White Paper Structured Commodity Strategy Synopsis 2010

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Structured Commodity: A Disciplined Approach to Commodity Investing

STRUCTURED COMMODITY: A Disciplined Approach to Commodity Investing

Timothy Atwill, CFA, PhD, FCAS Senior Research Analyst

INVESTMENT STRATEGY: Seeks to avoid the concentrations that occur in mainstream commodity indices by investing broadly across commodity types and sectors. Maintains target weightings and allocation through regular rebalancing, in order to get a broad, long-only representation of all commodity sectors. Remains aware of implicit and explicit trading costs, so the benets of the commodity asset class accrue to the investor. ABOUT PARAMETRIC: Investment advisor based in Seattle, Washington Leader in structured portfolio management More than 20 years experience specializing in structured portfolio management 92% ownership by Eaton Vance Corp

In recent years, commodity investing has moved from being exotic to commonplace. The benets being sought typically include diversication and protection against ination. However, individual investors face signicant risks and volatility when investing in this asset class. The problem is compounded by the weaknesses of most mainstream commodity benchmarks. Material concentrations exist at the individual commodity and sector levels. Furthermore, the construction rules are so explicit that more experienced investors exploit the recognizable buying and selling patterns of indexed money to the detriment of the end investor. The Eaton Vance Structured Commodity strategy follows a rules-based investment process developed by Parametric, a leader in structured portfolio management. Parametric has more than 20 years experience specializing in global asset management and has more than $30 billion in total assets under management. Parametrics investment philosophy is based on mathematical principles of diversication, compounded growth, and volatility capture. The strategy seeks to add value through portfolio construction and rebalancing among individual commodities, while maintaining the diversifying and ination ghting characteristics which make the asset class so appealing.

THE PARAMETRIC APPROACH 1. Avoid Concentration Create commodity target weights that avoid concentration risk at the contract and sector level: Target weights are calculated using a mathematical rule that avoids the concentrations present in many benchmarks. Duplicative or highly correlated commodities are removed. Diversification across commodity sectors (e.g. energy, grains, precious metals) allows exposure to future price increases regardless of where they originate. 2. Systematic Rebalancing As commodity and sector concentrations build up, rebalance: The amount of rebalancing alpha captured depends on the correlation and volatility of the underlying assets. Rebalancing exploits the tremendous volatility of commodities by systematically selling when prices go up and buying when they go down. Low correlations between commodities increases potential rebalancing opportunities. 3. Reduce Frictional Costs Trade commodity portfolios efficiently, reflecting the unique nature of this market : Rebalancing triggers are set sufficiently wide to avoid excessive trading costs. Construct trading rules which take advantage of passive mandates, but which are flexible enough to avoid prediction by third parties. Rolling of positions provides a free opportunity to rebalance to target weights.

Parametric 1151 Fairview Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98109 T 206 694 5575 F 206 694 5581 www.parametricportfolio.com

Copyright 2010 Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC. All rights reserved.


Structured Commodity: A Disciplined Approach to Commodity Investing

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Copyright 2010 Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC. All rights reserved.


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