Itm Mod - 3
Itm Mod - 3
Itm Mod - 3
With a systems analysis, considering the goals of the system is important for solving problems
and creating efficiencies. From there, dividing a system into components can make it easier to
perform individual analyses that influence the complete system.
Effective analysis often looks at a system from the end user's perspective. It's important for
providers to maintain accessible systems that are easy to navigate and meet user requirements.
Conducting a review from the end-users perspective can alert providers to potential problems
in a software or product offering. For example, an analyst might discover an error that prevents
users from completing specific actions successfully. By finding these errors, they can make
adjustments that ensure the system functions as it's meant to for users.
A systems analysis can also help determine if a system is efficient or viable. By looking at the
overall architecture of the system, analysts can assess its performance and workability. From
there, they can make suggestions about ways to improve the system or enhance its operation.
Analysis usually requires an in-depth review of a system's. Often, errors in a system's functions
originate from its source code. Bugs or improperly typed code can cause a system to behave in
a way that differs from its intended function. By finding these errors, it's easier for system
creators to remedy bugs and fix coding inconsistencies.
Helps businesses improve their systems
Sometimes, businesses hire analysts to review their systems. The improvements, changes and
recommendations analysts provide can help businesses improve efficiency and keep their
systems running effectively. This can lower costs associated with troubleshooting or system
downtime. It can also ensure businesses consider every factor associated with their system, like
usability, performance, scaling and business impact.
Structured Analysis
During Structured Analysis, various tools and techniques are used for
system development. They are −
Context Diagram
Decision Trees
Decision Tables
The following table shows the symbols used in designing a DFD and
their significance −
Data Store
Types of DFD
DFDs are of two types: Physical DFD and Logical DFD. The following
table lists the points that differentiate a physical DFD from a logical
It is implementation
It is implementation
independent. It focuses only on
dependent. It shows which
the flow of data between
functions are performed.
Context Diagram
Decision Tables
The entries in decision table are given by Decision Rules which define
the relationships between combinations of conditions and courses of
action. In rules section,
Regular Customer - Y N -
Give 5% discount X X - -
Give no discount - - X X
Structure Diagram
When reading a structure diagram start at the top and work towards
the bottom. If a level contains more than one branch, read from left
to right before moving to the next level.