Biology Questions 1

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1. Which of the following blood components 10. Tissue fluid is formed by the blood plasma
has the greatest affinity for oxygen and (a) after passing through the blood capillaries
carbodioxide? (a) blood plasma (b) leucocytes (b) when present in the veins (c) when it
(c) thrombocytes (d) erythrocytes (e) enters into the lymphatic vessels (d) when it
lymphocytes enters into the arteries
2. Which of the following is not a function of 11. Which of the following is a characteristic of
the blood? (a) maintenance of body arteries? (a) possessing thin walls (b) contain
temperature (b) formation of clot (c) valves (c) ending as capillaries (d) permeable
distribution of bile (d) transportation of to nutrients
excretory materials (e) distribution of 12. Which of the following blood vessels carries
hormones oxygenated blood into the heart? (a)
3. A major reason why the red blood cells can pulmonary vein (b) serum (c) protoplasm (d)
survive in the blood is that the (a) blood pasma plasma (e) lymph
and the red blood cells are isotonic (b) red 13. Which of the following heart structures is
blood cells are hyprotonic to the plasma (c) the best adapted to cope with double circulation?
red blood cells are hypotonic to the plasma (d) (a) one auricle and one ventricle (b) two
the red blood cells receive digested nutrients. auricles and none ventricle (c) two auricles and
4. Which of the following is NOT a function of partially divided ventricle (d) two auricles and
the blood? (a) the red blood cell produce two ventricles.
antibodies (b) the white blood ingest and 14. The ventricles of the mammalian heart
destroy harmful micro-organism that enter the have thicker muscular walls than the auricles
body (c) blood is a medium of transportation because the (a) ventricles are large (b)
(d) blood distribute heat to all parts of the ventricles recive more blood (c) ventricles
body. pump blood to longer distances (d) auricles
5. Haemorrhage is caused due to the have smaller capacity.
deficiency of vitamin (a) A (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) 15. Which of the following statements is not
K correct about the mammalian heart? (a)
6. The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is oxygenated blood enters the left auricle from
enhanced by the (a) volume of oxygen which the pulmonary vein (b) the walls of the
can dissolve in plasma (b) haemoglobin which ventricle are thicker than those of the auricle
can combine with oxygen (c) red blood (c) blood passes from the right ventricle to the
corpuscles which have short life span (d) left auricle through the aorta (d) the tricuspid
volume of oxygen present in the lungs. valve prevents the back flow of blood into the
7. Platelets are associated with (a) clotting right auricle.
mechanism (B) phagocytic activity (c) 16. The blood vessel that supplies blood rich in
formation of anitbodies (d) oxygen transport digested food to the liver is the (a) hepatic
(e) detoxication artery (b) hepatic portal artery (c) hepatic
8. Which component of the blood transports portal vein (d) hepatic vein (e) renal artery
digested food materials? (a) blood plasma (b) 17. Which of the following organs receives
platelets (c) erythrocytes (d) leucocytes (e) blood from an artery and a vein? (a) heart (b)
lymphocytes kidney (c) large intestine (d) liver (e) small
9. Blood moves through the arteries under high intestine
pressure because of the (a) absence of valves 18. The blood vessel which carries blood
(b) wide lumen (c) thin layer of elastic tissue containing nitrogenous wastes to the kidney is
(d) thick layer of muscle and elastic tissue the (a) pulmonary artery (b) pulmonary vein
(c) renal artery (d) renal vein (e) vena cava
19. De-oxygenated blood from the upper part gills, skin and buccal cavity (d) tympanic
of the body enters the heart via the (a) inferior membrane, lungs and gills
vena cava (b) pulmonary artery (c) pulmonary 30. Lungs and gills are used for respiration in
vein (d) subelavian vein (e) superior vena cava (a) bats (b) birds (c) insects (d) man (e) newts
20. The ‘Lub’ sound of the heartbeat is due to 31. Exchange of gases takes place through the
the flapping close of the (a) semilunar and following structures except (a) lenticel (b) gills
bicuspid valves (b) tricuspid and bicuspid (c) kidney (d) body surface (e) lungs
valves (c) bicuspid and vena cava valves (d) 32. A grasshopper respire by means of its (a)
semilumar and tricuspid valves book lungs (b) trachea tubes (c) antennae (d)
21. The heart is divided into the right and left lungs
halves by the (a) tricuspid valve (b) bicuspid 33. The excretory product common to all
valve (c) septum (d) semilunar valve (e) insects is (a) water (B) bile (c) uric acid (d)
chordae tendinae ammonia
22. The blood vessel which carries blood away 34. The sequence of the one-way gaseous
from the right ventricle of the heart is (a) exchange mechanism in a fish is (a) gills →
pulmonary artery (b) superior vena cava (c) operculum → mouth (b) mouth → operculum
pulmonary vein (d) inferior vena cava → gills (c) mouth → gills → operculum (d)
23. Which of the following explains why the operculum → gills → mouth.
ventricles of the heart are more muscular than 35. The part of the mammalian respiratory
the auricles? (a) the ventricles store blood tract located after the pharynx is the (a)
whereas auricles do not (b) ventricles are bronchus (b) bronchiole (c) larynx (d) tracheal
responsible for pumping blood into the main 36. Which of the following terms is used to
artery (c) ventricles are thickened by the describe the breathing movement during which
presence of the valves (d) ventricles are bigger the ribs are drawn upwards and outwards? (a)
than the auricles expiration (b) oxygenation (c) inspiration (d)
24. The symptom of varicose veins is (a) anaerobic respiration (e) internal respiration
profuse sweating (b) sleeplessness (c) 37. The movement of the diaphragm is
hemorrhage (d) tiredness (e) swelling of veins characteristic of gaseous exchange in (a)
along lower limbs insects (b) fish (c) toad (d) mammals (e)
25. The heart of the adult frog consist of (a) plants
two auricles and two ventricles (b) one auricle 38. The diaphragm which is dome shaped is
and one ventricle (c) two ventricles and one flattened during inspiration by (a) the pressure
auricle (d) one ventricle and two auricles exerted by the heart on it (b) the contraction
26. The world owes its knowledge of the of muscles of the abdomen (c) contraction of
system of blood circulation to the discovery by its own fibres (d) contraction of the intercostal
(a) Alexander Fleming (b) Gowland Hopkins (c) muscles
William Harvey (d) Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek 39. The upper part of the trachea in mammals
(e) Joseph Lister is called (a) palate (b) epiglottis (c) larynx (d)
27. The lymphatic system of mammals rejoins glottis (e) bronchus
the blood circulatory system at the (a) hepatic 40. During the inspiration process of breathing
vein (b) subclaviah vein (c) renal vein (d) in man, which of the following events take
common iliac vein place? (a) Diaphragm becomes dome-shaped
28. Respiration is an essential life process (b) intercostal muscles relax (c) rib cage is
providing the cells with (a) oxygen (b) sugar lowered (d) sternum moves forward (e)
(c) energy (d) carbon dioxide volume of the thorax decreases.
29. In the adult frog gaseous exchange takes 41. Which of the following is true about
place through the (a) buccal cavity, skin and inspiration in mammals? (a) intercosal muscles
lungs (b) buccal cavity, skin and spiracles (c) relax and ribs are lowered (b) intercostal
muscles contract, ribs move forwards (c)
volume of thorax decreases and pressure in the muscles (d) the Kreb’s cycle is fully
the lungs increase (e) sternum moves completed.
backwards 53. The role of ATP include all the following
42. Which of the following is the correct activities except (a) provision of energy to do
passage of air into the lungs? (a) Mouth → work in living organism (b) transmission of
bronchus → brinchiole → lungs (b) Nose → nerve impulse (c) keeping the body warm in
trachea → bronchus → lungs (c) mouth → homothermic animals (d) producing water
alveolus → brionchole → lungs (d) nose → during aerobic respiration
brionchiole → trachea → lungs (e) nose → 54. Muscle fatigue in the body of an athlete is
trachea → brionchole → lungs due to (a) low pH (b) high oxygen content (c)
43. Kreb’s cycle occurs in the (a) mitochondria accumulation of lactic acid (d) accumulation of
(b) cytoplasm (c) nucleus (d) ribosomes carbonic acid
44. The equation below represents the process 55. The equation that can be used to
of glycolysis Glucoxd + ATP → X + summarize the process of anaerobic
ADP X in the equation represents (a) glucose breakdown of sugar is (a) C6H12O6 →
diphosphate (b) glucose phosphate (c) glucose 2C2H2OH + 2CO (b) 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O +
triphosphate (d) fructose phosphate 6O2 (c) C6H12O6 + 6CO + 6H2O + energy (d)
45. The process whereby sugar is broken down C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + energy
in the tissue to release energy is known as (a) 56. In which part of the kidney does
assimilation (b) digestion (c) breathing (d) ultrafiltration take place? (a) Bowman’s capsule
oxidation (e) aerobic respiration (b) distal convoluted tubule (c) proximal
46. Glycolysis involves (a) oxidation of fats and convoluted tubule (d) collecting duct (e)
oil (b) deamination of amino acid (c) oxidation afferent arteriole
of glucose (d) fermentation of glucose 57. The glomerular filtrate contains the
47. Aerobic respiration in the cell takes place in following substances except (a) water (b) urea
the (a) cytoplasm (b) lysosome (c) nucleus (d) (c) blood corpuscles (d) glucose
mitochondrion 58. Which of the following organisms has
48. The Krebs’ Cycle usually starts with (a) kidney as their excretory organ? (a) Fishes,
acetyl coenzyme (b) oxoglutanic acid (c) lactic amphibians, birds, man (b) fishes, amphibians,
acid (d) citric acid annelids, insects (c) fishes, reptiles, birds,
49. Which of the following is true of aerobic tapeworms (d) fishes, protozoans, amphibians,
respiration in a cell? (a) oxygen is given off as man
a by-product (b) energy, carbon dioxide and 59. The excretory system in mammals consists
water are given off (c) lactic acid and energy of the following parts except (a) two kidneys
are released (d) carbon dioxide, lactic acid and (b) two ureters (c) two bladders (d) one
energy are formed (e) alcohol, carbon dioxide urethra
and energy are formed. 60. Which of the following substances is not
50. The end product of glycolysis in plants and usually present in the urine of a healthy
animals is (a) pyruvic acid (b) citric acid (c) person? (a) urea (b) mineral salts (c) glucose
aspartic acid (d) malic acid (d) water
51. The process of anaerobic respiration of 61. Deamination of amino acids in the liver
yeast in sugar solution is known as (a) produces (a) blood sugar (b) glycogen (c) bile
oxidation (b) fermentation (c) tissue respiration (d) urea
(d) alcohol production (e) decomposition 62. Which of the following will not be
52. When a mammal respires anaerobically for reabsorbed by the uriniferous tubule? (a)
a long time (a) pyruvic acid is converted into mineral salts (b) water (c) urea (d) glucose (e)
acetyl COA (b) more energy is released from protein
fats in the body (c) lactic acid accumulates in 63. Which of the following processes eliminates
non-metabolic waste products from the body
of man? (a) Urination (b) Panting (c) sweating 76. Excretory products in plants responsible for
(d) defecation (e) breathing the decolouration of flowers are called (a)
64. The conversion of excess amino acids into alkaloids (b) tannins (c) anthocyanins (d)
urea in man is carried out by the (a) kidney (B) resins
liver (c) skin (d) small intestine (e) pancreas 77. Which of the following is not an excretory
65. Into which part of the kidney are waste product of plants? (a) Quinine (b) Tannin (c)
materials filtered under pressure? (a) pyramid Latex (d) Cytosol
(b) Ureter (c) Bowman’s capsule (d) Medulla 78. What is not an excretory product of plants?
(e) Tubules (a) cocaine (b) oxygen (c) quinine (d) tannins
66. Water is re-absorbed by the uriniferous (e) sap
tubules into the blood in order to (a) maintain
water balance in the tissues (b) prevent
frequent urination (c) increases the volume of
blood (d) replace water loss by sweating (e)
replace metabolic water
67. Excretory products in mammals do not
include (a) urea (b) mineral salts (c) carbon
dioxide (d) ammonia (e) water
68. The following are functions of the liver
except (a) deamination of excess amino acids
and proteins (b) Excretion of bile pigments (c)
manufacture of blood plasma (d) production of
heat (e) storage of vitamins and minerals
69. The following are kidney diseases except
(a) diuresis (b) hepatisis (c) kidney stones (d)
nephritis (e) oedema
70. The network of blood capillaries in the
kidney capsule is referred to as (a) capsule (b)
glomerulus (c) pelvis (d) pyramid (e) ureter
71. Which is NOT a kidney disease? (a)
cirrhosis (b) kidney stones (c) nephritis (d)
uraemia (e) Wilm’s tumor
72. Which of the following is not an excretory
organ? (a) lungs (b) kidney (c) leaf (d) large
intestine (e) skin
73. The kidneys of all vertebrates act as
osmoregulators. This means that they (a)
keep the composition of the plasma constant
(b) regulate osmotic processes (c) control the
volume of blood entering the kidneys (d)
decrease the osmotic pressure of blood (e)
increase the osmotic pressure of the blood.
74. Which of these is not an excretory product
of a plant? (a) Tannin (b) Gum (c) Alkaloid (d)
sweat (e) anthocyanin
75. The opening of the guard cells of the
epidermis in plants is by the process of (a)
osmosis (b) diffusion (c) active transport (d)

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