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IOT Based Smart Assistance Gloves for Paralyzed People

Article in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology · October 2023
DOI: 10.46501/IJMTST0909006


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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Volume 9, Issue 08, pages 31-34
ISSN: 2455-3778 online
Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol9issue09.html
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0909006

IOT Based Smart Assistance Gloves for Paralyzed


Sravya Gurrala1 | Mounika N.V.S.S.S1 | Greeshma Ramya Sree Adari1 | Sai Lakshmi Kakarla1 |Venkata Ramana

1 Deparment of ECE, Aditya College Of Engineering and Technology, Surampalem.

2 Assistant Professor of ECE Department, Aditya College Of Engineering and Technology, Surampalem.

To Cite this Article

Sravya Gurrala, Mounika N.V.S.S.S, Greeshma Ramya Sree Adari, Sai Lakshmi Kakarla and Venkata Ramana
Kammampati. IOT Based Smart Assistance Gloves for Paralyzed People, 2023, 9(09), pages. 31-34.

Article Info
Received: 02 May 2023; Accepted: 24 May 2023; Published: 06 September 2023.

Copyright © 2023 Sravya Gurrala et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

People who are paralysed find it difficult to express their emotions and to interact with others in day-to-day life. In order to
communicate with one another, people with disabilities frequently use sign language, which is hard to interpret by non-disabled
individuals. This smart glove enables him to turn his hand gesture into a pre-recorded speech because persons with paralysis are
unable to talk. then this smart glove helps him to convert his hand gesture into pre-recorded voice along with Mobile App and
LCD based message display. Here the sending of messages is done through Internet Of Things(IOT). In this we are using our own
gestures instead of sign language to reduce the difficulty. This makes it easier for anyone to comprehend what he is saying and
respond appropriately. The primary goal of the project-in-progress is to create a dependable, user-friendly, lightweight smart
hand glove system that can reduce the barriers for persons with paralysis so they can participate in races. The major parts of this
system are voice-based hardware, RF modules, and Arduino boards.

KEYWORDS: Internet Of Things(IOT), Flex Sensors, RF Modules, Ardino boards.

1. INTRODUCTION and communication as well as remote monitoring and

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices, control. Helping the elderly and those with disabilities is
vehicles, and household appliances that have one of the main uses of the Internet of Things. These
connectivity, electronics, actuators, and software to intelligent systems provide special accommodations for
connect, interact, and share data. In addition to common an owner's limitations via assistive technology. Voice
devices like desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, controlcan help users with vision and movement
IoT entails bringing more conventionally non-intelligent impairments, while cochlear implant users who are hard
or non-internet-enabled physical objects and everyday of hearing can directly connect alert systems totheir
items online. These devices have technology devices. They can also have additional safety features
incorporated into them, allowing for online interaction installed. Sensors that keep an eye out for medical

31 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

situations like falls or seizures can be one of these n from letters is also accomplishe overall accuracy at rec
characteristics. ognising the letters' gestures was roughly 90%.
2. Gunasekaran, K., et al. [2] suggested a system in their
The sign language varies from nation to nation and study that makes use of the data glove technique. It is
even region to area. With the use of a gesture recognition made up of flex sensors that are used to track finger
system, it has been given a 21st-century technological motions and provide data to a PIC microcontroller. In
makeover to help the deaf and dumb population and the order to provide a signal corresponding to the
general public communicate more effectively. The study orientation of the hand motion, he additionally used
of gesture recognition is quite active. The last few years gyro sensors. The PIC microcontroller analyses the user's
have seen a lot of work. This report highlights the gesture before playing the audio track that goes along
advancements made throughout time to boost with it. The APR9600 contains the voice signals.
productivity and accuracy. It serves as a language High-quality voice recordings are recorded on a single
interpreter in a limited sense and offers a practical means chip with non-volatile flash memory and a playback
of communication as well as a streamlined method for time of 40 to 60 seconds.APR offers a large number of
normal people and the deaf and dumb community to random and sequential messages, and designers can
communicate. The two primary categories of gesture change storage time to meet user needs. He basically
recognition are sensor-based and vision-based. The used an RF module and pre-recorded voice to
drawback of vision-based approaches is the need for communicate between the transmitter and receiver sides.
sophisticated data processing algorithms. Variable
lighting conditions, occlusion, range of vision 3.Pallavi Verma, et al. [3] described a system that
restrictions, and background blur are additional captures user movement utilising a pair of gloves with
difficulties in image and video processing. The flex sensors along each finger, thumb, and arm.The
sensor-based approach provides more mobility. voltage divider method is employed with flex sensors to
determine the voltage equivalent of the degree of the
STRUCTURE OF PAPER fingers, thumb, and arm.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 1, the The PIC microcontroller is utilised for a variety of ta
introduction of the paper is provided along with the sks, including converting data from flex sensors from an
structure, important terms, objectives and overall alogue to digital. The digital data is then transmitted aft
description. In Section 2 we discuss literature survey. In er being encoded in an encoder. Once the received data
Section 3 we discuss related work.Section 4, we tells us has been decoded by the decoder, the gesture
about the methodology. In Section 5, we shares recognition system compares it to previously provided
information about hardware components. Section 6 data. The voice segment notifies the speaker whether the
specifies he result. Section 7, concludes the paper with data matches.
acknowledgement and Section 8, gives references.
There are several methods for detecting sign language,
1. In their study, Anbarasi et al. [1] described a system
including the Data glove method, the vision-based
that can successfully translate American Sign Language
method, and the virtual button method. Prior to now,
gestures to text and audio.
not many attempts had been made to recognise the
Here, the interpreter uses a glove-based system that incl
movements using different techniques. When adopting
udes an accelerometer, tactile sensor, and flex sensor. Th
these strategies, there are drawbacks related to accuracy,
e sensors that correspond to the hand sign create a signa
practicality, and portability, such as:
l for each hand gesture made. The controller compares t
 Leaf Switches based glove
he motion to inputs that are already stored. Ten novices
 Copper plate-based glove
were evaluated using a Deaf communication translator f
 Flex sensor-based glove
or the letters "A," "B," "C," "D," "F," "I," "L," "O," "M," "N,"
"T," "S," and "W." Using an end signal, word constructio

32 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

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