A Bibliometric Analysis

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A bibliometric analysis of online universities

from 1997 to 2021
Ngo Thi Thanh Tung1*, Nguyen Xuan An2,
Tran Thu Giang3, Luong Dinh Hai4

ABSTRACT: Online universities have been overgrown since the 1980s

The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences
due to technological development. When the COVID-19 pandemic
(Vietnam) broke out, traditional universities and colleges were forced to shift
annx@vnies.edu.vn, to online learning. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive
The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences bibliometric of online university research from 1997 to 2021 based
(Vietnam) on retrieval of the Scopus database. The bibliometric analysis
giangtt@vnies.edu.vn, revealed the number of publications, the most prominent countries,
The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences authors, journal sources, and critical articles based on citations
(Vietnam) and the most relevant research topics. Since the first paper was
luongdinhhai@vnies.edu.vn published in 1997, annual publications in online university research
The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences have increased rapidly to 1.5 - 2 times every five years. The United
States, Spain, and Korea are the top three countries regarding the
Corresponding author
number of Online university studies. However, it is the authors from
Korea who have the most publications. These findings could provide
information to researchers and practitioners to better understand
Online universities in the experiential and digital era.

KEYWORDS: Online university, online learning, distance education, bibliometrics,

Scopus, digital environment.
Received 12/01/2023 Revised manuscript received 1/03/2023 Published 31/03/2023.

1. Introduction and Korea. The creation of Massive Open

Online university (OU), also known as the Online Courses (MOOC) was driven by the fast
virtual university (Jung, 2019b), was formed development of information and communication
with the development of technology and the technologies in the first decade of the twenty-first
advance of online courses. It provided a new century, first introduced in 2008 (Jung, 2019b),
kind of online learning which became ubiquitous allowed learners to participate in asynchronous
and increasingly affordable for learners (Jung, online courses designed to each individual’s
2019b). The first fully online course was offered capacity and circumstances (Thompson, 2021).
by the University of Toronto in 1984 (Sarkar, The issues of the OU topic attracted scholars,
2020). After that, the birth of the Electronic
researchers, and practitioners in higher education
University Network in 1986, has attracted
after 12 years of the first fully online course
dozens of universities and colleges in the US.
offered in the world (Colyar, 1997). The starting
It was known as a mobile learning system and
point for these studies was to focus on issues
learning management system with many students
participating in the online courses, up to 15,000 related to online information systems for online
people scattered across several subjects in just teaching (Colyar, 1997; Cot, 2001). The topics
two years (Etherington, 2018). The beginning were expanded and studied in more depth in
of formation and development of the OU system teaching and learning processes. For example, the
was officially established with the opening of study of the OU model has changed the traditional
online higher education institutions in the USA, way (Snchez-Gelabert, 2020); precisely, the
such as Virtual High School (1996) and Western issue of communication between lecturers -
Governors University (1997). Then, online higher students, between students - students is done at a
education institutions were established in many distance. On the other hand, the researcher is also
countries, such as India, Malaysia, Pakistan, concerned about the limitations in the interaction

Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2023 25


between lecturers and students (Dennen, 2007), measuring and evaluating science by measuring
professional motivation (Badia, 2017), and the scientific publications. Bibliometrics is a field of
professional development of lecturers (Gregory, research that started in the 1960s - 1970s in the
2013). In psychological aspects, some other US and some Western European countries when
studies have pointed out the psychological the volume of scientific information developed
problems of learners while taking online courses rapidly and significantly and posed the need to
offered by universities (Heo & Han, 2018; Vayre, systematise information (Okubo et al., 1998).
2017) or personal psychology types suitable to Bibliometrics was proposed by Alan Pritchard
OU learning (Harrington, 2010). OU became in the late 1960s, emphasising the physical
more popular, and easier to drop out of learners. element of doing research, such as counting the
Some studies tried to explain this problem by number of books, articles, publications, citations,
determining the relationship between disciplines and generally any well-known expression with
and support needed to complete or drop out of statistical findings on recorded information,
school (Grau-Valldosera & Minguillón, 2014; regardless of specialised boundaries (De Bellis,
Nistor, 2010). Additionally, several studies on 2009).
learners’ satisfaction were also carried out to The bibliometrics method was used to conduct
enhance learners’ interaction in the learning this paper by analysing the collection of OU
process and learning effectiveness (Kang & scientific articles kept in the Scopus database.
Shin, 2015; Shin & Kang, 2015). Besides, the Scopus is a bibliographic database of abstracts
assessment system has been mentioned to ensure and citations for scientific articles, containing up
accurate learning outcomes assessment (Joo et to 57 million abstracts and over 22,000 categories
al., 2016; Rovai, 2004). from more than 5,000 publishers (Research
Although research on OU is hugely diverse, Solution Reprints Desk, 2021). The selection of a
comprehensive studies in this field have not been collection source is based on its coverage. Given
done to visualise an overall picture. Therefore, the a large and frequently updated amount of data,
research team aimed to provide other researchers Scopus fits the purpose of this study perfectly.
with a broader view of the studied directions and
The research team explored the data by
the network of colleagues that they can refer to
exploring the data by using the “The Preferred
when doing research related to OU by conducting
Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-
a comprehensive scientific bibliometric analysis
Analyses” (PRISMA). PRISMA, published in
of the field in the period 1997 - 2021 based on
2009, was created to assist systematic reviewers
retrieval of the Scopus database. This paper
in reporting why the review was conducted,
addressed several following research questions
what the authors did, and what they discovered
transparently (Gümüş et al., 2020; Prisma, 2021;
RQ1: What is the annual publication number
The BMJ, 2021). This study used the keywords
of the OU field?
“online university*”, “online college*” and
RQ2: Which country is leading the OU
“online institution*” to explore OU literature
research field in the world?
from Scopus for the period 1997 - 2021. The
RQ3: Who are the key authors of the OU field? keywords were searched in the information fields
RQ4: Which journal sources are the most of the documents’ title, summary, and keywords.
important in the OU sector? Only English articles in the “original articles”
RQ5: Which OU documents are the most category were included in the analysis of this
cited? dataset.
RQ6: Which research topics in the OU are of A total of 212 documents were retrieved from
most significant interest? Scopus between 1997 and 2021, with average
citations per document of 13.58 and average
2. Data and methods citations per year per document of 1,614. All
Bibliometrics is one of the methods of published document types are articles. The



retrieved documents included 484 authors with the number of published studies was minimal;
542 author appearances, 2.69 collaboration in 5 years, only two studies were published in
index, and 50 single-authored records. journals. In 2002 - 2006, the number of studies
Many of the statistics in this study were overgrew, with the number of published articles
descriptive in nature. The distribution of the being 21. In 2007 - 2011, the number of published
most productive countries/ territories, authors, studies was 28 articles, 1.3 times higher than the
journals, keywords, and total citations were previous period. The period of 2012 - 2016 saw
among them. The database’s research trends the fastest increase in the number of studies,
and chosen publishing features were classified with 67 articles published, 2.4 times higher than
and analysed separately using the “Biblioshiny the last period. In 2017 - 2021, the number of
app” - (via R-studio cloud) (Nistor, 2010). These published studies was 94 articles, 1.4 times
analytical methods were performed using Excel higher than last.
and R software. The annual citation index of these studies did
not trend in the same direction as the number of
3. Results published studies. The data presented in Figure
RQ1: What is the annual publication number 1 for 2003 - 2008 has few articles but many
of the OU field? citations. The period 2009 - 2012 was when
During 1997 - 2021, there were 212 studies in the number of articles increased gradually,
the field of OU published in Scopus journals, but from 6 articles in 2009 to 12 articles in 2012.
the annual number of publications had irregular However, the number of citations saw a slight
increases and decreases. The first article was fall, respectively, from 342 to 212 in these two
published in 1997, but the following article was years. Research published in 2012 - 2016 has the
published four years later (2001). The average highest number of citations and is the only period
annual growth rate for the whole period was where the number of citations changes in sync
29.0%, but there were years when the number with the number of publications. The period 2017
of publications doubled from the previous year - 2021 has the highest number of publications in
(e.g., 2002 - 2003, 2014 - 2015, 2018 - 2019) the whole considerable period from 1997 to 2021
(Figure 1). If dividing the period 1997 - 2021 but has a deficient number of citations.
into short periods of 5 years, the figure shows RQ2: Which country is leading the OU
that the number of published studies tends to research field in the world?
increase gradually. In the period of 1997 - 2001, The field of OU has attracted the attention

Figure 1. Number of publications and citations of OU studies from 1997 to 2021

Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2023 27


Figure 2. Distribution of OU studies by country

of researchers from many countries worldwide, by a collaboration of many nations. The amount
mainly European and North American countries of research done by a single country account for
(see Figure 2). According to the data provided, a considerable proportion. In the United States,
32 countries have published research on OU in the number of independently conducted studies
Scopus journals since 1997. 43.56% are studies is 12.75 times the amount of research conducted
published in North American countries; 40.98% are by American scientists in collaboration with other
published in the UK and Europe. OU publications countries. Similarly, in Spain, the ratio is 9.5
from Asia and Africa account for only 14.43% and times, and in Korea, it is 13 times. The US remains
1.03% of global OU publications. the leading country in the amount of research
Figure 2 shows the number of OU studies by conducted independently and in collaboration
country, whereby the US is the leading country with other countries, followed by Spain and South
with the highest number of articles (136 - 39%), Korea. Among the countries with many articles,
followed by Spain (56 - 16%). The Republic Australia is the country where OU studies are
of Korea, the United Kingdom, and Australia conducted entirely by domestic researchers.
ranked third in the number of articles (28 - RQ3: Who are the key authors of the OU
25.7%). Canada, Italy, and China have about field?
4% of the articles, while the rest of the countries It is not the country and continent with the
have contributed very little (less than 1%) to the most publications on OU. However, Asian
total number of publications on OU since 1997. authors, specifically Korean, have the highest
Collaboration between countries in research number of articles and citations. The results of
is a big trend, but a single country in the OU the 20 most influential authors in OU research
field does most research. As shown in Figure since 1997 are presented in Table 1 and Figure
3, the SCP represents research done by a single 4. In Table 1, the second column contains 20
country, and the MCP represents research done authors with the number of articles. Moreover,



Figure 3. Cooperation of countries in conducting studies on OU

the fifth column is the 20 authors with the most Table 1. Top 20 authors’ productivity over the
citations. Accordingly, Joo Y. J. from Korea is years
author with the highest number of publications in
OU (4 documents) and the person with the most

Number of

citations (303 citations). Kang M., an author from
Korea, has the highest number of publications (4
documents), but the number of citations is only
1 JOO YJ 4 JOO YJ 303
seventh in the top 20 (163 citations). Followed
2 KANG M 4 SHEN L 278
by Lim K. Y. has the third-highest number of
publications (3 documents) and the fifth-highest 3 LIM KY 3 SHEN R 278

number of citations, with 250 times. Shin W. S. 4 SHIN WS 3 WANG M 278

from the US is the fourth author with the number 5 NISTOR N 3 LIM KY 250
of publications (3 documents), and the number 6 CACCIAMANI S 3 SHIN WS 171
of citations ranked sixth with 171 times. Nistor 7 EDWARDS M 3 KANG M 163
N. (Germany) and Cacciamani S. (Italy) have 8 CESARENI D 2 KIM EK 160
the same number of publications (3 documents). 9 BETTINGER E 2 ROVAI AP 155
However, Nistor N. has 90 citations, and 10 LOEB S 2 MACDONALD CJ 136
Cacciamani S. has is 53 citation, not in the top 11 VAYRE E 2 STODEL EJ 136
20 authors with the highest number of citations.
In contrast, scholars from China, Shen L.,
Shen R., and Wang M., each author has only one
publication, but the number of citations together
ranks second among 20 authors with citations.
The highest number of citations is 278. Other 16 BADIA A 2 BROWN-WELTY S 93

authors in the top 20 in the OU field and their 17 GARCIA C 2 TRACZ S 93

citation counts are presented in Table 1. 18 MENESES J 2 VUONG M 93
Note: The line represents an author’s timeline. 19 HETTIARACHCHI 2 NISTOR N 90
The bubbles’ size equals how many documents
an author produces each year. The number of

Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2023 29


citations per year is proportional to the colour regions are the most important sources of journals
intensity of the bubble. The first bubble on the in OU, as measured by the volume of publications.
line denotes the start of the author’s work in the These journals all share the same goal of focusing
field. The larger the bubble, the more articles on the pedagogical uses of digital technology
an author publishes per year; the bubbles with rather than the technical aspects (hardware,
a darker colour intensity indicate more citations software) of technology (Elsevier, 2021; Scimago,
(Friday et al., 2021). 2021; Taylor & Francis Online, 2021).
Korean and American authors lead in research Athabasca (Canada) ranks first among 20
performance and contributions at OU. Author Joo important journals in the field of OU. In North
Y. J. (Korea) has regularly published four studies America, according to aggregated data from
on OU within six years, published the first study Scopus, the International Review of Research
in 2011 and the most recent study in 2016 (see in Open and Distance Learning, later renamed
Figure 4). However, the first study published in International Review of Research in Open and
2011 is more valuable than the other documents. Distributed Learning, belongs to the university’s
Kang M. (Korea) published more papers in 2015 publishing house. The International Review of
than in the remaining years (from 2011 to 2016), Research in Open and Distributed Learning is
and at the same time, the research he published a refereed, open-access e-journal. The journal
in 2015 also has more than ten total citations targets researchers and practitioners of open and
annually. Shin W. S. (USA) has two studies distance education systems (Scimago, 2021a).
published in 2015 and one published in 2016. Between 2005 and 2020, there were 16 OU
These studies have the highest citations (shown studies published in this Journal (accounting
in bold bubble colour). A Canadian scholar - for 7% of the number of articles in the 20 most
Edward M., is also the person with the highest critical peer-reviewed sources).
research performance, with two publications In the same region, The American Journal of
published in 2011 and one published in 2012. Distance Education (AJDE) is the third most
However, his contribution is not much, reflected important Journal, with six publications on OU
in the number of citations. His studies are few research between 2013 and 2020, representing
(with pale bubbles). 2.8% of the total publications in the 20 most
RQ4: Which journal sources are the most important journals. The AJDE is the journal of
important in the OU sector? the Taylor & Francis (USA) publishing house.
Journals in the North American and European The Journal is internationally recognised as the

Figure 4. Top 20 authors’ productivity over the years



Figure 5. Distribution of articles by relevant sources from 1997 to 2021

Journal of record of research and scholarship in this Journal from 2012 to 2020. Computers
in American distance education. The Journal and Education seek to increase knowledge and
aims to promote research on distance education understanding of how digital technology can
in the Americas and disseminate information improve education. They welcome research
about it. AJDE investigates all aspects of papers on the context of use, the user/system
teaching-learning relationships in which interface, usability difficulties, evaluations
the actors are geographically separated, and of the user experience, and the consequences
technology mediates communication (Taylor and, notably, the implications for learning and
& Francis Online, 2021). The Online Learning teaching (Elsevier, 2021). Next in this region,
Journal is also a journal in North America, and the Internet and Higher Education, a journal of
the Journal has the fourth-highest number of Elsevier BV (UK), is as essential as the AJDE,
articles (5) published among the 20 journals which publishes six publications of OU research
most relevant to OU research. The Online from 2003 to 2021. This journal addresses
Learning Journal is a magazine of the Online current and future development issues related
Learning Consortium (USA). This Journal aims to online learning, teaching, and governance for
to foster the development and dissemination of post-secondary education (Scimago, 2021b).
new knowledge at the intersection of pedagogy, Figure 5 above shows relevant journal
emerging technologies, policy, and practice sources. In addition to the journals listed above,
in the online environment (Scimago, 2021b). other journal sources published less than five OU
Articles were published in this Journal between studies during this period.
2015 and 2020. RQ5: Which OU documents are the most
In Europe, Elsevier has become an important cited?
publisher, with two journals publishing many The team explored the most cited OU literature
research publications on OU. The Computers and in the global citation (GC) and local citation (LC)
Education, an open-access journal of Elsevier indexes. The number of citations a document
publishing house (Netherlands), is the second has from the entire database, in this case, the
most important Journal with nine publications of Scopus database, is known as a global citation.
OU research, accounting for 4% of publications in The global citation also assesses the impact of a
the past 20 years. The OU studies were published document, which may obtain more citations from

Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2023 31


Table 2. List of 20 documents with at least one local citation

ID 1st author, Title Source Keywords LC GC LC/GC
published year Ratio
1 Joo YJ, 2011 Online university Computers and distance education and 3 160 1.88
students’ satisfaction and Education telelearning; learning
persistence: Examining communities; post-
perceived level of secondary education
presence, usefulness and
ease of use as predictors
in a structural model
2 Grau- Rethinking dropout in International distance education; 3 24 12.5
Valldosera J, online higher education: Review of dropout; early dropout;
2014 The case of the Research in Open higher education; learning
Universitat Oberta de and Distance analytics; online university
Catalunya Learning
3 Rovai AP, A constructivist approach Internet and Higher constructivism; course 2 155 1.29
2004 to online college learning Education design; distance education;
higher education; learning;
4 Dennen VP, Instructor-learner Distance Education 1 117 0.85
2007 interaction in online
courses: The relative
perceived importance
of particular instructor
actions on performance
and satisfaction
5 Shin WS, The use of a mobile International ISS; mobile learning; mobile 1 73 1.37
2015 learning management Review of LMS; TAM
system at an online Research in Open
university and its effect on and Distance
learning satisfaction and Learning
6 Nistor N, From participation to Computers and distance education and 1 61 1.64
2010 dropout: Quantitative Education telelearning; media in
participation patterns in education; pedagogical
online university courses issues; post-secondary
7 Joo YJ, 2016 Factors predicting online Educational actual usage; expectation- 1 58 1.72
university students use Technology confirmation model;
of a mobile learning Research and M-Lms; mobile learning;
management system Development mobile learning management
(M-Lms) system; technology
acceptance model
8 Harrington R, MBTI personality type Internet and Higher extraversion; face-to-face 1 47 2.13
2010 and other factors that Education instruction; introversion;
relate to preference for Mbti; online instruction;
online versus face-to-face personality type
9 Cacciamani Influence of participation, Computers and computer-mediated 1 45 2.22
S, 2012 facilitator styles, and Education communication;
metacognitive reflection cooperative/ collaborative
on knowledge building in learning; pedagogical issues;
online university courses post-secondary education;
teaching/ learning strategies



ID 1st author, Title Source Keywords LC GC LC/GC

published year Ratio
10 Russo TC, Perceptions of Distance Education 1 36 2.78
2004 mediated presence in
an asynchronous online
course: Interplay of
communication behaviors
and medium
11 Gregory J, Professional development Distance Education capacity building; 1 30 3.33
2013 for online university contextualization;
teaching E-moderating; mentoring;
online teaching; professional
12 Heo JC, 2018 Effects of motivation, Education and academic stress; motivation; 1 19 5.26
academic stress and age Information online education; self-
in predicting self-directed Technologies directed learning readiness
learning readiness (Sdlr): (Sdlr)
Focused on online college
13 Kang M, An empirical investigation Journal of distance education; media 1 19 5.26
2015 of student acceptance of Educational in education; multimedia/
synchronous E-learning in Computing hypermedia systems; post-
an online university Research secondary education
14 Vayre E, 2017 Psychological engagement Journal of college/ university; 1 18 5.56
of students in distance and Educational engagement; online
online learning: Effects Computing courses; online learning;
of self-efficacy and Research self-efficacy; sense of
psychosocial processes community; social support
15 Yick AG, Navigating distance International academia; distance 1 17 5.88
2005 and traditional higher Review of education; online education;
education: Online faculty Research in Open online faculty experiences;
experiences and Distance tenure
16 Badia A, 2017 Approaches to teaching British Journal 1 14 7.14
online: Exploring factors of Educational
influencing teachers in a Technology
fully online university
17 Janzen KJ, Becoming real: Using International artistic pedagogical 1 8 12.5
2011 the artistic pedagogical Journal of Nursing technologies; authenticity;
technology of photovoice Education becoming real; interaction;
as a medium to becoming Scholarship photovoice; social presence
real to one another in
the online educative
18 Castao-Muoz Estimating the economic Higher Education adult learners; E-learning; 1 4 25
J, 2016 payoff to virtual university economic payoffs; online
education: A case study universities
of the Open University of
19 Blum D, 2017 Nine potential solutions Qualitative Report academic policies; best 1 2 50
to abate grade inflation practices; grade inflation
at regionally accredited solutions; intrinsic case
online U.S. universities: study; revising student
An intrinsic case study evaluations
20 Armstrong Digital health education American 1 2 50
SN, 2016 for the fully online college Journal of Health
student: An exploratory Education

Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2023 33


different disciplines in most circumstances. On essential research topics that guide other studies
the other hand, local citation counts the number related to the human experience in the OU
of citations a document has received from other environment: psychology and mental health of
documents in the study (Friday et al., 2021). the participants of the OU courses, participants’
Regarding LC, a study on dropouts in online choices and satisfaction (Armstrong & Burcin,
higher education by Grau-Valldosera J. (Grau- 2016; Han & Shin, 2016); interaction in OU
Valldosera, 2014) and a document on OU student teaching and learning, community response
satisfaction by Joo Y. J. (Joo, 2011) topped the to OU (Cacciamani et al., 2018); local and
number of internal citations (3). Next is Rovai regional human development related to the
A. P.’s methodological document on approaching selection of OU courses (Bignoux & Sund,
college-level online teaching (2004), which 2018; Guillén-Gámez & Mayorga-Fernández,
ranked second in internal citations (2). The 2020). The research topic is in-depth studies
remaining documents in the list had a minimum of the behaviour of OU students who prefer
number of LC citations (1) (see Table 2). OU courses to face-to-face university courses
Regarding GC, the study of Joo Y. J. (2011) (Harrington & Loffredo, 2010; Lan et al., 2003).
also ranked first in the number of citations (160), Research topics that have not had a lasting
followed by the study of Rovai A. P. (2004) with impact in the OU research area are those in
155 citations. The study by Dennen V. P. (2007) education and online education. In these studies,
ranked 3rd with a number of citations 117. The OU is a research context rather than the subject,
study by Shin W. S. (2015) ranked 3rd on GC for example, the influence of digitisation in
(73). The GC ranked fourth is the study of Nistor higher education (Bettinger et al., 2017; Toader
N. (2010), with 61 citations. Joo Y. J. et al. also et al., 2021), the need for training university
conducted a study on OU in 2016 (Joo, 2016), teachers (Gormaz-Lobos et al., 2021), theoretical
but GC citations only ranked 5th with 58. The expectations about dialogue in online interaction
remaining studies had GC less than 50. (Arvaja & Hmlinen, 2021), or predicting the
RQ6: Which research topics in the OU are of attitude of teachers and students towards ICT
most significant interest? in higher education (Guilln-Gmez & Mayorga-
The thematic analysis derives themes Fernndez, 2020). The primary research topic in
from clusters of authors’ keywords and their the OU field is the study of students and their
interconnections. These themes are distinguished online learning. The terms “students”, “online
by specific characteristics (density and learning”, and “teaching” appear in a wide range
centrality). The vertical axis represents density, of studies, from research on assessment systems
while the horizontal axis represents centrality. to enhance interoperability (Marqus et al., 2021)
The degree of correlation between different to predicting dropout and course completion
topics is measured by centrality, and the density in OU (Figueroa-Canas & Sancho-Vinuesa,
of the nodes is measured by density (Esfahani et
al., 2019).
These two characteristics measure whether
specific subjects are well-developed and
important. The more relationships a node has
with others within the thematic network, the more
central and important the position is. Likewise,
coherence between a node that reflects a research
field’s density delineates its ability to develop
and maintain itself (Friday et al., 2021).
Figure 6 provides the thematic map of
the field of OU, which is divided into four
quadrants (Q1 to Q4). Data modelling reveals Figure 6. Thematic map



2020), from research on promoting interactive Research publication trends of OU

skills in OU (Martnez-Cerd et al., 2018) to an Regarding the number of published studies
online assessment of knowledge and skills in the journals of the Web of Science system,
(HettiarachchI et al., 2019). the results of data analysis have shown that it is
The upper right quadrant (Q1) represents not a linear increase due to irregular increase-
driving themes, including the “internet”, decrease fluctuations. A delineation by 5-year
“human”, and “learning” in addition, there sub-periods could even see an increasing trend
are themes such as “collaborative learning”, over time. Based on the foundation of distance
“human experiment”, and “computer-supported education in terms of flexibility, accessibility and
collaboration”. The upper left quadrant (Q2) is affordability suitable for a wide range of learners,
the very specialised themes, including “higher online learning methods have been becoming
education”, “behavioural research”, and “college popular with ideally providing higher education
students and digitisation”. The lower left quadrant opportunities for socially disadvantaged people
(Q3) is emerging, or disappearing themes, (Lee, 2020), especially for those who are unable
including “education” and “online education. The to study because of geographical distances,
lower right quadrant (Q4) is underlying themes, schedule conflict, and insufficient payment for
including “students”, “e-learning”, and “teaching”. in-person learning (Amanda & Kathleen, 2013;
The themes of “online learning”, “post-secondary Sun & Chen, 2016). This is the core foundation
education” and “education computing” relates to for creating and sustaining the growth of
some concepts in Q1 and Q3. higher education institutions that deliver online
learning, a new form of learning service delivery
4. Discussion by networking technology becoming more and
OU is a model of higher education born in more available and cheaper (Jung, 2019b).
the late 1980s and expanded in the 1990s with Therefore, the increase in articles from the 2000s
the rapid emergence and widespread Internet until now is suitable for solving problems arising
use (Jung, 2019a). In the 21st century, online and existing in the teaching and learning process
education is entering the mainstream and and operating the online education system.
becoming a growing market as it continues to Based on statistical data, the period from 2012
expand the accessibility of learning to more to now displays an explosion of research related
people (Gallagher & La-Brie, 2012). The to OU topics.
development of OU and its related issues has This is the period when the rapid development
attracted researchers from all aspects linked to and continuous improvement of important
this type of university during the past 30 years. technologies supporting distance learning based
Only the English-language studies published in on online methods such as VCTs, smart mobile
Scopus until 6/2021 have 212 articles with the devices, wifi, LMS (Latchem & Jung, 2009).
participation of 484 authors. This study performed Along with that, the relentless and rapid
a bibliometric review of articles in the OU field expansion of online courses, including
from 1997 to 2021 to provide a comprehensive conventional online courses and MOOCs
picture of OU-related research. By using the (Escuenta et al., 2017), the trend of developing
PRISMA process, a dataset was completed with a systems of open learning resources (OERs) and
total of 212 articles selected. The research results using Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and now Web 4.0 also
have also shown this topic’s development status strongly promotes the development of learning
and important research trends by determining by online approach to an open and distance
the number of publications, the most prominent education system (Bozkurt et al., 2015).
countries, authors, journal sources, the critical Looking in more detail, in the last three years,
articles based on citation index, and research the number of OU studies had increased the most,
topics of most interest. The findings of the study especially when the COVID-19 pandemic broke
will be discussed in detail below. out in early 2020, causing most universities in

Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2023 35


the world to switch to forms of online learning online learning courses (Amanda & Kathleen,
or stop providing training courses (Hodges et al., 2013; Sun & Chen, 2016; Thompson, 2021). As of
2020; Nguyen et al., 2021). 2013, more than a third of American students had
Although the number of publications in taken an online course during their undergraduate
the field of OU in the period 1997 - 2021 has studies (Bettinger et al., 2012), and more than
generally increased, the number of citations has 11% were enrolled in completely online academic
not always followed the same trend as the number programs (Deming et al., 2015). Therefore, it
of publications. This can be disconcerting as is not difficult to understand that they pay great
2009 was not the year most OU studies were attention and take the lead in OU research.
published, but the studies conducted this year had The second in this ranking is Spain. It is also
the highest total citations. This may be due to the one of the first countries to establish an open
data limitation of the new study, which is limited higher education institution since 1972, the
to publications on the Web of Sciences database. National Distance Education University, only
Therefore, this will also be an expanded research after the UK - the country opened the first open
direction in the future to review the research university in the world in 1969 (Jung, 2019a).
system on OU more comprehensively. An interesting case on the chart is the
Countries leading the field of OU research appearance of Korea, a country in Asia, in the
As mentioned above, the US and Korea third place of countries with the number of OU
have the highest number of OU studies and two studies according to analytical data from the
countries with strong growth in information Web of Sciences. That shows the country’s great
technologies and OU courses. The studies in interest in online education. Korea was one of
2011, 2013 and 2016 have high citations, which is the first countries to establish an open university
the only year where there is a consensus between in 1972 (the Korean Air and Correspondence
the number of studies and the level of citation of College, later renamed Korea National Open
these studies. University in 1991) (Huh, 2007). From 2001
The obtained data shows that the US is the until now, Korea has established more than 20
leading country in the field of OU research, virtual or OU (Jung, 2019a). It is the result of
followed by Spain. Notably, there is a significant the Korean Government’s Virtual University
gap in the number of studies between these two Trial Project, which was started in February
leading countries and the following countries, 1998 (Jung & Rha, 2001), and earlier, the Cyber​​
Korea, the UK, and Australia. One point can be Teacher Training Center project in the summer of
seen from the results of the leading countries 1997 (Jung, 2001).
in OU research, most of which are pioneers in The data also show that, in these studies,
the establishment and development of Open most countries performed independently. In
Universities, a type of university associated other words, there is little linkage between two
with the increasing people’s demand for access countries (or more) in conducting and publishing
to higher education (Jung, 2019a). These OU studies. In particular, the data shows that
universities offer a wide range of online programs Australia is the country where the research on
and courses for a wide variety of learners that OU is conducted entirely by domestic researchers
embrace the philosophy of distance and open among the countries with many articles.
education. Researchers believe that the degree and form of
The number of studies on OU in the US is development of OU vary widely across countries
twice as much as that of Spain and five times (Sun & Chen, 2016), while studies on OU are
as much as ones conducted by Korea, the UK closely tied to the OU context of each country.
and Australia individually. The US is a leading Maybe that is why researchers are stopping at a
country in designing technology platforms for limited extent of working together.
online teaching, such as online learning programs. The analysed data indicates that the most
Universities in the US are also leaders in providing important fakes were from Korea (Joo Y. J., Kang



M.), the USA (Shin W. S.) and Canada (Edward OU can develop online programs and courses
M.). This is also consistent with these countries appropriate for a certain group of learners or
having the largest number of OU studies with gradually progress to absolute personalisation of
total citations. the learning process. Consequently, topics such
The most critical journal sources in the OU as online social networking, computer-mediated
field communication, and media in education are
Data shows that the International Review research topics with connection and orientation
of Research in Open and Distance Learning for the research group on online teaching and
- IRRODL (Canada) and the Computers and learning in higher education in Q4.
Education (Netherlands) are the two most Studying student behaviours in the online
relevant sources for OU studies. IRRODL is the learning environment
journal of the University of Athabasca in Canada. This research topic presented in Q2 has been
This is a journal of Scopus Q1 and SSCI of Web linked in terms of research topic and content but
of Science. Looking for in the field of e-learning still makes a small contribution to developing
in Scimago, this is the ninth ranking. This journal the OU research field. The analysed results show
specialises in distance and open education, online that the research topic is student behaviours in
learning, e-learning, and technology application the online learning environment, the impact of
in education, especially distance education and online learning on student behaviours, or factors
online education, closely related to OU. This affecting learning. Learner behaviours have
journal has leading researchers in this field like always been an essential topic in educational
some authors mentioned above) on the editorial research. Studies on human behaviour in
board. This journal is also free. In addition, the learning process have also shown that
Athabasca University is also a university with understanding the behaviours of those people
leading scholars and a long history in distance is an essential factor for practical solutions to
education. The Computers & Education is the develop and improve the quality of the learning
Scopus Q1 and SSCI of Elsevier and is very strong process. The learner’s learning corresponds
in research areas of technology in education with to the teaching activity of the teacher. With a
high IF. new method of teaching and learning, such as
The research topics in the OU are of the online education, organisations need to study
most interest. the behaviour of learners to understand their
Learner’s experience in the online learning “customers”, thereby offering the best and most
environment appropriate educational services for specific
The analysis results show that the learners’ groups and individuals. For example, recent
experience in the online learning environment empirical research on MOOCs has mainly
shows that Q1 is entirely developed and capable focused on whether a range of behavioural
of structuring the research field. In other words, interventions can improve MOOCs completion
they remain the leading theme within the field. rates and extend coverage to disadvantaged
OU is developed based on learning methods groups (Escuenta et al., 2017). Student online
with an online aspect, so learners’ experience internships are potential and necessary topics to
in an online learning environment is a motor connect with OU research.
topic. The change to a traditional learning Online education in relation to educational
environment that has been familiar since high development
school for both students and adult learners is a Although research topics on online education
new and possibly a first-time experience. These concerning educational development appear
experiences can affect learners’ learning activities to be emerging, it crosses Q4, showing that
or learning outcomes (Fawaz & Samaha, 2021). some of its components are fundamental for the
Understanding how learners experience an development of the field of OU. The thematic
online learning environment is core to how analysis suggests that more efforts are needed to

Volume 19, Issue 1, March 2023 37


develop themes such as “online education” and countries in research activities. Collaboration or
its associated components, such as education partnership between developing and developed
more ties with OU. This is necessary because countries with high-quality research facilities can
OU, an established field, can significantly effort help some of these low publishing/ collaboration-
contribute to the OU’s structure. ratio countries increase their publication volume/
Online teaching and learning in higher collaboration.
education. This is the first bibliometric study in the OU
In Q4, online teaching and learning in field. In this way, researchers interested in the OU
higher education are fundamental research field have a compass to guide future research. In
studies and are quite crucial in developing OU addition, the most recurring themes have been
research. Online learning or computer-based identified and mapped to show how the theme
education is also emerging as a guiding topic is evolving. Research on OU is increasing, and
in OU research. OU’s foundation is a distance the development speed is fast, but the topics are
education philosophy and an online teaching and quite fragmented and not connected to aim at the
learning environment supported by information general development of the research field.
technologies. Therefore, the research trend in This study also has some limitations. First, a
this field focuses more and more on the core bibliographic survey of newly published high-
activities of the pedagogical or training process, quality articles is incomplete. This is due to the
which are teaching and learning activities. method stopping at citation analysis. The value
or impact of a study in a field cannot be measured
5. Conclusions solely by the number of citations. Furthermore,
The bibliometric analysis summarised the since only using keywords in English, this
research findings on OU and recorded a sizable analysis only applies to articles published
publication volume from 1997 to 2021. This in English-language journals. In addition, a
study provides a quantitative analysis of leading country’s low publication/ collaboration ratio
journals, most cited articles, and most relevant should not indicate the low quality of scientific
authors in OU publications from 1997. This research.
bibliographic study also provides information The limitations are good suggestions for
on the author’s research topic, duration and future research directions. The upcoming study
frequency, and relevant countries of the will examine the global collaborative network
respective authors. This will enable evidence- and map, the contributions of the lead authors
based reports, assessments, and reviews of and their collaborative networks, and the most
research outcomes on OU. Furthermore, there productive research institutions at OU. In
is little or no cooperation between authors from addition, an attempt should be made to explore
different countries. In the context of globalisation the subject matter of research across time and
and the internationalisation of higher education, country to identify differences and further
it is necessary to promote the coordinated appreciate these themes’ contributions to the
participation of these countries with other overall development of the OU field.


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