A Review Paper On Li Fi Technolog
A Review Paper On Li Fi Technolog
A Review Paper On Li Fi Technolog
ISSN: 2278-0181
VIMPACT - 2017 Conference Proceedings
Abstract – Li-Fi stands for Light Fidelity. The technology is Communication (VLC) in July 2011, by introducing it as
very new and was proposed by the German physicist Harald “data through illumination”. He used a table lamp with an
Haas in 2011 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Global LED bulb to transmit a video of a blooming flower that was
Talk on Visible Light Communication (VLC). Li-Fi is a then projected onto a screen. In simple terms, Li-Fi can be
wireless optical networking technology that uses light emitting
thought of as a light-based Wi-Fi i.e. instead of radio waves
diodes (LEDs) for transmission of data. The term Li-Fi refers
to visible light communication (VLC) technology that uses light it uses light to transmit data. In place of Wi-Fi modems, Li-
as medium to deliver high-speed communication in a manner Fi would use transceivers fitted with LED lamps that could
similar to Wi-Fi and complies with the IEEE standard IEEE light a room as well as transmit and receive information. By
802.15.7. The IEEE 802.15.7 is a high-speed, bidirectional and adding new and unutilized bandwidth of visible light to the
fully networked wireless communication technology based currently available radio waves for data transfer, Li-Fi can
standard similar to Wi-Fi’s IEEE 802.11. This paper focuses on play a major role in relieving the heavy loads which the
Li-Fi, its applications, features and comparison with existing current wireless system is facing. Thus it may offer
technologies like Wi-Fi etc. Wi-Fi is of major use for general additional frequency band of the order of 400 THz
wireless coverage within building, whereas Li-Fi is ideal for
compared to that available in RF communication which is
high density wireless data coverage in confined area and
especially useful for applications in areas where radio about 300 GHz. Also, as the Li-Fi uses the visible spectrum,
interference issues are of concern, so the two technologies can it will help alleviate concerns that the electromagnetic
be considered complimentary. Li-Fi provides better waves coming with Wi-Fi could adversely affect our health.
bandwidth, efficiency, connectivity and security than Wi-Fi By Communication through visible light, Li-Fi technology
and has already achieved high speeds larger than 1 Gbps under has the possibility to change how we access the Internet,
the laboratory conditions. By Leveraging the low-cost nature of stream videos, receive emails and much more. Security
LEDs and lighting units, there are lots of opportunities to would not be an issue as data can’t be accessed in the
exploit this medium. Li-Fi is the transfer of data through light absence of light. As a result, it can be used in high security
by taking fiber out of fiber optics and sending data through
military areas where RF communication is prone to
LED light bulb.
Keywords:- LI-FI, WI-FI, Visible Light Communication, Radio
Li-Fi which can be the future of data communication
INTRODUCTION appears to be a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi.
In today’s world of overcrowded (data communication), Li- Being a Visible Light Communication (VLC), Li-Fi uses
Fi is a new and efficient way of wireless communication. Li- visible light of electromagnetic spectrum between 400 THz
Fi uses LED lights to transmit data. The Transmission of and 800 THz as optical carrier for data transmission and
data is done wirelessly. The current wireless networks that illumination. It uses fast pulses of light to transmit
connect us to the Internet becomes very slow when many information in wireless medium. The main components of a
devices are connected. Also with the increase in the number basic Li-Fi system may contain the following:
of devices, which uses the Internet, the availability of fixed
bandwidth makes it much more difficult to enjoy high data a) A high brightness white LED which acts as transmission
transfer rates and to connect a secure network. Radio waves source.
are just a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum
available for data transfer. Li-Fi has got a much broader b) A silicon photodiode with good response to visible light
spectrum for transmission of data compared to conventional as the receiving element.
methods of wireless communications that are done on radio
waves. The basic idea behind this technology is that the data Turning the LEDs on and off can make them generate
can be transferred through LED light by varying light digital strings with different combination of 1s and 0s. To
intensities faster than the human eyes can’t detect. This generate a new data stream, data can be encoded in the light
technology uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that by varying the flickering rate of the LED. In this way, the
is still not generally utilized- The Visible Spectrum, instead LEDs work as a transmitter by modulating the light with the
of Gigahertz radio waves for transferring of data. data signal. The LED output appears constant to the human
The idea of Li-Fi was introduced for the first time by a because they are made to flicker at a phenomenal speed
German physicist Harald Hass in the TED (Technology, (millions of times per second) and it’s impossible for human
Entertainment, Design) Global talk on Visible Light eye to detect this frequency. Communication rate more than
100 Mbps can be achieved by using high speed LEDs with plasma state at the bulb’s centre. And this controlled plasma
the help of various multiplexing techniques. And this VLC in turn will produce an intense source of light. All of these
data rate can be further increased to as high as 10 Gbps via subassemblies are contained in an aluminum enclosure as
parallel data transmission using an array of LED lights with shown in Fig. 2 above.
each LED transmitting a different data stream.
Working of Li-Fi
The Li-Fi transmitter system consists of four primary Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology is a wireless
subassemblies: communication system based on the use of visible light
between the violet (800 THz) and red (400 THz). Unlike
Bulb Wi-Fi which uses the radio part of the electromagnetic
spectrum, Li-Fi uses the optical spectrum i.e. Visible light
RF Power Amplifier Circuit (PA) part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The principle of Li-Fi
is based on sending data by amplitude modulation of the
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) light source in a well-defined and standardized way. LEDs
can be switched on and off faster than the human eyes can
Enclosure detect since the operating speed of LEDs is less than 1
microsecond. This invisible switching activity enables data
transmission using binary codes. If the LED is on, a digital
signal ‘1’ is transmitted and if the LED is off, a digital
signal ‘0’ is transmitted. Also these LEDs can be turned on
and off very quickly which gives us a very nice opportunity
for transmitting data through LED lights, because there are
no interfering light frequencies like that of the radio
frequencies in Wi-Fi. Li-Fi is thought to be 80% more
efficient, which means it can reach speeds of up to 1Gbps
and even beyond. Li-Fi differs from fibre optic because the
Li-Fi protocol layers are suitable for wireless
communication over short distances (up to 10 meters).This
puts Li-Fi in a unique way of extremely fast and efficient
wireless communication over short distances.
How It Works:- sensor) on the receiving end receives the data as light signal
The working of Li-Fi is very simple. There is a light emitter and decodes the information, which is then displayed on the
on one end i.e. an LED transmitter, and a photo detector device connected to the receiver. The receiver (photo
(light sensor) on the other. The data input to the LED detector) registers a binary ‘1’ when the transmitter (LED) is
transmitter is encoded in to the light (technically referred to ON and a binary ‘0’ when the transmitter (LED) is OFF.
as Visible Light Communication) by varying the rate at Thus flashing the LED numerous times or using an array of
which the LEDs turns ‘on’ and ‘off’ to achieve different LEDs (perhaps of a few different colours) will eventually
strings of 1s and 0s. The on off activity of the LED provide data rates in the range of hundreds of Mbps. The Li-
transmitter which seems to be invisible (The LED intensity Fi working is explained in a block diagram (Fig.6).
is modulated so fast that human eye cannot notice it, so the
light of the LED appears constant to humans), enables data
transmission in light form in accordance with the incoming
binary codes: switching ON a LED is a logical '1', switching
it OFF is a logical '0'. By varying the rate at which the LEDs
turns on and off, information can be encoded in the light to
different combinations of 1s and 0s.In a typical setup, the
transmitter (LED) is connected to the data network (Internet
through the modem) and the receiver (photo detector/light
Natural light, sunlight, and normal electric light can reduction in accident numbers. Also, LED car lights can
affect the data transmission speed alert drivers when other vehicles are too close.
Light waves don’t pass through walls and so Li-Fi has a
much shorter range than Wi-Fi g) Mobile Connectivity: Mobiles, laptops, tablets, and other
High initial installation cost, if used to set up a full- smart phones can easily connect with each other. The short-
fledged data network. range network of Li-Fi can yield exceptionally high data
Yet to be developed for mass scale adoption. rates and higher security.
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