Module 4 EDA
Module 4 EDA
Module 4 EDA
3 Marks Questions:
Ridge regression, also known as Tikhonov regularization, is a linear regression technique used
to mitigate multicollinearity (high correlation between independent variables) and overfitting
in predictive modeling. It extends ordinary least squares (OLS) regression by adding a penalty
term to the regression equation, which helps to shrink the coefficients towards zero
In ridge regression, the objective function is modified to minimize the sum of squared errors
(like OLS), but with an additional penalty term added to the coefficients:
y is the vector of observed values of the dependent variable.
X is the matrix of independent variables.
β is the vector of coefficients to be estimated.
λ is the regularization parameter, also known as the shrinkage parameter, which controls the
strength of the penalty term.
The purpose of ridge regression in data analysis includes:
1. Multicollinearity Mitigation: Ridge regression is effective at handling multicollinearity by
stabilizing the estimates of the regression coefficients. When independent variables are highly
correlated, OLS regression can produce unstable and unreliable coefficient estimates.
Overfitting Reduction: Ridge regression helps prevent overfitting by regularizing the model.
Overfitting occurs when a model learns noise or random fluctuations in the training data,
leading to poor generalization to new, unseen data. By shrinking the coefficients towards zero,
ridge regression reduces the complexity of the model and makes it less sensitive to noise in the
training data, thereby improving its predictive performance on unseen data.
2. Improved Generalization: By striking a balance between bias and variance, ridge regression
often leads to better generalization performance compared to OLS regression, particularly when
dealing with datasets with a large number of predictors or multicollinearity.
3. Robustness: Ridge regression is robust to the inclusion of irrelevant or redundant predictors in
the model. It can handle situations where there are more predictors than observations (p > n),
which can lead to singularity or instability in OLS regression.
2. Differentiate between Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression.
Ridge regression and Lasso (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) regression are
both regularization techniques used to address overfitting and multicollinearity in linear
regression models. However, they differ in their penalty terms and the impact on the
estimated coefficients. Here's a comparison between Ridge Regression and Lasso
1. Penalty Term:
Ridge Regression: Ridge regression adds a penalty term to the least squares objective
function, which is the squared sum of the coefficients (L2 norm). The penalty term is
proportional to the square of the magnitude of the coefficients: λ||β||2, where λ is the
regularization parameter.
Lasso Regression: Lasso regression adds a penalty term to the least squares objective
function, which is the absolute sum of the coefficients (L1 norm). The penalty term is
proportional to the absolute value of the magnitude of the coefficients: λ||β||1, where
λ is the regularization parameter.
2. Coefficient Shrinkage:
Ridge Regression: Ridge regression shrinks the coefficients towards zero by a constant
factor. The penalty term in Ridge regression penalizes large coefficients more heavily,
but it rarely shrinks coefficients all the way to zero. Ridge regression is effective at
reducing the variance of the coefficients, particularly in the presence of
Lasso Regression: Lasso regression can shrink coefficients all the way to zero, effectively
performing variable selection. The L1 penalty encourages sparsity in the coefficient
vector, leading to some coefficients being exactly zero. Lasso regression is particularly
useful for feature selection, as it automatically selects a subset of the most relevant
3. Solution Path:
Ridge Regression: The solution path for Ridge regression typically involves smoothly
shrinking the coefficients towards zero as the regularization parameter λ increases.
None of the coefficients are exactly zero, but they become increasingly small.
Lasso Regression: The solution path for Lasso regression involves both coefficient
shrinkage and variable selection. As the regularization parameter λ increases, some
coefficients are driven to exactly zero, effectively removing the corresponding predictors
from the model.
4. Computational Complexity:
Ridge Regression: The optimization problem in Ridge regression has a closed-form
solution, making it computationally efficient to solve.
Lasso Regression: The optimization problem in Lasso regression does not have a closed-
form solution, so it typically requires more computationally intensive methods like
coordinate descent or LARS (Least Angle Regression) to find the optimal solution.
3. Explain the concept of coefficient shrinkage in the context of regression shrinkage
In traditional linear regression (ordinary least squares, OLS), the goal is to minimize the
sum of squared differences between the observed and predicted values:
In regression shrinkage methods, an additional penalty term is added to the objective function
to control the size of the coefficients:
minβ||y-Xβ||2 + λ||β||2
The impurity function measures the extent of purity for a region containing data points from
possibly different classes. Suppose the number of classes is K. Then the impurity function is
a function of p1,…,pk , the probabilities for any data point in the region belonging to class 1,
2,..., K.
The primary goal of this function is to evaluate how well a node splits the data into
homogenous or uniform subgroups based on a specific feature. The more homogeneous a
subgroup, the purer it is, which generally corresponds to better performance in predicting
outcomes in tasks such as classification or regression.
Building the Tree: Starting from the root of the tree, the dataset is split recursively based on
the feature and split-point that lead to the maximum reduction in impurity or variance. This
recursive partitioning continues until a specified maximum depth of the tree is reached, or
further splitting no longer results in a meaningful decrease in impurity/variance, or
minimum leaf size is achieved.
Pruning: After the tree is built, it might be pruned back. Pruning uses impurity measures to
remove branches that have little contribution to power of the model, reducing complexity
and helping to prevent overfitting.
Feature Importance: Impurity reductions resulting from splits on a particular feature can be
aggregated to measure the importance of that feature. Features leading to significant
impurity reductions are considered more important.
Tree-structured approaches, particularly decision trees and their ensembles (like Random
Forests and Gradient Boosted Trees), offer several distinct advantages when used for
regression tasks:
Handling Non-linear Relationships: Trees do not assume any specific functional form
between the input features and the target variable. This flexibility allows them to
naturally model non-linear relationships that linear regression models might struggle
No Need for Feature Scaling: Tree models do not require normalization or scaling of
features. This is because the splits in the trees are based on ordering of the variables
and not on their absolute values, unlike in methods where distance measures (like in
SVM or KNN) are critical.
Flexibility with Data Types: Trees can handle different types of data; categorical,
numerical, or ordinal data can all be processed without needing extensive preprocessing
to convert them into a uniform format.
Robustness to Outliers: Regression trees are less affected by outliers than traditional
regression models because the splitting process partitions the data into homogenous
subgroups, and outliers will likely end up in separate branches or leaves.
7 Marks Questions:
1. Compare the squared loss for Ridge Regression and traditional regression methods.
To understand and compare the squared loss for Ridge Regression with that of traditional
regression methods, such as Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), it's essential to first define how
each method approaches the problem of regression and then discuss how the squared loss
component functions within each.
where yi are the observed target values, xi are the feature vectors, β are the
regression coefficients, and n is the number of observations.
Ridge Regression (L2 Regularization)
Ridge Regression, on the other hand, modifies the OLS loss function by adding a penalty
term that is proportional to the square of the magnitude of the coefficients. This
regularization term helps prevent the coefficients from fitting too perfectly to the noise
in the training data, which can lead to overfitting. The loss function for Ridge Regression
Tree-structured classifiers are constructed by repeated splits of the space X into smaller and smaller
subsets, beginning with X itself.
Root Node: It is the topmost node in the tree, which represents the complete dataset. It is the starting
point of the decision-making process.
Decision/Internal Node: A node that symbolizes a choice regarding an input feature. Branching off of
internal nodes connects them to leaf nodes or other internal nodes.
Leaf/Terminal Node: A node without any child nodes that indicates a class label or a numerical value.
Splitting: The process of splitting a node into two or more sub-nodes using a split criterion and a selected
Branch/Sub-Tree: A subsection of the decision tree starts at an internal node and ends at the leaf nodes.
Parent Node: The node that divides into one or more child nodes.
Child Node: The nodes that emerge when a parent node is split.
Impurity: A measurement of the target variable’s homogeneity in a subset of data. It refers to the
degree of randomness or uncertainty in a set of examples. The Gini index and entropy are two
commonly used impurity measurements in decision trees for classifications task
Importance of Impurity
Impurity measures play a crucial role throughout this process. They guide the decision
on where to make splits, ensure that the resulting tree is capable of generalizing well,
and help in pruning the tree to avoid overfitting. Efficient computation of these impurity
measures is vital, especially for large datasets with many features, as it directly affects
the computational complexity and efficacy of the tree-building algorithm.
3. Explain the concept of bagging and its role in improving the performance of tree-
based models.
Bootstrap Sampling:
Create multiple datasets from the original training data through bootstrap sampling. In
bootstrap sampling, datasets of the same size as the original are generated by sampling
instances with replacement. This means each dataset may have duplicates and some of
the original data may be missing in any given dataset.
Training the Base Models:
Train a separate model (e.g., a decision tree) on each of these bootstrap samples. Since
the underlying data in each sample differs due to the sampling with replacement, each
model will learn different aspects of the data. This diversity is key to the effectiveness of
Combine the predictions from all individual models to form a final prediction. The
method of combination depends on the type of problem:
Classification: Use majority voting. The predicted class is the one that receives the most
votes from the individual models.
Regression: Use averaging. The predicted value is the average of the values predicted by
the individual models.
Benefits of Bagging
1. Reduces Variance:
By averaging multiple predictions, the variance of the final prediction is reduced. This is
particularly useful for decision trees, which are prone to high variance if they are deep
and complex. High variance means the model is sensitive to small fluctuations in the
training data, leading to overfitting.
2. Improves Accuracy:
Bagging can lead to improvements in accuracy, especially in the presence of noisy data.
The aggregation of multiple predictions filters out individual errors, sharpening the
accuracy of the final prediction.
3. Avoids Overfitting:
Since each individual tree in a bagged model is trained on a different subset of data, the
likelihood that all trees will overfit in the same way is reduced. The ensemble effect of
averaging their predictions generally leads to better generalization to new data.
4. Utilizes Unstable Models Efficiently:
Decision trees are considered unstable because small changes in the data can result in
significantly different tree structures. Bagging makes efficient use of this instability by
creating diverse models from varied subsets of data and then averaging them to smooth
out their predictions.
Practical Example: Random Forests
A well-known application of bagging is the Random Forest algorithm. It enhances basic
bagging by introducing another layer of randomness: In addition to bootstrapping the
data, it also randomly selects a subset of features for splitting at each node of the
decision trees. This further increases model diversity and generally leads to even better
performance compared to using bagging alone with decision trees.
3. Small Datasets
With smaller datasets, the likelihood of overfitting increases because the model may
tend to interpret random fluctuations in the data as significant patterns. Pruning helps
by removing parts of the tree that may have adapted too closely to these idiosyncrasies,
promoting a model that is more likely to generalize well.
10 Marks Questions:
1. Multicollinearity
Multicollinearity occurs when two or more predictor variables in a regression model are
highly correlated. This correlation can lead to inflated estimates of the regression
coefficients, which makes them sensitive to minor changes in the model. This instability
in the coefficients can interfere with the interpretability of the model and can result in
large variances for the coefficient estimates. Ridge regression adds a penalty term to the
ordinary least squares (OLS) objective, which is proportional to the square of the
magnitude of the coefficients. This penalty term shrinks the coefficients and thus
reduces their variance, particularly when predictors are highly correlated.
2. Overfitting
In scenarios where the number of predictors is close to or exceeds the number of
observations, ordinary least squares estimates tend to fit the noise in the training data
rather than the underlying relationship. This leads to overfitting, where the model
performs well on training data but poorly on unseen data. Ridge regression combats
overfitting by introducing a regularization term (the L2 norm) to the loss function, which
discourages fitting the model too closely to the training data. The regularization term
effectively shrinks the coefficients toward zero, thus simplifying the model and helping it
generalize better to new, unseen data.
3. Bias-Variance Tradeoff
Ridge regression manages the bias-variance tradeoff through its regularization
parameter, λ (lambda). By adjusting λ, ridge regression can control the impact of
regularization on the model. A higher λ increases the amount of shrinkage, leading to a
simpler model with higher bias but lower variance. Conversely, a lower λ results in less
shrinkage, allowing the model to maintain lower bias at the cost of higher variance. The
key is finding an optimal value of λ that balances the tradeoff effectively for the given
Implementation Details
In practice, ridge regression modifies the linear least squares function by adding a
penalty equivalent to the square of the magnitude of the coefficients. The objective
function becomes:
The result is that ridge regression tends to reduce the coefficients of the least important
features to near zero but not exactly zero, which is a key difference from Lasso
regression that can eliminate some coefficients entirely by setting them to zero.
2. Critically evaluate the trade-offs involved in using Ridge Regression compared to
traditional regression.
Same as Question 1 in 7 Marks section
3. Discuss the steps involved in constructing a decision tree and the considerations for
7 marks question 2 and question 4
4. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of bagging and random forests in the context
of regression.
Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) and Random Forests are two popular ensemble learning
techniques often used in regression problems. They both build on the idea of improving the
prediction performance by aggregating multiple models, typically decision trees. Here’s an
evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses when applied to regression tasks:
1. Reduction in Variance
Bagging: By averaging multiple predictions from a diverse set of models trained on
different subsets of the training data, bagging effectively reduces the variance of the
predictions. This is especially beneficial in reducing the risk of overfitting in regression
Random Forests: Adds another layer of variance reduction by de-correlating the trees.
Aside from using bootstrapped samples (like bagging), random forests also use a subset
of features (randomly selected) at each split, further enhancing the model's ability to
2. Robustness to Outliers and Noise
Bagging: Since it averages predictions from multiple models, bagging is less sensitive to
noise and outliers in the dataset. Outliers affect only the models for which they appear
in the bootstrap sample.
Random Forests: The additional randomization in feature selection makes random
forests even more robust to noise and outliers than simple bagging.
3. Handling Non-linear Relationships
Bagging and Random Forests: Both techniques use decision trees as base learners,
which can model complex non-linear relationships between features and the target
variable. This makes them versatile for a range of regression problems where traditional
linear models fall short.
4. Automatic Feature Selection
Random Forests: The random subset of features used to split each node in a tree
reduces the influence of less important variables automatically, which is a form of
feature selection and helps in focusing on the most informative features.
1. Model Interpretability
Bagging and Random Forests: Both methods suffer from reduced interpretability
compared to a single decision tree or linear models. The ensemble nature and the
complex structure of numerous trees make it difficult to understand the decision-
making process fully.
2. Computational Complexity
Bagging and Random Forests: Training multiple models requires more computational
resources and time than training a single model. Random forests, in particular, can be
computationally intensive due to the large number of trees and the randomness in
selecting features.
3. Performance Dependence on Hyperparameters
Random Forests: The performance of random forests can be sensitive to settings of its
hyperparameters, like the number of trees, the number of features chosen at each split,
and the depth of the trees. Improper tuning can lead to suboptimal performance, either
underfitting or overfitting.
4. High Memory Usage
Bagging and Random Forests: Storing numerous large tree structures requires
significantly more memory, which can be a limiting factor for very large datasets or
resource-constrained environments.
5. Diminishing Returns with More Trees
Bagging and Random Forests: Adding more trees to the model will continue to improve
model accuracy but up to a certain point. Beyond this point, the incremental gains in
performance can be minimal compared to the additional computational cost.
6. Discuss the role of the impurity function in determining the optimal split in a decision
In decision tree algorithms, the impurity function plays a central role in determining the optimal splits
throughout the tree. This function is used to measure the homogeneity or purity of a set of examples at
a node, with the aim of maximizing the homogeneity within child nodes after a split. Different impurity
functions can be used, depending on the specific type of decision tree (i.e., classification vs. regression).
where pi is the probability of an object being classified to a particular class. The goal is
to minimize this value; a Gini index of 0 indicates perfect purity, where all instances in
the node belong to a single class.
Entropy (Information Gain): This measures the amount of information disorder or the
level of uncertainty. It is defined as:
Mean Squared Error (MSE): This measures the average of the squares of the errors—
that is, the average squared difference between the observed actual outcomes and the
Mean Absolute Error (MAE): This involves an average of the absolute differences
between the target values and the predictions. It can also be used but is less common as
it does not penalize large errors as heavily as MSE.
Role of the Impurity Function in Splitting
The process of splitting nodes in a decision tree involves:
Selecting the Best Split: At each node, the decision tree algorithm will iterate over each
feature and evaluate every possible split of the data based on that feature, calculating
the impurity for the potential left and right child nodes.
Impurity Decrease: For each split, the decrease in impurity is computed relative to the
impurity of the parent node. The objective is to maximize this decrease, which
corresponds to maximizing the homogeneity of the target variable within the new nodes
created by the split.
Recursive Splitting: This process is recursively applied to each child node until a stopping
criterion is reached (e.g., a maximum tree depth, a minimum number of samples per
node, or no further improvement in impurity).
Tree-structured approaches, such as decision trees and their ensembles (e.g., random
forests, gradient boosting trees), are popular methods in predictive modeling due to their
versatility, interpretability, and effectiveness across a wide range of problems. Here are
three significant advantages of using tree-structured approaches in predictive modeling:
Categorical and Numerical Data: Trees can handle both numerical and categorical
variables without the need for transformation into a format suitable for modeling (e.g.,
no need to create dummy variables for categorical data).
Non-linear Relationships: Trees are particularly good at modeling non-linear
relationships and interactions between variables without the need for explicit
specification. This makes them highly adaptable to various datasets with complex
underlying structures.
Missing Values and Outliers: Advanced implementations of tree-based algorithms can
handle missing values and are relatively robust to outliers, which might otherwise skew
or mislead other types of predictive models.
3. Good Performance and Versatility
Decision trees and tree-based ensemble methods often provide competitive accuracy in
a wide range of predictive tasks and are robust against overfitting especially in their
ensemble form.
Ensemble Techniques: Techniques like bagging, boosting, and random forests that build
upon basic decision trees typically perform well in a variety of settings by combining
multiple trees to reduce variance (random forests) or bias (boosting).
Scalability and Efficiency: Trees can be trained relatively quickly compared to many
other algorithms. They are also inherently suited for parallelization (as seen in
algorithms like random forests), which makes them scalable to large datasets.
Versatile Applications: Beyond binary or multiclass classification, trees can be used for
regression, ranking, and even multioutput tasks. They are used in a wide range of
industries from finance (for credit scoring) and healthcare (for diagnosing diseases) to
retail (for predicting customer behavior).
8. Define bagging and explain how it improves the performance of decision trees.
Bagging, short for Bootstrap Aggregating, is an ensemble learning technique that aims to
improve the performance and robustness of machine learning models by combining
multiple base learners, typically decision trees, trained on different subsets of the
training data. Here’s how bagging works and how it enhances the performance of
decision trees:
Bagging Process:
Bootstrap Sampling:
Bagging starts by generating multiple bootstrap samples from the original training data.
Bootstrap sampling involves randomly selecting examples from the dataset with
replacement, creating subsets of the same size as the original data. Since samples are
drawn with replacement, some examples may be repeated in a given subset, while
others may be omitted.
Base Learner Training:
A separate base learner (e.g., decision tree) is trained on each bootstrap sample. Each
base learner learns from a slightly different perspective of the data due to the variations
introduced by the sampling process. As a result, each learner may capture different
aspects of the underlying data distribution.
Once all base learners are trained, their predictions are aggregated to form the final
prediction. The aggregation process typically involves taking the average (for regression
tasks) or using majority voting (for classification tasks) across all individual predictions.
This final prediction represents the ensemble's collective decision.
Advantages of Bagging for Decision Trees:
Reduction of Variance:
The primary advantage of bagging for decision trees lies in its ability to reduce variance.
Decision trees are prone to overfitting, especially when they become deep and complex.
Bagging mitigates this by training multiple trees on different subsets of data, leading to
diverse models. When combined, the variance of the ensemble is lower than that of
individual trees, resulting in a more stable and robust predictor.
Improved Generalization:
By averaging predictions from multiple trees trained on diverse subsets of data, bagging
improves the model's generalization ability. The ensemble is less likely to memorize the
noise or idiosyncrasies of the training data and is better able to capture the underlying
patterns in the data, leading to better performance on unseen data.
Mitigation of Overfitting:
Bagging helps prevent overfitting by reducing the impact of outliers and noise in the
training data. Since each base learner focuses on different subsets of data, outliers or
noisy observations are less likely to influence the overall prediction. Moreover, by
averaging multiple predictions, the ensemble smooths out individual tree biases, leading
to a more balanced model that is less prone to overfitting.
Boosting is an ensemble learning technique that combines multiple weak learners (often simple models,
such as decision trees) to create a strong learner. Unlike bagging, where base learners are trained
independently and in parallel, boosting trains base learners sequentially, with each subsequent learner
focusing on the examples that previous learners struggled with. Here’s a breakdown of how boosting
works in the context of ensemble learning:
Sequential Training:
Boosting involves training a series of base learners sequentially, where each learner learns from the
mistakes of its predecessors. The training process is iterative, with each subsequent learner focusing on
the instances that were misclassified or had high residual errors by the previous learners.
Weighting of Examples:
During training, each example in the training data is assigned an initial weight. Initially, all examples are
assigned equal weights. However, as the boosting algorithm progresses, examples that are misclassified
or have high residuals are assigned higher weights, making them more influential in subsequent training
At each iteration, a base learner (often a decision tree) is trained on the weighted training data. The goal
of each learner is to minimize the error or residuals of the ensemble on the training data. However,
since the training data is weighted, subsequent learners focus more on correcting the mistakes of the
previous learners.
Weight Update:
After each base learner is trained, the weights of the training examples are updated based on their
performance. Examples that were misclassified or had high residuals receive higher weights, while
correctly classified examples receive lower weights. This process ensures that subsequent learners pay
more attention to the challenging examples.
The predictions of all base learners are combined to form the final prediction of the boosting ensemble.
Typically, a weighted sum of the predictions is used, where the weights are determined based on the
performance of each learner during training.
Advantages of Boosting:
Improved Accuracy:
Boosting often leads to higher accuracy compared to individual base learners. By sequentially focusing
on challenging examples, boosting is able to learn from its mistakes and gradually improve its
Boosting is less susceptible to noise and outliers compared to individual base learners. Since examples
with higher weights receive more attention during training, the algorithm is able to effectively adapt to
noisy or outlier-prone data.
Feature Importance:
Boosting algorithms often provide insights into the importance of features in the prediction process.
Features that are consistently used by multiple base learners are considered more important in the final
Boosting algorithms, such as AdaBoost and Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM), are versatile and can be
applied to a wide range of machine learning tasks, including classification, regression, and ranking.