2065051138microsoft Word - Paper 5
2065051138microsoft Word - Paper 5
2065051138microsoft Word - Paper 5
Chhattisgarh, the herbal state has 59772 sq. km. area of forest, comprising rich and unique biological diversity of total
geographical area of large variety of plants which account about 44% of total geographical area of the state. The
Jashpur area of Chhattisgarh has abundant forest area. In Jashpur the tribal’s are 65.37% of the total population.
Oraon is one of the major populations amongst all the tribal’s found in Jashpur. The total forest area of Jashpur is
2752.28 sq. km. which constitutes 51.54% of the total area of the district. The Oraon tribe has rich knowledge of
medicinal plants for their inherited and old tradition and systems of treatment of diseases and ailments. The tribal’s
always survive on locally available medicinal plants to treat their diseases and ailments. In the present study an
ethno-botanical survey was carried out amongst the Oraon tribe in Jashpur area. The drug preparation and its
procedure of administration were also documented. Some ethno botanically important plants of this area are:-
Palas/Farasa (Butea monosperma), Bariyari (Sida acuta), Chakoda (Cassia tora), Aloe (Aloe vera), Giloy (Tinospora
cordifolia), Vajradanti (Tephrosia purpurea). These plants were frequently used by Oraon for the treatment of
boils and backache .
Ethnobotany deals with the direct (Burmol and Naidu, 2007). The indigenous groups
relationship of plants with man. In the last few possess their own distinct culture, religious rites,
decades, ethnobotany has become an important food habit and rich knowledge of traditional
thrust area of research for documentation and medicine (Harsha et al, 2001, 2003).
preservation of historical traditional knowledge at
tribal level. Tribal communities live in remote and Today in urban areas human beings are
inaccessible parts of the country. Tribes are removed from the benefits of plants, whereas in
distinct ethnic groups usually confined to definite tribal areas people still live with much dependence
geographical area with a common dialect, are on plants. Jashpur is one such area in
culturally homogenous and adopt a unifying social Chhattisgarh, where tribal people live with nature
organization. Forests and plants play an important in total harmony. They know the importance of
and vital role in their life style. plants and forests for their survival, hence
practicing sustainable use of plant resource.
Ethnic groups of various regions of the
world are the real custodians of nature’s wealth One important current concern of ethno
and experts in herbal medicine. The traditional botanical research is the potential use of the plants
indigenous knowledge transferred orally for as medicine, a knowledge that is often exclusive
centuries is fast disappearing because of the to the specific communities and linked to the ocal
technological development and changing culture flora. Ethno botanical studies are now in progress
of ethnic groups (Ganesan, et al, 2004). In spite of worldwide. Many projects are aimed at the
all these disturbances the indigenous phytocure documentation of traditional knowledge about
methods are restored among the tribes, as it is part plants. In the present study ethno botany in
of their culture. Moreover the people in ethnic relation to health security were investigated in the
tribes are averse to change the mode of their life villages of Jashpur.
and traditions, but this traditional knowledge is
slowly diminishing, so it is to be procured and
preserved in various form for future generation Survey
1Corresponding author
Personal visits:- Personal visit made in the villages Backache: There were 3 plants found to be used
of Jashpur of Chhattisgarh state. against backache, they were following-
Personal interviews:- Personal interviews conducted
Aloe (Aloe vera): For adults- Take 1 teaspoon paste
with the knowledgeable persons viz.
of aloe with jaggry in empty stomach twice a day, for
Village men, baidyas, gunias, folk healers,
15 days, or till recovery.
traditional health practitioners.
Documentation of local health tradition made for For children- Take ½ teaspoon paste of aloe with
different ailments . jaggry in empty stomach twice a day, for 15 days, or
Identification and use of medicinal plants were till recovery.
documented. Vajradanti (Tephrosia purpurea): Take 3 pices of
stem of bajradanti (each of 3-3 inches ) and make
Boils: There were 5 plants found to be used against paste for 1 dose. For adults- Take ½ part of paste
boils, they were following- and dissolve in 1 cup of water and take in empty
stomach twice a day, for 5-7 days or till recovery.
Chakoda (Cassia tora): Take leaves of chakoda and
make paste then apply over boils. For children- Take ¼ part of paste and dissolve in
1cup of water and take in empty stomach twice a
Bariyari (Sida acuta): Take leaves of Bariyari and day, for 5-7 days or till recovery.
make paste then apply over boils till it burst. Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia): Take small pieces of
stem of giloy and make paste. Take cotton cloth wet
Palas/Farasa (Butea monosperma): Grind seeds of in juice of giloy and dry it. Then wrap over the back
palas and cook with oil of karanj ( Pongamia portion till morning to evening.
pinnata) then apply over boils.
Burmol K. S. and Naidu T.S. ; 2007. National
seminar on Tribal medicinal system and its
contemporary relevance -Alluri Seetharama
Raju centre for tribal studies and Research.
Ganesan S., Suresh N. and Kesavan L. ; 2004.
Ethnomedicinal survey of lower palani of
Tamilnadu. 1. J. Trade. Knowledge, 3(3):
Harsha V.H., Hebbar S.S., Hedge G.R. and Sripathi
V. ; 2001. Plants in traditional medicince
used by kunabi communities of Uttarakhand
District of Karnataka. Abst. Nat. Con. On
Sus. Uti. of Bio. Res., 36.
Harsha V.H., Hebbar S.S., Sripathi V. and Hedge
G.R.; 2003. Ethnomedicobotany of
Uttarakhand, Plants in treatment of skin disease, J.
Ethnopharmacol., 84: 37-40.