NLC English 7 Enhancement LP v.1
NLC English 7 Enhancement LP v.1
NLC English 7 Enhancement LP v.1
Enhancement Learning Camp
Lesson Plans
Enhancement Learning Camp
Lesson Plan Booklet
English Grade 7
Weeks 1 to 3
National Learning Camp Overview ............................................................................................ 1
Overview ................................................................................................................................ 1
Design Basis ............................................................................................................................ 1
Review lessons ....................................................................................................................... 2
Lesson Overview ........................................................................................................................ 3
Enhancement and Consolidation Camps ................................................................................... 5
Camp Differences ................................................................................................................... 5
Lesson Components: Short Overview ........................................................................................ 7
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 1.................................................................................................... 9
Reading Narratives ................................................................................................................. 9
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 2.................................................................................................. 13
Identifying Key Ideas in a Narrative ..................................................................................... 13
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 3.................................................................................................. 17
The Language of Literary Description .................................................................................. 17
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 4.................................................................................................. 21
Identifying Features of Poems ............................................................................................. 21
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 5.................................................................................................. 25
Comparing Features of Poems and Short Stories ................................................................ 25
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 6.................................................................................................. 29
Deliberate Practice: Key Elements of Narrative Texts ........................................................ 29
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 7.................................................................................................. 33
Reading Recounts ................................................................................................................. 33
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 8.................................................................................................. 37
Locating and Interpreting Information in Expository Texts ................................................. 37
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 9.................................................................................................. 41
Locating and Interpreting Information in Graphs ................................................................ 41
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 10................................................................................................ 44
Locating and Interpreting Information in Procedural Texts ................................................ 44
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 11................................................................................................ 48
Locating and Interpreting Information in Explanations ....................................................... 48
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 12................................................................................................ 52
Deliberate Practice – Identifying Key Features of Expository Texts .................................... 52
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 13................................................................................................ 56
Reading Persuasive Texts ..................................................................................................... 56
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 14................................................................................................ 59
Identifying Features of Argument Texts .............................................................................. 59
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 15................................................................................................ 63
Organizing Information in Argument Texts.......................................................................... 63
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 16................................................................................................ 67
Use of Supporting Evidence in Persuasive Texts.................................................................. 67
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 17................................................................................................ 71
Evaluating Evidence in Persuasive Texts .............................................................................. 71
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 18................................................................................................ 75
Deliberate Practice – Key Features of Persuasive Texts ...................................................... 75
Appendix 1: Book cover ........................................................................................................... 79
Appendix 2: Map ...................................................................................................................... 80
Dear Reader
Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this
Booklet. Nevertheless, if you identify a mistake, error or issue, or wish to provide a
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National Learning Camp Overview
The National Learning Camp (NLC) aims to enhance student and teacher learning through interactive
lessons based on prior educational content. The program focuses on consolidating student knowledge,
updating and expanding teacher expertise, and applying research-based strategies to improve learning
teaching outcomes.
The NLC offers grade-level review lessons that are directed by the teacher and designed to be highly
interactive among:
(i) students with their teacher; and
(ii) students with their peers.
The Camp lessons are grounded in the ‘Science of Learning’ framework, focusing on cognitive research and
practical applications to enhance learning outcomes. Lessons are structured to reinforce foundational
knowledge and skills, involve real-world problem-solving activities, and encourage higher-order thinking.
The Camps also offer teachers opportunities for reflection and professional growth, encouraging the
adoption of new teaching approaches and the extension of student learning through systematic review and
application of knowledge.
Design Basis
A strength of the design is the focus on both student and teacher learning. The intentions and expectations
of the NLC are for:
students to consolidate and enhance their thinking in topics already covered;
teachers to update, strengthen, and expand their subject knowledge in ways that encourage
students to be involved in learning activities at different levels including those considered as higher
order; and
teachers to enhance their pedagogical practices by focusing on selected skills, which include 21 st
century skills.
Under the framework of ‘Science of Learning’, research-evidence is used to ground teaching and learning
decisions around cognition research and features of a learning brain such as working memory demands,
cognitive load, valuing errors, and domain specific skills. This framework highlights a learning-focused
approach where teachers go beyond what might be considered current practice in the Philippines and
incorporate brain-based ideas and approaches, including 21st Century skills, to make teaching more
effective in enhancing learning for all.
To further support this direction, teachers are provided with resources, time and the opportunity to
further extend their skills, knowledge and understandings of teaching and how students learn. The review
lessons are designed to apply subject content already encountered by students. Because of this, lessons do
not contain repetitive, routine questions of a particular subject aspect.
Review lessons
The review lessons are based on content already encountered by students in their current grade. All
lessons involve an exploration of ideas, concepts and content. The purpose of the review lessons is two-
(i) to establish in students a stronger basis for future learning development (prior to enrolling in a
new Grade after the summer break); and
(ii) to enable teachers to strengthen and enrich their teaching practice in a research-based,
learning-focused professional program (prior to a new academic year).
The primary focus of the review lessons concerns revising, clarifying and then applying previously-taught
subject content with real-world problem-solving and/or comprehension activities. Each lesson begins by a
focused content review and clarification of material needed in the lesson to come. For students, this initial
review enables them to practice retrieving and practicing important basics relevant to the lesson to come.
For Teachers this information is designed to help determine learners’ subject background knowledge and
skills relevant to the lesson as well as help teachers identify where to build on previous learning. This
approach is different to ‘teaching’ students anew as if they have not been taught previously.
Lesson Overview
All lessons in each of the three subjects, English, Mathematics and Science, contain five components. These
are 1. Short Review, 2. Purpose/Intention, 3. Language Practice, 4. Activity and 5. Conclusion.
Approximate component timings are indicated as advice to guide the teacher in pacing the lessons. Time
management involves:
moving through components at a pace that is appropriate for learners;
ensuring that all components are completed in a timely, efficient, and constructive manner.
Research on student-learning quality and ‘time’ are related through student ‘time-on-task’. Time-on-task
refers to when students are actively involved (engaged) in some aspect of the learning process. The
suggested times for each component are intended to maximize the time available for student involvement.
This will encourage the student and teacher to work efficiently, timewise, through the lesson without
jeopardizing the importance of student activities such as to:
answer routine and non-routine questions,
respond to verbal questions and explanations,
interpret and use appropriate terminology,
discuss aspects with their peers,
explain or justify his/her approaches and thinking,
work productively on their own, and
listen carefully to the teacher or peers.
Establishing what is on-task time is more problematic when the teacher talks and students passively listen,
such as in didactic teaching. With such an approach it is difficult to determine whether students are
listening or even paying attention. Often in lessons identifying time-on task can also be problematic in case
of problem-solving or intense reading and comprehension. Here, student activity is often more subtle and
cerebral as students need to think quietly by themselves.
Ultimately, however, the time allocated to components will be determined by learners’ needs and
strengths, but not completely. There needs to be practical limits on the duration of the components to
prevent major disruption to lessons which can have a detrimental impact on student learning. Often,
teacher should not expect too much learning to occur on an initial meeting of unfamiliar content. It is
repeated exposure associated with elaboration, addressing errors, and deliberately practicing key aspects
where most learning occurs.
When times are allocated appropriately, and students become familiar with the approach and teacher
expectations, concept development and student skill levels are improved as well as student engagement.
Note: Care needs to be exercised in determining what engagement means. Engagement is clearer when
students are doing the learning through answering questions, writing, discussing, and reading.
Key Ideas and Questioning
Critical aspects of the NLC for the teacher include questions related to learning areas, based around a key
idea. The questions are offered at different levels of difficulty involving lower- to higher-order thinking,
starting with questions of modest complexity up to those that require more developed reasoning.
In the lessons, students are provided with opportunities to practise solving non-routine questions to help
improve their conceptual understanding by applying known content to subject-related problems.
Teacher Reflection
Teacher reflection on the lessons offer important insights to stimulate teachers and their peers to enhance
their own practice and the learning of their students. This includes:
new teaching approaches encouraged by lesson components that can contribute in different ways
to student learning and lesson success;
the use of review lessons that help review learnt material and extend student abilities in problem
solving by utilizing known information;
a focus on student concept and skill acquisition, pedagogical approaches, student errors, time-on-
task, deliberate practice and working memory demands.
Enhancement and Consolidation Camps
The Enhancement Camp and the Consolidation Camp offer students the chance to review their subject
background knowledge by consolidating previously taught material. The intention is:
for students to have opportunities to review past work and to practise applying this knowledge of
concepts and ideas through grade-related sets of questions of developing difficulty; and
for teachers to follow the given format of components with some flexibility to adjust parts of a
lesson to meet the learning needs of students in their class, particularly, if students are having
Camp Differences
In the case of lessons for students in either the Enhancement Camp or Consolidation Camp, the materials,
including the lesson plans and the sets of questions, are, on the surface, the same. These questions range
from those of modest difficulty to those which require more insight and more knowledge and
There are important reasons for both Camps sharing the same content. Exploring and answering these
question sets has value to students from both Camps, albeit in different ways. It enables students to work
through a range of ideas on their own before hearing from their peers and teacher concerning the same
questions – a very rich learning environment. Also, similar questions mean that expectations for students
in both Camps is not limited and students have the same potential for growth.
The difference between Camps concerns the teaching focus, which is related to the breadth and depth of
conceptual knowledge of students. It is anticipated that based on student performance within a lesson, the
teacher will decide whether the class needs more practice and discussion of straightforward questions or
whether extension material is more appropriate for the class.
In particular, questions marked as Optional (typically high-order questions) are more likely to be addressed
in the Enhancement Camp than the Consolidation Camp, but not exclusively. It is the teacher who decides
whether to include ‘optional’ questions and this will depend on student-learning success and
understanding at that time.
If Optional questions are not used, teachers would spend that time productively. This includes reinforcing
the concepts by increasing the focus on student errors and/or increasing student-student, and student-
class directed conversations.
In both the Enhancement and Consolidation Camps important lower-order content skills, knowledge and
understandings are re-visited at the beginning of each lesson. This helps ensure that potential learning
obstacles are made visible to the student and the teacher. It also means that some errors in understanding
or misconceptions are identified. This information is important to teachers in helping all students move
forward regardless of their achievement levels.
As many questions posed are about applying content already encountered to a new problem, students
have the opportunity to use their current knowledge, skill and understanding in a practical way at their
level, further developing their conceptualization and understanding of the subject matter.
Both Camps offer students the opportunity to improve their learning and conceptual development by a
stepped approach that involves:
(i) reminding students of relevant lower-order skills through practice,
(ii) having students use and discuss their knowledge in sets of graded questions with an emphasis
on straightforward questions,
(iii) expecting students to apply their knowledge leading to more breadth in learning,
(iv) beginning an initial focused practice on higher-order skill development.
The approach advocated to solve problems or comprehend passages extends student learning beyond
simple repetitive exercises sets. For these students the teaching part of the lesson requires teachers
reviewing closely student solution attempts through student explanation, discussion and questioning of
fundamental aspects of topics that are typically found in the earlier questions. Teachers should be sensitive
to students’ self-perceptions here as they may meet the ideas, presented in the lessons, maybe after many
failures with these concepts in the past.
Nevertheless, these students should become aware of the more difficult questions as teachers allow them
to consider links or connections between concepts previously taught. There is great value in problem
solving for students to have time to read the problem and then be able to indicate in their own words,
what the problem is about.
Finally, it is important that students in the Enhancement and Consolidation Camps become aware of what
their students know, where it is progressing and how to build on student skills and knowledge. Teachers
need to be nurturing and supportive of this development and continually look for evidence of success and
growth. Teachers also need to encourage students to persist, continue to practice individual aspects, and
use any mistakes/errors they make as an opportunity to learn more. These are important features of a
successful learning journey.
Lesson Components: Short Overview
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Component 1 offers teachers the chance to:
settle the class quickly;
review previously encountered information;
address previous content in the form of a few targeted questions that are relevant to the current
note what students already know;
elicit answers from the class to reinforce the important content needed for the lesson; and
address briefly issues that may arise.
The questions set for the Short Review section of a lesson are designed to remind students of knowledge
and skills developed when first studying the topic area, which are relevant to the lesson.
Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
This component offers teachers a chance to acquaint students with the purpose/intention of the lesson. It
is valuable if students see a link here with their prior knowledge or experience, especially if the teacher can
connect it to the responses and levels of student understanding evident in Component 1.
In addition, this component is an appropriate time to address what students might expect/aim to achieve,
i.e., their lesson goal(s). Teachers should clarify, in clear language, the learning intention for the students
as well as what success will look like. (Note: The degree of success or partial success of student learning in
the lesson should occur as part of Component 5.)
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Component 3 concerns language use – speaking, hearing, listening, and comprehending. The focus is on
words or phrases that are to be used in the lesson.
The language practice suggested has been identified by considering the whole lesson and identifying those
words/phrases that have the potential to cause difficulties for students through speech, or listening, or
understanding. Typically, the language identified is restricted to less than 6 words/phrases so that there is
enough time to use a variety of approaches of practice within the time available.
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Component 5 has a high metacognitive aspect for students – students thinking about their own thinking –
which can be further enhanced by teacher modelling. Component 5 is designed to offer a student-focused
overview to the main intentions of the lesson. In particular, the focus is about helping students reflect on
their progress and achievement (or partial achievements) of the lesson intention as well as their
understanding development during the lesson.
It builds on comments from Component 2 about teacher expectations. There is the chance here to confirm
student progress during the lesson. A teacher may use a diagram, picture or some aspect of the lesson as a
catalyst to stimulate student discussion and reflection.
NOTE: A fuller description of the Components and features of the lessons is provided in the Learning Camp
– Notes to Teachers Booklet. It is recommended that these notes are read and discussed by teachers as
they provide a further basis to understanding the structure of lessons and the pedagogy.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 1
Reading Narratives
Key Idea
Reading Narratives (Short Story)
Component 2: Lesson Purpose of the lesson
Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states the purpose/focus of the lesson is to help students with strategies for reading
narratives that they may not have seen before by looking at one in detail.
In this lesson, we are going to read a short story and I am going to ask you about what has happened
to the characters. The story has a lot to tell you about life. We are going to learn some strategies for
reading narratives by looking at this story in detail.
[Teacher Notes: Emphasize that the lesson will help them know what to look out for or what are the
important bits when they have to read narrative texts they’ve never read before.]
Teacher reads the text and tells the class before reading to look out for the answer to the question:
“Who won the race? How did the tortoise win the race?”
Students mark on their copy of the narrative where they got clues for their answers.
Students write answer on the worksheet (LC4A) giving reasons.
Teacher Input: We are going to look at the different parts of a Narrative. A narrative usually has 3 parts:
a beginning, middle and end – but they are not always the same length.
In the beginning we get the answers to the questions, “Who (characters), where and when
The middle part is where a problem occurs or something happens to disrupt or confuse the
situation (a ‘crisis’) and leads to a sequence of events that lead to a ‘climax’, a big event – like the
final battle scene in a war movie.
The end is where the problem is solved, or the action comes to an end as when someone wins the
final battle in a war movie – a resolution.
We talked about how narratives start, what starts the action and how the action ends at the start
of this lesson. Now you know what happens in each part.
Component 4B Questions
Time: 10 minutes
Teacher provides 3 questions on Worksheet and asks students to identify answers and to mark on
the text where they got their answers from as teacher re-reads the text.
Q1. Name the main characters.
Q2. What event and /or character sets the action going/ causes the problem?
Q3. Who won the race and how did he win it?
Students individually write the answers to each question and their reasons for their answers on their
Sample answers:
Q1. The Hare and the Tortoise.
Q2. The Hare challenged the Tortoise to a race.
Q3. The Tortoise. The Hare was over-confident and took a nap in the middle of the race which
allowed the Tortoise to get past him.
Teacher leads discussion of answers with focus on matching each question to the relevant stage of a
narrative (Q1 = Stage 1 Setting; Q2 = Stage 2 Crisis; Q3 = Resolution) and on evidence from text.
[Teacher Notes: Check on student understanding of the type of narrative this one is (fable – imaginary,
simple events leading to a moral) before reading the narrative. Questions in this part involve only literal
comprehension. Link Questions to stages of a narrative and terms: ‘crisis’, ‘climax’ and resolution.]
Component 4C Questions
Time: 10 minutes
Teacher displays questions on Worksheet.
Teacher: Sometimes you will get questions which mean you have to find clues in a number of
different places in the text. Sometimes you will have to work out how you feel or what you think
about what has happened in the story. Sometimes you will have to ‘read between the lines’ or to
work out what the author means when it is not obviously stated. The main thing here is to have a
reason/justification for your answers – that is, something that are there in the text that has given you
the clues you need for your answer.
Q4. What is the moral of the story? Comment: Moral is the lesson from the story. It’s incorrect to
say “moral lesson”
Q5. “The Hare is the villain or bad character in the story.” What does this line mean?
Q6. A parent said, “This story is silly – we don’t want our children growing up to be like the Tortoise –
he’s too slow for the times we live in.” How useful is this statement? Does it always work?
Students in pairs or singly write answers on their Worksheets.
Teacher leads discussion of student responses with focus on evidence from text.
Suggested answers:
Q4. “Slow and steady wins the race.” “Don’t be overconfident.”
Q5. “The Hare is the villain because he gets overconfident. He only challenges the Tortoise because
he thinks he can beat him easily.” “The Hare is more a fool than a villain. He gets humiliated
through his own fault.” “The Hare is not a villain and the Tortoise is no hero – it is not that sort of
Q6. Be prepared for a variety of answers here as below:
“I agree. It is important to be able to do things quickly. You don’t get all the time you want to
answer questions at school.”
“I disagree. It’s important to make sure you get things right and that takes time, and you have
to be careful.”
“Neither character is a good role model for life in the 21st century in the Philippines. One is
too slow and the other too careless.”
[Teacher Notes - for differentiation of learning:
Q5. The moral of the story is to ‘keep trying, even when things seem hard.’ What else can we learn from
the story?
Q6. Do you think that the hare has learned his lesson by the end of the story? Explain your answer.
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 2
Identifying Key Ideas in a Narrative
Key Idea
Identifying Key Ideas in a Narrative (Short Story; Folk Tale)
Most Essential Learning Competencies
The learner will:
Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g., scanning, skimming, close reading,
etc.) EN7RC-IV-b-10
Cite evidence to support a general statement (EN7RC-IV-g-10.4)
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text (EN7RC-IIIe-2.1.7)
Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity and to better understand other people
Students record their answers and match the narrative stages with their functions on the worksheet.
Teacher checks the answers by involving the students.
Suggested answers:
Q1. A fable is a short story intended to teach a lesson.
Q2. A fable is a type of narrative.
Q3. a) At the start of a narrative, D. the characters are introduced, and E. the setting tells us where and
when the story takes place.
a. b) In the middle part of the narrative, A. a sequence of events leads to a problem or crisis.
b. c) Narratives usually end with a C. Resolution, where the problem or crisis is resolved. B.
Sometimes there is a moral to the story as well.
Component 3 Lesson Language Practice
Time: 10 minutes
Teacher provides explicit instruction on the words and phrases that are important for students to
recognize and understand in the lesson.
Teacher displays the list of words on the board and reads each word aloud.
Here are some words and phrases from the story we are going to read. Let us read them together.
Itneg (“the people of the mountains” from Abra in Northern Luzon. Also known as the Tinguian
during the Spanish period.) [Show location on map Appendix 2].
blanket (a cloth cover used to keep warm)
design (a pattern used to decorate something)
stripes (a pattern formed from lines of different color)
spirit (ghost or soul of a dead person)
companion (person you spend a lot of time with often because you are friends or because you
are travelling together)
simile (a phrase that uses comparison to describe, e.g., as white as snow, I slept like a log)
folk tale (a legend or myth; usually belonging to a particular cultural group, and having a moral
or meaning or an explanation of the creation of the world, animals or natural phenomena. A
story that parents have passed on to their children through speech over many years.)
Teacher prompts and helps student talk about what each word means before moving onto the next
word. What do these words mean?
Teacher instructs students to practice reading words with a partner and to complete the worksheet.
Now it is your turn. Take turns to read the words out loud with a partner and match the words with the
meanings on the worksheet.
In pairs, students read aloud to each other; then match the words with their meanings.
Component 4B Questions
Display questions on the board. Teacher models how to identify key words in the questions.
Here are some questions about the story. Read each question carefully.
What information do we need to find to answer the question?
Teacher underlines key words on board. Students locate and underline relevant information in each
question on worksheet.s
Teacher models the process of locating and highlighting relevant information for answering the first
question. Can you find the answers in the text?
Students locate and underline relevant information in text then answer each question on the
[Questions may be answered orally for lower-level students.]
Q1. Who are the main characters in the story?
Q2. Where did the story take place?
Q3. Why did the men take their blankets?
Suggested answers:
Q1. The main characters in the story are the three Itneg men.
Q2. The story take place in the mountains in Northern Luzon (Abra).
Q3. They took their blankets because they were going for several days and the nights in the
mountains are cold.
Component 4C Questions
Display questions on board. Teacher models how to identify key words in the questions.
Let us look at each question carefully. What information do we need to answer the question?
Where can we find the answer? Is it here in the words? Is it hidden in the text? Is it in your head?
Q4.What happened to the man under the striped blanket and why? Find words from the text to
support your answer.
Q5. How do you think the person with the striped blanket felt? Why do you think he felt that
Q6. What would you do if you were the person with the striped blanket? Give reasons for your answer.
(Write your answer in a full sentence on the Worksheet.)
Teacher checks the answers to the questions by involving the students.
Suggested answers:
Q4. The spirits ate him because he looked like a little wild pig: His blanket was “covered with red and
yellow stripes like the back of a little wild pig”. “He heard one spirit say to the other, “here we
have something to eat, for here is a little wild pig.”
Q5. Possible student responses: e.g. He felt scared/frightened/terrified/worried/guilty… because the
spirits thought he was a pig and might eat him. (Reasons may also vary depending on the emotion
Q6. (A range of student responses is possible. The reason/s given by the students are important and
could be used for further class discussion.)
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
What is the most interesting thing you have learned in the lesson? How will you apply this in your life?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion].
Segue to the next lesson: In the next lesson we will look at another narrative to give you more practice with
reading and interpreting them.
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 3
The Language of Literary Description
Key Idea
The Language of Literary Description
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 10 minutes
Teacher provides explicit instruction on the words and phrases that are important for students to
recognize and understand in the text.
Teacher displays the list of words on the board, reads each word aloud, and elicits student talk about
what each word means before moving into the next word.
Here are some words and phrases from the texts we are going to read. Let’s read them together. What
does each word mean?
watered silk (silk or fabric that is woven to have a wavy, shiny pattern)
cunning (clever at planning to get one’s own way, especially by tricking others)
bold (daring and brave)
reckless (dangerously careless; not cautious)
wounded (injured)
splendid (magnificent; very impressive)
causeway (a raised road or track across low or wet ground)
splinters (small, thin, sharp pieces of wood)
hinge (piece of metal that fastens the edge of a door to something else so it can open or close)
battlement (a parapet at the top of wall, especially of a fort or castle)
decayed (rotted, damaged)
creepers (plants that grow along the ground, or up walls or trees)
Some of the phrases in the text are similes. Similes describe something by comparing it to something
else, using like or as, e.g.
panther markings like the pattern of watered silk
a voice as sweet as wild honey dripping from a tree
Teacher instructs students to practice reading the words with a partner and to complete the
worksheet. Now it’s your turn. Take turns to read the words out loud with a partner and write the
meanings on the worksheet.
Then with your partner, think of some similes that you know, e.g. as white as snow; as busy as a bee;
eats like a pig; chatters like a monkey.
[Teacher note: A simile is a figure of speech which compares one thing with another thing of a different
kind, to make a description more vivid.]
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A Reading the Text [5 mins]
Teacher reads text aloud to the class. Students listen and follow along, and highlight or underline
any similes they come across.
I’m going to read two short descriptions from an old classic called ‘The Jungle Book’. The first one
describes a character from the book. See if you can spot any similes as I read the text out loud. The
second one describes a place in the story.
Literary Descriptions from The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling
Text 1 - character
A black shadow dropped down into the circle. It was Bagheera the Black Panther, inky black all
over, but with the panther markings showing up in certain lights like the pattern of watered silk.
Everybody knew Bagheera, and nobody cared to cross his path, for he was as cunning as Tabaqui,
as bold as the wild buffalo, and as reckless as the wounded elephant. But he had a voice as soft as
wild honey dripping from a tree, and a skin softer than down.
Text 2 - place
Mowgli had never seen an Indian city before, and though this was almost a heap of ruins it
seemed very wonderful and splendid. Some king had built it long ago on a little hill. You could still
trace the stone causeways that led up to the ruined gates where the last splinters of wood hung
to the worn, rusted hinges. Trees had grown into and out of the walls; the battlements were
tumbled down and decayed, and wild creepers hung out of the windows of the towers on the
walls in bushy hanging clumps.
In pairs, students then take turns to practice reading the texts aloud. Now it’s your turn to
practice reading the texts to each other.
Q4. What is the place like in the second text? Write one sentence to describe the place in your own
words. Find words from the text to support your answer.
Q5. The second text uses many words to create an image of an ancient city. Find words and phrases
that suggest this place was very old.
Q6. Draw a picture of the place described in the text.
Teacher checks the students’ responses and provides feedback. [~ 5 minutes]
Suggested answers:
Q4. Various responses are possible e.g. The Indian city was once very grand but has fallen into ruins.
It is a walled city on a hill that looks like an old fort or castle. etc.
Q5. Heap of ruins; long ago; ruined gates; last splinters; worn, rusted hinges; tumbled down and
Q6. Be prepared for a variety of visual interpretations.
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion].
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 4
Identifying Features of Poems
Key Idea
Identifying Features of Poems
Teacher samples answers to the questions, providing feedback and scaffolding student answers where
needed to activate student’s prior knowledge. Be prepared for a variety of responses.
Suggested Answers:
Q1. They tell fictional or imaginary stories; they are not factual or real; they have animal and human
characters; they are literary texts.
Q2. To entertain; to teach lessons about life in an entertaining way. Folk tales are also told to share a
common history, to reinforce cultural values, or highlight important traditions.
Teacher displays the list of words on the board and reads each word aloud.
Here are some words that are important for understanding the poem we are going to read. We are
going to say them together and then talk about their meanings so as you will be able to understand the
text when I read it. These words are written on your Worksheet (see C3). The words are:
verse (writing that is arranged in short lines with a regular rhythm; poetry)
stanza (a group of lines within a poem)
balmy (warm and pleasant weather)
bonds (close connections joining people together)
woes (big problems or troubles; great sadness)
fiesta (a festival where people celebrate with a feast and music and dancing)
cherished (lovingly cared for and protected; adored)
Let us practice these words. Say them and their meanings after me. Look at their spelling. Let us put
them in a sentence. I will do the first one….
“The last word in every verse of the poem rhymes.”
Now with your partner, write a sentence for each of the other words in the list.
Teacher samples sentences to make sure the words are used according to their meanings.
[Teacher Note: try to get students to write sentences that reveal the meaning of the words. If running
short of time, either omit sentence writing or do it orally as a class.
Sound devices like rhyme, alliteration, consonance, onomatopoeia etc. are introduced in the earlier grades.
Draw attention to examples from the poem to remind students of how these devices are used.]
Untitled poem
In balmy fields where rice stalks sway,
We laughed and played the Filipino way.
Underneath the mango tree's shade,
In childhood dreams, our bonds were made.
Component 4B Questions [~10 minutes]
Teacher reads each question and asks students to write answers on their Worksheets.
Q1. Describe the structure of the poem. (How many stanzas? How many verses?)
Q2. What sound devices are used in the poem? List some examples from the poem.
Q3. This is a narrative poem. Can you identify the character/s, setting, plot?
Suggested answers:
Q1. The poem has three stanzas, each with four lines (or verses) in each stanza. The poem is about
friends growing up together in the Philippines from childhood through the teenage years.
Q2. Rhyme - the first two lines and last two lines in each stanza rhyme e.g. sway-way, shade-made,
woes-grows etc. The rhyming couplets (2 lines) help to make the poem sound musical and
enjoyable to recite.
Consonance – consonant sounds are repeated e.g. rice stalks sway, storms and starlit nights;
Alliteration – first letter of words close together are repeated e.g. faced our frights, friends like
Q3. The poem is about friends (characters) growing up together in the Philippines (setting); sharing
experiences from childhood e.g. laughing and playing games in the fields and under mango trees,
through to the good and bad times of the teenage years e.g. journeying together…shared our joys
etc. (plot).
Teacher asks the students to volunteer their answers, giving feedback and scaffolding their answers.
Suggested answers:
Q4. Be prepared for a variety of answers e.g. ‘With friends like family’, ‘Bonds of friendship’, ‘Friends for
Q5. The first line in the last stanza states the problem “Though miles part us”. This means that the
friends are no longer living close to each other sharing all their experiences.
Q6. The resolution is also in the first line (verse) of the last stanza –the problem (distance that separates
the friends) is solved by cherishing the memories they share.
Teacher asks the students to volunteer their answers, acknowledging student responses and
scaffolding their answers where needed.
[Teacher Notes: Question 4 could be done as a class, with the teacher writing answers on the board and
students voting on their favorite title. Question 5 could be done in pairs on the Worksheet. This would
allow more time for the students to write and for the teacher to sample their answers by getting students
to read their writing aloud.]
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the question:
The focus of the lesson was on learning about some features of narrative poetry. How has the lesson
helped you to identify these features?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion].
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 5
Comparing Features of Poems and Short Stories
Key Idea
Comparing Features of Poems and Short Stories
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g., scanning, skimming, close reading,
etc.) EN7RC-IV-b-10
Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity and to better understand other people
Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to (EN7LC-IV-g-8.2)
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text (EN7RC-IIIe-2.1.7)
1. What are some figures of speech you know? Name the figure of speech and give an example.
2. What sound devices do you know? Name the sound device and give an example.
3. Figures of speech and sound devices are literary techniques that authors use to create different
effects with words in stories and poems. What effect do these techniques have on you as a reader
or listener?
Teacher asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet. Then ask students to volunteer their
answers and give feedback.
Expect a variety of answers and be prepared to correct and scaffold student answers.
Suggested Answers:
1. Answers could include different figures of speech: simile (e.g. as black as night); metaphor (e.g. the
night sky was an inky blanket); personification (e.g. the sunlight danced through the forest)
2. Answers could include different sound devices: e.g. rhyme (play-day), alliteration (six sleepy sloths),
assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia etc.
3. Expect a variety of answers. Answers could relate to students’ feelings, senses, imagination, the
effects on enjoyment when reciting poetry etc.
[Teacher Note: Answers could include students’ prior knowledge of literary devices from previous grades
as well as what has been studied in the learning camp lessons.]
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 minutes
Here are some words that we have met before in learning about literary texts. We will practice these
words again in this lesson. Let us say each word together.
Vocabulary (Revise):
Narrative (a spoken or written text that tells a story)
Setting (where and when a story takes place)
Sequence of events (the order in which things happen)
Crisis (a time when a problem is at its worst)
Resolution (a solution to a crisis or problem)
Text 2: Friends
In balmy fields where rice stalks sway,
We laughed and played the Filipino way.
Underneath the mango tree's shade,
In childhood dreams, our bonds were made.
Component 4B (~ 5 minutes)
Teacher reads out each question and asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet. [See
Teacher Notes for alternative to Worksheet approach].
Q1. What type of literary texts are texts 1 and 2?
Q2. How are they similar? List three similarities.
Q3. How are they different? List three differences.
Teacher asks the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Suggested Answers:
Q1. Text 1 is a narrative short story – a fable; text 2 is a narrative poem.
Q2. Both texts have a narrative structure - opening with a description of who is involved and where it
happens, followed by a sequence of events.
Q3. Text 1 is a fable, written in prose (sentences and paragraphs), with animals as the main characters –
they speak and behave like humans – the events could never have happened but have been
invented to make a point or convey a message. Text 2 is a poem, written in stanzas; the characters
are human, and the events are ordinary human events.
I prefer poems to short stories. Poems are more enjoyable because they have interesting structures
and writers can use language more creatively to describe what happens and to express their
emotions. In comparison short stories are written using just sentences in paragraphs, which are not
as interesting for the reader.
Teacher asks the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Suggested Answers:
Q4. Both give information about who is involved and where and when the stories take place (Setting).
Q5. ‘The Carabao and the Shell’ ends with the death of the carabao. He does not learn the lesson or
moral he learned. ‘Friends’ ends in a positive way. The crisis (being apart by distance) is resolved
by cherishing the memories.
Q6. Students will choose whether to agree or disagree – the focus here is on the reasons they give and
examples from the texts to support their answers.
[Teacher Notes: Questions 4 and 5 could be done as a class discussion, with the teacher writing answers on
the board. Question 6 could be done in pairs on the Worksheet. This would allow more time for the
students to write and for the teacher to sample their answers by getting students to read their writing
The focus of the lesson was on learning about comparing different kinds of literary texts. How has the
lesson helped you to understand their similarities?
[Teacher Notes: Ask students to write on the Worksheet, so you have some feedback on the effectiveness
of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion].
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 6
Deliberate Practice: Key Elements of Narrative Texts
Key Idea
Key Elements of Narrative Texts
Most Essential Learning Competencies
• Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g., scanning, skimming, close reading,
etc.) EN7RC-IV-b-10
Identify the genre, purpose, intended audience and features of various viewed texts EN7VC-I-d-6
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text
Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed EN7VC-IV-i-16 Q3
Discover literature as a tool to assert one’s unique identity and to better understand other people
conflict (the challenge or problem the main characters need to solve to achieve their goals)
climax (the high point or crisis in a story)
resolution (how things end up in a story when the problem is solved)
theme (the main idea or lesson of the story)
Students complete the table of words and their meanings on the Worksheet.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4B Questions
Teacher displays questions on the board.
Q1. Who are the main characters in the Flood Story?
Q2. What is the setting of the story?
Q3. What text type does the story mountain diagram represent? Give reasons for your answer.
Students write their answers on the Worksheet.
Teacher checks the answers by involving the students.
Suggested Answers:
Q1. The main characters are the crab, the wise man and the people.
Q2. The story takes place on earth (where?), a long time ago (when?).
Q3. The Story Mountain represents a narrative text type. Possible reasons, e.g.:
The events in a story build up to a high point (climax) like the peak of a mountain then gradually
fall to its base in the resolution.
The mountain is a metaphor for the structure of a story.
Component 4C Questions
Display questions on board. Students write their answers on the Worksheet.
Q4. Which paragraphs from the Flood Story match the stages in the Story Mountain?
Q5. What type of text is Text 1 Flood Story? Find evidence from the text to support your answer.
Q6. What is the theme or main idea of Flood Story?
Teacher checks the answers to the questions by involving the students [~ 5 minutes]
Suggested answers (Various answers are possible for Q5 and Q6):
Q4. Paragraph 1-Background; Paragraph 2-Rising Action; Paragraph 3-Climax; Paragraph 4-Falling
Action; Paragraph 5-Resolution
Q5. Narrative; a traditional folk tale or myth. It is a narrative because…
It’s imaginary - a crab caused the flood which covered the earth (paragraph 1).
Events are not in chronological order - the flood described in paragraph 1 doesn’t happen until
paragraph 3.
The writer uses flashback - in paragraph 2 it states, “Now about one moon before this
Q6. Various answers are possible, e.g.,
People who listened to the wise man worked together to prepare for the flood and survived.
People who act on good advice do better in life.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
The focus of the lesson was on bringing together what you’ve learned about narrative texts. How has the
lesson helped you to understand this?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion].
Segue to the next lesson: Next week our focus will be on informational text types.
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 7
Reading Recounts
Key Idea
Reading Recounts
Component 3: Language Practice
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher provides explicit instruction on the words and phrases that are important for students to
recognize and understand in the lesson.
Teacher displays the list of words on the board and reads each word aloud.
Here are some words that are important in the recount we are going to read.
inspiring (encouraging, or making you feel you want to do something positive or creative)
significant (very important)
colonial rule (one country taking political control of another country and occupying it)
rebels (a group of people who oppose and resist an established government or leader)
cause (a movement to which one is committed and which one is prepared to defend)
unwavering (continuing in a strong and steady way)
Let’s practice these words. Say them and their meanings after me. Look at their spelling. Let’s put them
in a sentence. I’ll do the first one:
“An inspiring leader can motivate people to achieve their very best.”
See how the sentence contains the meaning of the word.
Now with your partner, write a sentence for each of the other words in the list.
Teacher samples sentences to make sure the words are used according to their meanings.
[Teacher Note: Try to get students to write sentences that reveal the meaning of the words. If running
short of time, either omit sentence writing or do it orally as a class.]
Component 4B Questions [~10 minutes]
Teacher reads each question and asks students to write answers on their Worksheets.
Q1. What other names were given to Melchora Aquino?
Q2. What did Aquino do to support the Katipunan in their fight for independence?
Q3. Why was Melchora Aquino arrested and sent to prison?
Suggested answers
Q1. ‘Tandang Sora’ (old Sora) and ‘Mother of the Philippine Revolution’
Q2. She provided shelter, food, and nursing care to Filipino rebels and their leader.
Q3. The Spanish authorities discovered she was helping the rebels (Katipunan).
Teacher asks the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
Q6. She is regarded as a national hero because of her unwavering bravery and commitment to the
freedom of The Philippines.
Teacher asks the students to volunteer their answers, giving positive feedback.
[Teacher Notes: Question 4 could be done as a class discussion, with the teacher writing answers on the
board. Question 5 could be done in pairs on the Worksheet. This would allow more time for the students
to write and for the teacher to sample their answers by getting students to read their writing aloud.]
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
The focus of the lesson was on learning about how recounts work. How has the lesson helped you to
understand that?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion].
Segue to the next lesson: Next week our focus will be on expository texts.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 8
Locating and Interpreting Information in Expository Texts
Key Idea
Locating and Interpreting Information in Expository Texts
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g., Scanning, skimming, close reading,
etc.) (EN7RC-IV-b-10)
Use appropriate reading strategies for various text types (EN7RC-IV-b-10)
Summarize key information from a text (EN6OL-IVj-3.6)
Cite evidence to support a general statement (EN7RC-IV-g-10.4)
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text (EN7RC-IIIe-2.1.7)
Expository texts that provide information about a topic or thing usually have 2 major components:
1. A definition of the topic or thing, sometimes called a classification.
2. Paragraphs describing each of the various aspects of the topic or thing.
Some expository texts may have a third feature – a conclusion, usually in the form of a general statement
about the topic or thing. It’s not always there though because the main thing about these types of texts is
to give you a lot of organized information on the topic but not always an opinion about it.
[Teacher Notes: Emphasize that the lesson will help them know what to look out for or what are the
important bits when they have to read expository or informational texts that they’ve never read before –
such as in a test or examination.]
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 minutes
This text is called Multimedia and it gives information about what multimedia is and the many
different forms it takes.
Here are some key words from the text that you may not know or remember. Let us say each word
multimedia – We will get the answer to this from the very first paragraph of the text, so look out
for it when I read it aloud.
integrated – let us see if we can work out the meaning of this word from the words that are
around it when I read the text aloud [A. a number of different things combined together in such
a way that they form a whole]
animation (cartoons)
interactivity (“the ability of a computer, program or other content to respond to the actions of
the person who is using it.”)
hypermedia – Again the meaning of this word will become clear when I read the text – look out
for it. [A. another term for multimedia, usually involving links between sites and functions on
the internet]
infographics (a visual rather than a verbal presentation of data or information)
webinar (an event on the internet where people can join in using their computer; web+inar = a
seminar on the web).
Now let us go over what each word means.
Teacher writes each word on the board and asks the class to volunteer answers and writes each
definition on the board. Students write each definition on their worksheets.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes in total
Component 4A Reading the text [5 minutes]
Teacher reads the text, drawing attention to the words listed in Lesson Component 3, especially the
meanings of ‘multimedia’ and ‘hypermedia’.
Teacher reads the sentence containing ‘multimedia’ and ‘integrated’ and does a Think Aloud to
demonstrate how the meaning of the words can be worked out using context clues.
Multimedia is a form of communication that combines different content forms integrated together.
Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity are combined together, the
result is multimedia. Other terms that are sometimes used for multimedia include hypermedia or
rich media.
An example of multimedia is a web page with animation. Multimedia can be also an interactive
media such as video games and CDROMS. Slides for example are considered to be multimedia as
they combine text, images, sometimes video and other types.
Below is a list of various multimedia formats used in education.
Text and Graphics – PowerPoint, diagrams, infographics, slideshow presentation
Audio – Podcast
Video – screen capture, lecture capture, talking head, animation, glass screen
Others – webinar and online meeting, blogs, interactive content.
There are other multimedia formats used in business, entertainments, recreation, and the likes.
Multimedia plays an important role in our society. It enables us to keep up with the times.
[Philippines Department of Education (nd). Multimedia. English 7 Q3 Week 1 (p.3).]
Component 4C Questions [10 minutes]
Teacher reads out each question and asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet.
Answer these questions on the worksheet, but let us do the first one together. I am going to read the
text again slowly and as I do, I want you to put your hand up to tell me whenever I mention an
example of multimedia and we will underline it in the text and write it in your Worksheet.
Teacher reads paragraphs 1 and 2 and students underline answers on their copy of the text and then
write on their worksheets.
Now I want you to try Question 6 with a partner. Write a shorter version of the text as if it was an
advertisement showing how wonderful multimedia texts are. Be ready to share your new text with the
group. This activity involves turning an Expository text into a Persuasive text and using factual
information to support what you are saying in the advertisement. We will learn more about Persuasive
texts next week.
Q4. List the things in the first 2 paragraphs that are examples of multimedia when used together.
Q5. Define multimedia in your own words.
Q6. Imagine that your job was to design an advertisement for multimedia that would show its benefits
to society. You have to write the script for a webpage or TV advertisement.
a. How would you change the heading?
b. How would you change the first paragraph?
c. How would you change the last sentence?
d. What visuals would you add?
Students read/perform their advertisements. Teacher gives feedback on:
o How students changed the original text
o How much information they included in their advertisement?
Suggested answers:
Q4. Text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity.
Q5. (Varied answers possible) Multimedia is a combination of different types of forms of
communication like text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity into one text.
Q6. Be prepared for a range of answers – the main thing here is for students to see how information
can be used for 2 different purposes in 2 different types of texts.
[Teacher Notes: Feel free to do Questions 4 and 5 as a class and focus on Question 6 if you are running
short of time.]
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on learning about how information is presented in an Expository text.
How has the lesson helped you to understand this?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion.]
Segue to the next lesson: “We will return to giving you more practice with Expository texts and extending it
to other types of texts in future lessons.”
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 9
Locating and Interpreting Information in Graphs
Key Idea
Locating and Interpreting Information in Graphs
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (EN7RC-IV-b-10)
Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa (EN8RC-IIe-11)
Summarize key information from a text (EN6OL-IVj-3.6)
Cite evidence to support a general statement (EN7RC-IV-g-10.4)
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully (EN7G-II-a-1)
temperature (the degree of heat or cold of an object or an environment)
average (the result that you get when you add two or more numbers together and divide the total
by the number of numbers you added together)
oC (degrees Celsius – abbreviation) mm (millimeters – abbreviation)
Q1. What does this graph show? (Write your answer in a full sentence.)
Q2. According to the graph, which are the three coolest months of the year in the Philippines?
Q3. How much rain falls in the wettest month of the year?
Teacher samples answers from students to each question.
Suggested answers:
Q1. The graph shows the average monthly rainfall and temperature in the Philippines from 1945 to
Q2. January, August and December.
Q3. Approximately 500 mm.
Q4. What does the graph tell you about the two warmest months in the year?
Q5. What does the graph tell you about the average rainfall and temperature in the Philippines from
January to April?
Q6. A friend who lives in another country wants to visit the Philippines in the early part of the year.
They ask you what the weather is like. What would you write to them in a postcard?
(Use the information from the graph to write a short summary on a postcard to your friend.)
Teacher samples answers from students to each question.
Suggested answers:
Q4. The two warmest months of the year are April and May, with an average temperature of about 34
degrees Celsius.
Q5. From January to April, the average monthly rainfall is less than 50 mm, the lowest in the year.
During the same period, temperatures increase from a low of approximately 30 degrees Celsius to
the warmest average temperature of the year at 34 degrees.
Q6. The months from January to April are the warmest and driest time of the year in the Philippines.
[Teacher Notes: Check the students’ use of correct grammar in their sentence writing. Pay particular
attention to the appropriate use phrases, clauses, and sentences.]
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on learning how to locate and interpret information presented visually
in a graph. How has the lesson helped you to make sense of graphs?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
Segue to the next lesson: We will return to giving you more practice with reading visual information and
extending it to other types of images and texts in future lessons.
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on written answers for
quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 10
Locating and Interpreting Information in Procedural Texts
Key Idea
Locating and Interpreting Information in Procedural Texts
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Identify genre, purpose of text (EN7VC-I-d-6) (Q1)
Use appropriate reading strategies to meet one’s purpose (e.g., Scanning, skimming, close reading,
etc.) (EN7RC-IV-b-10) (Q1)
Cite evidence to support a general statement (EN7RC-IV-g-10.4) (Q3)
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully (EN7G-II-a-1)
Teacher asks students to imagine a text on the internet giving instructions on how to play a video game
and asks some questions about it.
Teacher reads aloud each question and asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet.
For an online text giving instructions on how to play a video game:
Q1. What title do you think it will have? Give an example.
Q2. What information do you expect to see at the start of it?
Q3. What information do you expect to see in the rest of it?
Teacher asks students to volunteer answers and gives reasons and feedback, suggesting examples
where needed. Be prepared for a variety of answers.
Suggested answers:
Q1. Possible example titles: How to play Game X; Game X Guide…
Q2. A description of the game.
Q3. The rules of the game; special features of the game; Tips and Tricks.
Component 2: Purpose of the lesson
Time: 3 minutes
In this lesson, we are going to look at a short procedural text. We are going to see how it works so that
when you read a text that you have not seen before you will know:
whether it is a procedural (or instructional) text
how it works – its parts or structure – how it starts and then how the rest of it is organized
where its most important information is located.
Procedural texts usually have a structure of 3 major components:
1. A heading or title that describes the purpose of the instructions
2. Things needed to perform the task (i.e. materials or ingredients)
3. Steps in the order that they need to be done to achieve the outcome (i.e. the method).
[Teacher Notes: Emphasize that the lesson will help them know what to look out for or what are the
important bits when they have to read procedural texts that they’ve never read before – such as in a test
or examination.]
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 minutes
This text is called ‘Steps in cooking Adobo, a Filipino native dish’. It is a recipe. A recipe is an example of
a procedural text; it gives instructions for making something. Here are some key words and phrases
from the text that are important. Let’s say each word together.
ingredients (the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish)
method (steps in the order that they need to be done to make the dish)
Adobo – a Filipino native dish with pork or chicken
sauté – to fry in a pan
vinegar – an ingredient in cooking; made up of water, acetic acid and flavorings
salt and pepper to taste – add as much salt and pepper as you like
a cup – a measure in cooking of 240-250 ml.
Now let us go over what each word or phrase means.
Teacher writes each word on the board and asks class to volunteer answers and writes each definition
on the board. Students write each definition on their worksheets.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Step 1: Put cooking oil in a pan. After few seconds, sauté the chopped onion and garlic until
golden brown.
Step 2: Add the cut chicken into the pan.
Step 3: Add a 1/2 cup of soy sauce, a 1/4 cup of vinegar, bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste.
Step 4: After few minutes, add a little amount of water.
Step 5: Bring to boil, then reduce heat to medium-low.
Step 6: Cook for 35-40 minutes until chicken is cooked through.
Teacher reads the text, drawing attention to the words listed in Lesson Component 3.
Component 4B Questions [10 minutes]
Teacher reads out each question and asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet.
Q1. Does the opening section of this text match what is supposed to go in a procedural text? Give
evidence for your answer.
Q2. Normally in a recipe the ingredients are arranged in the order in which they appear in the steps.
Rearrange the ingredients in that way.
Q3. One of the features of a procedural text is the sentence structure in the Steps section. Are the
sentences statements, questions, or commands? These sentences all start the same way –
underline the first word in each dot point - what do you notice about them?
Teacher samples answers from students to each question and provides feedback.
Suggested answers:
Q1. Yes, there is a title that describes the purpose of the text.
Q2. Ingredients in sequence:
cooking oil
chopped onion and garlic
1 whole chicken cut into pieces
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup vinegar
bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste.
Q3. The sentences are all commands and start with a verb.
Suggested answers:
Q4. It is a dish that originated in the Philippines and is very popular.
Q5. Soy sauce, vinegar, cooking oil.
Q6. Be prepared for a variety of answers here – the main thing is that students change the language
and sentence structures to fit the different context.
[Teacher Notes: Feel free to skip Question 5 and focus on Questions 4 and 6 if you are running short of
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on learning about how information is organized in a procedural (or
instructional) text. How has the lesson helped you to understand this?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
If pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion].
Segue to the next lesson: “We will return to giving you more practice with texts that provide information
and extending it to other types of texts in future lessons.”
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 11
Locating and Interpreting Information in Explanations
Key Idea
Locating and Interpreting Information in Explanations
phenomenon (an interesting fact or event that can be observed and studied)
water vapor (water that is in the state of a gas, as it is found in the atmosphere).
evaporation (water that is heated turns into water vapor)
transpiration (loss of water through pores in the leaves of plants)
condensation (water vapor cools and condenses into liquid droplets)
precipitation (water droplets that grow heavy and fall to the earth as rain or snow)
virga (rain that evaporates in dry it before it reaches the ground)
atmosphere (the layers of gas that surround a planet)
Component 4B Questions [10 minutes]
Teacher explains how the explanation text is structured. (Display text.)
Look at how the explanation text is structured. In the first paragraph we have some general information
about the phenomenon – rain. The body paragraph gives the explanation of how rain happens. We call
this the explanation sequence. The last paragraph adds another piece of interesting information about
what might happen to some rain in the water cycle.
Teacher reads out the questions and models a strategy for locating information in the text and diagram.
Then asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet.
Here are some questions about the text. You are going to write your answers on the worksheet. But
first, let’s do the first one together. Think about where you can find the answer in the text and where
you can the find answer in the diagram.
Q1. What is the scientific word for rain? (Where did you find your answer?)
Q2. What are two types of precipitation? Do you know of any other types?
Q3. What causes water from oceans, rivers, and trees to evaporate?
Teacher samples answers from students to each question and gives feedback.
Suggested answers:
Q1. Precipitation
Q2. Rain and snow. (Also, prompt students to draw on prior knowledge for additional answers, e.g.,
sleet, hail)
Q3. The sun heats the surface causing water it to evaporate.
Component 4C Questions [10 minutes]
Teacher reads out each question and asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet.
Answer these questions on the worksheet, but let’s do the first one together. I am going to read the text
again slowly and as I do I want you to put your hand up to tell me whenever I mention an example of
multimedia and we will underline it in the text and write it in your Worksheet.
Q4. What does the diagram show?
Q5. Why are there arrows on the image? What do they show? What is the sequence of the
processes in the cycle?
Q6. Write a short paragraph explaining how rain happens in your own words.
Teacher samples answers from students to each question.
Suggested answers:
Q4. The water cycle. It shows how water from the ground goes through a cycle to become rain.
Q5. The arrows show the movement of water around the water cycle.
Q6. (Various answers are possible. Check that students start the paragraph with a general
statement or topic sentence followed by more detailed statements.)
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions.
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on learning about how information is presented in Explanation
texts. How has the lesson helped you to understand this?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
[Teacher Notes: If there is time, get students to write their answers on the Worksheet. However, if pressed
for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion.]
Segue to the next lesson: We will return to giving you more practice with Explanation texts and extending it
to other types of texts in future lessons.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 12
Deliberate Practice – Identifying Key Features of Expository Texts
Key Idea
Identifying Key Features of Expository Texts
multiple reading paths (reading in linear, nonlinear or non-sequential way; the readers can choose
their own reading path)
infographic (information + graphic - a representation of information using pictures and diagrams
designed to make the data easy to understand at a glance.
chrysalis (a moth or butterfly at the stage of development when it is covered by a hard case)
What do you think each word means.? Teacher writes each word on the board and asks class to
volunteer answers and writes each definition on the board.
Students write a sentence using each word or term on their worksheets.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A Reading text [5 minutes]
Teacher reads the text, drawing attention to the words listed in Lesson Component 3. Students can
underline these words on their copy as the teacher reads.
Text 1 Linear and Non-linear Texts
A linear text is any printed written material which has no pictures, illustrations or images. It
merely consists of words formed into sentences, paragraphs or stanzas. It is the kind of text we
read from left to right and top to bottom, following a sequential pattern. It often requires a lot of
time to get information from a linear text. Examples of linear texts include poems, short stories,
folktales, drama, diaries and newspaper articles.
On the other hand, non-linear text uses visuals such as pictures, drawings or images to
communicate information. The reader reads and analyzes the text using multiple reading paths.
Because non-linear texts use images, it is easier to find information quickly. Examples of non-
linear texts are graph, charts, tables, infographics, flowcharts, timelines, and diagrams.
[Philippines Department of Education (nd). Maximizing Linear and Non-Linear Texts. English 7 Quarter 2 Module 7
(p. 3).]
Text 2 ______________________
Text 3 How to get information from a non-linear text
1. Read the title which gives the gist on what the non-linear text is about.
2. Analyze the data by examining the information and the labels thoroughly.
3. Examine the pictures, symbols, shapes or any image that tell information.
4. Study the relationship of the information and images deeply.
5. Summarize the text’s message.
[Philippines Department of Education (nd). Maximizing Linear and Non-Linear Texts. English 7 Quarter 2 Module 7 (p. 3)]
Teacher then asks students to study the texts and look for the words from the list.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions.
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on the features of different types of informational texts. How has
the lesson helped you to understand this?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
[Teacher Notes: If there is time, get students to write their answers on the Worksheet so you have some
feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience. However, if
pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion.]
Segue to the next lesson: We will return to giving you more practice with Explanation texts and extending it
to other types of texts in future lessons.
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 13
Reading Persuasive Texts
Key Idea
Reading persuasive texts
responsibilities (duties, obligations)
emergencies (urgent situations)
sensible decisions (choices that a mature person would make)
necessity, necessary (essential, vital) and unnecessary
Suggested answers:
Q1. Grade 7 students are teenagers with responsibilities to care for other family members.
Q2. Maturity, safety, family and after-school activities.
Q3. Paragraph 1: Statement of position and main points
Paragraph 2: Main point 1 – maturity
Paragraph 3: Main point 2 – safety
Paragraph 4: Main point 3 – emergencies
Paragraph 5: Main point 5 – after school activities
Paragraph 6: Conclusion – position re-stated.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 14
Identifying Features of Argument Texts
Key Idea
Identifying the structure and features of an argumentative text
Component 2: Purpose of the lesson
Time: 3 minutes
In this lesson, we are going to look more closely at one type of persuasive text. The sample text relies on
providing good reasons and facts to support a point of view. It appeals to reason rather than emotions
to persuade or convince someone. You are going to learn to recognize the features of a good argument
persuasive text (a text where the main purpose is to present a point of view and to persuade a
reader, e.g., argument, discussion, review, or advertisement)
argument (a persuasive text type that argues one point of view)
thesis statement (a sentence that states the main idea or an argument. It reflects the opinion or
judgment of the writer)
claims (these are the reasons supporting the main argument)
evidence (supporting points based on factual information to show a claim is true)
metabolism (all the chemical processes going on inside your body that allow life and normal
nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates that your body needs to
work properly)
macro-nutrients (nutrients we need in larger quantities that provide us with energy, i.e., fat,
protein and carbohydrate)
cognitive function (mental processes such as learning, thinking, reasoning, remembering,
problem solving, decision making, and attention)
Teacher writes each word on the board and asks class to volunteer answers and writes each definition
on the board.
Students write the words and definitions on their worksheets.
Breakfast is often said to be the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. Eating
breakfast provides a range of benefits that can positively impact your health and well-being.
First and foremost, breakfast jumpstarts your metabolism and helps you maintain a healthy weight.
When you skip breakfast, your body goes into conservation mode and slows down your
metabolism, which can lead to weight gain over time. Eating a balanced breakfast also helps you
avoid overeating later in the day.
Second, breakfast provides important nutrients that are essential for a healthy diet. By eating a
variety of foods at breakfast, you can ensure that you are getting a range of vitamins, minerals, and
macronutrients that are necessary for good health.
Furthermore, eating breakfast can also improve cognitive function and mood, as it helps to stabilize
blood sugar levels and provide energy for the brain. Children who eat breakfast regularly have been
shown to perform better in school and have improved behavior.
Overall, the benefits of eating breakfast are clear. It's a simple yet effective way to support your
overall health and well-being, so don't skip it!
[Adapted from text generated by ChatGPT Open AI.]
Suggested answers:
Q4. First and foremost ... ; Second …; Furthermore …
Q5. (Various answers possible – check students can locate points from the text.)
Q6. (Various answers possible).
[Teacher Notes: If there is time, get students to write their answers on the Worksheet so you have some
feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience. However, if
pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion.]
Segue to the next lesson: We will return to giving you more practice with persuasive texts and extending it
to other types of texts in future lessons.
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 5
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 15
Organizing Information in Argument Texts
Key Idea
Organizing Information in Argument Texts
Teacher introduces vocabulary for the lesson. First, we are going to look at some words we will use in
this lesson. Let’s read them together.
ecosystems (a community or group of living things that live in and interact with each other in a
specific environment)
biodiversity (variety of all living things - the different plants, animals and microorganisms)
debris (scattered bits of rubbish)
ingesting (eating)
decompose (decay or break down)
toxic; toxins (poisonous; poisonous substances)
contaminate (pollute)
hormonal imbalance (too much or too little of the chemicals that control body functions)
livelihood (job or activities to meet daily needs e.g., to earn money to buy food)
Teacher writes each word on the board and asks class to volunteer answers and writes each definition
on the board.
Students write the words and definitions on their Workbooks.
Component 4B Questions [10 minutes]
ss the questions and models a strategy for locating the information in the text. Here are some
questions about the text. You are going to write your answers in the Workbook. But first, let’s do Q1
together – Which sentence is the thesis statement? The thesis statement is a sentence that states the
main idea or an argument. It reflects the opinion or judgment of the writer. Think about where you can
find the answer in the text.
Q4. Which sentence is the thesis statement? Where can you find this in the text?
Q5. What are the writer’s main claims (or reasons) supporting the main argument? Where can you find
these in the text?
Q6. What title would you give on the argument text? Discuss with a partner to decide on a title.
Teacher samples answers from students to each question and gives feedback.
Q1. Thesis statement: (Plastic pollution) “It has serious impacts on the environment and human health
so reducing plastic waste is crucial for the future of marine ecosystems, human health, and
communities that rely on fishing and tourism”. The thesis statement is in the introduction.
Q2. Claim 1 – “plastic pollution poses a serious threat to marine ecosystems”;
Claim 2 – “plastic waste poses a significant threat to human health”;
Claim 3 – “plastic pollution has economic consequences as well”
The claims are the first sentence of each body paragraph.
Q3. Be prepared for various answers e.g. Why we must reduce plastic pollution.
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on learning about how information is organized in an argument text like
an expository essay. How has the lesson helped you to understand this?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
[Teacher Notes: If there is time, get students to write their answers on the Workbook so you have some
feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience. However, if
pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion.]
Segue to the next lesson: We will return to giving you more practice with Persuasive texts in the next
REMINDER: Collect student Workbooks to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to
Question 6 for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 16
Use of Supporting Evidence in Persuasive Texts
Key Idea
Use of Supporting Evidence in Persuasive Texts
Most Essential Learning Competencies
Identify the genre, purpose, intended audience and features of various viewed texts (EN7VC-I-d-6)
Research a topic with support using two or three sources (EN7VC-IV-c-15)
Summarize key information from a text (EN6OL-IVj-3.6)
Cite evidence to support a general statement (EN7RC-IV-g- 10.4)
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text (EN7RC-IIIe-2.1.7)
Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully EN7G-II-a-1
occupations (jobs)
nutritious (foods that are good for maintaining health and energy)
nutrients (things that are in foods that are good for maintaining health and energy)
optimal performance (Let’s leave this one until I read the text and we will see if we can work it
out from its context and the other words that surround it)
smoothie (a healthy milk drink that includes fruit and/or vegetables)
omelet (a meal based on cooking beaten eggs in a pan and adding other types of food like
burrito (a Mexican dish with a tortilla wrapped around various ingredients))
yogurt (a creamy, milk-based food).
Now let’s go over what each word means.
Teacher writes each word on the board and asks class to volunteer answers and writes each definition
on the board. Students write each definition on their worksheets.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A Reading texts [5 minutes]
Teacher displays Text 1, reads the title and Introduction, then the breakfast foods on the Table, drawing
attention to the words listed in Component 3, especially optimal performance.
We are going to look at the table of information about what people in various occupations eat for
breakfast. It is NOT a Persuasive Text, but it is an example of a non-linear text which we learned about
in Week 2. Do you remember what a non-linear text is?
Let’s look at the term ‘optimal performance’. ‘Performance’ is easy – it means what someone does.
‘Optimal’ though – what could that mean? Let’s look at the words around it – there are foods that are
designed to give energy – energy generally leads to good performance so I’m thinking that ‘optimal’
must good or even, very good, a performance as good as it could be.
Text 1: Breakfast for Busy People
Breakfast Basket IT worker Boxer Farmer Truck
baller driver
Cereal, oats or oatmeal with fruit and Y Y Y Y Y
Avocado toast with egg Y Y Y Y Y
Breakfast sandwich with turkey, Y
cheese, and vegetables
Smoothie with protein powder and Y Y Y Y
fruit or vegetables:
Breakfast burrito with beans and Y Y Y
Vegetable and cheese omelet: Y Y Y
Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts Y Y Y
Whole grain toast with nut butter Y
[Adapted from text generated by ChatGPT Open AI.]
No matter who you are, it's important to have a balanced and nutritious breakfast to fuel your body
for the physical demands of whatever you are doing, whether it is work or sport. Here are the results
of a survey of people in busy occupations. The table shows the most popular breakfast foods that
provide the energy and nutrients needed for optimal performance in five different fields.
Students answer these questions in the workbook.
Q4. How could you use the information in the table to support the claim in paragraph 3, “breakfast
provides important nutrients that are essential for a healthy diet”?
Q5. If you were a café owner, which breakfast foods from the table in Text 1 would you include on your
menu? Give your reasons why.
Q6. In pairs, design a poster for a café owner who wants to take advantage of the information in both
Suggested answers:
Q4. You could add supporting evidence to the paragraph, e.g.,
Second, breakfast provides important nutrients that are essential for a healthy diet. By consuming
a variety of foods at breakfast, you can ensure that you are getting a range of vitamins, minerals,
and macronutrients that are necessary for good health. For example, a survey has found that
cereal, oats or oatmeal with fruit and nuts or avocado toast with egg provide the energy and
nutrients needed for optimal performance for most busy people.
Q5. Expect a variety of answers, e.g. oats or oatmeal with fruit and nuts and Avocado toast with egg –
they are popular breakfast foods that provide the energy and nutrients needed for optimal
performance for all five groups. The café’s breakfast menu should be adjusted to include as many
of the most popular breakfast dishes as possible.
Q6. While the point of the question is to get students to include relevant information from the texts
and turn it into a persuasive text, there will be a creative visual element too.
[Teacher Notes: Questions 4 and 5 could be done as a class, giving more time for students to design the
poster. Get students to display their posters and look at others. Give feedback. Possibly, if there is time, get
class to vote on the best poster].
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher displays the questions:
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on using evidence to support an argument. How has the lesson helped
you to understand this?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion.]
Segue to the next lesson: In the next lesson we will look at what kind evidence is good for supporting an
argument on an important issue.
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing, visual design and understanding of the content.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 17
Evaluating Evidence in Persuasive Texts
Key Idea
Evaluating Evidence in Persuasive Texts
Most Essential Learning Competencies
Identify the genre, purpose, intended audience and features of various viewed texts (EN7VC-I-d-
Research a topic with support using two or three sources EN7VC-IV-c-15
Summarize key information from a text (EN6OL-IVj-3.6)
Cite evidence to support a general statement (EN7RC-IV-g- 10.4)
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text (EN7RC-IIIe-2.1.7)
Use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully (EN7G-II-a-1)
Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed
Component 3: Lesson Language Practice
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher introduces vocabulary for the lesson. First, we are going to read some words we’ll need for this
lesson. Let’s read them together.
sluggish (lacking energy or alertness)
glucose (the main type of sugar in the blood and the major source of energy for the body's cells)
mental performance (how well you use your thinking processes like knowing, learning,
understanding and remembering things)
silog (Filipino breakfast dishes comprised of meat, garlic rice, and a fried egg)
pan de sal (soft Filipino bread rolls made with flour, yeast, salt, sugar, and oil)
ensaymada (Filipino brioche roll topped with buttercream, sugar, and grated cheese)
arroz caldo (rice porridge made with boiled glutinous rice seasoned with garlic, ginger, and salt)
champorado (a thick rice porridge made with boiled glutinous rice and chocolate)
daily nutritional requirements (different foods you need each day to stay healthy)
Teacher writes each word on the board and asks class to volunteer answers and writes each definition
on the board.
Students write the words and definitions on their worksheets.
Component 4: Lesson Activity
Time: 25 minutes
Component 4A Reading the text [10 minutes]
Here are three short texts excerpts on the topic of ‘Breakfast’. Teacher reads the texts out loud,
emphasizing the words listed in Lesson Component 3. Students underline these words on their copy as
the teacher reads.
Text 1
If you don’t have breakfast, you might find you feel a bit sluggish and struggle to focus on things.
This is because your brain hasn’t received the energy (glucose) it needs to get going. Studies
suggest that not having breakfast affects your mental performance, including your attention, ability
to concentrate and memory. This can make some tasks feel harder than they normally would.
Text 2
I love Filipino breakfast food. Silog dishes like longsilog and tapsilog are among my favorite dishes to
eat in the Philippines. Not just for breakfast, but at any time of the day. Silog may be one of the most
well-known and delicious Filipino breakfast dishes, but if you prefer breads and pastries for breakfast,
then try pan de sal and ensaymada. If thick rice porridge meals are your jam, then you can tuck into a
bowl of arroz caldo or champorado. If you think breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then
be sure to try these delicious Filipino breakfasts on your next trip to the Philippines.
Text 3
Eating a good breakfast helps students:
• be more active
• be more creative
• have better hand-eye coordination
• have better problem-solving skills
• meet daily nutritional requirements
• miss fewer days of school
Teacher then asks students to practice reading the texts in pairs.
English Grade 7 Lesson Plan 18
Deliberate Practice – Key Features of Persuasive Texts
Key Idea
Identifying Key Features of Persuasive Texts
[YouTube (2021). Jollibee Chickenjoy: Joy & Pride of the Philippines (Subtitles).]
Here is an opening paragraph from another persuasive text. Teacher reads the text out loud. Students
follow along and underline words they don’t know as the teacher reads. Review any words that are
causing difficulty.
Text 2 (opening paragraph)
Climate change is a big problem that we need to take seriously. Scientists agree that human activities,
like burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests, are making the Earth's climate change in a bad way.
This is causing a lot of problems for us and for our planet.
[Adapted from text generated by ChatGPT Open AI.]
Here is a body paragraph from another persuasive text. Teacher reads the text out loud. Students
follow along and underline words they don’t know on their copy as the teacher reads. Review any
words that are difficult.
Text 3 (body paragraph)
Eating breakfast improves your cognitive function. Studies show that individuals who eat breakfast tend
to have better memory, attention span, and problem-solving skills. Starting the day with a nutritious
meal boosts cognitive performance, making you more alert and focused.
[Adapted from text generated by ChatGPT Open AI.]
Component 4B Questions [10 minutes]
Teacher reads out the questions and asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet. We are
going to discuss the first two questions together, then you are going to write your answers on the
Q1. What kind of persuasive texts are Texts 1, 2 and 3?
Q2. For each text, what is the writer’s opinion or main argument?
Q3. Is there any evidence to support the opinions? Give examples from the text.
Teacher asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet.
Teacher samples answers from students to each question and gives feedback.
Suggested answers:
Q1. Text 1 – advertisement; Text 2 –argument; Text 3 – argument
Q2. Text 1 – Jollibee fried chicken makes people happy and Filipinos proud; Text 2 – Climate change is
being caused by human activities and is a serious problem for the world; Text 3 – Eating breakfast
improves cognitive function.
Q3. Text 1 – There’s no factual evidence; “It’s the smile on our faces” might be seen as happiness and
Text 2 – This is the opening paragraph of an argument text. The evidence to support the claims
hasn’t been presented yet. We can predict that scientific evidence will be used to support the
arguments from the statement: “Scientists agree that human activities, like burning fossil fuels and
cutting down forests, are making the Earth's climate change in a bad way.”
Text 3 – The general claim “Eating breakfast improves your cognitive function” is followed by
specific findings from studies – “better memory, attention span, and problem-solving skills”.
Component 4C Questions [10 minutes]
Teacher reads out each question and asks students to write their answers on the Worksheet.
Q4. How is emotive language is used in advertisements to get people to buy something? Give examples
from the Text 1.
Q5. a. Text 2 is the opening paragraph of an argument text. The opening paragraph gives the opinion of
the writer. We call this the ‘Thesis Statement’. What will the next few parts in an argument text
b. How is this different from a discussion text?
Q6. What kinds of persuasive texts do you find most convincing? Give examples and your reasons why.
Teacher samples answers from students to each question and provides feedback and further guidance
and discussion where needed.
Suggested answers:
Q4. Words that convey strong feelings or emotions that make you feel good are often used in
advertising. E.g., Joy, happiness, and pride are strong positive emotions carried in words like “pride,
joy, happy, smiles, every Filipino”; this is done to associate positive feelings with the product
advertisers are wanting to sell, e.g., the ad creates new words which combine positive sensations
and feelings with something about the chicken, e.g., delicious becomes Crispylicious, Juicylicious;
chicken becomes ChickenJoy.
Q5. a. The structure of an argument includes: Introduction -the writer’s opinion is presented in a Thesis
Statement; Body paragraph – each paragraph presents a general statement about a
reason/argument/claim followed by specific facts or evidence to support each claim; Conclusion –
this often restates the writer’s opinion/main argument/ thesis after considering the evidence.
b. A discussion text considers more than one view on an issue or topic of concern while an
argument presents only one view.
Q6. (Be prepared for a variety of responses. Pay particular attention to students’ reasons.).
Component 5: Lesson Conclusion
Time: 5 minutes
Q1. The focus of the lesson was on learning about what you know about persuasive texts. How has the
lesson helped you to understand this?
Q2. Which questions were easy to answer? Why?
Q3. What strategies did you use to answer the harder questions?
[Teacher Notes: It would be worthwhile to do this by getting students to write on the Worksheet, so you
have some feedback on the effectiveness of the lesson and how they feel about their learning experience.
However, if pressed for time, you may want to do this section as a class discussion.]
REMINDER: Collect worksheets to review and analyze students’ learning; focus on answers to Question 6
for quality and clarity of writing and understanding of the content.
Appendix 1: Book cover
Appendix 2: Map