Literature Section

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Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text

This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice

Questions, Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long

Answer Type Questions to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation

and extrapolation beyond the text.

7. One Poetry extract out of two, from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,

Interpretation, analysis, inference and appreciation. (6x1=6 Marks)

8. One Prose extract out of two, from the book Vistas, to assess comprehension,

Interpretation, analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (4x1=4 Marks)

9. One prose extract out of two from the book Flamingo, to assess comprehension,

interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation. (6x1=6Marks)

10. Short answer type questions (from Prose and Poetry from the book Flamingo), to

be answered in 40-50 words each. Questions should elicit inferential responses

through critical thinking. Five questions out of the six given are to be answered.

(5x2=10 Marks)

11. Short answer type questions, from Prose (Vistas), to be answered in 40- 50 words

each. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. Any two

out of three questions to be done. (2x2=4 Marks)

12. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry (Flamingo), to be answered in

120-150 words. Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract /

event as reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The
question will elicit analytical and evaluative response from the student. Any one out of
two questions to be done. (1x5=5 Marks)

13. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Vistas, to be
answered in 120-150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation
beyond the text. Questions to provide analytical and evaluative responses using
incidents, events, themes, as reference points. Any one out of two questions to be done.

(1x5=5 Marks)
Answer in about 120-150 words: (5 marks)
1. The last lesson reflects the flaws in human character that led to the sad light
of people in Alsace. Substantiate your answer with evidences from the text.
Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)
1. Why was M. Hamel dressed in formal clothes in school?
1. Though tempted by the bright day, Franz stated that he had “the strength to resist,
and hurried off to school.” As the story progresses, the reader realizes that Franz,
M. Hamel and the villagers would perhaps need “the strength to resist” much larger
Discuss how the story provides strategies for resistance and protection of One’s
identity and community through its events and characters. Provide relevant textual
details to support your argument.
2. On the day of the last lesson, Franz felt that the “whole school was strange”.
Throughout the story, the reader encounters Franz’ account of how school usually
was, and what it was like on the last day of class with M. Hamel. This contrast
comes across through events, and the actions and viewpoints of various characters.

• In what way can the story be seen as a comment on schooling in general?

• Does Franz’ description of school life resonate with your own experience?

• Do you think the story might also provide advice on what good education
entails? Substantiate your argument with relevant instances from the text.


3. Little Franz is the narrator of the story. The name ‘Franz’ means ‘from France’. In
what way does the story being told as a first-person narrative of Franz impact your
reading and understanding of the story? Provide at least one evidence from the text
to support your opinion.
4. If this had been M. Hamel’s first lesson, how do you think the school experience of
the students might have been impacted?
5. At the end of his last lesson, M. Hamel decides to leave a little note for each of his
students for them to find the next day at their desks. Based on your reading of the
story, what might his note to Franz read?
You may begin like this:

Dear Franz,

I know you have always preferred to run in the open fields …

Answer the following in about 120-150 words each (5 marks)

1. Firozabad presents a strange paradox the beauty of the glass bangles and the
misery of the people who make bangles. Discuss.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. (4 marks)

"I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten rupee note". Saheb says, his eyes lighting up
when you can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don't stop scrounging, for
there is hope of finding more. It seems has a moaning different from what it means to
their parents. For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for the elders it is a means of
survival. One winter morning I see Saheb standing by the fenced gate of the
neighbourhood club, watching two young men dressed in white, playing tennis. "I like
the game", he hums, content to watch it standing behind the fence. "I go inside when no
one is around" he admits. "The gate keeper lets me use the swing."

(i) Saheb found a rupee

(a) on the street- (b) in the garbage dump

(c) in Firozabad (d) on the tennis court

(ii) Which emotion of Saheb is revealed in the phrase 'his eyes lighting up’?

(a) anxiety (b) envy

(c) happiness (d) greed

(iii) For the elders garbage is ______________ and for children it is _____________.

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. The description of Seemapuri creates a very dismal picture. Explain.

2. Why can the bangle-makers not organise themselves into a cooperative?



1. How does the story, ‘Lost Spring’ highlight the apathy of society and those in power to
end the vicious cycle of poverty? Support your answer with textual evidence.
2. Certain traditions and lineage, condemn thousands of children to a life of abject
poverty and choke their aspirations.

• Do you agree? Explain.

• How can we change this? Suggest some ways to tackle this issue.


3. Do you believe that ‘God-given lineage can be broken’? Support your position with a
4. Why do you think Mukesh is content to dream of cars and doesn’t dream of flying a
5. How do you think the author’s life might have been impacted after her interactions
with the children and their families mentioned in ‘Lost Spring’?

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (6 Marks)

The next I remember I was lying on my stomach beside the pool, vomiting. The chap that
threw me in was saying, "But I was only fooling." Someone said, "The kid nearly died. Be
all right now. Let's carry him to the locker room." Several hours later, I walked home. I was
weak and trembling. I shook and cried when I lay on my bed. I couldn't eat that night. For
days a haunting fear was in my heart. The slightest exertion upset me, making me wobbly
in the knees and sick to my stomach.

I never went back to the pool. I feared water. I avoided it whenever I could.

(i)With reference to the extract, Douglas was vomiting because

(a) he had got severe food poisoning.

(b) he had just been rescued from nearly drowning in the pool.

(c) he was frightened when he saw the big man.

(d) he had gone for a swim on an empty stomach.

(ii) Rewrite the sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with its inference.

For days a haunting fear was in my heart.

(iii) On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two
statements given below:

I. The boy did not know how to swim,

II. The boy took a long time to recover from his fear.

(a) I can be inferred from the extract but II cannot,

(b) I cannot be inferred from the extract but II can.

(c) I is true but II in false.

(d) Both I and II are true.

(iv) Identify the textual clue that allows the reader to infer that the chap threw the boy
into the pool just for fun (clue: a phrase)

(v) Complete the sentence with an appropriate explanation as per the extract.

The slightest exertion upset the boy because___________.

(vi) Replace the underlined word with its synonym from the extract.

The boy felt unsteady in the knees.

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)
1. What handicap did Doughlas suffer from? How did he overcome that?
2. Why did Douglas decide to go to the YMCA pool to learn swimming?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine that the bully who threw Douglas into the pool, reads this chapter and realizes his
mistake. As the bully, write a dairy entry penning down your response to Douglas’
perseverance and your own feelings of guilt and regret.
2. Douglas’ mother writes to the YMCA authorities holding them accountable for the mishap
as well as demanding that the authorities employ a team of guards near the pool for
supervision of the children.
As the mother, write a letter to the authorities with reference to the case of your son.

You may begin like this:


Subject: Negligence on Premises

This is with reference to the incident of near fatal drowning of my son, William on your
premises. We were…

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. Seemingly small everyday wins are actually the greatest learnings of life. Comment on
the statement with reference to the chapter “Deep Water”.
2. If you could give the chapter a new title, what would it be? Support your answer with
reference to the chapter “Deep Water”.
3. Getting rid of fear is an extremely difficult task. Elucidate with reference to the chapter
“Deep Water”.
4. Discus the significance of the references to the natural world in the chapter “Deep
5. Describe both the physical and emotional impacts that the misadventure at the YMCA
pool had on the narrator.


Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 6x1=6

“I am thinking of this stranger here,” said Edla “He walks and walks
the whole year long, and there is probably not a single place in the
whole country where he is welcome and can feel at home. Wherever
he turns he is chased away. Always he is afraid of being arrested and
cross-examined. I should like to have him enjoy a day of peace with
us here-just one in the whole year.”

(i) Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate

option :
Edla wished the Pedlar to have a peaceful day because ______
(a) the Pedlar had worked for Edla.
(b) the Pedlar had not been released from jail.
(c) the Pedlar had been staying at the forge.
(d) the Pedlar had always been looked with suspicion.
(ii) Select the suitable word from the extract to complete analogy.
single : multiple :: abroad : _________
(iii) In the above extract, Edla comes across as
(a) conscientious (b) pretentions
(c) compassionate (d) selfless
(iv) Based on the above extract, choose the statement which is
(a) relationships are rattraps.
(b) money is important in the world.
(c) criminal is not born but made.
(d) christmas is a time of charity
(v) In the context of the given extract, which day is referred to in
the expression ‘just one in the whole year’ ?
(vi) What does the expression ‘he is cross examined’ suggest ?

Answer the following in about 120-150 words: (5 Marks)

1. Edla is a contrast to her father, the ironmaster. Explain.

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. Why was the peddler hesitant to accompany the ironmaster to the manor house?
2. Why did the iron master compare Edla to a parson?
3. What made the ironmaster invite the peddler to his house?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. How would you compare the peddler’s actions in relation to the crofter and Edla?
Would you say kindness does not always beget kindness, and that the conditions for
receiving kindness are important for it to truly transform people? Elaborate.
Provide relevant textual details to support the analysis.
2. Imagine that you overheard the following snippet of an interaction between the valet
and the housekeeper at the ironmaster’s mansion at the end of the story.
Speaker 1 - Trust is a difficult choice, which may or may not be rewarded. Speaker 2 –
Yes, indeed. Ms. Willmansson really believed in that fellow, didn’t she? And he didn’t
disappoint. She was so happy reading his letter, oh her tears of joys filled my heart with
so much admiration for her. Such a kind, wonderful young lady.
Speaker 1 – Absolutely. But I wonder, what if that vagabond had run away with the silver
spoons? Would you speak so glowingly of Ms. Willmansson then? Our master’s daughter
was a bit too gullible. Wouldn’t you say?
Speaker 2 – But she did what was right. That must count for something. It’s Christmas,
and she helped that poor man. It didn’t matter what he did. Surely the choice of right and
wrong does not depend on the outcome.
Speaker 1 – Wouldn’t it? I should jolly well think so.
How would you respond to the questions raised in this conversation in relation
to the story? Write your response in the form of an entry in your daily journal.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. If the world is “nothing but a big rattrap” as the tramp stated in the story ‘The Rattrap’,
who might the rattrap peddler be? Discuss.
2. Despite his philosophical insights, the vagabond fails to resist temptations. What
would you attribute this to? Explain with reference to any instance from the text.
3. Do you think the story reinforces a stereotype that women are more trusting, forgiving
and less practical than men? Comment with reference to Edla’s actions in the story.

4. What might be the significance of setting the story’s events during Christmas?
Justify your opinion.

Answer the following in about 120-150 words: (5 Marks)

1. Why is the Champaran episode considered as the beginning of the Indian struggle for

Answer the questions given below in about 40-50 words: (2 Marks)

1. What does Gandhi refer to as 'conflict of duties'?

2. Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of twenty-five percent refund to the peasants?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine Gandhi were to deliver a speech to students in present day India showing
them the path to becoming responsible world leaders. Based on your understanding of
Gandhi’s own leadership skills, write a speech, as Gandhi, addressing the students
about the qualities that every leader and politician should nurture.
Dear students, you are all leaders of social change. I see many bright and enthusiastic
faces that assure me that our future is in good hands. I have learnt from my own
2. Let us assume it was Rajendra Prasad who informed Charles Freer Andrews of
Gandhi’s decision and the reasons for other leaders’ support of him. Thinking
creatively of how Andrews would have responded and pen down the discussion you
think would have taken place between Rajendra Prasad and Andrews.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. The peasants were themselves the most crucial agents in the success of the Champaran
Civil Disobedience. Expand.
2. Gandhi makes it clear that money and finance are a secondary aspect of the struggle in
Champaran. Comment on aspect that you think was most important for Gandhi.
3. Gandhi was a lawyer himself. Examine how his professional expertise helped in
4. Explain the possible reasons for Gandhi’s quick popularity among the peasants of


Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 6x1=6
1. Then the poet spoke. He couldn't have addressed a more dazed and silent
audience - no one knew what he was talking about and his accent defeated any
attempt to understand what he was saying. The whole thing lasted about an
hour; then the poet left and we all dispersed in utter bafflement-what are we
doing ? What is an English poet doing in a film studio which makes Tamil films
for the simplest sort of people? People whose lives least afforded them the
possibility of cultivating a taste for English poetry? The poet looked pretty
baffled too, for he too must have felt the sheer incongruity of his talk about the
thrills and travails of an English poet. His visit remained an unexplained
(i) Choose the appropriate option with reference to the extract. The audience
were dazed' because
(a) they were not accustomed to0 listening to poetry.
(b) they had never before seen an Englishman.
(c) they failed to comprehend what the poet was speaking.
(d) they were already bored.
(ii) Complete the sentence with reference to the extract:
The English poet was _______________ when he was addressing the
dazed audience.
(iii) Where did the talk take place?
Choose the correct option.
(a) The Main Mall
(b) Story Writing Department
(c) Film studio
(d) Subbu's office
(iv) The English poet's visit is an 'unexplained mystery because __________.
(v) Complete the analogy with a word from the extract
noisy silent: : assembled: __________
(vi) Explain the following phrase with reference to the extract:
The poet felt ‘the sheer incongruity of his talk’.


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine Asokamitran witnesses a film shooting and visits a film set of present- day
Bollywood. As Asokamitran write a diary entries penning down the transformation
you notice between film making of yesteryears and today.
2. After reading this story, you are impressed by the author’s use of gentle humour
to point out human foibles. Evaluate whether using such humour contributes towards
bringing about change in people’s attitude and accepting their foibles.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. What kind of effect does Asokamitran’s style of writing have on the reader?
2. Discuss the significance of the make-up room in the chapter, ‘Poets and
3. ‘In all instances of frustration, you will always find the anger directed towards a
single person openly or covertly…’
Do you think it is right to direct our anger towards someone who is not
responsible for the cause of anger? Justify.
4. The people left in ‘utter bafflement’ after the English poet’s speech. Mention two
things the speaker could have kept in mind before addressing an audience to avoid
such a reaction. Give your rationale for it.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 6x1=6

Others, usually celebrities who see themselves as its victims, might despise the
interview as an unwarranted intrusion into their lives, or feel that it somehow
diminishes them, just as in some primitive cultures it is believed that if one takes a
photographic portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person's soul. V.S. Naipaul
feels that some people are wounded by interviews and lose a part of themselves, Lewis
Carroll, the creator of Alice in Wonderland, was said to have had a just horror of the
interviewer and he never consented to be interviewed.

(i) Choose the appropriate option with reference to the given extract:

Most of the celebrities dislike being interviewed because

(a) it is sheer nonsense.

(b) nobody reveals his/her inner self

(c) it is sheer waste of time.

(d) it is an unwanted intrusion into their lives.

(ii) Complete the analogy with a word from the extract:

light: darkness::__________: refused

(iii) In primitive cultures being photographed implied

(a) announcing victory.

(b) soul has been stolen.

(c) saving a memory for posterity.

(d) becoming popular.

(iv) From the given extract, we know that ________ never agreed to be interviewed.

(a) Lewis Carroll (b) V.S. Naipaul

(c) T.S. Eliot (d) Charlie Sheen

(v) In the given extract, the word 'diminish' most nearly means

(a) deepens (b) disappoints

(c) lessens (d) languishes

(vi) In the given extract, the writer indicates that most people ___________ interviews.

(a) celebrated
(b) read
(c) gave
(d) despised

3. Rudyard Kipling expressed an even more condemnatory attitude towards the

interviewer. His wife, Caroline, writes in her diary for 14 October, 1892 that their day
was 'wrecked by two reporters from Boston'. She reports her husband as saying to the
reporters, "Why do I refuse to be interviewed? Because it is immoral! It is a crime, just
as much of a crime as an offence against my person, as an assault, and just as much
merits punishment. It is cowardly and vile. No respectable man would ask it, much
less give it." Yet Kipling had himself perpetrated such an 'assault' on Mark Twain only
a few years before. H.G. Wells in an interview in 1894 referred to the interviewing
ordeal', but was a fairly frequent interviewee and forty years later found himself
interviewing Joseph Stalin.
(i) Kipling viewed interviews with
(a) compassion. (b) condemnation.
(c) reconciliation. (d) gratitude.
(ii) Kipling assaulted . with an interview.
(a) H.G. Wells (b) Joseph Stalin
(c) T.S. Eliot (d) Mark Twain
(iii) Complete the analogy with a word from the extract:
attack assault:: committed: _________
(iv) The word 'wrecked' in the extract most nearly means
(a) ravaged. (b) annihilated. (c) killed. (d) ruined.

(v) Rudyard Kipling uses the phrase ‘it is a crime because he feels it is

(a) illegal. (b) an offence against his person.

(c) an act of espionage. (d) a waste of time.

(vi) Kipling violated his own observation on interviewing by _______.


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine that you are Christopher Silvester. You have been invited to a seminar series
titled – ‘Ethics and Techniques of Interviewing’.
The organisers would like you to speak about the challenges of conducting interviews,
and skills interviewers must have in order to conduct good and ethical interviews.
Based on your reading of The Interview, Part I and II, draft your speech. Include
relevant details from the text in support of your answer.
2. Mukund Padmanabhan was gifted the ‘Penguin Book of Interviews - An Anthology
from 1859 to the Present Day’ edited by Christopher Silvester, after interviewing Eco.
He shared his thoughts on his personal blog exploring his own concerns about
interviewing a distinguished writer like Eco, followed by an evaluation of the interview
in light of his reading.
As Mukund Padmanabhan, write the blog post.
3. Part I of ‘The Interview’ is an excerpt from the Penguin Book of Interviews. Do you
think that the extract fails to present a balanced perspective about interviews?
Substantiate your answer with relevant textual details.
If this were the entire introduction, what would your expectation from the book be?

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. Why do you think Christopher Silvester describes the viewpoints of other writers and
authors when discussing the concept of an interview? Support your opinion with
reference to any one writer cited.
2. How would you evaluate Mukund Padmanabhan as an interviewer? Mention at least
two qualities he displays in his interview, supported by textual evidence.
3. Christopher Silvester shares authors’ reservations about interviewing. Bearing that in
mind, would you interview a writer of your choice? If so, what would you pay
particular attention to in interviewing the said writer?

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. (6 marks)

"Or an actress. Now there's real money in that. Yes, and I could may be have the
boutique on the side. Actresses don't work full time, do they? Anyway, that or a fashion
designer. You know -something a bit sophisticated". And she turned in through the
open street door leaving Jansie standing in the rain. "If I ever come into money I'll buy
a boutique". "Huh, if you ever come into money… if you ever come into money you'll
buy us a blessed decent house to live in, thank you very much.’’
"Sophie's father was scooping shepherd's pie into his mouth as hard as he could go, his
plump face still grimy and sweat - marked from the day.
"She thinks money grows on trees, don't she Dad? Said little Derek.
hanging on the back of his father's chair.
Their mother sighed.

(i) Sophie wants to become an actress to

(a) become famous (b) to earn money

(c) to support her father (d) to compete with Jansie

(ii) Jansie wanted Sophie to spend her money on

(a) her marriage` (b) her career

(c) to open a boutique (d)buying a house

(iii) Sophie is daydreaming about _______________.

(iv) The phrase 'money grows on trees' indicates that Sophie________ .

(v) Sophie's mother's sigh is one of

(a) regret (b) delight

(c) relief (d) helplessness:

(vi) From the extract Jansie comes across as a

(a) practical (b) dominating

(c) immature (d) starstruck

Answer the following in about 120- 150 words (5 Marks)

1. Fantasising and unrealistic dreams sometimes lead to disappointment and

disillusionment. Discuss this with reference to the story 'Going Places’.

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

2. Why did Sophie long for her brother's affection?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine Sophie’s father finds out about Sophie’s going to the canal to meet Danny Casey
which leads him to think that she has lied to everyone about the whole affair. He is
infuriated and prohibits Sophie from going anywhere except to school. As Geoff, write a
diary entry disapproving of your father’s punishment by citing your reasons for being
sympathetic to Sophie.

You may begin this way:

Monday, 2 September 1940 9 PM

I cannot get myself to stand with father in his tirade against Sophie. Sure, she is not the

2. Imagine Sophie meets Danny Casey after several years. Write a dialogue exchange
between them where Sophie explains what that meeting means to her.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. The story is written in a manner that it makes it difficult to point out clearly if Sophie
met Danny Casey or not. Suggest possible reasons for such writing.
2. “Sophie felt a tightening in her throat. She went to look for her brother Geoff.” In the
light of this quote, discuss the relationship Sophie shared with Geoff.
3. Sophie is caught between the world she lives in and the world she wants to live in.
4. Evaluate the two different perspectives to life that Jansie and Sophie represent.
5. According to you, should Sophie have continued to dream, or should she have stuck to
the path that had already been chosen for her? Justify your choice in detail.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (6x1=6)

I saw my mother,

beside me,

doze, open mouthed, her face

ashen like that

of a corpse and realised with


that she was as old as she

looked but soon

put that thought away, and

looked out at Young

Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling

out of their homes,

(i) Identify the phrase that indicates youthful energy.

(ii) Which thought is the poet trying to put away?

(a) missing the flight

(b) fear of losing her mother

(c) leaving her mother behind

(d) reaching Cochin

(iii) The poet's mother is described as 'open mouthed because ____.

(a) she is curious

(b) she is surprised

(e) she was dead

(d) she was dozing

(iv) Complete the following analogy:

children spilling: metaphor ::___________ : personification

(v) The sight of the trees and the children helped the poet__________ .

(vi) In the given extract, the phrase 'realised with pain' indicates the poet's

(a) anxiety

(b) desperation

(c) troubled past

(d) ill-health

2. Driving from my parent's

home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse, and realised with
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away, and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes………………
(i) The poet's mother looks
I. exhausted
II. healthy
III. rejuvenated
IV. pale
V. relaxed
Choose the most appropriate option
(a) Only V
(b) I, III and V
(c) I, II and IV
(d) I and IV
(ii) The poet looks out of the car because ____________.
(iii) Choose the option that displays the same poetic device as 'her face ashen like that
of a corpse'
(a) stars winked in the midnight sky
(b) a bitter sweet experience
(c) as cold as ice

(d) grey geese in the green field
(iv) The phrase 'she realized with pain' indicates the poet's
(a) anxiety of missing the flight.
(b) fear of losing her mother.
(c) fear of illness.
(d) anxiety of taking her mother on the flight.
(v) On the basis of the extract, study the two statements, I and II given below:
I. The poet was in a hurry to reach the airport.
II. The poet did not want to think about her mother growing old and infirm.
Choose the most appropriate option
(a) I is correct, but II is incorrect
(b) Both I and II are correct
(c) Both I and II are incorrect
(d) II is correct, but I is incorrect
(vi) What does the phrase 'sprinting trees' symbolize
(a) youthfulness and forgetfulness
(b) vitality and youthfulness
(c) energy and casualness
(d) pallor and exuberance

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. What is the significance of the word 'but' in 'but all I said was see you soon, Amma?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine the mother gets to know of the poet persona’s fears. Write a letter, as the
mother, telling the daughter why she must not dwell on these fears.
You may begin this way:
Cochin, Kerala

22 August ‘60
My dear Kamala
I am writing to you because when you left me at the airport, I felt something wasn’t
right. Judging by how little you spoke that day ……………………….
With love
2. Imagine you are the poet’s friend.
Write a dialogue exchange between yourself and the poet where the latter confides in
you about her fears and asks for your advice.
What would your advice be –to face her fears, to ignore them or something else?
SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. The pain of separation is expressed both literally and metaphorically in this poem.
2. Comment on the tone of the poem with references to “My Mother at Sixty- Six”.
3. Imagery was an effective literary device to bring out the contrast between the
“merry children” and mother. Comment.
4. The poet does not directly mention the fear of her mother’s death and yet she is
successfully able to convey the same through different poetic techniques. Discuss.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow (6x1=6)
1. Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still.
For once on the face of the Earth
let's not speak in any language
let's stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
we would all be together in a sudden strangeness.
(i) Significance of counting up to twelve is
(a) it is time to start the race.
(b) it is symbolic of life.
(c) it is a measure of time
(d) that time does not wait for anyone.
(ii) The word ___________ in the extract means unusual and exciting.
(iii) Excessive activity would create an atmosphere of
(a) productivity.
(b) mechanisation.
(c) confusion.
(d) competition.
(iv) one poet would want to create all of the following EXCEPT
(a) a peaceful environment.
(b) a harmonious world.
(c) an atmosphere for introspection.
(d) a world full of hustle and bustle.
(v) Complete the following analogy correctly
face of the Earth :___________ : : sudden strangeness : alliteration
(vi) On the basis of the extract, study the two statements, I and II given below:
I. People must keep silent at twelve everyday.
II. Introspection will lead to peaceful coexistence.
Choose the most appropriate option:
(a) I is false, but II is true
(b) Both I and II are false
(c) Both I and II are true
(d) I is true, but II is false

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)
1. What according to Pablo Neruda in the poem 'Keeping Quiet' is the lesson that we
should learn from mother earth?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. It could be said that the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ presents the poet’s philosophy for
a different kind of world.
If you were asked to highlight elements of Neruda’s vision that resonate in your
specific social, political and cultural context, which three main ideas would you engage
with? Use relevant textual details to support your analysis.
2. The last two years of school tend to be about planning for life after school. This can be
motivating, overwhelming or encouraging for some, and stressful for others.

Write a diary entry recording your thoughts on the following:

• Neruda’s ideas in ‘Keeping Quiet’ as a guide in this situation.

• Thinking differently about your decisions with reference to Neruda’s ‘Keeping Quiet’.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. In a world that is constantly running after ‘more’ chasing the next new thing, would it
be fair to think of Neruda’s call as merely a fanciful idea?
2. The world has become a global village, and people across boundaries, nationalities and
communities are now connected to one another. With the advancement of technology,
and the advent of social media, do you think that the task of keeping quiet, as
envisaged by Neruda, has become easier or more complicated? Justify your stance.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (6x1=6)

A thing of beauty is a joy forever

Its loveliness increases, it will never

pass into nothingness: but will keep

A bower quiet for us, and a sleep

Full of sweet dreams, and health and quiet

and breathing.

Therefore, on every morrow are we wreathing

A flowery band to bind us to the earth;

Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth

Of noble natures, of the gloomy days.

Of all the unhealthy and o'er darkened ways

Made for our searching.

(i) Keats defines beauty as

(a) transient

(b) eternal

(c) illusionary

(d) short lived

(ii) ‘will keep a bower quiet for us' means all of the following EXCEPT

(a) create a peaceful, shady place

(b) provide a shelter

(c) will decrease noise pollution

(d) nature’s canopy

iii) On the basis of the extract, choose the correct reference to the two statements
given below:

1. Beautiful things uplift the soul.

2. Beauty is everchanging.

(a) 1 can be inferred from the extract but 2 cannot.

(b) 2 can be inferred from the extract but 1 cannot.

(c) both 1 and 2 can be inferred from the extract.

(d) both 1 and 2 cannot be inferred from the extract.

(iv) The things that cause unhappiness are

(1) lack of noble nature

(2) old tunes

(3) dull days

(4) calm mind

(5) a flowery band

(6) strong relationships

Choose the most appropriate option:

(a) (1) and (2) (b) (1) and (3)

(c) (4) and (5) (d) (3) and (6)

(v) Complete the analogy. Do not repeat from used example flowery band: metaphor ::
______________ : alliteration

(vi) According to the poet 'every morrow' we are ____________ .

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. In the poem "A Thing of Beauty", how is grandeur connected with the mighty dead?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. We have often heard the phrase: ‘Beauty is skin deep’. In spite of that, we often see
people idolising actors and celebrities who are good looking and attractive. You
have a conversation regarding this with your friend who believes that physical
beauty defines a person. Write down that conversation.
2. You are a blogger who loves to record travel stories. You recently visited a
picturesque location and you were enamoured by its beauty. Pen down the post for

your blog giving vivid descriptions of the natural beauty of this place. Supplement
your writing with Keats’ ideas about beauty.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. If you were given an opportunity to share your perception of beauty, what would you
say? Explain.
2. ‘Beauty is best left undefined’. Support your position on this statement with your
rationale, coupled with ideas in the poem.
3. Artists, singers and musicians have a different perception of beauty as compared
to people who are in other professions. Comment.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (6x1=6)

In front at the edge of the road where the traffic sped,

A roadside stand too pathetically pled,

It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread,

But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports

The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint.

The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,

Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts

At having the landscape marred with the artless paint

Of signs that with N turned wrong and S turned wrong

What is the tone of the poet in the extract?

(i) Choose the correct option:

(a) optimistic

(b) resigned

(c) sympathetic

(d) indifferent

(ii) With reference to the given extract, what harm has been caused by the
'artless paint" ?

(iii) The city is compared to_____________________.

(a) a landscape

(b) signs of N and S

(c) a flower

(d) a dole of bread

(iv) Choose the correct option:

The roadside stand is

(a) at the edge of the road.

(b) marred with artless paint.

(c) like the flower of cities.

(d) well maintained.

(v) What type of expectations do the stand owners have from the city dwellers
who come there?

(vi) Complete the analogy with a word from the given extract.

donate: contribute :: dying:______________.

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. Who does the poet accuse of having double standards in "The Roadside Stand"?
2. What does the expression 'polished traffic' refer to? What does it reveal about
city people?
3. What was the expectation of the people who had set up the roadside stand?
Answer in about 120-150 words: (5 marks)
1. A Roadside Stand is a social satire depicting the two contrasting worlds existing
in society. Justify this statement with reference to the poem.


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine a car stops and actually buys from the roadside stand. Keeping in mind the
reaction you think the peasants would have, write a diary entry as the farmer
describing not only your immediate experience but also your after-thoughts on being
able to earn “city-money”.
You may begin this way:
Wednesday, 2nd March XX 9 PM
We had an unexpectedly good day today!...
2. Imagine a child from the farmer’s family migrates to the city for their education. As the
child, write back to your family telling them whether you would or would not want to
turn into a city-person. Use the context of the poem “A Roadside Stand” in mind to pen
down this letter.
You may begin this way:
12, Davidson County

23 January ‘XX
Dear mom

I have been thinking about the roadside stall lately. Now that I find myself surrounded
by city-people all the time, I think……………………………………..

With love

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)
1. Though money holds the same value everywhere, the poet draws a distinction
between city money and country money. Elaborate.
2. The roadside stand and the moving cars are a contrast around which the entire poem
is woven. Expound.
3. Comment on the significance of the symbol of the car in the poem.
4. Does the poet reach a conclusive solution for the issue at hand? Discuss.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (6x1=6)

Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen.

Bright topaz denizens of a world of green,

They do not fear the men beneath the tree;

They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.

Aunt Jennifer's fingers fluttering through her wool

Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.

The massive weight of uncle's wedding band

Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer's hand.

(i) Denizens of the world of green refer to _________ .

(a) huntsmen (b) Aunt Jennifer

(c) uncle (d) tigers

(ii) Choose the option that displays the same poetic device as used

in the second line of the extract.

(a) heart of stone (b) trees sprouting

(c) silver spoon (d)white murder

(iii) The men setting beneath the tree are ___________.

(iv) What quality of uncle can be inferred through these lines?

(a) compassionate nature (b) courageous

(c) confident (d) dominating

(v) The tigers in the extract are symbolic of

(a) creativity and courage (b) confidence and gentleness

(c) cruelty and fear (d) aggression and starving

(vi) Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across

(1) the screen (2) the fields

(3) the embroidered tunic (4) the cage

Which of the following is the most appropriate choice?

(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (4)

(c) (1), (2) and (3) (d) (1) and (3)

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. Why did Aunt Jennifer create tigers so different from her own character?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Read the given extract from an article published in The Independent:
“Turn your pain into art”: it’s a phrase most of us have heard before…
The theory that achieving something great requires suffering dates back to ancient
times… Pain, however, is less an artistic necessity and more a result of “contagion” – a
term used for the spreading of a harmful idea or practice…In the context of the
struggling artist, it allows mental illness to fester; to be glamourised and admired; even
encouraged in the name of art.
- Do you think Aunt Jennifer “turned her pain into art”? What kind of “contagion”
might her pain be a result of?
- Evaluate Aunt Jennifer and her artistry in light of the above extract.
2. Imagine that Aunt Jennifer read the poem that Adrienne Rich wrote about her. After
much contemplation, she decided to write a letter to her husband expressing her
feelings and thoughts. Write the letter as Aunt Jennifer.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. ‘What knitting was to Aunt Jennifer; poetry was for Adrienne Rich’. Do you agree?
Comment with reference to the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’.
2. Read the given quote. In your opinion, what silence does the poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s
Tigers’ break?

Every poem breaks a silence

that had to be overcome.

- Adrienne Rich

3. Would you say that the poem ends on a note of hope? Justify your opinion.


Answer the following in about 120-150 words each (5 marks)

1. Describe briefly the Third Level. How did it differ from the Second Level?

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: 4x1=4

941 Willard Street

Galesburg, Illinois

July 18, 1894


I got to wishing that you were right. Then I got to believing you were right. And,
Charley, it's true; I found the third level ! I've been here two weeks, and right now,
down the street at the Daly's, someone is playing a piano, and they're all out on the
front porch singing 'Seeing Nelly Home'. And I'm invited over for lemonade. Come on
back, Charley and Louisa. Keep looking till you find the third level! It's worth it, believe
The note is signed Sam.
(i) What was the feeling of Sam as conveyed in the letter? Choose the appropriate
option in the context of the extract.

(a) surprise (b) doubt

(c) excitement (d) anger

(ii) What was Sam Weiner's reaction when Charley told him about the third level?

(a) dismissal (b) acceptance

(c) wonderstruck (d) puzzled

(iii) The phrase 'Charley, it's true' in the context of the extract implies which of the
given options?

I. Sam is relaxed

II. Charley had migrated with Louisa

III. The existence of the third level

IV. Sam had met Charley's grandfather

Choose the most appropriate option:

(a) I and II (b) II and IV

(e) I and III (d) IV only

(iv) Sam wrote the letter to Charley in order to ___________.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (4x1=4)

To make sure, I walked over the newsboy and glanced at the stack of papers at
his feet. It was The World and The World hasn't been published for years. The
lead story said something about President Cleveland. I've found that front page
since, in the Public library files, and it was printed June 11, 1894.
I turned toward the ticket windows knowing that here on the third level at
Grand Central - I could buy tickets that would take Louisa and me anywhere in
the United States we wanted to go. In the year 1894 And I wanted two tickets to
Galesburg, Illinois.

(i) The newspaper that covered the lead story about President Cleveland was

(a) The Pioneer (b) The New York Times

(c) The World (d) The Times

(ii) The narrator wanted to buy tickets to____________.

(iii) Which of the following in the extract most nearly means the opposite of 'stare'?

(a) glance (b) peek

(c) ignore (d) examine

(iv) Charley wanted two tickets because he wanted to go with

(a) Sam (b) Cleveland

(c) Louisa (d) the Psychiatrist

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. What do you learn about Galesburg, Illinois during 1894 from the lesson
"The Third Level’?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. In the story ‘The Third Level’, Charley wanted to go to Galesburg, Illinois in the year
1894. If you had an opportunity to go to another time and place, where would you like
to go? Why? How would Sam analyse your choice of alternate time and place?
2. Imagine that you come across Louisa’s diary. What might you find in it about the third
level? Compose at least one diary entry based on any of the events from the story, ‘The
Third Level’.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. What would you describe as your “waking-dream wish fulfilment”? Explain.

2. Why do you think Charley withdrew nearly all the money he had from the bank to buy
old-style currency?
3. How would you evaluate Sam’s character? Elucidate any two qualities, and
substantiate with evidence from the text.
4. At the beginning of the story, Sam is sceptical of Charley’s discovery of the third level.
By the end of the story, the reader is told that he found the third level and travelled
back in time. How would Sam diagnose himself?


Answer the following in about 120-150 words each (5 marks)

1. What was the Maharaja's mission? How did he resolve to overcome the
obstacles in the fulfilment of his mission?

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. Which problem did the Maharaja face after killing seventy tigers when he had
vowed to kill 100 tigers?
2. What was the hidden agenda behind the Tiger King's marriage with the
princess in the neighbouring state?
3. Who was the Tiger King? How did he get the name Tiger King?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine you are an ardent environmentalist who is involved in the Save the
Tiger campaign. You have been asked to deliver a speech in a seminar related to
your campaign and the need for the youth to be involved in such campaigns.
Draft your speech.
2. You visited a wildlife sanctuary recently and were appalled at the condition of
the sanctuary and the plight of the animals there. Write an article for an e-zine
expressing your concern and the need to alleviate the facilities at the
sanctuary and provide the animals with a secure habitat.
3. The king was callous as a ruler and behaved whimsically. Thus, the people in his
kingdom suffered while he fulfilled his desire of killing a hundred tigers. Do you
find leaders or politicians in the world today being indifferent to the needs of
the people and behaving in the same way? Comment with relevant examples.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. Do you think an author who includes several instances of satire in a story faces the risk
of being too cynical? Explain.
2. Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.’ In light of this quote, examine
how knowing the future paved way for the king’s end.
3. The Maharaja justified his actions based on the maxim: ‘You may kill even a cow in
self-defence,’ so there would be no objection to killing tigers in self- defence.’ Do you
think it is right to justify our actions in this way? Elaborate.

Answer the following in about 120-150 words: (5 Marks)

1. How can a visit to Antarctica be an enlightening experience? Elaborate.

2. What are the significant features of 'Students on Ice Programme'?

Answer the following in about 40-50 words: (2 Marks)

1. What makes the author say, "The world's geological history is trapped in


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. The author of Journey to the end of the Earth is Tishani Doshi who is now a famous
poet and dancer. As the narrator, write a speech discussing the impact of the
Students on Ice programme on your life and writing.
You may begin this way:
The Making of a Writer
Dear audience members, I did not simply take to writing. Many experiences of my
life forced me to pick up the pen…
2. Imagine an interview where Green is asked to explain more about his work and
why he decided to initiate programs for students.
Keeping both Green and the interviewer’s perspectives in mind, pen down this
3. Imagine you are the narrator writing to your parents back home telling them about
your experience in Antarctica and how it is similar to that back home in some ways.
02 August XX
Dear mom
It is so different here. I can’t post this letter but I write to capture these amazing
moments I am spending here. Antarctica is…

With love

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. Antarctica is a doorway to the past. Explain.
2. For the narrator, spending two weeks in Antarctica is a challenge not only for the
body but also the mind. Elaborate.

3. Based on the chapter, elucidate any three consequences that global warming will
have on Antarctica.
4. Antarctica is unlike any other place on Earth. Justify the statement.
5. Students on Ice is a programme that prepares global citizens. Discuss.

Answer in about 120-150 words: (5 marks)
1. Dr. Sadao emerges as a saviour of humanity. Substantiate your answer with
evidence from the text.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow (4 marks)

1. “You are to come to the palace," the man said. "The old General is in pain again."
Oh," Hana breathed, "Is that all ?"
"All ?" the messenger exclaimed. "Is it not enough ?"
"Indeed it is," she replied, "I am very sorry.”
When Sadao came to say goodbye, she was in the kitchen, but
doing nothing. The children were asleep and she sat merely
resting for a moment, more exhausted from her fright than from work.
(i) Seeing the messenger, Hana was apprehensive of _________.
(ii) The summons for Dr. Sadao were because
(a) the servants had reported.
(b) there was a medical emergency.
(c) the General wanted to express his admiration.
(d) the prisoner of war had escaped.
(iii) Which of the following summarizes Hana's reason for resting momentarily?
(a) Her physical exhaustion
(b) Her fear
(c) Her infirmity
(d) Her sadness
(iv) Complete the analogy correctly with a word from the extract.
asleep: awake:: rejuvenated:_________.
Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)
1. Why was Dr. Sadao not sent abroad with the troops?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. You recently watched an interview of one of the doctors who serves for the
organisation named ‘Doctors without Borders’. This organisation serves people
in remote corners of the world which are affected by civil strife, poverty and
lack medical facilities.

2. You were impressed with the dedication, compassion and professional ethics of
this doctor. Write an article for an e-zine expressing the need for more such
people in the world to serve selflessly.
3. Imagine Tom reaches home safely. He has fully recovered and the war has now
come to an end. He owes his life to Sadao and Hana and is forever indebted to
them. Years later, he has been invited on a radio show as a war hero where he
recounts his tribulations and the experience of being granted a new life by a
Japanese couple.
As Tom, write down that narration.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. Sadao and Hana have a moral compass which urges them to save the
prisoner’s life. Do we all need this moral compass? Why?
2. Pearl Buck depicts the servants in a way to convey a message about
Japanese people and culture. Support your answer with textual evidence.
3. The author has used ‘blood’ as a symbol in the story. Comment on its impact on
the reader.
4. Sadao and Hana look upon their time in America with disdain due to the
prejudice that they were subjected to. How does racial prejudice taint a
person’s soul forever?

Answer in about 120-150 words: (5 marks)

1. Mr. Lamb stands as a symbol of optimism and hope. Support your answer with
examples from the text.

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (4 Marks)

1. Derry: What do you do all day?

Mr. Lamb: Sit in the sun. Read books, Ah, you thought it was an empty house, but
inside, it's full. Books and other things. Full.

Derry: But there aren't any curtains at the windows.

Mr. Lamb: I'm not fond of curtains, shutting things out, shutting things in. I like the
light and the darkness, and the windows open, to hear the wind.

(i) The description of the house indicates that Mr. Lamb _________.

(ii) The expression 'does not like shutting things out, shutting things in'
suggests Mr. Lamb's

(a) welcoming nature.

(b) poverty-stricken existence.

(c) lack of resources.

(d) confused state of mind.

(iii) Mr. Lamb spends his time __________.

I. reading books

II. cooking meals

III. shutting things out

IV. enjoying beauties of nature

Which of the following options are appropriate?

(a) I and IV

(b) II, III and IV

(c) I and II

(d) I and III

(iv) On the basis of the extract, study the two statements, I and II given

I. Mr. Lamb liked meeting people.

II. Mr. Lamb accepted life as it came.

Choose the most appropriate option:

(a) I can be inferred from the extract, but II cannot.

(b) II can be inferred from the extract, but I cannot.

(c) Both I and II can be inferred from the extract.

(d) Neither I nor II can be inferred from the extract.

2. Mr. Lamb: Look, boy, look.. what do you see ?

Derry: Just... grass and stuff. Weeds
Mr. Lamb: Some call them weeds. If you like, then ..a weed garden, that. There's
fruit and there are flowers, and trees and herbs. All sorts. But over
there… weeds I grow weeds there. Why is one green, growing plant
called a weed and another ‘flower'? Where's the difference? It's all life ...
growing. Same as you and me.
Derry: We're not the same.
(i) In the above extract, what best summarizes Mr. Lamb's
attitude towards growing weeds?
(a) a celebration of life

(b) an acceptance of his poverty

(c) a manifestation of his loneliness

(d) an example of his gardening skills

(ii) Which of the following best describes Derry's tone when he says "We're
not the same" ?

(a) bitter (b) confused

(c) defiant (d) snobbish

(iii) Mr. Lamb brings out the contrast between flowers and weeds in order to

(a) explain weeds are important in a garden.

(b) demonstrate that weeds have medicinal values.

(c) emphasize the specific purpose of each.

(d) illustrate that there should be no distinction.

(iv) What word from the above extract most nearly means the opposite of

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each (2 marks)

1. Why did Derry enter Mr. Lamb's garden?

2. How does Mr. Lamb react when children call him Lamey-Lamb?


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Derry mentions two kinds of responses people often have to justify misfortune,
one “‘Look at all those people who are in pain and brave and never cry and never
complain and don’t feel sorry for themselves”; and secondly, “think of all those people
worse off than you.” Far from comforting him, these empty words only agitate him.
In both cases, one’s sense of self is derived from others and how they live their lives.
a) How far might looking at others itself be the cause of suffering?
b) In what way can people, especially children, be empowered to face
their challenges without the spectre of comparison?
2. Imagine that the encounter with Mr. Lamb marked a turning point in Derry’s life. Many
years later, Derry is invited to present a TED Talk on the challenges he faced and
overcame. He thinks about the bitterness he carried earlier towards people and the
world, and how his attitude changed. He decides to speak about the transformation in
his relationship with himself, and understanding what kindness towards oneself might
actually means. He agrees to weave his speech on ‘Not the face of a victim’. As Derry,
create the speech draft for the TED Talk.
3. In today’s world, the mantra for success is considered to be the ability to think out of
the box. At the same time, as in the play, acceptance is difficult for those who are
different. As Derry says, “After I’d come home, one person said, “He’d have been better
off stopping in there. In the hospital. He’d be better off with others like himself.”
How would you reconcile both these ideas, of a demand for difference, on one hand,
and a need to isolate difference on the other hand?

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. ‘It is not merely age but experience that counts.’
With reference to any one example from the text, comment on how Derry found Mr.
Lamb different from other adults he had encountered.
2. Imagine that Mr. Lamb had not fallen off the ladder at the end. Recalling his
conversation with the bees, do you think Derry’s return might have changed him as
much as he had changed Derry? Elaborate

3. Do you think Derry’s mother is protective of him? Justify your opinion with textual
4. Why did Derry go back to Mr. Lamb’s garden even after opposition?

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (4x1=4)

1. When I was studying in the third class, I hadn't yet heard people speak openly of
untouchability. But I had already seen, felt/do experienced and been humiliated by
what it is. I was walking home from school one day, an old bag hanging from my
shoulder. It was actually possible to walk the distance in ten minutes. But usually it
would take me from half an hour to an hour to dawdle along watching all the fun
and games that were going on, all the entertaining novelties and oddities in the
streets, the shops and the bazaar.

(i) The narrator was humiliated because _______________.

(ii) The narrator 'dawdled along’ as she _______________.

(a) enjoyed looking at the various sights

(b) was getting late for school
(c) she didn't like going home
(d) she enjoyed haggling and shopping

(iii) On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to the two
statements given below:

(I) The distance from school to home was very short.

(II) She was feeling upset and so dawdling her way home
(a) (I) can be inferred from the extract but (II) cannot
(b) (II) can be inferred from the extract but (I) cannot
(c) Both (1) and (II) cannot be inferred from the extract
(d) Both (I) and (II) can be inferred from the extract
(iv) The word 'novelties' in the passage most nearly means
(a) colourful trinkets (b) wooden toys
(c) unique and interesting items (d)expensive souvenirs

Answer the following in about 120-150 words: (5 Marks)

1. Bama and Zitkala-Sa, though victims of a system that crushes their aspirations,
are determined to break out. Comment.


LONG ANSWER TYPES (120-150 words)

1. Imagine your school has organised a panel discussion on ‘Oppression and Its Evils.’
You are one of the speakers. As part of your address, you are required to reflect on
the lessons and ideas from the story, ‘Memories of Childhood’.
Draft the address.
You may begin like this:
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure to be given an opportunity to
speak today. I would like to begin by quoting James Baldwin, ‘Not everything that is
faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.’ Tolerating
oppression in any form is…
2. Imagine Zitkala- Sa and Bama meet each other. They both share their experience of
being from marginalised communities. They reflect on instances of oppression they
faced and how those instances proved to be the source of strength to fight against
such oppression.
Write down their discussion in a creative way, with reference to their experiences.

SHORT ANSWER TYPES (40-50 words)

1. Zitkala-Sa mentions the indignities she had to suffer as a child. How do such
indignities break the morale of a child?
2. Bama’s innocence was lost when she came face to face with the ugly truth of racial
discrimination. Do you think children who have a difficult childhood become even
more resolute than children who have a comfortable one?
3. “Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.” Comment on this statement
with reference to the story.
4. Children relish the small pleasures of life just like Bama did when she dawdled
along on her way back from school, enjoying all the novelties. Elaborate.


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