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Saturday, April 6th, 2024

North American Literature

TA: Michelle Carpio
Warm up
Agenda Topic introduction: Realism
(History, concept, differences between the
romanticism, characteristics)
Practice time
Realism in literature examples
Enduring influence on literature
Formative activity
Wrap up
Warm up
Roll the dice...
According to the number
that you get in the dice,
complete the statements
(Work in trios).
Roll the dice
One challenge of
The role of family
living in a digital age in my life is...
A valuable lesson I've One way I try to
learned from a difficult reduce stress in
experience is... my life is...

The most important My views on

issue facing young success have been
adults today is... shaped by...
Realism Quote
This literary movement first
developed in France in the mid-19th History
century and then spread to
England, Russia, and the United
States. Realism was born as a
reaction to romanticism, an artistic
and literary movement that
glorified the individual and
celebrated the emotions and
Romanticism vs. Realism
In that moment of the At 4:00 each afternoon, the
afternoon, the sun fell upon sunlight cast long shadows
the snow drifts in an along the frozen landscape.
ethereal light, and all the The whistle of the clothing
heavens seemed to shine factory would blow, and the
down upon the frozen fields, workers would stream out
as if promising, one day, from the opened doors and
the ascent of spring. squint into the last light of
the day
What is Realism?
Realism in literature refers to writing
that offers an accurate and detailed
portrayal of actual life.
Characteristics of Realism
Complex characters in
ordinary places.
Detached narration.
Social themes.
Complex characters
in ordinary places
Focus on complex characters who are ordinary people, not
heroes or villains.
Portray ordinary settings, especially those that allow for
accurate depictions of society and culture.
Depict true-to-life dialogue that captures the dialects and
idioms of conversation.
Detached narration
This allows the narrator of
a story to sound unbiased
and distant, as if simply
recording the complete
facts of the story.
Social themes
Realist themes are
typically concerned
with class conflicts,
urbanization, marriage,
and family life.

Prominent Authors Exploration of social Narrative techniques

Realist writers employ
Realism is associated Realist literature often delves techniques such as detailed
with renowned into social and political descriptions, natural dialogue
writers like Gustave issues, shedding light on the and focus on the
psychological depth of the
Flaubert, Leo Toistoy, struggles and aspirations of
characters to capture the
and George Elliot. the middle and lower clases. essence of real life.
P r a ct ic e ti m e !

“Escape Room”
Realism in Literature

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

by Mark Twain
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Life in the Iron Mills by Rebecca
Harding Davis
Enduring influence on Literature

Continued Relevance Literary movements

Academic Discourse

Realism's impact endures in Realism has influenced

Realist works remain pivotal
contemporary literature, subsequent literary
in academic discourse,
shaping the portrayal of movements, such as social
serving as subjects of
human experiences and realism and magical realism,
critical analysis and
contributing to the evolution
societal dynamics in modern scholarly exploration.
of storytelling.
Literary Realism is expressed in various cultures and literary traditions. It is
also interdisciplinary and allows exploration of diverse world topics ranging
from gender identities and disparities, freedom and democracy, fascism
and imperialism, colonization and slavery, fundamental human rights,
morality, religion, politics, and others. One of the strengths of realism is its
ability to create a sense of familiarity and connection with readers. By
presenting characters and situations that mirror real-life experiences,
realist literature invites readers to engage with narratives on a personal
Formative Activity
Create an infographic
about the information
seen in class about the
topic: “Realism”.

You have to include the

history, definition,
It can be done online or in the

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