Seminar Report

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Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 1
In simple terms, Li-Fi can be thought of as a light-based Wi-Fi. That is, it uses
light instead of radio waves to transmit information. And instead of Wi-Fi
modems, Li-Fi would use transceiver- fitted LED lamps that can light a room as
well as transmit and receive information. Since simple light bulbs are used, there
can technically be any number of access points.

This technology uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not
greatly utilized- The Visible Spectrum. Light is in fact very much part of our
lives for millions and millions of years and does not have any major ill effect.
Moreover there is 10,000 times more space available in this spectrum and just
counting on the bulbs in use, it also multiplies to 10,000 times more availability
as an infrastructure, globally.

It is possible to encode data in the light by varying the rate at which the LEDs
flicker on and off to give different strings of 1s and 0s. The LED intensity is
modulated so rapidly that human eyes cannot notice, so the output appears

More sophisticated techniques could dramatically increase VLC data rates.

Teams at the University of Oxford and the University of Edinburgh are focusing
on parallel data transmission using arrays of LEDs, where each LED transmits a
different data stream. Other groups are using mixtures of red, green and blue
LEDs to alter the light's frequency, with each frequency encoding a different
data channel.

Li-Fi, as it has been dubbed, has already achieved blisteringly high speeds in the
lab. Researchers at the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany, have reached
data rates of over 500 megabytes per second using a standard white-light LED.
Haas has set up a spin-off firm to sell a consumer VLC transmitter that is due for
launch next year. It is capable of transmitting data at 100 MB/s - faster than most
UK broadband connections.

Li-Fi, short for Light Fidelity, is a wireless communication technology that

utilizes visible light instead of radio waves to transmit data. It operates by
modulating the intensity of light from LED bulbs at very high speeds,
undetectable to the human eye. Li-Fi offers several advantages over traditional


Li-Fi Technology

Wi-Fi, including higher data transfer rates, increased security, and immunity to
electromagnetic interference. However, it also has limitations such as shorter
range and susceptibility to obstruction by physical barriers. Despite these
limitations, Li-Fi shows promise in various applications, including indoor
navigation, internet connectivity in sensitive environments like hospitals and
aircraft, and data transmission in areas with high radio frequency
interference.This advance technology has also capacity of probating
biodirectional wireless system that transmits data via LED or the infrared light.It
was first unvilied in the 2011 and unlie wifi,which uses radio frequency,Lifi
technology only needs alight source with a chip to transmit an internet signal
through light waves. Lifi is more secure than Wifi.
Lifi offers less opportunity for the interface than the radio frequency technology
that powers Wifi.
Li-Fi technology is a wireless communication system that uses light to transmit
data. It operates by modulating the intensity of light emitted by LED bulbs at
high speeds, allowing for data transfer rates that surpass traditional Wi-Fi. Li-Fi
offers advantages such as increased security, immunity to electromagnetic
interference, and potential applications in sensitive environments. However, it
also has limitations like shorter range and susceptibility to physical barriers.
Overall, Li-Fi presents a promising alternative or complement to existing
wireless technologies, with potential applications in various fields including
indoor navigation, internet connectivity, and data transmission in RF-sensitive

Li-Fi, short for Light Fidelity, is a wireless communication technology that

utilizes visible light instead of radio waves to transmit data. It operates by
modulating the intensity of light from LED bulbs at very high speeds,
undetectable to the human eye. Li-Fi offers several advantages over traditional
Wi-Fi, including higher data transfer rates, increased security, and immunity to
electromagnetic interference. However, it also has limitations such as shorter
range and susceptibility to obstruction by physical barriers. Despite these
limitations, Li-Fi shows promise in various applications, including indoor
navigation, internet connectivity in sensitive environments like hospitals and
aircraft, and data transmission in areas with high radio frequency interference.

Lifi technology is also based on the use of visible light between the
violet(800THz) and red(400 THz).Unlike Wi-fi which uses the radio part of the
electromagnetic spectrum,Lifi uses the optical spectrum i.e.Visible light part of
the electromagnetic spectrum.


Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 2.
A literature survey of the Lifi technology would involve reviewing the academic
papers,conference proceedings,patents,and others scholarly sources related to the
Lifi technology.keys areas to explore would include:

1.Historical Background:Understanding the development and the evolution of the

Lifi technology from its inception to its current state.

2.Technical Principles: Exploring the underlying principles of LiFi, such as

modulation techniques, light sources, photodetectors, and signal processing

3.Performance Evaluation: Reviewing studies on the performance of LiFi systems

in terms of data rate, coverage area, reliability, and interference mitigation.

4.Applications: Identifying various applications of LiFi technology, including

indoor communications, underwater communications, and VLC-based localization.

5.Challenges and Solutions: Analyzing the challenges faced by LiFi deployments,

such as mobility, shadowing, and interoperability, along with proposed solutions.

6.Standardization Efforts: Examining the standardization efforts related to LiFi

technology, including IEEE 802.15.7 standard for visible light communication

Comparative Studies: Comparing LiFi with other wireless communication

technologies, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and 5G, in terms of performance, energy
efficiency, and security.

7.Future Trends: Predicting future trends and potential advancements in LiFi

technology, such as integration with IoT devices, LiFi-based smart lighting
systems, and LiFi for vehicular communications.


Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 3
History of Li-Fi Technology
LiFi (light fidelity) is a bidirectional wireless system that transmits data via LED or
infrared light. It was first unveiled in 2011 and, unlike wifi, which uses radio
frequency, LiFi technology only needs a light source with a chip to transmit an
internet signal through light waves.

LiFi is a revolutionary new technology capable of transmitting high volumes of

data through the modulation of visible light. It is a form of visible light
communication technology that is capable of transmitting data in two directions.
As such, to define its history, we must also define the history of VLC technology.

Visible Light Communications (VLC) technology uses visible light for the
transmission of data. Although it may be considered a relatively new form of
technology, it can actually be traced back to the time of Alexander Graham Bell
and his invention, the photophone.

On February 19, 1880, Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Charles Sumner
Tainter jointly invented the photophone. The photophone was a device that
wirelessly transmitted speech using a beam of light.The photophone’s design was
modeled after the contemporary phone at the time – except that it used modulated
light instead of modulated electrical signals. The sound was projected toward a
mirror through a sound-receiving device. The resulting sound waves caused similar
vibrations on the mirror. Sunlight was directed into the vibrating mirror and was
projected back to the receiver, which was converted back to sound.Bell considered
the photophone as one of his most important inventions. It was revolutionary as it
was the first to utilize modulated light for communication. It also served as a
precursor to various optical communications technologies including fiber optics
and VLC.

LiFi is a revolutionary new technology capable of transmitting high volumes of

data through the modulation of visible light. It is a form of visible light
communication technology that is capable of transmitting data in two directions.
As such, to define its history, we must also define the history of VLC technology.


Li-Fi Technology

Visible Light Communications

Visible Light Communications (VLC) technology uses visible light for the
transmission of data. Although it may be considered a relatively new form of
technology, it can actually be traced back to the time of Alexander Graham Bell
and his invention, the photophone.

The Photophone

On February 19, 1880, Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Charles Sumner
Tainter jointly invented the photophone. The photophone was a device that
wirelessly transmitted speech using a beam of light.The photophone’s design was
modeled after the contemporary phone at the time – except that it used modulated
light instead of modulated electrical signals. The sound was projected toward a
mirror through a sound-receiving device. The resulting sound waves caused similar
vibrations on the mirror. Sunlight was directed into the vibrating mirror and was
projected back to the receiver, which was converted back to sound.Bell considered
the photophone as one of his most important inventions. It was revolutionary as it
was the first to utilize modulated light for communication. It also served as a
precursor to various optical communications technologies including fiber optics
and VLC.

Nakagawa Laboratories

The earliest known work on modern VLC began at Nakagawa Laboratories in Keio
University, Japan. Research on the technology focused on transmitting data by
visible light through the use of light emitting diodes (LEDs).Japanese researchers
proposed the concept of communication through visible light in 2000. Using LED
lights as a base station, the researchers simulated an indoor communication system
that would utilize overhead lighting as a medium of transmission.The researchers
at Nakagawa saw the prospects brought by VLC technology. They placed plenty of
effort into their research into the technology and in 2009, were able to create a
high-speed communication technology that reached 100 Mbit/s.


Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 4
Genesis of Li-Fi Technology
Harald Haas, a professor at the University of Edinburgh who began his research
in the field in 2004, gave a debut demonstration of what he called a Li-Fi
prototype at the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh on 12th July 2011. He used
a table lamp with an LED bulb to transmit a video of blooming flowers that was
then projected onto a screen behind him.

During the event he periodically blocked the light from lamp to prove that the
lamp was indeed the source of incoming data. At TEDGlobal, Haas demonstrated a
data rate of transmission of around 10Mbps -- comparable to a fairly good UK
broadband connection. Two months later he achieved 123Mbps

Fig: Genesis of Li-Fi


Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 5
System Architeracture

Fig:Li-Fi Architeracture


Li-Fi Technology

The above figure summarizes the mechanism of this technology.In the

transmitterside the digital streams data from the Internet will be fed to the lamp
driver,which is responsible for and to transmit or transform the data in a form of
the light signal.

The data will be sent through a LED light lamp.In the receiver ide,a phoyo detects
the variations of the led light and converts the light photons into an electrical
signal.The receiver device will receive the data after it is processed,amplified and
converted back to its original format.

Li-Fi Modulation Techniques

Generally, the typical modulation techniques used for RF communications (either

single-carrier modulation or multi-carrier modulation) can be used for LiFi
systems, since both light and RF waves are electromagnetic waves. However, due
to the light signal features, LiFi capable of using some unique modulation

Single Carrier Modulations

Examples of SCM schemes include on-off keying (OOK) and pulse position
modulation (PPM), which have been studied and compared in wireless infrared
communication systems OOK is a simple modulation scheme, easy to implement
and provides an acceptable performance. The PPM has more power efficiency, but
it is less spectral- efficient. A new modulation scheme called optical spatial
modulation (OSM) is proposed in and proved to be both power and bandwidth
efficient for indoor optical wireless communications. Single-carrier modulation
systems exploit only one signal frequency to transmit data symbols. Differently,
multicarrier modulation systems divide the whole frequency channel into many
subcarriers and the high-rate data stream is divided into many low-rate ones
transmitted in parallel on subcarriers.


Li-Fi Technology

Multi Carrier Modulation

Single-carrier modulation systems exploit only one signal frequency to transmit
data symbols. Differently, multicarrier modulation systems divide the whole
frequency channel into many subcarriers and the high-rate data stream is
divided into many low-rate ones transmitted in parallel on subcarriers. SCM to
interference caused by impulse noise. In addition, MCM is more capable than
SCM to cope with attenuation in high-frequency communications, such that in
the visible light band. Moreover, MCM has higher spectral efficiency than
double sideband modulation schemes, and it is less susceptible to time
synchronization errors. Therefore, MCM is more bandwidth-efficient than SCM
and it is preferable for high-speed optical wireless communications.
However, there are some disadvantages of MCM schemes. They are more
sensitive to frequency synchro- nization problems and generally they are less
energy- efficient than SCM schemes.
The most common technique in MCM used for LiFi communications is
orthogonal frequency division multi- plexing (OFDM) . By using this scheme,
parallel data streams can be transmitted simultaneously through a collection of
orthogonal subcarriers. An OFDM modulator is implemented by an inverse
discrete Fourier transform block followed by a digital-to-analog converter
(DAC). Thus, the OFDM generated signal is complex and bipolar. However,
since the light intensity can’t be negative, the LiFi signal should be unipolar.
Also, there are some requirements for the intensity modulation (IM) or direct
detection (DD) to be met with the available. LEDs. Therefore, some
modifications to the conventional OFDM techniques are required to be used in
LiFi net- works. Examples of these modulation techniques include DC biased
optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM), asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM (ACO-
OFDM) and asymmetrically clipped DC biased optical OFDM (ADO-OFDM).


Li-Fi Technology

5.1 How Li-Fi Works

Li-Fi is typically implemented using white LED light bulbs at the downlink
transmitter. These devices are normally used for illumination only by applying a
constant current. However, by fast and subtle variations of the current, the optical
output can be made to vary at extremely high speeds.

This very property of optical current is used in Li-Fi setup. The operational
procedure is very simple-, if the LED is on, you transmit a digital 1, if it’s off
you transmit a 0. The LEDs can be switched on and off very quickly, which
gives nice opportunities for transmitting data. Hence all that is required is some
LEDs and a controller that code data into those LEDs. All one has to do is to
vary the rate at which the LED’s flicker depending upon the data we want to

Further enhancements can be made in this method, like using an array of LEDs
for parallel data transmission, or using mixtures of red, green and blue LEDs to
alter the light’s frequency with each frequency encoding a different data channel.
Such advancements promise a theoretical speed of 10 Gbps – meaning one can
download a full high-definition film in just 30 seconds.A Li-Fi network also uses
the light from LED Lamps to send the data to device totransmit data
back.Multiple lights can be added to a single network allowing the user to move
around a space from light to light without any interruption to the connection.

Li-Fi, as it has been dubbed, has already achieved blisteringly high speeds in the
lab. Researchers at the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany, have reached
data rates of over 500 megabytes per second using a standard white-light LED.
Haas has set up a spin-off firm to sell a consumer VLC transmitter that is due for
launch next year. It is capable of transmitting data at 100 MB/s - faster than most
UK broadband connections


Li-Fi Technology

Fig:Li-Fi Working


Li-Fi Technology

TTo further get a grasp of Li-Fi consider an IR remote.It sends a single data
stream of bits at the rate of 10,000-20,000 bps. Now replace the IR LED with a
Light Box containing a large LED array. This system fig,is capable of sending
thousands of such streams at very fast rate.

Fig: Lifi in Real World


Li-Fi Technology

fig:Li-Fi Principle


Li-Fi Technology

5.2 Li-Fi Frequency Spectrum

Fig: Frequency Spectrum

Due to the excessive amount of wireless applications and users, which causes
large demand for the bandwidth, there is spectrum confined around the light
source, and cannot be accessed by intruders for bad intentions. scarcity
problem. Most of the spectrum in the radio range has been fully utilized, and it
is almost difficult to get wide bandwidth there. In addition, you have to have a
license to access most of the bands in the RF range. However, the visible light
band is free spectrum band that we use it normally to see things. Utilizing this
band for wireless communication will mitigate the spectrum scarcity problem.


Li-Fi Technology

The most important feature of the LiFi technology is, the ability to provide high
data rate. The upper bound on the data rate in communication systems is called
channel capacity. According to Shannon-Hartley theorem, the maximum data
rate (Rmax) is proportional to the available bandwidth as follow:

Rmax = B*log2ð1+ SNRÞ (1)

Operating in the visible light band means higher oper- ating frequency, which
provides higher potential band- width (B), and yields eventually higher data rate.
In fact, the visible light band is 10,000 times wider than the radio band, as
demonstrated in Figure 4, light band in the range (1014–1016) Hz, while the
range of the radio band is (104–1012) Hz. Therefore, by utilizing this
technology, we could achieve data rate in the gigahertz range or more.

Conventional RF communication systems consume a lot of energy and most of
this energy is used to cool base sta- tions (BSs) or APs. However, LiFi
communication systems are based on LED lamps which consume less energy and
provide communication in addition to the illumination function. Thus, LiFi is
more energy-efficient.

The wireless communications in the RF band have some restrictions for use in
some places, such as hospitals and airplanes, whereas lamps are available
everywhere and can be used in any place. Therefore, by replacing the typical
fluorescent lamps with LED lamps, we will make the wireless communications
available everywhere.

The wireless communications in the RF band have some restrictions for use in
some places, such as hospitals and airplanes, whereas lamps are available
everywhere and can be used in any place. Therefore, by replacing the typical
fluorescent lamps with LED lamps, we will make the wireless communications
available everywhere.


Li-Fi Technology

LiFi is a very simple technology in comparison with the radio technology. It is
based on direct modulation and direct demodulation, and a light source in the
transmis- sion side, and a photodetector in the receiver side. However, any radio
technology system, WiFi for example, requires a complex RF circuit for
modulating the informa- tion and an antenna to transmit the data. Also, the radio
receiver is more complex since it requires synchronous demodulation circuit with
a receiver antenna

No Fading:
One of the biggest issues for signals in the radio range is the channel fading
caused by multipath propagation. The reflected signal may be in anti-phase with
the transmitted signal, and thus they will cancel each other and cause signal
fading. The light signal always adds and cannot cancel each other. Therefore,
multipath fading is not an issue for light signals

The light signal is more sensitive to blocks and obstacles than the radio signal.
In indoor situations, unlike radio signals, light signals cannot pass through walls.
This is coverage disadvantage, but security advantage at the same time. In
outdoor communication environments, the quality degradation of data
transmission will be severely affected by using light waves instead of radio

NLOS Issues:
The LiFi system will be less reliable when there is no line- of-sight between
transmitting source and receivers. Therefore, the number of transmitters should
be increased in order to increase the possibility of LOS between trans- mitters
and receivers.


Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 6
Li-Fi Implementation

Fig: Block diagram for implementataion of Li-Fi


Li-Fi Technology

The implementation of light-fidelity (Li-Fi) eliminates the use of instrument wiring

systems and cable infrastructure, thereby reducing the cost and security risks. The
Li-Fi instrument communication networks are best-suited for plants where Wi-Fi
and other radiation is bad for sensitive areas.

12 Steps used in Li-Fi Implementation:

Step 1: The transmitter sensor module temperature, pressure, level, flow measures
the real-time process variables in the plant. The real-time process-variable
information will be sent to the nearby optical access point (OAP) via optical
signal—transmitted light, not radio signal. The process variable information shall
be updated to the OAP or DCS, as per the user-defined update rate. The update rate
of the optical wireless instruments will be decided on the basis of loop criticality of
the process. The optical transmitter module measures the real-time process-
variable information, and the process-variable value is sent to the transmitter
control module via hardwire signal. The transmitter control module processes the
process-variable value and converts it into a certain frequency of the switching
signal. This encoded switching signal drives the high-speed LED driver, which
controls the switching of LED lights to create the optical signal transmitted to the
corresponding optical access points (OAPs).

Step 2: The light-sensitivity sensor of the OAP, senses the flickering or change in
intensity modulation or on-off frequency of LED lights and converts the optical
signal from the field optical transmitter into a corresponding electrical signal. Then
the output of the light-sensitive sensor is sent to a signal processing and
amplification module.

Step 3: The signal-filtering, -processing and -amplification module receive the

output electrical signal from the light-sensitive sensor module for filtration,
amplification, analysis and processing. Then the amplified signal is sent to the
Ethernet media conversion module.

Step 4: The Ethernet media conversion module is used to facilitate the amplified
electrical media conversion into a fiber optic-compatible optical signal, or light
signal. Then this optical signal is sent to the control room/local substation via
redundant fiber optic cable.


Li-Fi Technology

Step 5: The fiberoptic cable (FOC) connects the field optical access point (OAP) to
the LER communication control switch network. The ICS communication cabinet
consists of multiple control switches, which convert the received optical signal
from a field optical access point into the corresponding Ethernet-compatible
electrical signal.

Step 6: The ICS communication cabinet is connected to the DCS via redundant
Ethernet cable—copper, twisted pair, Cat. 5 or RJ 45 or 8 P8 C connector. The
DCS receives the electrical signal from the field instrument for processing and
sends the field process-variable information to the display module. The display
module presents the process-variable information to the engineering workstation
(EWS) or operator workstation (OWS) for further action.

Step 7: After analysis of the process-value information from the field optical
instrument, the appropriate control action signal is generated by the DCS to control
the process in the plant. The control signal is sent to the ICS communication
cabinet via Ethernet cable.

Step 8: The ICS communication cabinet contains multiple control network

switches to facilitate the media conversion from Ethernet to fiberoptic-compatible.
The fiberoptic cable carrying the corresponding control signal in the form of an
optical beam, or light beam, is sent to the field optical access point followed by
fiberoptic/Ethernet media conversion

Step 9: The received control signal from the DCS to the fiberoptic/Ethernet media
conversion, located in the field and/or module, converts the optical signal media
into an Ethernet-compatible corresponding electrical signal. This electrical signal
carries control-action information to the OAP.

Step 10: The OAP receives the control signal from the DCS located in the
LCR/SUB via redundant fiberoptic/Ethernet cable. This electrical signal is further
encoded in a certain frequency of the switching signal. This switching signal is
further sent to the high-speed LED light driver. The DCS receives the electrical
signal from the field instrument for processing and sends the field process-variable
information to the display module. The display module presents the process-
variable information to the engineering workstation (EWS) or operator workstation
(OWS) for further action.


Li-Fi Technology

Step 11: The high-speed LED light driver regulates the intensity modulation of the
LED lights, which is not observed by human eye, as per the received encoded
switching signal. The optical access point emits the control signal in the form of an
optical signal, which is further received by the control device, such as a valve.

Step 12: The received optical signal carries action information of the final control
element and is further converted into an electrical or pneumatic or hydraulic signal
to control the process. The OAP receives the control signal from the DCS located
in the LCR/SUB via redundant fiberoptic/Ethernet cable. This electrical signal is
further encoded in a certain frequency of the switching signal.

The implementation of light-fidelity (Li-Fi) eliminates the use of instrument

wiring systems and cable infrastructure, thereby reducing the cost and security
risks. The Li-Fi instrument communication networks are best-suited for plants
where Wi-Fi and other radiation is bad for sensitive areas. It offers safe, abundant
connectivity and can solve issues related to the short range of radio-frequency
bandwidth. The Li-Fi instrument communication network also could enable greater
capabilities to realize the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and offer advanced
connectivity between field devices and systems that go beyond machine-to-
machine connections. The system has relatively low capital expenditure (CAPEX)
and operating expenses (OPEX). The received optical signal carries action
information of the final control element and is further converted into an electrical
or pneumatic or hydraulic signal to control the process.


Li-Fi Technology

6.2 Li-Fi Environment

Unlike WiFi, LiFi operates in the visible light spectrum, meaning it produces no
electromagnetic interference and poses no risk to sensitive equipment or human
health. By minimizing electromagnetic pollution, LiFi contributes to a cleaner and
safer environment. LiFi has a lot of benefits. Not only does LiFi technology offer
increased speed and security, but this wireless communication technology is also
better for the environment than its counterparts such as WiFi. LiFi is better for the
environment than most other wireless communication technologies.

LiFi has a low energy consumption because it can be incorporated in energy

efficient LED lighting technology. While LED light bulbs are more expensive than
standard light bulbs, using LED lighting has many advantages to the environment.
LiFi is a state-of-the-art technology that allows people to savour a secure network
of high-speed wireless data via light. It is a high speed, bi-directional networked
and mobile communication of data using light spectrum. It can work with dimmed
lights and achieve approximately 1000 times the data density of Wi-Fi, offering
more data per square meter. Moreover, this smart lighting solution is also
leveraged with various other benefits including energy efficiency, vital security,
high data rate capability, and integrated networking capability. All these benefits
make LiFi a highly practical and suitable lighting solution for a host of

Here are Some Benefits of the Li-Fi Technology in Modern World:

1.Urban environment : Dense urban areas are hugely dependent on artificial
lighting for their illumination needs. Using LiFi in such areas can provide easy
access to high-speed internet to people as they move in the environment. For
instance, hotel authorities can install LiFi along the corridors, reception areas, and
rooms in order to make high data rate downloads available to the guests. Moreover,
since light waves do not propagate through the walls, guests and employees can get
access to interference-free wireless communication.

2. Museums and galleries : Museums or art galleries typically exhibit artefacts,

paintings, sculptures, etc. which are illuminated with accent lighting. Interestingly,
concerned authorities can decide on LiFi technology to enhance the experience of
their visitors. The top commercial lighting manufacturers assert that LiFi enabled


Li-Fi Technology

lighting can provide localized information within the light. This will allow the
visitors to download and view more information about the exhibit on their
communication devices using the light used for illumination.

3. Smart office : The concept of smart office or modern workspace acknowledges

technology integration and security significantly. Thus, LiFi automatically
becomes a favourable choice. Since light cannot travel through the walls, LiFi
signals can be secured within a physical space that helps in the formulation of a
technologically-advanced and secure environment. Moreover, pureLiFi’s (a partner
of Wipro Lighting) technology also enables additional control as the data can be
directed from one device to another. A smart office aims to provide a space that not
only promotes but enhances collaboration between individuals. This would
naturally lead to a more productive workspace as teams and individuals are able to
share ideas at a rapid pace, eliminating unnecessary roadblocks that get in the way
of communication.

Environmental Benefits of Li-Fi:

LiFi not only helps in the development of a technologically-advanced environment
but it is also loaded with a host of environmental benefits. Since it is a smart
lighting solution that uses multiple LED luminaires, it ensures significantly low
energy consumption and reduced electricity bills. LED lights are highly durable,
deliver a longer service life, and ensure cost savings in the long run. Moreover,
they do not contain any toxic elements or chemicals that makes their usage and
disposal safe for the environment.


Li-Fi Technology

Fig:Li-Fi in Society Environment

Fig:Li-Fi in Office Environment


Li-Fi Technology

6.2 Combination of Wi-Fi and Li-Fi Technology

Fig:Combination of Wi-Fi and Li-Fi Technologies


Li-Fi Technology

Taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of Li Fi technology,

some proposed scenarios that combine the Wi Fi with the Li Fi technology are
introduced in several references, such as the combined system has many new
interesting features. These features include security enhancement, high data rate,
wider coverage region and improved indoor positioning. The first three features
come from the Li Fi technology. Where as the coverage feature comes from the
Wi Fi technology.As depicted in , stationary and quasi-stationary users will have
wireless data connection through Li Fi technology where as more obile users
will depend on Wi Fi network. This approach of connection will mitigate the
congestion in RF network and free up Wi Fi system capacity to accommodate any
potential future demand growth.
In the literature, there are two approaches for combining the Wi Fi and Li Fi.
The first approach is hybrid technique where as the second is the aggregated
The hybrid technique uses WiFi for the uplink diretion and the LiFi for the
downlink direction, whereas the aggregated technique uses both WiFi and LiFi
in paral- lel. In other words, unidirectional LiFi link is exploited in hybrid
technique to support the traditional WiFi downlink. However, in the aggregated
technique, both bi-directional LiFi and WiFi links are fully utilized. The
difference between these two techniques is graphically demonstrated in above
The performance comparison of these two combination techniques is
conducted in earlier environment. They compare between these two
techniques and the case where only WiFi system is available. The comparison
is done in terms of the aver- age data rate measured at different distances
between the AP and a UD. The obtained results are shown in Figure 9. It is
clear that using the combination of WiFi and LiFi gives higher data rate than
using only WiFi technology, and the results show that the aggregated
combination techniques are much better than the hybrid technique. However, as
the distance between the AP and a UD increases, the data rate of the
combined systems degrades. In wireless cellular networks, it is shown that
reducing the cell size will increase the network spectral efficiency. By reducing
the cell size, the coverage will enhance and the frequency reuse will increase,
and consequently the data rate will increase. Therefore, small cells such as


Li-Fi Technology

micro- cells, picocells and femtocells have been introduced. This small cells
concept can be easily extended to the LiFi technology. The optical BS or AP is
referred to as an attocell . The optical attocell does not interfere with the RF
cellular networks, because it operates in the optical spectrum. Also, LiFi
attocells allow for considerably dense bandwidth reuse, because of the
properties of light waves. Therefore, by deploying attocells, we gain two
benefits: improving indoor coverage and enhancing the capacity of the RF
wireless networks
However, due to the high path loss of light waves, the coverage of every single
attocell is very limited, and at the same time, walls prevent the system from
experiencing co-channel interference between rooms. This means we need
multiple BS/AP to cover a certain area. Fortunately, the required infrastructure
already exists, because of the indoor illumination requirements.


Li-Fi Technology

6.3 Objectives
Li Fi technology, which uses light to transmit data wirelessly, has several

1.High-Speed Data Transmission: LiFi aims to provide high-speed data

transmission rates, potentially faster than traditional WiFi, by utilizing the visible
light spectrum.

2.Increased Bandwidth: By leveraging the vast amount of unutilized spectrum in

the visible light range, Li Fi aims to increase the available bandwidth for data

3.Security: Li Fi offers enhanced security compared to traditional radio frequency

based technologies like Wi Fi, as light signals cannot pass through opaque barriers,
making it more difficult for unauthorized users to intercept data.

4.Less Interference: LiFi can operate in environments where radio frequency

interference is an issue, such as in hospitals or aircraft, since light signals are less
likely to interfere with sensitive equipment.

5.Energy Efficiency: LiFi can potentially be more energy-efficient than WiFi

since lighting infrastructure is already in place in many environments, reducing the
need for additional energy consumption for data transmission.

6.Integration with IoT: LiFi can be integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) to
enable communication between IoT devices, providing a reliable and high-speed
data transmission solution for smart homes, buildings, and cities.

7.Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure: LiFi technology aims to be

compatible with existing lighting infrastructure, making it easier and more cost-
effective to deploy in various indoor environments.

Overall, the objectives of Li Fi technology are to provide fast, secure, and efficient
wireless communication solutions while leveraging the benefits of visible light


Li-Fi Technology

6.4 Advantages of Li-Fi Technology

1.High Speeds: Li-Fi can achieve data transmission speeds that are significantly
faster than traditional Wi-Fi, potentially reaching speeds of several gigabits per

2.Security: Since Li-Fi relies on light to transmit data, it doesn't penetrate through
walls like Wi-Fi signals do, making it more secure from hacking or interception.

3.Less Interference: Li-Fi operates on the visible light spectrum, which is not as
crowded as the radio frequencies used by Wi-Fi, resulting in less interference and
more reliable connections.

4.No Electromagnetic Interference: Unlike Wi-Fi, Li-Fi doesn't produce

electromagnetic interference, making it suitable for use in sensitive environments
such as hospitals and aircraft.

5.Availability: Light sources such as LED bulbs are widespread and can be used to
provide both illumination and data transmission, potentially leading to ubiquitous
connectivity in indoor environments.

6.Energy Efficiency: Li-Fi can be more energy-efficient compared to Wi-Fi since

it utilizes existing lighting infrastructure, reducing the need for additional power

7.No RF Licensing Required: Since Li-Fi uses light instead of radio frequencies,
it doesn't require RF licensing, potentially reducing operational costs for deploying
wireless networks.

8.Safe for Health: Li-Fi doesn't emit radiation like Wi-Fi routers do, making it a
safer alternative for environments where minimizing electromagnetic radiation
exposure is a concern.

These advantages make Li-Fi technology promising for various applications,

including indoor wireless communication, high-speed internet access, and secure
data transmission.


Li-Fi Technology

6.5 Future Scope

fig: Future Li-Fi Application Light for Communication


Li-Fi Technology

fig:Li-Fi Technology in future


Li-Fi Technology

As light is everywhere and free to use, there is a great scope for the use and
evolution of Li-Fi technology. If this technology matures, each Li-Fi Bulb can be
used to transmit data. As the Li-Fi technology becomes popular, it will lead to a
cleaner, greener, economical, and safer communication system. Although Li-Fi
promises to solve issues such as, shortage of radio-frequency bandwidth and
eliminates the disadvantages of radio communication technologies, but it is also
associated with short range and the need of a light source. As such Li-Fi is not
likely to replace Wi-Fi completely, but the use of two together i.e. Wi-Fi and Li-Fi
can prove to improve quality of life. Li-Fi is not likely to replace Wi-Fi completely,
but the use of two together i.e. Wi-Fi and Li-Fi can prove to improve quality of
life, says Dr. Prakash Barjatia, Indian Society of Lighting Engineers.Today, due to
the revolution in Information Technology (IT) almost everybody is aware of the
term “Wi-Fi”, but a very few including intellectuals are aware about the term
“LiFi”. So, let us see how Li-Fi is complimentary to Wi-Fi, and its potential in
today’s communication system.

The frequency spectrum that is available in the atmosphere consists of many wave
regions like X-rays, Gamma rays, U-V, IR, visible light rays, radio waves, etc. Any
one of the above waves can be used in the upcoming communication technologies
but why the Visible Light is preferred? The reason behind this is the easy
availability and lesser harmful effects that occur due to these rays of

light. VLC uses the visible light between 780 NM and 375 NM as medium which
are less dangerous for high-power applications, and also humans can easily
perceive it and protect themselves from the harmful effects whereas other wave
regions have following shortcomings:

• Radio waves are expensive and less secure due to interference and possible
interception etc.

• Gamma rays are harmful while handling due to their proven adverse effects on
human health

• X-Rays have health issues, similar to Gamma Rays

• Ultraviolet Rays can also be dangerous for the human body when exposed


Li-Fi Technology

• Infrared Rays due to high safety regulation, can only be used with low power.

Concluding, visible light from red to blue of the electromagnetic spectrum does not
cause any harm to the mankind, provide larger bandwidth and also have a
promising future in the communication field.


Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 7
Because the distinct features of LiFi technology, this new emerging technology
will have useful real-life applications.

 Place where RF is Limited or Restricted: Because the light signal is safe

and available everywhere, it can be used to provide wireless communication
in places where the use of RF signals is limited due to the potential dangers.
Examples of such places include hos- pitals, airplanes and sensitive plants.

 Hospitals: Generally using the WiFi network or the mobile network in

hospitals is restricted, especially beside medical monitoring devices. This is
because the radio electromagnetic transmissions may interfere with medical
devices and cause problems. By incorporating the LiFi technology in such
places, wireless communications and accessing the Internet will be easy and
safe for all people inside . Furthermore, we could have access to the Internet
even in operation rooms, since they are equipped with lamps. As a result,
doctors and experts may be consulted online during critical operations, or
maybe operations can be broad- casted online for educational and medical
purposes. In today’s rapidly advancing digital age, technology continues to
revolutionize various industries, and the healthcare sector is no exception.
Among the latest innovations, LiFi (Light Fidelity) technology emerges as a
game-changer in healthcare, offering unprecedented opportunities to
transform the industry. In this blog post, we will explore the potential of
LiFi in healthcare, examining its benefits, applications, and the impact it can
have on patient care, medical research, and overall healthcare efficiency.
Join us as we shed light on the transformative power of LiFi in healthcare.
In the healthcare setting, reliable and fast communication is vital for
efficient collaboration among medical professionals, rapid access to critical
patient information, and seamless coordination of care.


Li-Fi Technology

Fig: Li-Fi technology implemented in Hospitals

Fig :Li-Fi technology implemented for ECG in hospitals


Li-Fi Technology

 Airplanes: Using cellphones or WiFi network to access the Internet is

banned on airplanes, due to the fears of interference with sensitive airplane
devices. In just few years ago, several air- lines offered limited access to the
Internet using WiFi with very high charges. However, LiFi can utilize each
seat’s reading light to provide access to the Internet with a very high data
rate and without any concerns of the interface.

Fig: Li-Fi implemented in Airplanes


Li-Fi Technology

 Traffic Management: If the cars’ headlights and backlights are replaced

by LED lamps, the LiFi network can be established between cars. Cars
can communicate each other in order to reduce chances of car accidents
.Also, the street lamps can be equipped with cameras to monitor the roads
and detect any congestion or emergency cases, and then send the
information directly through LiFi technology to the traffic management
center to take quickly the possible action.

Fig: Li-fi Communication between cars to reduce chance of accidents


Li-Fi Technology

Chapter 8

LiFi technology, which uses light to transmit data wirelessly, has shown
promising results in various applications. Some of the key results and benefits

 High Speeds: Li-Fi has demonstrated data transfer speeds of up to

several gigabits per second, surpassing traditional WiFi speeds in certain

 Increased Security: Li-Fi offers enhanced security compared to WiFi

since light signals cannot penetrate walls, making it more difficult for
unauthorized users to intercept data.

 Less Interference: Li-Fi operates in the visible light spectrum, which is

less crowded than the radio frequency spectrum used by WiFi. This can
result in less interference and more reliable connections.

 Reduced Electromagnetic Interference: Li-Fi can be used in sensitive

environments where electromagnetic interference is a concern, such as
hospitals and aircraft.

 Energy Efficiency: Li-Fi utilizes LED bulbs for data transmission, which
are already prevalent in many environments. This can lead to energy
savings and reduced carbon footprint compared to traditional WiFi.

 Potential for Integration with IoT: Li-Fi can be integrated with Internet
of Things (IoT) devices, enabling seamless communication between
smart devices in various applications such as smart homes, offices, and
industrial settings.

Overall, LiFi technology shows great promise for providing fast, secure, and


Li-Fi Technology

reliable wireless communication in a wide range of environments.

LiFi, or Light Fidelity, is a wireless communication technology that uses light
to transmit data instead of traditional radio frequencies like WiFi. It employs
LED light bulbs to transmit data by modulating the light at very high speeds,
which is then received by a photodetector and converted back into electrical
signals. One of the primary advantages of LiFi is its potential for much faster
data transfer speeds compared to WiFi. LiFi can theoretically achieve speeds of
several gigabits per second, making it ideal for applications requiring high
bandwidth such as video streaming, virtual reality, and augmented reality.
Additionally, LiFi has some unique advantages over WiFi, such as increased
security since light cannot penetrate through walls like radio waves can, making
it harder for unauthorized users to intercept the signal. However, LiFi also has
some limitations. Its range is limited to the area covered by the light source, and
it requires a direct line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. Also, LiFi
cannot be used outdoors during daylight hours since sunlight can interfere with
the signal. Overall, LiFi technology shows promise for certain applications,
especially in environments where security and high bandwidth are critical, but it
may not completely replace WiFi in all scenarios due to its limitations.


Li-Fi Technology


LiFi is a recent technology that uses LED lambs for wire- less communications. It
uses the visible light band instead of the radio spectrum. Unlike RF systems,
where antennas are used for transmission and receivers, LiFi systems use LED
lamps for transmission and photodetectors in the receivers. In addition to the
conventional modulation schemes used in RF, LiFi has its unique modulation
tech- niques, such as CSK and MM.

The possibilities are numerous and can be explored further. If his technology
can be put into practical use, every bulb can be used something like a Wi-Fi
hotspot to transmit wireless data and we will proceed toward the cleaner,
greener, safer and brighter future.

The concept of Li-Fi is currently attracting a great deal of interest, not least
because it may offer a genuine and very efficient alternative to radio-based
wireless. As a growing number of people and their many devices access wireless
internet, the airwaves are becoming increasingly clogged, making it more and
more difficult to get a reliable, high-speed signal.

This may solve issues such as the shortage of radio-frequency bandwidth and
also allow internet where traditional radio based wireless isn’t allowed such as
aircraft or hospitals. One of the shortcomings however is that it only work in
direct line of sight.


Li-Fi Technology

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Li-Fi Technology

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