11 X October 2023

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11 X October 2023

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue X Oct 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

Sign Language to Speech Conversion

Prof. M.T. Dangat1, Rudra Chandgude2, Pravin Kushwaha3, Mohammed Champeli4, Prathamesh Pardeshi5
Lecturer, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Department, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2, 3, 4, 5
Student, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Department, AISSMS's Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: A huge population in India alone is of the dumb and deaf people. So the system is working on a glove based device
which will be used for conversion of sign language (ASL) to speech .The basic system consists of a two parts; sign language
recognition and conversion to text and further to speech. The sign language glove consist of a simple hand gloves fitted with
flex sensors which is being used for the monitoring the amount of bend on the fingers. Flex means bend, this is the sensors that
change the resistance depending on the amount of bend on the sensor. Data from the sensors is send to the Control unit which
is the Arduino Nano the analog signals from the sensors are digitally converted and compared with the stored value for the
recognition of sign and then displayed as a text on the 16x2 LCD. Further the text output is wirelessly transmitted to a cellular
phone or a PC which consist of a test to speech conversion software.
Keyword: Sign language recognition, conversion to text, flex sensors, Arduino Nano, speech conversion

Sign language is a natural way of communication between normal and dumb people. Sign language is mostly dependent on hand
gesture recognition. It is sometimes not easy for normal people to recognize the signs properly and understand what they want to
say. So the intension of the gloves is to make the life style of the dumb and deaf people easy. The gloves translates the hand gestures
to text and further speech so that the normal people can read the recognized gesture and hear to the voice and understand what that
person wants to tell, which will make the communication more efficient. The system consists of both physical and non-physical
communication. Sign language differ from country to country it is not universally same. America developed American Sign
Language (ASL); British developed British Sign Language and so on. Most of the countries follow the American Sign Language
and our system is also based on the same. The gloves convert the specific gestures to text then to speech using Arduino as heart of
the system. The flex sensors are used in the system which is attached onto the gloves which convert the gesture into resistance
which is further converted to the text through Arduino nano. The flex sensors come from flexible sensors family, which are flexible
enough. The output of the sensors is processed on Arduino nano to get text as an output displayed on LCD. Further that text is sent
via Bluetooth module to mobile phones/computers. Further that data is converted to speech via text to speech conversion software.


Thomas Pryor and NavidAzodi are UG students who made the Gloves that translate sign language into text and speech known as
signaloud. They had won Lemelson-MIT student price for this project. Which inspired me to make a system of my own which can
be used for public welfare[1].The 1st Hand Talk glove was designed by Ryan Patterson in the year 2001. This model had limitations
that a computer or a laptop was always required for its functioning which made it less portable. n 1620, Juan Pablo Bonet published
R, education of letters and art for teaching mute people to speak which is considered as the first modern treatise of sign language
phonetics, setting out a method of oral education for deaf people and a manual alphabet [4].

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1569
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue X Oct 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

Interactive Acclerometric Glove For Hearing Impaired: Kuldeep Singh Rajput, Shashank Deshpande, UmaMudenagudi: The main
aim is to set an interface between the Hearing Impaired people and normal person to improve the communication efficiency so that
they can communicate handily with others.[5] Hand Gesture Recognition System :Swapnil D. Badgujar , GourabTalukdar
,OmkarGondhalekar, Feb. 2014. Implemented by real time gesture recognition a user can control a computer by doing a decided
gesture in front of a video camera which is linked to the computer. [5]


There are over 70 Million deaf people worldwide, and most of them rely on sign language to communicate.However, the majority of
the hearing population cannot understand signLanguage, leading to communication barriers and exclusion. Our solution aims to
bridge this gap and create a more inclusive society.This can be solved by , the development of the Sign Language to speech
Conversion .


The overall functioning of the System is explained through the block diagram shown in figure. It represents the general order and
hierarchy of various working blocks of the project. The person wears the glove which has flex sensors, contact sensors and
accelerometer stitched to it and makes the gesture according to the American Sign Language (ASL). Arduino Nano is used to gather
signals from the flex sensors and accelerometer placed on the glove. Then the processed output is send over the LCD to display the
text output and also via a Bluetooth link to an Android Smartphone or a Personal Computer consisting of test to speech software
(application) and speech output is obtained.

A. Flex Sensor
Flex sensor means flexible sensors, flexible sensor are sensors which change their resistance depending upon the bend on the sensor.
The more the bend the resistance is also more. As the fingers bends the sensors also starts bending and as the sensors bends the
resistances also changes accordingly and that resistance value is inputted to the Arduino Nano.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1570
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue X Oct 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

B. Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano microcontroller because is small size. Arduino Nano’s operating voltage is 5v and also flex Sensor operates at 5v
that’s why I chose this microcontroller.Here is the Pin Conviction of the Arduino Nano microcontroller. I used the 5 flex sensors
and all sensors were given the output of Analog form Arduino Nano in Built 8 Analog pin (A0-A8).

C. DF Mini Player
The DF Mini Player is a module specifically designed for playing audio files from a microSD card. It supports various audio
formats, including MP3, WAV, and WMA. The module incorporates a microSD card slot, a built-in amplifier, and a 3.5mm audio
jack for connecting speakers or headphones. It also features a simple serial communication interface, making it compatible with
Arduino and other microcontrollers. Df mini is Small Playback Music System, is Providing Alerts or Sounds When the
Microcontroller gives the Command.You Just Save the MP3 File On SD Card And just put the DF Mini Player.

D. Speaker and Zero PCB

In this Project, 8 Ohm / 0.25 watt Speaker and the sound of the speaker is relay clear and proper way sound.
In this Project the 4×4 zero PCB is Used to Build The Prototypes or Testing Of Any Project.On the Back Side of the Zero PCB,
Soldering all the components.

Those who are blind, deaf, or dumb can converse with one another using this method. Those who are dumb communicate in a
language that is difficult for blind and illiterate people to grasp. To aid the deaf, the sign language is also translated into written
form. These words are displayed on a computer screen. Those who are deaf must be healed. We’ll utilizing it to watch how the blind
and deaf move their hands. The system translates hand motions into text, which is subsequently translated into voice. A provision
has been included to the text system so that people can still read and comprehend what the other person isattempting to say even if
they are unable to hear the sound emitted owing to those limitations.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1571
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue X Oct 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com


Enhanced accuracy: The accuracy rate of the most recent state-of-the-art technology for translating sign language using smart
gloves is about 98%. Nonetheless, there is always potential for improvement, and upcoming developments in artificial intelligence
and machine learning may contribute to enhancing the precision of sign language identification Miniaturization: At the moment,
smart gloves are very large and can be difficult to wear for extended periods of time. Upcoming developments in wearable
technology and material science may result in the creation of smaller, lighter smart gloves that are more comfortable to wear.
Increased language support: Although American Sign Language (ASL) can be translated using current technology, there are
numerous additional sign languages in use throughout the world. Future technological developments might result in the creation of
smart gloves that can understand and translate a variety of sign languages. Connectivity with other devices: Smart gloves that can
translate sign language could be connected to other gadgets like tablets or smartphones for easier accessibility and communication.
Real-time feedback: Future smart gloves could translate sign language as well as give the user immediate feedback on how
accurately they are signing. This could help the user become more fluent in the language.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the cooperation given by Prof.S. G. GIRAM, Principal of AISSMS'S
POLYTECHNIC, Pune and need a special mention for all the help extended by him, constant inspiration and encouragement to
make my project a memorable experience. I am thankful to our
H. O. D. of E&TC Department, Prof. V.S.Gaikwadfor her time to time support and valuable guidance. I am deeply indebted to my
internal guide Mrs. M.T.Dangat, for completion of this project for which she/he has guided and helped me going out of the way.. I
am thankful to all teachers and professors of our department for sharing with me, valuable knowledge on their respective fields. I
would also thank my fellow classmates and friends for their support and timely suggestions. I would also like to thank library staff
and laboratory staff for providing me cordial support and necessary facilities, which were of great help for preparing the project
report. Thanks to all!!!

[1] Sign language recognisation using sensor gloves Mehdi,S.A FAST-Nat.univ.of Computer & Emerging Sci.Lahore.
[2] K. Hanumanthu, K. HarshitSreevastcha, N. Manohar, G.Soumya Reddy. ”Sign Language To Speech Conversion”.
[3] AmbikaGujrati, Kartigya Singh, Khushboo, LovikaSoral,Mrs.Ambikapathy.”Hand-talk Gloves with flex sensor”.
[4] Heena Joshi, Shweta Bhati,KOmal Sharma, VandanaMatai.”Detection of Finger MotionUsing Flex Sensors for ,Assisting Speech Impaired”.
[5] NishaKawale, PradnyaKaspate, HruchikaVanjari, Prof.PrachiSarod”Implementation Paper On Sign Language, Using Flex Sensor”.
[6] Mr. Jose L. Hernandez-Rebollar” A New Instrumented Approach For Translating American Sign Language Into Sound And Text”
[7] Ms. Maryam Rehman” American Sign Language Translation through Sensory Glove; SignSpeak”

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1572

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