Analyse Article Benabouche Nada
Analyse Article Benabouche Nada
Analyse Article Benabouche Nada
Wastewater (WW) reuse for vegetable crops irrigation is regularly applied worldwide. Such a
practice has been found to allow the uptake of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) by
plants and their subsequent entrance to the food web, representing an important alternative
pathway for the exposure of humans to PhACs, with potential health implications. Herein we
report the impacts of the long-term (three consecutive years) WW irrigation of a tomato crop
with two differently treated effluents under real agricultural conditions, on (1) the soil
concentration of selected PhACs (i.e., diclofenac, DCF; sulfamethoxazole, SMX;
trimethoprim, TMP), (2) the bioaccumulation of these PhACs in tomato fruits, and (3)the
human risks associated with the consumption of WW-irrigated fruits. Results revealed that
the concentration of the studied PhACs in both the soil and tomato fruits varied depending on
the qualitative characteristics of the treated effluent applied and the duration of WW
irrigation. The PhAC with the highest soil concentration throughout the studied period was
SMX. DCF was not found in tomato fruits harvested from WW-irrigated plants during the first
year of the study. However, DCF displayed the highest fruit concentration throughout the
study (as a result of prolonged WW irrigation), followed by SMX and TMP. The calculated
fruit bioconcentration factors (BCFF) were extremely high for DCF in the 2nd and 3rd year of
the experimental period. The estimated threshold of toxicity concern (TTC) and hazard
quotients (HQ) values revealed that the consumption of fruits harvested from tomato plants
irrigated for long period with the WW applied for irrigation under field conditions in this study
represent a de minimis risk to human health.
In the last years, developments in analytical instrumentation and techniques have enabled
researchers to detect and quantify organic micropollutants in environmental matrices. Thus,
pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) are now commonly detected in relevant
concentrations in both the aquatic and the terrestrial environments as a consequence of their
continual introduction through the disposal of treated municipal wastewater, biosolids and
manure. Despite the low concentration of PhACs usually found, their continuous introduction
into the environment from different pathways, as well as their bioactivity and known mode of
action, render them as environmental contaminants of emerging concern that may pose
potential ecotoxicological effects in aquatic and terrestrial organism, and public health risks.
The uptake and bioaccumulation of PhACs in the edible parts of food crops and fodders and
their subsequent entry into the human food chain have been gaining prominence over the
last decade. Moreover, numerous studies, mainly conducted under hydroponic or
greenhouse conditions, highlighted PhACs uptake and bioaccumulation in plants exposed to
known concentrations of individual or cocktails of PhACs. Such studies were proven to be
useful in elucidating the mechanism of PhACs uptake by plants, which was found to be
simply driven by the transpiration derived mass flow and largely depended on the chemical
properties of the compounds, especially their hydrophobicity and charge. Hydroponic and
greenhouse experiments though, even if conducted at environmentally relevant PhACs
concentrations, are unable to manifest the complexity of an actual agricultural environment. It
is widely accepted that the availability of PhACS in the soil is closely related to the properties
of the compound, as well as the soil properties, and the pH of the aqueous solution. The
absorption and retention, as well as desorption of PhACs in various clay minerals and soil
organic matter greatly determine both their potential transport in soil or bioavailability for
degradation and plant uptake. Interestingly, uptake of PhACs by plants and reported
bioaccumulation factors were found to be negatively correlated with soil clay and organic
matter content. In addition, the pH of the soil aqueous solution may greatly affect the uptake
of ionic rather than non-ionic PhACs. Moreover, soil properties (i.e., texture, pH) and soil
environment (i.e., water and air permeability) may affect the microbial degradation of
pharmaceuticals and therefore their bioavailability and potential for leaching to groundwater
concluded that soil constitutes a major sink which in turn determines the fate of PhACs in
agricultural environments, as they found that only 3.5% of the amount of PhACs accumulated
in soil was taken up by plants. Thus, only through field experiments, where actual farming
practices, or genuine soil, or ecological conditions typical for commercial agricultural farming
are incorporated and taken into account, can the potential uptake of PhACs by crops be
assessed and integrated into a database for risk assessment. Such studies are limited, and
primarily focused on biosolid application or to the irrigation with surface water that had been
mixed with treated wastewater. Recently, reviewed the human health risks of PhACs in plant
tissues due to biosolids and manure amendments, and WW irrigation, and concluded that
these practices represent a de minimis risk to human health, though when assuming
additivity, the mixture of PhACs could potentially represent a hazard. The aim of this study
was to evaluate the effects of the long-term (three years) irrigation of tomato crop under field
conditions with two distinctly tertiary treated WW, on the accumulation of selected PhACs
(diclofenac, DCF; sulfamethoxazole, SMX; trimethoprim, TMP) in soil and their uptake and
bioaccumulation in fruits, as well as the potential risks to human health associated with the
consumption of these fruits. Worth noting, the drip irrigation of vegetable crops with treated
WW is a common practice in all arid regions worldwide, as it complies with the majority of
existing guidelines for the safe reuse of WW for irrigation, with tomatoes being the most
commonly WW-irrigated vegetable crop.
2. Material and methods:
water sources, as well as the electrical conductivity and pH values of soil samples were
determined based on the methodology described. All sampled fruits were hand harvested at
the fully ripe stage (fully red) at the end of the harvest period (last harvest) for the first two
years of the experimental period, while for the 3rd year tomatoes were sampled at the
beginning (1st harvest), middle (mid harvest; 4th harvest) and the end of the harvest period
(last harvest; 7th harvest). Tomato samples (five replicates per treatment per harvest event)
in each harvest event were constituted from fruits randomly harvested from all 20 plants in
individual replicates of each treatment. Tomatoes were then thoroughly washed with tap
water followed by rinsing with ultrapure deionized water to remove any soil particles, blotted
dried with tissue paper and stored in plastic bags at 18 C until analysis.
2.3. PhACs translocation and bioconcentration in tomato fruits:
The ability of tomato plants to accumulate the studied PhACs from the WW irrigated soil in
their fruits, during the three years of this study, was estimated using the bioconcentration
factor (BCFF), which was calculated as the ratio of each PhAC concentration in the tomato
fruit to the PhAC concentration in the soil (all in dry weight base):
3. Results and discussion:
irrigated soil due to wind erosion, or transport of soil material between field with farm
machinery. The concentration of PhACs in the topsoil was significantly affected by the
duration of irrigation and the origin of the WW applied for irrigation. None of the targeted
PhACs displayed an obvious cumulative or increasing pattern with increasing time of WW
irrigation. Noteworthy, the concentrations of targeted PhACs in the soil were higher and
followed different pattern compared to the concentrations found in the WW used for irrigation,
as higher PhACs in the WW used for irrigation does not necessary implies higher
concentration in the soil, as well. Indicative is the fact that despite the higher SMX and TMP
concentration in the MWTP I WW compared with MWTP II WW during the 3rd year of the
study, their respective values in the soil sampled from MWTP I WW irrigated soil were lower
compared to the ones from MWTP II WW irrigated soil. Moreover, SMX and TMP tend to
accumulate in the soil at higher levels compared with DCF. Similar concentrations were
reported as a result of short- (single growing period) and long-term (20e100 years) WW
irrigation. The variation of the concentration of studied PhACs throughout the growing
season in the 3rd year of study is in accordance with the findings, who monitored the
presence and distribution of TMP and SMX (among other PhACs) in WW irrigated soils
throughout a whole growing season. Given the alkaline nature of both the irrigation water
sources used (pH ranged from 8.04 to 8.45) and the soil (pH mean value 8.74), as well as
the acid dissociation constants of examined PhACs, both DCF and SMX were expected to be
exclusively found in their ionic form, whereas TMP in its neutral form. The negative charge of
DCF and SMX may counteract their absorption to the negatively charged clay and soil
colloids and moieties of soil organic matter, simultaneously facilitating their bioaccessibility
for degradation and plant uptake. On the other hand, TMP may be prone to leaching to
deeper soil layers, as well to microbial degradation and plant uptake. The lack of DCF
accumulation in soil during the three years of WW irrigation in this study is in line with
previous results reporting that the concentrations of DCF and other acidic PhACs in
agricultural soil in Mexico did not increase with increasing time of WW irrigation (90e100
years). The poor retardation of DCF in soils may be attributed to its poor absorption and
leaching potential, as well as to its high microbial degradation. Previous fate studies showed
that DCF is not persistent and that is readily biodegradable in soil; its degradation has been
found to follow the first-order exponential decay model, while its half-life (t1/2) ranged from
0.4 to less than 5 days. SMX and TMP displayed significantly higher soil concentrations
compared to DCF. SMX displayed the highest soil concentration among the three studied
PhACs at the end of the 3rd year of the study. The dissipation rate of SMX and TMP
depends on the physico-chemical properties of the soil and the extend of its aeration. The
reported half-life values of SMX are contradictive. reported SMX half-life value of 2 days in
clay loam under aerobic conditions, whereas half-life values of 9 and 20 days in medium
loam and clay loam were reported, respectively. On the other hand, reported that SMX is not
bioavailable and therefore persistent to microbial degradation. found that SMX
concentrations in soil rapidly increased with increasing duration of WW irrigation until no
further increase of concentration could be observed in soils irrigated for approximately 25
years. The reported half-life for TMP ranged from 4 days in aerated clay loam to more than
84 days in medium loam, highlighting its persistence in soils. In addition, TMP displayed
declining absorption coefficient with increasing pH values. Overall, both SMX and TMP
concentrations in soil varied during the experimental period in the present study, until a
steady state concentration between input and dissipation could be achieved.
3.3. PhACs' concentration in tomato fruits and bioconcentration factor:
The concentration of selected PhACs in tomato fruits varied depending on the duration of
WW irrigation and the irrigation water source applied (MWTP I and II WW). DCF was found
below the detection limit in fruits harvested during the 1st year of the experiment from MWTP
I WW irrigated plants, while it was also absent in fruits harvested during the first two years
and the 1st harvest of the 3rd year from MWTP II WW irrigated plants. Moreover, DCF
concentration in fruits displayed an increasing pattern from the 1st to the last harvest in the
3rd year of the experiment, while also displayed the highest fruit concentration among all
tested PhACs. SMX and TMP were detected in tomato fruits in all harvest events throughout
the study period. The highest fruit concentration for both the SMX and TMP was recorder in
fruits harvested during the 3rd year of the study. Intriguingly, the concentration of both SMX
and TMP in fruits displayed an increasing pattern during the three harvests taken place at the
3rd year in MWTP II WW irrigated plants, whereas no obvious pattern was recorded in
MWTP I WW irrigated plants . The absence of DCF in tomato fruits harvested during the 1 st
year of the experiment from MWTP I WW irrigated plants, and from the first two years and
the 1st harvest of the 3rd year from MWTP II WW irrigated plants may be attributed to the
rapid dissipation of DCF in soil, to its low lipophilicity, as well as to its anionic form found in
soil and soil solution, which restricts its uptake by roots and transport to the aboveground
part (fruits) of tomato plant. However, the results of this study revealed that the long-term
(more than a single year) WW irrigation may result in the significant uptake and
bioaccumulation of DCF in tomato fruits. The concentration equilibrium reached between
DCF input and dissipation during a prolonged WW irrigation period may result in the
existence of a readily available DCF concentration in soil for plant uptake. DCF in its ionic
form in soil may penetrate the root by water mass flow but to a lesser extent than neutral
compounds, since it is repelled by the negatively charged cell walls. However, the pKa
values of DCF suggest its partial existence in non-ionic form in the rhizoplane, which allows
its dissolution into the membranes and release to the cytosol. Though, once in the cytosol,
DCF retains its ionic form, which may result to its ion trapping in the cytosol. As a result,
DCF, as well as other weakly acidic PhACs, such as SMX, are expected to preferentially be
translocated in the phloem rather than in the xylem, having as a result their accumulation in
the fruits rather than in the leaves. SMX is more hydrophilic with slightly higher pKa value
than DCF; thus, it may exhibit similar uptake pattern with DCF. The continuous detection of
SMX in all harvest events throughout the three years of the experimental period, in contrast
to DCF, may be attributed to the fact that SMX was found in higher concentration in soil
compared to DCF, due to its higher persistence. Interestingly, found SMX in the leaves but
not in the fruits of tomato plants irrigated with WW for a single growing period, while reported
the absence of SMX from the fruits of pepper, cucumber and tomato plants grown in field
during a single growing period and irrigated with WW. TMP exhibits several charged species
within the soil and plant pH range. Its neutral form in the soil facilitates its uptake from the
roots, while it may be also translocated through the transpiration mass flow as it partially
retains its neutral form (~30%) in the cytosol (pH 7.5) (it may be also trapped in the cytosol in
its cationic form). These can potentially explain why TMP was regularly found in tomato fruits.
The ability of the studied PhACs to translocate within the tomato plant vascular system and
accumulate in the fruits was estimated based on the BCFF. Results revealed that DCF
displayed the highest ability for bioconcentration in tomato fruits after prolonged wastewater
irrigation in field. DCF was not accumulated in tomato fruits irrigated with both treated
effluents used during the 1st year of the study, neither in the 2 nd year in MWTP II WW
irrigated plants. However, it displayed high BCFF values during the 3rd year of the study, as
it was found in high concentration in fruits compared to the other PhACs studied. They found
higher SMX concentrations in the leaves of cucumber and tomato plants grown in sand
rather than in aeollian and alluvial soil as a result of irrigation with WW or spiked WW, while
no SMX was found in the fruits of these plants. Overall, BCF values in the current study
suggest that both SMX and TMP may be translocated within the tomato plant vascular
system at moderate rates, whereas DCF can be translocated in higher rates, only if plants
are exposed to this PhAC for a prolonged period.
4. Conclusion:
The reuse of treated WW for irrigation and the application of biosolids and manure as soil
amendments have been found to facilitate the uptake of PhACs by plants and their
subsequent entrance to the food web, representing important alternative pathways for the
exposure of humans to PhACs, with potential health implications. The present study sheds
light to the fate of the studied PhACs in real agricultural systems and their uptake and fruit
bioaccumulation by a widely consumed vegetable crop, such as tomato, by incorporating two
distinguished treated flows for irrigation under field conditions for a prolonged period (three
years), as well as by analyzing the concentration of PhACs in all involved matrices (WW, soil,
tomato fruits). Results revealed that the concentration of the studied PhACs in soil and fruits
varied, depending on the duration of irrigation and the origin of the WW applied, as well as
the physicochemical properties of PhACs. Noteworthy, the long-term (more than a single
growing period) WW irrigation may facilitate the uptake of acidic PhACs (i.e., DCF, SMX) by
plants and their subsequent bioconcentration in fruits, in contrast to their absence from fruits
harvested from plants that have been wastewater-irrigated for a single growing period. The
concentration of the studied PhACs in tomato fruits varied both inter-annually and
seasonally, and increased with increased duration of WW irrigation, reaching maximum
concentration during the last year of study, highlighting the need for long-term studies
utilizing WW irrigation under field conditions.
Although the estimated TTC and HQ values revealed that the consumption of fruits harvested
from tomato plants irrigated for long period with the WW applied for irrigation under field
conditions in this study represent a de minimis risk to human health with regard to the studied