Summaries of The Quraan Majeed - Day 26 - SLP
Summaries of The Quraan Majeed - Day 26 - SLP
Summaries of The Quraan Majeed - Day 26 - SLP
At the end of the 26th pâra, those angels were discussed whom
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Ibrâhîm اﻟﺴ�م َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪregarded as ordinary guests. When the reality
opened up to him and he come to know that these were angels, he
asked them, “What important task did you come for?” They told him
that they had been sent to rain down stones and destroy the nation
of Lût. Besides the nation of Lût, Sûrah Dhâriyât mentions the end
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result of Fir’awn, the nation of Âd, Thamûd and Nûh اﻟﺴ�م َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪand
thereafter turns our attention to the creation of the heavens and
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earth. Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎdeclares this scientific reality that Allâh
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� ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎhas created everything in pairs. At the end of the sûrah,
the purpose of man and jinn’s creation have been mentioned which
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is the recognition and worship of Allâh �ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎ. ُ We are informed
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that Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎis responsible for the sustenance of all
creation. A warning of punishment on the Day of Qiyâmah is
sounded out to the disbelievers and mushrikîn.
Sûrah Tûr
Thereafter this sûrah mentions the everlasting abode of the pious i.e.
Jannah where-in they will be granted bounties such as hûrs (maidens
of Jannah), young boys (as servants) tasty fruit, meat and glasses of
wine filled to the brim. While speaking amongst themselves, they will
say, “Before this, we used to be fearful among our families.
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However, Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎfavoured us and saved us from the
punishment of the scorching winds.” (26-28) In the following verses,
this sûrah clarifies the standpoint of the mushrikîn regarding the call
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of Rasûlullâh ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ �ﺻ. They would taunt him and regard him
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as a fortune-teller and mad. Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎcommands Nabî �َﺻ
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ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ that he should continue his work of calling and
reminding because they cannot cause any harm. At the end of the
sûrah, the false notions of the mushrikîn are refuted. Proofs of Allâh
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�’ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎs
ُ divinity and oneness are shown and those foolish
people who say that the angels are the daughters of Allâh ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ
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� َوﺗ َﻌﺎare rebuked. Nabî ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ � َﺻis commanded to be patient
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in propagation and inviting and to glorify and praise Allâh �ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎ
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(tasbîh and tahmîd). Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎasserts that He will protect
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Nabî ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ �ﺻ, and the oppressors will have to face two
punishments. One is the worldly punishment and one is the
punishment of the hereafter. (47)
Sûrah Najm
(2) Sûrah Najm criticizes the mushrikîn who worship idols such as Lât,
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Uzzâ and Manât and who regard the angels to be Allâh �’ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎs
daughters. (19-23)
(3) This sûrah discusses Qiyâmah, where the good and evil actions of
man will be fully recompensed. Mention is made of the pious, that
they abstain from major sins and acts of shamelessness, whereas the
disbelievers turned away from Islâm. (32-35)
(4) Every person is individually responsible for his own actions. The
burden of one’s sins will not be carried by another. The man, who
praises himself, will not be accepted. (42-43)
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(5) This noble sûrah mentions some proofs of Allâh �’ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎs
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power and oneness e.g. Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎmakes us laugh, He makes
us cry, He takes away life and gives life, He creates males and
females, it is His task to create us a second-time, He makes us
wealthy and grant us possessions and it is He who has destroyed
disobedient nations. (43-55)
At the end of the sûrah, the actions of the mushrikîn regarding the
Qur’ân are mentioned, “Are you then surprised with this speech, as
you laugh instead of crying and do you continue behaving
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arrogantly? Now prostrate to Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎand worship Him.”
Sûrah Qamar
(1) In the first verse of this sûrah, mention is made of the closeness
of Qiyâmah and the splitting of the moon. The meaning of the
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closeness of Qiyâmah is that the era after Nabî ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ �’ﺻs
nubuwwat is very little compared to the era before it. In a narration
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of Bukhârî and Muslim, Nabî ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ � َﺻlifted up his index and
middle finger and said, “Qiyâmah and I have been sent like this.” The
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splitting of the moon is Nabî ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ �’ﺻs famous miracle.
When the people of Makkah asked him for a miracle, he pointed
towards the moon which split into two. However, where would those
in whose share guidance was not written accept this? Allâh ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ
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� َوﺗ َﻌﺎstates, “And if they see any miracle, they turn away and say,
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“Magic will soon vanish.” (3) Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎcommands Nabî �َﺻ
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ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ to turn away from them and to wait for that day when
they will arise from their graves. Their eyes will be lowered, the
blackness of disgrace will envelop their faces, they will go towards
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the caller (i.e. Isrâfîl اﻟﺴ�م )ﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ running and will say, “This is a very
difficult day for us.” (8)
The meaning of the Qur’ân being easy, is that to recite it, memorize
it, take advice from it and to practice on it is easy. The result of this is
that a simple bedouin who cannot read a small booklet in his native
language, can easily recite the Qur’ân-e-Karîm. Small, innocent
children memorize it in their hearts keeping in mind all its laws and
finer points. When pure-hearted people recite and hear it, then their
eyes well up with tears and the desire for practise becomes alive in
their hearts. The Qur’ân being easy does not imply that any person
after studying it, can start extracting laws from it and can sit back
and become a mujtahid. ( A Mujtahid is one who is an expert in all
those branches of knowledge required for the proper understanding
of Qu’rân and Hadîth. In this day and age, such people are non-
existent. Translator)
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(3) At the end of the sûrah, Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎstates, “We have
created everything by measure.” (49) Everything that happens in this
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universe, whether good or evil, is the creation of Allâh �ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎ
and it is all according to the demands of wisdom and order.
Whatever is going to happen, is all written in the lawhe-mahfûz (the
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protected tablet). Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎknows what is going to happen
before it comes into existence. The Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamâ’at have
proven the belief of taqdîr (predestination) from this verse. In these
verses, we learn that every small and big action has been noted in
the lawhe-mahfûz, and that the kirâman-kâtibîn are writing them
down. Therefore, one should never regard any sin as small and
perpetrate it, nor should one regard any act of goodness as petty and
leave it out. In the end, glad tidings of a good result, earning the
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pleasure of Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎand a place of honour have been
mentioned for the pious. (52-55)
Sûrah Rahmân
This is a Madanî sûrah. It has 78 verses and 3 rukûs. Its other name is
“Urûsul-Qur’ân.” Hadhrat Ali ﻛﺮم ﷲ وﺟﻬﻪhas mentioned that Nabî
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ﷲ َﻋﻠ ْ� ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﻢ � َﺻhas said, “Everything has an urûs (bride, beauty), the
bride (beauty) of the Qur’ân is Sûrah Rahmân.” In this sûrah, Allâh
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� ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎhas mentioned His favours, the first of which is the
revelation of the Qur’ân and teaching it to His servants. Definitely,
this is a great favour. No material favour can ever compare with it.
Every bounty has some substitute or the other, but nothing can ever
substitute the Qur’ân. Its every verse and every letter is better than
the whole world and whatever it contains. The Qur’ân is the
protector, gatherer and abrogator of the contents of all other
heavenly scriptures.
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Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎcommences this sûrah with His quality of اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ
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(the Most Merciful), as if to inform us that all of Allâh �’ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎs
bounties, especially the bounty of the Qur’ân is due to the blessings
and effects of His mercy. Due to Him being Rahmân, He has mercy on
His servants. He grants them all types of bounties. For their
instruction and guidance, He has revealed the Qur’ân. To show the
greatness and honour of the Qur’ân, the teaching of the Qur’ân has
been mentioned before the creation of man. Thereafter, this sûrah
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mentions Allâh �’ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎs
ُ bounties which are spread out
throughout the universe : the sun and moon which move about in
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their orbits according to Allâh �’ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎs
ُ set pattern; the stars and
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trees which are prostration in front of Allâh �;ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎ
ُ the earth
which has been spread out like a carpet; different fruits, grains and
flowers from which man takes benefit from; rivers of sweet and
bitter water which flows in their respective places; those pearls and
emeralds which are extracted from these oceans; ships that are high
and wide as mountains which move in the ocean, and which were,
and are the best means of transportation and freighting. (5-24)
If there are one or two or even ten or twenty bounties, they can be
denied. However when the condition is such that the bounties are
uncountable, then to deny them is impossible.
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If this sûrah is studied properly, it will be seen that Allâh �ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎ
has in the beginning mentioned the amazing nature of His creation.
This verse has been mentioned 8 times in between them. Thereafter
Jahannum and its punishment are mentioned wherein this verse is
mentioned 7 times. One who has studied the Qur’ân knows that
Jahannum has 7 doors. Thereafter, mentioning the gardens of Jannah
and the inhabitants of Jannah, this verse has been mentioned 8
times. The doors of Jannah are eight. Finally, those gardens are
mentioned which are lower in rank than the first ones. Here too, this
verse is mentioned 8 times. The people of knowledge have extracted
this result from this order and division that the person who has firm
belief in the first eight and practices according to its demands, Allâh
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� ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎwill save him from the seven doors of Jahannum and will
make him worthy of the two types of Jannah. Some crooked-minded
people have raised this objection, “How can the punishment of the
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hereafter be a bounty of Allâh � ”? ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎThis can be answered in
two ways :
After this, the sûrah brings forth proofs of the existence, unity and
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perfect power of Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎas well as proofs of resurrection
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and reckoning. Allâh �ﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎ, ُ who creates man from a drop of
liquid, who creates trees and plants from seeds placed in the soil,
who cause rain to fall from the clouds, and who creates fire from
trees can also bring a dead person back to life. After mentioning His
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power, Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎmentions the greatness of His speech.
Thereafter, He takes an oath on the falling stars. Regarding this oath,
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Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎstates, “This is undoubtedly a great oath if you
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knew.” (76) After taking this oath, Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎstates, “Verily
this is the honourable Qur’ân in a protected tablet. Only pure people
should touch it. It has been revealed from the Rabb of the universe.”
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Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎhas regarded the oath of stars as great. Today
science has made apparent such investigations and wonders of
thousands of stars by which we learn that definitely it is a huge oath.
The scientists state that the universe is made up of 500 million
galaxies. Each galaxy is made up of approximately 100 000 million
stars. All these galaxies are in constant motion. The moon also orbits
continuously. The earth rotates on its orbit at the speed of 1000
miles per hour. The sun orbits at a speed of 600 000 miles per hour.
Amongst the stars, some move in their orbits at a distance of 8 miles
per second, some at 33 miles per second and others at 84 miles per
second. If these orbiting bodies have to clash with each other, then
the whole system of the universe will go into chaos. Similarly, if there
is a change in the speed of these celestial bodies, then our day night
and even our seasons would change. Keeping all these details in
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front, one can judge what a huge oath Allâh � ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎhas taken.
The connection between the stars and the Qur’ân is that just as by
means of stars, one is guided in the darkness when one is on land
and in the ocean, by the verses of the Qur’ân, guidance is attained
from the darkness of ignorance and misguidance. Just as all the
amazing facts of the stars are not open to man as yet, similarly man
is not aware of all the hidden knowledge in the verses and sûrahs of
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the Qur’ân-e-Karîm. At the end of the sûrah, Allâh �ُﺳ ْب َﺤﺎﻧﻪ َوﺗ َﻌﺎ
mentions regarding the recompense of all three groups which have
been mentioned, “This is most definitely the irrefutable truth. So
glorify the name of Your Majestic Rabb.” (95-96)
Sûrah Hadîd