Kuber Basket 1720693044881

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Kuber Basket High 38.

Energy Large Cap Volitality 4Y CAGR

Stockcase Rationale
A portfolio designed to maximize dividends received from PSU and other high dividend paying
companies. For long-term investors, dividend returns are very important as they are an additional
return earned over and above capital gains, in addition to providing regular cash flow.

Defining the universe
All publicly traded companies on the Stock Exchanges of India (NSE/BSE) is included in the
universe. Preference to NSE/BSE 00 companies.

The team does in-depth research to decide the criteria to be used for the inclusion or elimination
of constituent.

Constituent Screening

Apart from going through company reports and Financials, the research team does individual
stock picking on a host of Qualitative and Quantitative parameters while screening stocks for the
respective strategy. Following are the parameters, which we use to screen the stocks .

1. Less sensitive to price momentum.

2. Relatively strong fundamentals over the past few years.
3. Sizeable market share in their industries.

This Stockcase has a quarterly rebalance schedule. Once every quarter, the research team
reviews this Stockcase and realign the weights with the selected asset allocation criteria for the

1. Any new policy, which is affecting its core business.

2. Consistent fall in the market share or facing competition from a large player.
3. Change in rating (down at least two notches).
4. Any negative developments related to corporate governance issues.
5. Major shift in capital allocation towards non-core businesses.
6. Promoters’ Pledge issue.


The following parameters were considered while assigning weights to stocks in these stockcases
Market capitalizatio

1. Management quality and vision.

2. New coverage stocks with decent upside potential
3. Relative stock performance with attractive valuations

14/03/2016 12/03/2020 Quarterly 16/05/2024 14/08/2024

Inception Date Launch Date Review Frequency Last Review Next Review

Investing involves risks and investments may lose value. Past performance does not guarantee
future returns and performance of StockCase Baskets are subject to market risks. For detailed
disclosures related to the creator/manager of the Basket, please refer to “About the Analyst”


The content and data available on the StockCase platform, including but not limited to Basket
values, Basket's return numbers and Basket's rationale are for information and illustration
purposes only. Charts and performance numbers only include actual data since the creation of the
respective Basket, calculated via a standard methodology, and do not include the impact of
transaction fee and other related costs. Past performance does not guarantee future returns.

All information present on the StockCase platform is to help investors in their decision making
process and shall not be considered as a recommendation or solicitation of an investment or
investment strategy. Investors are responsible for their investment decisions and are responsible
to validate all the information used to make the investment decision. Investor should understand
that his/her investment decision is based on personal investment needs and risk tolerance, and
information available on the platform and related material is one among many other things that
should be considered while making an investment decision.

Stock and ETF investments are subject to market risk, read all related documents carefully.
Investors should consult their financial advisors if in doubt about whether the product is suitable
for them.


Each StockCase Basket’s return is the Time-Weighted Rate of Return.

TWR = [(1 + HP1) × (1 + HP2) × × (1 + HPn)]-1


TWR = Time-weighted return

n = Number of sub-periods
HP = (Initial Value + Cash Flow) End Value - (Initial Value + Cash Flow)
HPn = Return for sub-period n

This methodology is often used to compare the returns of investment managers because it
eliminates the distorting effects on growth rates created by inflows and outflows of money. The
time-weighted return breaks up the return on an investment portfolio into separate intervals based
on whether money was added or withdrawn from the fund


The standard deviation of a Basket’s daily returns (%) is divided by the standard deviation of the
NIFTY 50’s daily returns (%) over the same period. If the ratio is lesser than 0.7, the Basket’s
volatility is considered Low; if it is between 0.7 and 1.3, the Basket’s volatility is considered
Medium; if it is greater than 1.3, the Basket’s volatility is considered High. The period considered
is since the creation of the Basket, capped at 1 year.


In a given Basket, if the combined weights of stocks in any one Market Cap (Large, Mid or Small)
is equal to or greater than 80%, that Basket is assigned that Market Cap. Otherwise, it is labelled
“Multi Cap”. This classification is updated daily.


In a given Basket, if the combined weights of stocks in any Sector is equal to or greater than 50%,
that Basket is assigned that Sector. Otherwise, it is labelled “Multi Sector”. This classification is
updated daily.
Does Basket performance include the impact of transaction fees?
No, transaction fees and other related costs are not included to calculate the value and
performance of the Baskets.
Does Basket performance include historical rebalances?
Yes, Basket performance accounts for all the rebalances. Baskets are reviewed and
rebalanced as per a schedule depending on the Basket. As a result of this review process,
some stocks may be added, some may be removed and some may undergo weight changes.
Basket returns reflect all these changes.

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