dissatisfied customers will not revisit the restaurant (Stevens et al., 2015). Chou, Wu,
and Huang (2014) suggest that service quality is perceived as the most important factor
and managers of restaurants should further understand customer behavior to improve
consequences of perceived value. When customers perceive high levels of value from
who have previous experiences that they perceive as highly valuable in terms of efficient
and economical aspects will be more likely to have revisit intentions (Swinyard, 2013). In
communication. This is because they seek information and during the information-
seeking process, customers often see word-of-mouth information as more reliable as the
Chin and Tsai (2013) attempted to establish a service quality evaluation model for
luxurious restaurants in international hotel chains. They argued that reliability is the chief
and cleaning the environment and facilities regularly and delivering guaranteed and
timely service. In another study, Vanniarajan and Meharajan (2012) identified important
Dineserv factors in the restaurant industry and measuring the impact of various Dineserv
variables in each factor on the overall service quality in the restaurant industry. They
concluded that confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the existence of six Dineserv
food quality, price fairness, and tangibles. Moreover, further analyses showed that food
quality had the strongest influence on the overall service quality. The authors of this
paper have employed a similar version of Dineserv measure for dining quality developed
by Stevens et al. (1995) , although Vanniarajan and Meharajan (2012) have made
reference to the same article, yet the effort of Stevens and his colleagues was not well
stated in this paper. The authors of this article went further by giving the same title of
Polyorat and Sophonsiri (2010) have reached similar conclusions when they
examined how each dimension of service quality may exhibit different effects on
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the chain restaurant context. They surveyed
395 Thai undergraduate students and found that the service quality dimensions of
tangibles and empathy have significant influences on customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty while the other three dimensions, namely reliabilities, responsiveness, and
study examined the influence of the service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction
and behavioral intentions within the restaurant context in an island economy, Mauritius.
Factor analysis was performed to determine dimensions that are likely to influence
support the links between service quality dimensions, satisfaction and behavioral
intentions respectively.
Tripathi and Dave (2014) tried to explore the underlying key dimensions of
service quality in restaurants. The study was conducted in New Delhi and its adjoining
cities wherein the restaurant customers were surveyed using a structured questionnaire.
He used factor analysis to find out the underlying dimensions of service quality. The
that the Indian market was contextually different in contrast to various other countries
where such research studies have been conducted. He believed that his study provides
departure from previous studies and presents greater insight into the service quality
Cheng (2015). For instance, food quality is the critical attribute influencing
restaurants. Most studies that show strong links between customer satisfaction and repeat-
researchers argue that one should take into account the dynamic properties of such links
Previous research by Swan & Oliver (2019), has suggested that word-of-mouth is
more customers value the affective aspects of a dining experience, the more likely they
recommend is also a positive behavioral intention derived from the perceived value of
consumption experiences (Bowen & Ladhari et al., 2018). It is also found that customers
who perceive their experiences in terms of value, either hardness or utilitarian, tend to
setting, when customers perceive the value of the dining experience highly in terms of
cognitive aspects and affective, they are more likely to recommend the restaurant to
experience; and customer gratification is achieved when the final deliverable (i.e.,
experience) meets or exceeds a customer's expectation. Gratification and loyalty are the
key elements that determine the success of market concept implementation (Khristianto
et al., 2012). Satisfied customers are most likely to have the intention to repurchase if the
service provider reached or exceeded their expectation (Alam & Yasin, 2010).
of the business performance, and it also serves as guidelines for future improvement
(Alam & Yasin, 2010). Guo et al. (2012) have identified eight determinants of customers'
gratification, which are website design, security, information quality, payment method,
On the other hand, Mustafa (2011) presents user interface quality, information
quality, perceived quality and perceived privacy for his framework. For the purpose of this
study, the effects of website design, security, e-‐-service quality and information quality on
(2010) the feeling of pleasure and expectation fulfillment is known as Satisfaction. If the
product will not satisfied customer feelings they will be dissatisfied, and if product
satisfied them after the use customer will be satisfied and become loyal to that product or
brand. In other words customer satisfaction is goods or services which fulfill the
customer expectation in terms of quality and service for which he paid. If Customer
satisfaction develops they will become loyal to that product or brand and their loyalty
will be good for the company in sense as a Profit. Customer satisfaction is the part of
marketing and play important role in the market. In any organization satisfaction of
customer is more important, because if your customer is satisfied with your services or
products, your position will be good in the market. Oliver (2018) describe in his study
that customer satisfaction is the part of marketing and play important role in the market.
is satisfied with your services or products, your position will be good in the market. In
old times customer satisfaction was not too much important and people were not focused
on quality. But now a day’s competition is taught and customer is aware of all the
products and companies due to education and learning environment and this is the reason
that every business is concern to fulfill properly customers need and wants.
products and services, there is a distinction. This distinction between tangible and
intangible goods becomes coz different factors of customer satisfaction, and that is why
they should be treated separate and distinct Churcill (2012) customer gratification has
Huang (2011) gratification is different form of activities for attracting and getting
attention of customer to purchase the product or service through personal selling, public
product or service helps in the best way to builds relationship with customers, because
everyone is looking for the best suitable deal for them. Takeuchi (2012) quality is
standard of something which consumer measure against the other different things; quality
can be measured by giving grade, merit, attributes etc to the products or services.
Consumer can not differentiate between the quality and its requirements. Service quality
is evaluated when the out customer compare his/her perception and expectation of service
delivery Gronroos (2014). By recognized the need of measures of service quality many
researchers most often use service quality to measure customer satisfaction Zeithaml
(1985). For evaluating and estimating various dimensions of service quality is the
Moreover, Schwager (2007) describe in his study that in the new millennium
providing customers a unique experience is the major key to capture the market and
branding is one of the factors which has been identified repeatedly customer choice in the
selected product. Branding has impact on purchase decision of consumers. The more a
brand is succeeded in their earlier period the more value for its brand can be generated.
Kurniawan (2010) company formal introduction today is branding. Brand is a set of
dimensions some way to differentiate it from other products Boukili (2018). Brand helps
the customer the product and how he describes the company to others, opportunities can
sign, symbol or combination of them to identify and to differentiate the goods and
affect of atmosphere. Physical surroundings are helpful to create image in the mind of
customer and to influence their behavior. Physical atmosphere of the restaurants have the
significant impacts on the customers satisfaction. Lightning, furnishing, sent, music and
Skindaras (2019) there are millions of products in this world having different prices.
Pricing a product is difficult thing to do. Prices are set according to the value of the
product. Price from marketing mix Han (2009) state that one of the most flexible element
that changed quickly. In the literature of Khan (2011) marketing the most important
factor indicated for customer satisfaction is price, because most of the customers estimate
the value of the product or obtained service through price. Lim (2010) for the customer it
is not necessary that a better quality can be a better taste, if customer like the taste of food
he/she will be willing to pay for the it. Based on previous researches, in customer
satisfaction and taste, there is a significant correlation found between them. Researchers
found that Good taste of food has positive influence on customer’s satisfaction and it also
increase the customer’s retention rate which is also depends upon customer’s satisfaction.
Therefore, restaurants focus is on taste of the food and services that has influence on
customer’s satisfaction.
criteria customers use for restaurant selection in order to be able to affect customers’
selection decisions. According to Kotler et al. (2011), customers seek “a set of benefits”
with various capabilities for satisfying their needs. Many marketers consider product
packages for restaurants in which food and beverages are only a small part of the
package. If customers also view restaurant services as a package, they will consider
multiple criteria for choosing restaurants (Sloan, 2014). For the tapsilogan businesses, it
plentiful profits for the restaurant. So far, various investigations have been conducted
In question (the issue of loyalty) (Hyun, 2010). For example, in the automotive
industry where 85 to 95% of customers had expressed their satisfaction, only 30 to 40%
actually repurchased the same brand or make of the car (Oliver, 2019). Thus, customer
the position of the organization. Reichheld and Sasser (2010) report a strong relationship
between customer defection rate and increased profits. According to their research,
reducing the defection rate by just 5% generates between 25 and 85% more profits for the
investigations suggest that organizations should keep hold of their loyal customers as a
competitive asset. Nowadays, due to increased employment of women outside the home
and extensive changes in lifestyle, the use of restaurant food and fast food is growing in
the Iranian restaurant industry, and this can provide a very industry. Table 1 shows some
of the research works on this topic and the factors investigated in those studies.
Accessibility is one of the elements for the industry in planning their strategy to
penetrate the market. A tapsilogan’s location is as crucial to its success as great food and
service offered by them. It will influence many parts of the tapsilogan including the
opportunity or right to access the services. In his study, accessibility includes ample
washrooms, the restaurant entrance and reachable Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi). With this
comfortable accessibility which provided by the tapsilogan operator, it will attract the
customers to choose their tapsilogan restaurant for them to dine in as well as to enjoy
eating the varieties of the menu being offered. Tapsilogan in particular are often places
where people meet to socialize, yet many restaurants are not accessible to all individuals.
A 2010 Survey found that only 48% of people with disabilities dined out more than 2
Accessibility for all is recognized as a basic necessity and all over the world
attempts to ensure including to reach, to enter, to move around, to use (Masood and
barrier-free environment is a space designed to be free of obstacles. That allows free and
safe movement, function and access for all, regardless of age, sex or conditions, a space
or a set of services that can be accessed by all, without obstacles, with dignity and with as
much independence as possible (Ferneeuw, 2015). Malik (2012) measured the gap
between the service expectation and service perception of customers in relation to the
telecommunications) and checked the impact on their satisfaction. His findings confirmed
that service quality has a positive influence on customer satisfaction. Ahmed et al. (2010)
found a significant and positive relationship between four dimensions of service quality
study, empathy showed a significant but negative relationship with customer satisfaction.
service is easily accessible by telephone, the waiting time to receive the service is not
extensive, there are convenient hours of operation, and the service facility is in a
convenient location. Access means the ease and convenience with which customers can
use the services that banks offer. Approachability and ease of contact are the two most
schools, shops, health services and recreation areas. Merchants pay more attention to
Accessibility indicators include time, distance and transportation costs (Tamin, Ofyar Z.,
2010). Ahmed et al.'s (2010) research revealed a significant and positive relationship
assurance) and customer repurchase intention. Ali et al. (2010) concurrently indicated
that better service quality has a significant impact on consumer satisfaction. Omotayo and
Joachim (2008) examined the construct of customer intention by investigating the chain
of events in retention from the customer satisfaction and customer service perspectives.
Their findings revealed that the higher the level of service quality, the higher the levels of
customer retention. Ahmad et al.'s (2010) study investigated the impact of service quality
delivered by cellular companies on customer retention and found that service quality has
The ease accessibility to mall can create customer gratification because it can
reduce transportation costs and time. Research of Ernawati and Laksono (2008) show that
health centre’s accessibility and equity services create fairly high level of satisfaction,
exceeding the expected level of satisfaction in JPKMB by 70%. The findings were
for the development of businesses strength that lies in human resources (Woś A., 2016).
It is mainly employees that have impact on an enterprise and its image. It strengthens the
rapports between individuals in the organisation, gains the loyalty from employees, and
improves their engagement and productivity. However, most enterprises only focus their
relationships with their customers and suppliers) and underestimate the importance of the
organisation’s internal communication (Roehler 2017). Studies show that 70% of crisis
situations at enterprises of the food industry are caused by employees’ actions. Thus, it is
concluded that creation of an enterprise’s image should begin from inside. Care about
good communication with employees will reduce the risk of crisis situations and will
are being exchanged so that two or more people can reach the same knowledge and
departments of the organisation can function as a solidary unit even if the organisation is
obtained due to the existence of barriers. Appearing during the communication process,
barriers prevent the message from being transmitted, or distort meanings of the message,
causing the misunderstandings. The barriers are results of local effects (the environment
where communication happens) or from personal effects of the sender and receiver.
Working under very hot or cold conditions, the staff may feel tired and distracted,
which results in barriers in their communications at work. Besides, lack of time is another
barrier. The sender is unable to arrange the message thoroughly according to his intention
with time deficiency. In addition, the receiver’s ability of decoding the message is limited
(Guo & Sanchez 2015, 87). As Bovée and Thrill (2017), internal communication is
effective internal communication helps to establish the respect atmosphere among the
individuals within the organisation, to keep employees engaged in the business. Effective
work performance of the organisation hence remains while high values are provided
people with similar status or equality of relationship in the same department or different
departments of an organisation (Rayudu 2010, 271). When the job requires the
and understanding, to solve conflicts or problem if they exist, and to establish the
rapports (Harris 2002, 241) Employees who share similar positions in the hierarchy of an
organisation often are emulous to become the one who is better at job. Important
hence blocks flows of the horizontal communication (Urmilla 2008, 40). Same as in
Besides, status block is another factor to the barrier. Status block happens when the
superiors find it difficult to perceive new ideas or suggestion from their employees. In
their opinions, the employees are considered to be lack of experience. Likewise, the
employees hesitate to send true messages to their managers for that may cause the
negative impression on the bosses (Rayudu 2010, 267; Harris 2002, 236).
organisation operates as the systems transmitting the data and information (in the past
and present) in particulars patterns within the organisation. For the business
(Rayudu 2010, 4). In this study, the internal communication and informal communication
become motivated and empowered. That means the employees need to know their roles
in the business success, they need to receive feedback of what they do in order to see if
the work goes well or not. And as a part of the organisation, they would like to be asked
for their ideas or opinions to improve the business (Nelson, 2010). As Bovée and Thrill
ideas within an organisation”. The effective internal communication helps to establish the
respect atmosphere among the individuals within the organisation, to keep employees
engaged in the business. Effective work performance of the organisation hence remains
while high values are provided consistently to customers and partners (Argentie 1998,
Competence is a capacity that exists in a person that leads to behavior that meets
the job demands within the parameters of organizational environment, and that, in turn
brings about desired results. Boyatzis (2012) conducted a study on approximately 2000
and/or superior performance in a job or situation. This indicates that there are certain
job situation. Underlying characteristic means the competency is a fairly deep and
enduring part of a persons personality and can predict behavior in a wide variety of
situations and job tasks. Casually related means that a competency causes or predicts
behavior and performance. Criterion referenced means that the competency actually
abilities and other characteristics which are required for successful job performance.
number of researchers in Korea have failed to clarify the concept of ability in explaining
the relation between human resources management and organizational achievement, and
have only emphasized the methodological aspect in devising competencies. While these
studies are academically significant in relation to the method to devise competencies, the
resources must be achieved. To fully utilize employees, the best resource in the
type in restaurants, which is a center of the foodservice industry, and examine the
industry and job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which are organizational
resources management.
corporate employees are greatly associated with job satisfaction and organizational
commitment, which are an organizational achievement. In other words, it can be assumed
that making the foodservice industry more competitive and maintaining its status should
increase in achievement. In consideration of the factors above, this study has established
the following study model in order to understand and verify the connection between the
successful leaders in the Travel and Leisure industry, and listed 99 competency items, 28
competency dimensions, and 8 factors. In order of importance, the factors include self-
of soft skills in managing Human Resources in the Travel and Leisure industry was
researched by (Spowart, 2011). They (he) proposed four categories of soft skills that can
be identified and also related to competencies` clusters that managers need for
performing their jobs. These are: (1) Leadership/people/ relationship skills, (2)
Communication, (3) Management and organisation and (4) Cognitive skills and
Very similarly, (Wong & Lee, 2017) identified that commitment and awareness of
quality are two of the most important competencies within Human Resources
management in the Travel and leisure industry. With sustainability being a very
important concept within the Travel and Leisure industry, it is seen as an important
group of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or an
knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. For Hager
and Goncsi (2016) employee competence is the ability for satisfactory accomplishment of
some task or competent performance, this ability includes ‘knowledge’, ‘skills’ and
processes have been used to improve employee engagement and reduce turnover intent
across many different industries (Ravichandran & Mishra, 2018). However, competency
models and integrated talent management processes are not widely used throughout
Sewell and Dacre (2010) also agreed that higher education institutions are highly
responsible for supplying potential employees or entrepreneurs into the competitive labor
market. Hence, there is no doubt that the educational institutions have a strong correlation
with the hospitality industry to provide the fresh graduates who are well-equipped in
advancement in technology, and changes in the economic landscape, thus leading to the
et al. 2019). According to Singh and Pathak (2016), competencies can be grouped into
five categories, which were managerial competency, functional competency, core
the other hand, Sanghi (2016) described that competency could also be distinguished into
superior from average performers. While differentiating competencies are the factors that
competencies and generic competencies. Specific competencies were the clusters of prior
given extensive territory (Weinert 2011). They usually referred to the profession or field-
specific skills and knowledge associated with the work tasks in the work environment.
For the generic competencies, they were the skills or techniques such as the ability to
harness for better achievement in the work environment (Thompson et al. 2017).
competencies and found that they could be used to address trends, challenges and
developments in the service industry, including restaurants, and that they are needed to
address the knowledge, skills and abilities required by successful managers and leaders in
benchmark for measuring the skills that an individual has, compared with the skills that
the identification of the skills that an employee needs to be effective in a certain position.
A well designed and utilised set of competencies brings numerous benefits to its users,
Rao and Palo (2012) agree that competencies form the main foundation and basis
for addressing certain major issues in the organisation such as the development of job
descriptions, helping with the recruitment of employees, training and career development.
Employees require competencies for managing themselves, and competencies thus offer
people and tasks, and influencing the manager’s responsibility in setting objectives,
management competencies are seen as a snapshot in time and must be updated over time
to incorporate new roles and trends in the tapsilogan restaurant industry (Koenigsfeld et
al., 2011).
organisation because they can guide the direction of the organisation; they are
measurable; they can be learned, developed and improved; and they also distinguish and
differentiate the organisation from others and constitute a key to competitive advantage.
Furthermore, in order for a restaurant industry to succeed in its mission and goals,
the managerial competencies should match the strategic intent. Lastly, competencies help
individual, as they can help in building a competency domain model. Organisations can
identify the competencies of managers based on the model in order to design training and
Individuals may make plans or decisions regarding their career, professional development
and/or continuing education based on competency levels across the domains (Porter,
Hana and Jiri (2012) state that competencies can be clustered according to related
knowledge, skills, abilities and characteristics that affect a major part of an employee’s
job and correlate with performance that will lead to achieving a competitive advantage. A
competency dimension gathers the individual skills and abilities that correlate with the
organisational missions, vision and strategies (Campion et al., 2011). The management
attitudes, beliefs, motives, and traits. Previous studies pointed out that these
solving, analytical thinking, and leadership (Chen & Naquin, 20016). The concept of
competency has broadly been viewed in two different ways; one is the strategic
perspective at the organizational level and the other is central to the domains of human
resources at the individual level (Chen & McLegan, 2017). From a strategic point of
can never copy, including functions, processes and routines (Cardi & Kochanski, 2016).
For example, customers' knowledge of products or services in current market places can
system (Canziani, 2011). It must not only be exclusive but also difficult to duplicate by
other competitors. Grant (2010) also mentioned that competitive advantage can be
Competencies have been one of the focal points of discussion within Human
Resources Management for the past two decades. They can be found in different
textbooks (Bratton & Gold, 2012; Snell, Morris, & Bohlander, 2015) provided for
scholars and academics, as well as books intended for managerial use (Collins & Porras,
2005; Prahalad & Hamel, 2006). Competencies was made in the mid-1970s, when it was
proposed to test people for their competencies rather than their intelligence (McClelland,
1973). In this sense, competencies were defined as knowledge that an individual has
successful leaders in the Travel and Leisure industry, and listed 99 competency items, 28
competency dimensions, and 8 factors. In order of importance, the factors include self-
of soft skills in managing Human Resources in the Travel and Leisure industry was
researched by (Spowart, 2011). They (he) proposed four categories of soft skills that can
be identified and also related to competencies` clusters that managers need for
performing their jobs. These are: (1) Leadership/people/ relationship skills, (2)
Communication, (3) Management and organisation and (4) Cognitive skills and
Very similarly, (Wong & Lee, 2017) identified that commitment and awareness of
quality are two of the most important competencies within Human Resources
management in the Travel and leisure industry. With sustainability being a very
important concept within the Travel and Leisure industry, it is seen as an important
competence (Pereira, 2017). Based on the related research, we can conclude that
individual gathered during their primary socialization, various levels of education and
work life.
Courtesy is practiced by everyone throughout the world-class organization, and
internally with respect and honor will most often give that same treatment to customers.
According to Rick Suttle (2016), the owner of the tapsilogan restaurant is usually
the manager in charge of a fast-food chain or restaurant. Managers may have one or more
assistant managers to help run various shifts, depending on the restaurant’s hours of
operation. The roles, courtesy and responsibilities of a fast-food manager can include a
number of functions. The following roles and responsibility of a fast-food managers are:
Meeting financial goals, managing daily operation, hiring and firing, training, resolving
Wildt (2016), a fast-food manager must meet the sales and profit goals of the
restaurant in a good service and timely manner to achieved it’s goal for courtesy.
Increasing sales can often be accomplished by simply improving the speed of customer
service at the drive-thru or in the dining area or ensuring the customers are served only
hot food with the proper portions. Keeping labor costs down and minimizing food waste
in Achieving the Corporate Goals of the Company”, majority of the respondents uses the
democratic style of leadership. The study concluded that the basis in selecting the
leadership style of the respondents in the nature of the business that includes courtesy and
uniqueness of the businesses. All of the respondents believe that their leadership style
contribute to the success of the business. The study found out that the majority of the
respondents believe that to be a good leader, a manager should possess the quality of
being a good planner and decision-maker as his best quality David (2013), followed by
being positive-thinker than a good problem solver, being democratic individual, being an
opportunity maker and lastly, being risk taker. The particular study recommended that
managers must be given training and seminar to upgrade their knowledge and abilities in
managing the business. The manager must also motivate and encourage his subordinates
to perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively thorough good human relations.
conducted by Bagui, et al. (2019), “Effects of Civil Status to the Leadership and Courtesy
Style Exhibited by the Managers of Fast-food Chains in Batangas City”, which concluded
the civil status does not affect the leadership style to uphold courtesy that was exhibited
by the managers of the fast-food chains in Batangas City. The study recommended that
the managers must exhibit the highest degree of professionalism in the performance of
duties and they should not let domestic and personal issues to negatively affect their
leadership. Every business experiences different problems that affects the business
operation and hinders it from achieving the goals of the company (Lim, 2013).
The study by Jang (2015) was to find out whether perceived value significantly
affects consumers’ purchase intention and courtesy. Additionally, the study examined if
there are any significant differences in perceived value for different fast-food restaurant
brands and attempted to identify which fast-food restaurant is perceived to be the industry
five perceived service value dimensions, Starbucks is the leader in terms of quality,
An article entitled “Fast-food Industry Analysis 2013 – Cost and Trends” presents
the main problems experienced in the fast-food industry. The fast-food industry is not
without its challenges, especially in the US. From rising food costs, economic recession
and changing perception about health, many fast-food franchises have been feeling some
heat. But rather than flee in this challenge, the fast-food industry has been adopting new
practices and offering new products. Modern society is on the go, and there is plenty of
demand for a quick bite at all times of the day. As cited by Neal (2019), there have been
challenges for the fast-food industry in recent years that have been pressuring profit
margins. Fast-food companies have responded by adopting healthier choices and had
some measure of success, but the shadow of bad press still hangs over the industry.
Rising commodity prices have also significantly crunched man fast-food franchises. In
The study entitled “The Role of Financial Planning and Budgeting in the
al. (2010) found out that establishing goals used in controlling is the most important
business and majority of the participants agreed that improving the resource allocation is
the common function of budgeting. Lin & Wu (2010) states that giving control in
business is the most common effect of financial planning while being aware of the
business cost is the most common in budgeting. As a conclusion to these findings,
making, reducing risk and having motivation and good communication tool.
A study conducted by Wu & Mohi (2015) discussed the findings of helping a fast-food
restaurants formulate and implement effective marketing management strategies to cope with the
keen competition in the restaurant industry as well as to boost their profit margins. The fast-food
industry is highly competitive and dominated by large companies. Smaller businesses must be
savvy in developing marketing strategies that drive consumer traffic. This entails staying in
One of the best ways for smaller fast-food companies to stay in touch with their
companies is through marketing research. A small fast-food company must know what key
customers want and will buy before developing marketing and advertising strategies. The purpose
review, qualitative and empirical research, a multi-dimensional and hierarchical model of service
quality for the fast-food restaurant is proposed (Wu & Mohi, 2015).
restaurant, this will directly impact employee productivity; ultimately inspiring them to
perform a better quality of service. Reeves & Hoy (2013) also expressed the same
feelings, that “Employees who believe the manager of their restaurant is committed to
service quality may be motivated to provide higher quality service simply because they
perceive this to be important to the manager” (Reeves & Hoy, 2017, p. 57). Workforce
Cross, 2012, p. 466). Importance is placed on the idea that employees would experience
maximum satisfaction if the managers of the organization assessed tasks beforehand and
offered to co-operate with employees in accomplishing the specific tasks (Ting, 2017, p.
328). It is clear that a strong relationship between managers and their employees should
increase overall job satisfaction and motivation; though there is a chance that this might not
work. In that case, the only risk would be a minimal change in job satisfaction.
Most people prefer a type of job in which they feel relaxed and happy;
consequently, if the job itself is difficult and operates under complex working conditions,
employees will not be satisfied with their job. This idea is supported by Miller (2018),
who states: “job conditions are more strongly related to job satisfaction” (Miller, 2012, p.
361). Satisfaction of a job for any employee also depends on developing a strong
relationship with their colleagues. Oshagbemi (2019) also noted that “satisfaction with
2019, p. 90). Therefore, managers should estimate and deal with all problems that may
organization to leverage their customer's satisfaction and this can be achieved through
superior customer service. The goals of this study were to investigate the causes and
problems faced by the selected restaurant and to provide suggestions on how to improve
the slow customer service based on the numerous domains of operations management. A
local restaurant in Kuching, Malaysia was selected for the case study. Slow customer
service has been identified as the main problem. The causes of this problem were
identified and classified into four categories which involved people, environment,
equipment/materials and method/procedure. This study also offered ways to improve its
operational performance and overcome the problem of poor service operations. The
determining what will satisfy the customers and where to put the quality effort, (2) Total
Quality Management (TQM), (3) process focus which uses service blueprint to strengthen
the interaction between customers and the restaurant, (4) layout, (5) human resource
management, (6) practice of good supply chain management, and (7) maintenance to get
the most benefits and trouble-free services out of the restaurant equipment by performing
regular maintenance. This paper hopes to provide relevant insights for service quality and
A study conducted by Wu & Mohi (2015) discussed the findings of helping a fast-
cope with the keen competition in the restaurant industry as well as to boost their profit
margins. The fast-food industry is highly competitive and dominated by large companies.
Smaller businesses must be savvy in developing marketing strategies that drive consumer
traffic. This entails staying in constant touch with customers. One of the best ways for
smaller fast-food companies to stay in touch with their companies is through marketing
research. A small fast-food company must know what key customers want and will buy
before developing marketing and advertising strategies. The purpose of their study is to
quality for the fast-food restaurant is proposed (Wu & Mohi, 2015).
A case study on Tapsilogan by Sotunbo (2010) was aimed to focus on
strategies for improving profitability and credibility in the fast-food industry. The study
evaluate an exact nature of the company situation and recommend a solutions that will
continuously prosper the industry and project the company to achieve greater profit. The
objective oriented results and corporate policies system. According to Sotunbo (2010),
the other outcome of this study includes a detailed overview of the common trends in the
attain corporate goals. High levels of motivations are directly connected to high levels of
productivity. This will give the employees the motivation to complete tasks to a high
standard and a desire to further excel in the future in order to gain a higher salary and of
an employee and manager involve the use of appraisal method which are vital to the
A study by Mc Neal et al. (201) attempted to explain this as the biggest and
exciting element of fast-food achievement. In this research, one will always question why
fast-foods companies have outlets almost all over the place. The response was quite
simple, owing to the fact that this had been an aspect of their marketing strategy. Global
recognition and high visibility was a definitive idea of fast-food outlets. With the big
signs, posters, billboards, and advertisement illuminating the town, the fast-food
The tapsilogan is responsible for serving safe food to customers with it’s credibility
roles to provides good services towards their customers. One case of food poisoning is
enough to permanently tarnish a restaurant's reputation. There are ways that restaurant
managers can protect their customers and reputation where supply chain management is
concerned. Firstly, a restaurant needs to check the supplier's background. All food
through the supplier's local health department to obtain inspection results to make sure
that they are in compliance. The suppliers need to check whether they employ strict
record keeping and food safety management practices. Better communication is vital to
ensure that the restaurant will receive the supply at the right time to avoid insufficient
raw material that will affect the operational performance especially during peak hours.
al. (2014) was aimed to identify the level of satisfaction of the customers in the services
offered by the fast food chain business and to know the problems encountered by the
the action plan that was devised by the researchers. An article entitled “Food Service
Industry in Philippines” conducted by Arboleda (2010) that food is a basic necessity. The
industry which deals with preparing food items or products refers to the food service
industry. The food service industry is and will always remain in high demand because of
its genre. These industries include restaurants, fast-foods, school and hospital cafeterias,
catering operations, food carts and food trucks etc. Restaurants and fast-foods mainly
According to the article Martinez (2013), restaurants and fast-foods are meant for
same services except that restaurants offer a large menu including a variety of cuisines as
compared to fast-foods, which usually offers a small menu with quick service. As cited
by Sanchez (2010), another difference between a restaurant and fast-food is, restaurants
offer meals that are cooked and prepared and is eaten at the premises while fast-food
usually is pre-cooked meals or serves meals that are cooked easily. Diners may eat it
inside the store or they can order their food “to-go”. In fast-foods you usually pay before
The researchers’ review of related literature has been made, it was observed
that the studies were focused on the managing ways of a fast-food chains and tapsilogan
restaurant businesses including the managers’ lived experiences in a way of having the
general profile of them. The researchers also used internet and books to resolve and
provide answers on the problems that will take a different specification. However, the
locale, time and respondents involved differed from this undertaking as the present study
will be conducted among selected tapsilogan in the City of Dapitan, Zamboanga del
Norte. It is against this background that the study is set to find out the relationship
between employees behavior and relate to the customer gratification within the peripheral
importance to the future managing career of the researchers. The readers will have knowledge of