Secondary Treatment of Sewage
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
Secondary Treatment of Sewage
1. Explain the components and the operational principles of Activated Sludge Process.
The activated sludge process provides an excellent method of treating either raw
sewage or more generally the settled sewage.
The sewage effluent from primary sedimentation tank, which is thus normally
utilized in the process, is mixed with 20 to 30 percent of own volume of active
aerobic micro-organisms.
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continuous mixing of the sewage and the activated sludge added to the volume of
sewage being treated is kept practically constant.
Moreover, there is the problem of obtaining activated sludge, at the start of new
plant. Hence, when a new plant is put into operation, a period of about 4 weeks may
be required to form a suitable return sludge, and during this period, almost all the
sludge from the secondary sedimentation tank will be returned through the aeration
tank. A new plant may also sometimes be seeded with the activated sludge from
another plant, so as to quickly start the process in the new plant.
Figure.3: Spiral aeration using plate diffusers Figure.4: Spiral flow type aeration tan
In the diffused air aeration method compressed air undera pressure of 35 to 70
kN/m2 (0.35 to 0.7kg/cm 2).
It is introduced into the aeration chamber, through diffusion plates or other devices,
called diffusers.
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The main criteria for selection of a particular diffuser are that it should be capable
of diffusingair in small bubbles, so as to provide the greatest possible efficiency of
Porous plates and porous tubes, made of quartz or crystalline alumina (Aluminium
oxide) are generally used as diffusers.
Plates are generally square in shape with dimensions of 30 cm x 30 cm, and they
are usually 25 mm thick.
These plates are fixed at the bottom ofaeration tanks. Tube diffusers are generally
60 cm long with internal dia of 75 mm and thickness of wall equalto 15 mm.
The effective areas for the above standard plate and tube diffusers work out to 780
cm2 and 1160 cm2respectively.
(2) Mechanical aeration:
In the air-diffusion method, as pointed out above, a lot of compressed air (90 to 95%)
gets wasted.
It simply escapes through the tank without giving oxygen to the sewage.
Although it helps in bringing about the required agitation of sewage mixture.
In order to affect economy, atmospheric air is brought in contact with the sewage in the
mechanical aeration method.
In this mechanical aeration method, the sewage is stirred up by means of mechanical
devices, like paddles, etc. (called surface aerators).
(a) Haworth Paddle System:
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motion, so set up, brings about the required aeration. Such an aerator is very efficient;
detention period is smaller (3 to 4 hours).
It requires less amount of compressed air as compared to the diffused-air aeration.
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4) Sludge Age:
The sludge age is an operation parameter related to the F/M ratio. It may be defined as
the average time for which particles of suspended solids remain under aeration.
It thus, indicates the residence time of biological solids in the system, while aeration
period (i.e. liquid retention time) may be short as 3 to 30 hour, the residence time of
biological solids in the system is much greater, and is measured in days.
While sewage passes through the aeration tank only once and rather quickly, the resultant
biological growths and the extracted waste organics are repeatedly recycled from the
secondary clarifier back to the aeration tank, thereby increasing the retention time of
This time is called Solids Retention Time (SRT)orMean Cell Residence Time (MCRT)or
sludge age.
The most common method of expressing sludge age, usually represented by O c in days, is
to express it as the ratio of the mass of MLSS in the aeration tank relative to the mass of
suspended solids leaning the per day.
Mass of suspended solids (MLSS)in the system(M)
∴ Sludge age (θc) = Mass of solids leaning the system
For conventional activated sludge plant, with the flow (Q), concentration of solids (X t),
and BOD5(Y) as marked in fig. we can easily write,
(a)Mass of solids in the reactor.
M = V×(MLSS)
M = V× Xt.
WhereXt is MLSS in the aeration tank (mg/l).
(b)(i)Mass of solids removed with the wasted sludge per day = Q w× Xr
(ii)Mass of solids removed from the system per day =(Q−Qw)Xe
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Under steady operation, the mass of waste activated sludge is further given by
Qw.Xr = ∝y. Q(Yo−Ye)−Ke.Xt.V
Where∝y= max. yield co-efficient
Microbial mass synthesised
∝y= Mass of substrated utilised
∝y = 1.0 w.r.t TSS (i.e. MLSS)
∝y = 0.6 w.r.t VSS (i.e. MLVSS)
Ke= Endogenous respiration rate constant (per day)
Ke= 0.006 per day
∴ = ∝y.U−Ke
Since both ∝y&Ke are constant for a given waste water, it becomes necessary to defined either θ c
or U.
The usual adopted range of SVI is between 50-150 ml/gm and such a value indicates
good settling sludge.
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The excess sludge quantity will increase with the increasing FIM ratio, and decrease with
In thecase of domestic sewage, Qw will be about 0.50-0.75 kg per kg BODremoved for
the conventional sludge plants (having F/M ratio varyingbetween 0.4 to 0.3).
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Organic acids form an important class of carbon sources for the growth of filamentous
sulphur bacteria.
These bacteria, however, do not develop well at low pH values.
The most successful methods to control these organisms, as per latest research, are: (i)
reduction of the sludge age to less than 6 days and (ii) chlorination of return activated
Foam removal is also a logical and beneficial control measure.
Carbohydrate-rich waters are more prone to give rise to filamentous populations.
Exclusion of such wastewaters may, therefore, sometimes help in controlling sludge
One of the first check made on a bulking activated .plant, therefore, is to measure
concentrations to determine whether they are sufficient for the amount of sludge being
produced. If not, the problem is readily solved by addition of nutrients to the waste water.
6. What is meant by rising Sludge?
The rising sludge is caused by denitrification in the secondary clarifier.
Denitrification results in the formation of nitrogen gas bubbles, which lifts up the settled
sludge, thereby deteriorating the quality of the clarified effluent.
High temperatures (above 20°C) do accelerate the rate of denitrification.
when the nitrates concentration in the influent of the secondary clarifier of an activated
plant exceeds 6-8 mg/l and temperatures are more, then enough nitrogen gas (due to
denitrification) would be produced the secondary clarifier during its usual 1 hour
detention time, causing rising sludge.
Plants in areas of warm climates will be susceptible to this problem and the only practical
solution to be problem is to denitrify the effluent of the activated sludge process before
allowing its entry into the secondary clarifier.
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Trickling Filter:
8. Explain Construction and Operation of Trickling Filters
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4. They are flexible in operation, and they can, therefore, withstand the application of
variety of sewages having different concentrations and compositions. Even if they
are over-loaded, they can recoupe after rest.
5. They are self-cleaning.
6. Mechanical wear and tear is small, as they contain less mechanical equipment.
7. Moisture content of sludge, obtained from trickling filters, is as high as 99% or so.
8. Trickling filters have been found to operate more efficiently in warm weather, and
produce an effluent appreciably lower in BOD. Hence, they are of immense-use in
hot countries like India.
1. The head loss through these filter is high, making automatic dosing of the filters
necessary (through siphonic dosing tanks).
2. Cost of construction of trickling filters is high.
3. These filters cannot treat raw sewage, and primary sedimentation is a must.
4. These filters pose a number of operational troubles such as fly nuisance.
5. Odor nuisance and Ponding Trouble.
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Depth of filter
1 1.6 - 2.4 m 1.2 – 1.8m
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110 to 330
9 Hydraulic loading 20 to 44 ML/hectare/day
900 to 2200 kg of BOD 5 6000 to 18000 kg of
10 Organic loading per ha-m of filter media BOD5 per ha-m of filter
/day media /day
11 Not provided Always provided
Quality of
12 Black, highly oxidized Brown, not fully oxidized.
secondary sludge
13. What is the need of recirculation of treated sewage in high rate trickling filters?
Recirculation of sewage is an essential and important feature of high rate filters.
The recirculation consists in returning a portion of the treated or partly treated
sewage to the treatment process.
Usually, the return is from the secondary settling tank to the primary settling tank,
or to, the dosing tank of the filter, as shown in Fig.3.
Sometimes, the effluent from the filter itself, before it enters the secondary
clarifier, may be sent back to the primary clarifier.
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where Y = the total organic loading in kg/day applied to the filter, i.e. the total BOD in
kg. The term is also called unit organic loading on filter, i.e., u.
V = Filter volume in hectare-meters.
F = Recirculation factor
Final efficiency in the two stage filter
= η′ ( % ) = ′
1+ √ Y
1−η V′ .F′
Y' = Total BOD in effluent from firststage in kg/day.
V’ = Volume of second stage filter inha-m.
F' = Recirculation factor for thesecond stage filter.
η' = Final efficiency obtained aftertwo stage filtration.
14. Determine the size of a high rate trickling filter for the following data.
Sewage flow = 4.5 Mld
Recirculation ratio = 1.5
BOD of raw sewage = 250 mg/l
BOD of removal in primary tank = 30%
Final effluent BOD desired = 30 mg/l
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Quantity of sewage flowing into the filter per day = 4.5Ml/d
BOD concentration in raw sewage = 250 mg/l
∴Total BOD present in raw sewage = 4.5Ml × 250 mg/l = 1125 kg
BOD removed in primary tank = 30%
BOD left in the sewage entering per day in the filter unit
= 1125 × 0.7= 787.5 kg
BOD concentration desired in final effluent = 30 mg/l
∴ Total BOD left in the effluent per day = 4.5 × 30 kg = 135 kg
BOD removed by the filter = 787.5 – 135 = 652.5 kg
BOD removed
Efficiency of the filter = × 100
Total BOD
= 787.5×100
= 82.85 %
Now, using equation we have
η= Y
V = 0.2 hectare-m
V = 2000 m3
15. Determine the surface area of a flow rate trickling filter to treat 10MLD of average
sewage flow with a BOD of 300 mg/l at an organic loading rate of 0.2 kg BOD/m 3/day.
Average sewage flow = 10MLD
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16. A single stage filter is to treat a flow of 3.79 M.l.d. of raw sewage with BOD of240 mg/l.
It is to be designed for a loading of 11086 kg of BOD in. raw sewage per hectare meter, and
the recirculation ratio is to be 1. What will be the strength of the effluent?
Total BOD present in raw sewage = 3.79 ML x 240 mg/l= 909.6 kg
Total BOD in raw sewage in kg
Now, filter volume required = Given BOD loading rate of 11086 kg/ha−m
Volume required = 110`86 ha − m = 0.082 ha − m
Now, assuming that 35%ofBOD is removed in primary clarifier, we have
The amount of BOD applied to the filter= 0.65 x 909.6 kg= 591.24 kg.
Now, using equation
η(%) = Y
The amount of BOD left in the effluent = 591.24 [1 – 0.7745] kg. = 133.32 kg.
Total BOD
BOD concentration in the effluent = Sewage volume
BOD concentration in the effluent = = 35.15 mg/l
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17. With the help of neat sketch explain the function and operation of UASB.
High rate anaerobic system
The UASB reactor maintains a high concentration of biomass through the formation of
biomass through the formation of highly settleable microbial sludge aggregates.
Waste water flows upwards through a layer of very active sludge (sludge bed) to cause
anaerobic digestion of organics of the waste water.
At the top of reactor, three phases separation between gas-solid liquid takes place.
This process is suitable for both soluble waste water as well as waste waters containing
particulate matter.
The waste water enters the tank from the bottom and flow upwards through the sludge
bed, which is formed during the process itself.
The sludge bed consists of anaerobic and facultative micro-organisms capable of
flourishing in a oxygen deficient environment.
The sludge bed (blanket) traps the suspended organics from the upflowingsewge which
are degraded by anaerobic and facultative bacteria, which produce methane (CH4) and
carbondioxide (CO2) (Biogas).
The biogas produced helps in gentle mixing and stirring of biomass thereby increasing
the efficiency of decomposition and reducing the BOD and suspended solids
concentration of the waste water.
The gas produced is sufficient to keep the sludge fully mixed.
The biogas consists of 65 to 70% CH4 and 30 to 35% CO2.
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The methane (or) biogas is collected at the top of the tank in a gas collector.
The water sludge mixture is made to enter a settling tank, where the sludge settles down
and flows back into the bottom of the reactor.
The sludge has good settling properties.
There is no packing material. The microbes attach to each other or to small particles,
agglomerate, granulates to form sludge bed or blanket.
Retention time is about 6-8 hours with continuous bacterial process.
The treated effluent is collected in gutters and discharged out of the reactor.
The methane generated can be used for generating electricity to run the plant.
The sludge is dewatered in drying beds and used as soil enricher.
Advantages :
18. Explain the working principle of waste stabilization ponds and mention their
classification. (Stabilization Ponds:
Stabilization ponds are open flow through earthen basins, specifically designed and
constructed to treat sewage and biodegradable industrial waste waters.
Such ponds provide comparatively long detention periods, extending from a few days to
several days, during which time the wastes get stabilized by the action of natural forces.
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Aerobic Ponds:
In a totally aerobic pond, the stabilization of wastes is brought about by aerobic pond bacteria,
which flourish in the presence of oxygen.
The oxygen demand of such bacteria which flourish in the presence of oxygen.
The oxygen demand of such bacteria in such a pond is met by the combined action of
algae and other micro-organisms, called algal photosynthesis, or algal symbiosis.
In this symbiosis, the algae (which are microscopic plants) while growing in the presence
of sunlight, produce oxygen by the action of photosynthesis; and this oxygen is utilized
by the bacteria for oxidizing the waste organic matter.
The end products of the process are CO2, ammonia and phosphates which are required by
the algae to grow and continue to produce oxygen.
Anaerobic Ponds:
In an anaerobic pond, however, the stabilization of waste is mainly brought about by the
usual anaerobic conversion of organic wastes to carbon dioxide, methane and gaseous
end products, with exception of foul odour and pungent smells.
In a facultative pond, the upper layer work under aerobic conditions, while the anaerobic
conditions prevail in the bottom layers.
The upper aerobic layer of the pond acts as a good check against the evolution of the foul
odour from such a pond.
The treatment affected from such a pond is comparable to that of conventional secondary
treatment process.
The totally aerobic ponds will have to be of very small depths such as below 0.5m and
still then may require occasional stirring, to prevent anaerobic condition in the settled
It is therefore practicing difficult to construct and use such purely aerobic ponds.
Facultative Ponds:
The facultative ponds, with depths varying between 1m to 1.5m, are thus most widely
used for treatment of sewage.
Deeper ponds in the depth range of 2.5m to 4m also sometimes are constructed to work
Treatment ponds have been used to treat waste water for many years, especially for small
Oxidation Ditch:
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Oxidation-ditch plant is economical for population upto 1.5 lakh, compared to ASP or
trickling filters.
Land requirement is less.
Oxidation ditch plant involves the construction of number of ditch channels, placed side
by side having depth of 1-1.5m, width of 1-5m based on the rotors used. The length may
vary from 150m to 1000m.
The oxidation ditches may be constructed either in earthwork with earthern embankments
(or) in brick (or) in stone masonry walls.
Each ditch channel is equipped with a horizontal axis rotor for agitating and circulating
the sewage and thereby oxygenating the sewage and keeping the sewage-solids in
The velocity of sewage is 0.3m/s.
The aerated sewage is then settled in a settling tank by stooping the rotors for 2 hours.
When rotors are stopped, the supernatant liquor is taken out.
A part of settled sludge is recirculated and the excess sludge (stabilized) is easily dried in
sand beds and disposed suitably.
Design considerations:
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= 𝑉
𝑀 (1000) × 𝑋𝑡
𝑄𝑟 𝑋𝑡
Sludge return ratio, = 106
𝑄 (𝜃𝐶 . 𝑌(𝑆0−𝑆 )
𝑉 1 + 𝐾𝑑. 𝜃𝑐
SS – Suspended solids
Wasting of excess sludge = 𝜃
𝑋(𝑄 + 𝑄𝑟 ) = 𝑋𝑟 . 𝑄𝑟
Hydraulic retention time = 𝑄
𝑄(𝑌0 −𝑌)
Process loading = kg total BOD/kg of MLSS.
𝑋𝑡 .𝑉
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X = MLVSS mg/l.
Q = Sewage inflow.
𝜃𝐶 = MCRT (days).
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Figure.20:Aerated lagoon
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23. Discuss the operational problems of standard high rate trickling filter and their
Trickling filters
(i) Fly Nuisance
The filter fly, psychoda, which develops in the filter particles, may prove to be
nuisance, as the same may be carried away into the habitation.
This problem may be controlled by flooding the filter with sewage for 24 hours or
The flooding will destroy the larvae, and usually interfere slightly with the results
of operation.
Another method of controlling fly nuisance is by using insecticides, such as D.D.T.,
and benzene hexachloride, etc. in the filter plant.
(ii) Odour Nuisance
When fixed nozzles are used, H 2S and other odour gases are frequently released
from the sprays into the atmosphere.
The usual remedy is to chlorinate the sewage to prevent formation of H 2S gas, or
to neutralize that already formed.
The remedy is to chlorinate the sewage, and to keep sewage fresh by
recirculation, as is done in rapid filters.
(iii) Ponding trouble
Sometimes, the voids in the filter media get clogged due to heavy growth of fungi
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and algae.
This may result in Ponding of the sewage over the filter bed.
This trouble, posed by algae and fungi, can be controlled by chlorinating the
sewage, which kills the algae, thus causing unloading of the accumulated
Other methods of controlling algae are to add copper sulphate to the sewage, and
resting the bed for some time.
24.Design an oxidation pond for treating sewage from a hot climatic residential colony with
5000 persons, contributing sewage at 120 liters per capital per day. The 5-day BOD of
sewage is 300mg/l
The quantity of sewage to be treated per day = 5000×120 = 6,00,000litres = 600 cu.m
The BOD content per day = 0.6 ML × 300 mg/l = 180 kg
Now, assuming organic loading rate in the pond (in hot climates as say 300kg/hec/day) we have,
180 kg/d 180 180
Surface required = = hec = ×104 m2
300 kg/hec/day 300 300
= 6000m2
Assuming the length of the tank(L), as twice the width(B), we have
2B2= 6000
B = 54.7m ~ 55m
∴ Use L= = 110m
Using a tank with effective depth 1.2m, we have
The provided capacity = 110×55×1.2 = 7260m3
Now, Capacity = Sewage flow per day × Detention time(days)
Capacity in cu.m 7260
Detention time in days = Sewage flow per day in cu.m/day= 600
= 12 days
Hence, use an oxidation pond with length = 100m, width = 55m and Overall depth = (1.2+1) =
2.2m and Detention period of 12 days.
Design of Inlet Pipe:
Assuming, an average velocity of sewage as 0.9 m/sec, and daily flow for 8 hours only.
Discharge = 8×60×60 cumecs
Area of inlet pipe required,
Discharge 600 1
= = 8×60×60× 0.9m2= 0.0232 m2
= 232 cm2
Diameter of inlet pipe,
din =√ = 18 cm
Diameter of outlet pipe may be taken as 1.5 times that of the inlet pipe diameter.
dout = 1.5×18 = 27 cm
∴ Diameter of Inlet pipe =18 cm
Diameter of Outlet pipe = 27 cm
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25. Design an oxidation ditch for a community of 7500 with a per capita sewage
contribution of 90 lpcd and BOD 250 mg/l. The desired BOD of the treated sewage
is 30 mg/l.
Population = 7500
Per capita sewage = 90 lpcd
Influent BOD = 250 mg/l
Effluent BOD = 30 mg/l
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= = 2.8125 m
Hence adopt 2 rotors of 1.4 m length each. Giving a clearance of 0.25 m on either side, width of
ditch = 1.4+2X0.25 = 1.9 m
Let us keep a depth of 1.5 m
Surface area required = = 281.25 m2
Adopting one ditch, surface area of ditch = 281.25 m2
Length of ditch = = 148; say 150 m
(vii) Power required:
Power required for each rotor @ 1.35 kW/m length = 1.35 X 1.4 = 1.90 kW
(viii) Design of settling tank:
Let us SOR of 20 m3/m2/day and detention time for 2 hours
Q 675
Surface area A = SOR = = 33.75 m2
675 3
V= × 24 = 56.25 m
Depth of tank = 33.75 = 1.67 m
Dia of tank = √ = 6.55 m
Provide 6.6 m dia. tank of 1.7 m depth with hopper bottom,
Actual area A = (6.6)2 = 34.21 m2
Actual SOR = 34.21 = 19.73 m3 /m/day
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Tertiary treatment at the end of secondary treatment is provided to further treat the
sewage to make it suitable for recycle.
Tertiary treatment units generally include chlorination, sand filtration and activated
For treating sewage from toilets, a wide range of commercially available technologies
These include the age-old activated sludge process, compact high rate fixed film
biological systems and state-of-the-art submerged membrane systems.
Based on the economics and end use of the treated sewage, different schemes can be
Usually treated sewage is used for gardening after tertiary treatment.
The state-of-the-art technology adopted for sewage treatment these days is usually the
membrane bio-reactor (Fig. 3).
Membrane bio-reactors use bacteria to digest the organic matter in the sewage, and
membranes to separate the water from the contaminants.
The treated water from the membrane bio-reactor can be further treated using the reverse
osmosis process, to produce high quality water suitable even for drinking.
But the human mind rejects treated sewage even though the quality is much better than
raw water available from many sources.
But these kinds of systems can be used in industries for producing process quality water.