IND - Vale Indonesia - Company Update - 20240403 - RHB
IND - Vale Indonesia - Company Update - 20240403 - RHB
IND - Vale Indonesia - Company Update - 20240403 - RHB
official extension of its Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK; set to expire in 6,800 102
Dec 2025) post its share divestment to Mineral Industri Indonesia (MIND ID). 6,300 94
Note that a spokesperson from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral 5,800 85
Resources had earlier confirmed that INCO’s permit will be extended. The 5,300 76
permit is crucial for the company to meet the targeted timelines for its 4,800 67
current projects (Figure 7). While management will need more funding to 4,300 59
support its future expansions (c.US800m shortfall vs latest net cash of 3,800 50
c.USD700m), it has decided not to pursue a bond issuance for this purpose. 3,300 41
We shift our valuation to DCF (Figure 1) for a broader picture of INCO’s
Source: Bloomberg
profitability from its current businesses – its cash flow remains healthy for
the foreseeable future. The share price has fallen by 39% in the past 12
months (-4% YTD, but moved up 7% post its share divestment at end-
February). INCO is now trading at c.6x EV/EBITDA (relatively close to its
mean valuation level; Figure 4).
We expect the share price overhang to remain in place pending further Overall ESG Score: 2.9 (out of 4)
clarity on domestic factors, especially political risks, as the new Government E: GOOD
comes into power in early 4Q34. Further clarity on such factors will provide INCO received a Green PROPER (beyond compliance) –
a better view of INCO’s performance going forward, given the risk of an Indonesia’s pollution control, evaluation, and rating
overhaul of the management team (still a possibility) and potential further programme – recognition from the Ministry of Environment
stake divestments to the Government (in our view). Nevertheless, we expect & Forestry in 2020. This is for its initiatives in environmental
management systems, efficient utilisation of resources, and
INCO’s resilience to help it manage the challenges ahead.
community empowerment. INCO will contribute to Vale
Global’s goal to reduce 33% of emissions produced by 2030.
A community development programme was built through
active participation between the company, the community,
Forecasts and Valuation Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24F Dec-25F Dec-26F
and the Government. INCO’s successful programmes
Total turnover (US Dm) 1,179 1,232 1,032 974 1,086 includes the organic rice and herbal garden businesses. In
Recurring net profit (US Dm) 216 273 136 117 136 2020, it disbursed c.USD4.1m (+21% YoY) for community
Recurring net profit growth (% ) 25.8 26.1 (50.0) (14.2) 16.5 development and empowerment.
Recurring P/E (x) 12.09 9.59 19.18 22.36 19.19 G: EXCELLENT
INCO’s sustainability management responsibilities and
P/B (x) 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9
decision-making are carried out collectively by the board of
P/CF (x) 10.24 5.94 6.69 8.07 8.28
directors, with the supervision of the board of
Dividend Yield (% ) na na na na na commissioners. Moreover, the company has a strategic risk
EV/EBITDA (x) 4.37 4.02 5.97 6.57 5.50 management, ie the Framework for Integrated Risk
Return on average equity (% ) 8.9 11.2 5.3 4.4 4.9 Management (FIRM), which is based on ISO 31000
Net debtcover
Interest to equity
(x) (% ) net42.58
cash net32.17
cash net10.85
cash net cash
7.21 net cash
7.80 standards.
Source: Company data, RHB
Financial Exhibits
Asia Financial s ummary (US D) Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24F Dec-25F Dec-26F
Indonesia Recurring EPS 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01
Basic Materials BVPS 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.30
Vale Indonesia Return on average equity (% ) 8.9 11.2 5.3 4.4 4.9
Valuation metrics Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24F Dec-25F Dec-26F
Recurring P/E (x) 12.09 9.59 19.18 22.36 19.19
P/B (x) 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9
Valuation basis
FCF Yield (% ) 2.8 6.5 (9.9) (8.6) 2.5
DCF, WACC at 9%, and TG at 3% EV/EBITDA (x) 4.37 4.02 5.97 6.57 5.50
EV/EBIT (x) 6.49 5.58 11.47 15.66 12.41
Key drivers
i. Improved ASPs from the increase in nickel prices; Income s tatement (US Dm) Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24F Dec-25F Dec-26F
ii. Higher production and sales volumes; Total turnover 1,179 1,232 1,032 974 1,086
iii. Lower fuel costs. Gross profit 314 347 205 173 204
EBITDA 436 450 362 369 418
Key risks Depreciation and amortisation (143) (126) (174) (214) (233)
i. Nickel price trends; Operating profit 294 325 188 155 185
ii. Rising fuel costs; Net interest 4 26 4 (3) (8)
iii. Lower-than-expected output; Pre-tax profit 276 353 182 159 186
iv. Shifts in domestic policies, ie higher royalty rates Taxation (75) (78) (42) (37) (43)
for certain nickel products. Reported net profit 200 274 140 122 143
Recurring net profit 216 273 136 117 136
Company Profile
Vale Indonesia produces nickel in matte, an Cas h flow (US Dm) Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24F Dec-25F Dec-26F
intermediate product, from lateritic ores at its Change in working capital (21) 59 81 20 (9)
integrated metric and processing facilities near Cash flow from operations 255 440 391 324 316
Sorowako, Sulawesi. Capex (182) (271) (650) (550) (250)
Cash flow from investing activities (218) (286) (709) (613) (250)
Cash flow from financing activities (1) (65) 7 3 2
Cash at beginning of period 506 634 699 346 73
Net change in cash 36 89 (311) (286) 67
Ending balance cash 634 699 346 73 188
Figure 1: TP calculation
DCF calculation (in USDm) 2024F 2025F 2026F 2027F 2028F 2029F 2030F 2031F 2032F 2033F 2034F
EBIT 188 155 185 177 173 149 145 136 124 111 98
EBIT (1-t) 145 119 143 136 133 115 112 105 95 86 76
Depreciation & amortisation 174 214 233 248 263 277 288 300 310 320 330
Changes in working capital 38 4 (9) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
Capex (650) (550) (250) (200) (200) (200) (150) (150) (135) (135) (135)
Free cash flow (293) (212) 117 183 194 191 249 253 268 269 269
Discounted FCF (293) (195) 99 143 140 127 152 143 140 129 119
Terminal Value 2,022
Terminal growth 3%
Total discounted firm value 2,725
24F Net debt (333)
24F Minority Interest 0
Equity value (USDm) 3,058
Equity value (IDRbn) 48,312
Issued shares (bn) 9.9
Equity value per share 4,900
Discount ESG -2%
TP (final)* 4,810
Note: Figure was rounded up due to currency translation
Source: Company data, RHB
Gross 20% 18% 19% 27% 25% 26%
EBIT 18% 16% 17% 25% 23% 24%
EBITDA 35% 38% 39% 37% 33% 38%
NPM 14% 13% 13% 20% 17% 18%
Key assumptions
Vol. production (m tonnes) 70,800 65,000 72,500 70,000 65,000 72,500 1% 0% 0%
ASP (USD/tonne) 14,580 14,985 14,985 16,200 16,400 16,432 -10% -9% -9%
Cash cost (USD/tonne)* 8,961 8,804 8,739 9,628 10,260 9,635 -7% -14% -9%
Note: *Ex-royalty payments
Source: Company data, RHB
the company. However, INCO’s
performance should continue regardless of
Rolling EVEBITDA mean +1stdev +2stdev -1stdev -2stdev these changes, in our view.
Source: Bloomberg, RHB
83,000 81,177
Average: 72,825 tonnes INCO’s outlook for production activities
will be better going forward, as major
maintenance works on its facility have
66,500 been completed.
60,090 Demand for nickel matte (c.76% Ni
content; Vale SA and Sumitomo as the
55,500 offtakers) will remain stable, in our view,
supported by growth in both stainless steel
50,000 and EV supply chains.
21,000 600
Despite risks of fluctuations in energy
prices (c.20% of total cash cost; high-CV
coal and diesel fuel), management should
15,000 EBITDA 2016-26F CAGR: be able to manage the issue going forward
+11% YoY
300 via its renewable energy (since 1979) with
c.35% EBITDA
c.365MW of hydro power, combined with
11,000 future initiatives related to gas-powered
9,000 utilities, and further trials on the use of EV
100 trucks
5,000 0
INCO’s margins have been quite stable in
recent years – FY24F EBITDA margin of
HPAL: 120k
4.5 30%
Huayou &
2026 Massive capex (vs FY23’s net cash of
tonnes capacity Ford c.USD700m) is needed – we remain
optimistic on the realisation of these
TBA; still inside SOA HPAL: 60k
2.0 - - - projects, given the support from major
Sulawesi tonnes capacity
partners and also goodwill from the
HPAL: 60k Government.
2.0 30% Huayou 2027
tonnes capacity
Sorowako Electric Oper
furnace: c.70k - 100% - ation
tonnes capacity al
Note: RKEF (Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace); output on Fe-Ni. HPAL (High Pressure Acid Leach); output on MHP (mixed
hydroxide precipitate). All ore feedstock needed (saprolite for RKEF (1.3-1.6% Ni content), limonite (1.0-1.2% Ni content)
for HPAL) will come from INCO’s concession area (adjacent to the smelters location) which is 100% owned by the company.
Currently INCO’s nickel matte (c.78% nickel matte) production comes from the electric furnace facility in Sorowako.
Source: Company data, RHB
Figure 9: Average nickel prices still show a potential uptrend (excluding one-off factors
from geopolitical tensions in 2022)
At this point, we are conservatively
(USD/tonne) optimistic of positive changes in nickel
30,000 prices, based on progress in the regional
economy (especially China) to push
commodities closely related to the
25,000 industrial and manufacturing sectors.
Nickel prices (LME) are hovering at the
20,000 18,500 support level of c.USD16,000/tonne – we
see the possibility of average prices
15,000 reaching USD18,500/tonne (requires +6%
QoQ movement until end-FY24), as better
9,606 demand coupled with lower supply
streams (pending permits for many ore
mines in Indonesia, mine closures, and
5,000 stalled smelter investments globally)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024F should reduce the surplus amount (Street’s
FY24F scenario is c.100-200k tonnes, from
c.300-350k tonnes previously).
Source: Bloomberg, RHB
INCO started testing electric cars and trucks for operational purposes in Jan and Aug 2022.
INCO has been progressively reclaiming post-mining land, targeting the reclamation of 70% of
the total area by 2025, and rehabilitating watersheds. The area of land rehabilitated in 2022 is
10,280 hectares, comprising 10,000 hectares outside the operational area and 296 hectares
within the operational area. The company also planted 3.7m trees, including endemic species.
2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Source: RHB
Recommendation Chart
Date Rec ommendation Target Pric e Pric e
Price Close
2024-02-13 Buy 6,000 4,050
8,860 Recommendations & Target Price 2023-12-05 Buy 6,000 4,320
7,600 8,300
7,860 2023-10-30 Buy 7,120 5,225
Market Dateline / PP 19489/05/2019 (035080)
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Market Dateline / PP 19489/05/2019 (035080)