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Heart is covered by
(a) peritoneum (b) pleural membrane
(c) pericardium (d) visceral membrane
137. Pulmonary vein, carrying oxygenated blood, opens into
(a) left auricle (b) right auricle (c) left ventricle (d) right ventricle
138. Which one of the following blood vessel is without valves?
(a) Artery (b) Pulmonary aorta (c) Vein (d) Systemic aorta
139. The opening of auricles into ventricles on the right side is guarded by which valve?
(a) Tricuspid (b) Bicuspid (c) Semilunar (d) Mitral valve
140. ‘Bicuspid’ term is applied to
(a) a valve in heart and a bone of pelvic girdle.
(b) a muscle in upper arm and a valve in heart.
(c) a valve in heart and tooth surface.
(d) a valve in heart.
141. Which of the following has the thickest walls?
(a) Right ventricle (b) Left ventricle (c) Right auricle (d) Left auricle
142. Sinu-atrial node in human heart is embedded in the wall of
(a) sinus-venosus (b) interatrial septum
(c) right atrium (d) atrioventricular septum
143. What is the function of valve?
(a) To prevent blood from flowing into the aorta.
(b) To push blood into the ventricle.
(c) To push blood into the aorta.
(d) To prevent backflow of blood into the left ventricle.
144. In mammals the blood from the right ventricle goes to
(a) systemic aorta (b) precavals
(c) truncus arteriosus (d) pulmonary aorta
145. The first heart sound is
(a) ‘LUBB’ sound produced at the end of systole.
(b) ‘DUP’ sound produced at the end of systole.
(c) ‘LUBB’ sound produced at the beginning of systole.
(d) ‘DUP’ sound produced at the beginning of systole.
146. Cardiac cycle in man takes about
(a) 0.5 seconds (b) 1.0 second (c) 1.2 seconds (d) 0.8 seconds
147. ‘P’ wave of ECG occurs before the
(a) onset of ventricular contraction. (b) end of arterial contraction.
(c) beginning of atrial contraction. (d) none of the above.
148. The largest artery in the body is
(a) aorta (b) precaval (c) vena cava (d) pulmonary artery
149. Which circulation provides nutrients and oxygen to cardiac muscle tissue?
(a) Pulmonary circulation (b) Systemic circulation
(c) Lymphatic circulation (d) Coronary circulation
150. Which structures are directly involved in the "systemic circulation"?
(a) Superior vena cava, right ventricle and left ventricle.
(b) Right ventricle, pulmonary arteries and left atrium.
(c) Left ventricle, aorta and inferior vena cava.
(d) Right atrium, pulmonary trunk and left ventricle.
151. Which of the following parts of heart possess semilunar valves?
(i) Aorta (ii) Vena cava
(iii) Pulmonary artery (iv) Pulmonary vein
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv)
152. Pulse beat is measured from
(a) capillaries (b) arteries (c) veins (d) nerves
153. Hardening of the arteries due to deposition of cholesterol is called
(a) thrombosis (b) atherosclerosis (c) rhinitis (d) angina
154. Find out the incorrect statement from the following.
(a) Veins are typically larger in diameter than arteries.
(b) Because of their small size, capillaries contain blood that is moving more quickly
than in other parts of the circulatory system.
(c) The walls of arteries are elastic, enabling them to stretch and shrink during changes
in blood pressure.
(d) Veins contain more blood than any other part of the circulatory system.
155. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding blood pressure?
(a) 190/110 mmHg may harm vital organs like brain and kidney.
(b) 130/90 mmHg is considered high and requires treatment.
(c) 120/80 mmHg is considered an ideal blood pressure.
(d) 105/50 mmHg makes one very active.

156. Which of the following statements is/are correct for blood group?
(i) Blood group O is universal donor.
(ii) Blood group AB is universal acceptor.
(iii) Blood group A contains antigen B and anti-A antibodies.
(iv) Blood group B contains antigen B and anti-A antibodies.
(a) Only (i) and (ii). (b) Only (i), (ii) and (iii).
(c) Only (i), (ii) and (iv). (d) Only (i), (iii) and (iv).

157. Which of the following statement best defines artery?

(a) It carries blood from one visceral organ to another visceral organ.
(b) It carries oxygenated blood to the different organs.
(c) It carries blood away from the heart to different organs.
(d) It breaks up into capillaries which reunite to form a vein.
158. Which is the correct route through which pulse making impulse travels in the heart?
(a) SA node → AV node → Bundle of His → Purkinje fibres
(b) AV node → Bundle of His → SA node → Purkinje fibres → heart muscles
(c) AV node → SA node → Purkinje fibres → Bundle of His → heart muscles
(d) SA node → Purkinje fibres → Bundle of His →AV node → heart muscles
159. The percentage of water and protein in a straw coloured viscous fluid, i.e. plasma is
(a) 92% and 8% (b) 50% each (c) 60% and 40% (d) 32% and 68 %
160. An iron containing respiratory pigment in human blood is
(a) myoglobin (b) haemoglobin (c) heme-erythrin (d) haemocyanin
161. Lymphocytes (20-25%) are of two major types, i.e. B and T forms. They are
responsible for
(a) blood coagulation (b) thickness of blood
(c) immune responses (d) All of the above
162. Platelets are
(a) also called thrombocytes (b) cell fragments
(c) produced from megakaryocytes (d) All of the above
163. Which of the following option describes all the components of human blood group?
(a) A and B blood group (b) AB and O blood group
(c) Rh and ABO blood group (d) Rh and AB blood group
164. Person with blood group AB is considered as universal recipient because he has
(a) Both A and B antigens on RBC, but no antibodies
(b) Both A and B antibodies in the plasma
(c) No antigen on RBC and no antibodies in the plasma
(d) Both A and B antigens in the plasma, but no antibodies
165. What will happen if a Rh− person’s blood is exposed to the Rh+ person?
(a) Antigen formation takes place
(b) Negative and positive Rh antigen cancel out each other
(c) Nothing will happen
(d) Antibody will be produced
166. Subsequent normal pregnancies of Rh+ husband and Rh− wife could be possible by
(a) administrating anti-Rh-antibody to the mother just after the delivery of 1st child
(b) transfusion of blood to the 2nd baby just after the birth
(c) injecting anti-Rh antibody to the 2nd baby just after the birth
(d) All of the above
167. Prothrombinase is formed in the presence of
(a) Ca2+ (b) Mg 2+ (c) Fe2+ (d) Fe3+
168. Lymphatic system drains the fluid contained in it, i.e. lymph into
(a) heart (b) arteries (c) veins (d) None of these
169. In open circulatory system,
(a) blood is pumped by heart (b) blood passes through large vessels
(c) blood is present in sinuses (d) All of the above
170. The number of chambers in the muscular heart of fishes, amphibians and birds is
(a) 2, 2, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4 (c) 2, 4, 4 (d) 3, 3, 4


Given diagram depicts the circulation in

(a) fishes (b) mammals (c) reptiles (d) amphibians
172. In reptiles and amphibians, there is no clear cut separation of oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood because they have
(a) one atrium (b) one ventricle
(c) incomplete double circulation (d) Both (b) and (c)
173. How much protein is present in plasma (in %)?
(a) 5 to 7% (b) 6 to 8% (c) 20% (d) 11 to 15
174. Find out the incorrect statement:
(a) Globulins are primarly involved in the defence mechanism of body.
(b) Albumin is mainly the osmotic protein of blood.
(c) Plasma without clotting factor is called serum.
(d) The factors for coagulation of blood are also present in the plasma in an active
175. Which of the following is associated with allergic reactions?
(a) Neutrophils (b) Monocytes (c) Eosinophils (d) Lymphocyte
176. Select the correct statement from the following:
(a) Surface antigen on RBC always induce autoimmune response.
(b) Blood grouping (ABO) is an example of multiple allelism.
(c) AB blood group is a universal recipient as well as donor.
(d) 4 phenotype of blood group (ABO) are possible and 5 genotype of blood group
(ABO) are possible.
177. Fill up the gaps given below in the table:

178. In an open circulatory system,

(a) There is no heart
(b) There is no need of blood vessels
(c) There are open spaces or sinuses in the body
(d) All the above
179. In fishes, the blood circulation is represented as

The given flow of blood indicates that it is a

(a) Double circulation (b) Single circulation
(c) Incomplete single circulation (d) Incomplete double circulation
180. Platelets are
(a) Cell fragments of megakaryocyte (b) 1.5 to 3.5 lac/mm3 in blood
(c) Also called thrombocytes (d) All of these

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