Chapter 13 Handling Emergencies

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chapter 13

13.1 Vehicle Malfunctions
e ,,·.
13.2 Driver Errors
I 13.3 Roadway Hazards
I 13.4 Collisions
13.~ Insurance

Sometimes, even the best
drivers meet unexpected
situations. Do you know how to
handle emergency conditions?

~ Vehicle mal-
functions, driver
errors, and roadway hazards
can cause emergencies. In all
cases, you must be prepared
to act quickly to avoid or mini-
mize a collision. Do you know
what to do in an emergency
and what steps to take if you
are involved in a collision?

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lesson 13.1
•t e can prevent most vehicle malfunctions. When your
Proper mam enanc
vehicle gives you any warning signs, promptly make the necessary repairs.
• List actions to take if a
Vehicle equipment can sometimes malfunction without warning. A
tire fails.
• List the proper steps to sudden malfunction can create an emergency. If you are prepared for an
follow if the brakes fail. emergency, you will greatly reduce the risk of harm to people and property.
• Describe what to do
in case of engine or
steering failure. Tire Failure
• Explain what to do in Tires wear more quickly due to unfavorable driving and poor maintenance
case of loss of forward
vision and vehicle fires. conditions. Abrupt braking and sharp steering shorten tire life. Bumps, pot-
holes, and poor roadway surfaces add to tire stress and can cause sudden
Q damage to tires. Unbalanced wheels and poor alignment can cause tires to
wear unevenly. Underinflation and overinflation also cause tire wear.

• blowout
• compact spare
• brake fade
Tire Blowout A blowout occurs when a tire loses air pressure suddenly.
A blowout might occur if the tire hits an object on the roadway or a pot-
hole. Most blowouts, however, occur because a driver fails to maintain
• forward vision
proper tire pressure. Older and badly worn tires are more likely to blow out.
When a front tire blows out, the vehicle quickly pulls in the direction
of the deflated tire. You must focus on getting the
······· FIGURE 1 · ·· ··········· ·········· ········· ······ ·········-· ·; vehicle back on target by steering firmly against the
If a left-front tire blows out, the vehicle '
'' pull of the vehicle. A left-front tire blowout is espe·
might pull toward oncomin g traffic. dally dangerous, since the vehicle may pull toward
Execute What actions would you take to
avoid a car with a blowout that was moving the lane of oncoming traffic.
into your path of travel? When a rear tire blows out, the back of the
vehicle can fishtail. Handle a rear blowout just as
you would a skid.
1. Grip the steering wheel firmly.
2- Ease up on the accelerator to slow the vehicle.
Do not brake because it can cause the vehicle
to swerve.
3· Check the traffic situation as you gain control
of the vehicle.

FIGURE 2 Many spare

tires are called "50-50"
tires. This means that the
vehicle should not be
driven over 50 mph or
more than 50 miles on
the spare tire.

4. Drive off the roadwa y slowly, braking gently.

5. Turn on hazard flashers . Drive slowly until you find a safe location
to stop.

Changing a Tire Even if you are an auto club membe r or your car insur-
ance provides free roadsid e assistance, you should know how to change a
tire. Tire-ch anging instruc tions are included in the owner's manual for your
vehicle. Always ~efer to the owner's manual before changing a tire.
The most d~ gerous aspect of having a flat tire on the road is finding
a safe place to chan'ge it. You can drive a short distance at a slow speed to
get as far off the road as possible.
Replace or repair the flat tire as soon as possible. If your spare tire is a
temporary or compa ct spare , such as shown in FIGURE 2, drive on it only as
necessary under the manufa cturer's conditions for use.

The brake system is set up such that two systems are actually in place: one
for the front wheels and one for the back wheels. If both braking parts fail
at the same time, your foot brake will have no braking power at all; how-
ever, this rarely happen s.
252 chapter 13

- V
\ I
' I

' ' 1/2 /

/ .,,
FIGURE 3 The brake .
'--- ·
) 1/1..:
warning light signals 0
a problem with your au ►
braking system that
needs immediate

Total Brake failure Total brake failure rarely happens. However, if it does
happen, stay calm and follow these steps:
1. Pump the foot brake pedal. Pumping might temporarily restore
enough brake-fluid pressure to slow or stop your vehicle. You will
know after three or four pumps if your brakes are going to hold.
2. Downshift to a lower gear. This uses the braking power of the engine
to slow.
3. Pull and hold the parking-brake release lever out or hold the parking·
brake button at OFF. Apply the parking brake. You can quickly release
the parking brake for a moment if the vehicle begins to skid.
4. Search for a safe place to steer toward. As a last resort, rub the wheels
against a curb to reduce speed. If a collision is unavoidable, steer for a
sideswipe rather than colliding head-on into something solid.
When brakes overheat, they can lose effectiveness. This condition,
called brake fade , occurs after continuous hard braking. To regain full
braking ability, stop the vehicle and let the brakes cool.
Driving through water can temporarily reduce your brakes' effective·
ness. Gently brake with your left foot as you drive through and leave the
water. Friction will help generate heat to dry your brakes. Test them after
leaving the water to be sure they work normally.

/ : rt

~ '\ FIGURE 4 If your engine

.. -~ - -~
t.! \.
\ fails, turn on the hazard
flashers, move safely off
the roadway, and raise
the hood to signal that
you need help. If you
i :-. ' have a cell phone, call
for help. Be sure to stay
,, away from any traffic.

Engine Failure
Usually you have very little warning that your engine is going to sputter
or stop. With a stalled engine, you can still steer your vehicle. Follow these
steps if your engine stops suddenly:
1. Shift to NEUTRAL when the engine first sputters or stops.
2. Begin moving out of traffic to the nearest shoulder. Turn on the haz-
ard flashers. Do not brake.
3. Try to restart the engine while you are moving. If the engine starts,
shift into a forward gear and proceed. If it does not start, move onto
the shoulder or to the curb, if possible. Steering will be harder when
power is lost by engine failure. Try again to start the engine.
If your vehicle becomes disabled in a risky situation, such as along a
highway or around a curve, set flares or other warning devices to alert other
roadway users.
Stalling on Railroad Tracks If a train is approaching in either direction,
abandon the vehicle immediately. Get away from the tracks as far as
You can.
2 54 chapter 13

FIGURE 5 Running
toward the train helps
you avoid injury from
any flying debris.

If a train is not approaching, you can try to restart the vehicle. If

you cannot restart the engine, have passengers leave the vehicle. Have one
passenger watch for trains and ask others to help you. Before you push the
vehicle off the tracks, put your car into NEUTRAL.

Overheated Engine Sometimes even a well-maintained engine overheats

in hot weather or in stop-and-go traffic. Driving up long hills with the air
conditioner on also can cause overheating. The temperature light or gauge
warns you when the engine overheats.
Take these steps if your engine overheats:
I. Turn off the air conditioner and turn on the heater to draw heat away
from the engine. You might be uncomfortable, but this will lower the
engine temperature.

2. During stops, shift to NEUTRAL. Press the accelerator gently to speed

up the engine slightly.

3. If the temperature light stays on or if the gauge points to hot, move

to a safe place. Stop, turn off the engine to let the engine cool. Do
not add water to the radiator until the engine has cooled. Steam can
escape and cause severe burns.
Total Stee ring Failure
Total steering-system failure seldo m occurs b • . •
ut 1s extremely senous when 1t
does occur. If your steerin g fails comp1ete1y, 1mmed
· • ·
1ately communicate the
emergency by using your horn and hazard flashers. Try to stop as quickly
and as safely as possible. Lift your foot from the accelerator. Do not brake
unless a crash is immin ent because braking could cause the vehicle to skid.
If you must brake, brake forcefully to reduce your speed.
You can hold the parking brake release and use a quick, on-off action.
Try to shift into a lower gear.
Power-steering failure occurs when the engine dies, when the power-
steering fluid level is low, or when a drive belt slips or breaks. The steering
mechanism still works, but you must exert more effort to steer.

Loss of Forw ard Vision

When headlights fail, when the hood flies up, or even when your wind-
shield gets splashe d with dirt, your driving view, or forward vision , is
obstructed. If you have lost forward vision, you must act promptly to regain
your driving view. Immed iately check your rear zone to see if it's safe to stop
The more aware you are of your targeting path before you lose for-
ward vision, the better control you will have. A commo n cause of loss of
forward vision happen s when a windshield gets splashed with snow, slush,
or mud. If this happen s, hold your steering
wheel steady and quickly turn on the wipers. ;---·FIGURE 6 ---- --------- --------- ------ --------- ----- -- -- --------- --
: If you anticipa te that your windsh ield will get
If you are driving at night and your head-
splashed, turn on the windsh ield wipers so your
lights flicker, immed iately put your right turn forward vision stays clear.
signal on to illumin ate the path you need to
travel as you move to the right should er of the
road. You can also try the dimme r switch, park-
ing lights, and hazard flashers, as some circuits
might still work. If so, use parking or hazard
lights to help you drive off the roadway to a safe
Once you're off the road, use a flashlight '
to check fuses or fuse clips. If necessary, replace '
or reseat the fuse before procee ding. ''
256 chapter 13

Vehicle Fires
Vehicle fires are dangerous. A fire can involve fuel, oil, grease, ordinary
combustibles, electrical equipment, or a combination of sources. Notify the
fire department of any vehicle fires.
Most vehicle fires start in the engine. If your car suddenly starts to
1. Quickly steer the vehicle off the roadway to a safe, open area. Stay
away from buildings and service stations. Turn off the ignition.
2. Have passengers move at least 100 feet away from the vehicle.
3. Even if you see flames around the hood, leave the hood closed and do
not try to put out the fire. Move away from the vehicle while you Wait
for the fire department. The fuel tank could explode.
A passenger-compartment fire is usually caused by a carelessly han-
dled match or burning tobacco product. Pull off the .roadway immediately.
Use water or a fire extinguisher and make sure the fire is completely out.
Upholstery fires often restart, sometimes even hours later.
Fire is possible in any collision where the engine compartment is
smashed. In the case of a collision, turn off the ignition and get passengers
out and away from the vehicle.

- ----------------------------- --------- --- -------------

review it 13.1
1. As a driver, what can you do to minimize the risk S. Apply Concepts Why do you think it's important
of tire failure?
to shift into NEUTRAL when your car's engine
2. Why is it important not to brake if you have total stops?
steering failure?
3. What actions should you take if your steering
[IU1rnj:tj.}1UMi;J1ijl) Practice Changingaa Tire
. When riding with
fails? I 1censed driver arr f .
. ' ange or the driver to stop in a
paved parking are a. After reading the owner's manual
Critical Thinking .
on how to change a fl at tire,
•f h . go through the process
4. Relate Cause and Effect An approaching train as I t e tire were fl t R
the cl a · eport on your experience to
traveling_at high speeds may appear to be ass.
moving slower than it actually is. How could this
affect a driver's decision to abandon the car on
the tracks?
lesson 13.2
Driver errors cause most emergencies. Errors due to inexperience, distrac-
tions, lack of attention, and poor decisions can create driving emergencies.
In addition, any driver can be trapped in an emergency situation by another ''
• Explain how to get
back on the road if four
' wheels are off the road.
driver. ''
• List the steps necessary
Developing the right response to emergency situations can be a critical : to return to the road
part of your total driving task. The instant you approach or find yourself in ' when two wheels are
off the road
an emergency situation, you need to be prepared to take the right actions to :
: • Explain when to use an
avoid conflict.
'' emergency swerve.

Off-Road Recovery ''

Your actions to recover your lane of travel depend on the number of wheels ' ~ VOCABULARY
off the road and what's ahead of you. In any situation where your wheels are '' • grade
off the road, you must know how to get back on the road safely.
Four Wheels Off the Road If you are forced completely off the road,
turning your steering wheel sharply in order to try and jerk your car back
on the road could cause your car to roll over.
The SUV in FIGURE 7 has all four wheels off the road. Since the vehicle
is on a soft-turf surface and the grade, or slope, is away
from the road, this driver should move slowly up to the · ------- FIGURE 7 -------------------- ----------------- --
The driver veered off the road.
road. After making sure there is no oncoming traffic, the Decide How should the driver
driver can move back into the normal lane of travel. of the SUV correct this problem?

Two Wheels Off the Road When your two right wheels
drop off the right side of the road, make sure your hands
are firmly positioned at the 9:00 and 3:00 positions on your
steering wheel. Then:
1. Steer toward your target while holding your car half-
way on the road. Both your front-right and right-rear
tires should be the same distance from the edge of
the road.
258 chapter 13
2. If there is no conflicting traffic and the road is straight and clear
ahead, simply slow your car by letting up on the accelerator and brak.
ing very gently if needed.
3. When your speed has dropped to 10 mph or less, turn your steering
wheel slightly (3-5 inches) to the left.
4. When your right-front tire touches the edge of the road, get back on
the road by turning your steering wheel to the right 3-5 inches.
Once you're in your lane, resume a normal speed. If there is heavy
traffic and the side of the road is wide, firm, and smooth, you can bring
your car to a stop completely off the road and wait for traffic to clear before
returning to the road.
Off-Road and Obstruction Ahead If your two right wheels drop off the
road and there is an obstruction like a telephone pole ahead, you will have
to act quickly. Even though you follow the same steps as when two wheels
are off the road, at higher speeds, precision steering is very important.
You must position your car so that it straddles the road drop-off.
Then, without reducing speed, make
--------- FIGURE 8 ·--------------------------------------------------------------------. your first turn to the left. Do not jerk
The yellow car is approaching the intersection. the steering wheel. The instant your
Decide Should the driver of the yellow car-while
traveling at 35 mph-stop or swerve?
right-front tire contacts the edge of
the road, turn to the right and focus
all your attention on your target area.
You must not hesitate in getting your
car pointed toward the target area to
avoid crossing into an oncoming lane
of traffic.

Emergency Swerving
No matter how careful you are, you
may find yourself in a position where
your only maneuver to stay safe is
to swerve sharply. The driver of the
yellow car in FIGURE g has been driv-
ing too fast for traffic conditions and
too close to the car ahead.
lesson 13.2 DRIVER ERRORS 259
Remember that at 40 mph or f: t
. h d. aS er, you can swerve into an open-right
zone m a s orter 1stance than you would d
nee to brake to a stop
The amount of time a driv h ·
.t Th er as to respond is controlled by his or her
speed and d 1s ance. e faster a d nver
travels and the shorter the distance
to an obstacle, the less time the driver w·11
have to respond .

... FIGURE 9 · ----------------------------_______ _____ ___ . _____ . __ _

----- -- --- ---- ------ -- --- --- ---- ----··'

You must swerve When the object is The swerve is less sharp
sharply around a close farther away, swerve at a greater distance.
object. less sharply.

review it 13.2
1. When two wheels are off the road, why do you 4. Infer Why do you think you should swerve into
think it's important to keep your hands at the 9:00 an open-right zone rather than brake to a stop if
you're traveling at 40 mph?
and 3:00 positions?
2. Why is it important to steer toward your target IN YOUR COMMUNITY ) Research Investigate the
area if your wheels drop off the road? number and kind of crashes in
your community that were due to driver error. Then
suggest how each crash might have been prevented.
Critical Thinking
Share your findings with the class.
3. Relate Cause and Effect What driver, vehicle, or
environmental conditions could make swerving
an acceptable action?
,,..- -
lesson 13.3
~ Unusual and unexpected roa dway hazards can cause you to lose control

• Desc ribe how to reduce
vehi cle dam age caused
by poth oles .
• Expl ain wha t to do if
. .
of you r vehicle. Driving
mto eep
encountering obJects on t e roa
water going arou nd shar p curves, and
dwa y
. .
result in eme rgen cy situations.

you ente r a curve too Roadway Hazards

Be aware of t he cond1·t·10n of a roadway surface and obje cts that may end up
• Tell how to escape from
in lanes of traffic. You need to be aware of thei r pote
a vehi cle that is sinking ntia l imp act on your
in wate r. vehicle. You also need to anticipate how othe r driv
ers ahe ad and alongside
of you might react to roadway hazards.
Q Potholes in the Roadway Potholes can develop as wat er collects in

- (iiii}i VOCABULARY
• air pock et
cracks in the roadway. The water can freeze and
expand. As vehicles drive over these water-filled
roadway even more.
thaw, caus ing the cracks to
cracks, they brea k up the

Potholes often have sharp edges that can severely

dam age tires. You
can lose control of your veh icle -and severely dam
age it-i f you hit a pot-
hole at a fast speed.
Watch for potholes and avoid hitti ng them whe nev
er possible. Drive
carefully around or straddle a pothole. Stay in you
r own lane and check
front zones as you try to avoid poth oles in the road
·-· -·- -- FIGURE 10 -- -- --- --- --- -- -- - --- ----- -----
---- ---- --· If you must drive thro ugh a poth ole, slow down to
This driv er has just hit a poth ole.
Pred ict How mig ht driv ing thro ugh a prevent tire damage. By driving slowly, you can
better keep
poth ole crea te a dang erou s situa tion? control of your vehicle.

Objects on the Roa dwa y An obje ct on the roadway cre-

ates a hazard, whe ther it is an object, leaves, an
animal, or
even a pedestrian.
First check traffic, and then deci de whe ther to steer
around, brake, straddle, or drive ove r the object.
Choose to
straddle the object only if you r vehicle can clea
r it and you
cann ot safely steer arou nd it. Avoid swe rvin g left
the center line because you cou ld enc oun ter othe
r traffic.
Drive over an object only as a last reso rt.
Driving Around a Sharp Curve You should always enter a curve with
care and caution. Driving too fast in a curve is dangerous because you can
Jose control easily. Take these actions if you enter a curve too fast:
1. Brake gently as soon as you realize your problem. If you are not yet in
the curve, brake more firmly. If you are already in the curve, apply the
brakes but do not lock the wheels. Antilock brakes and electronic sta-
bility control systems will help you in this type of situation.
2. About halfway through the curve, look to your target area and acceler-
ate gently to help stabilize your vehicle.

..-•··. FIGURE 11 --· · -· · · · · --· · · ---- --· · · · · · · · · · · -· -- --------------------- --· ---· -· · · · · · · · · · -------- ·;
The standard warning sign may not indicate exactly how sharp the curve i
is. Also, the warning sign might not have an advisory speed sign. :

······ ·· --- --- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - --- -- - ---- -- - - -- -- - -- - - ----- - -

Vehicle in Deep Water

Never attempt to drive through deep water on the roadway. Turn around or
take another route. However, if your vehicle goes into deep water:
1. Open the window that is the farthest from the water. Power windows
might short circuit in water, so open these windows immediately,
before the water level rises.
2. Unfasten your safety belt. Check your passengers and have them
unfasten their safety belts.
3. Exit promptly through the open window.
262 chapter 13

If the windows will not open, attempt t~ exit t~rough a door. Do not
panic if the door is slow to open. Pressure will equalize as water enters
vehicle. You then can open the door.
If your vehicle is totally submerged underwater, some air will be
trapped for a brief time toward the highest point of the vehicle creating
~ an air:Pocket . During nighttime conditions, the location of the air pocket
will tell you in which direction to swim to reach the surface. Try to get a full
breath or two of air while locating a window or door that is facing up. Open
n PPn the window or door and leave your vehicle.

Beginning in 2008, all

new cars in the United
States must have a tire
'i ·'
pressure system to tell a
driver when a tire is low.
This saves tires, increases
traction, and improves
--- -------- --- -- ---- -- -- ------- --- ---- --·

You see a box in the middle of the road. Decide Should you steer around,
brake, or straddle the object?

.. .. .... -- --- - - -- -------- ----- - --- --- --- -- -- --- -- --- -- ----- ---- ---- --- ------------ ---- -------- - ---- --- -------- ----- ----

review it 13.3
1. How do potholes increase driving risk? 6. Relate Cause and Effect How can you as a
2. Why is it important to keep your wheels from driver keep the roads free of hazards?
locking if you enter a curve driving too fast? n Dangerous Street Conditions
3. Explain how you would escape a vehicle that is lJ Take the time to identify the
sinking in deep water. sections of roads in your community that are in need
of repair. Present your findings to the public works
4. How can you minimize damage to your vehicle
department and ask them what needs to be done to
caused by driving on a road with potholes?
solve this problem. Report your findings to the class-
Critical Thinking
5. Reasoning Explain how a pedestrian can
become a hazard to a driver, and what actions to
take to keep control of the vehicle.
lesson 13.4
Most drivers encounter "near miss" situations or actual collisions during (ail} OBJECTIVES ~
their lives. If you know how to react to an emergency situation in advance, • Explain how to avoid or
you can avoid or lessen the effects of a collision. minimize head-on, side-
impact, and rear-end
Collisions • List the immediate steps
and the follow-up steps
If a collision is about to occur, you can minimize the effects by keeping to take if a collision
control of your vehicle. Any change of speed or direction that lessens the occurs.
impact will help. Steer for sopiething "soft" if you leave the roadway. Look
for bushes or an open field, and avoid objects such as trees and parked Q
vehicles. Immediately get yourself and passengers out and away from your (-} VOCABULARY
vehicle if there is a chance of another vehicle colliding with yours. • head-on collision
• rear-end collision
Head-On Collision A head-on collision -in which the front ends of two
• side-impact collision
vehicles collide-produces the greatest force of impact of any collision. As a
result, serious injuries or death are more likely to occur in this type of colli-
sion than in any other. If you are threatened with a head-on collision:
1. Maintain vehicle control. Brake hard, but do not
•-- --- FIGURE 13 ·--------- ---- --- ------- ------- --- ----- ---
lock the wheels. Slowing lessens the force of impact A driver has moved into your path of
and gives the other driver space and time to recover travel. Execute What should you do
if you believe that you can't avoid a
control. head-on coll ision?
2. Blow the horn and flash the headlights. These
actions might alert an impaired driver. Continue
braking and move to the right if the driver does not
heed your warning.
3. Steer right toward the shoulder. Do not steer left.
The other driver likely will try to steer back into the
proper lane. Prepare to drive entir ely off th e road-
way to the right, if necessary.
264 chapt er 13

Rear-End Collision You are at greater risk for a rear-end collision -in
which the front of one vehicle hits the rear of anoth er-at an intersection.
Checking your rearview mirror may give you the time and space to avoid
being hit from behind. What can you do if you checked your rearview

ror as you slowed for a stop and saw a vehicle closing in on you quickl
Take these actions if you are threatened with a rear-end collision:
1. Tap your brakes as you are slowing. This may alert the driver
behind you.
2. Check your front zones for open space and be prepared to move
to an
open-front zone if you think the driver will not stop in time.
3. If a collision is unavoidable, release your brakes just before the colli-
sion occurs. This may soften the impact. Brake immediately after the
collision to avoid sliding into another traffic lane.
Checking your rearview mirror, maintaining a 3-second following dis-
tance, and stopping so that you see the tires of the vehicle ahead are
habits. These actions often can help you avoid being hit from behin

------- --- ---- -------- --····--

; · --· FIGURE 14 · ----------------------- ---------- --- ---------- -------------
f The drive r of the white car migh t find it difficult to avoid being
the effects of a
: Predict What can the driver of the white car do to minimize
: collision on the passengers?

lesson 13.4 COLLISIONS 265
Side-Impact Collision To avoid or lessen the effect of a side-i mpac t
collision -in which the front of one vehicle hits the side of anoth er-br
or accelerate quickly. Do whichever seems more likely to lessen the collision DID YOU KNOW?
impact. Blow the horn to alert the other driver, and change lanes or swerve Many emergency
into the space vacated by the entering vehicle. Be aware of the constantly response group s
changing traffic situation around you. are encouraging cell
phone users to enter
inform ation about who
If You Have a Collision should be contacted
in the case of an
If you collide with another vehicle, a pedestrian, or someone's property,
emergency. Entering
you are legally required to follow specific procedures depending on your
the letters ICE-I n
state's laws. Case of Emer gency -
Stop Immediately. Failure to stop is a serious offense. Move your vehicle before the name of
family memb ers or
to the side of the road. Do not leave your vehicle where it can block traffic
close friends in your
unless it is too damaged to be moved. Turn off the ignition. cell phone direct ory
If you damage a parked vehicle even slightly, try to find the owner. If can help paramedics or
you cannot, write your name, address, and phone number on a note. Leave doctors contact family
the note under a windshield wiper. Notify the police. members right away in
r the event of a crash.
Aid the Injured. Never move an injured person unless there is dange
of fire or another collision. Send for paramedics if anyone is seriously
injured. Administer basic first aid for injuries such as severe bleeding or
shock only if you have completed a certified first-aid course.
Prevent Further Damage. Warn oncoming traffic with flares or reflec
tors placed at least 100 feet ahead of and behind the collision site (500 feet
away in high-speed traffic). If you do not have such devices, another person
might stand in advance of the site and direct vehicles around the collision.
Do not put yourself or others in danger while directing traffic.
Call for Police. You must call the police if anyone is injured or killed
Some states require you to call the police for any collision, even if no per-
sonal injuries are evident.
Once police arrive, provide accurate facts. Never argue about who
was to blame, and never admit blame. Stay at the scene until all informa-
tion has been recorded. Take your vehicle to a repair shop for any necessary
repairs. Depending on your insurance, you may need two repair estimates.
Keep all bills.
266 chapter 13

Exchange Information. Get and provide the following information fro

other drivers involved in the collision: names, addresses, driver's license Ill
numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance company names and
addresses. Note the names and addresses of passengers, the positions in
which they were sitting, and the extent of their injuries. Getting and givin
this information is your responsibility. g

File Necessary Reports. Each state requires drivers involved in a colli-

sion to file a written report if someone is killed or injured, or if property
damage exceeds a set amount. Some states require that a report be filed
within 24 hours of the collision.
You must also produce proof of financial responsibility by showing
a card that lists your current insurance coverage, or a bond card. Finally,
notify your insurance agent promptly. If you fail to do this within the time-
frame specified in your policy, the company might refuse to pay your claim.

- --- -- - ----- - ---- -- - -- - -- ---- -- - - --- --- --- -- ------ - - - -- ---- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - --- - --- -- - ---- --------
review it 13.4
1. How can you reduce the impact of a head-on 5. Apply Concepts Using cell phones to dial 911 to
collision? A side-impact collision? A rear-end report emergencies is a relatively new proc~dure.
collision? How does dialing 911 help you?
2. What steps should you take immediately if you 6. Reasoning If you're involved in a collision, what
are involved in a collision? actions could you take even before help arrives?
3. What additional steps should you take following IN YOUR COMMUNITY ] Emergency Response In
a collision? many traffic crashes, it is the
medical response team that makes the difference
Critical Thinking between life and death. Visit a local fire station or an
independent ambulance service and interview a
4. Relate Cause and Effect Why do you think
paramedic. Ask how they respond to and provide
rear-end collisions occur most frequently at
immediate care for individuals injured in a traffic
crash. Report your findings to the class.
lesson 13.5

If you are involved in a collision, you may find that the largest expen
se of (iii) OBJECTIVES
a finan -
owning a vehicle is paying for damages you cause. Every state has • Explain financ ial
respo nsibil ity law.
cial responsibility law , which requires you to prove that you can pay for
• List three facto rs
damages you cause that result in death, injury, or property damage. that affect the cost of

Vehicle Insurance
Insuring your vehicle is a financial responsibility. You buy insurance
from a 9
company by paying a prem ium, a specified amount of money for
coverage (iiii}i VOCABULARY
een • financial respo nsibil ity
over a specified period of time. A policy is a written contract betw law
you- the insu red- and the insurance company. A policy includes the • prem ium ..r
and conditions of insurance coverage. • policy
There are many different kinds of insurance. Liability insurance • liabili ty insurance
ion to
ers others when you are at fault in a collision. It provides compensat • collis ion insurance
the third party involved. • deductible
Your colli sion insurance provides coverage to pay the costs of repai
is the
or replacement of your vehicle, minus the deductible. A deductible
amount you agree to pay towards the repair or replacement of your
Because of the backlog and long delays in litigation cases coming
to trial, some states have no-fault insurance. Although no-fault insur
--- ---- ----- -- -- --- -
works differently ;-- -- -FIGURE 15 -- ------- --- ------ --- -------- ---- ------ ------- --- ------- --- --- -------
from state to state, ''
' Top Five Most Expensive and Least Expensive Cities for Automobile
Insurance, 2007
generally people Average Annual
Average Annual
involved in collisions Most Expensive Auto Premiums Rank Least Expensive Auto Premiums
recover losses and Eau Claire, WI $869
Detroit, Ml $5,072
expenses associated
2 Philadelphia, PA 3,779 2 Norfolk, VA 954
with the collision
3,381 3 Raleigh, NC 966
directly from their 3 Newark, NJ
own insurance Los Angeles, CA 3,027 4 Bismarck, ND 989
company-regardless 5 Hempstead, NY 2,764 5 Burlington, VT 1,001
of who is at fault.
As of June, 2007.
Source: Runzheimer International.
268 chapter 13

Pays claim against Each state normally Required in most

owner if someone is specifies minimum: states. Minimum
killed or injured and $10,000-$30,000 for coverage required is
Legal fees
owner is at fault. one person often too low to cover
Court costs
$20,000-$100,000 for costs. Needed by all
Loss of wages vehicle owners.
several persons
Property-damage Pays claim against States normally specify Required in many
Other car and
liability owner if property of minimum coverage: states. Needed by all
possessions in vehicle.
others is damaged and Damage to house, $5,000-$25,000 vehicle owners.
owner is at fault. telephone pole, and
traffic lights and signs,
Uninsured motorist* Pays for injuries to you Hospital and doctor Minimum is usually the Required in most
and underinsured and your passengers bills same as bodily-injury states. Needed by
motorist in case of a hit-and-run liability. all vehicle owners.
Legal fees
crash or a collision Uninsured or
Court costs
with an uninsured or underinsured driver
underinsured motorist. Loss of wages
must be at fault for
Does not cover coverage to apply.
property damage.

Collision Pays the cost of Repair or replacement Covers depreciated Important for new or
repairing or replacing of any vehicle driven value of vehicle, expensive vehicles.
owner's vehicle when by the owner or with usually with a $100- When value of vehicle
owner is at fault or the owner's permission $500 (or more) no longer justifies the
when owner cannot deductible payment to cost of this insurance,
collect from person at reduce the cost of the this coverage can be
fault. premium. dropped.
Comprehensive Pays cost of repairing Fire Covers depreciated Important for new or
or replacing the Theft value of vehicle, expensive vehicles.
owner's vehicle from Flood usually with a $100- When value of vehicle
damage not caused by $500 (or more) no longer justifies the
a collision. deductible payment to cost of this insurance,
Earthquake reduce the cost of the this coverage can be
Storm premium. dropped.
Medical-payment Pays medical costs Generally pays all Ranges from $1,000- This insurance does not
for you and your immediate medical $10,000 or more per require a legal process
passengers injured costs and generally person. to determine fault,
in any collision, does not include wage while bodily-injury
regardless of fault. loss. coverage usually does.

Towing Pays labor cost of Dead battery Usually pays the Good to have. Not
towing or minor repair Out of gas amount validated by needed if owner
to disabled vehicle. , Flat tire the towing company. belongs to automobile
Typically does not club with towing
Crash, regardless of
cover parts or fluids. service.
cause or fault
*N t that uninsured-motorist insurance covers collision-related injuries only, not property damages.
So~: states allow insurance companies to offer uninsured-motorist, property-damage insurance.
lesson 13.5 INSURANCE 269
insurance Rat es
ofyour msura d·fr
A numb er of factor s deter mine the cost nce. 0 ata on 1 1er-
ent factors are review ed and statist ics developed. Rates are then establ
based on the statiSt ics. Facto rs upon which statistics are based and
determined includ e:

► Drivi ng Record Drive rs with a certai n numb er of convi ctions

they are
for movin g violat ions and collis ions pay highe r prem iums becau se
at a highe r risk for collis ions.

► Age Youn ger driver s have a propo rtiona lly highe r numb er of
d driv-
collisions; thus, they have highe r prem iums. Older, more exper ience Redu ced
fewer Prem iums Most
ers have fewer movi ng violat ions and are involved in comp arativ ely
le insura nce compa nies
collisions. A princ ipal drive r is a perso n who will drive a certai n vehic rewar d low-ri sk
r of a
most often. A perso n under the age of 25 listed as the princi pal drive driver s with reduc ed
vehicle could pay as much as four times more than an older driver premi ums. Premi ums
are reduc ed for
► Miles Drive n The more miles a vehicle is driven on a regula r
driver s who have
basis (usua lly annua l), the greate r the prem ium. This is becau se the maint ained good
is exposed to the possib ility of a collision the more it's on the road. grade s in schoo l, and
r premi ums. in some cases , have
► Driver's Gender Male driver s tend to pay highe
colli- succe ssfully comp leted
Historically, statis tics have show n that men drive more and have more an appro ved driver -
sions, and their crash es tend to be more severe than those involv ing educa tion progr am;
drivers. who have had no
claims or convic tions
► Marital Status Marri ed driver s statistically have fewer collisions
for three years; and
than unma rried driver s. who have vehicl es with

► Type of Vehicle Sport s cars, some vans, and sport utility vehi- certain safety featur es
like airbag s and anti-
cles tend to be stolen or vanda lized often and cost more to repair.
theft device s.
► Address Traffi c densi ty in urban areas increases the poten tial
less for
for collisions. There fore, driver s who live in rural areas tend to pay
insurance than those who live in larger metro polita n areas.

► Driver's Claim Record Highe r and more frequ ent claim s,

in a
especially for comp rehen sive and collis ion coverage, will usuall y result
y cance l
higher prem ium. In some cases, the insur ance comp any may simpl
your policy.
270 chapter 13

analyzing data
3. Inferring Suggest one or two reasons for th
:"ccording to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety,
increase of deaths during the school year? e
m 2005, nearly 2,000 teenagers aged 16 to 17 died in
motor vehicle crashes. Many teens in the U.S. drive to 4. Relating Cause and Effe~t During the school
and from school, and many crashes occur during these year, most teenagers were involved in crashes
peak, on-road hours. Study the graph before you answer on Friday and the fewest were involved in
these questions. crashes on Sunday. What risk factors do you
think contribute to this difference?
1. Reading Graphs What does each line represent?
5. Execute As a driver, what actions can you
2. Analyzing Data During which two hours of
the day during the take to reduce the number of crashes?
summer did the most
collisions occur? Which Mean Daily Number of 16 to 17 year-old Drivers Involved in Weekday Crashes by Time of Day
two hOUTS of the day During School Year (September-June) and Summer (July- August) - United States, 2001--04
during the school
year have the fewest

I! 150

.a 100

12 a.m. 2 a.m. 4 a.m. 6 a.m. 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. ap.m. 10 p.m.
Time of Day

================== ===================~
------ --- ---- - - ---- ---- ------- ----- --- -- ---- --- -- --- ---- -- - ---- ----- -------- ---- -- -- ---

review it 13.5
1. Describe what financial responsibility laws Wh ich of these actions do you think is most
require. critical and why?
2. What is the purpose of automobile insurance? [ ] Research Visit a local
3. What are the main factors that determine the insurance agent and ask what
premiums charged for automobile insurance? the laws in your state require for insurance. Then ask
what insurance plans the company has for drivers like
yo~. You may find that things like good grades or
Critical Thinking
being on your parents' policy w ill be important. Share
4. Analyze If you're involved in a crash, you your findings with the class.
should see a doctor, contact the police and file
a report, and find out the legal consequences.
CHAPTER 13 REVIEW Chapter Vocabulary
• air pocket • forward vision

Lesson Summaries • blowout • grade

------------------- • brake fade • head-on collision
13.1 VEHICLE MALFUNCTIONS • collision insurance • liability insurance
• Engine failures include a flooded engine, an • compact spare • policy
overheated engine, and an engine fire.
• deductible • premium
• A total brake failure is, and needs to be treated as, • rear-end collision
• financial responsibility
an extreme emergency.
law • side-impact collision
• Rain, sleet, fog, and even headlights that fail cause
loss of forward vision.
Write the word or phrase from the list above that
completes the sentence correctly.
1. When the brakes on a car overheat, your car
• Driving completely or partially off-road is a
may experience a condition called _ _ __
dangerous situation.
• Even though you maintain a space cushion around 2. The slope of a road is called its _ _ __
your car, you might be challenged by another 3. An insurance policy that includes _ _ __
driver. Knowing how to safely stop or swerve enables an at-fault driver to pay for harm or
around a car ahead can avoid a crash. damages done to others.

4. The amount you agree to pay first as a result of

13.3 ROADWAY HAZARDS a car crash is called the _ _ _ _ amount in an
• Normal roadway problems like potholes or debris insurance policy.
in the road can cause damage to your car.
5. When a tire loses pressure suddenly, you have
• Driving in water can create dangerous conditions a(n) _ _ __
you need to avoid.
6. Another name for your driving view is

• If a collision happens, taking immediate action can
help reduce the consequences.

• Every state has a financial responsibility law that ✓ ✓ ✓ 6R& STUDY TIP
drivers must follow. Role Play Pair with a classmate. One of
you should say the name of an emergency
• There are different types of auto insurance. The
situation from this chapter and see how
cost of insurance is based on the state you live in quickly the other student can list the actions
and by the kind of insurance you choose. to take.
272 chapter 13

You're the Driver

f ~E:~~!~~ _Concepts
17. Execute Your vehicle has just been in a
LESSON 1 collision with another vehicle. What steps sh
you take immediately? What steps should You
7. Explain how to respond to a blowout.
take after help arrives?
8. How can you compensate for steering failure?
18. Decide Explain how potholes and debris on a
roadway add risk to the driving task.
9. Explain why it might be a better decision to 19. Identify The driver in the photo cannot stop in
time to avoid hitting the bicyclist. What actions
swerve around a stopped car in front of you
than to brake? should the driver take?

10. What is the best way to avoid a pothole while
staying in your lane?

11. What is the first rule to remember when trying
to reduce the effects of a collision?

12. What is the first step to take if you are in a crash? 20. Decide You are driving at 30 mph and
approaching the stop sign ahead when your
LESSON 5 brakes fail. What should you do?

13. What is the most important type of car insurance

you should buy?

14. List four factors that can change your insurance


Critical Thinking
15. Evaluate Driver education teaches drivers how
to respond in extreme situations that require
quick action. How does knowing how to respond
give drivers a better chance to avoid hazardous

16. Predict If a driver is surprised by a fading

brake situation, how long do you think it will
take the driver to take the right actions to regain
preparing for the Test 5. Always leave extra space in front of you when
--- ------- - a. the weather is hazardous.
Choose the letter of the answer that b est completes
b. someone is following you too closely.
c. you are following a motorcycle.
th~ statement or answers the question.
d. all of the above
1. To stop in an emergency situation wh en your car
6. You should drive on the shoulder to pass a car
does not have ABS brakes, you should
a. pump your brakes. a. only if the vehicle ahead of you is turning left.
b. under no circumstances.
b. slam on your brakes.
c. when the shoulder is wide enough.
c. apply hard, steady pressure without locking
d. with caution and an adequate shoulder.
up your wheels.
d. slam on your brakes so you lock up all the 7. If you are involved in a traffic collision, you must
wheels. report it
a. if someone is injured.
2. When a car with bright headlights comes toward
b. if there is excessive property damage.
you at night, you should
c. no matter who is at fault.
a. allow other drivers to pass.
d. all of the above
b. look below the lights.
c. look toward the right edge of your lane. 8. If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road
d. none of the above with one lane in each direction and continually
pass the other cars, you will
3. When driving in adverse conditions, the proper a. get to your destination faster and safer.
speed to travel is
b. increase your chances of running off the road.
a. the posted speed limit. c. prevent traffic congestion.
b. 55 mph. d. create a risky situation for yourself and other
c. 65 mph. drivers.
d. only as fast as it is safe to drive.

Use the art below to answer Question 4.

4. When you see this sign without a gate or signal, drive writelD o
you should
Express a Point of View More and
a. assume the track is clear and move forward
more cities are starting to use high-tech
slowly. equipment to record and charge drivers
b. move closer to the vehicle ahead of you. with traffic violations. Crashes at these sites
c. pay attention and use good judgment. are reduced, yet some people think this
type of enforcement is unfair and violates
d. all of the above
their privacy rights. Write a short statement
presenting your opinion on using high-tech
devices to monitor driving behavior.

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