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Creative Writing DLL Week 4

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Creative Writing DLL WEEK 4

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GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates
and Time: MARCH 6-10, 2023 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


Finds out the extent of one’s understanding of previous skills, knowledge, and competencies.
A. Content Standards: The learners have an understanding of the different orientations of creative writing.

B.Performance Standards: The learners shall be able to produce a craft essay on the personal creative process deploying a consciously
selected orientation of creative writing.
C. Learning At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the At the end of the
Competencies/Objectives: session/s the learners session/s the learners session/s the learners session/s the learners session/s the learners
Write the LC Code for each are expected to. are expected to. are expected to. are expected to. are expected to.
1. situate the creative 1. situate the creative 1. situate the creative 1. situate the creative 1. situate the creative
work in literary and /or work in literary and /or work in literary and /or work in literary and /or work in literary and /or
sociopolitical context sociopolitical context sociopolitical context sociopolitical context sociopolitical context
2. demonstrate 2. demonstrate 2. demonstrate 2. demonstrate 2. demonstrate
awareness of and awareness of and awareness of and awareness of and awareness of and
sensitivity to the different sensitivity to the different sensitivity to the different sensitivity to the different sensitivity to the different
orientations of creative orientations of creative orientations of creative orientations of creative orientations of creative
writing writing writing writing writing
3. write a craft essay 3. write a craft essay 3. write a craft essay 3. write a craft essay 3. write a craft essay

II. CONTENT “Writing A Craft Essay” “Writing A Craft Essay” “Writing A Craft Essay” “Writing A Craft Essay” “Writing A Craft Essay”

III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there
RESOURCES is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook Pages

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4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resources Callery, D. (2001). A Callery, D. (2001). A Callery, D. (2001). A Callery, D. (2001). A Callery, D. (2001). A
practical guide to write an practical guide to write an practical guide to write an practical guide to write an practical guide to write an
essay. London: Nick essay. London: Nick essay. London: Nick essay. London: Nick essay. London: Nick
Hern. Dukore, B. (1974). Hern. Dukore, B. (1974). Hern. Dukore, B. (1974). Hern. Dukore, B. (1974). Hern. Dukore, B. (1974).
Crafting an essay and Crafting an essay and Crafting an essay and Crafting an essay and Crafting an essay and
criticism. Kentucky: criticism. Kentucky: criticism. Kentucky: criticism. Kentucky: criticism. Kentucky:
Heinle & Heinle. Heinle & Heinle. Heinle & Heinle. Heinle & Heinle. Heinle & Heinle.
Anonymous (2017). “How Anonymous (2017). “How Anonymous (2017). “How Anonymous (2017). “How Anonymous (2017). “How
to write an essay.” to write an essay.” to write an essay.” to write an essay.” to write an essay.”
Retrieved October 19, Retrieved October 19, Retrieved October 19, Retrieved October 19, Retrieved October 19,
2017, from 2017, from 2017, from 2017, from 2017, from
www.slideshare.net.ph www.slideshare.net.ph www.slideshare.net.ph www.slideshare.net.ph www.slideshare.net.ph
A.Reviewing Previous The teacher reviews the The teacher reviews the The teacher reviews the The teacher reviews the The teacher reviews the
Lesson or Presenting the questions asked and questions asked and questions asked and questions asked and questions asked and
New Lesson learners responses from learners responses from learners responses from learners responses from learners responses from
previous discussion the session 1. the session 2. the session 3. the session 4.
B.Establishing a Purpose for The teacher will start the The teacher will start the The teacher will start the The teacher will start the The teacher will start the
the Lesson class by a simple class by a simple class by a simple class by a simple class by a simple
presentation. The presentation. The presentation. The presentation. The presentation. The
instructor will recite an instructor will recite an instructor will recite an instructor will recite an instructor will recite an
example of an essay example of an essay example of an essay example of an essay example of an essay
written by a well-known written by a well-known written by a well-known written by a well-known written by a well-known
writer like Francis Bacon. writer like Francis Bacon. writer like Francis Bacon. writer like Francis Bacon. writer like Francis Bacon.
C. Presenting The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
Examples/Instances of the learners’ observation. The learners’ observation. learners’ observation. learners’ observation. learners’ observation.
Lesson learners will be asked on The learners will be The learners will be The learners will be The learners will be
how the essay is asked on how the essay asked on how the essay asked on how the essay asked on how the essay
delivered and what is delivered and what is delivered and what is delivered and what is delivered and what
word/s in the text are word/s in the text are word/s in the text are word/s in the text are word/s in the text are
given emphasis by the given emphasis by the given emphasis by the given emphasis by the given emphasis by the
speaker. speaker. speaker. speaker. speaker.
D.Discussing New Concepts The teacher will use the The teacher will use the The teacher will use the The teacher will use the The teacher will use the
and Practicing New Skills responses of the learners responses of the learners responses of the learners responses of the learners responses of the learners
#1 to unlock the idea about to unlock the idea about to unlock the idea about to unlock the idea about to unlock the idea about
an “essay.” an “essay.” an “essay.” an “essay.” an “essay.”

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E. Discussing New Concepts

and Practicing New Skills

F. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
(Leads to Formative schema of the students schema of the students schema of the students schema of the students schema of the students
Assessment 3) about an essay. With this, about an essay. With this, about an essay. With this, about an essay. With this, about an essay. With this,
the teacher will introduce the teacher will introduce the teacher will introduce the teacher will introduce the teacher will introduce
the idea about a craft the idea about a craft the idea about a craft the idea about a craft the idea about a craft
essay. He or she will use essay. He or she will use essay. He or she will use essay. He or she will use essay. He or she will use
the previous knowledge the previous knowledge the previous knowledge the previous knowledge the previous knowledge
of the students to refine of the students to refine of the students to refine of the students to refine of the students to refine
their concept about an their concept about an their concept about an their concept about an their concept about an
essay, specifically a craft essay, specifically a craft essay, specifically a craft essay, specifically a craft essay, specifically a craft
essay. essay. essay. essay. essay.

Topic to discuss: Topic to discuss: Topic to discuss: Topic to discuss: Topic to discuss:
Essay Essay Essay Essay Essay
 short writing  short writing  short writing  short writing  short writing
piece of a piece of a piece of a piece of a piece of a
particular subject particular subject particular subject particular subject particular subject
or topic. or topic. or topic. or topic. or topic.
 From the Latin  From the Latin  From the Latin  From the Latin  From the Latin
word “Exagium,” word “Exagium,” word “Exagium,” word “Exagium,” word “Exagium,”
which means an which means an which means an which means an which means an
act of weighing. act of weighing. act of weighing. act of weighing. act of weighing.
Structure of an Essay Structure of an Essay Structure of an Essay Structure of an Essay Structure of an Essay
1. Introduction = 1. Introduction = 1. Introduction = 1. Introduction = 1. Introduction =
interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting
2. Body = persuasive 2. Body = persuasive 2. Body = persuasive 2. Body = persuasive 2. Body = persuasive
3. Conclusion = effective 3. Conclusion = effective 3. Conclusion = effective 3. Conclusion = effective 3. Conclusion = effective

Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction

1. get the attention and 1. get the attention and 1. get the attention and 1. get the attention and 1. get the attention and
interest of the reader. interest of the reader. interest of the reader. interest of the reader. interest of the reader.
2. Choose a topic of your 2. Choose a topic of your 2. Choose a topic of your 2. Choose a topic of your 2. Choose a topic of your
interest. interest. interest. interest. interest.
3. Know your purpose (to 3. Know your purpose (to 3. Know your purpose (to 3. Know your purpose (to 3. Know your purpose (to
inform, persuade, or inform, persuade, or inform, persuade, or inform, persuade, or inform, persuade, or

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argue). argue). argue). argue). argue).

Body Body Body Body Body

1. Write the point of 1. Write the point of 1. Write the point of 1. Write the point of 1. Write the point of
paragraph. paragraph. paragraph. paragraph. paragraph.
2. Explanation of point 2. Explanation of point 2. Explanation of point 2. Explanation of point 2. Explanation of point
(go into detail) (go into detail) (go into detail) (go into detail) (go into detail)
3. Example (facts to back 3. Example (facts to back 3. Example (facts to back 3. Example (facts to back 3. Example (facts to back
up idea) up idea) up idea) up idea) up idea)
4. Relevance (why?) 4. Relevance (why?) 4. Relevance (why?) 4. Relevance (why?) 4. Relevance (why?)
Mini conclusion. Mini conclusion. Mini conclusion. Mini conclusion. Mini conclusion.
5. Link to next paragraph 5. Link to next paragraph 5. Link to next paragraph 5. Link to next paragraph 5. Link to next paragraph
for flow/ easy reading for flow/ easy reading for flow/ easy reading for flow/ easy reading for flow/ easy reading

Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion

1. Summarize main 1. Summarize main 1. Summarize main 1. Summarize main 1. Summarize main
points (usually don’t points (usually don’t points (usually don’t points (usually don’t points (usually don’t
introduce new ideas) introduce new ideas) introduce new ideas) introduce new ideas) introduce new ideas)
2. Make sure the 2. Make sure the 2. Make sure the 2. Make sure the 2. Make sure the
audience understands audience understands audience understands audience understands audience understands
the main point of the the main point of the the main point of the the main point of the the main point of the
essay essay essay essay essay
3. Recommend, answer, 3. Recommend, answer, 3. Recommend, answer, 3. Recommend, answer, 3. Recommend, answer,
reaffirm, reflect, echo, reaffirm, reflect, echo, reaffirm, reflect, echo, reaffirm, reflect, echo, reaffirm, reflect, echo,
clarify, emphasize, clarify, emphasize, clarify, emphasize, clarify, emphasize, clarify, emphasize,
effective and powerful. effective and powerful. effective and powerful. effective and powerful. effective and powerful.
4. A moral passed on and 4. A moral passed on and 4. A moral passed on and 4. A moral passed on and 4. A moral passed on and
a lesson learned from a lesson learned from a lesson learned from a lesson learned from a lesson learned from
your essay. Writing your essay. Writing your essay. Writing your essay. Writing your essay. Writing

Process (Essay) Process (Essay) Process (Essay) Process (Essay) Process (Essay)
Step 1: Sticking to the Step 1: Sticking to the Step 1: Sticking to the Step 1: Sticking to the Step 1: Sticking to the
topic topic topic topic topic
Step 2: Planning the Step 2: Planning the Step 2: Planning the Step 2: Planning the Step 2: Planning the
Essay Essay Essay Essay Essay
Step3: Reviewing the Step3: Reviewing the Step3: Reviewing the Step3: Reviewing the Step3: Reviewing the
Essay Essay Essay Essay Essay
G.Finding Practical
Applications of Concepts
and Skills in Daily Living

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H.Making Generalizations
and Abstractions about
the Lesson

I. Evaluating Learning The learners will be The learners will be The learners will be The learners will be The learners will be
challenge to make their challenge to make their challenge to make their challenge to make their challenge to make their
own essay and the will be own essay and the will be own essay and the will be own essay and the will be own essay and the will be
given certain topic for given certain topic for given certain topic for given certain topic for given certain topic for
their text. This task will be their text. This task will be their text. This task will be their text. This task will be their text. This task will
guided by a rubric. This guided by a rubric. This guided by a rubric. This guided by a rubric. This be guided by a rubric.
rubric will be given to rubric will be given to rubric will be given to rubric will be given to This rubric will be given
each learner and they will each learner and they will each learner and they will each learner and they will to each learner and they
staple this guide together staple this guide together staple this guide together staple this guide together will staple this guide
with their piece upon with their piece upon with their piece upon with their piece upon together with their piece
submitting it. submitting it. submitting it. submitting it. upon submitting it.

Agreement: Agreement: Agreement: Agreement: Agreement:

J. Additional Activities for
Application or Research and study Research and study Research and study Research and study Research and study
Remediation about a Craft Essay. Print about a Craft Essay. Print about a Craft Essay. Print about a Craft Essay. Print about a Craft Essay. Print
your research and use your research and use your research and use your research and use your research and use
this as your guide in this as your guide in this as your guide in this as your guide in this as your guide in
dealing with the next dealing with the next dealing with the next dealing with the next dealing with the next
lesson tomorrow. lesson tomorrow. lesson tomorrow. lesson tomorrow. lesson tomorrow.


V. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else

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needs to be done to help the students learn?

Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter that my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover
that I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher


Marvin I. Sinacay
Head Teacher III

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