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System Analysis and Development and its models

System analysis is a review of a technological system for troubleshooting, development or

improvement purposes. Using this analyst can uncover errors in code, accessibility issues for
end-users or design incompatibilities. Performing effective systems analysis often requires
experts to have knowledge of software products or package's requirements so that they can
approach their analysis effectively. Unlike systems administrators, who focus on day-to-day
system maintenance, systems analysts consider the viability and effectiveness of a product
overall. This allows them to suggest changes or make fixes that improve the system.

With a systems analysis, considering the goals of the system is important for solving problems
and creating efficiencies. From there, dividing a system into components can make it easier to
perform individual analyses that influence the complete system.

Need For System Analysis

Improves the user experience

Effective analysis often looks at a system from the end user's perspective. It's important for
providers to maintain accessible systems that are easy to navigate and meet user requirements.
Conducting a review from the end-users perspective can alert providers to potential problems
in a software or product offering. For example, an analyst might discover an error that prevents
users from completing specific actions successfully. By finding these errors, they can make
adjustments that ensure the system functions as it's meant to for users.

Reduces errors or inefficiencies

A systems analysis can also help determine if a system is efficient or viable. By looking at the
overall architecture of the system, analysts can assess its performance and workability. From
there, they can make suggestions about ways to improve the system or enhance its operation.

Identifies potential issues

Analysis usually requires an in-depth review of a system's. Often, errors in a system's functions
originate from its source code. Bugs or improperly typed code can cause a system to behave in
a way that differs from its intended function. By finding these errors, it's easier for system
creators to remedy bugs and fix coding inconsistencies.
Helps businesses improve their systems

Sometimes, businesses hire analysts to review their systems. The improvements, changes and
recommendations analysts provide can help businesses improve efficiency and keep their
systems running effectively. This can lower costs associated with troubleshooting or system
downtime. It can also ensure businesses consider every factor associated with their system, like
usability, performance, scaling and business impact.

Stages in System Analysis

Structured Analysis

Structured Analysis

Structured Analysis is a development method that allows the analyst

to understand the system and its activities in a logical way.

It is a systematic approach, which uses graphical tools that analyze

and refine the objectives of an existing system and develop a new
system specification which can be easily understandable.

Structured Analysis Tools

During Structured Analysis, various tools and techniques are used for
system development. They are −

 Data Flow Diagrams

 Context Diagram

 Decision Trees

 Decision Tables

Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

It is a technique developed by Larry Constantine to express the

requirements of system in a graphical form.

 It shows the flow of data between various functions of system

and specifies how the current system is implemented.

 It is an initial stage of design phase that functionally divides the

requirement specifications down to the lowest level of detail.
 Its graphical nature makes it a good communication tool
between user and analyst or analyst and system designer.

 It gives an overview of what data a system processes, what

transformations are performed, what data are stored, what
results are produced and where they flow.

Basic Elements of DFD

DFD is easy to understand and quite effective when the required

design is not clear and the user want a notational language for
communication. However, it requires a large number of iterations for
obtaining the most accurate and complete solution.

The following table shows the symbols used in designing a DFD and
their significance −

Symbol Name Symbol Meaning

Square Source or Destination of Data

Arrow Data flow

Process transforming data


Data Store
Types of DFD

DFDs are of two types: Physical DFD and Logical DFD. The following
table lists the points that differentiate a physical DFD from a logical

Physical DFD Logical DFD

It is implementation
It is implementation
independent. It focuses only on
dependent. It shows which
the flow of data between
functions are performed.

It provides low level details of It explains events of systems

hardware, software, files, and and data required by each
people. event.

It depicts how the current It shows how business

system operates and how a operates; not how the system
system will be implemented. can be implemented.

Context Diagram

A context diagram helps in understanding the entire system by one

DFD which gives the overview of a system. It starts with mentioning
major processes with little details and then goes onto giving more
details of the processes with the top-down approach.

The context diagram of mess management is shown below.

Decision Trees

A decision tree is a non-parametric supervised learning diagram,

which is utilized for both classification and regression tasks. It has a
hierarchical, tree structure, which consists of a root node, branches,
internal nodes and leaf nodes.
As you can see from the diagram above, a decision tree starts with a
root node, which does not have any incoming branches. The outgoing
branches from the root node then feed into the internal nodes, also
known as decision nodes. Based on the available feat
ures, both node
types conduct evaluations to form homogenous subsets, which are
denoted by leaf nodes, or terminal nodes. The leaf nodes represent all
the possible outcomes within the dataset. As an example, let’s
imagine that you were trying to assess whe
ther or not you should go
surf, you may use the following decision rules to make a choice:
This type of flowchart structure also creates an easy to digest
representation of decision
making, allowing different groups across
an organization to better under
stand why a decision was made.

Decision Tables

Decision tables are a method of describing the complex logical

relationship in a precise manner which is easily understandable.

 It is useful in situations where the resulting actions depend on

the occurrence e of one or several combinations of independent

 It is a matrix containing row or columns for defining a problem

and the actions.
Components of a Decision Table

 Condition Stub − It is in the upper le quadrant which lists all

the condition to be checked.

 Action Stub − It is in the lower le quadrant which outlines all

the action to be carried out to meet such condition.

 Condition Entry − It is in upper right quadrant which provides

answers to questions asked in condition stub quadrant.

 Action Entry − It is in lower right quadrant which indicates the

appropriate action resulting from the answers to the conditions
in the condition entry quadrant.

The entries in decision table are given by Decision Rules which define
the relationships between combinations of conditions and courses of
action. In rules section,

 Y shows the existence of a condition.

 N represents the condition, which is not satisfied.

 A blank - against action states it is to be ignored.

 X (or a check mark will do) against action states it is to be carried


For example, refer the following table –

CONDITIONS Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4

Advance payment made Y N N N

Purchase amount = Rs 10,000/- - Y Y N

Regular Customer - Y N -


Give 5% discount X X - -

Give no discount - - X X

Structure Diagram

Structure diagrams are a visual design technique used to show the

steps needed to solve a problem.

When reading a structure diagram start at the top and work towards
the bottom. If a level contains more than one branch, read from left
to right before moving to the next level.

The following symbols are used in structure diagrams:

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