Day 1 Brain Divided PDF
Day 1 Brain Divided PDF
Day 1 Brain Divided PDF
“Brain Divided”
short animated movie
Before watching
1. Match these phrases with their translation.
1) Sorry I’m late ти коли-небудь … ?
2) You must be (Scarlett) присідай
3) It’s nice to meet you вибач, що я запізнилась
4) The pleasure is all mine сподіваюсь ти голодна
5) Take a seat мені теж дуже приємно
6) I hope you’re hungry о Боже, з тобою все гаразд?
7) I’m starving ти мабуть (Скарлет)
8) Looks like you … виглядає так, ніби ти …
9) Have you ever … ? приємно познайомитись
10) Oh my God, are you OK? я був такий спантеличений
11) What do you say? як на рахунок … ?
12) Time for … (dancing) та що з тобою не так?
13) What’s wrong with you? звучить привабливо
14) My mind was all over the place тобі спадає щось на думку?
15) What was all that? що то було?
16) I like the sound of that що скажеш?
17) How about … ? час … (танцювати)
18) Did you have anything in mind? я дуже голодна
3. Complete the gaps with the words from the list.
spice, dinner, low in, dessert, looks like, main course,
high in, served, cheese, say, accent, excited for
JOHN: I got us something that's _______________ carbs and _______________ antioxidants so
you won't get fat.
SCARLET: Excuse me?!
JOHN: _______________ you don't have that problem, you doing some modeling? You've
got amazing eyes, sweet aaa…. _______________ , that’s French, isn't it?
SCARLET: Um…no, more like Wisconsin. Caribou and cheese head here. Have you ever
had any _______________ from Wisconsin?
JOHN: Oh no, um … cheese makes me gassy. Oh, _______________’s here! Let's
_______________ things up. I hope you're _______________ the _______________. I know I am.
Dinner is _______________.
SCARLET: Oh my god, are you okay?
JOHN: My song’s playing. Haha, time for some real dancing. Olé, spin move, jazz hands.
What do you _______________? Time for some _______________?
4. Put the lines in the correct order.
So how about that second date?
Wait, Scarlet!
I don't know.
Look, yeah, I know I seem crazy but, but my mind was all over the place trying to be
someone I thought you'd like, but I'd like to show you the real me
I like the sound of that. Did you have anything else in mind?
We could go dancing.
1 Oh, what's wrong with you?
After watching
5. Answer the questions about the video.
1) Where does the scene take place?
2) What is Scarlett wearing?
3) Where is Scarlett from?
4) Why can’t John eat cheese?
5) How did John explain his strange behavior in the restaurant?
6) Are they going to have a second date?
2) How would you describe both sides of John? Which side do
discuss these
you like more? questions in our
3) What would you do if a person you are on a date with was telegram chat
Low in carbs з низьким вмістом вуглеводів
This vocabulary, as
well as the phrases High in antioxidants з великим вмістом антиоксидантів
from exercise 1, you Get fat потовстіти
can practice in the Do some modeling працювати моделлю
app Quizlet. I’ll send
the link in our char in Caribou карібу (різновид оленя)
Telegram Spice things up додати гостроти, пікантності
Be exсited for із захопленням очікувати щось
Main course головна страва
Second date друге побачення
SCARLET: Hi, John, sorry I'm late.
JOHN: Hi, you must be Scarlett.
SCARLET: Yeah, it's nice to meet you.
JOHN: The pleasure is all mine….oh here, take a seat.
SCARLET: Yeah sure.
JOHN: Yeah, I hope you're hungry cuz I already ordered our food.
SCARLET: Oh great, I’m starving
JOHN: I got us something that's low in carbs and high in antioxidants so you won't get
SCARLET: Excuse me?!
JOHN: Looks like you don't have that problem, you doing some modeling? You've got
amazing eyes, sweet aaa….accent, that’s French, isn't it?
SCARLET: Um…no, more like Wisconsin. Caribou and cheese head here. Have you ever
had any cheese from Wisconsin?
JOHN: Oh no, um … cheese makes me gassy. Oh, dinner’s here! Let's spice things up. I
hope you're excited for the main course. I know I am. Dinner is served.
SCARLET: Oh my god, are you okay?
JOHN: My song’s playing. Haha, time for some real dancing. Olé, spin move, jazz hands.
What do you say? Time for some dessert?
SCARLET: Oh, what's wrong with you?
JOHN: Wait, Scarlet!
SCARLET: What do you want?
JOHN: Scarlet, look, I'm sorry. I was an idiot back there.
SCARLET: Yeah, you were. What was all that?
JOHN: Look, yeah, I know I seem crazy but, but my mind was all over the place trying to
be someone I thought you'd like, but I'd like to show you the real me
SCARLET: I don't know.
JOHN: We could go dancing.
SCARLET: I like the sound of that. Did you
have anything else in mind?
JOHN: So how about that second date?
SCARLET: Forget dating! Let's start a family!