Iso 19227.2018

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INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 19227 Hirst edition 2018-03, Implants for surgery — Cleanliness of orthopedic implants — General requirements Implants chirurgicaux — Propreté des implants orthopédiques — Exigences générales Reference number 180 19227:2018(8) 180 2018 Iso 19227:2018(E) A COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © 1s0.2018 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required inthe context of ts implementation, no part of cis publ ‘be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopying or posting ‘onthe internot or an intranet, without prior yrtten permission, Permission can be requested from elther [SO at the address below oF [50's member body inthe country ofthe requester. 150 copyright ofice CP 40% Ch de Blandonnet & (CH1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone: #4122 74901 11 Fax: 41 22789 09 47 mals Website: wwrictsoore Published in Switzerland i © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Contents Foreword. Introduction, 1 Scope 2 Normative references. 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 4.1 Quality management system 4.2 Risk management. 43. Design of cleaning process 44 Validation 45 Sampling 4.6 Manufacturing of test specimens. 4.7 Testing methods. Is0 19227:2018(E) 5 Cleanliness evaluation: Test methods and cleanliness acceptance criteria after final cleaning 51 General 5.2 Visual inspection. 5.3 Bioburden. 5.4 Bacterial endotoxins. 5.5 Organic contaminants. 55.1 General, 5.5.2 Extraction. 5.5.3 Detection. 5.6 Inorganic contaminants. 5.7 Particulate contamination. 58 Cytotoxicity 6 Continued process verification, 7 Documentation. Annex A (informative) Potential sources of harm in a cleaning process Annex B (informative) Relation between cleaning process design, validation and risk management. 14 Annex C (informative) Relation between cleaning validation, biological evaluation and sterilization validation. Bibliography, © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 16 17 ili Iso 19227:2018(E) Foreword 150 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work, 150 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization, ‘The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see ‘Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. 150 shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of, any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the 150 list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and ‘expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about 1S0's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:, This document was prepared by Technical Committee [80/TC 150, Implants for surgery. wv © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Is0 19227:2018(E) Introduction Cleaning of orthopaedic implants is an essential step for achieving their biocompatibility as well as controlling the microbiological load required for their sterilization process Safe application of orthopaedic implants is related to their constitutive materials but also the contaminants that can be released from or reside on their surface. Cleanliness is a key factor to ensure the biocompatibility of an implant. When applicable, cleaning is an essential step to remove ‘contaminations coming from the previous manufacturing steps. However, cleaning methods should not interact with materials and impair their biocompatibility or impair the performance of the implant. Moreover cleaning agents should be effectively removed unless it has been proven that they do not impair both the biocompatibility and the performance of the implant. As a consequence, the cleaning process validation is interconnected to the biological evaluation of the implant according to [SO 10993-1. Orthopaedic implants can be delivered sterile or non-sterile. In both cases, itis the responsibility of the ‘manufacturer to provide implants cleaned to remove manufacturing contaminants, ‘The objective of the cleaning validation is to verify the effectiveness of the cleaning pracess for reducing physical, chemical and microbial contaminants below a defined level. Evaluation and validation of cleaning methods is a difficult task that requires an exhaustive knowledge of the manufacturing process of the orthopaedic implants in order to identify potential contaminants and potential interactions between the cleaning process, the implant materials and the environment (e.g. the environment and handling of an implant following cleaning and subsequent packaging can influence the cleanliness of the implant). ‘As an alternative to final cleaning, the cleanliness of implants can be controlled by manufacturing in a lean environment and with clean processes. In this case, the cleaning of the implant before packaging ‘might not be required but the cleanliness requirements defined in this document might apply. © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved v INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Implants for surgery — Cleanliness of orthopedic implants — General requirements 1 Scope ‘This document specifies requirements for the cleanliness of orthopaedic implants, hereafter referred to as implants, and test methods for the cleaning process validation and controls, which are based ona risk management process, This document does not specify requi ion which are covered by other International Standards, ments for packaging or sterili ‘This document applies to in-process cleaning and final cleaning. ‘This document does not apply to liquid or gaseous implants. ‘This document does not apply to cleaning proces: of the user. 's performed by the user or under the responsibility 2 Normative references ‘The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 9377-2, Water quality — Determination of hydrocarbon oll index — Part 2: Method using solvent extraction and gas chromatography ISO 10993-1, Biological evatuation of medical devices — Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk ‘management system 1S0 10993-5, Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity 180 117374, Sterilization of medical devices — Microbiological methods — Part 1: Determination of a population of microorganisms on products ASTM D7066-04, Standard Test Method for dimer/trimer of chlorotrifluoroetinylene (5-316) Recoverable Oi and Grease and Nonpolar Material by Infrared Determination 3. Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 1S0 and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — IEC Blectropedia: available at http;//wwwuelectropediaorg/ — 180 Online browsing platform: available at hitps:// © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 1 Iso 19227:2018(E) 3a cleaning removal of contaminants (3.4) from an item to the extent necessary for further processing or for intended use Note 1 to entry: Contaminants (3.4) present on the surface of an implant can be removed by mechanical, physical and/or chemical means. The ability of an implant to be cleaned can depend on many factors, especially: the ‘chemical nature of the surface of the implant, the chemical nature of contaminants, the cfeaning process (3.3), the design of the Implants (for example, assembled surfaces, blind holes, small-diameter and long holes impair cleanability), morphology of the surface ofthe implant and porosities. 3.2 cleaning family set of implants, cleaned with the same or an eq comparably critical with respect to: lent cleaning process (3.3), being less critical or — the cleanliness specification of the worst-case specimens) (3.8), and — the risks to be in a contaminated state when the cleaning process has been completed as that of the worst-case specimen(s) 3.3 cleaning process set of technologies, including the required equipment and the defined sequence of cleaning steps {cleaning programs), the procedures (cleaning procedures, including handling), and the controls (cleaning controls) 34 contaminant biological, chemical or physical substance on the implant that can impair the safety or the performance of the implant 35 final cleaning cleaning (3.1) just before the implant is protected against further contamination before distribution Note 1 to entry: For implants delivered sterile, the final cleaning is the cleaning just before the implant is protected against further contamination and sterilized by the manufacturer. Note 2 to entry: For implants delivered non-sterile, the final cleaning is the cleaning just before the implant is protected against further contamination and delivered to the user, who will be responsible for sterilization, 36 in-process cleaning cleaning (3.1) performed between two manufacturing steps in order to remove the contamination coming from previous manufacturing steps Note 1 to entry: For example, if an implant is manufactured with the following steps: machining, cleaning 1, «dimensional control, polishing, cleaning 2, laser marking, inspection, ima cleaning (3.5), packaging in clean sora Stexiteation, thee" cbeadin 2” wie “emning 2” arp lneprsees) casein Note 2 to entry: In-process cleaning is meant to include cleaning on raw materials or semi ‘entering the manufacturing process. finished products 37 critical in-process cleaning in-process cleaning (3.6) defined to be essential for the final cleanliness of the implant 2 © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Is0 19227:2018(E) 3.8 worst-case specimen, implant of a cleaning family (3.2) or test dummy/dummies, being representative of a cleaning family and having the highest risk to be in a contaminated state when the cleaning process has been completed, taking into account the nature and quantity of each type of contaminant (3.4) before cleaning and the ability of the implants of the family to be cleaned. Note 1to entry: ‘The nature and quantity of each typeof contaminant (3.4) are typically related to production and cleaning processes Note 2 to entry: The ability of the implant to be cleaned is typically related to material(s), eometry and surface texture, Note 3 to entry: Test dummies are manufactured with comparable processing methods} and materials, and using the same installations and parameters for cleaning, packaging and sterilization (ifapplicable) that are used for the implants of the cleaning family. Note 4 to entry: In the context of this document the term “worst-case specimen” always refers to eles should not be confused with worst-case specimen for other purposes (e.g. for sterilization), ng, and ess state of an implant with levels of contaminants (3.4) below specified criteria 3.10 validation documented procedure for obtaining, recording and interpreting the results required to establish that a process will consistently yield product complying with predetermined specifications [SOURCE: ISO/TS 11139:2006, 2.55] 3.41 exhaustive extraction extraction, typically accomplished using multiple steps, that salubilizes the total amount of extractable substances present in a test article, as evidenced when the amount of extractables released in a subsequent extraction step is less than 10 % of the amount of extractables released in the first extraction step 4 General requirements 4.1 Quality management system The activities described within this document shall be carried out within a formal quality ‘management system. NOTE __ One possible and widely used quality management system for medical devices is described in 30 13485. 4.2 Risk management Risk managements an iterative process that shall be conducted during the design and validation of the cleaning process and with ongoing use of the cleaning process. NOTE One possible and widely used risk management system for medical devices is described in ISO 14971. As part of the risk management, the cleaning process shall be evaluated for the measures that are necessary to achieve an intended level of cleanliness (e.g. production in a controlled environment or different methods of cleaning) and their integration in the sequence of manufacturing steps. © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 3 Iso 19227:2018(E) A cleaning process is included in the manufacturing process of an implant if hazards relating to possible contaminants, ¢.. coming from the previous manufacturing steps, have been identified. As a consequence, design and validation ofa cleaning process shall be conducted within a risk management system. Hazards relating to cleaning shall be taken into account during the design of the cleaning process and when establishing design requirements for the critical in-process cleanings and the fimal cleaning (ee 4.3). Annex A identifies some aspects of the cleaning process that can be considered to be sources, of harm, Risk assessment of hazards relating to cleaning shall be performed after designing the cleaning process (Gee 4.3) and shall take into account implant characteristics, manufacturing steps before cleaning, cleaning process characteristics, and the environment implemented after final cleaning, Cleanliness requirements shall be defined (see Clause 5) taking into account the contaminants which are intended to be removed by any in-process or final cleaning as well as additional contaminants introduced by the cleaning process itselt. Atleast the following questions shall be addressed during a risk assessment: a) What are the potential contaminants in contact with the implants during the manufacturing steps preceding each critical in-process cleaning or final cleaning? 1b) Whatare the risks associated to these contaminants? ©) Whatare the potential interactions between the contaminants and the implant material? d) Are there previous critical in-process cleaning or other operations for remaving these potential contaminants from the surface? ©) What are the potential contaminants brought by the cleaning steps? Itis acknowledged that there is no set of questions which covers every implant. This list is not exhaustive and additional questions might need to be addressed during risk assessment. Based on the results of risk assessment at least the following additional questions shall be addressed. Are the test methods selected for the validation of the cleaning process able to assess the level of the potential contaminants to be limited on the implants, taking into account the detection limit, quantitation limit and accuracy of the method? 1g) What are the acceptance criteria for each cleaning family? h) Following validation, what process control requirements are required to maintain cleanliness during manufacturing? 1) What process changes would require revalidation of product cleaning effectiveness? Before assessing the performances of a critical in-process cleaning process or a final cleaning process, possible contaminants shall be identified, appropriate test methods shall be determined and acceptance criteria shall be established as part ofa risk management process. Based on cleanliness acceptance criteria (see Clauise-5) cleaning validation can be performed (see 4.4} Figure B.1 illustrates the relation between cleaning design, validation and risk management, 4.3 Design of cleaning process ‘The design requirements for the critical in-process cleanings and the final cleaning shall be defined, based on implant characteristics, the intended performance of the implant as well as manufacturing, steps before cleaning and an analysis of the hazards being introduced by the cleaning process itself (see ‘Annex A). The cleaning processes shall be designed in order to reach the cleanliness acceptance criteria of the implant after final cleaning addressed in Clause 5. 4 © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Is0 19227:2018(E) ‘The manufacturer, in cooperation with the cleaning subcontractor if applicable, shall define which cleanings are critical in-process cleanings and which is a final cleaning, based on a risk analysis of the manufacturing process and the influence of the in-process cleaning step on the final cleanliness of the implant. The risk assessment shall be used to determine sequence of events that have the highest probability of occurrence and/or severity. Subsequent activities in the design, verification and validation of the product and processes (including inspection steps) should then concentrate on the development of control measures to mitigate these risks. Ifa drying operation is performed at the end of the cleaning, drying shall be considered to be part of the cleaning. The cleaning process shall be designed in such a way to not degrade the biocompatibility and the intended performance of the implant. The cleaning process shall be designed in order to limit contamination of the implant with cleaning agents, rinsing agents or contaminants coming from the cleaning process itself. ‘The cleaning process shall be able to decrease the contaminations coming from the previous manufacturing steps to an adequate predetermined level. For final cleaning of implants, in order to prevent contamination of implants after cleaning, an adequate controlled environment or protection shall be implemented between final cleaning and packaging. NOTE1 — Controlled environment does not necessarily mean the use of a clean room. While clean rooms are usually used for implants delivered sterile, this might not be the case for implants delivered non-sterile, NOTE 2 _ 180 14544 (all parts) contains information which might be useful, if cleanrooms and associated. controlled environments are used. ‘The manufacturer may choose to define cleaning families in order to simplify validation or continued process verification activities of the cleaning process. In this case, criteria for defining the cleaning families shall be justified and documented. When determining if an implant is represented by the worst-case specimen for a cleaning family, the manufacturer shall take into account the cleanliness specifications, the ability of the implant to be cleaned as well as the equivalence of the cleaning process of the worst-case specimen and the cleaning process of the implant. For inclusion of a new implant into a cleaning family, it shall be ensured that itis represented by the worst-case specimen, 44 Validation ‘The critical in-process cleaning processes and the final cleaning process shall be validated in order to establish that the processes consistently yield implants complying with the cleanliness acceptance criteria defined for each critical in-process cleaning and acceptance criteria defined in accordance with (Clause § for final cleaning. NOTE1 Cleaning processes and agents might influence the materials, surface properties, coatings or performance(s) of the implant. NOTE2 Guidance for validation of processes is given in IMDRF SG3-N99-10-2004. The validation of the cleaning processes shall address at least the following, ifapplicable: a) types of contamination to be removed as identified during the risk assessment (See 4.2); b) implant characteristics: 1) implant material 2)_ implant shape and accessibility ofits different surfaces to the cleaning agent; ©) cleaning steps: 1) removing contaminations from the implant with cleaning agents; © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 5 Iso 19227:2018(E) 2). removing cleaning agents with rinsing agents; 3) removing rinsing agents, Validation shall be conducted on each implant or each cleaning family (see 4.3). Validation shall comprise tests at the relevant limits of the process, to demonstrate that even in warst case conditions, the cleanliness requirements (see Clause 5) can be fulfilled and that the process consistently yields product meeting its cleanliness acceptance criteria. NOTE 3 In some cases the relevant limits of the process might be both the lower and upper limits, while in ‘other cases only one of these mits might be relevant. NOTE4 ASTM P3127 provides guidance on cleaning pracess validation methods. When using cleaning families, the worst-case specimen shall be used for conducting validation under the worst-case conditions as determined by the manufacturer or cleaning subcontractor, if applicable. When determining the worst-case conditions, each step (e.g. cleaning, rinsing, drying) of the cleaning process shall be taken into consideration. Based on the risk assessment, the manufacturer shall justify and document why any implant or test dummy is the worst case. A risk assessment shall be performed after changes are made to the processing method, installations and/or parameters used for the manufacturing. The risk assessment shall determine if the cleaning process shall be revalidated and determine the extent of the revalidation, If the cleaning method, the cleanliness specifications or the worst-case specimen of a cleaning family are changed, the cleaning process shall be revalidated. Cleaning validation is interconnected with the biological evaluation and implant sterilization validation. Even if cleaning process validation gives a high level of confidence that risks relating to cleaning are acceptable, the acceptability and validation of the cleaning design is only possible after implant biological evaluation according to ISO 10993-1 and implant sterilization validation. If new hazards are identified during biological evaluation or implant sterilization validation which can be mitigated by the cleaning process, the impact of these new hazards on cleanliness acceptance criteria and cleaning validation shall be assessed. The order of cleaning validation, biological evaluation and implant sterilization validation depends on the strategy of the manufacturer. Cleaning validations are typically performed before or in parallel to biological evaluation and implant sterilization validation. NOTES A possible order for cleaning validation, biological evaluation and implants sterilization validation is given in Figure CL. NOTE 6 Cleanliness, microbiological contamination and biocompatibility of the implant might be influenced by the implant packaging, Figure C.1 illustrates the relation between cleaning validation, biological evaluation and sterilization validation, 4.5 Sampling Asamplingplanwith an appropriate number of samples shall be established as partoftheriskassessment of the cleaning process. When appropriate (for example, when establishing the reproducibility of the process), sampling plans can be based upon statistically valid rationale for number of test specimens, When validating the process in the worst case conditions, each worst-case condition shall be tested. When establishing the reproducibility of the process, at least 3 cleaning batches shall be tested. 4.6 Manufacturing of test specimens In order to establish the conformity to the requirements of this document, tests shall be conducted on specimens manufactured, cleaned and packaged with methods, installations and in an environment representative of or more challenging than the manufacturing, cleaning and packaging process applied to the implant. 6 © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Is0 19227:2018(E) For the validation of critical in-process cleanings, packaging of specimens can be required between cleaning and testing of specimens, even if packaging is not performed during the normal manufacturing, at this stage. In this case, care shall be taken to ensure that the packaging does not influence the cleanliness of the specimens, If a test (for example, cytotoxicity) requires that specimens be sterilized, the sterilization method shall be that applied for terminal sterilization (for Implants delivered sterile) or recommended for sterilization by the user (for implants delivered non-sterile). ‘The processing method, installations and parameters used for the manufacturing, cleaning, packaging and sterilization (if applicable) of the test specimens shall be documented 4.7. Testing methods All the test methods used to demonstrate the conformity to the requirements of this document shall be validated and documented. NOTE 1 — Requirements for the competence of testing laboratories can be found in ISO/IEC 17025. ‘The following elements shall be documented, if applicable: a) justification of the test method(s) used according to the types of contaminant that can be present on the implant; b) extraction efficiency; detection limit, quantitation limit and accuracy of the method; 4) extraction blanks and reference materials; ©) adequacy to demonstrate the conformity to the predetermined acceptance criteria. NOTE 2 Methods for the validation of analytical procedures can be found in ICH Q2(R1). 5. Cleanliness evaluation: Test methods and cleanliness acceptance criteria after final cleaning 5.1 General Subclauses 5.2 through 5.8 define tests to be considered when assessing the performance of each critical in-process cleaning and/or final cleaning. If adequately justified, some of the tests listed in 5.2 through 5.8 may be excluded based on the cleanliness requirements of the implant, the characteristics of the production and/or the cleaning process, the data gathered from previous cleaning pracesses and the data available from history. Based on the type of contamination that can be present on the implant, other tests may be conducted ‘The preliminary cleanliness requirements shall be established by documenting the acceptance criteria for each test. Final cleanliness requirements shall be established after the results of the biological evaluation according to [SO 1093-1 and the results of the implant sterilization validation are available (Gee also 4.2 and 4.4). NOTE 1 For the relation between production and/or cleaning design, validation and risk management, see Annex B. NOTE 2 For the relation betwi Annex. zation validation, see n cleaning validation, biological evaluation and steril © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 7 Iso 19227:2018(E) 5.2. Visual inspection Acceptance criteria for visual inspection for visible contaminants remaining after cleaning shall be established by the manufacturer of the implant. After cleaning, the implant being inspected shall comply with the manufacturer's acceptance criteria, NOTE EN 13018is one method that can be used for acceptance criteria for visual inspection. 5.3 jioburden If the purpose of the cleaning process is to ensure that the bioburden is less than or equal to a predetermined level, the bioburden on the implant shall be determined as specified in ISO 11737-1 ‘Specimens shall not be sterilized. ‘The predetermined level shall be sufficiently low such that the sterilization method specified is adequate to achieve the desired sterility assurance level. ‘The results shall be less than or equal to the predetermined level. 5.4 Bacterial endotoxins If the purpose of the cleaning process is to reduce the bacterial endotoxin contamination, then a validated test shall be conducted to measure the level of bacterial endotoxins. If an endotoxin limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test is used, it shall be conducted according to an established method described in a recognized Pharmacopoeia after extraction from the implant with a validated method. The level of bacterial endotoxin per implant shall be not more than 20,0 Endotoxin Units. NOTE 1 — Orthopaedic implants are not usually in contact with cerebrospinal fluid. In case of contact with cerebrospinal fluid, other limits can apply, NOTE2 AMI ST72 gives helpful assistance for selection of test methods and acceptable levels of endotoxin ‘contamination. Italso gives helpful information on the effect of sterilization on endotoxin contamination, NOTE 3 European Pharmacopoeia, Section 2.6.14 and USP, Section <8S> present appropriate methods for LAL. testing, 5.5 Organic contaminants 5.5.1 General For chemical analysis of organic contaminants a number of methods can be considered as common practice, Each method possesses advantages and disadvantages and might not detect all organic contaminants possible in the production of orthopaedic implants and/or introduced by the cleaning process. Selection of the method) to be applied shall be based on, at least: 4) type of contamination that can be present on the implants (see 4.2 and 5.1); b) type of implant material(s); ©) sensitivity of the analytical method. ‘The total organic carbon (TOC) method or another suitable method shall be used for detection of water- soluble organic contaminants. ‘The total hydrocarbons (THC) method or another suitable method shall be used for detection of hydrocarbons soluble in nonpolar solvents, unless there is no risk of contamination with hydrocarbons 8 © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Is0 19227:2018(E) Requirements for extraction and detection for the TOC and THC methods are describedin 5.5.2 and 5.5.3. NOTE 1 — Some implant intrinsic materials might release organic contaminants in the extraction solvent and It 'ightbe necessary to implement adequate procedures to differentiate between intrinsic materials of the implant and contaminants. ‘The tests may be conducted on either sterilized or non-sterilized specimens. NOTE2 Sterilization can have an influence on type and amount of organic contaminants resulting out of production and/or cleaning, Biological evaluation data from devices with known organic contamination, manufactured with similar materials, manufacturing and cleaning processes may be used to establish preliminary or, if appropriate, final acceptance levels for organic contaminants. NOTE3 TOC and THC methods are able to detect a large spectrum of organic contaminants without the possibility of identification of specific contaminants. For the TOC method, water is used for extraction, which results in reduced exhaustiveness with respect to non-polar contaminants, Both methods are useful to demonstrate, during the cleaning validation, that the process is under control, They do not intend to demonstrate that specific organic contaminants are non-toxic or are non-critical with respect to biological effects. If a ‘company has no historical data on TOC or THC tests that can be related to a corresponding biological evaluation, tthe limits set forth in NF $94-091 (0,500 mg per implant for TOC and 0,500 mg per implant for THC) can serve as a starting point for acceptance levels, Specific organic contaminants can already be critical in concentrations significantly below the limits given by NF $94-091, Both, type and amount ofthe single organic contaminants are relevant. NOTE4 One common approach is to first quantify the contamination. Subsequent identification of the ‘contaminants can be helpful to understand the type of contamination (eg. In case of untypleally high contamination). However, the identification before quantification of contamination ean be helpful to define allowable limits of contamination, 5.5.2 Extraction Organic contamination shall be determined after exhaustive extraction from the implant using an appropriate solvent. For water-soluble organic contaminants, water of sufficient purity not to interfere with the test method shall be used asa solvent, For hydrocarbon contaminants, non-polar solvents are preferable for extraction and should be used. The solvent used for THC tests shall be chosen in order not to decompose the tested material and in order to avoid leaching from the material, If compatible with the material, hexane or halogenated solvents may be used. For example, for UHMWPE and PEEK implants propyl alcohol may also be used despite being a low-polar solvent, Care shall be taken that the equipment to be used for extraction does not interfere with the solvent. ‘The extraction conditions shall be justified. NOTE1 — Extraction methods can be found in ISO 1093-12, ASTM F2459 or ASTM G136. ‘The exhaustiveness of extraction shall be demonstrated NOTE2 When the quantity extracted is below the quantification limit after the first extraction, it can be considered that exhaustiveness of extraction has been demonstrated ‘The exhaustiveness of extraction conditions shall be verified on the worst-case specimen prior to finalizing testing on the cleaning family. 5.5.3. Detection Detection including quantitation and/or identification of organic contamination as selected according to S.L and 5.5.1, shall be performed by validated methods. © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 9 Iso 19227:2018(E) ‘The TOC, if investigated, shall be determined in the extracts and shall be quantified using such methods as described in EN 1484, European pharmacopeia 2.2.44, or USP <643>. ‘The THG, if investigated, shall be determined in the extracts and shall be quantified using methods such as gas chromatography as described in [SO 9377-2, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT IR) as described in ASTM 7066-04, or another validated test method 5.6 Inorganic contaminants ‘The inorganic contaminants likely to be present on the implant shall be identified during the risk assessment as required in 4.2. ‘The inorganic contaminants identified to be critical in the risk assessment shall be determined after exhaustive extraction from the implant using water, water supplemented with acid, or another adequate solvent, if justified, Care shall be taken that the equipment to be used for extraction does not interfere with the solvent. ‘The extraction conditions shall be Justified. NOTE 1 Extraction methods can be found in ISO 10993-12, ASTM F2459 or ASTM G136. ‘The exhaustiveness of extraction shall be demonstrated. NOTE 2 When the quantity extracted is below the quantification limit after the first extraction considered that exhaustiveness of extraction has been demonstrated, can be ‘The exhaustiveness of extraction conditions shall be verified on the worst-case specimen prior to finalizing testing on the cleaning family. NOTE 3 Some implant intrinsic materials might release inorganic contaminants in the extraction medium and it might be necessary to implement adequate procedures to differentiate between intrinsic materials of the implant and contaminants. After extraction, a suitable method shall be used in order to assess inorganic contaminants. Examples of suitable methods are: 4) inductively coupled plasma in combination with atomic or optical emission spectrometry; b) inductively coupled plasma in combination with mass spectrometry; ionic chromatography; 4) ionic chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry. NOTE 4 If water is used for extraction, the conductivity of the extract ean be used to indicate soluble ionic species contamination before using more specific test methods ‘The inorganic contaminant acceptance levels shall be determined using the data on the biological effects of each inorganic contaminant. NOTES A possible method for determining allowable limits for inorganic contaminants is provided in ISO 1093-17, Acceptance criteria for elemental impurities can also be found in ICH Q3D. 5.7. Particulate contamination If the purpose is to demonstrate cleanliness regarding particulate contaminants, then corresponding investigations shall be conducted. 10 © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Is0 19227:2018(E) Selection of type and sensitivity of the test shall be performed based on the results of the risk management process. If extraction is conducted, care shall be taken to avoid particles produced as a result of mechanical forces applied during the extraction pracess. NOTE AMI TIR4? deals with the evaluation of particulates associated with vascular implants. However, AAMITIR42:2010, Clause 8 and Annex A give helpful assistance for selection of acceptable levels and test methods ‘of particulate contamination that could be applied to other types of implants, 5.8 Cytotoxicity ‘The cytotoxicity of the orthopaedic implant shall be determined using a method described in 10 10993-5. The specimens shall he sterilized. Any orthopaedic implant demonstrating a cytotoxic effect as defined in ISO 10993-5 shall be investigated to determine the cause of the cytotoxic effect. If this effect is related to contamination not removed by the cleaning process or to the cleaning process itself, control measures to mitigate this risk shall be implemented, NOTE Cytotoxicity is usually part of the biological evaluation of the implant as per 1S0 10993-1. It is a useful in vitro test, sensitive to many types of contaminants, which can be used to assess the effectiveness of the cleaning process. However, even ifa cytotoxiceffect is observed, this might not be related to the cleaning process and other root causes might have to be investigated 6 Continued process verification ‘To ensure the fulfilment of defined cleanliness requirements, a routine monitoring of the critical process parameters and/or process environment, according to documented procedures, shall be implemented. Routine control testing of the cleaning processes shall be established as part of the quality management system to document the type and time interval for each periodic test. ‘The frequency for performing each test shall be determined taking into account the reproducibility of the process, the risks related to any contaminants as well as the frequency and volume of manufacture. 7 Documentation All documents and records required to demonstrate conformity to this document shall be established and maintained in a manner consistent with the requirements of the manufacturer's quality management system, © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved un Iso 19227:2018(E) Annex A (informative) Potential sources of harm ina cleaning process During the design of a cleaning process, at least the hazards relating to the following characteristics should be considered: — shape of implants and accessibility ofits different surfaces; — constitutive material(s) of the implant; — contamination of the implant before cleaning; — physico-chemical characteristics of the implant; — cleaning technology: — cleaning equipment, fixtures, baskets and control systems; — maintenance methods and frequency; = cleaning agent used; — concentration of the cleaning agent; — purity and potential toxicity of the liquid agents, especially for the last cleaning or rinsing steps; — action of the cleaning agent on bacteria and fungi; — action of the cleaning agent on physicochemical contamination — cleaning temperature; — mechanical effects during cleaning (ultrasound, agitation, and spraying); — position of implants during cleaning, rinsing and drying: — load of the cleaning unit; — cleaning time; — renewing of the cleaning agent; — succession of the cleaning and rinsing steps; — rinsing agent used; — rinsing temperature; — mechanical effects during rinsing: — renewing of the rinsing agent; — rinsing time, flow and volume; — drying method; — drying temperature; 12 © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved Is0 19227:2018(E) — drying time; — aeration, HEPA filtration, air locks, cascading air pressurization, © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 13 IsO 19227:2018(E) Annex B (informative) Relation between cleaning process design, validation and risk management 4 © 150.2018 All rights reserved performed within 2 risk management pre Activ Implant characteristics and intended use, ‘manufacturing steps before cleaning, analysis ofthe process hazards (see Annex A) + Definition of cleanliness ‘requirements of the implant after final cleaning based oon potential contaminants Identified (see 4.2 and Clause 5) 1g process Risk asvessment of hazards relating to defined in-process leaning and final cleaning, ‘processes (see 42) i Te Definition of the cleanliness acceptance criteria for each critical in-process cleaning ‘and final cleaning, (see 42 and Clause 5) 1 Cleaning process validation Gee 44) i Yes Cleaning continued process verification (see Clause 6) X Continued ‘Process verification result? complying with cleanliness equirements? Yes Is0 19227:2018(E) Figure B.1 — Design and validation of the cleaning process as part of the risk management © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved 15 Iso 19227:2018(E) ‘Annex C (informative) Relation between cleaning validation, biological evaluation and sterilization validation In Figure C1, it is proposed to perform the cleaning validation before biological evaluation and sterilization validation. Cleaning validation, biological evaluation and sterilization validation can also be performed in a different order but ifthe cleaning validation demonstrates that the cleaning process, has to be modified, biological evaluation and sterilization v: implementation of the changes. ‘Design of cleaning process jon are evaluated for any impact after i Implant ™ (see 4.3) | : dain Fdeanliness teria for each afer final cleaning based on ‘contaminants identified critical in-process leaning (s0e 42 and Clause 5) and final cleaning (see42 and Clause 5) ‘leaning process validation (see 48) ‘Microbiological I contamination and Biological evaluation biological evaluation | according to ISO 1093-1 ‘ofthe implant might | and validation of implant be influenced by the sterllization* implant packaging. “ire the biological risks acceptable? Cleaning design validated ‘dentifled hazard(s) related to an implant ‘can the hazard(s) De mitigated by a leaning process? No Is (are) the No. ‘contamination? Figure C.1 — Relation between cleaning validation, biological evaluation and sterilization validation 16 © 180 2010 ~All rights reserved i) (2) (3) “1 15) (6) 7 (81 (1 {10} [11] (12) [13] (4) (15) [16] 7] [18] 19] [20] [21] Iso 19227:2018(E) Bibliography 1S0 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection 1S0 3951-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by variables — Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL, for lot-by-lat inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL 10 3951-2, Sampling procedures for inspection by variables — Part 2: General specification Jor single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQU) for lot-by-lot inspection of independent quality characteristics 1S0 10993-12, Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 12: Sample preparation and reference materials 180 1093-17, Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 17: Establishment of allowable lites Jor leachable substances 180 13485, Medical devices — Quality management systems — Requirements for regulatory purposes 180 14644 (all parts), Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments 180 14971, Medical devices — Application of risk management to medical devices ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories AAMIST72, Bacterial endotoxin — Test methods, routine monitoring and alternatives to batch testing AAMITIR42:2010, Evaluation of particulates associated with vascular medical devices ASTM F2459, Standard Test Method for Extracting Residue from Metallic Medical Components and Quantifying via Gravimetric Analysis ASTM F3127, Standard guide for validating cleaning processes used during the manufacture of medical devices EN 1484, Water analysis — Guidelines for the determination of total organic carbon (TOG) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) EN 13018, Non-destructive testing — Visual testing — General principles NF $94-091, Implants for surgery — Validation requirements for cleaning process of orthopaedic implants before final packaging ICH Q2(R1). International Conference on harmonization of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for humans, ICH Harmonized tripartite guidelines, Validation of analytical procedures: Text and methodology, November 2005, ICH Q3D, Guideline far elemental impurities IMDRF $G3/N99-10: 2004, Quality Management Systems — Process Validation Guidance European pharmacopeia 2.2.44, Total organic carbon in water for pharmaceutical use European Pharmacopoeia 2.6.14, Bacterial endotoxins © 180 2018 ~All rights reserved a7 Iso 19227:2018(E) Ics 11.040.40 Price based on 17 pages (© 180 2018 ~All rights reserved

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