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Analysis of Potassium Bromate in Bread and Flour Samples Sold in Jalingo

Metropolis, Northern Nigeria

Preprint · February 2020

DOI: 10.9790/2402-1402010105


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2 authors:

Asabe Mercy Magomya Garbunga Gary Yebpella

Federal University Wukari Federal University Wukari


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IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT)
e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 14, Issue 2 Ser. I (February. 2020), PP 01-05

Analysis of Potassium Bromate in Bread and Flour Samples Sold

in Jalingo Metropolis, Northern Nigeria
*Magomya, A.M, Yebpella, G.G, Okpaegbe, U.C, Nwunuji, P.C
Department of chemical sciences, Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria

Twenty different bread brands and four wheat flour brands were randomly obtained from bakeries and retail
outlets in Jalingo metropolis, North-eastern Nigeria. The samples were analysed for potassium bromate using
standard methods. The results obtained revealed the presence of potassium bromate in all the bread and flour
samples analysed. The concentration of bromate in the bread samples ranged from 2.51 – 11.52 µg/g while
for the flour samples, the concentration ranged from 2.94 – 6.86 µg/g. This study shows that bakers in
Jalingo, Nigeria still make use of potassium bromate as bread improver despite its ban in 1993 by the Nigerian
National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). Many studies have established that
potassium bromate can cause detrimental health effects in humans. This implies that Consumers of the
investigated bread brands sold in Jalingo face potential health risks associated with ingestion of bromate.
Keywords: Bread, Potassium Bromate, Jalingo, Flour
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Date of Submission: 17-01-2020 Date of Acceptance: 05-02-2020
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I. Introduction
Potassium bromate, (KBrO3) is an oxidizing agent commonly used by bakers to enhance bread quality.
It causes flour maturation and strengthens the gluten network thereby improving gas retention and product
volume. KBrO3 acts as a maturing agent and dough conditioner by oxidizing the sulfhydryl groups of the gluten
protein in flour into disulphide bridges making it less extensible and more elastic; this makes the dough
viscoelastic such that it can retain the carbon dioxide gas produced by the yeast [1]. The overall effect of
potassium bromate is improvement in bread texture and increase in loaf volume.
In 1986, the international agency for research on cancer classified potassium bromate KBrO 3 as a
category 2B carcinogen (possibly carcinogenic to humans) based on sufficient evidence that KBrO3 induces
cancer in experimental animals [2]. This finding led to the ban of bromate in flour and bakery products by many
countries of the world. The countries that banned the use of potassium bromate include; Argentina,
Brazil, Canada, South Korea, UK, Australia, Peru and Uganda [3]. The substance was also banned in Sri Lanka
in 2001, Nigeria in 2004 [4], China in 2005 and India in 2016. Countries like the U.S.A did not place a total ban
on the use of KBrO3 but rather set maximum limits for its use as food additive. The maximum concentration of
potassium bromate allowed in bread by the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) is 0.02 μg/g(0.02 mg/kg) [4].
The Joint Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)/World Health Organization Expert Committee on
Food Additives (JECFA) had in 1982 recommended a maximum level of 75 ppm (75 μg/g) for treating flour,
provided that baked products prepared from such treated flour contain negligible residues of KBrO 3 [5]. The
understanding that allowed the use of KBrO3 was that bromate gets converted into bromide during the baking
process. However, in 1989 the committee changed its position and recommended that “as a general principle,
bromate should not be present in food as consumed”. As residues of bromate were still detected, the committee
further reduced the use limit to 60 ppm. Later in 1992, JECFA concluded that “use of potassium bromate as a
flour treatment agent was not appropriate”.
Several studies have shown that potassium bromate has many dangerous effects; it exerts nephrotoxic
and ototoxic effects in experimental animals as well as in man. It is a carcinogen that has been shown to induce
renal cell tumors, mesotheliomas and thyroid follicular cell tumors in rats [6]. Studies have also shown that
KBrO3 can induce multiple organ toxicity in humans and experimental animals [7, 8, 9]. KBrO3 is extremely
irritating and injurious to tissues especially those of the central nervous system (CNS) and kidneys [10].
Mutagenic effects of KBrO3 have been also reported in experimental animals [11]. Nutritional studies have
shown that KBrO3 affects the nutritional quality of bread as it degrades vitamins A2, B1, B2, E and niacin
which are the main vitamins available in bread [12].
In Nigeria, the use of potassium bromate in bread and related products was banned in 1993[13]. 27
years after this ban, a search of related literatures shows that compliance is very low in many cities in the
country [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]. It is against this background that this study is undertaken to investigate the
presence of potassium bromate in bread and flour samples sold in Jalingo metropolis, North eastern Nigeria.

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Analysis of Potassium Bromate in Bread and Flour Samples Sold in Jalingo Metropolis, Northern ..

This would help to assess the level of compliance to the bread bromate ban in Nigeria and create awareness to
consumers and regulatory authorities.

II. Methodology
2.1 Study Area
Jalingo is the capital city of Taraba State in North-eastern Nigeria. It lies between latitude 08° 43´N
and 09° 07´N of the Equator and longitude 10° 50´E and 11° 25´E of the Greenwich meridian, covering an
approximate land mass of 59,400 square kilometres. The study area is bounded by three local governments, Lau
to the North, Yorro to the East and Ardo-Kola to the south. Jalingo LGA has Tropical Continental type of
climate characterised by well-marked wet and dry season. The population of Jalingo as released by the National
Population Commission (NPC) in 2006 was 140, 318 people with a projected growth rate of 3.2% annually [21].
Jalingo is a state capital hence the production and consumption of bread is high in the town.

2.2 Sample Collection and Preparation

Twenty different bread brands were purchased randomly from bakeries and retail outlets in Jalingo
main town. The samples were selected based on their availability and popularity among consumers. For the
flour samples, the four brands of wheat flour available in the market as at the time of this study were used. The
twenty bread samples were labelled A – T while the flour samples were labelled as FA, FB, FC and FD. All the
samples were dried in the oven at to a constant weight, cooled, ground and stored in air tight containers.

2.3 Qualitative Analysis of potassium bromate

A 1.0 g quantity of sample was weighed out and transferred into a test tube. 10ml of distilled water was
added and the mixture was shaken and allowed to stand for 20 minutes .A 5ml volume was decanted from the
test tube then 5ml quantity of freshly prepared 1% potassium Iodide solution in 0.1N hydrochloric acid was
added. Any color change was noted. The presence of potassium bromate was indicated by a change in color
from light yellow to purple.

2.4 Quantitative Analysis of potassium Bromate

For quantitative determination of bromate, the absorbance of the samples prepared in 2.3 was taken at
620nm using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (model 2550, shimadzu japan) and converted to concentration via a
standard calibration graph of Potassium bromate absorbance against concentration [22]. The standard calibration
curve was prepared by dissolving 0.25g of Potassium bromate (KBrO3)in 250 ml of distilled water. Different
concentrations (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 ppm) were then prepared from the stock solution by serial dilution. A
5ml quantity of freshly prepared 1% of potassium Iodide solution in 0.1N HCl was added to 5ml of each pure
sample and the absorbance was taken at 620 nm in accordance with the experimental conditions. The
absorbance was plotted against the concentration values. The working graph thus obtained was used to estimate
the concentration of bromate in the bread and flour samples.

III. Results and Discussions

The levels of potassium bromate in bread samples analyzed are presented in (Table 1). Values
presented are a mean of three replicate determinations. The sample with the least concentration of potassium
bromate is sample C (2.51μg/g) while the highest concentration was found in sample A (11.52μg/g). These
levels indicate that bakers in Jalingo metropolis do not comply with the „bromate in bread ban‟ stipulated by the
National agency for drug admistration and control (NAFDAC) in Nigeria. The maximum amount of potassium
bromate allowed in bread by the FDA is 0.02 μg/g [3]. Again, all the bread samples analysed contained Bromate
in concentrations that far exceeded the FDA permissible limit. Sample C with the lowest bromate concentration
(2.51 μg/g) is about 125 times higher than the FDA standard while sample A which had the highest
concentration (11.52 μg/g ) is over 576 times higher than the FDA safe limit. Such high concentration of
bromate in bread is a cause for concern as it implies high risk to the consumers of the bread brands. Some of the
deleterious effects that may result from consumption of high levels of bromate are abdominal pain, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting, kidney failure, oligonuria, anuria, deafness, vertigo, hypotension, depression of the central
nervous system, and cancer [23, 24]. In addition the nutritional quality of the bread would be affected as
potassium bromate is known to degrade essential fatty acids and vitamins such as A2, B1, B2, E and niacin [2,
23]. Although the lethal dose of KBrO3 in man has not been accurately established, it is estimated at about 5 to
500 mg/kg body weight [11].

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Analysis of Potassium Bromate in Bread and Flour Samples Sold in Jalingo Metropolis, Northern ..

Table 1: Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Potassium Bromate in Selected Bread Samples
Sold In Jalingo, Nigeria
Sample Code Color Reaction With Potassium Iodide Concentration Of Potassium Bromate
(Qualitative Test) (µg/g)

A Dark purple 11.52 ± 0.10

B Light purple 2.86 ± 0.42
C Light purple 2.51 ± 0.25
D Light purple 3.94 ± 0.12
E Dark purple 7.14 ± 0.09
F Dark purple 6.28 ± 0.74
G Dark purple 7.64 ± 0.55
H Dark purple 6.97 ± 0.64
I Dark purple 5.01 ± 0.80
J Purple 4.84 ± 0.02
K Purple 4.59 ± 0.22
L Purple 5.69 ± 0.72
M Purple 4.68 ± 0.06
N Purple 4.50 ± 0.15
O Purple 4.24 ± 0.35
P Purple 4.37 ± 0.60
Q Light purple 3.14 ± 0.17
R Purple 3.41 ± 0.34
S Light purple 3.06 ± 0.42
T Dark purple 10.29 ± 1.02
Values are presented as mean ± Standard deviation (S.D) for three (3) replicate determinations

Figure 1 presents a comparison of the mean Bromate level in this study with the levels that been
reported for other cities in Nigeria. The range of values obtained in this study (2.51 – 11.52 µg/g) is comparable
to the values (3.6 -9.2 µg/g) reported by Alli et al., [1] and 1.24 – 9.31 µg/g reported by Airaodion et al., [14]
in studies carried out in Gwagwalada Abuja and Ibadan respectively. A study by Emeje et al [15] which
analysed bromate levels in bread brands sold in Abuja reported a concentration range of 1.01 – 11.33µg/g.
Silimilarly, Magomya et al., [16] reported bromate concentration range of 2.46 – 13.60 µg/g in a study of bread
samples sold in Zaria Nigeria. These values are also in close agreement with the values we report in this study.
Oyekunle et al., [17] reported higher values than the present study; bromate concentration range of 6.33 –
41.336 µg/g was obtained in their stuidy of bread brands sold in ile ife metropolis of south-western Nigeria.
Obunwo et al., [18], Kelle et al., [19] and Ojo et al [20] reported 0.12 – 7.28 µg/g, 1.4 – 5.1 µg/g and 0.5 -8.4
µg/g, as the concentration ranges of bromate in bread brands sold in port-harcourt, Asaba and Karu, Nigeria
respectively. These values are lower than the values we report in this study. Overall our comparative evaluation
(Fig. 1) shows that the bromate levels of bread brands sold in jalingo is similar to the values that have been
reported for other cities in Nigeria with the exception of the study carried out in Ibadan which revealed much
higher values.
Bromate analysis was carried out on four wheat flour samples from the bakeries in the study area
(Jalingo) are likely to have baked their bread brands from. The analysis was done in order to ascertain if the
source of the bromate in the bread samples is from the flour producers and not the bakers. The result of the
analysis (Table 2) revealed a concentration range of (2.94 – 6.86 µg/g). These values are comparable to the
levels obtained for the investigated bread samples with the exception bread samples A and T which had higher
bromate levels. While these findings suggest that the producers of the investigated flour brands may have added
bromate to their products, it would be wrong to draw such conclusions because bromates can also be introduced
into flour from other sources. Bromates are known to be formed when bromine dissolves in water and many
foods have a natural content of bromine in the range of 1 -10 mg/kg or more. Flour has natural bromine content
of 2.4-7.7 mg/kg [25]. This suggests that the level of bromate (2.94 – 6.86 mg/kg) recorded for the investigated
flour samples in this study may not necessarily be an indication that the flour producers also add bromate to
their products.

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Analysis of Potassium Bromate in Bread and Flour Samples Sold in Jalingo Metropolis, Northern ..

Figure 1: Comparison of mean bromate level in the present study with mean levels that have been reported for
other study areas in Nigeria

It has been shown that when potassium bromate is present in flour at levels of 50 mg/kg or less, no
residual potassium bromate would be detected in bread prepared from the flour. This is because Potassium
bromate is quantitatively converted to a relatively harmless bromide in bread after 20-25 minutes baking.
However, if too much of the additive is used, or the bread is not baked long enough or at a high enough
temperature, then a residual amount will remain. On this basis, regulatory agencies in some countries are not
strict on the prohibition of bromate as an additive in flour however most countries are definite on the need to
have no bromate or minimal quantities in bread.

Table 2: Concentration of Potassium Bromate in Wheat Flour Samples Sold In Jalingo, Nigeria
Sample Code Color Reaction With Potassium Iodide concentration of potassium bromate
(Qualitative Test) (µg/g)
FA Light purple 2.94 ± 0.14
FB purple 4.03 ± 0.09
FC Light purple 2.94 ± 0.44
FD Dark purple 6.86 ± 1.04
Values are presented as mean ± Standard deviation (S.D) for three (3) replicate determinations

IV. Conclusion
It is clear that potassium bromate is still widely used as bread improver by bakers in Nigeria. This
study revealed the presence of bromate in all the bread and flour samples analysed. The main reason for the
preference of KBrO3 over other alternatives is likely because it is a cheap and very efficient oxidizing agent
which produces high quality of bread. There is need for regulatory bodies in Nigeria to carry out regular
monitoring and enforcement of the bromate in bread ban. Apart from enforcing the ban, it is important to also
sensitize bakers on safer alternatives. There are several other improvers and flour treatment agents which are
considered as safer alternatives health wise. For example, ascorbic acid is considered as a healthy alternative by
experts. Glucose oxidase is also another safer alternative known to perform similar functions as potassium
bromate. There are several other improvers and flour treatment additives approved by law in many countries;
they include ammonium persulphate, ammonium chloride and amylases. Bakers should be encouraged to use
these alternatives in order to safe guard human health.

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Magomya,et.al. "Analysis of Potassium Bromate in Bread and Flour Samples Sold in Jalingo
Metropolis, Northern Nigeria." IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food
Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), 13(2), (2020): pp 01-05.

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