Khulasa e Tafseer of Mufti Muneeb Ur Rehman in English
Khulasa e Tafseer of Mufti Muneeb Ur Rehman in English
Khulasa e Tafseer of Mufti Muneeb Ur Rehman in English
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{Surat al-Fatiha}
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This is the 1 Surah of The Quran but 5 in terms of revelation.
This Surah is called Surah Fatiha because The Quran starts from this Surah. Its
importance can be understood from the fact that the recitation of Surah Fatiha is
Mandatory (Fardth) in the first two rak'ats of the prayers and required (wajib) in all
other rak'ats.
Surah Fatiha consists of seven verses and in a hadith Qudsi it is referred to as ""ٰولصۃ
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: I have distributed the prayer (Namaz) between me and my
servant. When the servant says "Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds", then a call
comes from Allah ﷻAlmighty that my servant has recited my praise (Hamd), And
then when the servant recites "Al-Rahman-ul-Raheem", then there is a call from Allah
ﷻAlmighty saying that My servant has praised me again with (Sana), And when
servant recites "Malik-i-Yum-e-Din" then a call comes from Allah Almighty saying that
My servant has described My greatness and majesty or the servant has entrusted his
life to Me, And then when the servant recites "lyyak naabdu waiyak nasta'in-", then
there is a call from Allah ﷻthat there is an understanding between my servant and
me, means worship will only be to Allah ﷻ, and true assistance against hardship will
be relieved by Allah.
And when the servant recites from "Ihdin al-Sirrat al-Mustaqim", to "Wala-Dhaaleen",
then since these words are supplications and the servant is asking Allah ﷻto make
him steadfast on the straight path, then Allah ﷻAlmighty will call for him and says,
this is for my servant, and whatever he will ask it will be granted. (Sahih Muslim: 877)
It is usually read at times to send rewards to the deceased; this is the other reason it's
called Surah Fatiha.
Surah Fatiha is also known as Surah Al-Dua, Surah Al-Masa'llah, Surah Al-Shifa, Surah
Al-Kanz, Surah Al-Waqiyah, Surah Al-Kafiyyah, Surah Al-Ruqiyyah, and Surah Al-Hamd.
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It contains the description of all the praise and greatness of Allah Almighty. It also
describes the order of Allah ﷻthat all worship is just for Allah ﷻand he is a true
savior and all seekers, ask for guidance and sustenance from him.
This Surah describes the etiquettes of asking Prayers (DUA) from Allah ﷻ. In this
Surah true guidance (Hidayat) from Allah, has been sought. Hidayat (Guidance) is the
comprehensive word that describes the purpose of Prophets, their teaching, and a
summary of all holy books and their message. Therefore Surah Fatiah is also called the
summary of Al Quran.
{Surat al-Baqrah}
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This is the 2 Surah of The Quran but the 87 in terms of revelation. Surah Al-
Baqarah is the longest Surah of the Holy Quran and the first Surah revealed in Madina
Munawara. In this Surah, the principles and rules of individual and collective life,
worship, politics, economics, and sociology of Muslims have been described.
There is a verse in this surah in which Allah's ﷻpersonality, oneness, and important
attributes have been described. This is Ayat al-Kursi.
This Surah is named Baqarah (cow) because the cow is mentioned in this Surah.
All the Surahs of the Quran have been revealed gradually according to Allah's will and
for the guidance of Rasool Allah on different stages of Prophecy and their names have
been given according to easy understanding.
According to hadith: Reported by Imam Nasa'i: Hazrat Abu Huraira )(ریض ہللا غنہ narrated:
The Messenger of Allah ( ﷺpeace and blessings be upon him) said: Do not make your
houses graveyards, evil runs away from the houses, where Surah Al-Baqarah is
Hazrat Huzaifa narrates: The Messenger of Allah ( ﷺpeace and blessings be upon
him) said: We are superior to (other) people for three reasons.
All the earth has been made a mosque (place for worship) for us, its soil has been
made a source of purity for us, our rows are like the rows of the angels and we have
been given the last verses of this Surah, which came directly, under Allah's ﷻthrone.
These verses have never been given to anyone before and it will never be given to
anyone after me.
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In the second verse of Surah Baqarah, it is stated that if someone ponders the
message of the Quran with an open mind and heart, they will realize there are no
doubts in this book.
The infidels and polytheists of Makkah used to deny that the Qur'an was the word of
Allah and used to say, it was created by the Prophet ( ﷺpeace and blessings of Allah
be upon him). Therefore, in verses 23 and 24 of Surah Baqarah, all such opponents
and deniers were challenged that if you doubt that the Qur'an is the word of Allah,
ﷻand you are proud of your eloquence, then all of you should come together to
produce a narrative like this, and so far there is no reference in the history that this
challenge was ever accepted.
Therefore the Qur'an decisively declares that you were never capable of doing this
work nor you ever will be.
Verse No:3 to 5 mentions the qualities of believers, faith in the unseen, standing in
prayer, charity for the sake of Allah ﷻ, faith in Allah's ﷻbooks and faith in the
Verses 5 and 6 mention those people whose disbelief is obvious and open, they do
not hide their disbelief, and they have gone so far in their disobedience that it is now
impossible for them to accept Hidayat. Their disbelief has reached the height that
their hearts and minds have lost the ability to accept the truth and the seal of eternal
shame and badness has been put on them.
The hypocrites are mentioned in verses 8 to 20. These are the people whose
intentions and actions are contradictory, they claim faith for worldly interests, but
their hearts are devoid of true faith.
Allah ﷻhas explained their condition, through more than one example. Also, they
think they are deceiving Allah ﷻand the believers, but in fact, it is their self-
deception and its calamity will come upon them.
In verse number: 21 and 22, Allah's unity is preached, and staying away from shirk
(believing in more than one God) has been ordered. By describing various bounties of
Allah ﷻit, it is stated that Allah ﷻgives life and death and eventually everyone has
to be present in his court.
In verses 23 and 24, the non-precedence of the Quran and the inability of people to
bring text like this is mentioned. It is the nature of the Quran that it makes opponents
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understand some issues with examples. Therefore in verse 26, it is stated that the size
of the object in examples doesn't matter, it's the relevance that is important.
Verse No: 30 to 39: Allah ﷻAlmighty announced, in front of the angels that I am
making Adam ) (غلیہ السالمmy caliph on earth. The angels, according to their understanding,
submitted to Allah ﷻAlmighty that the sons of Adam )(غلیہ السالم will cause mischief on
earth, will shed blood, and O Allah! We are always engaged in your aggrandizement
and consecration.
Allah ﷻsaid: I know secrets and wisdom, you do not know, and then by giving him
extreme knowledge. He proved the excellence and superiority of Adam )(غلیہ السالم , over
the angels.
Then the angels were ordered to prostrate to Adam ) (غلیہ السالمSulk and all the angels
except cursed blees, obeyed the order without hesitation.
This prostration (Sajda) was not worship, but "sajda ta'azimi". It is also mentioned in
the story of Hazrat Yusuf )(غلیہ السالم, and "sajda ta'azimi" was permissible in the Sharia of
these Prophets, but in the sharia of the Prophet ﷺprostration of respect is not
permissible, but rather forbidden. Some scholars have explained that this Sajdah was
actually for Allah Almighty, and Hazrat Adam ) (غلیہ السالمwas the direction of Sajda, to
make Hazrat Adam ) (غلیہ السالمgreat and respected like the Kaaba black stone is great and
respected because of the direction of Sajda.
Then Hazrat Adam) (غلیہ السالمand Eve's ) (غلہیا السالمentrance to Paradise and permission to
enjoy all the bounties except one tree they were not supposed to go near is
Along with this, Iblis' refusal of prostrating Adam )(غلیہ السالمwhispering in the hearts of
Adam ) (غلیہ السالمand Eve ) (غلہیا السالمand causing them to slip and be expelled from Paradise,
then Hazrat Adam's )(غلیہ السالمwas shown words of repentance and acceptance of
repentance due to these words is mentioned.
These words of repentance are mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf, verse number: 23: "O our
Lord, we have done wrong to our lives, so if you do not forgive us and have mercy on
us, then we will be among the losers.
After that, in several verses, the children of Israel and their various types of covenant
violations, different rewards for them, and different ways of their disobedience have
been described.
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First, Allah ﷻmentioned the blessings He sent down on them, which are: saving
them from the rule and genocide of the Pharaoh and the Pharaohs, splitting the sea
for them to reach the Sinai Valley, and shading them with clouds for a long time in the
Sinai Valley, sending them food in the form of Manna and Salwa, the release of twelve
springs for twelve tribes by striking the rock with the stick of Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم,
finding of a killer by touch of a deceased, to slaughtered cow, making them more
respected people during their times, many prophets belong to Bani Israel, etc.
Then after that, there is a detailed description of their rebellion, the details of which
are: breaking the promise made with Allah ﷻAlmighty, the contradiction in the
words and actions of their scholars, for greed of worldly wealth, they would change or
hide the divine commandments for influential people. When Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم, went
to Mount Tur, in his absence they started worshiping the calf, decreasing the high
value of manna and salwa, instead of ready-made heavenly food, asking for wheat,
vegetables, cucumbers, lentils and onions, i.e. (the produce of the land) like rejecting,
higher value over low values, killing the Prophets unjustly, violating the sanctity of the
Sabbath day, raising many questions about slaughtering of cow, instead of obeying
the simple order. Changing the text and meanings of divine text, hiding the signs of
the Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah described in the Torah and Injeal (Bible). Learn
and use magic to create differences between husband and wife, by using dual-
meaning words and signs, and trying to insult Rasool Allah ﷺ.
Therefore, in verse number: 104, Allah, said: "O people of faith! (When you do not
understand something of the Prophet) Then do not say, "Raa'ina" (that is, make
allowances for us, because the Jews and the hypocrites use this word to disrespect
and insult). O say: O Messenger of Allah! Pay attention to us and (it's more respectful
if you focus and) Listen carefully, (from the beginning) this means believers are not
allowed to use words for their respect which others can exploit for their disrespect.
Verse No: 55 stated that repentance for the crime of worshiping the calf was accepted
in such a way that they were blinded and thousands of them killed each other with
their own hands, Verse No: 56 stated that people of Sabbath faces were distorted and
turned into humiliated and despised monkeys, then they died.
The Bani Israel carries animosity with Jibraeel-e-Amin because punishment was
usually sent down through him. So Allah ﷻit said: Jibreel and Michael reveal Allah's
ﷻcommands, so whoever is their enemy, is Allah's ﷻenemy.
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The complacency of the people of Israel was also rejected that they are the beloved of
Allah without any privilege and that Jews and Christians have a monopoly on the
Hereafter and Paradise. The believers were told that until you follow the wishes of the
Jews and Christians, they will not be satisfied with you,
Verse No: 123 of Surah Al-Baqarah and the following verses mention the elevation of
Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہالسالمto the position of Imamate.
It is mentioned that Hazrat Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم and Ismail )(غلیہ السالم built the House of Allah
and after the construction of the House of Allah ﷻthey prayed to Allah ﷻAlmighty:
O our Lord. Among them (the people of Makkah) send a great Prophet, who will recite
your verses to these people and teach them the Book and wisdom and reform their
That is why the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), used to say
that I am the prediction of Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالمand the fruit of the prayer of Hazrat
Ibrahim )(غلیہالسالم.
After that, Hazrat Ibrahim's ) (غلیہ السالمoffspring Hazrat Ismael )(غلیہ السالم, Hazrat Ishaq )(غلیہ السالم
Hazrat Yaqub )(غلیہ السالم, and their descendants Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم, Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالم, and
briefly other prophets are mentioned.
And also the people of faith believe in all Prophets and do not make any
differentiation in their faiths.
Also, Hazrat Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم, Hazrat Ismail )(غلیہ السالم, Hazrat Ishaq )(غلیہ السالم, Hazrat Yaqub (غلیہ
)السالم, and their descendants were not Jews and Christians, but all of them were the flag
In these verses, it is also mentioned that the polytheists of Makkah and the People of
the Book despite clear proof of his truthfulness and Prophecy did not believe in the
Messenger of Allah ( ﷺpeace be upon him) as why Allah ﷻchose him instead of
In other words, their rejection of the Prophet's Messenger ship was not based on any
popular excuse, ignorance, strong suspicion, or valid evidence, and the inner motive
behind it was the jealousy of their hearts as to why they were not chosen for this
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Therefore, if someone describes the signs of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) mentioned in the Torah, the Jews would say to him: "Do you tell them
(Muslims) the (truthful) things that Allah ﷻhas revealed to you? (Surah Al-Baqarah: 76)
In these verses, this fact is disclosed: "Before this (the declaration of Prophecy of
Rasool Allah) they used to pray for victory (with waseela of Rasool Allah) against the
infidels, and when those whom they recognized came to them, they disbelieved with
them, (Baqarah: 89)
Allah ﷻsaid: "Allah it makes special with His mercy whom He wills".
These verses also mention the pointless demands of the polytheists of Makkah and
the People of the Book: Why does Allah ﷻAlmighty not speak to us? Why do no
direct sign come to us or the demands of the Israelites from Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم, that
we should see Allah openly? All such things are done as short arguments, not as
completion of arguments for the acceptance of truth.
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The second chapter of the Holy Quran begins with the statement that, now the qiblah
(direction of prayers) of Muslims is being changed and obstinate people and
hypocrites will object, why?
In fact, at the beginning of the Madani era of the Messenger of Allah's ﷺfor sixteen
and seventeen months, prayers were offered facing towards Bayt-al-Maqdis, then one
day, during Zohr prayers, at the wish of Rasool Allah ﷺAllah ﷻordered to make the
Kaaba, the direction of prayers instead of the Bait Ul Muqadas (Jerusalem). Then the
wisdom behind this change was explained by Allah ﷻ.
"And (Messenger of Allah )ﷺthe Qibla, you were before, we made it, the Qibla so
that we would reveal the one, who (unconditionally) follows the Messenger ﷺand
distinguish him from the one, who turns back on his heels (to disbelief).
And also said, "Indeed, we have seen you turning your face towards the sky many
times (waiting for revelation) so we will definitely turn you towards the Qiblah that
you like." So turn your face towards Masjid-e-Haram.
Allah ﷻsaid further, that wherever Muslims are, they should turn their face toward
the Holy Masjid during prayers and there can be no compromise, or agreement with
the People of the Book on this.
Allah ﷻalso said that in the light of the bright signs of Rasool Allah ﷺ in the Torah
and the Injeel, people of the Book know Rasool Allah ﷺin the same way as they
know their own sons, but the reason for their denial is only concealment of the truth.
Again In this surah, the Annunciation of Rasool Allah ﷺand the duties of the position
of prophethood were described, that is the recitation of the divine verses, inner
purification, and the teachings of the book and wisdom.
In verse number: 153 to 155, during all calamities, it is taught to get the assistance of
Allah ﷻby means of patience and prayers. Problems during staying on the right path
are mentioned, which could be fear of the enemy, hunger, loss of life, property, and
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Good news has been given to those who are steadfast with patience in these
difficulties and also good news of eternal life has been given to those who are
martyred in the path of Allah ﷻ.
In verse number: 159 to 162, it is mentioned that those who hide the clear proofs of
the truth of the religion and the message of guidance, on them is the curse of
Allah ﷻand his angels and all people and the promise of eternal punishment, but
those who reform themselves, the door of accepting repentance is open for them. But
those who’s end up on disbelieve, Allah ﷻhis angles and all people’s eternal curse is
on them. There is no relief in their punishment and there is no concession for them.
Verses 164 to 167 mention the unity of Allah ﷻand His capabilities, i.e. the creation
of the earth and the sky, the rotation of day and night, and the movement of boats
and ships in the seas for human benefit. The natural system of rain, through which
makes the dry, barren land fertile and settled again, the winds moving and the
hanging of clouds between the sky and the earth, etc.
Allah ﷻalso said that as much as polytheists love their void idols, the believers love
Allah much more than that.
It is also stated that people who have adopted misguidance in following their leaders,
On the Day of Judgement, these leaders will acquit themselves from their followers
after seeing Allah's punishment.
In verses number: 172 to 173, it was ordered to eat the pure blessings of Allah ﷻand
be grateful to Him. Then four definite forbidden things were mentioned, which are
carrion (the halal animal that has died a natural death), the blood that flows during
slaughtering, the meat of pig, and the halal animal on which the name of non-Allah ﷻ
is mentioned while being slaughtered. In case of a life-threatening emergency, their
use is permissible, to the amount necessary to save life.
In verse 174, hiding the message of Allah ﷻbook for money compares to filling fire in
the stomach and missing the blessing of Allah’s ﷻword and reason of impurity.
In verse number 177, He ﷻsaid that real goodness is not only the name of facing
east and west during worship, but perfect goodness is the name of a comprehensive
package. It means Allah Almighty ﷻthe Day of Judgment, the angels, faith in all the
inspired books, and all the Prophets, spending in the way of Allah, establishing the
system of prayer and zakat, fulfilling the covenant with patience and steadfastness in
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the time of every calamity. Then He ﷻsaid that in fact, those who have all these
attributes are true in their faith and are pious.
In verses number: 178 and 179, there is a description of the law of Qisas (life for life)
of Islam. Allah ﷻsaid, "There is life in Qisas for you." Therefore in those societies that
don’t have the law of Qisas, there is humiliation of the sanctity of lives, wealth, and
respect of the innocent people.
In verses 183 to 185, a description of the descending of the Quran in the month of
Ramadan, along with the obligation of fasting in Ramadan has been stated. During
travel and sickness, obligatory fasting has been excused temporarily but needs to be
completed later. Those due to extreme age and illness can’t fast and need to feed two
poor people per fast as a penalty (Fidya). It is stated that during Ramadan between
Sunset and sunrise, fasting restrictions will be relieved. There is a hint of itikaf (staying
the last 10 days in the Mosque). It is also mentioned that the lunar system helps
establish times of fasting and Hajj Rituals.
Verse 195 states about charity for the sake of Allah ﷻ.
In verse number: 207 and 208, it is stated that the reality of faith is the trade of life
with Allah Almighty ﷻand Islam is not a name of accepting few things and rejecting
others, rather, the reality of Islam is that all the commandments (commands and
prohibitions) of Allah's ﷻand His Messenger( ﷺpeace be upon him) shall be
accepted. It cannot be like that if you like certain things, you accept them and if you
do not like certain things, you reject them, which means there is no pick and choose in
In verse number: 213, it is mentioned that people were originally the same, then Allah
ﷻestablished the system of Prophethood ﷺand revealed the Book of Guidance for
people of different eras, after humanity was split into two major groups, one is The
people of truth, i.e. the followers of the Prophets, and the other is the people of
falsehood, i.e. the followers of the desires of the self and the devil.
In verse number: 214, it is stated that to get to heaven, only the claim of faith is not
enough, but for that one has to face difficulties in the path of truth with
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As there are bright examples of Prophets ؊
and their faithful followers before us.
In verse No: 215, a description of spending, for the sake of Allah ﷻhas been
mentioned, and if verse no. 219 is learned in conjunction with the above verse then,
Allah ﷻcommands that whatever you have more than your need, spend for Allah’s
In the same verse, the initial statement about the sanctity of alcohol and gambling
stated that their risk is much greater than the benefit.
Verse 216, obligates the Jihad (struggle) for the sake of Allah ﷻ.
Verse No: 221 states the prohibition of marriage with polytheist men and women and
Verse No: 222 states that intercourse with a woman is prohibited during specific days
(i.e. the state of menstruation and nifas).
In verse 224 and 225, it is stated that if someone has taken an oath that is not
acceptable according to the Islamic laws, then one should break it and pay a
penalty, So said, "And you should not make an excuse to take oaths in the name of
Allah ﷻin order to avoid goodness, piety, and the goodwill of people".
And said: In the court of Allah ﷻthere will be accountability for the oaths were taken
carefully with strong intention and not the ones taken lightly or casually.
"Eila" means that a person says to his wife "I swear by Allah, I will not establish
marital relations with you for four months or forever".
If he breaks the oath by paying a penalty within four months, then the marriage will
remain valid, otherwise, one irrevocable divorce will take place.
In verse number: 228, it was stated that the Iddat (period of staying home) of a
divorced woman is the completion of three periods of specific days.
In verse number 229, the ruling was stated that even after giving two explicit divorces
(whether given separately or together), the husband has the right to appeal, but if the
third divorce is given, then the wife is forbidden to him, (i.e. there is no scope for
recourse directly or through remarriage) except that the woman completes her iddat,
marries another person, and that person divorces her at his free will, then only she
can marry her ex-husband. This verse also mentions خلعseparation. If somehow the
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couple feels, under Allah ﷻjurisdiction, they are not able to justify martial relation
and the woman wants to be free, then women can be separated with their husband's
understanding, by giving up a promised gift at Nikkah or giving monetary benefit to
the husband.
In verse no: 231 and 232, it is stated that after the revocable divorce, if you intend to
keep the woman in your marriage with a good heart and with good behavior, then
you should return before the end of the Iddat, and if you don’t have any good
intention and wants to give her hard time and torture then do not return to her.
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The third chapter of the Holy Quran begins with the statement that despite the fact
that all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah ﷻare honorable, respectable and their
dignity is great, Allah ﷻAlmighty, among his messengers, has placed excellence and
higher status of some over the others. So he said: (Allah Almighty) spoke to some of
them, and gave some (innumerable degrees) of elevation, and gave clear signs to Isa
Ibn Maryam, and helped them with the Holy Spirit (Jibriel Amin).
In verse number: 254, Allah ﷻsaid that on the Day of Resurrection, the transaction of
good deeds, friendship, and intercession will not work, and the disbelievers are
indeed the wrongdoers.
The great verse of the Holy Qur'an known as "Ayat al-Kursi" is the chief verse of the
Holy Qur'an.
In this blessed verse, while describing the unity of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the glory, and
the ability of vastness of power, it has also been said that only with His permission,
intercession will take place in His presence. In the next verse, the principle is stated:
that after guidance and misguidance are clearly evident; no one will be compelled to
join religion.
Verse number: 258 mention the debate of Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمwith Namrood, 'as a
result of which Namrood had no answer', i.e. when Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم said: Allah ﷻ
Almighty brings the sun out from the east (if you have a claim to divinity), take it out
of the West",
In verse number: 259, it is stated that Allah ﷻAlmighty resurrected one of his
beloved servants (some commentators said that he meant Hazrat Uzair ) (غلیہ السالمafter he
had been in death for a hundred years to show the truth of life after death. And
despite the passage of such a long time his food and drink remained fresh, not rotten,
while his long ear (donkey) had rotted during this period. By resurrecting him, Allah
ﷻAlmighty showed that the dead will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment likes
In verse number: 260, for the satisfaction of the heart of Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم Allah
ﷻAlmighty showed the life after death in the form of a miracle, by slaughtering four
birds and spreading the pieces of their meat around the mountain, and then when he
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called those birds by their well-known names, in a moment their scattered parts came
together, they came to life, and they came to him running.
In verse number: 261, it was explained through an example that the reward of
spending money in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty will be given back up to fourteen
hundred fold according to the sincerity of the servant and the grace of Allah ﷻ
Almighty. In the next verse, it is said that the reward of charity in the way of Allah ﷻ
Almighty, is wasted by showing off and mentioning favors.
In verse 263 and 264, hypocrisy and spending sincerely in the way of Allah ﷻhas
been made clear with two different examples, and also that one does not give
anything defective and inefficient in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty. When a person
likes something refined, noble, and pure for himself, then he shall give the same thing
in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty. He also said that only people who become stingy in
charity are ones; the devil keeps scaring them from poverty. Then He ﷻstarts aid
that charity can also be given openly due to certain religious wisdom, but it is better
to give anonymously.
In verse number: 273, Allah ﷻsaid that people who are entitled to charity, are those
who are engaged in Jihad for the sake of Allah ﷻor in any work of religion (for
example teaching and education) and they do not have the leisure to earn a living but
have integrity and do not go around begging and people who are not aware of their
situation consider them well off.
In verse 275, Allah ﷻsaid that the example of a usurer (person who deals with
interest) is as if a person had been touched by the devil and had taken away all his
senses. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty said that after the ruling on the sanctity of
usury (interest), leave the transaction of interest. Past mistakes are forgiven.
However, if a person has previous financial obligations to another, he should take the
original amount and leave the interest. After the prohibition of interest came, Allah
ﷻAlmighty declared war against those who did not refrain from interest. And he also
said that give a poor debtor, time to repay, or forgive his debt.
In verse 282, some basic and fundamental principles of financial matters, businesses,
and transactions have been described:
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(3) Whoever has the expertise in the documentation of financial transactions should
help his Muslim brother in writing documentation.
(6) Indebted, ignorant, weak, or a person who cannot write, then his guardian
should do documentation.
(7) Two men or one man and two women should be witnesses in commercial and
financial transactions.
(8) Witnesses should not refuse to testify but should testify willingly with happiness.
(12) If there are transactions during the journey, either party can keep something as
a security deposit.
(13) If transactions are done without documentation or witnesses, then one shall
return the property. In the end, Allah ﷻsaid: "one shall fear Allah ﷻAlmighty in this
matter all the time".
In verse number 284 Allah ﷻsaid: Verily, if you hide something in your hearts or
reveal it, Allah ﷻAlmighty will hold you accountable for it.
In verse number: 285, the basic beliefs of Islam are mentioned, faith in the
Messengers of Allah ﷻAlmighty, faith in angels, faith in all the revealed books, and
faith in the Resurrection. Allah ﷻalso said that a Muslim is one who believes in the
prophets and all the messengers of Allah ﷻAlmighty, i.e. it shall not be that one
believes in one prophet and rejects another.
In verse number: 286, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Allah ﷻdoes not make a person
responsible for any command, which is excessive in his ability, every human being will
be accountable for his good and bad deeds. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty taught the
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 19
prayers in these words: O my Lord! If we make an oblivion or make a mistake, don't
hold us seized. O our Lord! Do not put on us such a heavy burden, which you put on
the people before us, And O our Lord! So do not burden us (commandments or trials)
that we do not have the strength to bear, so forgive us. Forgiving us and having mercy
on us, and our Lord, help us against the disbelievers.
The Prophet ﷺsaid: The house in which the last verses of Surah Baqarah are recited
for three consecutive days, the devil does not come near this house. (Mishkaat)
The Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid: Learn the last verses of Surah Baqarah yourself and
teach them to your women too because apart from the Holy Qur'an, these are the
best praise, eulogy, and the best supplication, (Sunan Darmi)
{Surah Aal-Imran}
Surah Aal-Imran is The Madani Surah. It is the 3 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 89 surah in terms of revelation. In this surah, excellence to the family
of Imran has been mentioned; therefore, this surah is named Al Imran.
In this surah, the beliefs and rulings of Shariah are stated. The mention of the
oneness and divinity of Allah ﷻAlmighty in the beliefs, the divinity (as a God) of Isa
, and the doctrine of the Trinity is rejected. The doubts of the people of the
)(غلیہ السالم
book about the authenticity of the Holy Qur'an and being the word of Allah Almighty
have been removed; half of this surah rejects Christianity while the third part contains
the description of the crimes of the Jews. In the rulings of the Shariah, there is a
description of the obligation of Hajj and Jihad, the prohibition of interest, the
punishment of those who do not give Zakah, and the punishment and rebuke of
The beginning of Surah Al-Imran is with reserved letters. In the beginning verses, the
oneness of Allah ﷻ, the truthfulness of the Holy Qur'an, and the verification and
confirmation of the Torah and the injeel, and it has been stated that Allah ﷻ
Almighty, by His will, He ﷻcreates the shapes, as he wishes in the wombs of
In verse 7 of Surah Aal Imran, it is stated that there are two types of Quranic verses.
(1) "Muhkam". These are the verses whose meaning is definite and clear in terms of
meaning and context. In them all the Shariah rules, halal (allowed) and haram
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(forbidden), duties, and obligations. Limits and conditions, and statements of
immortality and prohibitory are stated.
(2) "Similar". It is obligatory for every believer to believe in these verses, and the
meanings of these verses are not clear to us, we leave their meaning to Allah
ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that those whose hearts are crooked, they are full
of temptation and similitudes, and they follow innuendos to draw out meaning;
However, only Allah ﷻAlmighty knows the exact and final meaning of these types of
verses. And those who are skilled in the knowledge of religion, they say that we
believe in them and this is all from our Lord.
In verse 24, it is stated that (testing human beings) inclination towards women and
sons, accumulated treasures of gold and silver, marked horses, cattle, and agriculture
(i.e. worldly wealth, whatever its appearance in different times). The allure of these
things has been made decorative and attractive. This is all the material, of the life of
this world and the best residence is only with Allah ﷻAlmighty. After that, he said
that Allah ﷻAlmighty has much better and everlasting bounties, which will be given
in Paradise.
In the next verse, he explained the sign of the sincere believers who say: O our Lord!
Verily, we believe, then forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of hell.
These people are patient, truthful, obedient to Allah ﷻAlmighty and spend in the
way of Allah ﷻAlmighty and wake up in the middle of the night to ask forgiveness.
And he also said that the (favorite) religion of Allah ﷻAlmighty is only Islam. After
mentioning the evil deeds of the people of the Book, he said that the reason for their
deviation from religion and their diseases is their complacency: they said: We will not
be touched by the fire (of hell) except for a few days.
In verses 26 and 27, the majesty of Allah ﷻAlmighty is described in these words: "O
(Prophet )ﷺ, say: O Allah ﷻAlmighty! The Lord of the land, you give the land to
whom You will and take it away from whom, You will." And you give respect to whom
You will and humiliate whom You will, All goodness is in Your hands. Verily, you are
able to do anything. You change night into day and change day into night. You bring
life from the dead, and dead from life, and you give sustenance to whoever you will,
without reckoning.
In verse: 31, the greatness of (the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad )ﷺ is mentioned
in these words: (O Messenger) Say: If you claim to love Allah ﷻAlmighty, then follow
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me, and Allah ( ﷻHimself) will make you His Beloved. He will forgive your sins and
Allah is most forgiving and very merciful. In this verse it is clearly stated, that if a
person seeks the closeness and pleasure of Allah ﷻAlmighty, then there is only one
way for him, that is to follow (Prophet Muhammad )ﷺ.
Verses numbers: 35 to 64, the story of Hazrat Maryam غلہیا السالمis described. Imran bin
Yasham is the father of Hazrat (Maryam )غلہیا السالمand his mother's name is Hanna bint
Faquz. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that when Imran's wife said: O my Lord! I have vowed to
keep the pregnancy that is in my womb, for the services of your Bait-al-Muqaddis,
(free from other responsibilities) so accept this vow from me. Indeed, you are the
listener and know everything. Then when a baby girl was born to her, she said, O my
Lord! A girl had been born to me and (Allah ﷻAlmighty) knows best what had been
born to her. And (my desired) boy cannot be like a (God-given) girl, and I have named
her Maryam (which means worshiper) and I give her and her offspring in your refuge,
from a perverted devil.
After that, in the next verses, it is said that Allah ﷻAlmighty accepted Maryam in His
presence and brought her up in a good way, and Hazrat Zakariya ) (غلیہ السالمbecame her
guardian and kept Hazrat Maryam غلہیا السالمin a room in Bait al-Muqadis. When Hazrat
Zakaria ) (غلیہ السالمsaw the unseasonal fruits with Hazrat Maryam, he was astonished and
asked, O Maryam ! غلہیاالسالمWhere did these unseasonal fruits come to you?
Hazrat Maryam said: these are from Allah ﷻAlmighty, on this occasion, the desire of
a child arose in the heart of Hazrat Zakaria ) (غلیہ السالمthat the Lord who can give fruits of
unseason to Hazrat Maryam غلہیا السالمcan also give me a child in my old age. Then
Zakariya ) (غلیہ السالمprayed to his Lord (and) said: "O my Lord, grant me pure child from
you. Indeed, you are the listener of supplications."
Then when Zakariya )(غلیہ السالم was standing in the room praying, the angel gave him the
good news, "Indeed, Allah ﷻAlmighty gives you the good news of Yahya )(غلیہ السالم
"who will confirm the word of Allah ( ﷻi.e. Isa )(غلیہ السالم He will be a master and will not
be interested in women and he will be a prophet.
Then, telling Hazrat Zakariya ) (غلیہ السالمand his wife the signs of the birth of a son in their
old and almost impossible-to-conceive age. He said that your sign is that you will not
be able to speak to people except by signs for three days, and remember your Lord in
abundance and glorify Him day and night. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty gave the good news
of a son to Hazrat Maryam through an angel and said that his name is Maseeh Isa, and
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stated these attributes of him: He will be honorable in this world and the hereafter,
he will speak to the people in the cradle and mature age and will teach them the Book
and wisdom, the Torah and the Injeel, and will be a messenger to the Bani Israel.
Hazrat Maryam expressed surprise at becoming a mother without marriage, then
Allah ﷻAlmighty said that when Allah ﷻAlmighty intends something, there is no
need for any assistance or reason, but only Allah's command is sufficient and it
happens. After that the miracles of Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمare mentioned, by the permission
of Allah ﷻAlmighty making a bird out of clay and putting life into it, healing the born
blind and lepers, bringing the dead back to life with the touch of his hand, telling
people that what they have eaten and what they have stored in their homes, And
despite all these miracles, I am a servant of Allah ﷻAlmighty, and Allah ﷻAlmighty
is my Lord and yours, so worship Him, this is the right path.
Verse No: 52 mentions the apostles helping Allah's ﷻreligion, on request of Isa (غلیہ
"Hoor" means white. (The companions of Isa ) (غلیہ السالمare called apostles because their
clothes were white. After that sincere companion of any person is called an apostle,
therefore our Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺsaid: Every Prophet has an apostle and my
apostle is Zubair bin Awam. (Jami al-Bayan, Volume: 3, Pages: 200-201, authenticated)
Then it is mentioned that Isa ) (غلیہ السالمwas taken up to heaven, and as Allah ﷻcreated
Adam ) (غلیہ السالمfrom clay, so he created Isa ) (غلیہ السالمwithout a father. The Christians of
Najran refused to accept the invitation of truth, despite the clear arguments, so they
were invited to Mubahala but they did not accept the challenge of Mubahala either
and agreed to pay tax.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid to the people of the book: If you do not accept Islam,
then come to an agreement on the points that are common between us and you, that
is worship will be only for Allah ﷻAlmighty alone, quit the polytheism and stop the
practice of believing people to be there Lord instead of Allah ﷻ. People of the Book
did not gather even on commonalities, which is a clear proof of their obstinacy.
In verse number: 67 it is mentioned that the People of the Book have falsely claimed
Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمas a Jew and a Christian. Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمbelonged to the nation of Hanif
and he was not among the polytheists, and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺand the
believers (nominees) were the closest to him.
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After that, from verse number: 69, many vices and dishonesties of the people of the
Book are mentioned.
In verse number: 77, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that those who take a small price for
Allah's verses and their oaths, they have no share in the Hereafter, and neither will
Allah Almighty speak to them in the Hereafter, nor will He purify them".
In verse no: 81, the great incident of the world of spirits, is described when Allah ﷻ
Almighty took promise from all Prophets, and said: O Messenger !ﷺRemember when
Allah ﷻAlmighty took a firm pledge from all the prophets, that I would give you the
book and the wisdom, Then if in case the Great Messenger ﷺcome to you, and he,
who confirms what you have, so you shall believe and accept him and shall help him.
Allah ﷻAlmighty asked: do you acknowledge and accept this heavy pledge of mine?
They answered: We do, then Allah ﷻAlmighty said: So be a witness and I am one of
the witnesses with you. From this contract, it was agreed that every prophet was
bound to believe, support, and protect Khatam al-Mursaleen ﷺ. And then its
practical demonstration took place on the Night of Ascension, at that time, when all
the Prophets from Adam ) (غلیہ السالمto Isa ) (غلیہ السالمprayed under his guidance and he being
the Imam of the Prophets was manifested in practice.
In the last verses of this chapter, Allah ﷻstated that the religion of Islam is the name
of a continuous religion, which has been going on from Hazrat Adam ) (غلیہ السالمto the
Prophet Muhammad ﷺand still people are being called to this religion.
Islam is the religion, in which Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمHazrat Ismail ) (غلیہ السالمHazrat
Ishaq ) (غلیہ السالمHazrat Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمand their children, and Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand
Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمhave been preaching. No religion other than Islam will ever be
accepted, so if a person seeks refuge in a religion other than Islam, then he will be
among the losers.
In verses number: 86 to 88, Allah ﷻAlmighty describes the punishment of those who
disbelieve after they believe: There will be no reduction in punishment and no respite
will be given to them. In the next verse, where there is a description of the
forgiveness of those who repent, there is a description of the repentance of those
who persist in disbelief and those who die in the state of disbelief, and their
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repentance never be accepted, even if they bring gold equal to the size of a mountain
as redemption, it will not be accepted.
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In the first verse of the fourth chapter, it is stated that although the wealth spent in
the way of Allah will be rewarded accordingly, the highest level of goodness is to
spend one's favorite and beloved thing. The Messenger of Allah ﷺused to eat camel
meat and drink camel milk, Jews objected, saying that the camel's meat and its milk
are forbidden by the Ibrahimic law. The Messenger of Allah ﷺwas ummi (did not
learn from anyone other than Allah). He ﷺdid not formally read and write, but, He
challenged the Jews that if your claim is true, bring the Torah and show this command
in it, otherwise it is your slander against Allah ﷻ. As declaring something haram
according to Shari'ah is the right of (Allah ﷻAlmighty) or the right of the Messenger
of Allah ﷺby Allah ﷻauthority. As in Surah Aaraf verse no: 157. Therefore Allah ﷻ
Almighty said that all kinds of food were lawful for the Bani Israel, except that, which
was self-forbidden by Hazrat Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمbefore the revelation of the Torah. It was
learned that Hazrat Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمdid not stop eating camel meat and milk by
command of Allah ﷻbut he imposed this restriction on himself, As Hazrat Umar (ریض ہللا
)غنہ banned the use of honey on himself due to the poverty of Muslims.
In verse number: 95 to 97, it was explained that Hajj is obligatory to those who can
afford it, and that the first house on land for the worship of (Allah ﷻAlmighty) was
built in Makkah, the House of Allah, ﷻIn which there are clear signs,
place (footprints) of Ibrahim ) (غلیہالسالمand it is a place of peace.
In verses number: 98, and 99, there is a statement about the people of the book
denying the verses of Allah ﷻAlmighty and condemning of people forbidding from
the religion of Allah ﷻAlmighty. In the following verses, believers are prohibited
from following the People of the prior Books.
In verses number: 103 to 110, the unity of the Ummah and the command to avoid
sectarianism were explained and it was said that before Islam you were enemies to
each other, thirsty for each other's blood and you had reached the brink of the pit of
fire because of your misdeeds, but with the blessing of the birth of Prophet
Muhammad ﷺand the blessing of Islam, (Allah ﷻAlmighty) united your hearts and
you became brothers. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty said as a further emphasis that after
receiving clear proof, do not divide like previous nations, otherwise you will have to
face a great punishment on the Day of Resurrection. On the Day of Resurrection, the
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faces of the believers will be bright and the faces of those who disobeyed Allah ﷻ
Almighty and His Messenger ﷺwill be dark.
In verse number: 110, the Muslim Ummah was declared the best Ummah and
explained the reason for its excellence, that you have been created for spreading
good deeds and preventing evil deeds in the world of humanity. That is, the
responsibility of the Muslim Ummah is to invite the world of humanity to the truth
and carry out the prophetic mission.
In verse number: 112, it is mentioned that the Jews were humiliated because of their
wrongdoings, because they denied the verses of Allah, killed His prophets unjustly,
and transgressed the limits. Also said that there was a group among the People of the
Book who stood on the truth, recitation of the divine verses, being occupied in doing
good deeds and order to goodness and forbidding evil were its signs.
In verse number: 118, it was decreed that the believers should not make the enemies
of their religion, their confidants, they will not leave anything in destroying the
Muslims and they desire that the Muslims shall suffer. Their hatred towards Muslims
is evident to some extent from their words and the hatred and indifference they hide
in their hearts is apart from that. Their sign is hypocrisy. When they come forward,
they make claims of love and plan to harm Muslims behind their backs. They are hurt
by the peace of Muslims and they are relieved by their sorrow.
Referring to the Battle of Badar, Allah ﷻAlmighty said in verse: 122 that after leaving
the side of the hypocrites, the courage of the two groups of Muslims (Banu Haritha
and Banu Salma) was getting low, but (Allah ﷻAlmighty) saved them.
Verses No: 123 to 128 mention the Battle of Badar, "(Allah ﷻAlmighty) sent three
thousand angels to help the Muslims in a state, they were visibly weak and (Allah ﷻ
Almighty) promised more unseen help." And also said that the descent of the angels
to help those doing Jihad was for the satisfaction of the hearts of the believers.
In verse number: 130, the prohibition of interest was once again revealed, and not
double or quadruple wealth illegally.
It is stated that the signs of pious people who are entitled to heaven are: they spend
their wealth in the way of Allah ﷻin all situations, be it prosperity or poverty, control
their anger, and forgive people's mistakes.
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In the next verses, forgiveness was promised to the sinners of the Ummah, that if you
have unfortunately committed acts of disobedience and indecency to Allah ﷻthen
once again you are invited to turn back, Repent in the presence of Allah ﷻAlmighty,
provided that they do not persistence on sins, but desert them.
In verses number: 139 to 143, He ﷻconsoled the warriors who were giving up in the
battle of Uhud due to the lack of men and resources, that they should be steadfast,
and in the end they will be victorious. If there is temporary hardship, it has happened
to the righteous in the past too, but bad days do not last forever, and these hardships
cause the Muslims to rise in rank. It has also been said that fearing death is not a sign
of Muslims.
In the Battle of Uhud, when the rumor was spread that the Messenger of Allah ﷺhad
been martyred, the Muslims temporarily staggered. To reassure them, Allah ﷻ
Almighty said, "And Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah ﷻ. "Messengers have
passed before them, So if they die (by divine decree) or are martyred (if by any
chance), will you turn back backward?" i.e. Muslims shall be steadfast in all situations,
it is a sign of righteous people that they seek forgiveness from Allah ﷻAlmighty in
times of trouble and disturbances.
In the same verses about the Battle of Uhud, it is said that when the courage of the
Muslims temporarily began to fail and various suspicions began to arise in their minds,
Allah ﷻAlmighty made some of them drowsy in order to comfort them. And in the
state of drowsiness, he showed them a promising scene so that they would gain
courage. There was also the thought in their minds that if we had not come out of
Madinah to the mountain of Uhud, they might have escaped death. So Allah ﷻ
Almighty said: "(Death is inevitable) even if you are in your homes, then the person
whose death is destined will come out to the place of his death. (Can’t avoid)". i.e. No
plan can postpone the time and place of death)".
In these verses, it is also mentioned that the hypocrites will say all sorts of things to
make Muslims feel bad, but death in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty is rewarding for the
hereafter. Those Muslims temporarily retreated, and later returned to Prophet
Muhammad ﷺand he did not make them accountable. So this moral greatness of
Rasool Allah ﷺhas been described by the Holy Qur'an as follows: "So by the great
mercy of Allah ﷻAlmighty, you became kind-hearted towards the Muslims, and if
you had been quick-tempered and hard-hearted, they would have run away from
you". So forgive them and seek forgiveness for them and consult with them
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in (important) matters, so when you intend (to do something), then put your trust in
Allah ﷻAlmighty."
In verse number: 164, Allah ﷻAlmighty declared the sending of Prophet Muhammad
( )ﷺas his blessing and favor to the believers and explained his duties of prophethood
once again. In verse 165, the sufferings of the Battle of Uhud were described as the
result of disobeying the orders of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺand described it as a
cause of trial for both the believers and the hypocrites. Because the hypocrites
repeatedly tormented the warriors of Uhud by saying that if you had obeyed us and
had not gone to the mountain of Uhud, you would have avoided these consequences.
Therefore, Allah ﷻAlmighty has described the greatness of the martyrs for the peace
of Muslims in these words: And those who are killed in the way of Allah ﷻ
Almighty (to say dead is a far-off thing' in some corner of their mind) don't even think
of them as dead, they are alive with their Lord, they are provided with sustenance,
which Allah ﷻAlmighty has given them out of His grace, and they are happy with it.
Verse No 172: Despite being injured and threatening of a large army, by people, those
who responded to the call of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and who did not fall under
the temptation of the devil and his disciples, a great reward has been mentioned for
them. Unbelievers were told that more time they have been given in the world would
be "more disastrous for them". Because the more rebellious they continue to be, the
worse will come upon them.
In verse number: 180, a warning was given to those miserly rich people who do not
charity from the wealth given by Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Allah ﷻAlmighty has bestowed upon them wealth by His grace. They shall not think,
it is better for them, rather, it is bad for them, and on the Day of Resurrection, their
accumulated wealth will be made into a noose and put around their neck.
Verse number 181 mentions the blasphemous saying of the People of the Book of
calling Allah ﷻAlmighty poor and themselves rich. Allah ﷻAlmighty mentioned this
saying and the killings of the Prophets unjustly and the punishment of hell for them.
In verse number: 183, there is a mention of the demand of the Jews to the Messenger
of Allah ()ﷺ, that according to them the sign of the Prophet's authenticity is that he
should offer a sacrifice to Allah Almighty and fire comes from the sky and consumes
it (i.e. burns it to ashes). It was told that this is just their obstinacy and stubbornness.
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The proof of this is that they did not believe in the messengers who presented this
Verse No: 185 mentions that every soul will taste death, everyone will be rewarded
for their deeds, and true success, i.e. entering Paradise is mentioned. In the next
verse, patience and piety in the persecution of the People of the Book and polytheists
are counted as determinations.
In verse number 187, it is mentioned that Allah ﷻAlmighty took a promise from the
People of the Book to describe the glory of the Holy Prophet ﷺand not to hide it, but
they reneged on this promise for a small price. Verse 188 mentions the commination
of a painful punishment for those who heap praises without any merit.
Verse No: 190 and in the following verses, it is said that the birth of the heavens and
the earth and the rotation of night and day are signs for the wise. These are the
people who remember Allah ﷻwhile standing, sitting, and lying on their knees (in
every situation) and pondering on the wisdom of Allah ﷻAlmighty in the creation of
the heavens and the earth and say: O our Lord! You did not create this (system of the
universe) without a purpose." This universe and all its mysteries, order, and invisible
control is a great sign of Allah’s ﷻpower. And drowning in devotion to the power
and majesty of Allah ﷻAlmighty, they say: O our Lord! We heard the call of the
supplicant of faith to believe in your Lord, so we believed. O our Lord! So forgive us
our sins, wipe out our mistakes, and end us with righteous people. O our Lord! Grant
us whose You have promised us through the tongues of Your messengers. Allah
ﷻAlmighty accepts the prayer and says that I will not waste the good deeds of any
man or woman and I will give a better reward for the sacrifices of all in the path of
religion. In the last verse of this Surah, he said, O who believe, be patient and exhort
one another to patience and secure your borders and fear Allah ﷻAlmighty so that
you may prosper.
{Surat Al-Nisa}
Surat Al-Nisa is the Madani Surah. It is the 4 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 92 Surat in terms of revelation. It is the longest surah after the Surah Al-
Baqarah. In this surah, good treatment of relatives, payment of orphans' rights,
conditional permission of polygamy, rules of inheritance, preliminary rules for
elimination of immorality from society, description of muhramat marriage, persuasion
of good deeds, forbidding Muslims to take the wealth of Muslims unjustly and killing
Muslims, Family and social rules, good manners from parents and relatives,
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Condemnation of stinginess, refutation of the wickedness of Jews, and warnings to
Muslims against Jews, the rebuke of hypocrites, exhortation to jihad, and detailed
commandments concerning orphans are mentioned.
In the first verse of Surah al-Nisa, Allah ﷻAlmighty says: O people! Fear your Lord,
who created you from a single person and created from him his wife (Eve), and then
through them both men and women spread on the earth in great numbers, namely
the origin of all humanity is one. After that, he said, "Don't eat the wealth of orphans
under your care by mixing it with your own wealth. This is a great sin". Likewise, do
not exchange your bad wealth with the orphan's good wealth. In the next verse, it is
stated that although more than one up to four marriages are allowed at the time of
need, but with the strict condition of justice between the spouses. Regarding the
dependent orphans, he said that if they are not aware of the protection of their
wealth, the guardian of the power should protect their wealth, provide for their
needs, and treat them well. Give the wealth of the orphan to him when he becomes
mature and wise. Do not grab the wealth of an orphan in a hurry for fear that he will
demand his wealth when he becomes an adult, and when you hand over the wealth
of an orphan to him, carefully appoint witnesses. The Holy Qur'an also said that if the
guardian of an orphan is rich, he should not spend the wealth of the orphan on
himself and his own needs, and if he is poor, he should spend only on himself as much
as he needs.
Allah ﷻAlmighty also said that whether a man or a woman is entitled to the
inheritance of his fixed share in the Shari'ah. That is women are not deprived of
inheritance in Islam. As a recommendation, the Holy Qur'an also said that on the
occasion of distribution of inheritance, if such relatives, orphans, and poor people
come who are not getting a share in the inheritance, then give them something as
posthumous charity. Just think about what will happen to your children if they are
faced with this condition of deprivation.
In Surah Al-Nisa verses 11 and 12, the issues of inheritance are explained which are:
(1) If a person dies and his descendants have sons and daughters, then each son will
get double the daughter's share.
(2) If there is only one son, then the share of the heirs is determined in the Shari'ah,
after giving them, the remaining total inheritance will be given to the son.
(3) If there is more than one son, there shall be equal division among them.
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 31
(4) If there is only one daughter, the remaining half of the inheritance will be given.
(5) If there are more than one only daughters, they will get two-thirds of the entire
remaining inheritance.
(6) If a person dies and he has children and his parents are alive, then each of them
will get one-sixth of the legacy.
(7) If a person dies and has no children but his parents are alive, then the mother will
get one-third of the inheritance and the remaining inheritance will be given to the
(8) If the deceased person is childless, in that case, if he has siblings, his mother will
get a one-sixth share.
(9) If the wife is childless, the husband will get half of her inheritance.
(10) If the husband is childless, the wife will get one-fourth of his inheritance.
(11) If the husband dies, the wife whether one or more than one, (in the presence of
children) all together shall receive one-eighth of the husband's inheritance.
(12) If a childless person dies and has no parents and only a sister or brother on the
mother's side, he will get a one-sixth share, and if there is more than one brother or
sister from the mother's side only, they will get one-third of the total inheritance.
After the death of the deceased, the expenses of his burial will be determined first
from his inheritance. After that, if any debt is owed to him, it will be paid. After that, if
he has made a will (and that will is not in favor of an heir), then his will will be
enforced to the extent of a maximum of one-third of the inheritance. These three
matters precede the division of inheritance.
Verses No: 15 and 16 describe the preliminary and temporary punishment of adultery.
The permanent punishment was then revealed in Surah Noor and for this, a strict
condition of four witnesses has been imposed and the glad tidings of forgiveness and
absolution have been announced for those who repent.
In verse number: 17, Allah ﷻAlmighty has explained the principle of acceptance of
repentance that those who commit a sin and repent when they realize their mistake,
then the acceptance of their repentance is on the responsibility of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
But for those who continue to sin throughout their lives until the angel of death is on
their heads and then say, "I have repented", there is no guarantee that their
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 32
repentance will be accepted, and for those who die in disbelief, there is no guarantee
of salvation in the hereafter.
In verse number: 20, it is advised that the fixed mahr of the wife should be paid,
whether it is less or much. Not permissible to marry a woman whom the father has
married, and after that, there is a description of related women with whom marriage
is forbidden forever and they are:
(3) Sisters: This includes the real, step (father's share), and uterine (mother's share).
(4) Paternal aunts (paternal real, step (paternal partner), and uterine (maternal
partner) are all included).
(5) Maternal Aunts: (mother's real, step (father's share), and uterine (mother's
share) all sisters are included in this.
(6) Niece: (It is prohibited to marry the daughters of real, step, and uterine brothers).
(7) Sister's daughter: (Marriage to the daughters of all types of real, step, and uterine
sisters is forbidden).
(8) Mother-in-law: (i.e. wives' mothers and their grandmothers, however high they
may be.
(9) lawful wife: It is forbidden to marry the daughter of another husband with whom
the relation of cohabitation has been established, (And if only the marriage has taken
place, the wife has not had intercourse and has been separated for some reason, then
the marriage of that person with the daughter of her ex-husband is permissible.
(10) Marriage with the wives of one's sons is prohibited. Daughter-in-law, grandson's
wife, and grandson's wife are in the lower ranks, all are prohibited.
(11) It is forbidden to keep two sisters in marriage with any person at the same time,
If the wife is divorced, her second sister can be married after the end of her period.
Similarly, it is forbidden to marry two women at the same time, such that if one of
them is assumed to be a man, their marriage would not be permissible, such as
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 33
mother-in-law and niece, aunt and niece, etc. In the verse, this issue has been defined
as "Jamaa bin al-Ukhtain" (i.e. bringing two sisters together in marriage at the same
(12) Just as it is forbidden to marry two blood-related sisters at the same time,
similarly it is forbidden to marry foster sisters at the same time. Allah ﷻAlmighty
said that similar marriages that took place in the past before this order came are
forgiven. It is stated in the Holy Hadith that marriage with women due to the
relationship of lineage is forbidden, it is also forbidden due to the relationship of
adoption with them. This issue has also been described in Al-Nisaa: 23.
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At the beginning of the fifth Chapter, in the continuation of Mahramat-e-Qatiyya, it is
also stated that as long as a woman is married to another person, it is forbidden to
marry her. Even if the husband has given divorced, it is forbidden to marry within the
Iddah (forbidden period) and to give the message of marriage in clear words;
However, after the Iddah a woman can marry another person with her consent Those
women of the infidels who are captured from the battlefield and come into your
possession, then sexful intercourse with them is lawful after assignment. In verse
number: 25, it is said that a person who cannot afford to marry a free woman can
marry a slave woman.
In verse number: 29, it is stated that it is forbidden to take one another's wealth by
false means (i.e. gambling, lying, wrath, theft, robbery, betrayal, bribery, swearing
falsely, and bearing false witness). And trade by mutual consent is permissible and the
profit derived from it is also permissible. In the same way, wealth acquired through
gift and inheritance is also permissible.
Verse number: 30 say that the person who unjustly takes the wealth of others will
become the fuel of hell. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that if the servant avoids large sins,
Allah ﷻAlmighty will forgive the small and unintentional sins of the servant by His
grace and mercy.
Prohibiting jealousy in verse number: 32, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty the Exalted by
His wisdom has given someone excellence in wealth, honor, or status, so do not wish
for it to disappear, because it is jealousy that is forbidden, It is better to ask Allah ﷻ
Almighty for His grace than to be jealous of someone; there is no limit of His
In verse number: 34, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: "Men are the administrators and
guardians of women" because Allah ﷻAlmighty has given them priority, over the
other and also men spent their wealth on them. (The husband pays the dowry and the
maintenance of the wife and children is also his responsibility). A woman who is
disobedient to her husband is called "Nashza". The Holy Qur'an has described the
order of gradual reformation of a disobedient woman, that is:
In verse number: 36, Allah ﷻAlmighty has ordered the unity of God and has
prohibited all kinds of polytheism. After that, the rights of the people were explained
and he said: Be kind to parents, relatives, orphans, poor people, neighbors, travelers,
and your subordinates. Then while classifying the neighbors, he said that a neighbor
who is related, this relationship can be related to kinship and Islamic relationships as
well. The second is the neighbor who is a stranger; this stranger means one who is not
a relative and also one who belongs to another religion. The third is the one with
whom kinship is established in the office or factory, on a journey, or in a class or
assembly. All of them have different rights. The Messenger of Allah ( )ﷺsaid: "He is
not a believer, from whose mischief his neighbor is not protected, and who does not
respect his neighbor". And The Prophet ( )ﷺalso said: "Gibriel-e-Amin kept insisting
me about the rights of the neighbor so much that I thought that, maybe the neighbor
would be made an heir."
In verses number: 37 to 40, the prohibition of miserliness, showing off while charity
and hypocrisy was ordered and spending and said that whoever does not believe in
Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Day of Resurrection, can do charity with show off. He also
said that Allah ﷻAlmighty does not oppress anyone in the slightest and doubles the
reward of good deeds. In verse number: 41, it was said that on the Day of Judgment,
all the Prophets of Allah ﷻwill testify about the conditions and actions of their
respective nations, And the Prophet ( )ﷺwill bear witness to the validity of the
testimony of the Prophets. Verse 42 mentions the regret of those who disobeyed the
Prophets and Messengers.
(1) Do not perform Prayer (Salah) while intoxicated, Prayer cannot be abandoned in
any condition, so a Muslim should avoid all kinds of intoxicating drugs.
(2) Tayammum is permitted in certain unavoidable conditions such as, the person is
a traveler and water is not available at all or if it is available at a price, which is not in
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 36
his capacity, or if there is only enough water to quench thirst or perform ablution,
then quenching thirst will be preferred, or if water is available but the user is ill and
consumption of the water may cause serious harm to his life or health. Whether it is
obligatory bath or ablution, Tayammum is permissible in both cases, The method of
Tayammum is to touch the pure clay with the intention once and wipe the face with it
once and then touch the clay a second time and wipe both hands including the
elbows, It is permissible to perform tayammum with anything related to the earth.
Verse No: 44 mentions the misguidances of the Jews, and comforting the Prophet
Muhammad ()ﷺ.
In verse number: 46, a bad quality of the Jews is mentioned that they distort the
Word of God. One of the cases is to remove a word from its place or to hide it. And
when Allah's command is given to them, instead of saying, "We heard and obeyed",
they say, we heard and we disobey and we will not listen. They distorted the word Ra
ena (give us an excuse) to Ra’ina (our shepherd),” that is, they use it in an insulting
way. This is because of their hatred and their natural malice toward the Messenger of
Allah ﷺand for this reason, the curse of Allah ﷻis upon them. Allah ﷻAlmighty
said to them that as you distort the words of God, as punishment your appearances
may also be distorted.
In verse number: 48, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty does not forgive the sin of
polytheism under any circumstances, Besides He forgives minor sins for whomever He
wills. In verse 49, there is a rejection of those who describe their own purity. He said
that Allah ﷻAlmighty purifies whom He wills. There is a lesson in this for every
braggart and boaster.
He said in verse 51: People of the Book believe in idols and evil. Leaders of the Jews,
Kaab bin Ashraf, and Huey bin Akhtab went to make Mecca's polytheists allies for a
war against the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, so the Meccan polytheists said, "We will not
believe in you until you prostrate to our idols". Despite being People of the Book and
People of Tawheed, they bowed down to idols in hostility to the Messenger ﷺand
received the curse of Allah ﷻAlmighty. The Holy Qur'an stated that the reason for
their enmity with Khatam al-Mursaleen ﷺ. because he was granted prophethood,
although before that, Allah ﷻAlmighty had also bestowed upon Ibrahim and the
Children of Ibrahim, the honor of the book, wisdom, and kingship, and He bestows
blessings on whomever He wills. Then said that the Jews would be severely punished
in hell because of their disobedience and their skins would continue to burn and after
burning they would be given new skins and the punishment will continue. In verse
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number: 58, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Give fidelities back to their rightful owners, and
when you judge, judge with justice. Government, power, post, and position are also
fidelities, consultation is also fidelity, and if someone has deposited something with
someone, then this is also fidelity.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺwas asked: "When will the Resurrection come?" Prophet
ﷺsaid: "When the fidelity (trust) is lost." It was asked how the trust will be lost.
Prophet ﷺsaid: When the Government of the Ummah is given to the incompetent
He ﷻsaid in verse 59: 'O believers! Be obedient to Allah ﷻAlmighty and the
Messenger of Allah ﷻAlmighty and those among you who are in authority, in it,
there is a command of unconditional obedience of Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
Messenger ()ﷺ, and obedience to those in authority is conditional. If there is a
disagreement with the people of power about the permissible or impermissible of a
matter, then a decision will be made according to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
Verse No: 60 to 63 mentions the two-faced and hideous tricks of the hypocrites. After
that, there is faith-enhancing good news for the believers. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: And
we have sent every Messenger only so that people may be obedient by the
permission of Allah ﷻAlmighty. And when they oppress (sins) their lives, O
Messenger! And come to you and ask Allah ﷻAlmighty, forgiveness for their sins,
and the Messenger also prays for them, so they will surely find Allah ﷻAlmighty to
be very repentant, very merciful. i.e. if one seeks forgiveness from Allah ﷻAlmighty
through the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, then Allah ﷻAlmighty does not reject it, and this
connection of forgiveness is still available to every Muslim.
In verse number: 65, he said: "Those who do not make the Messenger of Allah ﷺ,
judge in disputes between them and then do not accept his decision by heart and soul
(That is, there should not be any distress or boredom in the heart over the decision of
the Messenger of Allah )ﷺ, so they cannot be believers in reality despite their
apparent claim of faith.
He said in verse number 69: Whoever obedient to Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
Messenger ﷺ, he will be (in the Hereafter) with those whom Allah ﷻAlmighty has
rewarded, the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the servants of the righteous.
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Then there are commands, instructions, and tidings of success about Jihad. Muslims
have been warned that, when the weak people of the society, women, and children
cry for help to get out of the hostile or oppressive environment, then they must come
to the field of Jihad to help the oppressed.
Verse number: 76 and in the following verses, it is said that when hypocrites and
cowards are invited to Jihad, their hearts tremble for fear of being killed and they
want respite from life. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Say, O Messenger! The goods of this
world are very little and the Hereafter is better for the pious.
He said to those who avoided Jihad for fear of death: "Wherever you are, death will
feed you, even if you are fortified in strong forts" A sign of the hypocrites is also
mentioned: When good befalls them, they say: It is from Allah ﷻAlmighty, and when
evil befalls them, they say (to the Messenger of Allah )ﷺ: It is from you, (O Messenger
)!ﷺSay that everything is from Allah Almighty. Then he said: The good that befalls
you is from Allah Almighty and the evil that befalls you is because of yourself. A
quality of the hypocrites is that they say in front of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, that we
obeyed your order, and then at night in their gatherings, they say the opposite.
Allah ﷻAlmighty says: Why do they not consider the Holy Qur'an, if this Holy Qur'an
had come from other than Allah ﷻAlmighty, then they would have found many
differences in it. The Holy Qur'an states a principle about rumors during peace and
fear, (i.e. victory and defeat) that these rumors could be dangerous and cause losses.
In such a time monitoring of the rumors should be organized to determine which
news publication is helpful for Muslims and which publication is harmful to Muslims.
It is called (Censorship) in today's terms and the modern world even in a state of war
the publication of news is under government control and it is the work of experts in
politics and war to decide it. Because these rumors affect the morale of the army and
the nation. And now apart from the arenas, psychological warfare is also fought by
In verse number: 84, the Prophet ﷺhas been ordered to do jihad himself and
motivate the believers to participate.
In verse number: 85, he said that the reward of legal intercession and the calamity of
illegal intercession will be for the one who intercedes.
In verse No: 86, it was mentioned about social etiquette that when you are greeted
with a word, you should respond with better words (such as saying in response to Al-
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Salam Alaikum: Wa Alaikum Al-Salam Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu) or at least
respond in the same words (like saying in response to Salam Al-Alaikum: Wa Alaikum
During the war, Muslims had to deal with several types of people:
(1) Those hypocrites who wanted the destruction and failure of the Muslims from
their hearts. He ﷻsaid for them that neither they shall be made friends nor shall they
be treated with any concessions, but they shall be destroyed.
(2) Some people were those who wanted to avoid war, neither wanted to fight with
Muslims nor wanted to fight in support of their nation or they would go to a nation
with whom the Muslims have an agreement, not to fight, So the Holy Qur'an said: If
they withdraw from the war and do not fight Muslims and give a message of peace to
Muslims, then Muslims should not do opposition with them.
(3) A group of hypocrites was those who wanted to live in peace with both the
Muslims and their nation, but their internal state was that if war was imposed on the
Muslims by their nation, they would jump into it. So the Holy Qur'an said: If they do
not separate from the Muslims and do not give a message of peace to the Muslims
and do not stop their hands from harming the Muslims when they get an opportunity,
then the Muslims also have the right to destroy them when they get an opportunity.
In verse number: 93, the order of wilful murder, i.e. intentionally taking the life of an
innocent person, has been explained, which is: continuous punishment in Hell (If the
killing is done thinking it’s forbidden, he will remain in Hell for an extended period, as
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 40
long as Allah's wishes and if the unjustified murder is done, thinking to be permissible,
then he will remain in hell forever). And Allah's wrath will be upon him, and Allah's
curse will be upon him, and there is a great punishment for him in the Hereafter. If
someone has committed an unjustified murder by mistake and has paid
compensation, even then repentance is a condition for salvation in the Hereafter. In
case of wrongful killing, compensation can be life for life or any financial award or
pardoned without any financial award, these are worldly rulings.
In verse number: 94, Allah ﷻsaid to the believers, that if someone professes faith in
the journey of Jihad or on the battlefield, so for getting wealth one should not kill
such a person by denying his faith And he said: Allah ﷻhas many treasures and Allah
ﷻAlmighty has favored you with faith.
In verse number: 95, it is stated that those who avoid Jihad cannot be equal to those
who are doing Jihad with their lives and wealth in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty, Allah
ﷻ has given them excellence. However, the one who does not participate in practical
Jihad due to illness or Poor age, but he is a war planner, a strategist, one who teaches
war tactics or is engaged in the service of soldiers, he will surely get the reward of a
In the context of the prophethood, while the Muslims were in a constant state of war,
he said about those who avoided war that when the time comes for their souls to be
departed, the angels will ask them about the war between truth and falsehood
and where they were at that time. They will say we were weak on earth, then the
angels will say to them, why did you not migrate to Dar-al-Iman?, but those men,
women, and children who were really weak, there was no way of salvation for them,
then Allah Almighty will forgive them. He also said that as a result of migration, Allah
ﷻAlmighty will grant expansion and whoever leaves his home with the intention of
migrating and dies during that time, then his reward is on Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Verse number: 101 and the following verses have stated the order of reducing the
prayer for the traveler. In Hanafi jurisprudence, the size of the travel distance is 98km.
Prayer and congregation are such obligatory duties that they are not dropped even in
a state of war. Therefore Allah ﷻAlmighty said that in the exact situation of war
when the time of prayer comes, the soldiers up front stay in their positions, and rest
pray one rak'at following the imam. Then they go to the front and take positions and
let other soldiers, come and join the Imam in the second Rak'at and complete their
prayer. After that, they go to the front position and others come back and complete
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 41
their prayers. This prayer is called Salat al-Khauf. It was learned that neglecting
defense is not permissible in any way, this is called Red Alert or High Alert in today's
war terminology, and that it is not permissible to abandon prayer under any
circumstances. Then he said, "When you have finished praying, remember Allah ﷻ
Almighty in every situation while standing, sitting, and lying on your knees." And when
the state of war is over and there is a state of peace, offer the usual prayer. Indeed
prayer has been made obligatory on the believers at certain times.
In verse number: 104, He said that do not show laziness in pursuing the enemy. If you
suffer, so they also suffer like you, even though you are also hopeful for the reward of
the Hereafter.
In verse number: 115, he said that there is no good in consultation and meetings
without practical measures. And great is the reward for those who take practical
measures. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: And whoever opposes the Messenger of Allah ﷻ
after the revelation of guidance and goes against the path of all the Muslims, We will
turn him to the direction he chose and enter him into Hell which is a bad abode. There
is a clear threat in it for those who choose a different course of action, away from the
consensus path of Muslims, are taking the path of hell.
In verse number: 116, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty forgives all sins except
polytheism, and polytheism with Allah ﷻAlmighty is a great misguidance. Allah ﷻ
Almighty has given the threat of hell to the followers of the evil and the good news of
paradise to the perfect believers and he said that every believing man and woman
who did good deeds in the state of faith will enter Paradise.
Verse No: 122, 123 stated that salvation does not depend on wishes and false hopes
but on righteous deeds, and those who do bad deeds will be punished.
In verse number: 125, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Who will have a better religion than the
one who submits himself to the service of Allah ﷻAlmighty and is a righteous person
and a follower of the nation of Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم . Verse No: 127 mentions the rights of
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 42
orphan girls in inheritance, marriage matters, dower, etc. And he said that if you wish
to marry them, pay their rights and also take care of the rights of weak orphans.
In verse number: 128, he said that if a woman wants to make peace with her husband
by renouncing her rights to maintain the marriage, there is no problem, and the
husband is encouraged to be kind and fear Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number: 129, he said that you cannot do complete justice, but do not be
completely bend to one wife and hang the other by completely neglecting it, but
continue to act with even the widest possible justice and if you are not able to be
successful and if there is a separation, then Allah ﷻAlmighty is the creator of better
In verse number: 135, Allah ﷻAlmighty said, 'O believers! Be steadfast in justice and
bear witness for Allah ﷻAlmighty, whether it is against yourself or your parents and
relatives, whether you are rich or poor, Allah ﷻAlmighty belongs to them (than you)
is more benevolent. So (while testifying) do not follow your desires and do not turn
away from justice, and if you distort or shunning your testimony, then Allah ﷻ
Almighty is well aware of all your deeds.
In verse number: 136, he urged the believers to be steadfast in their religion. In the
latter verse, he mentioned the loss of forgiveness and guidance for those who
changed their religion after seeing the direction of the wind. The bad habits of
hypocrites are mentioned from verse number: 142. One sign is that they are lazy in
prayer. They consider prayer as a burden and pray only to show and deceive the
Muslims. These people are always wavering between disbelief and faith. Therefore he
said that the hypocrites will be in the lowest class of hell.
In verse number: 146, he mentioned the great reward for those who repent and those
who firmly hold on to religion.
In verse number: 147, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty's punishment is for the
ungrateful and unbelieving. If you are grateful and believe, then what will Allah
ﷻAlmighty do by punishing you?
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One of the fundamental principles of Islam is that it commands the veiling of the
weakness of others and does not like the publicity of evil deeds, but the oppressor is
allowed to raise his voice against the oppressor for justice.
In verse number: 150, Allah ﷻsaid that those who differentiate Allah ﷻAlmighty
and His messengers in believing, or believe in some messengers and reject others, or
find a middle way between faith and disbelief, all these people are non-believers.
Believers are only those who believe in Allah ﷻAlmighty and believe in all of His
Messengers without distinction.
Verses numbers: 153 to 161 mention the many ignorances, disobediences, obstinacy,
and demands of the Jews.
They demanded the Messenger of Allah ﷺto send down the Book from the sky. Allah
ﷻAlmighty said that they have made even greater demands from Musa )(غلیہ السالمwhich
(1) Show us the Allah ﷻAlmighty openly, so as punishment for their cruelty, they
were caught by lightning.
(2) Then despite clear proof, they worshiped the calf and Allah ﷻAlmighty accepted
their repentance.
(3) They broke a promise which was taken while Mountain Thu was above their head
and they promised to be steadfast in Islam.
(4) Similarly, a promise was taken from them to enter the gate while prostrating and
not to violate the sanctity on Saturday.
Then Allah ﷻAlmighty explained the reasons for their breaking of the covenant and
(1) They denied the revelations of Allah ﷻAlmighty. It refers to the miracles of the
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(4) Claimed to kill, Maseeh the son of Maryam )(غلہیا السالمthe Messenger of Allah ﷻ.
(5) They obstinately said that our hearts are covered. So Allah ﷻAlmighty said that
because of their disbelief, a seal has been placed on their hearts.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said that they did not kill Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالم and did not crucify him,
but the situation was changed for them.
The exegeticals have written: that a follower (Hawary) of Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمwas made
to resemble him and by putting him on the cross, they thought that they crucified Isa
)(غلیہ السالم. So Allah ﷻalmighty said: They certainly did not kill Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالم, but Allah
Then he said that before the Day of Resurrection, the People of the Book would
definitely believe in Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالم. And Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمwill bear witness for them
on the Day of Judgment. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Because of the oppression of the
Jews, We made some of their things forbidden to them, which were allowed before.
Some details of this have already been given in Surah Baqarah and some will come
One of the disobedience of the Jews was that despite the prohibition, they took
interest and unjustly took people's wealth. But the Holy Qur'an stated that those
among them who had firm knowledge, believed in the Holy Qur'an and the first
celestial books from Allah ﷻ. They were committed to establishing prayer and giving
zakah, they had faith in Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Day of Resurrection, and such
people will be given a great reward.
In verse number: 163, it was stated that the entire chain of divine revelation and
prophethood is interconnected. Hazrat Nooh ) (غلیہ السالمand the Prophets after him )(غلیہ السالم
and Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمto Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمmentioned several prophets: Just as we
have revealed, revelations to these Prophets one after the other, in the same way, O
Messenger of Allah ﷺ. We have revealed to you as well. Allah ﷻfurther said that we
have stated to you the names and circumstances of some messengers and there are
also messengers whose incidents have not been described in the Holy Qur'an. For
those whose names are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an and Hadith, it is obligatory to
believe in them definitively, and for those whose names and circumstances are not
mentioned, it is obligatory to believe in them vaguely, that is, whoever Allah ﷻ
Almighty sent as a Messenger, we believe in them. The wisdom of the system of
prophethood and apostleship is to establish the argument of Allah ﷻAlmighty
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regarding the call of truth to all human beings. And on the Day of Resurrection, no
human being will have any excuse to persist in disbelief, polytheism, sinfulness,
impiety, and misguidance. That is why the obligation of the prophets was to announce
the good news of Allah's ﷻmercy and to warn of Allah’s ﷻpunishment. Allah ﷻ
Almighty and his angels bear witness to the revelation of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
and thus reveal his prophethood. Those who disbelieve and prevent people from the
straight path of Allah ﷻAlmighty are in open seduction. And Allah ﷻAlmighty does
not forgive such disbelievers and cruel persons, nor does He guide them to any other
path than the path of Hell. If people accept what the Messenger of Allah ﷺbrought It
is better for them, otherwise Allah ﷻAlmighty does not care about people’s
disobedience. Therefore He is the owner of the earth and the sky and all that is in
The Christians exaggerated in the religion and called Isa )(غلیہ السالم "son of Allah" then
Allah ﷻAlmighty said that do not exceed the limit in the religion. Do not speak
unjustly about Allah ﷻAlmighty. Isa ) (غلیہ السالمthe son of Maryam, was the Messenger of
Allah ﷻAlmighty, the Word of Allah ﷻAlmighty, which was directed to Hazrat
Maryam, and was his spirit. Allah ﷻfurther said: Do not say that there are three
Gods (i.e. the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit). He said: abandon from
immoderation of creed. There is only one God, He is worthy of worship and He is
beyond having children and He is the owner of the heavens and the earth.
He further said: Neither Isa )(غلیہ السالم nor the close angels have any disgrace in being a
servant of Allah ﷻAlmighty. That is in the presence of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the glory of
servitude is honor and dignity for every level of creation.
In verse number: 174 he said: O people! A strong argument has come to you from
Allah ﷻAlmighty and We have sent down a clear light to you. Burhan (strong
argument) means (Sayyidna Muhammad )ﷺ. Achieving God's mercy and staying
steadfast on the right path depends only on full commitment to Prophet Muhammad
ﷺand the Holy Qur'an (clear light).
In the last verse of Surah Al-Nisa, an issue of inheritance was explained that if a
person dies and he does not have parents alive and no children, he is called Klala. If he
has a true or dad’s side (step) sister, then this sister will get half of his inheritance.
And if that sister dies and she is also childless, then this person will inherit her total
inheritance. And if he has two (or more than two) sisters, they will get two-thirds of
his inheritance. And if the person's heirs have real brothers and sisters or steps from
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the father's side, then the entire inheritance will be divided among them and each
brother will get twice the share of each sister. Since Allah ﷻAlmighty wants to
protect from misguidance, He explains these financial matters in detail. After that is
Surah al-Maidah.
{Surat al-Maidah}
Surah Al-Maidah is the Madani Surah, but some of its verses were revealed in
Makkah. It is the fifth surah in terms of scriptural order while it is the 113 surah in
terms of revelation. In two verses of this Surah, Maidah (eating, tablecloth) is
mentioned. Therefore it is called Surah Al-Maidah; This Surah is also called Surah Al-
Uqud and Surah Al-Munqizah. The Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid: Surah Al-Maidah is
called a munqizah in the Kingdom of Allah ﷻbecause this Surah saves its reciter from
the angels of punishment. (Tafseer Al-Munir: Volume: 6, Page: 60)
This surah starts with moral training by commanding to fulfill the promise. The
importance of fulfilling promises in individual, collective, international affairs, and
personal relationships is obvious to every person.
He further said: Except for the exceptions (the description of which is coming next),
four-legged animals have been made halal, but hunting in the state of Ihram is not
halal. Allah ﷻfurther said do not disgrace the signs of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the
holy (four) months, In the same way, do not disgrace the sacrifices sent to the Holy
Kaaba and the animals that have bands on their necks (as a symbol of sacrifice). And
that you can hunt after opening Ihram. After this, the Muslims have been ordered to
help each other in good deeds and avoid sinful and cruel deeds. This is one of those
blessed verses (in which the words are few and the meanings are many). By
mentioning every auspiciousness, good and evil in this blessed verse with great
brevity, the Holy Quran has declared a principle and rule for all works.
(1) The halal animal that has died a natural death and could not be slaughtered, i.e.
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(4) The animal on which the name of other than Allah Almighty has been taken while
(7) The halal animal that fell from a height and died.
(8) The halal animal which was killed by another animal’s horns.
(10) The halal animal that was slaughtered at the place of idols.
(11) To find out the state of luck with the arrows of omen.
This is the same verse in which an honorable announcement was made for the
Muslims: Today I have completed your religion for you and fulfilled my blessing on
you and have chosen Islam (as a religion) for you. No other inspired book before the
Holy Qur'an declared the completion of religion. In the same verse, it is stated that in
an emergency, it is allowable to eat forbidden things as much as necessary for
survival. In the same surah, the command of the halal animal hunted by hunting dogs
is described, the detailed issues of which can be seen in the books of tafsir, hadith,
and jurisprudence.
In verse number: 5, it was stated that the food of Muslims is halal for the People of
the Book and the food of the people of Book is halal for Muslims, provided that food
is halal in its origin and does not contain any forbidden thing in it. In the same verse,
the ruling also stated that the marriage of a Muslim with the free and virtuous women
of the People of the Book is permissible.
(1) washing the whole face, (2) washing the hands, wrists forearms, and elbows.
(3) wiping the head (4) washing the feet including the ankles.
After that, for the patient, the traveler, one without ablution, and for Junubi (on
whom a bath is obligatory) there is a statement regarding the permission of
Tayammum when necessary. The little detail of tayammum has been stated in Surah
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In verse number: 8, while commanding unfettered justice, he said: do not indulge in
injustice because of the enmity of a nation, do justice and this approach is closer to
the fear of Allah ﷻ.
Verse number: 11, describes the unsuccessful attempt of the Jews to kill the Holy
Prophet ﷺby rolling a heavy stone and it mentions Allah ﷻAlmighty’s favor to
protect Rasool Allah ﷺ.
In verse number: 12, while mentioning the covenant of Allah ﷻAlmighty with the
Bani Israel, said: And Allah ﷻAlmighty said, "Indeed, I am with you if you continue to
establish prayer and give Zakat". And you believe in My Messengers, and you help
them with reverence and a good debt to Allah ﷻAlmighty (from His wealth). Then I
will definitely erase your sins from you and I will surely admit you to the paradise
under which rivers flow. After that, the curse of Allah ﷻAlmighty is mentioned on
the Bani Israel for breaking their covenant, being cruel, and changing the words
(books) of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
And further, he said that because of forgetting a large part of the Divine Covenant,
enmity, and hatred were created among themselves until the Day of Resurrection.
The crimes of the People of the Book are many, but very few of their crimes have
been described here because the purpose is to correct them and not to publicize their
crimes. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Verily, there came to you from Allah ﷻAlmighty
the splendor of Prophethood and a Bright Book. Through it, Allah guides those who
follow His will to the paths of safety and by his permission; He brings them out of
darkness, to light, and guides them to the straight path.
In verse number: 17, Allah ﷻAlmighty has called those who call Isa ) (غلیہ السالمthe son of
Mariyam "God" as disbelievers. And he said that if Allah ﷻAlmighty wants to destroy
Isa ) (غلیہ السالمthe son of Maryam and his mother, then all the people of the earth cannot
save them even if they unite. Then he rejected the false understanding and false claim
of the Jews and Christians that they are the sons of Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
beloved. He said that you are also among the human beings. Addressing the People of
the Book, he said that after the sending of the Prophets, there came a period of
separation of Prophethood and apostleship, and then We sent Our Great Messenger
so that you may not say that no evangelist and a scarecrow to us, So now the last
Messenger (Muhammad )ﷺhas come to you, giving the good news of Allah ﷻ
Almighty mercy and warning you of His punishment.
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In verses 21 to 26, it is mentioned that the Bani Israel were ordered to enter the Holy
Land. These people said: O Musa ) !(غلیہ السالمThere are very large people in this land, until
they are expelled, we will not enter.
So you and your Lord go and both fight (with them), surely we will sit here. When
Musa ) (غلیہ السالمwas disappointed with his nation, he said to Allah ﷻAlmighty, "O Lord!
My control can only be over myself and my brother (Haroon ))(غلیہ السالم, so judge
between me and my disobedient nation. As a result of these disobediences of Bani
Israel, the holy land was forbidden to them for forty years and they continued to
wander in the land.
In verse number: 27 to 31, the incident of the two sons of Adam ) (غلیہ السالمwas described
when both of them offered a sacrifice in the presence of Allah ﷻAlmighty. One's
sacrifice was accepted and the other's was rejected. In the divine laws of that time,
the sign of acceptance of the sacrifice was that fire would come from the sky and burn
it. Qabeel, whose sacrifice was rejected, killed his brother Habeel in anger. The
background of this sacrifice is mentioned in the book of exegesis. Then Qabeel did not
understand what to do with his brother's body, then Allah ﷻAlmighty sent a crow
and taught him to bury the Dead body in the soil.
After describing this background, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: For this reason, we wrote on
the Bani Israel that whoever killed a human life without compensation (i.e. without
the right of retribution) or without mischief (crime) in the land. So it is as if he has
killed all human beings and whoever saves the life of (an innocent) person, it is as if he
has saved all human beings. It is known that the sanctity of human life is the collective
right of humanity and to kill an innocent person is to violate the right of the entire
After that, the extent of the greatest crime of humanity, which is today's world called
terrorism, was described by Allah ﷻAlmighty as a war against Allah ﷻAlmighty and
His Messenger in these words: And those who fight Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
Messenger and spread mischief in the land and commit terrorism, their punishment is
to be killed by picking them. Either they should be executed or their hands should be
amputated on one side and their feet on the other side or they should be expelled
from the earth (i.e. imprisoned), this is a disgrace for them in this world and a great
punishment for them in the Hereafter.
In verse number: 35, ordered the believers to adopt piety and seek the means (of
salvation) in the presence of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
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In verse number: 36, it is said that if a person becomes the owner of the entire earth
and the same amount of wealth is given to him, and he gives all this as a ransom for
his life, then the salvation of a disbeliever is not possible on the Day of Judgment.
In verse number: 38, there is a command to cut off the hands of men and women who
theft. This is a punishment for their actions and a lesson from Allah ﷻAlmighty for
other people. After that, if they repent and are willing to reform themselves, Allah
ﷻAlmighty will forgive them. In verse number: 40, he said that the sovereignty of the
heavens and the earth and the authority to punish and forgive belongs to the Lord of
the worlds. In verse No: 41-42 once again describes the hypocrisy of the Jews:
(1) They claim faith with their tongues and there is hypocrisy in their hearts.
(3) Listen carefully to those who live far away from you.
(5) They bring their disputes to you with the intention that they will get a decision, in
their favor then it will be acceptable, otherwise, they do not accept your decision.
(7) In the Torah, adultery is punishable by death, but their scholars hide this order,
the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, revealed it.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, that if they bring a case to you,
you have the right to judge or not, but if you judge, then make a decision that is based
on justice. After that, in verses 44 to 47 respectively, he said that those who do not
judge in accordance with the commands, revealed by Allah ﷻAlmighty, they are
disbelievers, unjust, and transgressors. That is, whoever is so rebellious that he does
not accept Allah's ﷻorder completely, then he is a disbeliever. And whoever does
not implement it because of his obstinacy or laziness, then he is unjust and a
Allah ﷻsaid in verse number: 44 that we sent the Torah, in it there is guidance and
light, Prophets who were Allah’s ﷻobedient, guide Jews. Jewish scholars and People
of Allah ﷻwere supposed to protect the Book of Allah, which is why it was changed.
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The responsibility of protecting the Holy Qur'an is taken by Allah ﷻAlmighty himself,
so it is safe from any change, which is the miracle of the Quran.
In verse number: 45, the law of retribution was explained that life is retribution for a
life, eye is retribution for an eye, nose is retribution for a nose, ear is retribution for
an ear, the tooth is retribution for a tooth, and in the same way wounds are
retribution. And whoever gives retribution cheerfully (and also sincerely repents for
his crime), then this is an atonement for his sin.
In verse number: 46, it is said that even after Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمthe chain of
prophethood continued and Isa ) (غلیہ السالمfollowed in his footsteps, he confirmed the
Torah and was given the Injeel, which is like the Torah, a complete guidance and
bright light. After the Torah and the Injeel, he mentioned the Holy Qur'an and its
characteristics, that the Holy Qur'an was revealed with the truth and that it confirms
the prior books, and that the Holy Qur'an is the protector, watcher, and guardian of
these books.
In verses number: 48, and 49, it is said that Allah ﷻAlmighty has established a law
and a clear way of action for every nation. If it were Allah's Will, He would have made
everyone a single Ummat-i-Ajabat, but He has given His servants the right to follow
whatever course of action they want, right or wrong, and therein lies the test of good
deeds, then try to surpass each other in good deeds. The desire of the false
worshipers was stated that they only want ignorance and darkness, while the system
and command given by Allah Almighty is the best and excellent.
In verse number: 51, it was said that do not make Jews and Christians your friends,
compared to Muslims, they are supporters and friends of each other, so whoever
befriends them, he will be one of them. And the hypocrites who are afraid to come
into trouble, when Allah ﷻAlmighty blesses the Muslims with victory, these people
will regret their behavior. In verse number: 54, it was said that the religion of Allah
ﷻAlmighty is not dependent on anyone. If Allah ﷻAlmighty wills, He will create
such a people, whom He will love and they will love Allah ﷻAlmighty, they will be
kind to the Muslims and they will be harsh on the disbelievers.
In verse number 56: He said that whoever makes Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
Messenger and the believers, his friends, verily, Allah's ﷻparty is victorious.
In verse number: 57, it is said that among the People of the Book, do not make friends
with those who make fun of religion and disbelievers.
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In verse 60: Allah ﷻAlmighty said: The worst punishment is for those people whom
Allah ﷻAlmighty cursed, angered, those who worshiped the Devil, and he disfigured
some of them into monkeys and pigs.
In verses 61 and 62, it is mentioned that the dishonesty of the hypocritical Jews is
rapidly increasing in lying, sinning, excesses, and fornication. In verse number: 63, the
scholars and elders of the Jews have been condemned for their silence and neglect of
their official duties.
In verse number: 64, he mentioned the insolent audacity of the Jews to use words like
beggar and miser for Allah ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻAlmighty rejected them and said that
the hands of these unfortunates are bent and cursed be upon them because of this
insolent speech. Rather, his hands are open, spending as he wishes. In verse number:
66, he said that if the people of the book had followed the orders of the Torah and
the Injeel, they would have been given generous sustenance, and he said that the
people of the book, apart from a moderate group, are suffering from evils as a whole.
In verse number: 67, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: O Messenger! Convey to the people what
has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not do so, then you have not
conveyed the message of your Lord, and may Allah ﷻAlmighty protect you from (the
evil of) the people.
In verse number: 68, he said to the People of the Book that unless they follow the
orders of the Torah, the Injeel, and the Holy Qur'an, they will not receive guidance.
In verse number: 69, he said: The claimants of faith, the Jews, the Sabeans and the
Christians, whoever (among them) believes in Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Day of
Resurrection (in the true sense) and is steadfast in doing good, then there will be no
fear for them and nor will they grieve. This means that when they believe in Allah ﷻ
Almighty in the true sense, they will accept all the commandments of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, they will also have faith in the Holy Qur'an and Khatam al-Mursaleen ﷺ,
they will no longer be Jews, Christians, and Sabaens, but They will become believers.
In verses number: 71 and 70, there is a description of the Bani Israel denying and
killing the prophets and the reason for their complacency that they will not be
Verse number: 73 to 80 explained the defects of the belief of the Christians that they
believe in the belief of the divinity of Isa ) (غلیہ السالمand the Trinity, even though God is
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one, and the same was said by Isa ) (غلیہ السالمthe son of Mariyam to the Bani Israel. Isa
) (غلیہ السالمibn Mariyam is a Messenger in the same way as Messengers have passed
before him and His mother is Siddiqah, he used to eat food (like ordinary people)
which is necessary and he who is in need, then how can he be God. Because of
disobedience, intemperance, transgression and not commanding good and not
preventing evil, the Jews were cursed by Hazrat Dawood ) (غلیہ السالمand Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالم.
After describing the immoderately of the Jews, he said that the most enmity with the
Muslims is the Jews and the polytheists, and there are scholars and monks among the
Christians and who are not arrogant, and maybe friends of the Muslims.
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Hazrat Ibn Abbas ) (ریض ہللا غہنهاsaid: When the Companions of the Prophet ﷺreached
Najashi and recited the Holy Qur'an, his scholars and monks heard the Holy Qur'an
and began to shed tears because of the recognition of the truth. This situation is
described in the opening verses of the seventh Para: And when they listen to it (the
Holy Qur'an), which was revealed to the Messenger, you see tears flowing from their
eyes because of the recognition of the truth, they say: O our Lord! We believe, so
write, us, with those who bear witness (to the truth). After that, the reward of the
Hereafter and the blessings of entering Paradise are mentioned for them.
In verse number: 87, Allah ﷻsaid to the believers: Only Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
Messenger have authority over what is halal and haram, so do not forbid what Allah
ﷻAlmighty has made halal and eat from Allah's halal and pure sustenance.
In verse number: 89, the order of the oath of convened is explained, The oath of
convened means that a person swears to do or not do something in the future, If he
adheres to this oath, then jurisprudentially it is said that he is free in his oath and if he
breaks the oath, i.e. does the opposite of what he has said, then jurisprudentially he is
said to be "Hanith". In this verse, the expiation for this has been explained, which are:
give food in charity to ten poor people twice a day according to their average
standard or giving them clothes or freeing slaves (slavery is not practiced today). And
if you are not able to do these things, then you should fast for three days. Allah
ﷻAlmighty also said that protect your oaths so that there is no expiation. It is said in
the Holy Hadith that if a person swears something that is forbidden by the Shari'ah
(such as severing ties with parents or siblings), then he should break it and pay
Allah ﷻsaid in verses number 90 and 91: O believers! Wine, gambling, stones placed
near idols (for sacrifice), and arrows of divination are only impure satanic acts, so
avoid them so that you may prosper.
The Devil only wants to create hatred and enmity among you through alcohol and
gambling and prevent you from remembering Allah ﷻAlmighty and praying, so are
you going to stop? In these two verses, due to the mention of wine with definite
prohibitions, its prohibition has been emphasized, now there is no room for any doubt
about the absolute prohibition of wine.
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In verse number: 95 to 99, the prohibition of hunting in the state of Ihram was
explained. And whoever commits this crime, he will have to sacrifice an animal like it
as compensation, which will be taken to the limits of the Haram and sacrificed. And
two judges will determine the value of the hunt, and then the Muhrim will have the
option to feed the poor people equal to that amount or to keep as many fasts as that
amount is equal to the redemption of fasts. See detailed issues in books of
jurisprudence. He further said that in the state of Ihram hunting land animals is
forbidden, while sea hunting is halal.
It is stated in verse number: 104 that when the People of the Book and those who
deviate from the religion are invited to follow the religion revealed by Allah
ﷻAlmighty and the Messenger, then they say that the way we are on is the same as
our ancestors and how can we leave the religion of our forefathers, even if their
forefathers were ignorant and strayed from the path of guidance. The atheists of
every age, when the arguments were incontrovertible with the truth, this was their
final response as stubbornness. It is obvious that the Messenger of Allah ﷺwas hurt
by this attitude, so Allah ﷻAlmighty said to comfort the people of faith that when
you are on your own guidance, someone's misguidance is not harmful to you.
In verse number: 106, Allah ﷻsaid that when a will is to be made, two just witnesses
shall be appointed so that there is no dispute later and he also ordered that the
testimony of the truth shall not be hidden. In the beginning of Islam, the will was
declared as an obligation, but after the revelation of the orders of inheritance, its
acknowledgment and affirmation of good deeds remain.
In verses 110 to 111, Allah ﷻalmighty reminded Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہالسالمof His blessings:
(1) Allah ﷻhelped you with the Holy Spirit (Jebril Amin).
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(2) (By the power given by me) you used to speak to people in the cradle and will do
so in your mature age.
(3) I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the Torah, and the Injeel.
(4) Then he mentioned the miracles that were given to Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالم , i.e., by the
permission of Allah ﷻAlmighty, making a bird out of clay and putting life in it, healing
the blind and lepers, raising the dead, protect from the atrocities of Bani Israel, etc.
In verse number: 112, it is mentioned that the disciples of Isa )(غلیہ السالم requested to him
that Allah ﷻAlmighty sends down prepare meals from the sky, so we eat and get
satisfaction in our hearts. So Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمprays to Allah ﷻthat: O our Lord,
please send us to prepare meals from Sky, which could be Eid for after and before us,
and a sign of your ability and provide us sustenance, surely you are the best provider
of sustenance. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: I will send down this blessing, but then
whoever disbelieves (after seeing the desired sign), I will give him such a punishment
that I will not give to anyone else. From this, we can conclude that the day of the
revelation of the Divine Blessing can be called Eid and therefore Muslims refer to the
blessed day of Milad-ul-Nabi ﷺas Eid.
In the following verses, he said in order to establish the argument against the
Christians: O Isa ) ! (غلیہ السالمDid you tell the people to make me and my mother two gods
besides Allah ﷻAlmighty? It is obvious that Isa ) (غلیہ السالمexpressed his disgust and said:
I said to people, what you commanded me, to worship (only) Allah ﷻAlmighty, who
is mine and your god If you punish them, then they are your servants, and if you
forgive them, then you are supremely wise, that is, their matter is now in your hands.
He said in verse 119: Today the truthful will be profit by their truthfulness and then
there is a description of Paradise and its blessings.
{Surat Al-An'am}
Surat Al-An’am is the Makki Surah. It is the sixth surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 55th surah in terms of revelation. Surah Al-An'am was revealed to the
Prophet ﷺall at once. In this surah, the basic issues and arguments of monotheism
and prophethood have been explained and the life after death, requital, and
punishment have been explained. The explanation of the original Ibrahimovic religion,
the internal and external martyrdoms of humans, and the requirements of reason and
nature have been argued. He has explained the reasons for not showing miracles
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requested by polytheists, in it, is the description of destiny and he has rejected some
polytheistic rites and the ignorance of polytheists. He has described the Muslim
morals and manners of civilizational and social life.
At the start of this surah, the power of Allah ﷻAlmighty is described that He created
the heavens, the earth, darkness, and light, He created man from clay, Then He fixed a
period of life for him and a time of resurrection, but the disbelievers still associate
partners with their God and are plagued with doubts about His power, although He
knows the revealed or non revealed, every deed of men. One of the signs of
disbelievers is that despite the signs of Allah ﷻAlmighty's power, they do not
consideration on them. Allah ﷻAlmighty says that We gave authority to many
peoples on the earth before you, sent down heavy rains on them, made rivers flow for
them under the gardens, and then destroyed them for their sins.
In verse number: 14, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, was commanded: Tell the
disbelievers and polytheists that shall I accept anyone else as my creator, apart from
the creator of the earth and the sky and the provider of all sustenance? You say that I
am the first to accept Islam. There is none who can save whomsoever Allah
ﷻAlmighty harms, and if He bestows good on someone, no one can stop him; he is
the Owner of all goodness. I have been ordered to warn everyone I am addressing of
Allah ﷻAlmighty's chastisement, and to invite him to monotheism, and to proclaim
his absolution from polytheism.
In verse number: 20, Allah ﷻrejected the false statement of people of the book, that
we do not know the prophethood of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, Allah ﷻAlmighty
said that they recognize you as their sons, and know your prophethood is true.
Verse number: 22, he said that on the Day of Resurrection, we will gather all the
polytheists and will ask where are your false gods now, then they will refute their
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In verse number: 25, Allah ﷻAlmighty says that the disbelievers listen to you
attentively, but because of their misdeeds, veils have fallen over their hearts, and
their ears are blocked. It means that they listen, but it does not benefit them and they
stubbornly reject the truth. They will wish in the Hereafter, that if we would be sent
back to the world then we would be among the believers, but while living in this world
they deny life after death.
In verse number: 27, there is a description of the regret of the disbelievers on the Day
of Judgment and the promise not to deny the divine revelations after returning to this
world. Allah ﷻAlmighty says that even if we return them, they will still do the same
things we had forbidden them. And these are the deniers of the Hereafter when Allah
ﷻAlmighty will stand them before Him and ask them about the Hereafter, then
these people will confess the truth, but it will not be of any use at that time.
In verse number: 31, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that they denied the reality of appearing
before Allah ﷻAlmighty, they are carrying the burden of their bad deeds on their
backs and when the Day of Judgment suddenly strikes them, So they will say alas! We
made a big mistake. While comforting the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, Allah ﷻAlmighty
said: Do not be sad, they are not denying you, but in fact, these people are denying
the revelations of Allah ﷻ. And the prophets before you were denied and they
persevered. If Allah ﷻAlmighty willed, He would have forced everyone to gather
under guidance, but it was a requirement of his wisdom to test the servant by giving
authority and establishing a system of rewards and punishments.
In verse number: 36, he said that the truth is accepted by those who listen but their
hearts are dead.
After that, he mentions the false requests of disbelievers and says that Allah ﷻ
Almighty is able to fulfill them, but it is against His wisdom.
In verse number: 38, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that the animals that walk on the land
and the birds that fly in the air are creatures like you, When the Hour will come and
Allah ﷻAlmighty's punishment will be in front of the eyes, then these polytheists will
also call on the one Lord. Verse No: 44 mentions the training of nations and leading
them from astray to guidance, forgetting of guidance by people and challenged by the
abundance in their sustenance, bragging on blessings, and their sudden capture by
Allah ﷻ.
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In verses number: 46 to 50, it is said that if Allah ﷻAlmighty takes away your ability
to hear, see, and understand, then who can give you all these blessings? The
polytheists used to make various requests to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, so Allah
ﷻAlmighty said: Say, I have never claimed that I have the treasures of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, nor do I know the unseen on my own, nor have I this Claiming that I am
an angel, I only follow what is revealed to me. Although the Messenger of Allah
ﷺknows the things of the unseen when Allah ﷻAlmighty tells him, but the
knowledge of the unseen is exclusive of Allah ﷻAlmighty, and all the affairs of the
Prophet are by the grace of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
The leaders of the polytheists said to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, that if you set aside a
time for us in which the poor companions (Sohaib, Ammar, Miqdad, Bilal, Abdullah
bin Masood ) (ریض ہللا غہنمmay not be with you, so maybe we'll consider your message,
Messenger of Allah ﷻAlmighty ﷺwas very desirous for Da'wa-e-Haq, so the thought
arose in his heart that their request can also be fulfilled.
In verse 51, there is a command to warn those who believe in the resurrection from
Allah ﷻAlmighty's punishment. In verse number: 52 to 54, Allah ﷻAlmighty said:
Those who believe in worshiping their Lord, morning and evening, and seeking His
pleasure, don't take them away from you.
When the disbelievers made their wealth the standard of truth, then Allah
ﷻdenounced them and said about the poor Muslims, "When they come to you, so
you say May peace be upon you, your Lord has made mercy obligatory upon Himself,
that whoever among you does a bad deed out of ignorance and then repents
afterward, surely Allah Almighty is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
He said in verse 59: And with Him are the keys of the unseen, no one (by themselves)
knows it, except Him, He knows everything that is on land and in the sea, He knows
every leaf that falls from a tree and knows every grain in the darkness of the earth,
and wet and dry, is everything is written on the protected tablet. Verse No: 60
describes the continuance of sleep and wakefulness, dying at a certain time and
returning to Allah ﷻAlmighty. He said in verse 61: Allah ﷻAlmighty is supreme over
His servants and He sends angels to watch over them and when the time of
someone's death comes, these angels take possession of his soul without any mistake.
In verse number: 63, He said Who saves you in the darkness of the land and the sea,
to whom you call humbly and secretly that if he saves us from this trouble and every
suffering, yet you polytheism with him. He said in verse number: 65: Allah
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ﷻAlmighty is able to send punishment on you from above you and under your feet,
make you confront each other and let you taste of fight among each other.
The commentators interpret: One form of punishment above is destructive winds and
torrential rains, and one form of punishment below is floods, earthquakes, and
famine. And the form of punishment from above is the imposition of cruel rulers and
the disobedience of subordinates, and the fighting of different groups of the Ummah
with each other is also a form of punishment and we keep seeing the manifestations
of these situations from time to time.
In verse number: 68, regarding avoiding the bad company of people with misleading
beliefs, he said: turn away from those who argue in vain about our verses, and if you
have forgottenly sit, do not sit with wrongdoers when you remember.
Verse No: 70 Leave those involved in luxury and taking religion lightly as a fun, at their
own situation and continue to advise them.
In Verse No: 71, he said in refuting to polytheists that, O Messenger ﷺsay: Shall we
call on false gods other than Allah ﷻAlmighty, who can neither benefit us nor harm
us, so shall we turn back to disbelief after being guided by Allah ﷻAlmighty. Sound
mind will never accept it.
He said in verse number 73: Allah ﷻAlmighty is the One who created the heavens
and the earth with truth and when He orders a perishable thing to be happen, and it
will happened.
Verses No: 74 to 81 mention Hazrat Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم , Allah ﷻAlmighty said: To give
Ibrahim complete certainty in faith, we showed him the kingdom of the heavens and
the earth, which means secrets and wisdom of the system of the universe. Hazrat
Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمadopted this method to correct the phenomenalist nation with the
wisdom of the impermanence of the phenomena of the universe and to prove the
monotheism of Allah ﷻAlmighty with arguments. The darkness of the night came
and he saw a bright star, so he said: (Is) this my Lord, then when it drowned, he said: I
do not like those who drown. Then when he saw the shining moon, he said: (Is) this
my Lord, but when it also drowned, Ibrahim ) (غلیہالسالمsaid: If my Lord does not guide me,
then I too will be among the misguided. Then when he saw the sun shining, he said:
(Is) this my Lord, he is the greatest (of them), but when it also drowned, Ibrahim (غلیہ
) السالمsaid: O my nation! I am disgusted by your polytheism.
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Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمvery wisely told the nation that he who could not save himself from
wane, sunset, and destruction, how can he be the Lord. So he said: I turn my face of
worship to the One who created the heavens and the earth, I turn away from all false
religions and accept the worship of Allah ﷻ, the One and Only. He said to his
argumentative and disputing people: You dispute with me about Allah ﷻwho guided
me. After this long rational and intellectual discussion and the explanation of the
proofs of truth, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: These are the strong proofs that we gave to
Ibrahim compared to his people.
Then after mentioning, Noah, the children of Ibrahim, Ishaq, Yaqub, Dawood,
Sulaiman, Ayyub, Yusuf, Musa, Haroon, Zakariya, Yahya, Isa, Ilyas, Ismail, Al-yas'a,
Yunus and Lut ) (غلہیم السالمhe said that all of them are among the righteous. And we gave
each one of them superiority over the people of their generation. We gave them the
Book and the wisdom of the Shariah and Prophethood. Then he said: These are the
people whom we have guided, so you also follow their way.
Allah ﷻsaid in verse 91: And they did not value Allah ﷻAlmighty, as He has the
right. The Jews say: that Allah ﷻAlmighty has not revealed anything to any human
being. O Messenger you say! The Book which Musa )(غلیہ السالم brought, which is light and
guidance for the people, who revealed it? Allah ﷻAlmighty says: (O addressee!) I
wish you could see the scene when these oppressors will suffer in the hardships of
death and the angels will spread their hands towards them (and will say :) Take your
lives out; today you will be punished with humiliation.
He said in verse number: 94 Your false gods, whom you used to associate with Allah
ﷻAlmighty, are not present today to intercede for you, and you have come to us
alone, as We had created you for the first time, and you have left everything in the
world and all relationships are broken and expectations are gone.
He said in verse number: 95 Indeed, Allah ﷻAlmighty is the one who tears the grain
and the kernel; He brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from
the living. He further said: (He is the one who brings out the dawn by chalking the
darkness of the night) and He made the night for rest and established the system of
the sun and the moon. And made the stars as a sign of direction for you in the sea.
He said in verse number: 98 Allah ﷻAlmighty is the One who created you from a
single soul (Adam), then for everyone there is a place to stay (womb and worldly
resting place) and a place of surrender (grave).
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In verse number: 99, by mentioning the blessings of bringing rain, growing greens
from it, the greenness of fields, and various flowers and fruits, it was argued for
He said in verse number: 100 that the polytheists took the ghosts who are Allah's
creation as Allah’s ﷻpartner and compared them as his sons and daughters,
although He is pure from them. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth and he
is free from wife and children. He is the most superior, the Creator, the eyes cannot
encompass Him, but He is Aware of everything.
Verses No: 104 to 107, He said that there have come to you clear proofs, and if one
walks in its light, it will be beneficial for him, and if someone goes astray, it will be
harmful for him, and if someone commits polytheism, do not be disheartened, just
continue to follow divine revelation.
In verse 109, he said that these people swear that if a sign comes to them, they will
surely believe in it. Say: Signs are with Allah ﷻalone, and what do you (O Muslims)
know that even if this sign comes, they will not believe.
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The disbelievers used to make different demands from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ,
that we will believe when the angels descend to us or the things you tell us about the
Hereafter, may our dead come back to life and confirm your claims, The Holy Qur'an
said that all these things of them are based on ignorance and are just excuses for
denying the truth.
In verse number: 112, comforting the Holy Prophet ﷺ, he said: And in the same way,
We have made devil, human beings and ghost enemies of every prophet, those who
utter flattering words to each other to deceive people. He further said that they do
this to turn the hearts of the disbelievers of the Hereafter towards them.
In verses 117 to 118, he said: "Eat the one on which the name of Allah ﷻAlmighty
has been taken at the time of slaughter. The forbidden things have been explained to
you in detail". They are allowed to be used only in life-threatening situations and in
the amount necessary to save a life. He further said: Do not eat the slaughtered
animal on which the name of Allah ﷻAlmighty has not been taken.
In verse number: 120, he said that sin is a sin whether it is open or hidden, and it must
be renounced, and whoever commits a sin will be punished for it. He said in verse
122: Can a person who has been guided after going astray and is moving forward in
the light of the guidance of the Holy Qur'an and one who is constantly in apostasy be
He said in verse 123: And in the same way we made criminals, leaders in every town
so that they would deceive, and the visitation of their imposture and deception will
come upon them. He said in verse 124: And when a sign comes to them, they say: We
will not believe until we are given the like of it, as it was given to the Messengers of
Allah ﷻ. (Allah Almighty said) Allah ﷻAlmighty knows well to whom He awards
He said in verse 125: So whoever Allah ﷻAlmighty wants to guide, He opens his
chest to Islam, and for whom He wishes to be misguided, He narrows his chest (for
acceptance of the truth). He said in verse 129: And similarly we impose some
wrongdoers on others because they used to commit sins. In verses 130 to 131, he said
to document the fact: O group of jinn and humans! Did not messengers come to you,
who used to explain to you my verses and warn you of the meeting of that Day (of
Resurrection), they will say: We bear witness against ourselves and the world's life has
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deceived them. (This testimony was given because) your Lord is not the one who
destroys the towns unjustly.
In verse number 136, he mentioned the ignorance of the polytheists of Arabia that
they not only associate idols with Allah ﷻAlmighty in the crops that Allah
ﷻAlmighty grows and cattle he produce, but they consider the part of idols to be
more important and sacred than Allah ﷻ. Also killing offspring is also the ignorance
of polytheists.
In verses 138 to 140, it is stated that the disbelievers and polytheists categorize their
cattle and fields into three types during the period of ignorance:
(1) The cattle and fields of which they used to say that it is not permissible for anyone
to profit from them, it is particular for their false gods and idols, They can be eaten by
the person who they choose or only men who are appointed in the service of idols can
eat them, women cannot eat them.
(2) They made it forbidden to ride or carry goods on certain cattle especially for idols.
(3) On some cattle they did not mention the name of Allah ﷻAlmighty at the time of
slaughter, which means they slaughtered them in the name of idols and prohibited
their use. The Holy Qur'an said that all these categories are self-made things.
In verses number: 141 to 146, Allah ﷻAlmighty mentioned the blessings he has
given through fruits, fields, and animals and said, "Eat these blessings of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and do not waste them and do not follow the footsteps of Devil, Pay
Allah ﷻAlmighty's right (charity, ushr or half an ushr) in the produce of fields and
fruits. The types of halal animals are described. After this, there is a description of
these unlawful things which has already come before, He also said that due to the
disobedience of the Jews, hoofed animals, cows, and goats fat was forbidden to them
but they melted it down and sold it."
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In verse number: 151 to 160, he said that:
Because these nine precepts of Shariah are the summary and essence of the
teachings of Islam and all other Shariah precepts are dependent on them. That is why
he said: This is the straight path leave sectarianism and follow it and observe the rules
of the Divine Book. He said: These people ask for signs to believe, that angels come to
them, or Allah ﷻAlmighty himself, or some sign from Him. The Holy Qur'an said that
on the day when the signs of the Unseen will come, then it will not be profitable for
those disbelievers to believe. He also said O Messenger! Those who divided the
religion into sectarian, you have nothing to do with them.
In verse number: 162, describing the reality of faith and the spirit of faith and the
purpose of a Muslim's life, Allah ﷻsaid: (O Messenger)! Say that my prayer, my
sacrifice, my life, and my death (everything) is for Allah ﷻAlmighty, the Lord of the
Worlds It has no partner and this is what I have been commanded and I am the first
Muslim. The infidels repeatedly say to you that you should accept our religion; we will
be responsible that no harm will befall you in this world and the hereafter. Allah ﷻ
Almighty said: Say, Should I seek a Lord other than Allah ﷻAlmighty? Although Allah
ﷻ is the Lord of everything and everyone is responsible for everything they do, no
burden bearer shall not bear another's burden.
In verse 165, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that the difference in ranks is for the test of
those, who obey Allah ﷻAlmighty despite the abundance of wealth and sustenance
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and those who forget Allah ﷻAlmighty's commandments in the high of wealth. Allah
ﷻAlmighty is quick to take account and is forgiving.
{Surat Al-A'raf}
Surah Al-A'raf is the Makki Surah. It is the 7 surah in terms of scriptural order while it
is the 39 surah in terms of revelation. In this Surah, there is a detailed description of
some of the issues of Surah Al-An'am. It mentions the invitations toward Allah ﷻby
various prophets and the troubles that befell them as a result. It mentions the birth of
Hazrat Adam ) (غلیہ السالمand his migration from heaven and his descent to earth. After
that, in several rukus, the events of Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالمare mentioned along with the
harm caused by Pharaoh and Bani Israel. This Surah mentions the final end of
polytheists and the skeptics. In this Surah, there is a statement of dialogue between
the people of A'raf and the people of Hell, that's why this Surah is called Al-A'raf.
There is a mention of life after death and a detailed rejection of polytheism in this
A'raf means height and it also means to know and recognize. A saying about the
"people of A'raf" is that their good deeds and sins will be equal and their place will be
between Paradise and Hell, or these are the people who will recognize the people of
Paradise and the people of Hell and according to one opinion, they are prophets or
At the beginning of this Surah, the Prophet ﷺis comforted that you should not be
weary of the unbelievers who are violent and hostile, but rather continue to do your
duty and be active in the preaching of this holy book.
In verse number 4, it was told that the punishment came on some settlements while
sleeping in the afternoon, so their residents confessed that yes! We were cruel. In
verse number: 8, it is said that on the Day of Resurrection, the deeds will be weighed
and those whose good deeds will be heavy, will be the ones who will be prosperous
and successful, and those whose good deeds will be light will be the losers.
In verse number 10, he mentioned the blessings of settling people on the earth and
providing them with a means of livelihood and said that very few people show
In verse number: 11 to 27, the incident of Adam )(غلیہ السالم and Iblis is described. When
Iblis did not prostrate to Adam ) (غلیہ السالمon the command of Allah ﷻAlmighty, so Allah
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ﷻAlmighty asked him why you did not prostrate despite my order? He justified his
rebellion with the intellectual argument that I am better than Adam ) (غلیہ السالمhe was
created from clay, and my essence of creation is fire, and fire is superior to clay
because it is subtle. Because of his arrogance, Allah ﷻAlmighty humiliated Iblis and
expelled him from the place of honor. When Iblees asked Allah ﷻAlmighty for respite
until the Day of Resurrection, Allah ﷻAlmighty granted him this respite. On this, he
said that I will sit in an ambush on the straight path and mislead the Bani Adam from
right to left, back and front, even from all sides. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Your followers
will go to hell. Allah ﷻAlmighty entered Adam and Eve )(غلہیها السالم in Paradise and
forbade them to go near a particular tree. The Ibles whispered to them and assumed
the form of a sincere and benevolent person and said that you people have been
forbidden to go near this tree simply because by going near it you will become angels
and you will get eternal life. He assured his well-wishing by taking oaths. Then they
made an unintentional mistake and by tasting this tree their private parts were
revealed and they started to cover their private parts with the leaves of the trees.
Here the Holy Qur'an also stated that the devil's purpose was to make their modesty
unveil. Upon realizing his unintentional mistake, Adam ) (غلیہ السالمrepented and his words
of repentance are described in verse 23, then he was sent down from paradise to the
earth and said for a fixed period you have to stay here. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty
explained the object of clothing: We have revealed clothing to the Bani Adam so that
they may be clothed and beautified, and the best clothing is piety. Then the Bani
Adam were warned not to be deceived by the Devil's tricks, he has been given this
skill that he can see you from all directions.
He said in verse 28 that when the disbelievers were prevented from false beliefs and
ugly deeds, they would say that this is the way of our fathers and Allah ﷻAlmighty
has commanded us to do so. Allah ﷻAlmighty rejected this saying that Allah
ﷻAlmighty does not command immodesty, but Allah ﷻAlmighty commands justice
and fairness, so worship Him with all your heart.
He said in verses 31 and 32: O Bani Adam! At the time of every worship, adopt
ornamental clothing, avoid extravagance, and benefit from the blessings of Allah
ﷻAlmighty. Pure things, whether clothing or food, are lawful for the believers, Allah
ﷻAlmighty has forbidden immodesty, sin, and adultery in evident and internal ways.
In verse 35, there is the good news of Paradise for those who obey the Messengers
and those who do righteous deeds, while Hell is promised for those who disbelieve,
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deny, and are arrogant. In verse 40, it is said that the gates of heaven will not be
opened for those who deny the revelations of Allah ﷻAlmighty and those who are
arrogant, nor will they enter in Paradise. In verse number: 43, he said that Allah ﷻ
Almighty has removed malice from the hearts of the people of Paradise and they are
grateful to Allah ﷻAlmighty for being guided because guidance is given by His grace.
In verse number 44 and the following verses, it was said that in the hereafter, the
people of Paradise would ask the people of Hell that we have found the promise of
our Lord to be true, tell us how you found it? So a reply from, among them will call
out that the curse of Allah ﷻAlmighty is upon the cruel people. He further said that
there will be a curtain between the people of Paradise and the people of Hell and the
people of A'raf would recognize both groups by their signs and they would greet the
people of Paradise and they will say to the people of Hell that your group and your
arrogance are of no use today. The people of Hell will beg the people of Paradise to
pour some water on us and give us some of the blessings that have been given to you,
but Allah ﷻAlmighty said that these things are forbidden to the disbelievers.
For those who took religion as a game, Allah ﷻAlmighty will say to them that just as
you have forgotten the Day of Judgment, you will be ignored today. In verse number:
54, describes the signs of the power of Allah ﷻAlmighty and after that he said, "Call
upon your Lord secretly, fearing His punishment and believing in His mercy. And do
not spread mischief in the land after the reformation.
In verse number: 57, Allah ﷻAlmighty tells about the system of rain, that by His
command, the winds carry away the clouds full of water and rain on the barren land
and create the blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty in it, In this way, he will bring the dead
back to life. Then he said that the good land grows green by the command of Allah ﷻ
Almighty and the bad land does not bring gardens and spring. By giving these
examples, the Holy Qur'an tells us that the condition of the basis of human hearts and
minds is also the same. That is, faith is found in a pure heart and mind, and the fruits
of good deeds are produced, while a wicked heart and mind do not produce fruits and
From verse number: 59, the situation of Hazrat Nooh ) (غلیہ السالمand his people has been
described, the leaders of his people said: ( )نػاذہللاyou are in open misled. Hazrat Nooh
)(غلیہ السالم said that I am the messenger of Allah ﷻAlmighty and my job is your wellness
and deliver a message of truth. After that, the denial of the nation of Nooh )(غلیہ السالم, the
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storm of Nooh )(غلیہ السالم, and the drowning of all except those who were in the boat with
Nooh ) (غلیہ السالمare mentioned.
Verse number: 65, mentions about Hazrat Hud ) (غلیہ السالمand his people of Aad. The
people of Aad also slandered the Prophet of Allah Almighty that ( )نػاذہللاhe is suffering
from stupidity. Then Hud ) (غلیہ السالمgave the same answer to his nation as Nooh (غلیہ
) السالمgave to his nation. Hazrat Hud ) (غلیہ السالمexhorted the nation of Aad to be thankful
for God's rewards, but they refused, so Allah ﷻAlmighty's punishment and wrath
descended upon them, Allah ﷻAlmighty saved Hazrat Hud )(غلیہ السالم and his
companions and destroyed those who denied the revelations of God.
Verse number: 73 mentions Hazrat Saleh )السالم (غلیہ and his nation Thamud. At the
request of the people of Thamood, Allah ﷻAlmighty created a pregnant camel out of
the rock as a miracle for Hazrat Saleh )(غلیہ السالمand ordered him to let her graze freely.
The people of Thamud were very powerful and they carved mountains and built
houses in them as if they were proud of their power. Then the people of Thamud
disobeyed the order of Allah ﷻAlmighty and cut off the hooves of the camel. Allah
ﷻ Almighty punished them for their disobedience in such a way that they were
punished by an earthquake at night and in the morning they were left lying in their
houses with their faces down.
From verse number: 80, Allah ﷻmentioned about Hazrat Lut )(غلیہ السالم and his people
that they surpassed all the people of their time in immorality, they used to fulfill their
sexual desire in an unnatural way, and when the Prophet of Allah ﷻwarned them of
punishment, they thought it as a joke. In the end, Allah ﷻAlmighty sent down
punishment on them by raining stones from the sky and thus their name and marks
were erased, even the wife of Hazrat Lut ) (غلیہ السالم, who was of the same mind as the
people of Lut, could not escape the punishment. Only Hazrat Lut) (غلیہ السالمand a few
righteous people of the tribe were safe.
From verse number: 85, Hazrat Shoaib ) (غلیہ السالمand his nation, the people of Madyan
are mentioned. The Holy Qur'an stated that their dirty qualities were that they would
under-measure and weigh less during trades. And sit on the path and frightening the
believers and preventing them from the right path. They were also told to turn away
from mischief in the land and see the end results of the rebellious nations before
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At the start of this Para (section), the threat of the leaders of the nation of Shoaib (غلیہ
) السالمis mentioned, O Shoaib) ! (غلیہ السالمReturn to our religion, or we will exile you and your
followers. Hazrat Shuaib )(غلیہ السالم begged Allah ﷻAlmighty that O Allah ﷻAlmighty!
Decide between us and our nation with the truth. Then punishment descended on
them like the people of Thamud and they were destroyed as there was nothing there.
In verse 94, it is mentioned that they were not destroyed right after they denied the
Prophets but they were given pain and suffering then relief and blessings but when
they still stayed non-believers then they were destroyed.
In verse number: 96, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that if all the people of these towns had
believed and adopted piety, we would have given them the blessings of the earth and
the sky in abundance. But because of denying the truth, they met with an evil end.
The people of these towns should not have been unconcerned that our punishment
may come upon them in their sleep at night or during the day.
By narrating the stories of the past nations, it is intended to console the Messenger of
Allah ﷺor the persecution of the infidels of Makkah and to teach the polytheists of
Makkah a lesson.
From verses 103 to 129, the Annunciation of Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالمand Pharaoh and his
followers are mentioned. Musa ) (غلیہ السالمinvited them to the truth and said: I have
brought you clear signs and send the Bani Israel with me, Pharaoh asked to perform
miracles: Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمthrew his cane on the ground and it became a visible
dragon, He took out his hand (from his collar) and it became bright for the beholders.
Instead of accepting the truth, Pharaoh's ministers said it is magic and said that he
wants to remove you from your country. They said take it easy and call the magicians.
The magicians came and they said to Pharaoh if we prevail, what will be our reward?
He said that you will be among our close ones. The magicians said to Musa ) (غلیہ السالمyou
will do it first or we will do it. Musa ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: You should do it first. When the
magicians cast their (ropes) on the ground, they bewitched the eyes of the people and
frightened them, and (they said) they had brought even bigger magic. Allah ﷻ
Almighty ordered Musa ) (غلیہ السالمto put down his cane (on the ground); the cane
became a snake and began to swallow the magical things. The veracity of this miracle
and the refutation of magic prove and the pharaohs were disgraced. The magicians
prostrated themselves and believed in Allah ﷻAlmighty.
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Pharaoh threatened them that if you believe without my permission, I will cut off your
hands and feet from the opposite direction and I will execute you. They said that you
want to punish us for believing? Then they prayed to Allah ﷻAlmighty for patience
and firmness. Pharaoh then ordered the sons of the Bani Israel to be killed and the
daughters to be living spared. Musa ) (غلیہ السالمpersuaded the nation to be patient and
said that the good end is for the pious.
In verses 130 to 143, it is said that Allah ﷻAlmighty sent down the punishment of
famine on Pharaohs.
Pharaohs would take credit for good and blame Musa ) (غلیہ السالمfor bad omen. Then the
punishment of locusts, lice, frogs and blood descended upon them. When they were
suffering from the punishment, they asked Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمto pray Allah
ﷻAlmighty that if punishment can be removed from us, if this happens, we will
believe in you and free the Bani Israel too, But after the punishment was removed, as
a result of the prayer of Musa )(غلیہ السالم, the pharaohs broke their promise, so Allah
ﷻAlmighty drowned them in the sea. Allah ﷻAlmighty made the weak people the
heirs of the East and the West and the promise of good to the Bani Israel was fulfilled.
Bani Israel crossed the sea and came to a nation that worshiped idols. They asked
Musa ) (غلیہ السالمto make a god for us too. Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: Those who worship
idols are ignorant and will perish because of their ignorance. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty
mentioned His favors on the Bani Israel. Musa )(غلیہ السالمmade Haroon ) (غلیہ السالمthe caliph of
his nation and visited the mountain of Thur for a period of forty days. Musa )(غلیہ السالم
asked Allah ﷻAlmighty to show himself. But when Allah ﷻAlmighty manifested his
glimpse indirectly, Musa ) (غلیہ السالمfainted and the mountain crumbled.
In verses 144 to 155, it is mentioned that Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمwas given the
prophethood, the designation of Kaleem Allah (one who has spoken to Allah), and the
Torah. He went on to say that the arrogant will reject the divine revelations and those
who deny the revelations of Allah ﷻand the resurrection, their deed are void. Then it
is mentioned that during the absence of Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم. They made a calf out of
the jewels of the Bani Israel and made it a deity. So when Musa ) (غلیہ السالمreturned, he
expressed his anger and regret on the people and said, "You did such a bad thing
behind me, He put the tablets of the Torah on the ground and held the head of his
brother Hazrat Haroon )(غلیہ السالمand demanded an answer from him. He said: O my
brother, the nation made me helpless and was about to kill me. Now don't give your
enemies a chance to laugh by being harsh on me. Then in verse number 151, there is a
mention of the prayer and words of forgiveness of Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم. He went on to
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 72
say that when his anger subsided, Musa ) (غلیہ السالمpicked up the tablets of the Torah. The
writing of which was a promise of guidance and mercy for those who fear Allah
Verses 156 to 158 mention the prayers of Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم, in which he asked Allah
ﷻAlmighty for the good of this world and the hereafter for his people. Allah ﷻ
Almighty said that I will grant this perfect blessing to those people who will adopt
piety with faith. they will give Zakah and follow this great Messenger, ummi (does not
have a teacher) The mention of whom they have in the Torah and the Injeel, and this
Prophet will order them good and stop them from bad. And He will make the pure
things halal for them and forbid the impure things and remove the burden of the
evildoers and the shackles from their necks. So those who believe in him, honor him
and support him, and follow the light (guidance) that has been sent down with him,
they are the ones who will prosper. After this, there is a mention of the public mission
of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Your apostleship is not specific to a nation not limited to
a particular time, but just as the rulership of Allah is universal, so the apostleship of
the Messenger of Allah ﷺis also universal.
Verse number 160 describes the miracles of Musa ) (غلیہ السالمof striking the stone for the
twelve tribes of his people to release twelve springs, the shadow of the cloud, and the
dropping of wonderful victuals from the sky. After that, there is a statement that the
Bani Israel were commanded to enter the Bait-ul-Muqaddas while asking for
forgiveness and prostrating, but they deviated from this command.
Allah ﷻfurther said that they were forbidden to hunt fish on Saturdays in a town
called Eila by the sea, but they disobeyed Allah ﷻAlmighty’s order. Except for one
group, due to the disobedience of the Bani Israel, their faces were destroyed and
turned into monkeys.
Verses 167 and 168 mention the dispersal of the Jews due to their evil deeds and the
imposition of oppressive people on them. In the next verse, there is a mention of their
evil successors who changed the verses of Allah ﷻAlmighty by taking bribes. And
despite all this, they were victims of this fallacy and selfishness that they would be
forgiven. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that the home of the Hereafter is only for those who
are pious and obedient to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse 172, it is stated that Allah ﷻAlmighty gathered the souls of the Bani Adam
and made them acknowledge His Lordship. This acknowledgment is referred to
as "Ehd e Alast".
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Scholars differ on the identity of the person mentioned in verse 175. Some have
called him Bal'am Ibn Baur, some have called him Umayya ibn Al-Salt, and some have
called him Abu Amir Fasiq. All three of them have a common evil of jealousy. They
were all people of knowledge, asceticism, and austerity, but Balam Ibn Baur because
of his jealousy of Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالم, and Umayyah bin Al-Salt and Abu Amir bin Saifi
disbelieved and deviated from the right path due to jealousy of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
In verse number 179, those who do not use Allah ﷻAlmighty's grace of wisdom to
accept guidance are worse than cattle and said: They have hearts, but they do not
understand (the arguments of truth), they have eyes, but they do not see (Allah’s
signs) and they have ears, but they do not listen (to the call of truth).
In verse 180, it is mentioned to call Allah ﷻAlmighty by good names. In verse 183, He
described Allah ﷻAlmighty's respite and secret planning.
Verses 186 to 188 mention the question of the disbelievers about the Day of
Judgment and the answer to the suddenness of the Day of Judgment, while teaching
the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, humility and meekness in the court of divinity, he said:
Say! I am not the owner of any profit or harm for myself, except what Allah
ﷻAlmighty wills, and if I knew the Unseen (from myself), I would have accumulated a
lot of good and no harm would come to me, this means, the Unseen Knowledge and
all the blessings are gift from the Allah ﷻ, and if any pain ever comes, it comes from
His divine decree.
In verses 189 to 190, it is said that He created all the Bani Adam from one soul (Adam
) )(غلیہ السالمand made a partner from him so that he would find peace with her. And when
the wife is hopeful, the husband and wife pray for a healthy boy and confess
gratitude, but when Allah ﷻAlmighty grants them, these people associate with Allah
ﷻ. In the next verses, the weakness and indigence of the false gods of the infidels
are mentioned.
In verse 194, it is said about the false gods of polytheists that they are creatures like
you and are deprived of the blessings of eyes, ears, hands, and feet, that is, they are
incapable and are not able to harm or benefit anyone. These things are in the power
of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Verse 199 has the most comprehensive definition of good manners Allah ﷻAlmighty
said to the Prophet ﷺ, If the guilty person comes to you asking for forgiveness,
forgive him, order to good words and deeds, instead of entangling with people who
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 74
do not understand, turn away. If the devil whispers seek refuge with Allah
ﷻAlmighty, and read اغوذابہلل, the remembrance of Allah ﷻAlmighty will provide
In verse 204 at the end of Surah A'raf, it says that when the Holy Qur'an is read, listen
carefully and be silent that you may be shown mercy, and remember your Lord in the
morning and evening with fear and humility in a low voice, and do not be of the
inattentive. In the last verse, he mentioned the attributes of angels that they do not
become arrogant in worshiping Allah ﷻAlmighty, recite the glorification of Allah ﷻ,
and prostrate before Allah ﷻAlmighty. The lesson learned is that humans who are
worshiped by angels should have done it before anything else.
{Surat Al-Anfal}
Surah Al-Anfal is Madani Surah. It is the 8 surah in terms of scriptural order while it is
the 88 surah in terms of revelation. This Surah mentions wealth seized from wars,
which is called Anfal in Arabic, so this Surah is called Al-Anfal. In this surah, there is a
description of the commandments of this wealth. Unity and understanding, the
Muslims' expedition to Badr, success with the support and help of Allah ﷻAlmighty
despite the scarcity of numbers, Preparation for war against the enemy, helping each
other based on faith, the state of fighting of the two leagues in the Battle of Badr, the
rules of agreements between Muslims and infidels, and the rules of Muslims living in
the non-Muslim country are described. Anfal could refer to absolute wealth seized
from wars or if a warrior is given something more than other warriors due to
extraordinary performance, then it is also called nafl or Anfal, and the Anfal depends
on the will of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Messenger, they bestow upon whomsoever
they will.
The following attributes of perfect believers are described from verse number 02:
(5) Paying Zakat is their sign, and they are true and faithful.
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In verse number: 05, Allah ﷻsaid that some people were not ready for war with their
hearts and souls and the warriors wanted to clash with the trade caravan of Abu
Sufyan instead of the armed and organized army of the polytheists of Makkah under
the leadership of Abu Jahl. Allah ﷻAlmighty decreed the conflict with the polytheists
of Makkah so that the veracity and mastery of the truth would be proved.
From verses number: 9 to 24, it was told that Allah ﷻAlmighty, in Badr, for the peace
of the hearts of Mujahedeen sent angles with a sense of victory to win. In the field of
Badr, the hard ground and water springs were with the disbelievers and the soft
ground (which is difficult to walk on) was with the Muslims there was also a scarcity of
water, due to which various superstitions were created in the hearts of the Muslims.
Allah ﷻAlmighty sent rain and the Muslims collected abundant water and their
Shariah and natural needs were fulfilled and their hearts were satisfied. Allah
ﷻAlmighty declared those who retreated in the field of war to be entitled to His
wrath. In the field of Badr, the Messenger of Allah ﷺtook sand in his fist and threw it
towards the disbelievers and said that these people should be disgraced, this sand fell
into their eyes, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: "O Messenger !ﷺYou did not throw that sand
when you threw it, but in fact, it was thrown by Allah ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻdeclared
Badr as a decisive battle and said to the Muslims: "O believers! Be
present (immediately) at the call of Allah ﷻAlmighty and His Messenger ﷺwhen the
Messenger ﷺcalls you to that which praises your life.
In verse 25, said "Don't think that the visitation of the mischief of wrongdoers will be
limited only to those people. If the practice of enjoining good and forbidding evil
stops, then the rest of the society will have to bear its effects". Verse 26 describes the
helplessness of the Muslims before the Hijra and later their strength with the help of
Allah ﷻAlmighty and thanks to Allah ﷻAlmighty for his blessing.
He further said do not betray Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Messenger ﷺ and do not
betray your trusts.
In verse number: 30, the polytheists of Makkah consulted about the Messenger of
Allah ﷺin their parliament (Dar ul Nadwa) on the occasion of migration, narrating his
circumstances, he said: And remember (that time) when the disbelievers were
plotting against you to imprison you or ( )نػاذہللاkill you or exile you, they were engaged
in their plot. And Allah ﷻAlmighty was planning in secret and Allah ﷻAlmighty is
the best secret planner.
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In verse number: 32 to 35, it was stated that the disbelievers of Makkah used to
make such demands due to their disobedience that if you have this holy Qur'an as the
truth, then pray to Allah ﷻAlmighty to send stones from the sky on us or punish us
painfully. (But Allah ﷻAlmighty said) And while you are among them, Allah
ﷻAlmighty will not punish (eradicate) them, and as long as they seek forgiveness,
Allah ﷻAlmighty will not punish them. Then he said: The polytheists' prayer at the
House of Allah ﷻAlmighty was in the form of whistling and clapping. And then he
explained the purpose of War: And keep fighting them until disbelief no longer
prevails and the entire religion belongs to Allah ﷻAlmighty. And he said that nothing
will come to the hands of those who spend money to prevent them from the path of
Allah ﷻAlmighty except regret.
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At the start of the 10th Para, the rules of distribution of the wealth obtained in a
result of conquering the infidels are stated that four parts of it will be divided
between the Muslim soldiers and the fifth part will be shared between Allah ﷻ
Almighty and the Prophet ﷺand the relatives of the Prophet ﷺand orphans, poor
and travelers, that is, it is the discretion of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
In verse number: 42, it was stated that the ground position of the Muslim soldiers in
the field of Badr was apparently weak than that of the infidels, that is, the softening of
the land on the side of the Muslims and the scarcity of water and resources. It was an
outward sign of Muslim weakness, which caused apprehensions in the hearts of
Muslims. So Allah ﷻAlmighty explaining His wisdom said: (This happened because)
Allah ﷻAlmighty would implement His decree, i.e. He would determine the
dominance and victory of the Muslims in spite of their apparent weakness, and
whatever Allah ﷻAlmighty decides will happen.
In verse number: 45, he explained this article in such a way that sleep was cast upon
both the Muslims and the disbelievers, and the disbelievers appeared to the Muslims
in a small numbers in a dream so that the courage of the Muslims remained strong
and they remained steadfast, and likewise the disbelievers.
Muslims were also shown in their dream in small numbers so that they would not run
away from the field due to lack of courage, because the will of Allah ﷻAlmighty
required that the battle of truth and falsehood should continue in Badr and the truth
would prevail. He further said that be steadfast against disbelief in battle, and
remember Allah ﷻAlmighty, do not quarrel among yourselves, otherwise, you will
become cowards and your soul will be uprooted, and do not show off your strength
like the disbelievers. He further said that the devil continued to give the good news of
victory to the disbelievers and assured them of his support, but when the contest
began between right and wrong he ran back immediately.
In verse number: 48, he mentioned the jealous saying of the hypocrites that when
they saw the courage and bravery of the Muslims, they said that these Muslims have
been arrogant in their religion.
Verse number: 53 explained the principle of the law of the universe, which Allama
Iqbal has verified in his speech.
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Allah ﷻhas not changed the condition of any nation till today Those Don't care about
self-changing their situation.
From verse number: 54, it was told that the followers of Pharaoh, and the previous
nations were killed for the crime of denying the revelations of Allah ﷻ.
Verses 56 to 58 mention the breaking of the covenant by the Jewish tribes and the
termination of the peace agreement in case of betrayal by them again. In verse
number: 60, he said that be ready with all your available strength and resources and
be on high alert against the enemy, through this you will be able to scare the enemies
of Allah ﷻAlmighty and your enemies. He went on to say that if the enemy is willing
to make peace, then you should also be willing to make peace and put your trust in
Allah ﷻAlmighty, and if they intend to deceive, then Allah ﷻAlmighty is sufficient
for you.
In verse number: 63, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty has united your hearts by His
grace, and even if you had spent all the treasures of the earth, this mutual affection
would not have arisen in you, and said: O Prophet !ﷺAllah ﷻAlmighty is sufficient
for you, and the congregation of believers obeying your command is sufficient.
From verse number: 65, the Prophet ﷺwas commanded to prepare the believers for
Jihad. "Allah ﷻAlmighty will grant you victory over the disbelievers who are ten
times as many as you are." Then later, when weakness came among the Muslims, he
said that Allah ﷻAlmighty will grant you victory over twice the number of enemies.
In the beginning of Islam, there were no rules for prisoners of war. Prophet
ﷺdecided to release the prisoners of war with the advice of the Companions. The
Holy Qur'an did not like this decision at that stage, but it did not impeach the Muslims
for the mistake of exertion. Detailed orders came later.
He said from verse number: 72 that the believers who wage war in the way of Allah
ﷻAlmighty with their lives and wealth, the emigrants and the Ansar companions of
the Prophet are friends of each other and he went on to say that these are the true
and firm believers and for them is forgiveness and honor. There is sustenance and
likewise, the disbelievers are friends to each other. The rights of pre-migration and
post-migration Muslims are the same despite the difference in degrees.
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{Surat al-Tawba}
Since the subjects of Surah Anfal and Surah Tawbah are interrelated, therefore,
Bismillah is not written between them. This is Madani Surah. It is the ninth surah in
terms of scriptural order while it is the 114th surah in terms of revelation. Since this
surah declares the absolution from the polytheists by canceling the previous
agreements, it is also called Surah Al-Bara'at. In Surah Al-Tawbah, the entry of
polytheists into the Masjid al-Haram has been banned and their Hajj rituals have been
stopped. A state of war has been declared against the polytheists, while the people of
the book have been demanded to pay tax and the false beliefs and ideas of their
priests and monks have been rejected. The orders of the months of sanctity, the
inducement of War, the inducement of spending for the path of Allah ﷻAlmighty,
the condemnation of those who built the Masjid e Dirar, mention of the good and bad
people among the villagers, the explanation of the acceptance of repentance after the
regret and hardship of those who did not participate in the Battle of Tabuk without an
excuse, the legitimacy of Zakat and the virtue of knowledge has been explained.
In the first verse of this Surah, while announcing the absolution from the polytheists
of the Arabs, they were given four months to fight decisively against the Muslims or
accept Islam. And he also said that if Muslims already have prior agreements with the
infidels and they have not helped any enemy against the Muslims, then Muslims
should not unilaterally break the agreement for a specified period, Then he said that
after the four-month notice period, the Muslims should crack down on the polytheists
of the Arabs, completely besiege them and wherever they find them, bring them to
their evil end.
In verse No: 6 said that if a polytheist comes to you to understand the message of the
Holy Qur'an and in search of the truth give him a chance and take responsibility for his
From verse number: 8 to 10, it was told that the infidels behave hypocritically towards
the Muslims and their moral condition is that if they prevail over the Muslims by God
forbid, they do not even have a sense of kinship. He further said that among those
disbelievers who repent and come to faith and practice to its requirements, then they
are the religious brothers of the Muslims. That is, for them past hatreds should be
removed from the heart.
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In verse number: 12, it is said that the disbelievers who break their oaths after making
a promise, then they do not deserve any concession, they have already broken several
promises with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
Verse No: 16 said that trials will come on Muslims so that the character of true
believers will be revealed.
In verses 17 and 18, it is said that the sign of the disbelievers is not to build a mosque,
it is the work of those who believe in Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Day of Judgment and
establish prayer and give Zakat and do not fear anyone but Allah ﷻAlmighty.
He said from verse number 19 that giving water to pilgrims and building Masjid Haram
are good deeds, but they cannot be equal to faith in Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Last
Day and jehad in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty. There is a great reward for the
Muslims who migrate and do jehad and only these people are going to be successful.
In verse number: 23, it was ordered that among your fathers, grandfathers and
brothers, those who prefer disbelief on faith, sever ties with them, and he who
befriends disbelievers is cruel.
In verse number: 24, mentioned one after the other all the things that a human being
dispositionally and naturally loves, i.e. fathers, children, brothers and sisters, wives or
husbands, family and clan, earned wealth and trade. The loss of which keeps fear and
favorite houses. The love of all these things is admitted in its own level, but if all these
things together become more beloved to you than Allah ﷻAlmighty, His Messenger
and Jihad in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty, then the claim of faith is a distant thing and
you should wait for the punishment of Allah ﷻAlmighty. This explains unless the love
of Allah ﷻand His Messenger ﷺ meets the touchstone; the mere supplication of
love is not enough for salvation.
In verse number: 25, referring to the Battle of Hunayn, he said that sometimes being
outnumbered and showing arrogance when outnumbered also leads to defeat. This is
what happened to the Muslims in the Battle of Hunain, and then Allah ﷻAlmighty
sent peace of mind upon His Messenger ﷺ and the believers and helped them with
the unseen armies.
On the day of Hajj in 9 Hijri, it was announced in Arafat that after this year polytheists
would not be able to enter the boundaries of the Haram and he said do not worry
about poverty, Allah ﷻAlmighty will rich you with His grace.
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In verse number: 29 ordered the People of the Book to pay Jizya and said that if they
do not pay, prepare for battle. It was told from verse number: 30 that the Jews called
Uzair ) (غلیہ السالمthe son of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Christians called Isa )(غلیہالسالمthe son of
Allah ﷻAlmighty, but these are all their self-made things, they are cursed by Allah ﷻ
Almighty. He further said that the Christians have made their scholars and monks God
and also Isa Ibn Maryam )(غلیہ السالم. Although they were ordered to worship the One God.
He went on to say that the disbelievers want to extinguish the light of
Allah ﷻAlmighty with their blowing breaths, but Allah ﷻAlmighty will complete this
light contrary to their wishes, and Allah ﷻAlmighty has sent His Messenger ﷺwith
guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over all the religions.
Verse number 34, mentions the Jewish scholars and elders who utilize people's
money through wrong ways and prevent them from the path of Allah ﷻAlmighty and
said that those who hoard gold and silver (i.e. worldly wealth) and those who do not
spend in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty. There is a promise of punishment and then
told that on the Day of Resurrection, their own accumulated wealth will be burned in
the fire of Hell and their foreheads, sides and backs will be pierced with that, and they
will be told to taste the result of their accumulated wealth.
Verse number: 36 states that the number of months in Allah ﷻAlmighty's Book of
Destiny from the beginning of creation are twelve, four of them (Zul-Qa'dah, Zul-
Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab-ul-Murajab) are sacred. War was prohibited in these
months. When the infidels of Makkah wanted to fight in these months, they would
reverse their order. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that delaying the months is an excess in
In verses number: 38 and 39, he said that when the trumpet starts for war, one
should not be lazy, and whoever does this will have a painful punishment, and do not
think that the duty of War is limited to you only, if you will not do it, Allah ﷻAlmighty
will replace you with another nation and you cannot harm him at all.
In verse number: 40, the special companionship of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq ) (ریض ہللا غنہin
the cave of Thor on the occasion of migration is mentioned with great distinction and
in this verse, Sayyidna Siddique Akbar ) (ریض ہللا غنہis mentioned six times in different ways.
Then he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty has kept the word of disbelief low and Allah
ﷻAlmighty's religion is exalted.
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He further said that when there is an order for a general mobilization for war, then
participate in war with all the resources in any situation. Then he said that the
hypocrites will turn away from war by taking oaths and making various excuses, while
the true believers will stand up for war with their heartily, and those who have the
disease of doubt in their hearts, even if they join the war because of such doubts, they
cause mischief and in the ranks of the warriors, they make temptations and
conspiracies, and these people have done this before. The sign of the hypocrites is
that when something good happens to Muslims, they are jealous about it, and when
something bad happens to Muslims, they happily say that we already knew this
outcome, so we acted carefully. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: (O Messenger of Allah !)ﷺ
Say that no calamity ever befalls us except which Allah ﷻAlmighty has destined for
us, and we are successful in both cases, be it victory or martyrdom. One of the habits
of the hypocrites is that they do not pray with joy, but with laziness, And they spend
unhappily with constraint: Allah ﷻAlmighty said that these hypocrites swear by Allah
ﷻAlmighty that they are from among yourselves, although they are not from among
the Muslims, but they want to live together with the Muslims due to the fear of life
and wealth.
In verses number: 57 to 59, the Hypocrisy of the hypocrites, their disgust to Muslims,
their taunting of the Prophet ﷺin the matter of charity, and their greedy nature have
been described, and he said that if these people would have been happy with the
reward of Allah ﷻAlmighty and His Messenger, it would have been better for them.
In verse number: 60, Allah ﷻAlmighty has clearly defined the distribution (deserving)
of obligatory charity and zakat, which are as follows: the poor, the needy, the workers
of the zakat handling, to change hearts of new Muslims, to set slaves free, those who
are burdened with debt, in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty (i.e. those who have devoted
themselves full-time to some service of the religion of Allah ﷻAlmighty) and
In verse number: 61, Allah ﷻsaid that some hypocrites harm the Prophet of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and say that they are loose of hearing, while the Prophet's listening to all
people is a source of mercy for the believers, and those who harm the Holy
Prophet ﷺthere is a painful punishment for them. He said: The hypocrites make false
oaths to satisfy the Muslims, if they were true believers, then Allah ﷻAlmighty and
His Messenger are more entitled to be satisfied. The sign of the hypocrites is also that
they make fun of the Muslims and if they are asked about it, they say that we are just
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 83
being pleasantry and amusement, so do they make fun of Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
verses and His Messenger?
In verse number: 67, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that hypocritical men and women are
similar to each other, they order evil and forbid good and hold their hands from good
deeds. They forgot Allah ﷻAlmighty and Allah ﷻhas ignored them. He further says
that believing men and women are each other's helpers, they order good, forbid evil,
establish prayer, give zakat, and obey the orders of Allah ﷻAlmighty and His
Messenger ﷺ. In the next verse, it is said that Allah ﷻAlmighty has promised the
continual and eternal blessings of Paradise to the believers and the pleasure of Allah
ﷻAlmighty is the greatest happiness.
From verse number: 73, he said: Fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and
be strict with them, and their abode is Hell. They say the word of disbelief and then
swear and deny it. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: They have said the word of disbelief and
after accepting Islam they adopted disbelief.
He said in verse number: 75 that some of the hypocrites are those who promise to
Allah ﷻAlmighty that if Allah ﷻAlmighty bestows upon us with His bounty, we will
surely give charity and be among the righteous. So when Allah ﷻAlmighty gave them
wealth out of His bounty, they became miserly and turned away. In verse number: 78,
Allah ﷻAlmighty warned that Allah ﷻAlmighty knows the secrets and whispers of
the hearts and He is the All-Knower of the Unseen. In verse number: 79, one of the
signs of hypocrites, said that when poor believers give a little money in charity out of
their hard work, these hypocrites taunt them and make fun of them. (Allah ﷻ
Almighty said) Allah ﷻwill punish them for their fun.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said to His Prophet ﷺ: (These hypocrites are Your asking for
forgiveness for them is equivalent to not asking for forgiveness, even if you ask for
forgiveness for them seventy times (because of their heartbreak), Allah ﷻAlmighty
will never forgive them.
In verse number: 81, this bad trait of the hypocrites is mentioned that they do not do
Jihad themselves and they sit in their homes and at the same time they forbid
Muslims from doing Jihad by threatening them with heat. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that
the fire of hell is hotter than that.
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After constantly condemning the hypocrites in the verses of Surah At-Tawbah, Allah
ﷻAlmighty has excused the weak, the sick and the indigent, and also to such
Warriors who cannot afford their own expenditure for Jihad, and the Messenger of
Allah ﷺ, could not have their riding and provisions for the journey, but those who
despite being healthy and having financial resources, want to turn away from Jihad,
then they are reprehensible, and Allah ﷻAlmighty has sealed their hearts.
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At the beginning of this Para, Allah ﷻAlmighty informed the Prophet ﷺ with the
unseen news that when he returns from the journey of Jihad to Madinah Tayyaba, the
hypocrites who stayed behind from the Jihad without any excuse will take false oaths
and present their excuses. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that you should tell them that there
is no need to make excuses. Allah ﷻAlmighty informed us of your situation. This
incident is about those who stayed back from the battle of Tabuk. Allah ﷻAlmighty
said that you should ignore them, they are impure people and their suitability is Hell.
From verse number: 98, two classes of rural people of Arabia have been described,
one is those who consider spending in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty as a ransom and
are waiting for an evil day to come upon the Muslims. And others are those who
consider it as a means of obtaining the pleasure of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the good
prayers of the Prophet ﷺ.
In verse number: 100, Allah ﷻAlmighty has given a definite certificate of His
approval to the emigrants and Ansar who took the initiative to believe and those who
followed them with good deeds and gave them the good news of eternal blessings of
In verse 103 he said: (O Messenger!) Take Zakat from the wealthy Muslims so that you
purify and cleanse their hearts through it. Indeed, your prayer is a source of peace for
In verse number: 107 (Mosque of Darar) is mentioned, "The hypocrites built this
mosque with the conspiracy of Abu Amir monk and invited the Holy Prophet to pray in
it so that it becomes authentic, but Allah ﷻAlmighty forbade the Prophet and Said
that the objectives of this mosque are:
(2) Disbelief
(4) Making a center of conspiracies for those who fight against Allah ﷻAlmighty and
His Messenger.
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Allah ﷻAlmighty told the Prophet ﷺ to stay in Masjid-e-Quba on the way back,
which is founded on piety and in which the favorite servants of Allah ﷻAlmighty
pray. A mosque built for negative purposes cannot be equal to it. It was known that
sometimes an apparently good deed may not be accepted by Allah ﷻAlmighty if it is
performed for negative purposes.
In verse number: 111 Allah ﷻsaid that the believers have made a deal with Allah
ﷻAlmighty and they have sold their lives and wealth to Allah ﷻAlmighty. This
means they are always ready to sacrifice everything for the pleasure of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and Allah ﷻAlmighty will grant them the blessing of Paradise.
In verse number: 112, describe the attributes of the people of faith that they are
those who repent, worship, praise Allah ﷻAlmighty, fast, bow and prostrate, enjoin
goodness, forbid evil, and the are protectors of Allah ﷻAlmighty's boundaries.
In the next verses, he explained the principle of Islam that there can be no prayer for
forgiveness for polytheists, and Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمprayed for his father (not biological) in
completion of his promise, but when it became clear that he was the eternal enemy
of Allah ﷻAlmighty, he became ignorant with him.
In verse number: 118, it is stated by the three Companions (Ka'b bin Malik, Hilal bin
Umayyah and Marara bin Rabi' )ریض ہللا غہنمwho were left behind from the Battle of Tabuk
that they did not make false excuses, but admitted their mistake, they were given a
Had to go through a period of trial, but then Allah ﷻAlmighty revealed to His
Prophet ﷺto accept their repentance and this is a great honor for them.
In verse number 122, it was stated that all Muslims cannot endow themselves to
religion by leaving all their occupations, so it is recommended that some people from
every region and class of life choose religion as the carrier and acquire expertise in
religion, so that they may educate their people of the punishment of Allah
ﷻAlmighty., It is an obligation upon the whole society.
In verse number: 124, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that the revelation of divine revelation
strengthens the faith of sincere believers and increases the disease of disbelief and
hypocrisy of hypocrites and deniers.
The last two verses of Surah At-Tawbah are about the glory of the Messenger and are
very blessed. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Verily, a great Messenger has come to you from
among yourselves. Your suffering is very hard for him. He is very keen on your
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 87
success, very affectionate to the believers, and very kind. Now if these people turn
their backs, then you should say that Allah ﷻAlmighty is sufficient for me, there is no
one worthy of worship except Him, I have put my trust in Him and He is the owner of
the Great Throne. Shibli was seen by some elders in a dream that they appeared in
the court of the Holy Prophet and the Holy Prophet stood up and kissed them
between the eyes with kindness. When asked by the members of the assembly, the
Holy Prophet ﷺsaid that they recite after every prayer the last two verses of Surah
Towba after reciting salutations on me three times with the words ()صیل ہللا غلیک ای حمهد.
{Surat Yunus}
Surah Yunus is the Makki Surah. It is the 10 surah in terms of scriptural order while it
is the 51 surah in terms of revelation. In this surah, Hazrat Yunus ) (غلیہ السالمand his
people are mentioned, so it was named Surah Yunus. In this surah, there are
arguments for the affirmation of monotheism, rejection of polytheism, affirmation of
the truthfulness of Muhammad's ﷺprophethood, the truthfulness of the Holy
Qur'an, and the challenge of bringing an example in case of doubt, life after death and
Allah ﷻAlmighty is the owner of benefit and harm.
In verse number: 1 to 4, the truthfulness of the Holy Qur'an, the prophethood of the
Prophet ﷺ, The reward of the hereafter for the believers, the creation of the earth
and the heavens, the turning back to Allah ﷻAlmighty, and the rejection of
intercession without the permission of Allah ﷻAlmighty, and only worshiping Him
and denying it will lead punishment of agonizing.
In verse number: 5, He said that Allah ﷻAlmighty made the sun the source of light
and made the moon bright and fixed its stages so that the years could be calculated.
He further said that there are signs (of God's power) for the pious people in the
revolution of day and night and the birth of the earth and the sky.
In verse number: 11, it is said that people are quick to seek the interests of the world,
if Allah ﷻAlmighty is quick to punish them for their misdeeds, then their death will
come soon, but they are given respite. In the next verse, he described the natural
selfishness of man that when something troubles him, he prays to Allah ﷻAlmighty
standing, sitting, and lying on his side in every position, but when the trouble is over,
he forgets the Allah ﷻAlmighty.
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In verse number: 13, it is mentioned that the previous nations perished because of
their cruelty and not believing in the Messengers and that now We have made you
their successors in the earth after them so that We may show you how you act.
In verse number: 15, it was stated that when the Qur'anic verses are recited in front
of the disbelievers of the Hereafter, they are asked, bring another Qur'an or change it.
So Allah ﷻAlmighty said (O Messenger), you should tell them that I have no
authority to change it on my part, I only follow Divine revelation. The Messenger of
Allah ﷺsaid that I have spent a large part of my life among you, so do you not
understand me? That is, in these forty years of life, have you seen any swing or defect
in my words and decisions in my character?
In verse number: 18, he said that polytheists worship false gods other than Allah
ﷻAlmighty, who do not have the power to benefit or harm them and they say that
they are our intercessors with Allah ﷻAlmighty. It should be noted here that the
idols of polytheists and all the gods are false, while the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, the
Prophets, and the close servants of Allah ﷻAlmighty will intercede with the
permission of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number: 22, Allah ﷻAlmighty mentions His various blessings which include
the sailing boats in rivers and the growing of plants and greens from rain for food for
humans and animals. But the nature of man is, when he get caught in the vortex of
the storm, so he calls upon Allah ﷻAlmighty as a last resort and when the trouble is
over, he starts disobeying Allah ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: It also happens
that sometimes a ready crop is suddenly destroyed as a result of some calamity,
although man thinks that it is now in my possession and power. But only
Allah ﷻAlmighty's command works.
In verse number: 26, it is said that on the Day of Resurrection, those who did good
deeds will get the best reward and the faces of those who committed evil will be
black. In verse number: 28, it mentions the split between the polytheists and their
gods on the Day of Judgment and the unawareness of their Gods of their worship to
It is declared from verse number: 31 that if these polytheists are asked who provides
sustenance from the earth and the sky, who is in control of life and death, and who
controls the system of the universe, then they will say Allah ﷻAlmighty, but then
they stray from the right path. He also said that He created them the first time and He
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will create them again, so why do you leave the truth and follow the wrong ideas? He
once again challenged the deniers regarding the authenticity of the Holy Qur'an that if
according to you it is not the word of Allah ﷻAlmighty, then bring a surah similar to
it. These verses repeatedly warn about the power of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the
Hereafter. Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, that you should tell
them, that you people who demand punishment, Allah ﷻAlmighty does not change
His decisions because of your haste. I do not have the (personal) power or profit and
loss for myself, but what Allah ﷻAlmighty wills. There is an appointed time for every
nation and when that appointed time comes, not even an hour can be offered or
delayed. And he said that if you people are waiting for divine punishment to believe,
then your belief will not be acceptable, and divine punishment is not a threat but a
reality. And referring to the difficult hour of the hereafter, he said: A person who has
wronged himself due to his bad deeds, if all the wealth comes into his possession on
the Day of Judgment, he will be ready to give it as a ransom for his sins, but this
worldly wealth will not be of any use to him.
In verses number: 41 to 44, he said that some of them listen to you and some see, but
they neither hear with the ears of the heart nor see with the eyes of the heart and
their hearing and seeing is wasted.
In verse 45, He said non-believers will think on judgment day that they have only
spent a small time in the world.
Describing the glory of the Holy Qur'an in verse number: 57, Allah ﷻsaid great advice
has come to you from your Lord, which is a cure for the diseases of the hearts and a
guidance and mercy for the believers.
In verse number: 58, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that we should rejoice in Allah
ﷻAlmighty's grace and mercy. Some scholars have reasoned with this verse to
celebrate the birth of the Prophet ﷺ.
In verse 59, it is condemned, for attributing the self-made decisions of the halal and
haram of the disbelievers to Allah ﷻAlmighty. After that, while correcting the
misunderstanding of the people suffering from the misunderstanding about the
knowledge of Allah ﷻAlmighty, HE said that no action of yours and no particle in the
earth or the sky, or anything smaller or bigger than it, is outside or hidden from the
knowledge of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
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Describing the glory of the Saints of Allah ﷻAlmighty in verse number: 63, Allah ﷻ
said that they will not be afraid of anything to come, nor will they be saddened by
anything that has passed. These are the people who believe and always adhere to
piety. For them, there is good news in the life of this world and also in the hereafter.
The words of Allah ﷻAlmighty do not change and this is a great success.
In verse No: 65, while comforting the Prophet ﷺhe said "O beloved, do not be
saddened. I am the sole owner of all the glory, and I am your helper, and the
polytheists only follow illusions and conjectures".
In verse number: 68, he said that these disbelievers said that Allah ﷻAlmighty has
created a son. Allah ﷻAlmighty is free from it and whatever is in the heavens and the
earth is free from it. So do they have any evidence for this false claim?
From verse number: 71, the incident of Noah )(غلیہ السالم is narrated why is it distasteful
for me to stay among you and advise you with the verses of Allah ﷻAlmighty, While I
have put my trust in Allah ﷻAlmighty and I do not ask you for any reward in return
for the right call.
They denied Noah )(غلیہ السالم. Allah ﷻsaved Noah ) (غلیہ السالمand his followers and drowned
those who denied the revelations of Allah ﷻin the storm. After that, Allah ﷻsent
Musa and Haroon )(غلہیها السالمfor Pharaoh and his people. They denied the truth with
arrogance and became guilty. The people of Pharaoh called the miracles of Musa (غلیہ
) السالمmagic and said that you want to turn us away from the religion of our ancestors
and want your leadership on earth. After that, there is a mention of the competition
of Musa ) (غلیہ السالمwith magicians; the details have been described before. Allah
ﷻAlmighty said that because of the fear of the Pharaohs, a few of the people of
Musa )(غلیہ السالم believed and the Pharaoh became arrogant. Musa )(غلیہ السالم said to his
people that if you have believed in Allah ﷻAlmighty, then put your trust in Him, and
then they prayed that we put our trust in Allah ﷻAlmighty and supplicated, O Lord!
So save us from trial by the people of the wrongdoers and save us from the people of
disbelief by your mercy. Allah ﷻsaid, we ordered Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand Haroon ) (غلیہ السالمto
build house for their people and make houses place of worship and establish prayers,
this order was due to Pharaoh's oppression and it was very difficult to worship openly.
Musa ) (غلیہ السالمpleaded with Allah ﷻAlmighty, because the Pharaoh and the courtiers
have wealth and worldly adornment, and they are misleading the people through it,
so, O Allah ﷻAlmighty! Destroy the possessions of the mighty and harden their
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hearts so that they suffer a painful punishment. Allah ﷻAlmighty said to Musa (غلیہ
I have accepted your supplication, both of you be steadfast and do not follow the
It was explained from verse number: 90 that We helped the Bani Israel cross the sea
safely, and Pharaoh and his army pursued them in enmity and rebellion, until when
they began to drown in the sea, Pharaoh said: I believed in the One in whom the Bani
Israel believed and in Whom there is none worthy of worship, and I am one of the
Muslims. It is in the Holy Hadith that Allah ﷻAlmighty accepts the repentance of His
servants until the agony of death (death and gurgling) occurs, but repentance is not
accepted at this stage. Allah ﷻAlmighty said to Pharaoh today we will save
your (lifeless) body so that you may be a sign of lesson for those who come later. This
miracle of the Holy Qur'an is still true today that the embalmed body of the Pharaoh
of Egypt is still there. After this, the freedom of the Israelites is mentioned in the
generosity of their sustenance and their differences among themselves.
In verse number: 96, Allah ﷻAlmighty says that those on whom the judgment of
Allah ﷻAlmighty's punishment has been passed, remain deprived of faith, even if all
the signs come to them. The people of Yunus ) (غلیہ السالمwere the only ones who believed
before the divine punishment came, they repented and Allah ﷻAlmighty saved them
from the disgraceful punishment in this world. Its details are available in books of
hadiths and interpretations. In the following verses, he said that only those who are
blessed with faith are those who are helped by God's help, and people are not
deprived of faith without reason.
In verse number: 104, Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the Prophet ﷺ, that you should say
to the disbelievers of Makkah that if you have any doubts about my religion, then I
will not worship your false gods under any circumstances, but I will worship the Allah
ﷻAlmighty who constipate your souls, that is, in whose power is your soul. Allah ﷻ
Almighty said: Do not worship any false deity other than Allah ﷻAlmighty, who is not
capable of benefiting you or harming you. If you do so, you will be among the
He said from verse number: 107 that everything is in the power and authority of
Allah ﷻAlmighty. If He wishes to harm someone, there is no one to save Him, and if
He intends good for someone, then there is no obstacle in the way of His grace. He
bestows His bounties on whom He wills among His servants, and He is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful. O Messenger! Say, "The truth has come to you from your Lord, so
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 92
whoever accepts guidance, he will benefit from it, and whoever accepts misguidance,
he will be harmed." and I am not one to force you. In the last verse, the followers of
the revelation and the persecution of the disbelievers are advised to be patient.
{Surat Hud}
Surah Hud is the Makki Surah. It is the 11 surah in terms of scriptural order while it is
the 52 surah in terms of revelation. Hazrat Hud ) (غلیہ السالمand his people are mentioned
in this surah, so this surah was named Hud. In this surah, the principles and beliefs of
Islam regarding monotheism, prophethood, resurrection after death, reward, and
punishment are explained. In the first verse of Surah Hud, there is a statement about
the authenticity of the Holy Qur'an, the clarity of its meaning, and in form and
meaning it is a statement of attaining perfection. In the second verse, it is mentioned
about worshiping only Allah ﷻAlmighty and Prophet Muhammad ﷺbeing Basheer
(bringer of Good news) and Nazeer (cautionar). In the following verses, it is
mentioned about returning back to Allah ﷻAlmighty and Allah ﷻknows everything
and every action.
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Allah ﷻAlmighty said: The sustenance of every living thing that walks on the earth is
under the responsibility of Allah ﷻAlmighty, He knows the place of his abode (this
means the back of the father or the womb of the mother or the abode on earth) and
the place of surrender (this means the house or the grave). Everything is mentioned in
the enlightened book. He further said: The purpose of the creation of the universe is
the trial of good and evil of humans. After that, there is a description of the
unbelievers calling death after life, magic, and their disobedience. Instead of
considering the delay in punishment as a favor, they taunt Muslims, what prevented
the punishment? Then he explained the selfishness of man that if Allah ﷻAlmighty
grants someone grace, he is not grateful for it, but when the grace is taken away, he
becomes hopeless and ungrateful. In the same way, if there is a blessing after trouble,
then a person struts and brags; However, those who remain patient and grateful in all
situations and do righteous deeds, then there is forgiveness and a great reward for
them. Allah ﷻAlmighty said to comfort His Prophet ﷺ, that the disbelievers make
various requests about why no treasure has been revealed to you? Why didn't an
angel come down to support you? Do not get disheartened, your job is only It is to
warn people from divine punishment. In this Surah also, those who deny that the Holy
Qur'an is the Word of God were challenged to gather all their supporters and make
ten similar Surahs.
In verse number: 15, Allah ﷻsaid: Those who seek this world and its adornments will
get the reward of their deeds in this world and they have no share in the hereafter,
their deeds are invalid in terms of the reward of the hereafter. Verse 17 mentions the
promise of fire of Hell for those who deny the authenticity of the Holy Qur'an and
mentions that the Holy Qur'an is the truth from Allah ﷻAlmighty and to believe in it
without any doubt. After that, it is mentioned about those who slander Allah
ﷻAlmighty and those who prevent them from the path of Allah ﷻAlmighty, that
witnesses will appear against them on the Day of Resurrection that they lied against
their Lord, and the curse of Allah ﷻAlmighty will be upon them, double punishment
and there is a mention of their sure failure in the hereafter.
In verse 23, it is said that those who believed and did good deeds and humbled
themselves before their Lord, then these people will remain in Paradise forever. He
further said: The example of the believer and the disbeliever is like the blind and the
sighted and the deaf and the hearing.
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From verse number: 25 to 32, the conditions of Noah ) (غلیہ السالمand his people were
described. When Noah ) (غلیہ السالمinvited his people to monotheism and threatened them
with divine punishment if they refused, the leaders of the people said: You are human
beings like us, and your followers are backward and weak-minded people, in our
opinion, you have no superiority over us, instead you ( )نػاذہللاare a liar.
Noah ) (غلیہ السالمreplied: I have a clear argument from my Lord and He has blessed me
with mercy, but you do not have the ability to understand my position, I do not ask
you for any reward as a reward for calling to the truth. Nor am I pushing away the
believers from me. And I did not claim that I have the treasures of Allah ﷻAlmighty,
nor do I know by self the unseen, nor do I say that I am an angel, nor do I say that
those whom you Despised in your own eyes, Allah ﷻAlmighty will not bless them
with good.
The people of Noah said, "You have argued with us a lot, so bring the punishment you
are threatening us". Noah ) (غلیہ السالمsaid, "If Allah ﷻAlmighty wills, then the punishment
will come upon you".
From verses number: 37 to 47, it is told that Noah ) (غلیہ السالمwas commanded by Allah ﷻ
Almighty to build the ark under our supervision and according to our revelation and
not to talk to us about the cruel people, they will surely be drowned. Then he started
building a boat. When the leaders of their people passed by, they used to make fun.
Noah ) (غلیہ السالمsaid that the time will come when you will be mocked and you will know
on whom the disgraceful punishment will befall. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: When our
order of punishment came and the signs start appearing, so we said to Noah )(غلیہ السالم:
Get into this boat with your family and the people of faith and take the pairs of
everything (male and female) on the boat. And there were very few believers with
them. Noah ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: Get into the boat while reciting this supplication:
ج ْ ج ج ُ ْ ٰ ج ّج ج ّ ْ ج ج ُ ج
ّب لغف ْو ٌر ّرح ِْی ٌم ْ
ِ اِن ر-ِبس ِم ہللا َِمرٖؔىها و نرسىها
Translation: This boat moves and stays in the name of Allah ﷻAlmighty. Indeed, my
Lord is Forgiving and Most Merciful.
The boat was taking them in waves the size of a mountain when Noah ) (غلیہ السالمsaid to
his son who stood apart: O son! Get into the boat with us and do not stay with the
disbelievers. He (Noah's son Canaan) said: I have mercy. Then the wave came
between them and he drowned. The order came from Allah ﷻAlmighty: O earth,
swallow its water, and O sky, be still, and the water has dried up. Allah ﷻAlmighty’s
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 95
decision came into effect and the boat stayed on Mount Jodi. Noah ) (غلیہ السالمpleaded
with Allah ﷻAlmighty: O Lord! My son is from my family and your promise is true
that my family will be saved. Allah ﷻAlmighty said will come under the shelter of a
mountain, which will save me from the water. Noah )(غلیہ السالم said: Today there is no
savior except by the command of Allah ﷻAlmighty. Except for the one on whom may
Allah ﷻAlmighty: O Noah! He is not one of your members. His actions are not right
and don't question what you don't know the truth about. Noah ) (غلیہ السالمprayed to Allah
ﷻ Almighty for forgiveness and mercy for his unintentional mistake. Then after
Noah's storm subsided, they landed safely.
From verse number: 50, it is mentioned about the people of Aad that Hazrat Hud (غلیہ
) السالمwas sent to them to invite them to monotheism. Hud ) (غلیہ السالمsaid to the people: I
do not ask you for any reward and my reward is with Allah ﷻAlmighty. So seek
forgiveness from your Lord, then repent to Him. Allah ﷻwill send heavy rain on you
and increase your strength. The people of 'Aad rejected the call of truth and did not
believe, but taunt Hud ) (غلیہ السالمthat some of our gods have made you crazy. Hud )(غلیہ السالم
said: I make Allah ﷻAlmighty a witness and you also be a witness. I am free from
your polytheism and I trust in Allah ﷻAlmighty and I have fulfilled the right of
From verse 58, Allah ﷻAlmighty says: When came the time of our punishment, we
saved Hud and the believers with Our mercy. The people of Aad denied the signs and
messengers of Allah ﷻAlmighty and were declared entitled to curse in this world and
the hereafter.
From verse number: 61, the conditions of Hazrat Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمand his people Thamud
were described. Hazrat Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: O my people! Worship Allah ﷻAlmighty
alone, without a partner, ask His forgiveness and repent to Him, He created you from
the earth and made you dwell on it.
The people of Saleh replied: O Saleh! Until you did not prevent us worshiping the gods
of our forefathers, we had high hopes from you, but now we have doubts about your
invitation. Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمsaid to his people, "This camel of Allah ﷻAlmighty is a sign for
you. Leave it free to graze. Do not hurt it. Otherwise, you will be punished". They cut
the hooves of the camel. Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: You just have fun in your homes for three
days, then Allah ﷻAlmighty's punishment will come. Then a thunderbolt overtook
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 96
them and they were left on their knees in their homes. Only Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمand the
people of faith with him were spared from this punishment.
From verse number: 69, it is stated that angels came to Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمin
human form, (Hazrat Ibrahim ))(غلیہ السالم, prepared roasted calf meat for the strange
guests. Then when they saw that the guests did not raise their hands to eat, Hazrat
Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمgot scared, and the angels said: We have been sent to punish the
people of Lut. The wife of Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمwas standing, she smiled at him, then
the angels gave her the good news of Hazrat Ishaq ) (غلیہ السالمand after him Hazrat
Yaqoob )(غلیہ السالم from Allah ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻAlmighty says that after hearing the
good news of his son, the fear of Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمwas removed and he started arguing
with us about the people of Lut. Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمwas very forbear, crying out to Allah
ﷻAlmighty and turning to Him. Allah ﷻAlmighty said to Hazrat Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم :O
Ibrahim! Avoid the petition that it has been decided and that the inevitable
punishment will continue to descend upon them.
From verse number: 77, describes the evil deeds of the people of Hazrat Lut )(غلیہ السالم
(the people of Sodom), the arrival of angels to Hazrat Lut ) (غلیہ السالمin disguise if pretty
boys, the showing up of people with bad intentions. Hazrat Lut ) (غلیہ السالمtried to diffuse
the situation and prevent them from sin, making them upset. Angels comforted
Hazrat Lut ) (غلیہ السالمthat you shall not worry, we are the angels of your Lord, they will
not be able to reach you and us, you should migrate in the last part of the night
without paying attention to the people. The punishment will come upon them in the
morning, when the punishment of Allah ﷻAlmighty came, the town was upside
down and marked stones were rained by Allah ﷻAlmighty on the people of Lut.
From verse number: 84, Hazrat Shoaib ) (غلیہ السالمand his people, the people of Madyan,
and their crimes were described, they used to reduce the measure, they used to
weigh things less for others. Allah ﷻAlmighty said to them, "Avoid mischief in the
earth and see the end of the disobedient nations before you." But when the advice of
Hazrat Shoaib ) (غلیہ السالمdid not affect the people of Madyan, Allah ﷻAlmighty
destroyed them too with punishment. In verse number: 94, it was said that when our
punishment came, we saved Hazrat Shoaib ) (غلیہ السالمand those who believed in him with
our mercy, and the oppressors were caught by a mighty spark, so in the morning they
lay down in their homes, as if they had never been inhabited.
From verse number: 96 Mention the nine miracles given to Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم. Then
he mentioned the destruction of Pharaoh and his followers due to their false behavior
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 97
and declared them cursed both in this world and in the hereafter. The settlements
that Allah ﷻAlmighty destroyed, traces of some of them exist and some of them
have disappeared, every one of them was destroyed due to their own oppression.
Allah ﷻAlmighty does not oppress anyone. People do injustice to their own souls.
For the one who fears the punishment of the Hereafter, there is a sign in it.
From verse number: 106, Allah ﷻAlmighty has described two types of people
according to their consequences: (1) the fortunate, (2) the unfortunate. The abode of
the unfortunate is hell, in which they will remain forever. And the abode of the
fortunate is Paradise, they will remain therein forever, and for them are endless
bounties from Allah ﷻAlmighty. In verse number: 110, the Prophet ﷺwas
comforted that just as these people differed about the Holy Qur'an, the people of
Musa ) (غلیہ السالمalso differed about the Torah, and Allah ﷻAlmighty will reward them in
full for their deeds.
From verse number: 112, it was ordered to refrain from disobedience and adhere to
the orders of religion and to avoid friendly relationships with oppressors and said that
the end of these relationships is the fire of hell.
Verse No: 114 commanded the establishment of prayer on both sides of the day
and (early) part of the night and said that indeed good deeds wipe out sins and this is
advice for those who accept the advice.
In verse number: 120, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: We narrate to you (The Prophet of Allah
)ﷺ all the news of the prior Messengers for the comfort and strength of your heart,
and in them there is also advice and lessons for the believers. There are also proofs of
the monotheism of Allah ﷻ, Prophethood and the occurrence of Resurrection. In
verse number: 123, Allah ﷻsaid, that all of the secrets of the heavens and the earth
belong to Allah ﷻAlmighty; everything is returned to Him. You shall worship Him,
trust and count on Him, and your Lord is not oblivious to the deeds of the people.
{Surat Yusuf}
Surah Yusuf is the Makki Surah. It is the 12 surah in terms of scriptural order while it
is the 53 surah in terms of revelation. As the name suggests, Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمis
mentioned in this Surah and with detail, this is the basis of the name of this surah. In
this Surah, Prophet Muhammad ﷺis consoled by mentioning the success of Yusuf (غلیہ
) السالمafter his difficulties. The knowledge of the interpretation of the vision is
mentioned and it is stated that by faithfulness, trust, chastity, sincerity, patience and
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 98
repentance, a servant gains nearness and popularity in the presence of
Allah ﷻAlmighty. And that whether there is imprisonment or freedom, the process
of monotheism and the call to Allah’s religion should continue. In this surah, the
history, laws, government system, trade and punishment methods of the previous
nations are mentioned. The Holy Qur'an has described the incident of Hazrat Yusuf (غلیہ
) السالمas "the most beautiful story". First of all, the dream of Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمis
mentioned. He saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bowing down to him. He narrated
this dream to his father, Hazrat Yaqub )(غلیہ السالم. Hazrat Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمforbade him to tell
this dream to his brothers, otherwise they would conspire against you.
The Holy Qur'an said that there are many signs for those who ask in the story of
Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمand his brothers. Yusuf's ) (غلیہ السالمbrothers suggested that Yusuf
) (غلیہ السالمand his real brother Binyameen are more beloved of our father, even though
we are one group. Then they discussed killing Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمor leaving him in a faraway
country. Eventually, Father's inclination will be towards them. A more moderate
brother among them said, "Don't kill Yusuf) (غلیہ السالم, put him in a deep well, someone
with a caravan will pick him up". Then to carry out their plan they asked their father,
trust us, we are well-wishers of Yousuf )(غلیہ السالم, send him tomorrow with us so that he
can eat fruit, play and have fun, we will protect him. Hazrat Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمhesitates
that the wolf may tear him to pieces because of your ignorance. Anyway, they took
Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمwith them and then put him in a deep well. By the power of
Allah ﷻAlmighty, a caravan came, they put a bucket to draw water and a handsome
boy like Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمcame out sitting in the bucket, they made him a commodity. His
brothers found out he is out well, so they went to the caravan and sold Hazrat Yusuf
) (غلیہ السالمfor a few dirhams to them. On the other hand, Yusuf's brother put fake blood
on his shirt and came to his father crying that he was eaten by a wolf. Hazrat
Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمsaid, "This is your fabrication, but patience is better for me now." The
people of the caravan took Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمto Egypt and sold him to the king of Egypt
and he said to his wife, "Keep him with respect, we will make him our son." When
Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمreached puberty, the wife of the king of Egypt (whose name is said to be
Zulekha) closed the doors of her room and invited him to sin. Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: I
cannot offend the kindness of my master. Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمran towards the door and from
behind the wife of the king of Egypt grabbed his shirt, which tore. At the same time,
her husband showed up and the wife of the king of Egypt put all the blame on Yusuf
)(غلیہ السالم, a person from the family of the king of Egypt's wife testified that if Yusuf's
shirt is torn from the chest side, he is guilty and if it is torn from the back, then the
woman is guilty, and his shirt was torn from the back, then the king of Egypt said: This
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 99
is the conspiracy of you women, indeed, your conspiracy is very serious, and Yusuf (غلیہ
)السالم was imprisoned. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: That woman intended (sin) against him
and he intended to avoid it; If he would not have seen the sign of his Lord then
( )نػاذہللاhe would have fallen into sin. When it was rumored that the wife of the king of
Egypt had fallen in love with a young slave, the women of the city taunted her and
said: Where is your position and where is a slave? So the wife of the king of Egypt
organized a feast and called those women and put knives in their hands to cut the
fruit and suddenly she brought Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمout of the curtain in front of them. When
women saw Hazrat Yusuf )(غلیہ السالم, the beauty of Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمblew their senses away,
they cut their hands instead of the fruits and said: By Allah ﷻAlmighty, this is not a
human being, this is an honorable angel. Then the wife of the king of Egypt said this is
the beauty, you used to blame me. Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: O Lord! The hardship of
imprisonment is better for me than suffering in sin, and by your grace, I was freed
from the conspiracy of these women. Then Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمwas put in prison.
Allah ﷻAlmighty's will was such that two of his fellow prisoners narrated their own
dream to him. One said: I saw in a dream that I was distilling wine from grapes and
another said that I saw bread on my head and birds were eating it. Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمwas
given the knowledge of the interpretation of dreams by Allah ﷻAlmighty. He
interpreted the dreams of both, respectively. One was told that you will reach the
higher court and serve wine to your master and the other was told that you will be
punished to death and the birds will pick and eat your flesh, finally it happened. Then
Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمinvited both of them to monotheism. Then the king had a dream that
seven healthy cows were eating, seven thin cows and seven years of crops were green
and seven were dry. The king asked his courtiers for the interpretation of the dream,
but they could not tell him. Then through Yusuf's prisoner companion, who now
became the king's servant, Yusuf's ) (غلیہ السالمskill in interpreting dreams was known; So
he was approached. Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمexplained that seven years of lushness and
resplendence will come upon you and then seven years of famine will come. You
should preserve the surplus production during the seven years of freshness so that it
will be useful for you in the drought. Then the king called Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمin the court.
Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمsaid that I will not come out of prison until the charge against me is
cleared. So the King of Egypt called the women who had cut their hands and inquired
from them the truth. Everyone acknowledged the purity of Hazrat Yusuf )(غلیہ السالم, in this
way, his innocence was proved and the wife of the King of Egypt herself also
confessed that Yusuf ) (غلیہالسالمwas pure and I was the one who invited him to si
Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: Put me in charge of the treasures of this country. Verily, I am the
protector and the one with knowledge, that is, Allah ﷻAlmighty has given me, the
knowledge from whom to take wealth and whom should be given and how to protect
the national treasures. From this, scholars have formulated the principle that
although aspiring for a position is not a desirable thing, if no one else is eligible for the
position other than a person, then the eligible person can offer his services. Allah
ﷻAlmighty gave power to Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمby passing him through the period of
temptation. Then when there was a famine in the whole country, the brothers of
Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمalso came from Canaan to collect grain. Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمgave them grain
and said that bring your other brother too in the future otherwise you will not get
grain. And he also kept the bag of money in their luggage. Then Yusuf's brothers also
brought Binyameen with their father's permission, so Hazrat Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمinstructed
them that you all should not enter through one door, but enter through separate
doors so that you would be safe from the evil eye.
When Yusuf's brothers reached him, Hazrat Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمmade a secret plan to stop
his brother by placing the royal bowl in his brother's luggage and then the herald
announced that someone from the caravan had stolen it. The brothers of Yusuf (غلیہ
)السالم said, "By Allah ﷻAlmighty, we did not come for mischief and theft". The
courtiers said that if a bowl is found in someone's luggage, what will be the
punishment? They said that he shall be kept here. Finally, that bowl came out in the
luggage of Yusuf's brother, and by this device, they were stopped and this was the
way to stop them. The brothers of Yusuf said that his brothers had also stolen before
this, but Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمdid not reveal the reality. The brothers of Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمoffered
to hold one of us instead of Binyameen, but it is obvious that it was not intended to
stop anyone else. When Yusuf's brothers narrated this incident to their father on their
return, he was once again deeply saddened but then adopted patience. Yaqub (غلیہ
) السالمwas crying with great grief and his eyesight also went away and he said: I
complain of my perplexity and grief only to Allah ﷻAlmighty. Then Yaqub ) (غلیہ السالمsent
Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ: These are the news of the
Unseen, the Unseen We reveal to you. The story of Yusuf ) (غلیہ السالمis unique among the
stories of the Prophets in the sense that Allah ﷻAlmighty narrated it in a single Surah
with great detail and consistent, but despite his detailed and requested statement,
those people did not believe and persisted in disbelief. That is why Allah ﷻAlmighty
said: And there are so many signs in the heavens and the earth, which people pass by
turning away, and most of the people do not believe in Allah ﷻAlmighty, they are
polytheists. And at the end of the Surah He said: Indeed In these stories, there is
advice for the wise.
Establishing the flow of rivers, the system of day and night, the various fruits, the
gardens of grapes and dates, and the arrangement of the affairs of the universe, etc.
Then he said: There are signs in it for wise people.
In verse number: 8, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty knows the conditions of pregnancy
and the womb of every female and He has a measure of everything. In verse 9, 10 he
said that Allah ﷻAlmighty knows the hidden and the apparent and the low whispers
and the loud voices. In verse number: 11, the secret of the success of the nations was
told that circumstances change when one changes oneself. He went ahead and said
that Allah ﷻAlmighty sometimes shows you lightning to scare you and sometimes
creates heavy clouds to give you hope.
Raad is mentioned in verse 13. The sound produced by the friction of celestial bodies
or clouds is called "Ra'd" and according to a hadith: Ra'd is the name of the angel who
is responsible for driving the clouds.
So he said that this particular angel glorifies him with his praise and the rest of the
angels (also) glorify him out of fear. In verse number 14, it is said that only Allah
ﷻAlmighty is worthy of being called upon, who hears and answers to the call, while
the false gods are unable to answer the call and the call of the disbelievers is in vain.
In verse 15, he said: Whatever is in the heavens and the earth, prostrate to Allah
ﷻAlmighty with willingness or unwillingness. This means performing the duties
assigned by Allah ﷻAlmighty to each of the phenomena of the universe, is His
worship. In verse number: 16, he said: How come you worship false gods? Other than
Allah ﷻAlmighty, who do not even own their own benefits and harms. Can the
seeing and the blind, darkness and light be equal? Did the gods of polytheists have
He said from verse number: 17 that as a result of the rain falling from the sky, rivers
and drains are released and then bubbles of foam are created from floods. Going
further and explaining the principle of remaining in the earth, he said: So the foam
disappears (due to being useless), but that which benefits people remains in the
earth. Then he said: Allah ﷻAlmighty describes examples in the same way to clarify
the difference between truth and falsehood.
In verse number: 18 there is a statement that is good for those who obey the order of
Allah ﷻAlmighty and not to accept any kind of ransom from the disobedient. He
stated from verse 19 that wise people who fulfill the covenant of Allah ﷻAlmighty
get the advice and they also do not break their covenants and keep the ties of kinship
which Allah ﷻhas ordered to be joined together, are patient in seeking Allah ﷻ
Almighty's pleasure, establish prayer, spends money in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty
openly and secretly, they turned evil with good, they care more about home of the
Hereafter. Then he said about the disbelievers that they break their covenant. They
are unkind and they create mischief in the land, they are cursed and theirs is an evil
abode. In verse number 26, it is said that decreasing or increasing someone's
sustenance is only in the hand of Allah ﷻAlmighty. In verse 28, he said that the
wealth of peace of heart is found only in the remembrance of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
There are glad tidings and the best end for those who believe and do well.
From verse number: 31, the unjust demands of the polytheists of Makkah were
mentioned. They say that the Holy Qur'an shall have made mountains move, the earth
would split, and the dead would speak. So Allah ﷻAlmighty said: All these things are
in the power of Allah ﷻAlmighty. Muslims should not despair at the nonsense of the
disbelievers. If Allah ﷻAlmighty had willed that all should be obedient, then He
would have given guidance to all people, but His Wisdom is that those who do good
by their own authority get rewarded and those who do evil get punished. In verse 38,
it is said that we sent messengers before you, they had wives and children. Going
further, he also said that the Prophets do not perform miracles simply at the request
of the disbelievers but with the permission of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse 4, it is stated that the Messenger whom Allah ﷻAlmighty sent to each nation
was to speak their language so that he could explain Allah ﷻAlmighty's
commandments with clarity and establish Allah ﷻAlmighty's argument over the
people. From verse number 6, once again mentioned about Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand
his people that Hazrat Musa) (غلیہ السالمasked them to remember the blessings of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and not to be ungrateful and said that even if all the inhabitants of the
earth together Adopt disbelief, then there is no difference in the power and majesty
of Allah ﷻAlmighty, He is free from all worlds. From verse number: 13, the
disbelievers of every time argued unnecessarily with the messengers based on
ignorance and they kept themselves in the religion of their forefathers and they kept
asking the prophets for miracles and when they got answerless, they would ask to the
prophets to return to their original religion, otherwise, they will exile them, and
finally, every oppressor perished.
In verse No: 18 said that the example of the disbelievers is like ashes, and just a gust
of wind on a stormy day blows them away. It was told from verse number: 21 that all
the disbelievers will appear in the court of Allah ﷻAlmighty in the Hereafter. Their
weak ones will say to their elders we followed you in this world. Will you be of any use
to us to save us from the punishment of Allah ﷻAlmighty? They will say that there is
no one to save us from him. Similarly, evil will remove his shadow from his followers
and say that you have rejected the true promise of Allah ﷻAlmighty and accepted
my false promise, so do not blame me. Instead, blame yourself. Now we are not able
to help each other.
In verse number: 24 to 26, Allah ﷻAlmighty describes the blessings of pure words
and the evil of evil words through examples. Verse No. 28 and thereafter promises
hell for those who change the blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty with ungratefulness and
associate partners with Allah ﷻAlmighty. In verse number: 31, he said: Tell my
believing servants to establish prayer and pay zakat (charity) before the Day of
Verse No: 37 mentions the incident when Ibriham )السالم (غلیہ left Hazrat Hajra and
Ismail ) (غلیہ السالمin the barren land of Makkah by the command of Allah ﷻ, he prayed to
Allah ﷻAlmighty while leaving: "O our Lord! (I have) placed some of my children in a
waterless valley near your sacred house, so that they may maintain the prayer and
turn the hearts of some of the people towards them and Give him sustenance with
From verse number: 39, Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم in his senior age thanked Allah ﷻAlmighty
for giving children like Hazrat Ismail ) (غلیہ السالمand Ishaq ) (غلیہ السالمand prayed: O my Lord!
Make me (always) an establishment of prayer and also some of my children, O our
Lord! Accept my prayer, our Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and all the believers on the
Day of Judgment.
He said from verse number 42: Do not think that Allah ﷻAlmighty is unaware of the
evil deeds of the heedless. Allah ﷻAlmighty is letting them loose until the day when
everyone's eyes will be wide open due to terror, and people will be running crazy with
their heads up. Their eyelids would not blink and their hearts would be racing. On that
day, the oppressors will say: O our Lord! Give us some time so that we may accept
your message and follow your messengers. Allah ﷻAlmighty will say: Didn't you
swear before that no downfall would come upon you at all? You lived in the houses of
those who wronged their lives and it became clear to you how we dealt with them.
And we have also explained examples to you, and they conspired such deep
(dangerous) plots that even mountains would shake (from their place) with them, and
their conspiracies are written with Allah ﷻAlmighty, so do not think of Allah
ﷻAlmighty as going against His promise to His messengers. Verily, Allah ﷻAlmighty
is the most powerful avenger.
He said in verse number: 52 and this Holy Qur'an is a message (guidance) for the
people, so that they may be warned with it and they may know that Allah ﷻAlmighty
alone is worthy of worship, so that the wise may receive advice.
{Surat Al-Hijr}
Surat Al-hijr is the Makki Surah. It is the 15 surah in terms of scriptural order while it
is the 54 surah in terms of revelation. The basis of the nomenclature of this Surah is
the mention of al-Hijr in one of its verses.
He said in verses 14, and 15: If We open a gate of heaven and these disbelievers
themselves climb through it, they will still say that we have been bewitched, that we
have been detained. In verse number 17, it is said that when the devils go to the
heavens to listen to the angels' conversation, they are lashed with fire, meaning their
entrance to the upper world is blocked.
From verse 19, the spread of the Earth, it mentions the setting up of mountains,
growing verdure, and other means of economy and that the treasures of all blessings
are with Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse 22, Allah ﷻAlmighty mentioned His power that the clouds laden with water
are carried away by the winds by our command and then it rains, and without any
support in the high skies, Allah ﷻAlmighty has stored millions of gallons of water.
And He is the Lord who gives life and takes it back and everything belongs to Him. In
verse number: 24, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty knows everything of before and
after nations, and He will gather them all on the Day of Resurrection.
In verses 26 to 47, the essence of the creation of humans and jinn is described; that
man was created from the stinking dry soil of rotten mud and jinn was created from
smokeless fire. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty after creating the figure of Adam )(غلیہ السالم, Allah
ﷻ Almighty ordered the angels to prostrate to him as a sign of respect. All the angels
prostrated, but Iblis refused and explained the reason for the refusal to his essence of
In verses 49 and 50, he said to inform my servants that I am forgiving and merciful
and that my punishment is painful, meaning that both fear and hope should be
adopted. In a few verses, the incident of Hazrat Ibrahim and Lut ) (غلہیها السالمhas been
described, the details of which have already been passed before that
Allah ﷻAlmighty pelted stones at the people of Lut due to their disobedience and
destroyed their settlements.
From verses number: 79 to 84, it is mentioned about "Ishab al-Aykah" and "Ashab al-
Hijr" that the signs of Allah ﷻAlmighty came to them which they rejected. And
mentioned the constructive abilities of them that they used to dig mountains and
build safe houses for themselves, but these nations denied the prophets, so all this
could not save them from the punishment of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the punishment
of Allah ﷻAlmighty descended on them. In verse 99, the blessings of the Holy Quran
and Surah Fatiha are specifically mentioned, not to be saddened by the end of the
unbelievers and to shower all our love on the Muslims. In the last verse, it is said to
continue worshiping Allah ﷻAlmighty till your last breath. In this verse, there is a
lesson for people who claim Wilayat without following Shariat.
{Surat al-Nahl}
Surah al-Nahl is the Makki Surah. It is the 16 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 70 surah in terms of revelation. This Surah mentions Nahl (honey bee) hence
it is named Al-Nahl. In most of the articles of this Surah, the monotheism, divinity,
privilege of worship of Allah ﷻAlmighty and its uniqueness in worship, and countless
arguments are contained in it. It contains the condemnation of polytheism, the threat
of the punishment of the hereafter for the deniers, It is a statement confirming the
prophethood and Apostleship of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ.
Verse 5 mentions the birth of cattle, which have many benefits for humans, and they
are a source of comfort for humans, some of them are used for food and some of
them have other benefits, such as the wool of sheep. Some are used for carrying
goods and some are used for riding, like horses, mules and donkeys, etc.
In verse 9 there is a negation of forced guidance. And he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty
has taken upon Himself the guidance of the straight path, and it is in the power of
man to accept good or evil.
Verse No: 11 mentions the fruits and blessings grow from the earth and that the sun,
moon, and stars are obedient to His order. The men travel on the sea in search of
sustenance and hunt fish and eat fresh meat. From the seas come out the things used
in different types of jewelry. After that, he mentioned the anchoring of mountains on
Earth, canals, and guidance of destinations by stars and other markings on Earth.
After mentioning all these blessings in detail, Allah ﷻsaid: "And if you start counting
the blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty, you will not be able to encompass them".
From verse number: 20, the helplessness and loneliness of the false gods of
polytheists are mentioned that they are self-created, they are inanimate, they are
deprived of the blessing of life, they do not know their own fate, while the God of
Muslims is Allah ﷻAlmighty alone, who He has no partner and He knows what is
evident and what is hidden.
Verse 25 states that those who are the leaders of the misguided will bear the burden
of their sins and those whom they have led astray will also fall upon them. Mentioning
the blessings given to the people of piety and the people of faith, he said that at the
time of their death, the angels would welcome their pure souls and send greetings to
From verse number: 35, an excuse of the disbelievers and idolaters of every era was
explained that if Allah ﷻAlmighty had willed, we and our forefathers would not have
He said in verse 36: We sent messengers before you to the nations. They called for
monotheism and forbade idols. Those who were blessed with guidance were guided,
and those who were unfortunate were misguided. No matter how eager you may be
for their guidance, Allah ﷻAlmighty does not guide whom He decides to mislead. He,
about denying the occurrence of the Day of Resurrection by taking the oaths of the
disbelievers, that the Day of Resurrection will surely come.
In verse number: 40, Allah ﷻAlmighty described the majesty of His power in such a
way that when we intend something, so as soon as we say "kun" (be done) that thing
comes into being.
In verse 41 there is a description of the best abode in this world and a great reward in
the Hereafter for the emigrants.
From verse 43, Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the Prophet ﷺthat We had made men
messengers before you, to whom We revealed revelations and sent clear proofs of
truth and books and (O Messenger of Allah !)ﷺWe have revealed the Holy Qur'an to
you so that you may explain to the people our commands which have been revealed
to them. The Holy Qur'an also said that what you do not know, ask the people of
He said in verse 45 that the unbelievers who conspire against Islam and the preachers
of Islam shall not be ignorant of the punishment of Allah ﷻAlmighty which can be in
any form.
From verse 48, Allah ﷻAlmighty explained this order that everything in the universe
is busy in worship Allah ﷻ, even the shadow of things that bends to the right and left
is also Prostrate to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
From verse number: 51, the oneness of Allah ﷻAlmighty, everything is His kingdom,
every blessing is from Him and obedience to Allah ﷻAlmighty is a must. And there is
a statement of the idolaters to beg before Allah ﷻAlmighty at the time of hardship
and to shirk again in the event that the hardship is removed.
Verse 57: polytheists relate daughters to Allah ﷻAlmighty, "He is free from all these
relations". (Their own situation is that) if they were informed of the birth of a
daughter, their faces would turn black and filled with anger. They hide from their
people thinking the birth of a daughter is bad news and either to live with humiliation
or bury their daughter alive. It is evident from this, that the era in which the Holy
Qur'an was revealed, what people thought about their daughters, then how much
respect Islam gave to women in the form of mother, daughter, sister and wife.
Verse 60: explaining the wisdom of Allah ﷻAlmighty, why not to quickly accountable
people for their sins? He said that if Allah ﷻAlmighty had caught people
immediately, there would not have been any living beings left on earth. Rather,
Allah ﷻAlmighty grants respite up to a fixed period that cannot be moved forward or
He said in verse 64: And We have revealed this book to you only so that you may
clarify, in which you differ, and this book is a guidance and a mercy for the believers.
From verse 66, the signs of the power of Allah ﷻAlmighty have been explained that
the food goes into the stomach of the mammals and in the same factory of their
stomach, colored, foul-smelling, and impure dung is produced and blood is formed
and both of them are impure. In the center of colored things (shining like silver) clear
'transparent' white and pure milk is formed. And there are signs for the wise in the
process of making sustenance and sweet syrup from dates and grapes.
From verse 68, it is mentioned about the honey bee that Allah ﷻAlmighty gave this
small creature the consciousness to build its stable home in the mountains, trees and
bushes. Then the bee comes to suckthe juice of the flowers and in the factory of its
stomach honey is made, which is healing for humanity.
In verse 70, the birth of a human being, death, and old age are described as being
from Allah ﷻAlmighty.
From verse 71 to 72, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that by His wisdom, He bestowed more
favor on some over others in sustenance, Allah ﷻAlmighty made couples among
humans for humans, and then gave the blessing of sons and grandsons, and pure
sustenance granted, yet people are ungrateful for Allah ﷻAlmighty's blessings.
In verse number 79, Allah ﷻsaid that the birds that fly in the air, it is
Allah ﷻAlmighty who makes them stay in the air without any support. Verse 80
mentions the benefits of comfortable homes, animal skins, cattle wool, fur and hair.
Blessings such as shading objects, shelters in the mountains, and clothing protecting
against heat and war are mentioned. That is, all these things are masterpieces of the
power of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
He said from verse number 86, that tomorrow on the day of judgment, polytheists will
show their distaste to the Gods they used to worship, and prove them to be liars and
show humility in the presence of Allah ﷻ. They will get a double punishment, i.e. they
will get the punishment of disbelief and preventing others from the truth.
In verse 89, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that on the Day of judgment, We will present
witnesses among themselves (i.e. the prophets and messengers of their era) against
each nation, and (O Messenger of Allah )! ﷺWe will present you as a witness on all of
them, which means that every prophet will testify in the court of Allah ﷻAlmighty
that he had performed the duty of calling to the truth and Sayyiduna Muhammad
Rasulullah ﷺwill confirm the testimonies of all these prophets.
Verse number: 90 is the verse of the Holy Qur'an which is one of the verses of "Jami'
Al-Ahkam" which is recited in almost every sermon that Allah ﷻAlmighty commands
justice, kindness, and giving to relatives, he forbids immorality, evil and disobedience.
And you accept his advice.
In verse number: 91, he ordered to keep the promise and forbade breaking it by
taking oaths. He called swearing for worldly gain or for cheating as a bad thing and
In the next verses, he said, "Don't break the covenant of Allah ﷻAlmighty for the
lowly and unsustainable benefit of the world". Permanent and eternal blessings
belong only to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Allah ﷻAlmighty has promised that every believing man and woman who does good
deeds, we will grant them a pure life and give them the best reward.
In verse number: 98, it is taught that before starting the recitation of the Holy Quran,
one should recite ( )اغوذابہلل نم الشیطو الرجیمand that evil’s power is not on the believers but
only on his friends and polytheists.
Verse No. 101 mentions the blasphemy of the disbelievers against replacing one verse
for another. He said, "Allah ﷻAlmighty knows well what He reveals".
From verse No: 103 It is said that when the miracle of the Holy Qur'an with the
highest level of eloquence presented to disbelievers from the tongue of the Prophet
ﷺwho never learnt from the worldly teacher. And they could not answer Allah’s
repeated challenges of reproduction of the Quran, they start saying, a human being
teaches him this word and the weakness of his argument can be gauged from the fact
that the Holy Qur'an is in eloquent Arabic and the person to whom they attributed the
teaching is a non Arab.
In verse 106, a command was given that if a Muslim comes under the siege of the
infidels and the infidels threaten to kill him and compel him to utter the word of
infidelity, even though the best is to sacrifice his life, the word of infidelity shall not be
uttered. But for less courageous people excuse was given, that if faith is established in
the heart, then saying the word of disbelief to save a life does not make a person lose
In verse number 112, Allah ﷻAlmighty describes the example of a town that was
without fear and danger, there was satisfaction from all sides, abundant sustenance
came from every place for the people of the town, then they were ungrateful of the
blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty. So Allah ﷻAlmighty made them taste the hunger and
fear because of their bad deeds that is, hunger and fear were imposed on them as a
In verse number: 115, after mentioning the four unlawful things, Allah ﷻAlmighty
said that if someone is in dire need and there is no halal food available to save his life,
then he can use it only, enough to save life.
In verse number 119, this concession was once again stated that if a person commits a
sin in ignorance and upon realizing it repents with a sincere heart and commits to
doing good deeds, then Allah ﷻAlmighty forgives the sins.
Verse No. 120 describes the noble attributes of Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمthat he was an
Ummah in himself, based on Tawheed and away from polytheism, grateful for the
blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty and Allah ﷻAlmighty guided him to the "straight
path". He was blessed, received goodness in this world and he will be among the
righteous in the hereafter.
In verse 123, the Messenger of Allah ﷺordered to follow the nation of Ibrahim.
In verse 125, the method of invitation to the religion is described as calling to the path
of your Lord with wisdom and good advice (and if needed to debate), then
establishing the evidence in a good way and showing patience and forbearance in
difficulties. The success of patience comes from Allah ﷻAlmighty and it is also
rewarded by Allah ﷻAlmighty. In the end, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty is with
those who choose piety and do good deeds.
Verse number 4 stated that the Israelites had been declared, in the Bible, that they
would cause mischief and rebellion twice in the land, so these two occasions came
and Allah ﷻAlmighty imposed oppressors on them.
Verse No: 12 said that we made the system of day and night, two signs of our
capability and we made the day bright so that you may seek the grace of your Lord
and know the number and reckoning of the years.
Verse number 13 states that We have hung the record of every man's deeds in their
neck, (That is, what is decided in Allah ﷻAlmighty's judgment will remain) And on
the Day of Resurrection, this book of deeds will be in the form of an open book, (the
servant will be told) read your book of deeds, today you are enough to hold yourself
accountable. Whoever accepts the guidance will benefit from it, and whoever accepts
the misguidance will suffer its nuisance, and no one who carries a burden will bear
another's burden. And we are not going to punish until we send a Messenger (to
complete the evidence).
In the next verse, a law of nature is described: When We intend to destroy the
inhabitants of a town, we send our orders to those who are fond of its luxury. Then
He said in verse number: 18 that whoever seeks only the benefits of this world, we
give him as much as he wants in this world and then his end is hell.
He said in verse 19: And whoever seeks the Hereafter and strives for it with faith, then
the efforts of such people will be recognized as worthy of reward in the sight of
Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number 21, while mentioning the virtuousness of each other in this world, he
said that the Hereafter has great levels and its virtue is very great.
Referring to the rights of parents in verse number: 23, Allah ﷻsaid: And your Lord
has commanded that you do not worship anyone but Him and treat your parents well,
and if in your life, they both or one of them, reach old age, then do not say uff to
them, do not rebuke them, and talk to them with politeness, and keep the arm of
humility and kindness open for them. And pray this: O my Lord! Be merciful to them
as they raised me with mercy as a child.
In verse 26, there is an order to pay the rights of relatives, poor people and travelers
and to avoid excessive unnecessary spending and that excessive unnecessary
spenders are the brothers of evil, and if you cannot pay due to poverty, then talk to
them gently and respectfully.
(1) Adopting a moderate attitude toward stinginess, greed, and extravagance, i.e.
spending freely on good deeds, spending moderately on permissible deeds and not
spending at all on unlawful deeds.
(2) Prohibition of killing one's children for fear of poverty, Allah ﷻAlmighty is the
Sustainer of all.
(5) Prohibition of eating the wealth of an orphan and safeguarding his wealth until he
reaches adulthood.
(8) Prohibition on pursuing what one does not know. Indeed, the ears, eyes, and
heart will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection.
(11) It is also stated that the abundance or scarcity of one's sustenance does not
depend on one's excellence or worthlessness, it is a matter of the wisdom and will of
Allah ﷻAlmighty.
After these details, he said: (O Messenger!) These are the words of wisdom that we
have revealed to you.
In verse 40, he described the evil nature of the disbelievers and polytheists that they
themselves desire sons and relate daughters to Allah ﷻAlmighty, that the angels are
the daughters of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Verse number: 44, Allah ﷻsaid: The seven heavens and the earth and whatever in it,
is praising Him in its own way, and everything is praising the excellence of Allah
ﷻAlmighty "but you do not see and understand their praise".
He said from verse number: 45 that the deniers of the hereafter are deprived of
benefiting from the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and their hearts and minds are
deprived of the happiness of accepting the truth. Even after listening to the eloquent
Holy Qur'an, they taunt the Prophet ﷺas a sorcerer.
In verse number: 49, it was stated that the disbelievers of the Hereafter asked; that
when our bones (by rotting) crumble to pieces, will we be born again?
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: You become stone or iron or something else that you think is
too hard, the same Allah ﷻAlmighty will create you again, who created you the first
In verse 52, it is ordered to speak good. Verse No: 56 state that false gods are not able
to remove or change the suffering of their worshippers. From verse number: 61 once
again, mentions the angels prostrating to Adam ) (غلیہ السالمand Satan's denial, and also
In verse 67, it is said that when they fall in the storm of the sea, they call Allah ﷻ
Almighty instead of falsehood Gods, but in the case of salvation, they again fall into
From verse number 68, polytheists were warned that if any calamity befalls them or
if they are plunged somewhere on dry land or afflicted with some other calamity, then
there is no savior except Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number: 70, it is mentioned about the honor and dignity of the Bani Adam
and Allah ﷻAlmighty gave superiority to the Bani Adam over many of His creatures.
In verse number: 71, there is a description of success, of calling people with their
mentors, and receiving results of their deeds in the right hand, and whoever is blind
to the truth in this world will be blind in the Hereafter.
Verse number: 73, Allah mentioned the false intentions of the disbelievers to divert
Rasool Allah ﷺfrom the right path. Allah ﷻAlmighty has called your steadfastness in
the path of truth His grace and mercy. Mentioning the conspiracy of the infidels to
expel you from the Arabian Peninsula, Allah ﷻsaid that even if they succeeded in
doing so, they would not be able to escape from their evil end.
verse number: 78, there is the sign of order of five prayers, the description of the
virtue of Fajr, the persuasion of Tahajjud prayer, and the statement that the desired
status (which is the place of great intercession) was given to the Holy Prophet ﷺ. In
verse number: 81 and 82 there is a statement about the arrival of truth and the
destruction of falsehood and that in the Holy Qur'an, there is healing and mercy for
the believers.
Verse No: 83 mention the nature of human beings who express ungratefulness for
blessings and despair for adversity.
In verse number: 85, it is stated that the Jews asked the Holy Prophet ﷺabout the
soul, then Allah ﷻAlmighty said: (O Messenger!) Say that the soul is by the command
of my Lord and you have been given only a little knowledge about it. It is intended to
convey that there is no need to seek the things whose truth is not revealed and there
is no need to look for that knowledge.
From verse 90, while mentioning some unreasonable demands of the polytheists of
Makkah, he said that they said, "We will not believe in you until"
(1) You release a spring of water from the earth for us.
(2) Or you become the owner of the date and grape garden under which rivers flow.
(3) Or bring upon us the punishment with which you threaten us, or tear the sky into
pieces and make it fall upon us.
(6) Or you ascend to the sky and then send us the book from the sky, which we
should read.
In response to all these demands, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: (O Messenger, say) My Lord
is free from all defects (I am not a juggler, but) I am a human being, whom Allah
ﷻAlmighty, sent as a Messenger.
From verse number: 94, the objection of the disbelievers of Makkah is mentioned that
why did Allah ﷻAlmighty send human as Messenger? i.e. why did He not send any
angels? Then Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Say (O Messenger!) say: If only angels lived on
the earth and peace. We would have sent angels from the sky as messengers,
meaning, prophets and messengers are from the same species, whom they are sent.
In these verses it is also mentioned that the disbelievers will be raised in the hereafter
blind, dumb and deaf and their abode will be Hell.
He said in verse number: 100 that you should say that if you were the owners of the
treasures of the mercy of my Lord, you would have kept it for fear of spending
and (actually) man is a miser.
From verse 101, it is mentioned that Musa ) (غلیہ السالمwas given nine miracles, Pharaoh
called him a magician, Pharaoh drowned and the Israelites settled in the land.
The polytheists of Makkah objected that sometimes you say Allah and sometimes
they say Rahman, we do not know the Rehman, so Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Say: You
call (the True God) as Allah or you call him as Rehman, by whatever name you call
Him, these are His names. And be moderate in calling upon him.
In the last verse, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty does not have any children, nor does
anyone share with Him in His kingdom, and He does not need any helper. And you
shall keep on describing his greatness.
{Surat al-Kahf}
Surat al-Kahf is the Makki Surah. It is the 18 surah in terms of scriptural order while it
is the 69 surah in terms of revelation. This Surah mentions the Companions of the
Kahf, so it is called Surah Al-Kahf. In this surah, there is a description of the
truthfulness of the Holy Qur'an, the stories of the Companions of the Kahf, Musa (غلیہ
)السالم, Khizar )(غلیہ السالم, Dhul-Qarnain, Adam )(غلیہ السالمand Iblis, and many things of wisdom
and admonition between these stories. Abu Darda' )(ریض ہللا غنہreported The Messenger of
Allah ﷺas saying: If anyone memorized the first ten verses of the Surah al-Kahf, he
will be protected from the Dajjal. (Sahih Muslim 809)
Hazrat Abu Saeed al-Khudri )(ریض ہللا غنہnarrates that the Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid:
Whoever recites Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, the light will be illuminated for him between
two Fridays. (Mustadrak: 3444)
In the initial verses of Surah Al-Kahf, the Holy Qur'an has been described as a book
revealed by Allah ﷻAlmighty free from crookedness, correcting, warning from the
grip of Allah ﷻAlmighty and giving glad tidings to the righteous believers. And those
who attribute children to Allah ﷻAlmighty without any knowledge, this is a great
audacity and a lie, and do not be saddened by their disbelief. He said to the people,
lost in the colors of this world, that we created the things that make the earth
beautiful and we will also end it.
From verse: 9 of this blessed Surah, it states about the Companions of the Kahf,
"These were some righteous youths whom Allah ﷻAlmighty kept firm on the belief
of monotheism and faith, but their people were polytheists and a cruel king ruled
Companions of the Kahf also had a dog, which was sitting on the threshold of the cave
with its legs spread. For this reason, the scholars described the blessing of the door of
the pious people of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the dog that was associated with the
righteous, mentioned five times in different ways in the Holy Qur'an. Some describer
has written that this dog will go to heaven in a human form.
That is, the dog of the Companions of the Kahf sat next to the noble people, then it
got the same honor as a human. On the contrary, the son of Noah, peace be upon
him, sat with the bad ones, and lost the blessings of the family of Prophethood.
Regarding the number of Companions of the Kahf, three sayings have been quoted in
the Holy Qur'an with reference to the people. The first two sayings were declared by
the Holy Qur'an to be' (disputing) of the people and the third saying was not rejected
by the Holy Qur'an, that is, they were seven. Eighth is the dog' so the commentators
have declared this number to be close to the correct one. Allah ﷻsaid: "Allah knows
best their exact number”. Only a few people know them (i.e. those whom Allah
ﷻAlmighty has given their knowledge)". The Holy Quran forbids much discussion
about their number and also says that Allah ﷻAlmighty made their appearance
terrifying so that no one would look at them.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said that the viewers would think that they are awake; Although
they were sleeping.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: And thus we woke them up to ask about each other's
condition. One of them asked? How long did you stay here? They said: We stayed a
day or less. Then instead of saying anything definite, they left the determination of
this period to the knowledge of Allah. Then they sent one of their companions to the
The background of verse number: 28 is that some of the leaders of Makkah said to
the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, we will listen to you, but when we come to you, remove
Khabab, Suhaib, Bilal and others are poor companions ) (ریض ہللا غہنمfrom you, it is not
worthy of us to sit with them. So Allah ﷻAlmighty said for the comfort of these poor
Companions: And keep yourselves with those who worship their Lord in the morning
and in the evening, seeking His pleasure and do not take your eyes off them.
In verse number: 29, it is said that the people of Hell will be given a drink as hot as
molten copper and the people of Paradise will be dressed in gold bracelets and light
and thick soft silk.
From verse number: 32, Allah ﷻAlmighty has narrated the story of two people, one
person had fine vineyards and they were surrounded by palm trees on all sides, and in
the middle there was a field, and a river was flowing in it, and had a very good crop.
One day this man said to his companion: I have more wealth and manpower than you
and I am sure that this garden will never be destroyed. First of all, I do not believe in
the Day of Judgment, but if the Day of Judgment comes, I will have better wealth
His second companion said: You have forgotten your origin and you are ungrateful to
your Creator, the One, and the only if you had said ()ناشاءہللا الحول وال قوۃ اال ابہلل, when you
entered the Garden, it would have been better for you. Although I am less than you in
terms of wealth and children, I believe that Allah ﷻAlmighty will give me better
blessings than this. And a calamity will come from the sky and your garden will be
destroyed or if its water sinks into the ground, then you will not be able to find it.
In verse number: 45, Allah ﷻAlmighty explains the impermanence of the life of this
world with an example that the rain come down from the sky, the thick green come
out, then it dries up and turned into sawdust, which blows away by the wind. Wealth
and sons are only the adornment of the life of this world, the good deeds remaining
with your Lord are better in terms of reward at the end.
He said from verse number: 47 that on the Day of Resurrection, the whole earth will
be in the form of an open field, all the people will be present in front of the Lord in
line by themselves, and looking at their book of deeds, they will be afraid and say,
Alas, what happened to this book of deeds, it has not left any small or big sins, but has
counted them all.
Verse 50 describes the prostration of angels to Adam )(غلیہ السالم, the disobedience of Iblis,
and Satan and his progeny being enemies of man.
From verse number: 60, there is a description of the incident of Musa ) (غلیہ السالم. He
went out in search of Hazrat Khizar )(غلیہ السالمwith one of his servants Yusha bin Nun, to
know the wisdom and mysteries of the commandments of Allah ﷻAlmighty. During
the journey, Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمsaid to his servant, "Bring us food". The servant said,
"During the journey, when we stayed by the rock, Satan made me forget to mention
the fish to you, and fish went out making way in the sea. Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمsaid that
this is the confluence of two seas (the Persian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea) and
our destination. They both returned and then found a special servant of Allah
ﷻthere, on whom we had bestowed mercy from us and we had bestowed upon him
"inspired knowledge". According to the commentators, he was Hazrat Khizr )(غلیہ السالم.
Musa ) (غلیہ السالمsaid to him: Teach me some of the special knowledge of guidance that
Allah ﷻAlmighty has given you. Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم is the glorious Prophet and the
Messenger of Allah ﷻAlmighty, 'he is interlocutor "'he is excellent" but in
comparison to the excellent, any other person can be given any excellence in a
particular field. This was the case here as well. It also shows that knowledge of a
particular field can be obtained from a person lower than oneself and can be
respected accordingly. Hazrat Khidr ) (غلیہ السالمsaid to Musa ))(غلیہ السالم: You will not be able
to stay quiet about the secrets you do not know. Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالمsaid: ()ايشاءہللا, you
will find me patient. Hazrat Khidr ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: You will not question any of my actions
while following me until I tell you myself. While walking, they both boarded a boat,
(1) The boat belonged to the poor boys who worked in the sea, and there was a
cruel king ahead, who took each safe and sound boat by force. I made the boat
defective so that it remained safe from his intrusion.
(2) The boy's parents were believers, and it was feared that he would grow up to
afflict them into disobedience and disbelief and that Allah ﷻAlmighty will grant them
a chaste and kind-hearted son in return.
(3) The wall in the village belonged to two orphan boys and their treasure was buried
under it, and their father was a righteous person, so your Lord wants them to reach
youth and take out their treasure by the mercy of their Lord. I did not do these three
things with my own opinion, meaning that it was the order of Allah ﷻ, but you could
not be patient and asked questions in haste.
{Surat Maryam}
Surah Maryam is the Makki Surah. It is the 19 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 44 surah in terms of revelation. Because of the blessed mention of Hazrat
Maryam in this Surah, it was named as Surah Maryam. In this Surah, monotheism and
life after death are described, the birth of Hazrat Yahya )(غلیہ السالم, the miraculous birth of
Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمand his speech in the cradle, the discussions between Ibrahim (غلیہ
) السالمand Azar, and the birth of Hazrat Ishaq ) (غلیہ السالمare mentioned.
It is stated in Surah Maryam that Hazrat Zakariah )السالم (غلیہ was childless and had
reached old age. He prayed to Allah ﷻAlmighty for children, who become heirs to
him and the family of Yaqoob. Allah ﷻAlmighty gave them the good news of a son,
whose name would be Yahya. This suggests that names can be given before birth.
Hazrat Yahya ) (غلیہ السالمwas granted prophethood by Allah ﷻAlmighty during his
childhood and gave him the Book. His attributes were described as follows: He was
pure and pious, nice to his parents and not rebellious, May peace be upon him when
he was born and when he died and when he would be raised on the Day of
Resurrection. This tells that sending greetings to the Prophets on the day of his birth is
a Divine Sunnah. After this, Hazrat Maryam mentions that she went away from her
family and adapted to a veiled place. An angel came to her in human form and said
that he is the envoy of her Lord and he gave her the good news of a blessed boy.
Hazrat Maryam said how could she have a boy, as yet she had not been touched by
any human being and neither she is sinful. The angel said that this is easy for Allah
ﷻand Allah ﷻwill make it a sign for the people and this decision of Allah has
already been decided. She became pregnant and went to a faraway place near a date
palm and said: "I wish I had died before this and I could have been forgotten and
Verses 51 to 58 mention various prophets. Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالمwas called the chosen
one, the messenger, the prophet and the secret bearer of Allah, and the prophethood
of Hazrat Haroon ) (غلیہ السالمwas described. Ismail) (غلیہ السالمwas designated as the Prophet,
true to his promise, the one who ordered for prayer and zakat, and the favorite of
Allah ﷻ. And declared Idrees ) (غلیہ السالمas a righteous prophet, He said: We raised him to
a high place.
From verse number: 59, there is narration regarding Allah’s ﷻobedient and
disobedient servants in the hereafter is described. In verse number: 66, it is stated
that those who are skeptical of the hereafter and life after death always remain in
doubt. They must believe that after death they will be resurrected by the same
Creator, who first created them without any name and mark. From verse number: 76,
it is said that for those who are deluded, their respite period is extended to increase
their suffering, while those who are the guided ones, they are blessed with more
steadfastness, and with Allah good virtues merit for rewards and good end. In verse
81, He stated that polytheists worship false gods besides Allah ﷻin the hope that
they will help them in their difficulties. He said, "Never! They will become their
enemies and will refuse to be worshiped".
In verse number: 88, it is stated that the disbelievers had been very severely relating
children to Allah ﷻ. This is such an atrocious felony that the sky would burst, the
{Surat Taha}
th th
Surah Taha is a Makki Surah. It is 20 in terms of scriptural order, while 45 surah in
terms of revelation. The first word of this Surah, Taha, is addressed to the Prophet
ﷺ, which is why it is named as Surah Taha. In this surah, the oneness of Allah ﷻ
Almighty, the uprightness of the Holy Qur'an, the mission of the Messenger ﷺ, the
validation of the Day of Judgement, and the narratives of Prophet Musa (غلیہ
)السالم, Prophet Adam ) (غلیہ السالمand Iblees are described. When the skeptic Quraish saw
the Prophet ﷺpraying for very long, they said that ever since he ﷺhas left the
religion of his forefathers, he has been afflicted with a lot of difficulties and hardships,
so Allah ﷻAlmighty transcribed in the foremost verses of this surah. "O Taha, We
have not revealed this Holy Qur'an to afflict you with adversities and hardships. And
He said: This Holy Qur'an was sent down for guidance and Allah ﷻknows all the
Obvious and hidden, He is one and the only without any associates, and all His names
are good. In verse number: 10, during the Journey of return from Madyan, the
incident of Musa ) (غلیہ السالمis described, that he left his wife at a place and went to get
fire at Toor. There he heard a call from the unseen saying, "O Musa! I am your Lord,
you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa, take off your shoes in reverence, I have chosen
you and listen attentively to my revelation, I am Allah ﷻthe one and the only,
without any partner, worship me and establish prayer for my remembrance, the day
of Judgement is near".
(1) Upon placing his staff on the ground, it would turn into a running snake, taking it
back in his hand again, it turned to the staff.
(2) Putting his hand in his collar and taking it out, it shone like the sun. Then he was
ordered to invite Pharaoh on the right path. In this instance, Musa ) (غلیہ السالمmade this
Verse number: 38 mention the events at the time of the birth of Musa )(غلیہ السالم. The
astrologers had told Pharaoh that a boy would be born among the Bani Israel, who
would cause his devastation; therefore, Pharaoh had ordered that sons born in any
house of the Bani Israel must be killed. Allah ﷻAlmighty put it in the mind of
Musa’s ) (غلیہ السالمmother to fasten her newborn son in a chest and drop it into the river
which by Allah’s ﷻcommand will touch the river bank and into the hands of Allah’s
ﷻ enemy (Pharaoh), Musa’s ) (غلیہ السالمmother followed the same so that Musa (غلیہ
would be brought up under direct care of his Lord. Then Musa’s ) (غلیہ السالمsister kept
walking by the river bank, keeping an eye on the box, and when the time came to
choose a nurse for him in Pharaoh's court, Musa ) (غلیہ السالمdid not touch the breast of any
woman, then as a stranger, his sister pointed towards her mother, and in this way,
Allah ﷻAlmighty granted Musa’s ) (غلیہ السالمmother the coolness of eyes and peace at
From verse 43, Both Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand Haroon ) (غلیہ السالمwere ordered to go to Pharaoh,
he had become unruly, invite him to the right path politely, so he may accept
guidance. Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand Haroon ) (غلیہ السالمsubmitted to Allah ﷻthat they fear he
would exceed his limits. Allah said: "Do not worry, I am with you, I am hearing and
seeing. Both went to Pharaoh and said, "We are the messengers of Allah ﷻ, do not
torment the people of Israel and send them with us". Pharaoh opposed Musa )(غلیہ السالم
and Haroon )(غلیہ السالم regarding Allah ﷻAlmighty, accused them of being magicians and
then called his magicians and challenged them to a contest on a fixed day. The
magicians failed, the miracle of Musa ) (غلیہ السالمdefeated them and the magicians
believed in Allah ﷻAlmighty and prostrated themselves. Pharaoh threatened them
that he would amputate their hands and feet from opposing directions and would
hang them on a tree. The magicians responded: "Do whatever you like, we have clear
guidance". They said: "We believe in our Lord so that He will forgive our sins and also
pardon us the sin of this magic".
From verse number: 85, there is mention of Samaritan that he led the Bani Israel
astray and when Musa ) (غلیہ السالمcame back from Toor and saw this scene, he was very
annoyed with his nation. The Samaritan made a statue of a calf that made sound like
an ox and told Bani Israel that this was their and Musa’s ) (غلیہ السالمGod. They did not
even realize that the calf could not respond to any of them and could neither benefit
nor harm. At that stage, Musa ) (غلیہ السالمalso became angry with Hazrat Haroon )(غلیہ السالم
and then asked the Samaritan, "What have you done?" The Samaritan said: "I took a
handful of sand from the footprints of Jibriel and put it in the sculpture of the calf and
this trick was explained to me by my own self. Musa ) (غلیہالسالمsaid to him," Go away from
here. There is a terrible punishment for you in this life, and the time of your
punishment (in the Hereafter) is fixed. In the verses that follow, the account of the
oneness of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the certainty of the Book of Allah ﷻand the
punishment of the hereafter for those who turn away from it have been narrated.
In the same continuity, the Day of Judgement and the blowing of the trumpet are
mentioned. From verse number 105: onwards, He said, People ask you about
mountains, say: My Lord will crush them and the whole earth will become like a flat
plane. In verse number: 109, the fearfulness of the Day of Resurrection is mentioned
and said: "No one will have the opportunity to intercede in the presence of Allah ﷻ
Almighty on this day, except for the one whom He grants permission to intercede and
whose words He is pleased with". Verse 110 mentions the bowing of the stiff-necked
before Allah ﷻthe ever-living and the self-sustaining sustainer. The oppressors,
disappointments and the success of the righteous believers are also discussed.
In verse number 114, the prayer for increase in knowledge was taught: "O my Lord,
Escalate my knowledge more".
From verse 115, it is mentioned that Ada) (غلیہ السالمwho went near the tree in paradise, it
was his forgetfulness and diligent mistake, he did not deliberately disobey the order
of Allah ﷻAlmighty. Adam ) (غلیہ السالمwas admitted in the Paradise and was told that in
there would be no hunger, no unclothing, no thirst, and no heat from the sun. And
that he will be safe from the tricks of Satan, his enemy. At this point, the Holy Qur'an
re-iterates that Satan whispered and seduced them by pretending to be sincere and
From verse number: 124 Allah ﷻAlmighty said that whoever is oblivious of our
remembrance, his provisions will be reduced and he will be raised blind on the Day of
Resurrection, he will say: "My Lord, why have you raised me blind? Although I had a
vision in the world, Allah ﷻAlmighty will say: "My signs came to you, which you
ignored, so today you will also be ignored". From verse: 130 Allah ﷻAlmighty said:
"Be patient with their words, glorify your Lord with praise before the sun rises and
sets, and praise at certain times of the night and in parts of the day, so that your Lord
is pleased with you". He further commanded to instruct our family members to pray
and pray ourselves too, to be on the straight path and the good end is only for those
who are devoted to piety. In response to the demand of punishment from the
disbelieving Quraish, He said that Allah ﷻhas destroyed the people before them and
the time of punishment is fixed. And if we had destroyed them before sending the
messengers, those people would have said, why was a messenger not sent to us
before the torments? And He said: "wait, you will soon know who are on the straight
path and righteous people."
He said: The time of reckoning for the people has come and they are negligent, they
are turning away from the matters of religion, and whenever a new word of advice
comes to them, they do not listen attentively, they just listen to it in a playful mood.
They take the Prophet as a person like themselves, they describe the Holy Qur'an as
magic, a disturbed dream, poetry, and self-made words. The Holy Qur'an said that
earlier messengers were also bearers of revelation, they also used to eat and drink,
and human needs are not against the greatness of prophethood and apostleship.
After that, the transgression of the previous nations and the coming of the
punishment mentioned before, their confessions of guilt and remorse were in vain
and they were annihilated.
In verse number: 25, he said that every Messenger has been given the revelation that
Allah ﷻAlmighty is alone and has no partners and He alone has the right to be
From verse number: 30, Allah ﷻAlmighty describing the chain of creation of the
universe, said: "The skies and the earth were closed, so we opened them both and we
created every living thing from water". Even today, a scientific theory of the creation
of the universe is called the "Big Bang Theory" that there was a huge fiery ball that
exploded with a huge explosion and its infinite pieces scattered in space and took the
form of sun, moon, stars and planets. In the Holy Qur'an, the words "Fatq and Falak"
are mentioned for it. Allah ﷻAlmighty created high mountains to maintain balance
In verse number: 35, the law of nature explains that every soul is going to taste death,
that is, death will come to every living being. It was further said that the Hour will
come suddenly, surprise and no one will be able to avoid it and no one will get
From Verse No: 42 mentions the negation of any god except Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse 46, he said that those who demand punishment, if they get a gust of Allah ﷻ
Almighty's punishment, then they will confess that they are wrongdoers.
In verse number: 47, he said that the scales of justice will be established on the Day of
Judgment and no one will be wronged. If anyone has done an act equal to a grain of
mustard, it will be recorded.
From verse number: 51, it is once again mentioned that Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمhas censured
his alisa father and the nation for idolatry and says: I swear to Allah ﷻAlmighty, after
you turn your back, I will make a secret plan with your idols, so Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمbroke
all the idols except their big idol. Then exactly it happened, the people of Nimrod said
who did this of our idols? Then they themselves said that there is a young man, whose
name is Ibrahim. Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمwas called in public and asked for an answer,
so he said, "Ask this question to your idol, if he can speak." On that, they were
ashamed and said that, you know that they do not speak. Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: You
worship idols besides Allah ﷻAlmighty, which can neither benefit you nor harm you.
After that, they put Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمin a fire, but by the command of Allah ﷻAlmighty,
that fire became cool and safe for Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم. After that, Lut, Ishaq and
Yaqoob )(غلہیم السالمare mentioned that he made them leaders of guidance and gave them
prophethood and knowledge.
From Verse number: 78 mentions a case of Hazrat Dawood )(غلیہ السالمand Sulaiman (غلیہ
)السالم, in which Hazrat Dawood ) (غلیہ السالمmade one decision and Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمmade
another decision without calling his decision wrong. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: "We gave
Sulaiman (the understanding of right decision) and we gave both of them the power
of decision and knowledge. It was learned that the decision of one court can be
revised by another court and if one decision is better, the other can be best. After
that, the miracles of Dawood ) (غلیہ السالمare mentioned, namely the subjugation of
Hazrat Yunus )(غلیہ السالم left angry with his people and then by the destiny of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, he was thrown into the river, he was swallowed by a fish in the river and
he repented to Allah ﷻAlmighty with these words in the deep layers of darkness:
ج ج ج ّج ج ْ ج ُ ْ ج ج ج ّ ُ ْ ُ ِ ج ّج
الظا ِل ِه ج
ي "ال ِالہ ِاال اىت بُساىك ِا ِِن لنت نم
It is called "Ayat Karima". Allah ﷻAlmighty said: So We heard their call and saved
them from grief, and in the same way we save the believers. Hazrat Zakariya )(غلیہ السالم
prayed for his children, Allah ﷻAlmighty gave him Yahya ) (غلیہ السالمin his old age, the
words of his prayer were:
Hazrat Shah Abd al-Aziz has narrated from his father Shah Waliullah Muhaddith
Dehlavi ) (رمحۃہللا غلیہ, as a wazifa for making needs, that whoever is in trouble should make
the intention of four rakat Nafl prayers. In the first rak'ah, after Surah Al-Fatiha, say
one hundred times:
Verse 105 of this Surah mentions the promise made in the Zabur to give the rulership
of the earth to the righteous servants of Allah ﷻAlmighty. In the last bowing of Surah
Al-Anbiya, in verse number: 107, Allah ﷻAlmighty bestowed upon His Beloved
Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasool Allah ﷺ, with a unprecedented honor and said: جو جن ْۤا
جْ ج ْٰ ج ج
ك ا ِّال جر ْمحج ًۃ ّل ِْل ٰػلج ِه ْ ج
ي ارسلنIn the Holy Qur'an, Allah ﷻAlmighty called Himself the Lord of the
Worlds and the Prophet ﷺis Rshmatul lil alameen meaning that the Lordship of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and the mercy of His Beloved ﷺare proven for every particle of the
{Surat al-Hajj}
Surat al-Hajj is the Madani Surah. It is the 22 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 103 surah in terms of revelation. In one of the verses of this Surah, Hazrat
Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمis mentioned to announce Hajj to the people by the order of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, hence it is named as Surah Al-Hajj. In this surah, there is a description of
the oneness of Allah ﷻAlmighty, life after death, the occurrence of the resurrection,
the permission of Jihad, and learning lessons from the previous nations.
In its first verse, Allah ﷻAlmighty commands piety and describes the horrors of the
Day of Judgment, saying that the Day of Judgment will come as an earthquake and its
scene will be so terrifying that nursing mothers will forget their nursing babies. Every
pregnant woman will have a miscarriage, and people will look delirious while they
won't be delirious, but because of the severity of Allah ﷻAlmighty's punishment,
they will be in this condition.
Told from verse number: 03 that some people dispute about Allah ﷻAlmighty
without knowledge and follow every rebellious evil, about whom it has been written
in the (protected tablet) that whoever makes him a friend, he will astray him. And will
lead him to the chastisement of the blazing fire.
From verse 11, he mentions those people whose goal is worldly interests, if they get
good, they become satisfied with religion, and if any trial comes, they turn back their
faces. Such are the ones who incur the loss of this world and the hereafter, such
people worship them who can neither harm them nor benefit them, this is the far-off
misguidance. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Those who believe and do righteous deeds
will enter gardens beneath which rivers flow and Allah ﷻAlmighty does whatever He
wills. He said from verse 15: "Whoever thinks that Allah ﷻAlmighty will never help
His Messenger in this world and the Hereafter, then he should tie a rope in their high
place (around the neck) and then cut that rope". Take it, then see if this strategy of
his removes his wrath and anger (or not). Likewise, we sent down the Holy Qur'an
with clear verses. Verily, Allah ﷻguides whom He wills.
In verse 17, Allah ﷻsaid that the people of faith, Jews, Sabaeans, Christians, fire
worshipers and polytheists are alike in the world. But He will judge among them on
the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, Allah ﷻAlmighty is the Watcher of everything.
In verse 18, it is stated that all, that is in the heavens and the earth, the sun, the
moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the cattle, and many people, prostrate to
Allah ﷻAlmighty alone, and there are many who are destined for punishment. And
whoever Allah ﷻAlmighty humiliates, there is no one to honor him.
Verse 19 mentions both the believers and the disbelievers, the painful punishment for
the disbelievers and the hereafter salvation and blessings for the believers.
He said from verse 25: Those who disbelieved and prevented from the way of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and from the Masjid Haram, which We have made equal for the people,
whether they are local or foreign.
Whoever intends to commit atrocities in this Masjid Haram, We will make him taste a
painful punishment.
In verse 28, it is ordered to sacrifice on the appointed days (the Day of Nahr and the
following days).
In verse 29, it is commanded to fulfill vows that are not based on sin and also the
command to circumambulate the House of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse 30, there is a command to respect the sanctity of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the
allowance of all halal animals except the forbidden ones, the impurity of idols and
avoiding falsehood.
In verse 31, the example of the one who ascribes partners with Allah ﷻAlmighty is
described as if such a person fell from the sky, then was caught by carrion-eating birds
or was thrown by the wind to a distant place.
He said in verse 32: "Whoever respects the signs of Allah ﷻAlmighty, this is indeed a
sign of the piety of the hearts". He said from verse 34: We have prescribed the
method of sacrifice for every nation so that they may call the name of Allah
ﷻAlmighty (at the time of slaughter) on the speechless cattle given by Allah
ﷻAlmighty, so Allah ﷻAlmighty alone is worthy of your worship. And we have
made sacrificial camels among the signs of Allah ﷻAlmighty for you, in them is good
for you. So make them stand in a row and call out the name of Allah ﷻAlmighty
(while making the Nahr). Then eat from them yourself and feed the needy and those
who ask.
In verse 37, teaching sincerity in worship, he said that the purpose of sacrifice is not to
gain meat, but the piety that comes from this act of sacrifice, that is the real spirit of
sacrifice, though Allah ﷻAlmighty has allowed the ummah of His last Prophet to
benefits from the sacrificial meat.
Verse No: 39 state the permission to fight in self-defense and promising win for
oppressed migrant Muslims.
In the next verse, stated that the purpose of the establishment of the Islamic
government is the establishment of the system of prayers, Zakat (charity), the spread
of good deeds and the prevention of evil deeds.
Verse number: 42, the Prophet ﷺis comforted that before him, the people of Noah,
the people of Aad, the people of Thamud, the people of Ibrahim, the people of Lut,
the Companions of Madyan and the people of Musa had also denied their prophets
despite the respite. When they did not stop, they were caught and their settlements
were destroyed.
In verse number: 46, he said that one should learn lessons by looking at the signs of
previous nations, but for that, it is necessary to have good thinking and observation
In verse 48, he said that the punishment of the disbelievers will come and stay, they
were misunderstanding due to haste and respite. Allah ﷻAlmighty does not go
against His promise.
In verse number: 49, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is described as a Nazir (one who
warns) to all the people of the earth.
He said from verse number: 52 that the Prophets before him, when they recited
divine verses in front of the Ummah, Satan would put doubts in the hearts of the
members of the Ummah and stop them from action, and this whispering is a test for
the sick and hard-hearted and in the faith of the people of knowledge, causes
In verse number: 56, he said that the rulership on the Day of Judgment will belong to
Allah ﷻAlmighty alone, He will be judge among the people.
From verse number: 61, He called the rotatory system of day and night, the descent of
rain and the growth of vegetation as signs of His power.
In verse number: 65, he described the control of all the objects of the earth, the
floating of boats in the sea, and preventing the sky from falling on the earth as his
Verse No 67 states that a temporary shariah for a limited time for previous nations
but once final and eternal teachings of Islam appeared, that shall be followed without
questions and shall be preached to others.
In verse 73, Allah ﷻAlmighty described the helplessness of the idols of the
polytheists that all of them together cannot produce even a fly and if a fly takes
something from them, they cannot take it back. Priests and their idols, both are weak.
In verse number: 75, he said that prophethood is not a person's wish or choice office,
but Allah ﷻAlmighty selects the Messengers and He knows everything.
In verse number: 77, it has been ordered to surrender to him at all times. In the last
verse, he stated that one should strive hard for the elevation of religion, not be strict
in matters of religion, follow the Nation of Ibrahim, and finally establish prayer, pay
zakat, and hold firmly to Allah ﷻAlmighty's mercy, as Allah ﷻAlmighty's help is
associated with these things.
Surat Al Mominoon is a Makki Surah, which according to the order in the Holy book, is
rd th
the 23 , while in terms of descent, is the 74 Surah. The name of this Surah is
mentioned in its 1st verse.
In the initial part of this surah, the vital religious attributes and moral qualities for the
establishment of a pure Islamic society have been mentioned. In this Surah, the
rationales on Monotheism, the rejection for associating partners to Allah ﷻthe
stages of Human creation and the events of demolishing of previous nations have
been described.
From Verse 17: Allah ﷻAlmighty once again narrated the signs of His supremacies
i.e. the seven layers of the skies, pouring of adequate amount of rainfall, its
settlement on the ground, then by this the creation of the dates, grapes and different
kinds of fruits and especially the mention of the Olive oil which is a complete meal.
After that, the cattle, their milk and various other benefits are mentioned. From Verse
27: Once again there is mention of the making of Nooh’s ark, and of Nooh’s storm and
Nooh ) (غلیہ السالمwas ordered that he would never make recommendations for any
oppressors and further ordered to recite this dua when he sits in the ark,
ْنل ْ جْ ْ ُ ْ ْ ج ْ ُ ٰ ّ ّج ْ ج ٰ ّ ج ج ْ ج ْ ٰ ّ ْ ج ج ُ ْ جّ ّ ج ْ ْ ْ ُ ْ ج ً ُّ ٰ ج ً جّ ج ْ ج ج
ِي ِ ْی ال ُه اْلهد ِہلل ِال ِذی نىنا ِنم القو ِم الظ ِل ِهي و قل ر ِب ا ِْنل ِِن نْنال نٰبًك و اىت خ
All praise be to Allah alone, Who has delivered us from the unjust people. And submit:
O my Lord, land me at a blessed destination, and you are the Best of all who bring to
From Verse 52: It is explained that Islam is the only true religion; sectarians think
about disintegrating it as a unit and have misapprehensions about their wealth.
From Verse 56: Allah ﷻsaid that the believers whose hearts are filled with the fear
of God, who do not associate any partners with Allah ﷻ, who spend in the way of
Allah ﷻhumbly and who believe in the day of Judgement, they are the ones who
hasten in doing good deeds and excel.
From Verse 64 onwards, it is stated that the disbelievers will be held accountable and
will scream. The reason for this is that they denied the holy verses of Allah ﷻ, and
due to their arrogance called the Quran a Myth.
From Verse 78, the boons from Allah ﷻare narrated that He has granted the humans
ears to listen, eyes to see, heart to understand and that the movement of days and
nights, and life and death are within His power and control.
From Verse 85: Allah ﷻhas explained in a revelatory way that if these disbelievers of
the last day are asked about the possessor of the Earth and its treasures? The owner
of the seven heavens and the great throne? Under whose power is the sovereignty of
everything? Who has no competitor? So they would response to each and every
question that it is Allah ﷻthe Almighty, so we should ask them if they are under
some spell, meaning, then why do not they believe in the supreme authority? Why
don't they accept His orders?
In Verse 91, it is explained that Allah ﷻdoes not have any children, none is worthy of
worship except Him, if this was the case that there were more than one God, then
each would try to dominate the other with their army, although Allah ﷻAlmighty is
one without any associates and no one can challenge His supremacy. At the end of
In Verse 96, it is explained to avert evil with good. After that through His beloved
Prophet ﷺ, Allah ﷻtaught His servants how to seek refuge from all kinds of satanic
From Verse 99, the disbelievers’ regrets at the time of death and their sheer
impossible desire to return back to the world to do good deeds is narrated.
In Verse 101, there is mention of the end of all relationships on the day of
resurrection, and one’s good deeds being the reason for salvation.
In Verse 106, those who deny the verses of Allah ﷻspeak about the bad luck that led
them astray that if they were out of it once, then they should not had returned and
disobeyed. Allah ﷻwill say: Stay in the flare-up and never talk to me, you made
mockery of the believers who recited this prayer
ِي ّ ٰ ْی
الر ِمح ْ ج ْ اغ ِف ْر جل جنا جو ْار ج
مح جنا جو اج ْى ج
ُ ْ ت جخ ْ ج ّج ج ْۤ ٰ ج ّج ج
ربنا اننا ف
They have been rewarded for their patience in the form of success.
In Verse 112, when they were asked how much time they spent on Earth? they would
say one day or a part of the day. In the last verse, Prophet Mohammad’s ﷺnation
was ordered to pray for repentance and mercy i.e.
ُ ْ ت جخ
ّ ٰ ْی
الر ِمح ْ ج ْ جّ ّ ْ ْ ج ْ ج
َح جو اج ْى ج
ِي ر ِب اغ ِفر و ار
{Surat Al Nur}
Surat Al Nur is a Madni Surah, which according to the order in the Holy book, is the
th nd
24 , while in terms of descent, is the 102 Surah. In this Surah, there is a Verse that
states about Nur (Light), or that, in this Surah, the rules and regulations of all Human
Civilization and collective Living have been enlightened clear and bright, that is why
this Surah is named as Al-Nur. In this Surah, the limits of adultery, the prohibition of
marriage with polytheists, the limits of alleging someone of adultery, cursing, the
response to the accusation on Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua ) (ریض ہللا غہناby the hypocrite people,
the manners and ethics of entering one’s own or anyone else’s home, the code of
taking veil, the rules of marital contract, the conduct to be followed at the Court of
Prophet Mohammad ﷺand Oneness of Allah ﷻhave been described In Surat Al
In Verse 4: It is elaborated that those who accuse chaste women of adultery, then
they do not produce (as evidence) four witnesses, then you should whip them with 80
lashes and do not accept their testimony and these are the wrongdoers except those
people who repent after that from Allah ﷻand rectify.
In Verse 6: this regulation is explained: If any person accuses his wife of adultery and
in evidence is not able to produce four witnesses and the wife denies of this
accusation then the differing parties should curse each other. The husband should
four times on Oath upon Allah ﷻthat indeed he is amongst the truthful and the fifth
time says that if he is amongst the liars then the curse of Allah ﷻbe upon him and
the limit of adultery from the woman can be removed if she swears upon Allah ﷻ
four times and says that indeed her husband is amongst the liars and the fifth time
says that if her husband is amongst the truthful then the wrath of Allah ﷻbe on
her (wife)
In Verses 11 to 16, There is an indication towards the hypocrites who accused Hazrat
Ayesha )(ریض ہللا غہنا, and forbade those things that could cause deterioration of the society
and exposed the hypocrites who accused her, the Muslims who were honey-trapped
by the hypocrites, they were also reprimanded and warned that they should be
careful the next time and should not fall for what the hypocrites say. The hypocrites
make utmost efforts to damage the integrity and honor of the Muslims, it is therefore
forbidden for the Muslims to carry forward anything they hear without
authenticating. Instead, the Believer men and Believer women should have good
feelings towards them and if those who slander them do not produce four witnesses
over their allegations then these are the liars in front of Allah ﷻ, and if it were not
the blessings and mercy of Allah upon you in this world and the thereafter, then you
would have suffered from the great penalty due to the defamation that was spread by
you. Why did you not say when you heard it that this kind of slandering is not
permissible for us. O Allah ﷻ, you are the Pure, and this is a very serious allegation.
From Verse 19: Allah ﷻsaid that the people who want to promote vulgarity among
the Believers, for them there is painful punishment in this world and thereafter.
In Verse 22: It is mentioned not to stop spending on relatives and poor due to their
heartbreak, forgiving and letting go is described.
From Verse 23: those who accuse chaste, innocent and believing women of
transgression will have the most pain-inflicted punishment in this world and
thereafter, when their tongues and their hands and their feet would bear witness for
whatever they had been doing in the world.
That day Allah ﷻAlmighty will fully reward them rightly and justly.
In Verse 26, Allah ﷻsaid, bad mouthing is for bad people and good talks are for good
people. They (good people) are free from those allegations.
From Verse 27: He said that for Muslims it is forbidden to go to each other’s homes
without permission, and at entering with permission, they must greet the family
members and if they are asked to leave, they must return back, however, if any that
house does not have any residents, and there is something related to Muslims, then
there is no problem entering there (like public places). From Verse 30: Muslim men
are ordered to lower their gaze and to protect their private parts, and similarly.
Muslim women are also ordered to lower their gaze and protect their chastity, and
not to display their adornments and the part of body that they cannot hide,
e.g., hands and feet, apart from these, they should cover their bodies, and hide their
necklines with veils, and besides their husband, the people for whom covering oneself
is not mandatory and their servants and young naïve children, they should not display
their adornments, and should not walk with heavy steps on the floor so that their
hidden ornaments are not revealed and success lies in repenting from these evil
From Verse 32: Allah ﷻsaid that you should pronounce marital contracts for the
unmarried men and women, and for able slaves and maids, if they are poor, then
Allah ﷻwill make them rich with His blessings.
In Verse 33: The slaves who desire to make correspondences, should be dealt fairly.
Then it is described that it is prohibited to force the maids to transgress, nowadays,
the contractor system of servitude has an analogous abomination (meaning that they
In Verse 35, it is said that Allah ﷻis the light of the heavens and the Earth, and then
this Light is explained.
From Verse 37: Allah ﷻhas praised those Muslims who remember Allah ﷻin their
homes, not distracted by trade and buying selling activities from this remembrance of
Allah ﷻ, praying and they are paying Zakat, they are afraid of the day on which the
hearts and eyes will be rolled back.
From Verse 39: The example of the actions of disbelievers is described in a way that
they are like the sparkling sand that a thirsty person perceives as water from far, till
he reaches it and does not find anything, and he finds Allah ﷻnear to him who fully
pays for his accounts or (their deeds) are like the darkness at the depth of the seas
which are covered layer after layer by the waves. The darkness is more at some places
than others, so if someone takes out his hand, he is unable to see that, and for whom
Allah ﷻhas not made any light, there will be no light for him.
From Verse 43: Allah ﷻsaid that have you not seen Allah ﷻmoves the clouds, and
then He joins these together, and then He places them layers over layers. Then you
see that rain starts from in between these and Allah ﷻsends hail-storm from the
skies through the mountains. So, whoever He sends the Hail-storm to whomever He
wills, and keeps the Hail-storm away from whomever He wills. Nearly, the flash of
lightning may destroy the sight in the eyes. Allah ﷻalters day and night. Indeed,
there are incitements for them who contemplate.
From Verse 47: the dual policies of hypocrites are warned that they say that they are
on Allah ﷻand His Messenger ﷺ, but they don’t keep up with their obedience.
Either their hearts are afflicted with the disease of hypocrisy or they are in doubt or
they are afraid that Allah ﷻand His Messenger ﷺwill do oppress them, and
Believers believe in the words of Allah ﷻand His Messenger ﷺ and obey them and
they are the one who will be successful.
In Verse 51: He commanded, those who are obedient to Allah ﷻand His Messenger
ﷺ and fear Allah ﷻand keep away from His disobedience, so they are the ones who
will succeed. For this verse, Hazrat umer ) (ریض ہللا غنہsaid that this is a comprehensive
expression and one newly converted Romi Muslim claimed that the reason for him
In Verse 53: He said, the hypocrites make strong vows on Allah ﷻand say that they
will definitely go on Jihad, you tell them not to swear much, we know the actual truth
behind your obedience.
In Verse 55, good news has been given to the believers that Allah ﷻwill surely grant
them a caliphate on Earth and will surely and definitely fortify and strengthen this
religion. You offer your prayers, pay zakat, and (with sincerity) adhere to obey the
Messenger ﷺ. Allah will turn your fears and worries into a state of peace and
From Verse 58, rulings on Veil are described that even the servants and minor
children have to obtain permission during these 3 times:
3. After Isha prayers. When your sons reach the age of puberty, then they should also
get permission before entering, just like the men seek permission.
From Verse 60: He said, those elderly women who do not expect to get into marital
contract, there is no sin upon them if they do not take extra veil or covering, however,
if they take precautions, it is better for them.
In Verse 61: Disabled people and other Muslims are allowed to eat and drink at their
parents', relatives', and friends' homes. After this, an account on taking permission on
eating alone and in gatherings, and greeting the family members at the time of
entering the home, is given.
In Verse 62: the code of administration is explained that the believers are only those
who in reality believe in Allah ﷻand His Messenger ﷺand when they are a part of a
joint operation with the Messenger ﷺthen they do not move without his permission.
And O Messenger ﷺwhoever seek permission for their work, you can allow anyone
you will and seek forgiveness for them from Allah ﷻ.
In Verse 63: the etiquette of conversation and the way to address in the court of the
Prophet ﷺand castigation for the insubordination with the Prophet ﷺis mentioned
{Surat Al Furqan}
Surat Al Furqan is a Makki Surah, which according to the order in the Holy book, is the
th nd
25 , while in terms of descent, is the 42 Surah. At the beginning of this Surah, the
word Al Furqan is mentioned which is why this is named as Surat Al Furqan. This Surah
mentions about the Oneness of Allah ( ﷻmonotheism), Mission of the Messenger ﷺ
(Prophethood), the Majesty of Quran, Rejection of polytheism, and the arguments on
the day of Judgement, It describes remaining steadfast against the disbelievers,
tributes and praises the righteous and explains regarding the punishments for the
wrongdoers. At the beginning of Surat Al Furqan, the Majesty of Allah ﷻ
Monotheism, Exoneration from progeny and any associates is discussed.
The disbeliever's creation of False Gods, without having any authority over profits and
loss, and on death and life is narrated.
From Verse 4: It is explained that the disbelievers denied the Quran as the word of
Allah ﷻand declared it as a self-made word created by the Messenger ﷺthat these
are fictitious stories from some old era, which have been inscribed. It also states the
reservations of the disbeliever regarding the Messenger ﷺwho eats, and roams in
the Marketplace, why there was no angel supporting him? Why no treasures and
Gardens have been granted to him and they called the Messenger of Allah ﷺas
bewitched, and denied the day of resurrection. Allah ﷻrejected their folly
discussions, called the Quran as the word of Allah ﷻ, and that even the previously
appointed Messengers also had human needs of taking food and visited the
Marketplace if they required anything. This means that human needs are not contrary
to the prophethood and missions of the messengers.
From Verse 12 there is narration on the painful punishments and hardships of the
hellfire for the disbelievers and the eternal paradises and their bounties for the
believers. From Verse 17: there is mention of disbelievers and their false Gods coming
From verse number: 30 on the disbelievers not turning to the Holy Qur'an, consoled
the Holy Prophet that this has happened to every prophet and guidance is up to Allah
In verse number: 32, the objection of the disbelievers was mentioned as to why the
entire Holy Qur'an was not revealed at the one time. The Holy Qur'an says that the
wisdom in the gradual revelation is that through the continuity of the revelation, the
relationship of the Prophet ﷺwith Allah ﷻAlmighty is maintained and his heart
stays at peace.
In verse number: 33, he stated that every objection of the disbelievers is answered
From verse number: 35, he mentioned Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand described the
disobedience of Pharaoh and the destruction of the people of Noah, the people of
Aad, the people of Thamud, the Companions of Al-Rus, and the people of Lut.
From verse number: 45, Allah ﷻAlmighty declared, the spreading and decreasing of
shadow, sleep as a source of comfort and making the day, a source of sustenance, as
His sign.
Verse No: 48 mentions the system of rain, the descent of pure water from the sky, the
making of barren land fertile by it, the separate release of fresh and saltwater into the
seas and other rewards.
Verse No: 54 states that the essence of human creation is water and then through it,
the relationships of lineage and in-laws were established.
Astronomers said that there are twelve constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces. These are the
names of different things, experts say that constellations of stars at different places in
the upper atmosphere are similar to the pictures of these things, but it does not mean
that these constellations of stars are the controllers of someone's destiny or that
there are benefits or losses associated with them. The knowledge of the unseen
belongs to Allah ﷻAlmighty and He is the controller of benefit and loss. After that,
the high qualities of the beloved servants of Allah ﷻAlmighty have been mentioned:
which are: walking on the earth with dignity and gravity, spending the nights in
prostration and standing in worship of Allah ﷻAlmighty, seeking refuge from Allah
ﷻAlmighty from the punishment of Hell, When spending wealth, to work in balance
and moderation between the two extremes of miserliness and extravagance. Avoiding
polytheism, wrongful killing, adultery, false witness, avoiding meaningless meetings,
not becoming blind and deaf when reminded of Allah ﷻAlmighty's verses means
accepting advice and asking Allah ﷻAlmighty, praying for good and righteous
children. It is not only the promise of acceptance of repentance but also the good
news of giving good deeds in exchange for sins and the mention of being offered a
high place in heaven.
{Surat al-Shuara}
Surat al-Shuara is the Makki Surah. It is the 26 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 47 surah in terms of revelation. Verse No: 224 of this surah mention
the poets, so it is named "Al-Shuara". In this Surah, the greatness, eloquence and
rhetoric of the Holy Quran, the challenge of its example, the rejection of miracles
requested by the infidels, the invitation of various prophets and the response of the
people are mentioned. At the start of this surah, the Prophet ﷺwas comforted for
being sad because of the non-acceptance of faith of the disbelievers, saying that you
should not be sad, if it were our will, they would all believe.
In this surah, he once again mentioned the command of Musa ) (غلیہ السالمto go to Pharaoh
and give him the right invitation. It is mentioned about the apprehension of Musa (غلیہ
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 151
)السالمunder human weakness, and Pharaoh’s mentioning of his favor to Musa )(غلیہ السالم. In
response to the invitation to Tawheed, Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord of the
Worlds?" He said that He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the east and the
west, and you and your ancestors. At this point, it is mentioned again that the
miracles of Musa )( (غلیہ السالمespecially the turning of the staff into a dragon) prevailed
over the sorcerers, then the sorcerers' belief and imprisonment by the Pharaoh, the
hand and foot being opposed; there are mentions of threats of cutting and slaying. It
is also said that Musa ) (غلیہ السالمled the Bani Israel, with the sea in front and Pharaoh and
his followers following behind. By the order of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the sea was split by
the blow of the staff of Musa ) (غلیہ السالم, and a way was made for the Bani Israel, they
went across the sea in safety and Pharaoh drowned in the sea along with his army.
From verse number: 69, once again mentioned about Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمhe used to draw
his people towards the helplessness of idols, then Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمwhile acknowledging
the blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty, says: Allah ﷻAlmighty created me, the same. He
guides me, He feeds me and makes me drink, He heals me when I am sick, and He will
take my soul and regenerate me in the Hereafter, I believe that He will forgive my sins
on the Day of Resurrection. They pray: O Lord! So grant me the strength to make the
right decision and unite me with righteous servants, O Allah ﷻAlmighty! Mention me
truthfully among the people who come later, make me an inheritor of the blessings of
Paradise and do not disgrace me on the Day of Resurrection.
Verse No: 91 mentions the treatment of the pious and the disobedient and the
misguided people fighting each other in hell and despairing on all sides, and their
impossible desire to return to this world and believe.
Verse number 105: the invitation of Nooh ) (غلیہ السالمis mentioned. He was a faithful
messenger. The rebellious people said, "How can we believe in you? Your followers
are backward people. Then Noah )(غلیہ السالم, prays to Allah ﷻAlmighty for the final
judgment between himself and his people. Allah ﷻAlmighty grants him and his
faithful followers salvation and the rebellious nation drowns in the storm.
Verse number 124: Hud )(غلیہ السالم and his people of Aad are mentioned. Allah
ﷻAlmighty blessed these people with abundance of blessings in the form of cattle,
children and canal gardens. They had built strong houses and houses for
entertainment on heights. Then finally, because of the denial of the Prophet, they
were destroyed.
Allah ﷻAlmighty had also blessed them with abundance of sweet springs, gardens
and fertile land; they used to carve mountains and build houses. But when they
desecrated ( انقۃہللاthe camel miraculously created by Allah ﷻAlmighty from the rock)
and cut off its hooves, punishment descended upon them.
From verse number: 160, Lut ) (غلیہ السالمand his people are mentioned, the bad deeds of
these people are mentioned that they used to fulfill their sexual desires in an
unnatural way by leaving lawful wives., the wife of Lut ) (غلیہ السالمwas also of the same
opinion, ultimately, Allah ﷻAlmighty destroyed this nation as well.
Then there is a mention of Hazrat Shuaib ) (غلیہ السالمand his people, these people are
called "Ishab al-Ayka" These people used to give short weights the scales during
transactions and the sign of their disobedience was that they would say to the
Prophet: If you are truthful, why doesn't the sky burst on us, then the punishment
came down on this nation as well and they were destroyed.
From verse number: 192, it is said that the Holy Qur'an is the word of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, which was revealed in the clear Arabic language by Jibrail Amin to the
pure heart of Muhammad ﷺ. the Messenger of Allah ﷻ. In these verses, it is also
mentioned that the names and symbols of those nations, who were destroyed, Allah
ﷻAlmighty have sent messengers to them, to warn them. It is a matter of concern
for those who study the Holy Quran that, the bad deeds that erased the name and
marks of the previous ummahs, today all those moral defects have accumulated in
this ummah. The only thing is that Allah ﷻAlmighty has promised that with the
blessing of Sayyidna Muhammad Rasool Allah ﷺ, such a punishment will not come
upon this Ummah that the name and mark gets erased, otherwise, the moral decay
has reached its extreme.
In verse number: 218, he said: O Messenger of Allah ﷺ, Allah ﷻAlmighty is watching
your standing at the time of worship and your prostrations among the worshippers. In
the last verses of this Surah, he described the misguidance, and lies of the poets,
excluding the righteous believers.
From verse number: 16, it mentioned about Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمthat he became the heir
of Dawood ) (غلیہ السالمand was taught the language of birds, armies of jinn, and humans
attended him with military discipline. Then it is mentioned that the army of
Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمpassed through the valley of ants, then the queen of ants said to her
subjects, "Go into your burrows, lest Sulaiman's army crushes you".
Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمknew the languages of animals, after hearing this, he pleaded with
Allah ﷻAlmighty: O my Lord! Give me the opportunity to thank You for the infinite
blessings You have bestowed on me and my parents, and make me steadfast in Your
favorite good deeds and by Your mercy enter me among Your righteous servants.
Then the Hudhud bird, which used to lead their army, disappeared for a long time and
then came with certain news about Saba the queen of Yemen, that they had a great
throne, that these people were sun worshipers, and that they all kinds of blessings are
Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمsent a letter to the Queen of Saba with the title: This letter is from
Sulaiman: الرح ِْی ِم ٰ ْ ّج
محو ّج ْ
ِ ( بِس ِم ہللا ِ الرthis is the message for you) to leave your disobedience and
come to me in obedience, b queen Saba consulted the nation, the nation was proud
of its power. The queen of Saba sent gifts to Sulaiman )(غلیہ السالم, considering him to be
just a worldly king. Sulaiman )(غلیہ السالم said: The wealth that Allah ﷻAlmighty has given
me is much better than your wealth, and it is far superior. He said to Hudhud deliver
this letter and we will attack them. The Queen of Saba decided to show herself in
front of Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمand started a journey, during which Sulaiman )(غلیہ السالمasked his
courtiers who would bring her throne to me before they came. A very great jinn said:
"I will bring this throne before your assembly is dismissed, I am Ameen and I can do
so". The learned Sahabi of the Divine Book of Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمhis name is written by
commentators as Asif bin Barkhiya and he was the Wali of Allah ﷻAlmighty said: "I
will bring this throne to you before the blink of an eye, He looked up and saw that the
From verse 47, it is mentioned that the people of Thamud took a bad omen from
Hazrat Saleh )(غلیہ السالم. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: The bad omen and misfortune are not
because of Allah ﷻAlmighty's Prophet Saleh )(غلیہ السالم , but there is evil and
unblessedness in you and you are fitnah. And you are the afflicted people.
Verse number: 48 mentions these nine people of the nation of Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمwho cut
the hooves of a camel and went to Hazrat Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمwith the intention of killing
Hazrat Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمin the night and got stone to death by angels. Their nation was
killed by the scream of Hazrat Jibrail )(غلیہ السالم.
Verse No: 54 once again mention the obscenity of lut )(غلیہ السالم people and their
destruction and ravage as a result.
In verse 80, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: "Indeed, you do not make the dead hear, nor do
you make (you're) call to the deaf, when they turn their backs". He further said: "You
only recite it to those who believe in our verses". The hearing of the dead in the
graves is proven by the Holy Hadith. One of the meanings of these verses is that there
are some people who despite being wise and sighted, lose the ability to accept the
truth, and the Messenger of Allah ﷺused to give invitations of truth to such people.
At the end of the Surah, he said: I have been commanded to be among the obedient
and to recite the Holy Qur'an, so whoever accepts the guidance, he has the benefit of
it, and whoever strays from the right path, then say: I am just warning you of
From verse number: 82, he mentions Dābbat al-Arḍ, After that, there is a mention of a
gathering of the groups that deny the revelations of Allah ﷻAlmighty from every
nation, not moving from their place out of terror, and remaining silent due to lack of
Verse No: 87 mention the blowing of the trumpet and the resulting panic, and
mentions that the righteous will be spared from the panic of the Day of Resurrection.
In this surah, beliefs, and principles such as monotheism, prophethood, and life after
death are described. It is a detailed account from the birth of Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمto
the revelation of the Torah. Qaroon, his treasures, and his destruction are mentioned.
At the start of Surah al-Qasas, Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand Pharaoh are once again
mentioned; there is a description of the stage that when Musa ) (غلیہ السالمreached
Pharaoh's court by Allah ﷻAlmighty's plan, there was a law to kill the sons of Bani
Israel. In such an environment, Aasia (Pharaoh's wife) said to Pharaoh: Do not kill him,
he is the coolness of my eye and yours, maybe he will benefit us and we will make him
a son and they were not aware (that Allah ﷻAlmighty was secretly plotting their
demise). The Messenger of Allah ﷺhas also mentioned Aasia, the wife of Pharaoh,
among the four great women in the history of humanity. Allah ﷻAlmighty arranged
the security and protection of Musa ) (غلیہ السالمthrough her. The Holy Qur'an stated that
when the mother of Musa )( (غلیہ السالمher name has been said by the commentators as
Yohanz) handed him over to the river, her heart was very troubled and indecisive due
to the dominance of her son's love. If reassurance from Allah ﷻdoes not bind them,
she will not be able to control her secret.
From verse 11, when Musa ) (غلیہ السالمarrives at Pharaoh's court, it is mentioned that he
did not touch the breasts of any of the nursing mothers. Then it states that his sister,
who was there as a stranger, said: I know a nursing woman. Therefore, by this secret
plan of Allah ﷻAlmighty, Musa ) (غلیہ السالمcame to his mother's lap and became the
coolness of her eyes. Then when he reached the age of youth, in order to save a
victim, he punched the oppressor, who died. Musa ) (غلیہ السالمsaid: O my Lord! Forgive me
if I have transgressed my life, so Allah ﷻAlmighty forgave him. Then Musa (غلیہ
In verse 20, it is said that a man came running from the far side of the city and said:
"The people of Pharaoh are plotting to kill you. I am your well-wisher. You get out of
here". Musa ) (غلیہ السالمdeparted from there towards Madyan. When he reached their
watering place, he saw that people were watering their cattle and two women were
holding their animals. Musa ) (غلیہ السالمasked them: What is the matter? They said: Our
In verse 29, Allah ﷻsaid that when the appointed period was over, Musa ) (غلیہ السالمtook
his wife and left for Egypt. It is mentioned during this journey, he went to Thor in
search of fire and conversed with Allah ﷻAlmighty on the blessed land. There he was
given prophethood, the miracles of the scepter and the luminous hand and Haroon (غلیہ
) السالمwas made his helper in the mission of the Prophet upon his request.
From verse 38, Allah ﷻAlmighty promised them His help. When Musa )(غلیہ السالم gave
the right invitation to Pharaoh, he said to his minister Haman, "Build me a high
building so that I can look up and see the God of Musa, and I believe that ( )نػاذہللاthey
are liars". The events that happened after that have been mentioned before. Because
the opponents of Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمwere more powerful, conspiratorial, and
powerful than the opponents of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Prophet
Muhammad ﷺhas been comforted that no matter how difficult the situation may be,
in the end, the dominance is for you. Therefore, the incident of Musa ) (غلیہ السالمhas
appeared repeatedly in the Holy Qur'an, but in each place, the lesson was explained in
a different way and angle.
In verse number: 44, Allah ﷻsaid: If you have doubts about this book, then bring a
book with more guidance than this one from Allah ﷻAlmighty, and comforted the
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that these people do not follow you because they follow
their own desires.
From verse number: 52, the acceptance of Islam by the delegation that came from
the court of Najashi, Abu Jahl's rudeness, and the saying of the righteous people that
our actions are for us and your actions are for you, be safe, we do not wish to be
arguing with the ignorant. Then Allah ﷻsaid that guidance is up to the will of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and He knows well the guided people.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: "Have we not settled them in Our Haram, which is at peace, to
which, all kinds of fruits are brought, that We have given, but (most of them) do not
know, that is, with the blessing of Islam worldly blessings will not be taken away, but
they will increase. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: We destroyed many of the settlements,
whose inhabitants used to strut on their prosperity, and the ruins of the prosperous
rebellious nations of the past are signs of lesson. In these verses, it is also mentioned
that the people of the settlements are not destroyed until a messenger is sent and the
evidence against them is completed.
In verse number: 62, it is mentioned that the disbelievers will be called on the Day of
Judgment and inquired about their false gods and the disbelievers will blame their
gods, the disgust of the gods and the helplessness of both. Their silence on the
question of angels, what was your response to your messengers?
Verse number: 68 state that Allah ﷻAlmighty is the Creator, the All-Knowing, and
the True God.
From verse 71, Allah ﷻAlmighty once again pointed to His power and majesty in an
interrogative manner, asking, if He continues night until the Day of Resurrection, who
will bring light to you, and similarly if Allah ﷻAlmighty make continuous day for you,
then who will give you peace at night? So don't you listen, think and understand?
Qaroon is mentioned from verse 76. He was a rebellious person of the Nation of
Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand Allah ﷻAlmighty with His wisdom has given him many treasures
that there was a powerful group that could not lift his keys. His people said to him:
"Do not disobey, verily Allah ﷻAlmighty does not like the disobedient, seek the
Hereafter in exchange for this wealth and do good to people as Allah ﷻAlmighty has
done well to you". And do not create mischief in the land, i.e. spend the wealth in the
way of Allah ﷻAlmighty. He said: This wealth has been given to me because of my
knowledge, instead of thanking Allah ﷻAlmighty, he glorified his knowledge and skill.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: more powerful and rich people than him have been killed in
earlier nations.
In verse: 81 he said: (as a punishment for his disobedience) we have buried him and
his house into the earth, then he had no helper against Allah ﷻAlmighty. The Holy
In Ayah: 83, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: "This abode of the Hereafter, We have destined
for those who are neither arrogant nor mischievous in the earth. A good end is only
for the pious". The meaning of the next verse is that everyone will be rewarded or
punished for their good or bad deeds. In the last verse, the oneness of Allah ﷻ
Almighty, His true deity, the annihilation of everything except Him, the
implementation of His order, and the return to Him are described.
{Surah Al-Ankabut}
Surat al-Ankabut is the Makki Surah. It is the 29 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 85 surah in terms of revelation. Ankabut means spider, in verse no: 41
of this surah, Ankabut is mentioned, so it was named Ankabut. In this Surah,
steadfastness and patience in the facing of difficulties, in the path of righteousness
and truth, the obedience of parents and its limits, brief mention of the conditions of
the ummahs of the previous Prophets, answers to the objections of the People of the
Book and polytheists to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and instructions to Muslims to
migrate and the reward in the Hereafter.
At the start of this surah, the Holy Qur'an emphasized that for absolute salvation only
the claim of faith is not enough, but there can also be a hardship, as the people of the
previous nations had to go through severe hardships, and only after going through the
test, the difference between a true believer and a liar becomes evident.
In verse 8, Allah Almighty commanded that you treat your parents well, and while
determining the limits of obeying them, He said that if they want to make you commit
polytheism so obedience to parents is not obligatory in sinful acts. It is also in the Holy
hadith that it is not necessary to obey the creatures (whoever they may be) where
disobedience to Allah ﷻAlmighty is done.
Verse 14 once again mentions the nine and a half hundred years of Prophet Noah (غلیہ
)السالمpreaching life and the denial of his people and the punishment upon them.
warned the people not to worship helpless idols besides Allah ﷻAlmighty, and to
worship only Allah ﷻAlmighty, the One and Only. Hearing the invitation of Hazrat
Ibrahim )(غلیہ السالم , the people said: Kill him or burn him, then Allah ﷻAlmighty saved
him from the fire.
From verse 26, it is mentioned about Lut, Ishaq, and Yaqoob ) (غلہیم السالمthat we gave
them Prophethood and the Book. The extreme rebelliousness of the people of Lut (غلیہ
) السالمis mentioned that they fulfilled their sexual desire in an unnatural way and
committed robberies and the extreme is that they openly committed acts of
immorality and demanded punishment from Lut ) (غلیہ السالمi.e. this was the end of their
rebellion. In these verses, it is said that in the end, Allah ﷻAlmighty saved Lut )(غلیہ السالم
and his family and destroyed the entire village including his wife who loved the evils
of the people, along with the people. Then the rebellion of Hazrat Shoaib ) (غلیہ السالمand
his people was mentioned in the land of Madyan.
Allah ﷻAlmighty destroyed them too for the crime of denying His Prophet. The Holy
Qur'an addressed the people of Makkah and explained that you have become well
aware of the towns of Aad and Thamud that were seduced by Satan, during your
trade journey. These people, despite being wise, fell under the spell of Satan and
deviated from the right path.
From verse: 40, the Holy Qur'an states that we pelted some of these rebellious
nations with stones, some of them we seized with a spark, some we sunk into the
ground, and some we drowned in the sea. He said: Allah ﷻAlmighty was not the one
who wronged them, but they themselves were the ones who wronged their own lives.
In verse 41, He said that those who take false gods as their helpers besides Allah
ﷻAlmighty, the example of the foolishness of their beliefs is like a spider's web, the
weakest house is the house of the spider. In the end, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that we
narrate examples to the people to prove the truth, but only the people of Intelligence
and wisdom take advice from them.
In verse number: 46, there is a description of the ways and etiquettes of debate and
discussion with the People of the Book and the preference of being polite and liked
while preaching One of the attributes of the Messenger of Allah ﷺis that he was an
"ummi Prophet" meaning that he was not formally schooled to read and write, and
there was a great wisdom of Allah ﷻAlmighty hidden in this. In verse number 48, He
said: "And you did not read any book before the revelation of the Holy Qur'an, nor did
you write with your right hand before that, otherwise the falsehood believers would
have doubted, meaning, a denier could have said that he has retrieved a collection or
treasure of the previously revealed books, from which he reads and recites. Allama
Ghulam Rasool Saeedi has established with strong arguments in Sharah Sahih Muslim,
Volume: 05 and Tafsir Tibyan Al-Qur'an, Volume: 04 that later reading and writing is
proven as a miracle.
In verse number 50: in response to the infidels’ request for a miracle it is responded
that what else could be a miracle other than the Holy Qur'an. On the demand of
punishment, He said that there is an assigned time for it.
In verse number 56: it is being told to the believers that the land where it is difficult to
live according to the divine resolution, then for the sake of worshiping Allah
ﷻAlmighty, migrate to such a land where servitude to the Lord is without fear and
In verse number 59: He said, "And how many of the animals carry their own
sustenance, it is Allah ﷻwho provides sustenance for them and for you too" this
means that no matter how much a person plans, it is right to adopt means, but the
true provision is only from Allah ﷻthe Almighty and exalted. In verse number 62: He
said that no one should consider the ample provisions as a standard of virtue for
himself, Allah ﷻAlmighty makes these decisions from His wisdom.
In verse number 64: it is narrated that the worldly life is a game, and the life hereafter
is the real life.
In the last verse, He said: "And those who strive and bear hardship in our path, we will
certainly show them our paths.
{Surat Ar-Rome}
Surat Ar-Rome is a Makki Surah. It is the 30 surah in terms of scriptural order while it
is the 84 surah in terms of revelation. In this surah, after the defeat of Rome, their
victory is mentioned as a prophecy; hence the name of this surah is called Rome. In
this surah, monotheism, prophethood, resurrection after death, the day of
Judgement, and the rewards & punishments are described. It mentions the good
qualities that Islam invites and the bad deeds of the polytheists.
One of the definitive arguments regarding the righteousness of the Holy Qur'an is that
the news of the future given in the Holy Qur'an is always proven to be true. There
were ongoing fights between the people of Rome and the people of Persia. Once the
people of Persia, who were polytheists, prevailed over the people of Rome, and the
Romans were people of the book, therefore, the polytheists of Makkah started
celebrating the victory of the people of Persia, so the Holy Qur'an said that these joys
are temporary. In a few (Few is applied from three to nine) years, the Romans will
prevail over the Persians, Therefore, exactly according to the good news in the Holy
Qur'an, in the seventh year, the Romans were again victorious over the Persians.
From verse number 9, it is told that people should not forget the Mighty powers of
Allah ﷻby taking pride of their material strength and powers, many of the nations in
the past came that had material strength, but today their ruins are a living proof of
the unsustainability of their materialistic power.
From verse number 17, he pointed towards the five-time prayers: "o glorify Allah in
the evening and when you rise in the morning, and to Him belong all the praises in the
heavens and in the earth, and in the forenoon and in the afternoon, in the morning
and in the evening, it is time for Maghrib, Isha, and Fajr prayers, in the afternoon, Asr
prayer and in noon Zuhr prayer.
In verse number: 27: He told the deniers of life after death that He is the one who
initiates creation and will do the same at resurrection, and this is easier for Him. In
verse number: 28, He asked the disbelievers if their slaves share equally in their
wealth. If not, then how do they associate lifeless idols with Allah ﷻAlmighty?
Further, for the sake of educating the Muhammadan Ummah, He said that they
should stay away from false religions and stick to the religion based on nature.
From verse number 33 He described that human beings are selfish by nature who call
upon Allah ﷻwhen in pain, but when they are relieved, they forget Him and instead,
they start associating partners with Him, and He also said that they become despair of
Allah's ﷻmercy. In verse number 38, He ordered to give their right to relatives, poor
people, and travelers.
Apparently, wealth increases with interest and wealth decreases with Zakat, but in
verse 39, He said that, to Allah ﷻ, the wealth from Zakat increases and the wealth
from interest decreases, later, Allah’s ﷻattributes as the Creator, the Sustainer, the
one who sends death and then revives, are mentioned, abolishing the idea of
polytheism. In verse number 41, He said that corruption in land and sea is due to
people's own actions, and driving people away from each other is also a form of
From verse number 46, Allah ﷻAlmighty described the system of rain as a sign of His
power, that He sends cool breeze as a sign of His mercy, that spreads the clouds in the
sky by the will of Allah ﷻ, the clouds are disrupted and water is poured down from
between these wherever Allah ﷻcommands, then the barren and lifeless lands
produce things which sustain life, this is presented as a proof of life after death by
Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number 54, Allah ﷻAlmighty rationally explained His oneness from the
human existence who is born in a state of weakness, then gains strength, and after
In verse number 55, there is a mention of criminals taking oaths that if they have lived
in this world momentarily, then why are they being held accountable so severely,
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Telling lies is their old habit.
In the end, while encouraging the Prophet of Allah ﷺ and the believers to be patient,
He said that the promise of Allah's ﷻhelp is true.
{Surat Luqman}
The name of this Surat is Luqman because in one of its verses, Hazrat Luqman is
st th
mentioned. This is a Makki Surat, 31 in terms of scriptural order, and 57 in terms of
Beginning this Surah with the truthfulness of the Holy Qur'an, He said that the Qur'an
is a guidance and mercy for those righteous people who establish prayer, give zakat,
and believe in the Hereafter. It describes severe punishments for those who stay
arrogant to the verses of Allah ﷻ, and eternal paradise for the virtuous believers.
Mentioning the formation of the sky without pillars, the installation of mountains on
the earth, the dispersal of all kinds of animals on earth, the pouring of rain from the
sky, and the production of all kinds of fine grains (and fruits) from the earth, He said:
These are created by Allah ﷻAlmighty, so show Me what other than Allah
ﷻAlmighty has created. From verse number 12, Allah ﷻAlmighty says that We
gave Luqman wisdom and ordered him to pay gratitude to Allah ﷻ, and whoever is
grateful to Allah ﷻ, its benefit reaches to him, and whoever is unthankful, then Allah
ﷻ Almighty is without its needs and is worthy of all the accolades. The Holy Qur'an
describes the advice that Hazrat Luqman gave to his son, these are:
(3) Treating parents well, at this point the Holy Qur'an also mentions the labor of a
mother for her children.
There are different sayings about Hazrat Luqman, but the most popular quote is that
he was a wise person whom Allah ﷻblessed with thoughtfulness, his son and wife
were both disbelievers and he constantly kept advising them.
In the next verses, once again the power and majesty of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the
control over the universe, the regulation of the sun and moon, the system of night
and day, and other endless blessings are mentioned.
In verse number: 27, he said that if all the trees of the earth become pens and the
seas become ink, and seven seas are added to it (and they start writing the words of
Allah ﷻAlmighty), then the pens will disappear, the seas will dry up, but the words
of Allah ﷻAlmighty will not end.
The last verse is related to the unseen five, i.e. when will the Day of Judgment be
established? When will it rain? What is in the mother's womb? What will a person do
tomorrow? And where will his death take place? This means that one does not know
these matters of the unseen by himself, predicting rain through the knowledge
obtained with the help of signs and instruments, or telling about the gender of the
fetus in the mother's womb does not contradict with this verse. Likewise, it is not
against Allah ﷻAlmighty to inform any of His Prophets about these. But the divine
name "Khabeer" mentioned at the end of the verse indicates Him being an advisor
and a supporter.
Surat Al-Sajdah is a Makki Surah, one of its verses praises the believers who prostrate
to Allah ﷻAlmighty, therefore, it is named Al-Sajdah. It is the 20 in terms of
scriptural order while the 75 surah in terms of revelation. In this surah, there are
rationales on the Oneness, Creatorship, and Lordship of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the
authenticity of the Holy Qur'an and the truthfulness of the Prophethood of the
Messenger of Allah ﷺand enmity are narrated. The disbelievers of this era have been
intimidated with the end of the disbelievers of the previous nations. At the start of
this Surah, there is a statement that the Holy Qur'an is from Allah ﷻAlmighty and
that the righteousness of the Prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ and Allah ﷻAlmighty
being the Creator and the thoughtful have been described.
From verse number 7, He mentioned regarding the birth of man from the soil and for
the human race, the essence of life is the blowing of the breath in the soul. Ears, eyes,
and heart are mentioned as blessings. From verse number 10, the objections of the
deniers of life after death, their remorse after sighting the punishment on the Day of
Judgment and their desire to return back to the world to do good deeds, and their
entry into the Hell is discussed.
In verse number 13, He said that guidance is not something forced. He said in verse
number 15, that those who believe in Our verses, when they are advised through
these verses, they fall down in prostration, glorifying and praising their Lord, they are
not arrogant, their flanks (as they keep occupied in divine worship) stay away from
their beds, they call upon Allah ﷻAlmighty fearing His punishment and believing in
His mercy.
In verse number 18, He said, Believers and transgressors cannot be equal, Allah
ﷻAlmighty has prepared for a warm welcome in the form of Paradise for the serving
believers, while the abode of the transgressors is Hell, and whenever they would want
to leave Hell, they will be returned to the same hellfire. He said in verse 24: Those
who made patience and tolerance as their behavior, So We designated these
individuals as leaders.
{Surat Al-Ahzab}
Surat al-Ahzab is a Madani Surat, in this Surat verses related to the Battle of Ahzab
were revealed, therefore, it was known as Al-Ahzab. It is the 33 Surat in terms of
scriptural order, while, the 90 Surat in terms of revelation.
At the beginning of this Surat, the Prophet ﷺis told to follow the divine revelation, to
stick to piety and not to listen to what the disbelievers and hypocrites say, and to put
his trust in Allah ﷻAlmighty. All the false forces of the era of the Messenger of Allah
ﷺ gathered together and attacked the Muslims.
"Hazb" refers to a group, and "Ahzab" means multiple groups, that is, in the era of
Prophethood, there was a collective invasion of infidels, polytheists and hypocrites
against the Muslims, which was ultimately defeated by Allah ﷻAlmighty with His
support and help. And this incident is the main theme of this Surat.
In verse number 4, He said that Allah ﷻAlmighty has not created two hearts in the
chest of a person that is, disbelief and faith, guidance and misguidance, and
truthfulness and falsehood cannot be gathered in one heart. In the same verse, He
said that an adopted son is not implied within the commands given for the real sons,
these are the self-made words of the people, He further told to call the names of the
individuals with their own real fathers, this is based on justice in the sight of Allah
ﷻAlmighty. And if their real fathers are not known, then they are your religious
In verse number 6, He said that the Prophet is closer than the souls of the believers
(and some commentators have translated this to mean that the Prophet is the owner
of the souls of the believers) and the wives of the Prophet are the spiritual mothers of
the believers.
In verse number 7, the oaths taken from the Prophets regarding the duties of
Prophethood has been mentioned.
From verse number 8, it is narrated that on the event of the Battle of Ahzab (it is also
called the Battle of Trench), the infidels gathered from all sides to attack over the
Muslims, So the eyes of the Muslims were struck wide open (with immense grief) and
they felt sick to their guts and many doubts started to arise in the hearts (about the
help of Allah ﷻAlmighty). On this occasion, the people of faith were tested and they
The hypocrites in this war presented the attitude of cowardice, running away from
death, deceiving the believers and taking the lead in obtaining the war booty, Allah
ﷻAlmighty has condemned it.
In verse number 21, He said: Verily, the personality of the Messenger of Allah ﷺis
exemplary for everyone who believes in Allah ﷻAlmighty and in the Day of
Resurrection and remembers Allah ﷻAlmighty abundantly. In this surat, it was also
mentioned that while the hypocrites were trembling at the sight of the hefty army of
the infidels, the faith and, submission and contentment of the Muslims was growing,
that this is the same situation, for which Allah ﷻAlmighty and His Messenger ﷺ
have promised us, and the declaration of Allah ﷻAlmighty and His Messenger ﷻis
In verse number 23, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that among the people of faith, there are
loyal men who have proved true to the oaths they made to Allah ﷻAlmighty, some
of them have fulfilled their vow (by becoming martyrs) and some are waiting for their
In verse number 26, after the breach of covenant by Banu Qurayza, there is a
description of their siege, coming down from the forts, their killings, and taking them
as prisoners, making the Muslims the heirs of their lands, houses and possessions.
In verse number 28, the Mothers of the Believers, the wives of the Messenger ﷺand
the pure ) (ریض ہللا غہنوwere invited to ask about their intentions to stay with the worldly life
if any of them wanted to, so it was permissible to adopt that. And if they desire Allah
In verse number: 35, the common attributes of believing men and women have been
described that they are obedient, truthful, embodiment of patient, and willing, their
hearts are humble before Allah ﷻAlmighty, give charity, they fast, protect their
modesty and dignity, and remember Allah ﷻAlmighty frequently. Allah ﷻAlmighty
has prepared for them the blessings of forgiveness and a great reward.
In verse number: 36, Allah ﷻsaid: And it is not permissible for a believing man or a
believing woman that when Allah ﷻAlmighty and His Messenger decide a matter,
they should have any authority in that matter, i.e. a Muslim person. The commission
and the legislative body appointed by the nation, the government, or the government
of Islam do not have the authority to suggest any new course of action in comparison
to the sayings of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
From verse number: 37, it is explained that the adopted son is not in the command of
the real son and there is no Shariah prohibition in marrying his divorced wife, nor is it
a bad thing.
In verse 40, the great honor of Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah ﷺis mentioned that
Allah ﷻAlmighty made him the last prophet and messenger, and being "the last of
the prophets" is described as his position of virtue.
In verse 44, the distinguishing attributes of the Holy Prophet ﷺare mentioned, that
he is being sent as "Shahid and Mubasher" i.e witness, and an evangelist (a bearer of
In verse number: 49, he explained the ruling of the divorced woman, who has not had
a valid seclusion, then Iddah is not required, give them some wealth and let them go
in a good manner.
From verse number: 53, the manners of the Prophet's ﷺhouse are explained: Do not
enter the Prophet's ﷺhouse without permission. If there is a feast, eat and disperse.
After the passing of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, Muslims are forbidden to marry his
wives at all and do not hurt the Messenger of Allah ﷺby any of your actions.
Verse Number: 56 is the greatest verse in the Glory of the Prophethood. Allah ﷻsaid:
"Indeed, Allah ﷻAlmighty and His angels read Darood on the Prophet. O people of
faith! You also send him Darood and abundant greetings".The commentators have
ٰ " from Allah ﷻAlmighty, but the meaning
explained many meanings of "صلوۃ یلع الرسول
that is worthy of his praise is: "To bestow greatness".
In verse 57, it is said that those who hurt Allah ﷻAlmighty and His Messenger ﷺwill
be cursed in this world and the hereafter. And Allah ﷻAlmighty has prepared for
them a shameful punishment.
In verse 59, there is a commandment for the believing women to wear a veil, i.e. to
wear such a veil, which will achieve perfect covering.
In verse number: 60 to 61, the hypocrites and transgressors, who have the disease of
hatred of the Holy Prophet in their hearts, and those who spread false
rumors (disinformation) in Madinah, were warned that If they do not desist from their
actions, they will not be allowed to live in Madinah and these people are cursed and
wherever they are found, they should be killed indiscriminately.
Verse No: 67 stated that those who adopt immorality and misguidance and their
leaders will be witnesses against each other on the Day of Resurrection.
From verse number: 70, the believers were ordered to adopt piety, to speak uprightly
and truthfully, and to keep their actions correct and the reward of these actions was
forgiveness of sins and great success.
At the start of this surah, there is a description of praise to Allah ﷻAlmighty in this
world and in the Hereafter, the knowledge of the things that enter the earth and the
things that come out of it, and the things that descend from the sky and rise towards
it is said to be known by Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In response to the denial of the resurrection by the deniers, it was said that the
resurrection would surely come.
In verse 09, there is a promise of an excruciating punishment for the enemies of the
Verse: 10 mentions the miracles of Hazrat Dawood ) (غلیہ السالمthat he was given the
privilege that the mountains and birds used to glorify Allah ﷻwith him, iron was
softened for him and he used to make armor and put links in it to bind it.
In the same way, the miracles of Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمmentioned that the wind would
have flown his throne at a high speed and released a fountain of molten copper for
him. By the permission of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the jinn were obliged to carry out His
orders. By the order of Sulaiman )(غلیہ السالم, the jinn used to build big forts and towers,
statues, and tubs equal to cisterns and cauldrons standing on stoves. After mentioning
all these blessings, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: O family of Dawood! Be thankful and a few
of my servants are thankful. Meanwhile, the jinn was engaged in construction by the
order of Sulaiman )(غلیہ السالم, so he stayed in a crystal cabin during that time he passed by
divine will, but the jinn came to know of his death when the termite ate the inside of
his staff on which he was leaning and then he fell to the ground. At that time, the jinn
began to feel sorry that if we had known the unseen, we would not have been
engaged in humiliating labor for such a long time.
Perhaps this is the "Temple of Sulaimani" and in search of its relics, Jews from time to
time, try to demolish the building of Bait-ul-Maqdis.
Verse 15 once again mentions the gardens of the Queen of Saba and the severe flood
and its destruction.
Verse number: 22 mentions the helplessness of the polytheist’s false gods and that no
one can intercede before Allah ﷻAlmighty without His permission.
In verse 28, mentions the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad ﷺthat his invitation
is for the entire world of humanity and this entire world of humanity is his "ummah of
invitation" and the fortunate people of faith who accepted this invitation, is "Nation
of acceptance".
In the following verses, it is explained that the oppressors and arrogant people of
their time will be told in the Hereafter by the people of weaker sections of their time
that, you were the cause of our loss of faith. Allah ﷻfurther said that the prosperous
people of the previous nations considered the abundance of wealth and money to be
proof of their popularity. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: His closeness is not found in the
abundance of wealth and money, but in the wealth of faith and righteous deeds, the
abundance of sustenance. Hardship is not related to someone's virtue or disrespect,
but it is the wisdom of Allah ﷻAlmighty that sometimes He gives abundance of
blessings as a test and sometimes as a trial.
In verse number: 40, the question to the angels, from Allah ﷻAlmighty, whether
these people used to worship you? And the angels expressed their servitude to Allah
ﷻAlmighty by reciting the glorification of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number: 45, he said that the people who denied the Messenger before these
infidels were more powerful than them, but they too could not escape from the
punishment of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In the last verses, he said that on the Day of Hereafter, the disbelievers will wish to be
saved from punishment, but this wish will not be fulfilled.
{Surat Fatir}
Surah Fatir is the Makki Surah. It is the 35 surah in terms of scriptural order while it
is the 43 surah in terms of revelation. In the first verse of this surah, Allah ﷻ
Almighty's attribute "Fatir" is mentioned, so this surah was named "Fatir".
In verse number: 5 Allah ﷻsaid while addressing to all human beings that the
promise of resurrection is true and do not lost in the pleasures of worldly life and do
not fall into deception and Satan is your enemy, so take him as your enemy.
Verse No: 9 to 13 again mentions the system of rain under the control of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, "Human’s attention drawn to the essence of his creation". so that he
does not fall prey to transgression and that He also knows the womb in the female
uterus and that someone's age is increased or decreased, it is already written in the
Book of Allah ﷻAlmighty and destiny.
He said from verse number: 12 that the seas of sweet and salt water are not equal,
but from all the seas you get fresh fish meat and you take out of them the ornaments
to wear and the boats go tearing the water. The system of day and night and the sun
and moon are subject to His order.
Verse No: 14 again mention the helplessness of the gods of the infidels.
In verse number: 18, it is said that no one who carries a burden will bear another's
burden, that is, each person will have to answer for his own actions. Whoever will
adopt purification and piety will benefit from it. The blind and non-blind, the darkness
and the light, the shadow and the without shadow, and the living and the dead cannot
be equal. Here the disbelievers and dis-approved are mentioned by the blind,
darkness, without shade, and the dead, and the believers are compared to the non-
blind, the light, the shadow, and the living.
In these verses, Allah ﷻAlmighty also said that in order to establish the argument of
Allah ﷻAlmighty, Prophets, and Messengers were sent to every nation with clear
proofs and inspired books, but in every age there were those who denied the message
of truth.
In verse number: 28, it is said that the hearts of the scholars of Allah ﷻhave fear of
Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Allah ﷻAlmighty mentioned the bounties of Paradise that are prepared for his
righteous servants, by calling His righteous servants and those who excel in good
deeds, the chosen ones.
In verse 41, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty does not allow the heavens and the earth
to deviate from their center, and if they deviate from their center, then none but
Allah ﷻAlmighty can establish them in their place.
He said in verse: 45: "If Allah ﷻAlmighty had seized people because of their bad
deeds right away, then He would not have left any living thing (alive) on the face of
the earth". But he is giving them a chance for a certain time. So, when their time
comes, Allah ﷻAlmighty will take care of them.
{Surat Yaseen}
Surah Yaseen is the Makki Surah. It is the 36 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 41 surah in terms of revelation. The name of this surah is Yaseen which is
mentioned in the first verse. This surah is also called the heart of the Holy Quran. In
the Holy hadiths, it has been described as the cause of forgiveness, comfort in need,
and ease.
At the start of the Surah, Allah ﷻsaid that the purpose of the revelation of the Holy
Qur'an is to warn the heedless people from the punishment of Allah ﷻand to
establish the argument of the truth on them, but there are some stubborn people
who are not affected by the right call. The call of truth affects only those who accept
the advice and fear Allah ﷻAlmighty in their hearts.
In the next verses, it is stated that Allah ﷻAlmighty sent His messenger to a
village (Antioch) to call to the truth. The villagers denied and abused him and
From verse number: 38, the power and majesty of Allah ﷻAlmighty has been
explained that the sun, moon, and planets are moving under the order of Allah
ﷻAlmighty and it is not possible that there will be any disturbances or conflict
among them.
He said in verse number: 48 that the disbelievers say when will this promise come if
you are truthful? After that, the occurrence of the Resurrection and the resurrection
after death have been described in different forms.
Verse No: 54 mentions the recompense of deeds without any injustice and the
blessings for the people of Paradise and separation of criminals and the punishment
of hell.
Verse number: 65 states that seals will be placed on the mouths of criminals on the
Day of Resurrection and their hands and feet (and other organs) will be witnesses
against them in the court of Allah ﷻAlmighty, as to what crimes they have
committed with us?
Verse No: 68 states that whoever we give long life, we reverse his physical
constitution (to its initial state). That is, one shall pray for a long life in which the
cognitive, intellectual, and physical strength of a person remains intact.
From verse number: 78, he mentioned the rational question of the disbelievers of the
hereafter, that when a person dies and the bones become rotten, then who will revive
him? And then He replied that once again the same Creator, Blessed and Almighty,
will revive, who had created them before without any name or mark; although there
is now a particle of dust or ash. He further said that when Allah ﷻintends something,
He says, "Kun" (be) then that thing comes into existence. It is not necessary to
say "Kun" only Allah ﷻAlmighty's will is sufficient.
At the start of this surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty has mentioned His Oneness by swearing
of the various groups of angels.
Previously, Satan (evil) used to enter the heavenly world, but in verse 10, it is said that
now his entrance to the heavenly world is closed, and if he turns to this side, so
firelashes are showered on him.
From verse number: 22, the helplessness of the disbelievers in the Hereafter is
mentioned that they will be vanquished, they will not be able to help each other and
they will all enter the punishment because when they were called to monotheism in
this world, they rejected it out of arrogance.
Verse number: 40 to 49 mention the blessings given to the pious servants of Allah
ﷻAlmighty in the Hereafter, that they will get great bounties. They will be sitting in
front of each other with utmost respect and honor; there will be goblets of delicious
pure white circulating wine, which will not cause headaches or loss of consciousness.
Modest beautiful virgins will be there. They will be observing the people of hell from a
high place.
From verse number: 62, he described the condition of the people of hell that
the "Zaqoom" (cactus) tree born from the root of hell, like the head of Satan will be
their food, then they will be watered with the boiling water of hell.
From verse number: 75, it is mentioned that the righteous Muslims weren’t saved
from Noah's flood with Noah )(غلیہالسالم, and the rebellious were drowned.
From verse number: 83, the story of Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہالسالمis mentioned again, that he
did not go to the festival with the people and destroyed their big idol and then they
prepared a bonfire and put Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمin it. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that
we made their plan useless. After that, the news of the birth of Hazrat Ismail ) (غلیہ السالمis
mentioned, after he reached the age of helping hand to his father, he was ordered to
be slaughtered in a dream, and then both father and son submitted to the command
of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
ﷻAlmighty said: If he wouldn’t have not recited this Tasbeeh, he would have
remained in the belly of fish until the Day of Resurrection. Then by the order of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, the fish threw him on the shore. He was sick, Allah ﷻAlmighty raised a
gourd vine to protect him and shaded him. The Holy Qur'an also mentions that he was
sent as a messenger to more than one hundred thousand people.
Verse number: 149 mentions the strange nature of polytheists that they desire sons
for themselves and compare daughters to Allah ﷻAlmighty (they used to call the
angels, daughters of Allah ﷻAlmighty).
They ascribe children to Allah ﷻAlmighty based on lies, although Allah ﷻAlmighty is
free from that.
In verse number: 158, denied the Consanguinity between Allah ﷻAlmighty and the
jinn, and in the later verses, Allah ﷻdenied the divinity of angles by mentioning their
servant ship and worship.
At the end of the surah, the glorification and praise of Allah ﷻAlmighty is described,
After this, salutations on the Prophets, peace be upon them, and it has been made
clear that all praise belongs to Allah ﷻAlmighty alone.
{Surat Sa’ad}
Surat Sad is the Makki Surah. It is the 38 surah both in terms of scriptural order and
in terms of revelation. The first word of this surah is "sa’ad".
In this surah, the false beliefs of the infidels, the rebellion and destruction of the
previous nations, the circumstances of Hazrat Dawood, Sulaiman, Ayyub )(غلہیم السالم, and
the story of Adam ) (غلیہالسالمand Iblis are mentioned.
From verse number: 10. Allah ﷻsaid to the polytheists, who were proud of their
power and who claimed to be deities, that if the kingdom of the heavens and the
earth and everything between them belongs to them, then they should ascend to the
heavens and It is obvious that this is not possible, then they shall admit their
helplessness. In this surah, the people of Nooh, Aad and Pharaoh, Thamud, the people
of Lut, and the companions of Al-Aykah are mentioned once again that they denied
the messengers and the punishment of Allah ﷻAlmighty proved true on them.
From verse number: 17, it is mentioned about Dawood ) (غلیہ السالمand his miracles that
the birds used to gather while reciting the Psalms and Allah ﷻAlmighty gave him
kingdom, wisdom, and assertion of judgment, and a case filed with him is mentioned.
A man said that my brother has ninety-nine Rams and I have only one Ram and he
was pressing me to give even one to him. Dawood ) (غلیہ السالمsaid that by demanding a
ram, he had committed an injustice and most of the partners exceeded each other,
except those who believe and do righteous deeds. The Holy Qur'an mentions
Sulaiman ) (غلیہ السالمthat he was a very good servant of Allah ﷻAlmighty and one who
turned to Him very much.
From verse number: 31, it is mentioned about the presentation of improved fast
horses in front of Sulaiman )(غلیہ السالم, he touched them, Then there is a mention of his
hardship, the details of which were not described in the Holy Qur'an. There are
various narratives in the interpretations, most of which are from Israelite narratives,
and in this regard, the rules and regulations of the scholars and commentators are
that every narrative that is against the position of Prophethood should be rejected.
Verse number: 41 Ayyub ) (غلیہ السالمand his sufferings are mentioned, Allah ﷻAlmighty
commanded them: strike your foot on the ground. With the strike of their foot, cold
water came out for bathing and drinking, and commentators have written that it also
became a means of healing for him. Then, as a trial, Allah ﷻAlmighty gave him
doubles the blessings of members and wealth that He had taken away from him. For
some reason, he had taken an oath to punish his wife with one hundred whips. To get
rid of this oath, Allah ﷻAlmighty told him to make a broom made of a hundred
In the next verses, Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمand his progeny and the Prophets are mentioned
once again, that they were all the chosen servants of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Verse number: 49 mentions the blessings of Paradise for the pious people and the
various forms of punishment for the people of Hell, that they will be given boiling
water to drink and pus from the wounds of the people of Hell, while the people of
Paradise will get various fruits and pure wine.
Verse number: 71, mentions the creation of Adam )(غلیہ السالم, the prostration of all the
angels to him, and the rejection of prostration by Satan out of arrogance.
It is told from verse number: 75 that Allah ﷻAlmighty asked Satan for an answer that
I created Adam with My hand of power. So what prevented you from prostrating to
him? Did you become arrogant or were you already among those who were arrogant?
Satan said, "I am better than Adam". My creation (fire) is better than Adam's creation
(clay). Allah ﷻAlmighty said, "You are rejected, leave Paradise, and I curse you until
the Day of Judgment". It is known from this that acknowledging one's mistakes
(ijtihadi) and asking Allah ﷻAlmighty for forgiveness for it, is the sunnah of Adam (غلیہ
, and stand on one's sin and resorting to the argument to justify it is the sign of
In the next verses, it was said that Satan was given respite until the Day of
Resurrection and he promised that he will lead astray all the children of Adam except
the sincere servants of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
{Surat Az-Zumar}
Surat Az-Zumar is the Makki Surah. It is the 39 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 59 surah in terms of revelation. The word "Zumar" is mentioned in
verses number: 71 and 73 of this Surah, hence it was named "Az-Zumar".
In this surah, the monotheism of Allah ﷻAlmighty has been confirmed and the
doubts of the polytheists have been resolved, the majesty and greatness of the Holy
At the start of this Surah, he ordered to prime the religion for the sake of Allah ﷻ
Almighty. The polytheists would say that we worship our gods because they will bring
us closer to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said that He does not guide the false disbelievers.
Verse No: 04 mentions those who try to prove offspring to Allah ﷻAlmighty and that
Allah ﷻAlmighty is pure from offspring.
Verse number: 05 once again mentions the power of Allah ﷻAlmighty that He
created the heavens and the earth, created the cycle of day and night, and set their
orbits and destinations for the sun and the moon. He created all human beings from
one soul, Adam )(غلیہ السالم, and created their pairs from them, and He is the one who
nurtures the fetus inside the multiple layers of darkness of the mother's womb.
He said in verse number: 07 that Allah ﷻAlmighty does not care about anyone's
ungratefulness and He dislikes ungratefulness and loves gratitude for His servants.
From verse number: 08, he once again described the natural selfishness of man that
when he gets a blessing, he forgets his Lord and associates with Allah ﷻAlmighty.
From verse number: 09, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that the educated and uneducated
man cannot be equal, those who spend their nights in prostration and standing, fear
the punishment of the Hereafter and believe in the mercy of Allah ﷻAlmighty, (their
rank is high). He said to the Messenger of Allah ﷺfor the education of the Ummah:
Say that I have been ordered to worship only Allah ﷻAlmighty, I have been ordered
to become the first Muslim and I keep my religion and worship for Allah ﷻAlmighty
In verse number: 21, the power and majesty of Allah ﷻwas once again described
that He sent down rain from the sky, released springs on the earth, raised colorful
crops, then when the crop ripened and turned yellow, he chopped it into sawdust,
therein is a advice for the wise.
In verse 15: mentions great punishment for those who worship other than Allah ﷻ
Almighty and those who avoid idol worship, listen and follow who preaches for
Allah ﷻAlmighty, they have good news and guidance.
He said in verse number: 22 Whoever Allah ﷻAlmighty opens the chest to Islam, he
remains steadfast in the light of guidance from his Lord.
In verse number: 23, describes the powerful effect of the Holy Quran that it is the best
book containing similar subjects, which are repeated over and over again, (whose
hearts have the fear of Allah ﷻAlmighty, hearing it) they are astonished and their
bodies and hearts become soft for the remembrance of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
He said from verse number: 27 that we have mentioned all kinds of examples in this
Holy Qur'an for advice, this Holy Qur'an is Arabic and there is no crookedness in it.
Allah ﷻAlmighty describes the examples of two people, one who is enslaved by
many conflicting ideas of people and the other one who is enslaved by only one
person, can both be equal? i.e. the one who is the servant of Allah ﷻAlmighty, who
is alone and has no partner, his heart will be filled with the blessing of faith and
certainty and the light of guidance and he only has to please one owner, this believer
is perfect, and the polytheist, who is a priest of false gods, is in doubt and delusion
and does not know which god to please and whom to displease.
Verse No: 60 mention the blackening of the faces of those who lie against
Allah ﷻAlmighty and innVerse No: 61 salvation and success of the pious.
In verse number 41, consoling the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, He told him that He has
sent down upon him, a book based on the truth. So, whoever accepts the guidance,
they will have its benefits and whoever will stray, will have to bear its torments. You
are not responsible for them. In the next verse, sleep is ascribed as a state of
temporary death and said that the difference between sleep and death is that in the
case of death, the soul of a person is not temporarily, but captured for a long period
of time.
In verses number: 43 and 44, he said that all intercession lies within Allah’s ﷻpower,
the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and the false gods of the infidels do not have
any control to intercede, rather, these do not own anything even for themselves.
In verse number: 47, He warned the hoarders of immense wealth, that even if they
become the owner of all the wealth of the earth and get more, equal to it, and they
wish to save themselves from the punishment, by giving all this on the Day of
Judgment, they will not be able to free their throats to get rid of it. In verse number
53, the good news was given to the sinners of the Ummah that "(O Messenger of
Allah )!ﷺSay, O my servants who have wronged their souls by committing sins, 'Do
not be despair of the mercy of Allah ﷻAlmighty.' Indeed, Allah ﷻAlmighty will
forgive all the sins". He will give 'Verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.' Meaning,
that whoever has gone strayed from the path of Allah ﷻ, he has been given hope
that the way back is through repenting honestly. In verse number 62, He said that
Allah ﷻis the Creator and the Sustainer, and the owner of the keys of the earth and
the sky. In verse number 68, there is a narration of the blowing of the horn twice, the
illumination of the earth by the radiance of the Lord, the placement of the records of
deeds, and the accountability with justice.
{Surat Al-Mu'min}
Surah Al-Mu’min is the Makki Surah. It is the 40 surah in terms of scriptural order
while the 60 surah is in terms of revelation. This surah mentions a believing
individual from the Followers of Pharaoh that is why it is called the Mu'min. From
verse number 2, while once again giving the good news of forgiveness to the servants
of Allah ﷻAlmighty, He said: "He is the Forgiving of sins and accepts repentance,
punishing (the disobedient) severely, and the most Merciful (for the righteous)."
From verse no 4: On the stubbornness of the infidels, He said that people before them
also denied the prophets of their times, on which they were reprimanded, and the
end of these infidels will also be like them. Also, in this verse, He said that the
peaceful journeys of the polytheists of Makkah, for the purpose of trade, should not
mislead you about their fate, for their ends will be terrible. In verse number 5, He said
that the disbelievers of previous nations also denied the messengers of their times
and argued with them about the truth, so they were caught and suffered punishment.
After that, there is mention of the infidels being the dwellers of hellfire.
In verse number: 7, He said: "The angels who carry the throne and those around it
glorify their Lord with praise and believe in Him and seek forgiveness for the
believers". (And they say) O our Lord! Your mercy and your knowledge encompass
everything. So those who have repented and follow your path, forgive them and save
them from the torments of Hell. In this verse, it is mentioned that the angels who are
close of Allah ﷻAlmighty keep praying for the eternal blessings of Paradise not only
for His repentant servants but also for their righteous ancestors, their wives, and their
In verse number 10, He said that the disbelievers will be told loudly on the Day of
Resurrection that Allah ﷻAlmighty is angrier with you than you are angry with your
own selves. When you people were called towards faith and you disbelieved. They will
confess their sins and ask if there is any way to get out of the hell. In verse number 16,
a depiction of the frightening Day of Judgment has been drawn that Allah ﷻAlmighty
In verse number 17, it is said that there will be complete justice for everyone on the
Day of Judgment.
In verse number 36, it is stated that The Pharaoh said to Haman: Build me a lofty
building so that I may reach the paths of the heavens and learn about the God of
Musa )(غلیہ السالم. And I contemplate ( )نػاذہللاthat he is a liar and thus Pharaoh's evil deeds
were apparently made appealing to him and (due to his disobedience) he was barred
from following the straight path and Pharaoh's schemes failed. In verses 40 to 46, He
said: Whoever did bad deeds, he will be punished only for it, and the man and woman
who did good deeds while standing firmly on faith, then those people will enter
Paradise, where they will be granted with infinite resources for sustenance. Musa (غلیہ
)السالم said: And I entrust my matter to Allah ﷻAlmighty. Verily, Allah ﷻAlmighty is the
best caretaker of His servants. So Allah ﷻAlmighty protected him from the
conspiracies of the opponents and surrounded the Pharaohs with the worst
punishment. They are presented, in morning and evening, over the fire of hell, and on
the day of resurrection, (it will be ordered to) put the followers of Pharaoh under the
most severe punishment. The experts said that this verse proves the punishment of
the grave.
In verse number 49, it is said that the people of Hell will ask the gatekeepers of Hell to
call upon their Lord to reduce the punishment for them by one day. The guards of Hell
will tell them, "Didn't the messengers come to you in the world with signs?" They will
admit. He further said that on the Day of Resurrection, the excuses of the
transgressors will not be of any use to them, there is a curse and bad place for them.
In verse number 60, He said that your Lord said, "Pray from me, and I will accept your
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 187
In verse number 64, He said, Allah ﷻAlmighty made the earth a peaceful abode for
you and made the sky as a roof, and created your forms, and it is He who gives you
pure sustenance. From Verse 65, after mentioning the blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty,
He said that He is the (ever) living; there is none worthy of worship except Him, so
worship Him with sincerity.
In verse number 67, Allah ﷻAlmighty described the creation of human beings and its
various stages till death as His signs. From Verse number 78, Allah ﷻAlmighty said:
"Indeed, We sent many Messengers before you. We have described the events of
some of them to you and we have not described the events of others". But in Surah
Hud, verse 120, He said: We are describing to you the news of all the Messengers.
That is, the Messenger of Allah ﷺwas told about all the Prophets. The names of the
Prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, it is obligatory to believe in them, name by
name, and it is obligatory to believe in other Prophets )(غلیہ السالمwithout determining
their number (i.e. entrusting their actual number to the knowledge of
Allah ﷻAlmighty).
At the beginning of this Surah, He said that Allah ﷻAlmighty descended the Holy
Qur'an by the virtue of His mercy, that gives good news of rewards to the righteous
and cautions the wrongdoers of punishment.
In verse number 15, there is mention of the rebellion of the people of 'Aad, they
boasted about their materialistic strength and claimed that no one could be stronger
than them. They were responded that the One mightier than them is Allah, who
created them. Then, a frightful storm with a dreadful sound was sent on the people of
Aad during the ill-fated days, and their names and signs were erased, similarly, the
fate of the people of Thamud was also abysmal.
Verse number: 19 states that on the Day of Resurrection, the enemies of Allah ﷻ
Almighty will be gathered and taken towards hell, so when they reach hell, their ears,
eyes, and skins will become state witnesses against them. The disbelievers will say to
their skins: Why did you bear witness against us? (Their organs) will answer: It is
Allah ﷻAlmighty who gave us the power of speech, who taught everything to speak
and He is the one who created you the first time, and to him you shall be returned.
From verse number 30, He said that when the souls of the believers, who are
steadfast in the faith, will fly from this world, angels will descend to welcome these,
and will tell them not to be afraid of anything that will come in the future, nor be sad
for anything that happened in past, and listen to the good news of the Paradise that
was promised to you, then they will be told that Allah ﷻAlmighty, who is the most
forgiving and Merciful, has arranged a feast for them in Paradise, and there they will
be provided with whatever bounties they desire.
In Verse Number 34, He said that good and evil are not equal, respond to the evil of
others with good, as a result, your rival will become your active and enthusiastic
In verse number 37, He said to those who worship the celestial bodies, that Allah ﷻ
Almighty is the creator of these celestial bodies, so instead of prostrating these,
prostrate to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
From verse number 39, Allah ﷻAlmighty gave a reasonable example for proof of life
after death that you see the land is arid, barren, and uninhabited (i.e. it is lifeless), so
We send down rain on it, through which it becomes lush and green, and gets the
ability to grow vegetation, which is life for the earth, so Allah ﷻAlmighty who gives
life to the lifeless land, He will give life to the dead in the Hereafter.
In verse 51, He said again: And when we reward a person, he turns his face and turns
away from us, saving his side, and when trouble befalls him, he becomes one who
makes long supplications. That is, he maintains a relationship with Allah ﷻAlmighty
based on selfishness and personal gain, but he forgets His commandments.
He further said that if Allah ﷻAlmighty grants a person mercy after suffering, instead
of considering it as a divine reward, he starts to consider it as his privilege and starts
denying the Day of Judgment and he says that even if the Day of Judgment comes,
even there I will get all these blessings. Allah ﷻAlmighty says that we will make the
unbelievers taste their evil deeds in the form of severe punishment.
He said in verse number: 53 that we will soon show them our signs in the world and in
their souls so that the truth of the Holy Qur'an becomes clear to them.
{Surat Ash-Shura}
Surah Ash-Shura is the Makki Surah. It is the 42 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 62 surah in terms of revelation. In verse number: 38 of this surah,
Muslims are ordered to do their work by mutual consultation. Hence it was
named "Ash-Shura". In this Surah, the truth of revelation, the perfect potential of
Allah ﷻAlmighty, the affirmation of monotheism with different arguments, the
Prophethood, and the truthfulness of the Holy Qur'an are stated.
At the start of this surah, once again described the potential of Allah ﷻAlmighty, and
while describing the scene of the Day of Judgment, he said: "Soon the heavens (from
His fear) will burst upon themselves" (meaning the destruction of the heavens will be
from top to bottom) and the angels keep reciting His praises and seeking forgiveness
for the people of the earth' Hear! Indeed, Allah ﷻAlmighty is the Most Forgiving,
Most Merciful.
In case of conflict, from verse number: 10, there is a statement to refer to the
guidance of Allah ﷻAlmighty and that Allah ﷻAlmighty is the Creator of the earth
and the sky and He created humans and cattle in couplets and there is nothing like
Him. He is peerless, He has the power to increase or decrease sustenance, and the
keys to the treasures of the heavens and the earth are in His control.
It was told from verse number: 13 that religion has been included as the same basis in
the divine laws of Noah ) (غلیہ السالمand all the prophets who came after him, and he made
the same religion lawful for you and there is no room for division in religion, so invite
to that religion and be steadfast and do not follow the desires of the disbelievers.
Verse No: 19 says that those who seek the reward of the Hereafter, will have an
increase in the blessings of the Hereafter, and those who only seek the world, they
have no share in the Hereafter.
He said in verse number: 23 Say: I do not ask you for any reward for the preaching of
the religion except the love of kinship, and whoever does good, We will increase the
value of good deeds. Some commentators have meant the love of your Ahl al-Bayt by
kinship, in the next verse there is a description of the erasure of falsehood and the
persistence of truth.
In verse number: 25, he said that Allah ﷻAlmighty accepts the repentance of His
servants with His great grace and forgives their sins.
In verse number: 27, it was said that if Allah ﷻAlmighty had extended the
sustenance of all His servants, they would surely have rebelled on the earth. Indeed,
He is aware of the conditions of His servants and when the people are hopeless, He
sends rain and spreads mercy.
In verse number: 33, He mentioned ships to be among his signs like moving
mountains in the sea.
It was told from verse number 36: So whatever you have been given is the benefit of
the life of this world and whatever is with Allah ﷻAlmighty is better for the believers
and everlasting. And they trust in their Lord and refrain from major sins and indecency
He further stated that the affairs of the Muslims shall be decided by mutual
consultation and that justice for evil is evil but whoever forgives,
his (blameworthy), then his reward is due on Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number: 41, he said that there is no impeachment against the one who takes
revenge for oppression, the impeachment should be for those who oppress people
and those who unjustly rebel on the face of the earth and he said that patience and
forgiveness are part of determination.
Verse No: 49 said that the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah
ﷻAlmighty alone. He creates whomever He wills and gives daughters to whomever
He wills and gives sons to whomever He wills and makes barren to whomever He
wills. He further said: It is not in the honor of any human being to talk to Allah
ﷻAlmighty, except that he does revelation, or speaks through the curtain, or sends
an angel to reveal what He wills by the command of Allah ﷻAlmighty. What is meant
is that revelation is the means of communication with Allah ﷻAlmighty, whether it is
face-to-face and visible, as in the Hadith of the Ascension, or in the case that the
speech is heard, but the appearance of the Self is not visible, as Allah ﷻAlmighty
spoke to Hazrat Musa )(غلیہ السالم.
He further said: And in the same way we have revealed to you the Spirit (Holy Qur'an)
by our command before that you did not know by yourself what is the Book and what
is faith, but we made this Book a light. By which we guide whomever of our servants
we will, and surely you guide to the straight path.
This means that the source of the Book of Allah ﷻAlmighty is divine revelation, It is
not based on sense and speculation.
{Surat Az-Zukhruf}
Surah Az-Zukhruf is the Makki Surah. It is the 43 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 63rd surah in terms of revelation. In verse number: 35 of this surah, the
word zukhruf is mentioned, which is the basis of nomenclature for it. In this surah,
polytheism is rejected, condemnation of declaring angels as daughters of Allah ﷻ
Almighty and arguments for monotheism from various signs have been made.
In verse number: 11, life after death is affirmed by giving life to the dead earth
through the descent of rain. Verse No: 12 to 14 describe making pairs of everything,
riding boats and cattle, and reciting this dua while riding: Glory is to Him who has
provided us control over the ride; we could never have had it by our own efforts.
Surely, we are returning to our Lord. The disbelievers used to call the angels the
daughters of Allah ﷻAlmighty; (Verse No: 19) though they are the servants of
Allah ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Were these people present at the time of
their (angels) birth? Therefore, in verse 16, he said about this way of the disbelievers:
Did He create daughters for himself from among the creatures and set aside sons for
you? However, when one of them is given the good news of that with whom he has
described the God (i.e. daughters), his face turns black and he cries out in anger.
In verse number: 26, it is mentioned that Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہ السالمremained committed
to the belief of monotheism and carried this belief to his children. From verse
number: 31, the demand of the unbelievers of Makkah was stated that why this Holy
Qur'an was not revealed to a rich man of the two towns of Makkah and Taif (i.e.
Waleed bin Mughira and Abu Masood Al-Thaqafi). Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Do they
divide the mercy of your Lord? (That is, it is for Allah ﷻAlmighty to decide who
should be given the position of Prophethood) We have divided their
subsistence (resources) in their worldly life. And we have given (economically) many
degrees of excellence to some over others, so that they may seek service from one
another, and the mercy of your Lord is better than the wealth which they accumulate.
Describing the worthlessness of worldly life, He said that if there was no fear of
people falling into disbelief, We would have made the roofs, stairs, doors, and thrones
of their houses of silver (and what is silver) also of gold. And all these are the goods of
this world, and your Lord has the hereafter (blessings only) for the pious. He further
said: who becomes blind (by neglecting) the remembrance of the Most Merciful, We
impose Satan upon him, then he is his companion.
Verse number: 46 mention the invitation of Hazrat Musa ) (غلیہ السالمand Pharaoh's refusal,
arrogance and rebelliousness, and drowning and becoming a sign of a lesson. When
the Holy Prophet ﷺrecited this verse: "O polytheists! You and your gods are the fuel
of Hell" the Quraish said: Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمhas also been worshiped, so Allah ﷻ
Almighty said in verse number: 57 that Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمis the servant of Allah ﷻ
It is said from verse number: 67 that the disbelievers in this world who are friends
with each other will become enemies of each other, that is, they will become crown
witnesses against each other, but the relationship of friendship of the pious people
will continue on the Day of Resurrection. They will be given the good news that now
you are free from all kinds of fear and pain and enter Paradise with your wives
laughing happily. Pleasing and eye-catching objects and drinks will be served in golden
vessels for them, and it will be said to them, this is Paradise' which you were made to
In verse number: 77 said that the infidels, fed up with the punishment, will call upon
the guardian angel of hell and will say, O Malik! Should your Lord annihilate us? He
will say: You will abide in it forever.
In verse number: 81 he said: Say! If Allah ﷻAlmighty had a son, I would be the first to
worship him. Allah ﷻAlmighty is free from these faults. In the end, he is ordered to
forgive them and pray for their safety.
Surah-Ad-Dukhan is the Makki Surah. It is the 44 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 64 surah in terms of revelation.
In one of the verses of this Surah, the word Dukhan has appeared, so it was
named "Al-Dukhan".
At the start of this surah, Blessed Night is mentioned, most commentators have taken
it as Lailatul-Qadr, but with reference to the narration of Hazrat Akramah (ریض ہللا
)غنہ, some commentators have taken it to mean the fifteenth night of Shaban al-
Verse number: 07 mentions the lordship, divinity and other attributes of Allah
ﷻAlmighty. From verse number: 25, he described the background of the salvation of
the Bani Israel and the drowning of the Pharaohs: How many gardens, fountains,
fields, fine palaces, and the blessings in which they were busy, they left behind them?
Thus it happened and we made others the inheritors of all things, so neither the
In verse number: 38, it was said that we did not make the creation of the earth and
the sky and what is between them a play. After that, he said that the Day of Judgment
had been fixed for all of them.
At the end of this surah, it is said that the food of the disbelievers and idolaters in hell
will be the tree of zaqum (cactus), which will heat the stomachs like molten copper, as
frenzied boiling water, they will be dragged to the middle of hell and then boiling
water will be poured on their heads and this will be the punishment. After that,
mention is made of the grand blessings of paradise for the pious, that they will be in a
place of peace, in gardens and fountains, they will be seated face to face (with dignity)
dressed in fine and colored silk.
{Surat al-Jathiyah}
Surah al-Jathiya is the Makki Surah. It is the 45 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 65 surah in terms of revelation. In its verse number: 28, the
word "Jathiya" occurs which means: fallen on the knees, hence its name "Al-Jathiya".
In this surah, the invitation to believe in the monotheism of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the
confirmation of the Messengership of the Prophet ﷺand the declaration of accepting
the Holy Qur’an as the Word of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the confirmation of the occurrence
of the Resurrection and the life after death, and the account of the disbelievers and
the deniers are the rejection of accounts. At the start of this surah, the signs of the
power and majesty of Allah ﷻAlmighty are mentioned. These subjects have been
repeatedly described in the Holy Quran. He said from verse number: 07 that every
slanderer is doomed, who persist in disbelief even after hearing the verses of Allah
ﷻin Almighty.
The disbelievers of Quraish used to say that the one who is most prosperous and
powerful in this world will be prosperous and powerful in the Hereafter as well. Allah
ﷻAlmighty rejected this in verse number: 21 that the life and death of open sinners
and righteous believers are not equal.
In verse number: 23 he said: So have you not seen the person who made his desires,
his god and Allah ﷻAlmighty led him astray despite his knowledge and sealed his
After that, he explained the view of those disbelievers of the hereafter, which has
been the belief of atheists of all ages that all that exists is the life of this world, the
afterlife is nothing and only age destroys us. That is, they deny the Creator, death is
eternal, so wrap up as many gaieties as you can in your lap, wrap it up, the Holy
Qur'an says that the one who created the first time will bring it back to life and then
the reckoning will be in the court of Allah ﷻAlmighty, which no one can avoid. He
went on to say that those who have forgotten the Day of Judgment in this world, on
the Day of Judgment, mercy will ignore them and their abode will be Hell and there
will be no helper.
In this surah, the same subjects are described which are characteristic of the Makki
At the beginning of this Surah, the truth of Quran-e-Majeed has been described.
Verse Number 5 describes the helplessness of the false gods of the disbelievers to
respond, and being unaware of their calls.
Verse Number 14 mentions the bounties of Paradise for those who accept
Allah ﷻAlmighty as their Lord and remain steadfast.
Verse number 15 commands with emphasis on good behavior towards parents and
mentions the immense hardships that a mother has to bear during the pregnancy and
the developmental phase of the fetus, it is also told that the period of pregnancy and
weaning is thirty months, as also according to the Hadith, the duration of lactation is
two years, while the minimum period of pregnancy is 6 months.
Then the Holy Qur'an states that the righteous child after reaching the age of
maturity, asks Allah ﷻAlmighty to grant him the opportunity to thank Him for the
blessings He bestowed upon him and his parents, and also supplicates to grant him
divine help for doing the deeds that He likes, and reform his offsprings, and he
repents before Him and that he be among those who obey. Allah ﷻAlmighty says for
His servants, who are faithful and obedient to their parents, that we accept their good
deeds and forgive their mistakes. These people are among the people of Paradise and
this is the truthful promise of Allah ﷻAlmighty. In this verse, at the beginning, good
behavior towards both parents is mentioned, but by mentioning the sacrifices of the
mother more, the Holy Qur'an draws attention to her greater entitlement, And then
the Messenger of Allah ﷺemphasizes it further in the Holy Hadith.
In Verse Number 17, the evil end of a person is mentioned who disobeys his parents,
adheres to misguidance, and denies the Hereafter.
From verse number 21, Hazrat Hud's ) (غلیہ السالمinvitation to the nation of Aad towards
monotheism, their persistence in disbelieving, and the demand for their penalty, and
a strong wind in the form of punishment from Allah ﷻAlmighty, and the annihilation
of the people of Aad is mentioned. From verse number 29, the attendance of djinns in
the court of the Holy Prophet is mentioned, that a group of djinns heard the Holy
Qur'an while passing by him, and they went to their nation telling them about hearing
of a heavenly book which was revealed after Musa )(غلیہ السالم, and which confirms the
earlier heavenly books. These djinns told their people to accept the invitation of the
one who calls towards Allah ﷻAlmighty and believe in him. As a result, Allah ﷻ
Almighty will forgive their sins and save them from a painful punishment. And
whoever would not accept this invitation of the one who calls towards
Allah ﷻAlmighty, then there will be no refuge for him from the grip of
Allah ﷻAlmighty on earth.
Finally, the Prophet ﷺhas been advised to be patient like the earlier Prophets.
{Surat Muhammad}
Surah Muhammad is the Madani Surah. It is the 47 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 96 surah in terms of revelation. In verse number 2 of this Surah, the
name of the Prophet ﷺis mentioned, so this Surah was named Muhammad.
In this surah, inspiration for Jihad, good news to the Jihadists, the characteristics and
conspiracies of the hypocrites, and Muslims to remain warned from the hypocrites
have been detailed. At the start of this surah, He said that the acts of the disbelievers
are wasted, while the acts of the believers are accepted and sins are forgiven. Before
the Battle of Badr, detailed Islamic laws on war were not revealed and there was no
guidance on how to treat prisoners of war. In verse 4 of this holy Surah, He said that
when the war is over and the Muslims get victorious, the prisoners of war can be
treated in three ways: they should be imprisoned so that they cannot harm the
Muslims again, or If there is a hope that they can be reformed or accept for being
Verse number 15 mentions the bounties of Paradise for the pious such as there will be
clear and fresh water in the canals of Paradise, in which there will be no staleness or
change. There will be rivers similar to milk, the taste of which will never change. There
will be rivers of pure wine, teeming with taste, and rivers of pure and transparent
honey, and all kinds of fruits will be available to them. Then Allah ﷻaddressed the
common sense of a man and said: Should one follow the example of these high-
ranking people? Or follow the path of those who will live in hell forever and will be
provided with boiling water in the fire of hell that will tear apart their guts??
In verse number 20, after the revelation on the commands regarding Jihad, the
cowardly behavior of the hypocrites is described and said that after the definite order
of Jihad, if they had been truthful to Allah ﷻAlmighty, it would have been much
better for them. In verse number: 24, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that despite such clear
rationales, why do they not ponder over the Holy Qur'an? Have their hearts been
In verse number 29, He said that those who have the disease (hypocrisy) in their
hearts, they have assumed that Allah ﷻAlmighty will not reveal the discords of their
hearts. Hazrat Anas ) (ریض ہللا غنہsays that after this verse, no hypocrite escaped the sight of
the Holy Prophet ﷺand on one occasion, the Prophet ﷺcalled out their names and
expelled them from the mosque. In verse number 35, He said to the Muslims that
they should not give up and do not invite the infidels to reconciliation, as the
dominance belongs to them, the help of Allah ﷻand victory is with them, and Allah
ﷻAlmighty will never waste their deeds. He further said that whoever shows
miserliness on the call to spend in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty will be punished for
this stinginess. Allah ﷻAlmighty is carefree and generous, so if He wills, He will bring
another nation instead of those who turn away from the religion, then they will not
be like those who turned away from the religion.
{Surat Al-Fath}
Surah Al-Fath is the Madani Surah. It is the 48 surah in terms of scriptural order,
while the 112 surah in terms of revelation. The name of this Surah "Al-Fath" is
derived from its first verse. In this surah, the good news of the victory of Makkah,
Bait-e-Rizwan (Oath of Rizwan), the reverence and respect of the Prophet ﷺand the
accounts of the hypocrites and the holy attributes of the Companions are narrated.
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 200
At the start of this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty has declared the pact of Hudaybiyyah as a
sign of triumph.
From verse number 08, Allah ﷻAlmighty elaborated on the glory of the Holy
Messenger ﷺthat We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of glad tidings of Paradise
and a warner of punishment, and further said to Honor and respect the Messenger of
Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number 10, while describing the scenario of Bait-e-Rizwan, Allah ﷻAlmighty
declared the hand of the Messenger of Allah ﷺto be His hand, therefore the oath on
his hand is actually the oath to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
In verse number 11, while informing His Prophet ﷺof the reality of those who are
lagging behind in war, He said that these people will make excuses that we could not
participate due to our wealth and family's engagements, so pardon us for our slip-up.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said that these people say these words without the same in their
Verse No 17 describes the exclusion of the disabled and the sick from joining Jihad,
obeying Allah ﷻAlmighty and the Messenger. From verse number 18,
Allah ﷻAlmighty has granted His willingness for the loyal Companions )(ریض ہللا غہنم who
took oath on the hand of the Messenger of Allah ﷺat the place of Hudaybiyyah.
Therefore, whoever Allah ﷻis pleased with, their truthfulness, sincerity, and candor
of their faith are above all doubts and any doubt in the heart about them is a negation
of this evidence of Allah ﷻAlmighty's approval.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid to the Companions, "I have seen a dream that we are
entering the House of Allah ﷻAlmighty without fear or danger". But when, on the
occasion of the treaty of Hudaybiyya, under the terms of the Hudaybiyya pact, the
Companions had to open their Ihram without performing Umrah, some of the
Companions' feelings were hurt and they expressed their concerns.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Allah ﷻmade the dream of His Messenger come true and
one day you will surely enter the Haram-e-Kaaba without fear and danger, shaving
your head or trimming your hair ()ان شاءہللا, and then Allah gave the good news of victory
In the last verse of this Surah, He described the attributes of the Companions of the
Messenger of Allah ﷺ, which were earlier described in the Torah and the Bible, that
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 201
they were very hard while competing with the infidels, however, they were very kind
and merciful to each other. He addressed that whenever they are seen, they are
found engaged in the worship of Allah ﷻAlmighty. They seek Allah ﷻAlmighty's
grace and pleasure and their foreheads are radiant and bright with the effect of
prostration. The interpreters said that this verse also refers to the organization of the
{Surat Al-Hujurat}
Surat Al-Hujurat is the Madani Surah. It is the 49 surah in the terms of scriptural
order while the 108 surah in terms of revelation. Al-Hujurat is mentioned in verse
number 4 of this surah; hence it was named Al-Hujurat. In this surah, there is a
description of reverence for the prophethood and the measures to be taken to reform
the society.
At the start of Surah Al-Hujurat, Allah ﷻAlmighty explained the etiquettes at the
court of the Prophet ﷺthat even raising their voice above his voice is contrary to the
decorum, and talking to him in a loud voice is such an indecent act that can destroy
their good deeds, and for those who revere the prophet were given good news of
forgiveness and great rewards.
Verse No: 6 state the prohibition of taking any actions on important news without any
research and investigation, and without verification. In verse number 09, peace
between the opposing groups of Muslims is commanded, based on justice and equity,
and it is stated to fight the rebels until they return towards the orders of
Allah ﷻAlmighty, and brotherhood among Muslims is mentioned.
In the second ruku (section) of this surah, there are teachings on ethics especially that
Muslim men and women should not make fun of each other, should not criticize each
other, should not call each other bad names, and should not be suspicious of each
other. Do not spy on the concealed affairs of others and do not backbite each other
and then backbiting is declared as a heinous crime as if nibbling over the flesh of one's
dead brother. He also said that the origin of humanity is the same, that is, all are the
children of Adam and Eve )(غلہیها السالم, and tribes and communities are not for pride, but
for identification, and the standard of respect and dignity is piety. Thereafter the
definition of true faith and comprehensive faith has been described and it was also
told that by believing in Allah ﷻAlmighty is not a favor to Him, rather it is Allah ﷻ
Almighty's favor to his servant that He has granted him with the blessing of faith.
In this surah, the rationale of resurrection after death has been narrated with
evidence. Also, there are proofs of the monotheism of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the
Messengership of the Prophet ﷺ. At the start of the Surah, the wondering of the
disbelievers at being resurrected after death is mentioned.
In this surah, the signs of the power of Allah ﷻAlmighty have been described once
again, that is, the raising of the heavens and adorning these with the sun and the
moon and the stars and the planets, not having any cracks in it, the vastness of the
earth and the high mountains anchoring it, the rainfalls from the sky, and all kinds of
grains, fruits, flowers, and the gardens nurturing from it, giving life to the dead earth,
In verse number 15, affirming life after death, He said, "Are we tired after giving life
for the first time (no) rather, they are in doubt about their own birth as a new being".
In verse number 16, He said that Allah ﷻAlmighty is the creator of man, He is closer
than his jugular vein, and not only his outward actions, He also knows the whispers
and the doubts that arise in his heart and mind, He knows the incidents within his
heart, that is, nothing is hidden from Him. It is not hidden and every word he says is
inscribed. In verse number 22 of this Surah, some scholars said that if someone's
eyesight is affected, if this verse is recited, then Allah ﷻAlmighty restores the sight.
In verse number 30, narration regarding the horizons and hunger of Hell is mentioned
that on the day of resurrection, Allah ﷻAlmighty will ask Hell if its hunger has been
satisfied. She will say: Are there any (more)?
In verse number: 39, it is emphasized to praise and glorify Allah ﷻAlmighty in some
part of the night before sunrise and sunset and after prayers. In the last verses, there
is affirmed mention of the doomsday and its show.
At the start of this surah, an oath by the winds, boats, and angels has been taken, and
said that the promise of resurrection is true.
From verse number 15, after describing the rewards of the pious people in the
Hereafter, he described their qualities, that they sleep very little at night, and ask for
forgiveness in the last hour of the night, and this is also for those whom Allah
ﷻAlmighty has blessed with the bounty of wealth, A beggar has a right to their
wealth, and also those who are deprived of wealth.
In verse number 58, He said that indeed Allah ﷻAlmighty is the greatest provider of
sustenance and the most powerful. Some saints recommend this verse for the
provision of food.
At the end of this Para, there is mention of the arrival of the angels in human form to
Hazrat Ibrahim ) (غلیہالسالمand the arrangement of a feast by him, and there is a discussion
of the fear experienced by the angels when they did not advance their hands towards
the food, and then there is mention of the good news of Hazrat Ishaq ) (غلیہ السالمin the old
age of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Sarah )(غلیہالسالم.
) السالمasked him what is your mission? They said: We have been sent to a nation of
transgressors to pelt them with clay-baked stones, which are guided by your Lord for
transgressors. The technology of guided missiles which the scientific world has arrived
at very late, the Holy Qur'an presented its concept long ago. They also said that we
would drive the believers out of that town safely and there is only one house of
Muslims in it, that is, Hazrat Lut )(غلیہ السالم. After that, there is mention of Musa (غلیہ
) السالمand Pharaoh, and the drowning of the Pharaohs in the sea, as well as the
In verse 47: Then Allah ﷻsaid: We have created the sky with our ability and we are
expanding it all the time. Astronomers and scientists today talk about the discovery of
new galaxies and they say that there are still countless galaxies that have not been
discovered. The Holy Qur'an explained the vastness of the upper universe a long time
Verse number: 56 is the famous verse in which the Lord of the Universe explained the
purpose of the creation of jinn and humans, that is, worshiping Allah ﷻAlmighty,
knowledge and closeness of Him.
{Surat At-Tur}
Surah At-Tur is the Makki Surah. It is the 52 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 75 surah in terms of revelation. The name of this surah is derived from the
first verse of this surah, "Wat-Tur". In this surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty's irrevocable
punishment is mentioned that when His decision is made, there is no power to avert
it. On that day, the skies will tremble and the mountains will move very fast.
Verse number: 21 mentions the blessings and comforts prepared by Allah ﷻAlmighty
for the people of Paradise and also that those who are His true followers, among the
children of the believers will also enjoy them. Answering the charge of fabricating the
Holy Qur'an on his part from verse number: 33, he said that if they are true, then
bring something similar to the Holy Qur'an.
In verse number: 35, addressing the deniers of God's power, they were asked, that
they were created without any cause? Or that they themselves are their own
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 205
creators? Did they create the heavens and the earth? Are the treasures of your Lord's
mercy in their possession? And power or do they have a ladder on which they can
climb and listen to the words of the upper universe? If so, then please provide a clear
{Surat An-Najm}
The name of this Surah "An-Najm" is derived from its first verse. It is the 53 surah in
terms of scriptural order while it is the 23 surah in terms of revelation. The
polytheists used to say that (Sayyidina) Muhammad ﷺmade this Holy Qur'an by
himself, then Allah ﷻAlmighty said that he does not speak of his own will, he only
does what is revealed to him.
The first 18 verses of this Surah mention the stages of eminence in the ascension
journey of Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, in which The Messenger
of Allah ﷺwas given a special closeness to Allah ﷻAlmighty, and Allah ﷻAlmighty
revealed whatever He wanted to His holy servant.
The Messenger of Allah ﷻkept looking at the noor of his Creator and Lord with the
full presence and conviction of his pure heart. Then Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the
people who were in doubt: Are you arguing with him about what he saw? He has seen
the radiance of the eternal noor multiple times.
There is "the Garden of Eternal Residence" and the Prophet ﷺwas looking at the
radiance of the light of his creator with such love and interest that his sight never
wandered, nor did it overreach.
Verse No: 21 rejects the polytheist's false goddesses and gods and daughters for
Allah ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that these are only the names that you and
your fathers have named, Allah ﷻAlmighty has not sent down any testimony on
them and called it as thought and following of the desires, of the self.
From verse number: 32, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that those who refrain from major sins
other than minor sins, they were given good news that your Lord is Oft-Forgiving. In
another verse of the same meaning, he said that good deeds erase (minor) sins. He
further said that Allah ﷻAlmighty knows you well, when He created you from clay
He said from verse number: 38 that no soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of
another and that each person will only have what they endeavored towards. From
verse number: 42, he mentioned Allah ﷻAlmighty's noble attributes and sovereign
power and said that you have to return to your Lord in the end.
In the end, he said: Instead, prostrate to Allah ﷻAlmighty and worship Him alone!
{Surat Al-Qamar}
The name of Surah al-Qamar is derived from its first verse. It is the 54 surah in terms
of scriptural order while it is the 37 surah in terms of revelation. At the start of this
Surah, he said: "The Hour has drawn near and the moon is split in two and whenever
they see a sign, they turn away, saying, "Same old magic!" that has already been going
The incident of "moon split" happened in about the eighth year of the Prophecy. The
people of Makkah demanded a miracle, so the Prophet ﷺshowed them this miracle
until they saw a piece of the moon on one side of Mount Hira and another on the
other side. The incident is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu
Dawood, and Sunan Bayhaqi and books of commentary. Hafiz Ibn Kathir and other
commentators have declared these hadiths to be in the category of repeatedly and
the rational argument for the authenticity of this incident is that the Holy Qur'an has
claimed it explicitly and no one in that period has challenged the authenticity of this
incident. And the Holy Qur'an declared it as one of the signs of the Resurrection. In
this blessed Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty said four times with repetition, and we have
certainly made the Quran easy to understand the message. So is there anyone who is
mindful to accept messages? And also in this Surah, there is a mention of punishment
of the people of Aad, the people of Thamud, and the people of Pharaoh, the details of
which have already been mentioned earlier in the Holy Qur'an.
Verse No: 49 mentions making everything perfectly preordained. From verse number:
52 everything i.e. small and big is covered in the scriptures, paradise and blessings are
for the pious.
At the start of this Surah, he said: "The Most Compassionate taught His Noble
Messenger the Holy Qur'an. He created man (perfect) and taught him the explanation
(of everything)".
In verse number: 6, Allah ﷻAlmighty presented the unseen control of the sun and
the moon, the greens lying and prostration of the trees on the ground, and the
elevation of the sky as evidence of His power. In this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty
repeatedly mentioned the infinite blessings of His power, and then thirty-one times
addressing His intelligent creatures, jinns, and humans, he said, "Then which of your
Lord’s favors will you both deny?
From verse number: 19, the unity of Allah ﷻAlmighty has been argued from the
meeting of two seas and the non-mingling of water and taste, pearls and jewels
coming out of the seas, and the movement of big ships in the seas.
He said in verse number: 33: "O jinn and mankind! If you have the power to go out
from the edge of the ski and the earth, then go out. Wherever you go, there is the
kingdom of Him (Lord full of Majesty and Honour, will remain forever)". That is, no
matter how far a person goes in the exploration of outer space and galaxies, he will
see the splendor of the kingdom and power of Allah ﷻAlmighty. In verse number:
41, he said that on the Day of Resurrection, criminals will be recognized by their
From verse number: 46, the blessings of the two paradises are described that there
will be gardens with lush branches, two springs will be flowing in these paradises,
every fruit will have two types, and the people of paradise will be adorned with such
thrones that The lining will be exquisitely patterned silk, there will be beautiful
women like rubies and corals. Then he said that apart from these two Paradises there
will be two more Paradises in which there will be two streams gushing like a fountain,
and after describing more similar blessings, he said, "Kindness is rewarded by
One is the " "احصاب الهیهنہmeaning the people of happiness and good fortune, the other
" "السابقون الهقروبنwill be those who will surpass everyone in goodness and the third " احصاب
"الهشئهہ these ill-fated people will be the people of Hell. After that, once again the
attractive blessings of Paradise are mentioned that they will lean on pillows opposite
each other, they will be seated on thrones adorned with jewels, they will be served
cups of pure wine, and it will be such wine that will not affect the intellect and will be
After that, more blessings are mentioned for the " "احصاب الیهيand then for the " احصاب
"الشهال (i.e. the disobedient people of Allah ﷻAlmighty) various forms of punishment
are mentioned. One of them is that their food is " "زقومthe fruit of this tree is very
bitter), they will fill their stomach with it and drink boiling water on it.
Allah ﷻAlmighty drew attention to His power and said: "Tell me that whatever you
cultivate, you grow it or we are growing it, If we wish, we can put it in pieces, then
you will continue to say that we have been ransomed, rather we have been deprived".
From verse number: 77, the Holy Quran mentions that this book is in a well-preserved
record, and only pure people can touch this book.
In verse 83: Referring to the helplessness of the deceased and those close to him at
the time of the departure of the soul, Allah ﷻsaid: Why do you not return this soul if
you are truthful? That is, the affirmation is only for the kingdom of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
{Surat Al-Hadid}
Hadid (iron) is mentioned in verse no: 25 of this Surah, hence it is named Al-Hadid. It
th th
is the 57 surah in terms of scriptural order while it is the 95 surah in terms of
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah ﷻAlmighty has described different levels of excellence
among the Companions. One class of the Companions was those who believed
immediately after the announcement of Prophethood, then a milestone is when the
number of Muslims was forty, then a milestone is a migration. For those who believed
before and after the migration, then a milestone is the Battle of Badr. Allah
ﷻalmighty announced forgiveness for the people of Badr. One of the milestones is
the Treaty of Hudaybiyah. Allah ﷻAlmighty gave the certificate of his consent to all
the Companions present on that occasion, and then another milestone is the
conquest of Makkah, which was mentioned in verse 10 of this Surah.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: (O Muslims!) None of you can be equal to those who spent (in
the way of Allah ﷻbeing Almighty) and fought (against the disbelievers) before the
conquering (of Makkah), they all have a greater rank (than those Muslims), who after
(the conquest of Makkah) spent (in the way of Allah ﷻAlmighty) and waged Jihad
(against the infidels). With this mutual excellence and ranking, no one gets the right to
lower the status of a companion or to say any bad words in their honor, or to doubt
their sincerity and faith. He said: "And Allah ﷻAlmighty has promised (all the
Companions of His Messenger) a good end (i.e. Paradise).
In verse number: 12, Allah ﷻsaid that in the field of judgment, the believers and the
believing women will be distinguished and their light will shine in front and, on their
right and they will be given the good news of paradise.
In the next verse, he said: "The hypocritical men and women will say to the believers:
Look at us so that we may also get some light from your light". It will be said to them:
Go back and seek another light.
Then a wall will be placed between them, in which there will be a door. There will be
mercy on the inside of the door and punishment on the outside. They will ask, aren't
we with you? They will reply: your hypocrisy showed you this day.
In verse number: 16, Allah ﷻasked; has the time not yet come for believers’ hearts
to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah ﷻAlmighty and the truth?
Said in verse number 25: "Indeed, We sent our Messengers with strong arguments,
and we sent down with them the Book and the scale (justice) so that people may
abide by justice, and we sent down iron, in which there is strength and benefits for
mankind". The strong argument for the authenticity of this verse of the Holy Quran is
that today steel is fundamental for the production of war equipment and defensive
and proactive warfare around the world and this is the basis of all ancient and modern
Said from verse number: 27 that the followers of Hazrat Isa ) (غلیہ السالمhad invented
monasticism by themselves and their intention with it was to obtain the pleasure of
Allah ﷻAlmighty, then they did not make concessions, where it was supposed to, so
we gave reward to the believers among them, and most of them are transgressors.
In verse number: 29, he said that the people of the book do not have any control over
the blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty, the blessings are in His hand. He exalts whomever
He wills with it, and Allah ﷻAlmighty is the one who does most blessings.
The background of this surah is that Aus bin Saamit, the husband of a companion
Khawlah bint Tha’labah, made Zihar with her. In the era of Ignorance, Zihar was the
method by which the wife would be forbidden for her husband. Khawla bint Tha'labah
came to the service of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and said: I was young before, I was
beautiful, now my age has passed and I have small children. If I leave them with my
husband, they will perish and I don’t have finances to support them. The Messenger
of Allah ﷺremained silent because the command to Zihar had not yet come. Khawla
) (ریض ہللا غہناdiscussed her issue repeatedly with the Messenger of Allah ﷺfor its
resolution, and began to pray in the court of Allah ﷻAlmighty. Allah ﷻAlmighty said
in the opening verses of this Surah: "(O Messenger!) Allah ﷻAlmighty heard the
woman who was discussing with you about her husband and complaining to Allah
ﷻ, and Allah was listening to both of you. Verily, Allah ﷻis the All-Hearing, the All-
Seeing. Therefore, Khawla )(ریض ہللا غہنا was the reason for the revelation of this command
of Allah ﷻAlmighty. Once Hazrat Umar Farooq )(ریض ہللا غنہ was coming on a ride when
Khawla ) (ریض ہللا غہناstopped him and started talking, someone said: Amir al-Mu'minin, you
have stayed so long because of this old woman. He said: Why should I not listen to her
on earth, whose cry was heard by Allah ﷻin the heavens. After that, the command
on Zihar was revealed in Islam, that those who make Zihar with their wives and then
want to reconcile, their expiation is to free a slave before being coming close to their
wife, and whoever is not able to afford it, he must fast for consecutive two months,
and those who can't do this, then they have to feed sixty poor people twice a day. The
Zihar is that if a man says to his wife: "So you are similar to the back of my mother for
me" or if he compares any body part of his wife to the body part of his mother, then it
becomes Zihar. If a person just tells his wife that she is her mother or sister, although
even this statement is undesirable, nothing is required to be done, meaning that his
wife will not be forbidden.
In verse number 9, whispering, and depicting discrimination, has been forbidden, and
in verse 11, the etiquettes of sitting in a group have been addressed and the virtues of
scholars have been described. In verse number 22, He said: Indeed, those who believe
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 212
in Allah ﷻand in the Day of Resurrection, you will not find them loving those who
keep enmity with Allah ﷻand His Messenger, whether it is their father or their
parents or sons or their brothers or their relatives, these are the people whom Allah
ﷻAlmighty has placed faith in their hearts and have helped them and will admit
them to Paradise under which rivers flow. Allah ﷻis pleased with them and they
were pleased with Allah ﷻ. These people are the group of Allah ﷻ. Listen! Surely
Allah ﷻAlmighty's group is the one that will prosper. In the last verse, He also said
that a true believer cannot be friends with the enemies of Allah ﷻand His
Messenger, even if they are his parents or children or siblings or family members.
{Surat Al-Hashr}
Surat Al-Hashr is a Madani Surah. It is the 59 surah in the terms of scriptural order
while the 98 surah in terms of revelation. The name of this surah is al-Hashr because
Hashr means: gathering and the Banu Nazeer were gathered together and expelled
from Madinah and then exiled to Khyber and Syria. Banu Nazeer lived in a large
neighborhood in Madinah, they were very powerful there. In this arrogance, they
violated the pact made with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, and plotted to kill him, as a
result, they were expelled from Madinah and their houses, lands, and property were
taken over by the Muslims. From verse number 7, the assets of Fayi and its utilization
is mentioned, i.e. the possessions that Muslims get without any war are called the
assets of Fayi, and these assets are endowments.
In verse number 9 of this surah, it is stated in the background of an event that the
people of faith, despite being in need themselves, prefer to fulfill the needs of others
by being a person who is selfless and sacrifice.
In verse number 10, after mentioning the predecessors of the emigrants and the
supporters of the Companions )(ریض ہللا غہنم, in praise, He said that those who come later
pray for the forgiveness for their late believer brothers, and this verse is interpreted
as the origin for the transference of rewards. Verse number 11 is a description of the
conspiracy, deceitfulness, and cowardice of the hypocrites. In verse number 18, He
mentioned fearing Allah ﷻand sending something ahead for the Day of Judgment.
In verse number 21, Allah ﷻAlmighty explained the magnificence and the awe of the
Holy Qur'an that if we had sent down this Holy Qur'an on a mountain and (graced it
with intellect and consciousness), then O Mankind! You would have seen that the
mountain would have bowed down (in awe of the Holy Qur'an) and would had
{Surat Al-Mumtahinah}
Surat Al-Mumtahinah is a Madani Surah. This surah mentions the trials of the
believing women who migrated from Makkah; hence it was named al-Mumtahinah. It
th nd
is the 60 surah in the terms of scriptural order while the 92 surah in terms of
revelation. In this surah, the believers are forbidden from befriending the enemies of
Allah ﷻAlmighty and the enemies of Islam. However, He said that Allah ﷻdoes not
prevent them from doing good and justice with those who have not fought with the
Muslims in the matter of religion, and those who have not exiled them. But those who
have fought Muslims in religious matters, and exiled Muslims, or helped the enemies
of the Muslims in this regard, then Allah ﷻAlmighty forbids their friendship, that
those who befriend them are cruel.
In verse number 10, He told the believers about the believing women who migrated,
that do not return to the unbelievers after being sure of their faith, and said that the
believing women are not lawful for infidels, nor infidel men for Muslim women. Also
said that Muslims too should not hold unbelieving women with themselves.
In verse number 12, Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the Prophet ﷺ that if the believing
women companions want to make a vow to you on a fixed constitution and
manifesto, then accept their pledge and seek forgiveness from Allah ﷻfor them. That
manifesto is: that they will not associate any partner with Allah ﷻ, they will not steal,
they will not commit adultery, they will not kill their children (for fear of
poverty), they will not make baseless slander, and will not disobey you for any good
deed. It is mentioned in the Holy Hadith that sometimes the Messenger of Allah
ﷺwould say to his gracious Companions that even if they want to make this pledge
Surat As-Saf is the Madani Surah. The name of this surah is derived from its fourth
st th
verse. It is the 61 surah in terms of scriptural order while 108 surah in terms of
At the start of this Surah, it is forbidden to contradict in speech and deeds, and Allah
ﷻAlmighty would be displeased with such people whose words and deeds are
contradictory. He further said: Allah ﷻAlmighty loves those Jihadists who are
queued up to fight in His way.
O people of Israel, I have been sent to you as a messenger of Allah ﷻ, I confirm the
previous Holy book Torah, and give the good news of a messenger who will come
after me, his name is Ahmed.
From verse number 8, He said that the enemies of the religion want to extinguish the
light of Allah ﷻwith their mouths (by blowing) and Allah ﷻis the One who
accomplishes His light, no matter how much the disbelievers dislike it. In verse
number 9, it was stated that Allah ﷻsent His Messenger with guidance and the
righteous religion in order to make him prevail over all false religions, No matter how
distasteful it may be to polytheists.
From verse number 10, Muslims were encouraged to trade with Allah ﷻand were
given the good news of a great reward for it, and that trade is to make Jihad in the
way of Allah ﷻAlmighty with your wealth and lives. At the end of the Surah, He said:
A group of Bani Israel believed in Hazrat Isa )(غلیہ السالم, and another group disbelieved, so
we helped the believers against their enemies, so the believers prevailed (over the
{Surat Al-Jumu'ah}
Surat Al-Jumu’ah is a Madani Surah. It is the 62 surah in the terms of scriptural order
while the 106 surah in terms of revelation. In Verse No: 9 of this Surah, there is
mention of Jumu'ah prayers, hence the name of this Surah "Al-Jumu'ah". At the start
of this Surah, the objectives of sending the Messenger were described, i.e. the
recitation of the divine verses, inner purification, and teaching of the Book and
wisdom. And He said, that those who were given Torah, and they did not follow it,
they are similar to donkeys that are loaded with books. After that, Jews are
mentioned and they were invited that if their claim is true that besides all the people,
In the second ruku of this surah, the command of the obligatory prayer of Jummah
was revealed that when the call is given for Friday prayer, leave all your work and run
for the prayer, and leave your business and when you have performed the prayer,
look for the resources for sustenance. The Holy Hadith quotes, that whoever skips
prayers for three consecutive Fridays because of laziness, Allah ﷻwill seal his heart,
and in another hadith, the Messenger of Allah ﷺsaid on the pulpit, that people
should stop the practice of skipping Fridays. Otherwise (as a penalty for this
disobedience) Allah ﷻAlmighty will seal their hearts and they will become heedless.
{Surat Al-Munafiqun}
Surat Al-Munafiqun is the Madani Surah. It is the 63 surah in the terms of scriptural
order while the 102 surah in terms of revelation. It was named "Al-Munafiqun" due
to the mention of the word "Al-Munafiqun" in its first verse.
At the beginning of this Surah, He described the seal on the hearts of the hypocrites
due to their verbal acknowledgment of the prophethood of the Messenger of Allah
ﷺand their disbelief covertly, false oaths, and the fact that they are the enemies of
Islam and therefore, to remain warned from them. In verse 8, in response to the
meaningless talk of the leaders of the hypocrites, He said that honor is only for Allah
ﷻ, His Messenger, and the believers. In the second ruku of this surah, Allah
ﷻAlmighty said to the believers that wealth and (love for) children should not make
you forget the remembrance of Allah ﷻ, and said: "The wealth that We have given
you, spend it in the way of religion before death approaches you, otherwise, seeing
the death angel, everyone would say that I should get a little time in my life so that I
can give charity and do good deeds and be from the righteous". Allah ﷻsaid that at
the assigned time for death, no one will get even one breath of respite.
{Surat At-Taghabun}
Surah At-Taghabun is a Madani Surat. It is the 64 surah in the terms of scriptural
order while the 107 surah in terms of revelation. Due to the mention of the
word "At-Taghabun" in verse number 9, this Surah is called "At-Taghabun". At the
In verse number 9, He called the Day of Resurrection as a day of loss and for the
entrance into hell for the unbelievers and for the entrance in Paradise for the
righteous believers.
In verse number 14, He told the believers: "Few of your wives and your children are
your enemies, so be alert from them" meaning, that sometimes a person stays away
from the religion due to the dominance of love of his family, and for the fulfillment of
their legitimate and illegitimate demands and desires, and refrains from Jihad.
In verse number 16, there is a declaration of success in the hereafter for those who
fear, listen, obey Allah ﷻAlmighty, spend in the way of Allah ﷻ, and avoid
{Surat At-Talaq}
Surat At-Talaq is a Madani Surat. The first verse of this Surat mentions about the
issuance of divorce and the iddah of divorce, hence the name "At-Talaq". It is the 65
surah in the terms of scriptural order while the 96 surah in terms of revelation.
At the start of this Surah, He said that when you issue divorce to your wives, divorce
them before the time of their Iddah starts (during purification). After the divorce, it is
important to keep track of the Iddah and fulfill it. In the Holy Qur'an, the rules of
Iddah have been described according to various circumstances, which are as follows:
(1) A woman who is on menses, her iddah is for three periods and divorce should be
issued during the period of purity, during which the husband has not had intercourse
with the woman.
(2) A woman who does not have menses, her Iddah is three months; such a woman is
called "( " ٰائ جِسہAayisah) in the Holy Quran.
(3) If a woman is pregnant at the time of divorce, her iddah ends as soon as the child
is born, whether the period is short or long.
(4) A woman who has been married, but no consummation of marriage has occurred,
and no privacy has taken place, then there is no iddah on her, she will be excluded
(5) A woman whose husband has died, her Iddah is four months and ten days. If the
husband of a pregnant woman dies, then the Iddah during pregnancy is also effective
in her favor, whether its duration is shorter or longer than the Iddah for death. The
Holy Qur'an also quoted that in the case of revocable divorce, before the completion
of the period of Iddah, turn back with good intentions, or separate as per the
constitution, and appoint two witnesses in the case of reverting back. This order is not
compulsory, it is appreciable. The Holy Qur'an also ordered that divorced women
should be given maintenance according to their status during iddah and should not be
harassed, and if they are pregnant, give them maintenance and housing until delivery.
After the delivery, if they are willing to foster and breastfeed the child, then give them
wages and a rich person should pay all these expenses according to his status, and a
poor person should pay them according to his status.
{Surat At-Tahrim}
Surat At-Tahrim is a Madani Surat. It is the 66 surah in terms of scriptural order while
the 105 surah in terms of revelation. The name of this Surah is "At-Tahrim" because
the Prophet ﷺprohibited honey upon himself, which is mentioned in the first verse
of this Surah.
At the start of this Surah, it was stated that the Holy Prophet ﷺhad taken an oath
not to eat honey for some reason, so Allah ﷻAlmighty told him to break the oath by
paying expiation. While warning the Prophet's wives, He said that if the Prophet
ﷺdivorces them, then soon his Lord will give him better wives than them in their
lieu, who would be obedient, trustworthy, worshipping, fasting, and loving to their
husband and virgins. Obviously, this never happened, so it means that the wives of
the Holy prophet ﷺ, the revered mothers of the Muslims ) (ریض ہللا غہنوpleased the
Messenger of Allah ﷻwith all their heart and soul. In verse number 6, Muslims are
commanded to protect themselves and their families from the fire, whose fuel is men
and stones. In verse number 8 sincere repentance is commanded, and forgiveness of
sins and good news of Paradise is given. In verse number 9, Jihad with the infidel
fighters has been commanded. In verse number 10, the wives of Hazrat Noah and
Hazrat Lut ) (غلہیها السالمare mentioned that due to their disbelief, they did not benefit even
from being close to the Prophet. In the next verse, Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh, is
mentioned, that because of her faith, the closeness to an infidel could not harm her.
After that, the chastity and obedience of Hazrat Maryam )(غلہیا السالمis mentioned.
The great virtues of Surat al-Mulk have been described in the Hadith; it is called "al-
Munjiya" (saver) and "al-Waqiya" (protector). The recitation of this Surah causes
reduction and salvation from the punishment of the grave. At its start, Allah
ﷻAlmighty explained the wisdom of life and death and its purpose, is to test the
servants to see who is the best on the scale of action. In the next verses, Allah ﷻ
Almighty declared the creation of the seven heavens above as a sign of His power and
said that you will not see any defect or fault in the creation of Allah ﷻAlmighty. Look
back and see if you see any cracks? Then look again and again (to find any flaws or
faults in God's creation) your eyes will become tired and useless. Allah ﷻAlmighty
has defined the innumerable shining stars under the first sky as a bulb.
From verse number: 8, the dialogue that will take place between the disbelievers and
the guardian of hell, their confession and the punishment of hell, while for the
believers there is a description of forgiveness and a great reward. In verse number:
19, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: Have they not seen (ever) above them the birds spreading
their wings and (ever) curled up on them? No one can stop them (in the sky) except
the Most Merciful.
From verse number: 20 there is a statement about Allah ﷻAlmighty helping and
providing sustenance.
He said in verse number: 23 that Allah ﷻAlmighty is the one who created you and
gave you the abilities to hear, see, and understand, (but) few people are thankful for
the blessings of Allah ﷻAlmighty. He said in the last verse: You say: Tell me this, if
your water goes into the ground in the morning, so who will bring the flowing water
to you?
At the start of this surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty defended His Messenger ﷺfrom the
accusations of the infidels by swearing by the pen and the workers of Qadha and
Qadar, that by the grace of his Lord, prophet ﷺare not insane and never-ending
reward for him, and prophet ﷺhold a great position of morals. Soon you will see and
they will also see which of you were insane. The general principle is that the one who
is accused, he offers his own cleansing, but Allah ﷻgave this honor to the Messenger
of Allah ﷺthat he continued to be accused by the infidels and polytheists, but
Allah ﷻAlmighty rejected them with Qur'anic verses. In response to Waleed bin
Mughira's bad sayings about the Prophet ﷺ, Allah ﷻAlmighty disclosed his nine ugly
Verse number: 4 describes the greatness of the etiquettes of the Messenger of Allah
ﷺ, and this greatness is not measured by the scale of the creatures, but by the scale
of Allah ﷻAlmighty. The word ""یلع comes from Arabic to denote a commanding
position over something. It is learned from this that the character of the Messenger of
Allah ﷺwill not be measured by the current measure standards of morality, but the
character that becomes a part of him, will be considered great.
From verse number: 8, Allah ﷻAlmighty said to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ that the
disbelievers want you to make unnecessary concessions to them in the matter of
religion so that they also make concessions in response. This cannot happen; there
can be no compromise on the truth. After that, nine ugly attributes of an enemy of
the Messenger (according to the commentators, it is Waleed bin Mughira) have been
described. This shows that Allah ﷻAlmighty does not like the one who heart-
breaking His Holy Prophet ﷺ.
Verse number: 17 mentions those gardeners who did not say ( )ان شاءہللاwith the
intention of reaping fruit, and were heedless of glorifying Allah ﷻAlmighty and were
stingy in giving their share to the poor, so Allah ﷻAlmighty destroyed their garden,
after that, there is a mention of their repentance and turning to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Scholars have written about the last verse of this Surah that if this verse is recited and
exhaled, the evil eye is cured.
At the start of this Surah, the truth and certainty of the Resurrection have been
described, then the punishment of the people of Thamud and Aad and Pharaoh is
mentioned, these subjects have been described in many places in the Holy Quran.
From verse number: 13, there is a description of the blowing of the trumpet, the earth
and the mountains being lifted up and smashed to pieces by the blow, the sky being
burst and weakened and the eight angels lifting up the Throne of Allah ﷻAlmighty. It
was told from verse number: 19 that on the Day of Judgment, whoever's book of
deeds will be given in his right hand, this will be a sign of his success and he will
proudly say to the people, Come and read my book of deeds. On the contrary, the one
whose book of deeds will be given in his left hand will be a sign of his disgrace and he
will say that I wish I had not been given my book of deeds, and with death, my story
would have ended forever. In the same verses, there is a description of the blessings
of paradise for the righteous and the hereafter punishment for the disbelievers.
In verse number: 40, he said that the Holy Qur'an is neither the words of a poet nor
the words of a wizard, it is only the word of Allah ﷻAlmighty.
{Surat Al-Ma'arij}
Surah Al-Ma’arij is the Makki Surah. This surah is named Al-Ma'arij because the word
Al-Ma'arij is mentioned in verse 3. It is the 70 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 77 surah in terms of revelation.
At the start of this surah, there is a statement about the punishment of the Day of
Judgment once again, that one day of judgment will be equal to fifty thousand years,
the sky will become like molten copper, the mountains will become like washed
colored wool, and no one will ask about anyone's condition. At that time, the criminal
will wish that he can give compensation to his wife, brother, relatives, and all the
people of the earth and release himself. Verse number: 19 mention the low morale of
man, panic at the time of trouble, and miserliness in case of profit. In this surah, there
is a description of the people of truth, their high attributes, and the final reward.
At the start of this surah, Hazrat Nooh )(غلیہ السالم mentioned being sent to his nation,
inviting the nation to worship Allah ﷻAlmighty and forsake sins.
Hazrat Nooh ) (غلیہ السالمused to plea before Allah ﷻAlmighty that I called my people to
the truth day and night, but their disobedience continued to increase. And whenever I
called them to the truth, they would stick their fingers in their ears to deny the truth
and in stubbornness and arrogance would cover themselves with clothes, I said to
them: Seek forgiveness from your Lord, He is Oft-Forgiving, He will send you abundant
rain and help you with wealth and sons. When Nooh ) (غلیہ السالمwas disappointed in the
faith of the people after spending the longest period of preaching in the congregation
of the Prophets, he prayed to punish for them, O Allah ﷻAlmighty, erase their name
and mark, and on this occasion, he prayed for forgiveness for himself, for his parents
and for all the believing men and women.
{Surat Al-Jinn}
Surah Al-Jinn is the Makki Surah. It is the 72 surah in terms of scriptural order while
it is the 48 surah in terms of revelation. A group of jinn is mentioned in the first
verse, of listening to the Holy Qur'an. Hence this surah is called "Al-Jinn".
In this surah, it is stated that the jinn used to go to the Upper World to get news, but
now the time had come that their entry into the Upper World is closed and whoever
went there would be blocked by guards, and Fireballs were hurled at them. The Jinns
advised to examine the entire surface of the earth and see why this whole scene has
changed. There must have been a big change. Hazrat Ibn Abbas ) (ریض ہللا غنہnarrated that a
group of them went to Tihamah (Makkah) and there the Prophet ﷺwas leading his
companions in the Morning Prayer in the market of Ukaz. When they heard the Holy
Qur'an, they said, "This is what has hindered between us and the sky". Then they
went and told their people, "We have heard a wonderful Holy Qur'an that guides us to
the right path". We have believed in this and we will never associate anyone with our
Lord. Verily, the glory of our Lord is high and He has neither a wife nor a son. They
said that some of us are obedient and some are rebellious and the rebellious group of
jinn will be the fuel of hell. In Arabic, all the words that are formed from " "ج ن نhave
He said in verse number: 26, "He is the Knower of the Unseen, so He does not inform
anyone of His Unseen except those whom He has chosen, who are His Messengers". It
is known that Allah ﷻAlmighty gives knowledge of the unseen to His prophets.
{Surat Al-Muzzammil}
Surah Al-Muzzammil is the Makki Surah. It is the 73 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 3 surah in terms of revelation. The name of this Surah "Al-Muzzammil"
is derived from its first verse.
In this Surah, in the manner of love, Allah ﷻAlmighty addressed the Prophet ﷺwith
one of his special praises. "O you who wear a cloak". Allah ﷻAlmighty described the
Prophet's "Night Vigil Prayer". The style of the Holy Qur'an shows that he used to stay
up all night". So Allah ﷻAlmighty said: You should stay up at night in prayer but a
little at midnight or Reduce something from it or add something to it and recite the
Holy Qur'an distinctly. He also said that getting up at night is hard on the self and
keeping the word true. He also said, "You should keep mentioning the name of your
Lord and be detached from everything and become His". In verse number: 17, he
described the fearfulness of the Day of Judgment that it will make children old. In the
second ruku, he said, "Your Lord knows that you (sometimes) stay up until two-thirds
of the night, sometimes up to midnight, and sometimes up to one-third of the night,
and a group of companions are also engaged in worship with you". Allah ﷻAlmighty
repeatedly said that you should recite as much of the holy Qur'an as you can easily.
The scholars said that it is about Tahajjud and that the prayer of Tahajjud was
obligatory or wajib upon him.
In the end, he said that whatever you send forward for your own good, you will
receive a better and greater reward from Allah ﷻAlmighty, and keep asking Allah
ﷻAlmighty for forgiveness. Indeed, Allah ﷻAlmighty is Oft-Forgiving, Most
Verse No: 39 praise the people of the right. He said in verse number: 42 that the
people of Hell will be asked “What has landed you in Hell "They will reply", we were
not of those who prayed, nor did we feed the poor. We used to indulge in falsehood
along with others, and deny the Day of Judgment, that death came upon us. This gives
a lesson that the believers and the seekers of Paradise should avoid the habits of the
people of Hell.
{Surat Al-Qiyamah}
Surah Al-Qiyamah is the Makki Surah. It is the 75 surah in terms of scriptural order
while it is the 31 surah in terms of revelation.
About those who deny the Hereafter, Allah ﷻAlmighty swore and said: Has man
thought that we will not collect his bones after death? Why not? We are also capable
of making his fingertips as they were before.
He said from verse number: 16: (O Messenger )!ﷺDo not move your tongue in the
desire to remember the divine revelation quickly. It is our responsibility to collect this
Holy Qur'an and release it on your tongue, so when we (i.e. our sent angel) recite, you
should follow what is recited, and then it is our responsibility to explain
it (meaning). At the end of the surah, the state of the hereafter and the scene of
forgiveness are described and mention the resurrection of human beings like the first
{Surat Ad Dahr}
{Surat Al-Mursalat}
Surah Al-Mursalat is the Makki Surah. This surah is named Al-Mursalat because the
first word of its first verse is "Al-Mursalat". It is the 77 surah in terms of scriptural
order while it is the 33 surah in terms of revelation.
At the start of this Surah, the signs of the Day of Judgment are mentioned and he
repeatedly said that on this day there will be perdition for those who deny the Day of
Judgment, and at the end, once again, there is the good news of the reward of the
Hereafter and the blessings of the Hereafter for the pious people.
In verse 15 of this Surah, mentioned the end result of criminals. He mentioned the
dangers of hell from verse number: 29.
{Surat An-Nazi'at}
The first word of the first verse of this Surah is "Wan-Nazi'at", hence its name "An-
th st
Nazi'at". It is the 79 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 81 Surah in terms of
revelation. In this Surah, it is said that the angels of death remove the souls of the
people of Hell very harshly, and the souls of the believers very gently.
After this, there is mention of the angels who are assigned to manage the affairs of
nature. After that, the resurrection is mentioned once again.
From verse number 15, it is stated that Musa ) (غلیہ السالمwas sent to Pharaoh to invite him
to the truth and he rejected and disobeyed him and declared himself to be "ایلع ّ "
ٰ ربِ
meaning he claimed to be the God. So, Allah ﷻAlmighty made him an example by
punishing him. He responded to the questions of the deniers of resurrection after
death, who will revive again, once they die? Referring to the creation of the earth and
the sky and what is in between these, Allah ﷻAlmighty said, is it difficult to
reproduce or to establish such a great system of the universe that is in front of you? In
this Surah, it is also mentioned that the abode of the rebellious will be hell and those
whose hearts fear Allah ﷻand are not self-centered, their abode will be paradise.
{Surat Abas}
th th
Surah Abas is a Makki Surah. It is the 80 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 24
Surah in terms of revelation. The first word of this Surah is "Abas" hence it was named
Abas. The leaders of the Quraish were present in the prophet's court and the
Prophet ﷺwas preaching to them. At that time, a blind companion, Abdullah ibn
Umm Maktum, appeared and said: O Messenger of Allah !ﷺTeach me what
Allah ﷻAlmighty has taught you. The Prophet ﷺwas disgusted by this interference.
This displeasure was due to unnecessary interference in the duty of preaching and it
was justified, but Allah ﷻAlmighty still sent down these blessed verses, consoling
Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum, so that the world would know about the place of broken
hearts and hurt souls in this court which belongs to no ordinary one.
And those who criticize the exalted status of the Prophet ﷺquoting this blessed
surah are ignorant of the secrets of love between the lover and the beloved and have
a low level of understanding.
At the end of this surah, the scene of the doomsday when everyone will be concerned
about self is described that in the world those who lived their lives for their near and
dear ones and claimed their love will run away for their own lives. A person will run
away from his own brother, parents, wife, and sons. Allah ﷻAlmighty said that
everyone will be under pressure. Some faces will be bright, smiling, and cheerful and
some will be dusty and gloomy.
{Surat At-Takwir}
st th
Surah At-Takwir is a Makki Surah. It is the 81 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 7
Surah in terms of revelation. The name of this Surah is At-Takwir, derived from the
source word Kuwirrat (کو جر ْت
ِ ).
This Surah also mentions the signs of the Day of Resurrection, that the extent of the
sunlight will be enfolded, the stars will fall, the mountains will be moved, and the ten-
month pregnant camels will be left in vain. Meaning, that the worth of capital and
wealth of the world will end. Wild animals will be gathered, the seas will be stirred up,
souls will be reunited with bodies, and the scriptures of deeds will be spread forth,
hell will be ignited, heaven will be brought near, and everyone will know what piles of
{Surat Al-Infitar}
Surah Al-Infitar is a Makki Surah. It is the 82 Surah both in terms of scriptural order
and revelation. This Surah's name is mentioned in the first verse of this Surah.
In this Surah, the subjects of the previous Surahs are mentioned, i.e., the signs of the
resurrection and the consequences of the resurrection, and it is described that Allah
ﷻAlmighty has appointed angels to write down the deeds of every servant, these are
called "Kiraman Katibin" (the honorable writers). And they know whatever the servant
does. There is a narration of the righteous beings among the bounties and the
immoral beings in hell, and that, on the Day of Resurrection, no one will be of use to
anyone, and only Allah ﷻAlmighty's order will prevail on that day.
{Surat Al-Mutaffifin}
Surah Al-Mutaffifin is a Makki Surah. It is the 83 Surah in terms of scriptural while
the 86 Surah in terms of revelation. "Tatfif" means to reduce in scale and measure.
Allah ﷻAlmighty said: There is a severe punishment for those who depreciate in
measuring and weighing because when they take from others, they measure the
entire weight fully. And when they give to others, they reduce the measurement or
weight, that is, they make deficiency.
He further said that these people do not believe in the Day of Judgment. He also said
that the deeds of the unbelievers are in the "Sijin" which is a sealed scripture. These
people deny the Day of Resurrection and describe the divine verses as stories of the
previous nations. Allah ﷻAlmighty further said that their hearts have rusted because
of their deeds and they will be deprived of seeing their Lord in the Hereafter.
He further said that the book of deeds of the righteous will be in " " ِغ ِل ِّی ِيwhich is also a
sealed book upon which close servants of Allah ﷻAlmighty are witnesses. He further
said that the righteous will be in comfort among the bounties of Paradise, their faces
will be refreshed, and they will be given sealed wine of purity, the fragrance of which
is musk.
{Surat Al-Buruj}
Surah Al-Buruj is a Makki Surah. In the first verse of this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty has
sworn by the sky with constellations, hence it was named Al-Buruj. It is the 85 Surah
in terms of scriptural while the 27 Surah in terms of revelation.
In this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty has stated that for believing in Allah ﷻAlmighty, the
"people of the trench" (those of trenches) were killed in such a way that they were
thrown into the blazing fire. The details of these followers of the true path are
available in the books of Tafsir, on whom the infidels of their time inflicted immense
atrocities. In the end, He said that Allah ﷻAlmighty's grasp is very strong, He is the
one who creates, and He will revive again, Whatever He intends to do, He does.
Verse number 10 onwards, He has warned for the severest punishment of Hell for
those who put believing men and women into the lure, and the bounties of Paradise
and success are mentioned for righteous believers. In the end, he comforted the
Prophet ﷺand the believers that the rebels with large armies like Pharaoh and
Thamud do not even have a name or mark today, and these sufferings and difficulties
are temporary.
{Surat Al-A'la}
Surah Al-A'la is a Makki Surah. In the first verse of this Surah, the word "Al-A'la" is
mentioned, hence it is named as Al-A'la. It is the 87 Surah in terms of scriptural while
the 8 Surah in terms of revelation. At the start of this Surah, He mentioned the
seamless power and exaltation of Allah ﷻAlmighty and commanded to glorify Him.
In verse number 6, He said that soon we will teach you the Holy Qur'an, so you will
not forget. At the end of this Surah, He said; He who cleanses his inner self and prays
in the name of his Lord is successful, although you prefer the life of this world but in
the Hereafter, there is a grand and eternal life. Indeed, this same message is
mentioned in the earlier scriptures, the scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa )(غلہیها السالم.
{Surat Al-Ghashiyah}
Surat Al-Ghashiyah is a Makki Surah. In the first verse of this Surah, the word "Al-
Ghashiyah" is mentioned, so its name is Surah Al-Ghashiyah. It is the 88 Surah in
terms of scriptural while the 68 Surah in terms of revelation.
At the start of this Surah, there is a mention of the end of those people who will suffer
punishment in the Hereafter, then there is a mention of those fortunate believers
who will be exalted with the bounties of the Hereafter, and then the glory of Allah
ﷻ Almighty's creation is mentioned.
From verse number 17, Allah ﷻrationalized regarding the monotheism of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, His power, His wisdom, and His knowledge from the creation of the
heavens, camels, mountains, and lands, etc. In the end, there is a reminder that
everyone must return to Allah ﷻAlmighty.
Surah Al-Fajr is a Makki Surah. The name of this Surah "Al-Fajr" is derived from its first
th th
verse. It is the 89 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 10 Surah in terms of
revelation. In the opening verses, Allah ﷻAlmighty swore by Fajr, by the ten nights of
Dhu al-Hijjah, and Even and Odd and said that the disbelievers will surely be punished.
In this Surah, the people of Aad, Thamud, and Pharaoh are mentioned. These nations
rebelled under the influence of power. Allah ﷻAlmighty lashed them with scourges
of punishment.
From verse number 17, Surah warned, He said that you do not respect orphans, you
do not encourage each other to feed orphans, you devour all the inherited wealth,
you have immense love for wealth.
After that, He said that in the hereafter, one will realize the instability of this wealth.
Man will regret, but this regret will not be of any use. In the last verse, he said that
a "content soul" i.e. those who have a high level of faith will be welcomed with honor
and dignity at the time of death.
{Surat Al-Balad}
Surah Al-Balad is a Makki Surah. It is the 90 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
25 Surah in terms of revelation. The mention of the word "Al-Balad" in its first verse
is the cause of its name. In this Surah, the greatness and majesty of the Prophet ﷺis
stated, that Allah ﷻsworn by this city because he is residing in this city. In this Surah,
Allah ﷻsaid that we have given man two eyes to see, a tongue and two lips to speak,
and we have given him the awareness of good and evil. Allah ﷻfurther said that
Allah ﷻAlmighty called the war against the false desires of the soul and satanic
temptations as the most difficult stage and said that the easiest way to overcome this
difficult pit is to free the neck that is burdened by a financial ransom, feeding a person
suffering from hunger, preferably an orphan who is also a relative or a poverty-
stricken person.
{Surat Ash-Shams}
Surah Ash-Shams is a Makki Surah. It is the 91 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
26 Surah in terms of revelation. In this Surah, the sun has been sworn upon;
therefore, it is called Ash-Shams. In the introduction at the beginning of this Surah,
Allah ﷻAlmighty swore by seven things, including the soul of man, and said that
Khulasa-e-Tafseer Page 232
Allah ﷻAlmighty has given every human being the realization to differentiate
between good and evil, so whoever keeps his soul pure, he is successful. And he who
has polluted his soul with sins becomes unsuccessful. At the end, there is mention of
the people of Saleh ) (غلیہ السالمcutting the hooves of the she-camel and Allah ﷻ
Almighty's torments upon them.
{Surat Al-Lail}
nd th
Surah Al-Lail is a Makki Surah. It is the 92 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 9
Surah in terms of revelation. At the beginning of this Surah, the word Wal-Lail is
mentioned, and hence was named Al-Lail.
In this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty said that the struggle of man continues in two
different directions. One of the groups is that who spends wealth given by Allah
ﷻAlmighty in His way, adheres to piety and affirms good things, so we will make it
easy for him to reach Paradise. The second group is those who do not spend the
wealth given by Allah ﷻAlmighty because of miserliness. Such a person becomes
intoxicated with the abundance of wealth and becomes offhand of Allah ﷻAlmighty,
and denies the good things, so we make the difficult destination i.e. Hellfire an easy
path for him.
In the last verses, He said that the person who gives his wealth in the way of Allah
ﷻAlmighty, not to repay someone's kindness, but only to seek the pleasure of his
Lord, will be saved from the hellfire, so that his heart is freed from the dominance of
miserliness, greed and love of wealth. Analysts have written that these verses were
revealed about the glory of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique )(ریض ہللا غنہ.
{Surat Ad-Duhaa}
Surat Ad-Duhaa is a Makki Surah. It is the 93 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
11 Surah in terms of revelation. The name of this Surah is derived from its first word,
This Surah is describing the greatness of Prophet ﷺ. When the disbelievers of Quraish
said: The Lord of Muhammad ﷺhas left him and is angry with him, therefore, in
response to their irreverence, Allah ﷻAlmighty said: O Messenger of Allah !ﷺYour
Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become angry with you, every coming hour will
be better than your previous hour, and soon your Lord will give you so much that you
will be satisfied. Translating verse number 7 of this Surah, many scholars have slipped
{Surat Al-Inshirah}
Surah Al-Inshirah is a Makki Surah. It is the 94 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
12 Surah in terms of revelation. In this Surah, the expansion of the chest of the
Prophet ﷺis mentioned, one of its meanings is that his chest was constricted by the
taunts and insults of the infidels and heart-wrenching words, so Allah ﷻAlmighty
opened his chest, that is, he gave him perseverance and steadfastness, or, expanding
of the chest means splitting the chest, the description of which is available in ahadith.
One verse in it is an extraordinary divine gift for the exaltation of the glory of the
Prophet ﷺthat Allah ﷻAlmighty said, "And we have exalted your remembrance for
you" and said, "Indeed, along with hardship there is ease". At the end, there is a
mention of praying with fortitude after worship.
{Surat At-Tin}
th th
Surah At-Tin is a Makki Surah. It is the 95 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 28
Surah in terms of revelation. At the start of this Surah, the word At-Tin is mentioned,
so it was named At-Tin. He said in this Surah, "Indeed, We created man in the best
form and then returned him to the lowest class, except for the believers and the
righteous. This means that closeness and honor in the court of Allah ﷻAlmighty is
not based on the outward appearance of a person but on faith and deeds.
{Surat Al-Alaq}
th st
Surah Al-Alaq is a Makki Surah. It is the 96 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 1
Surah in terms of revelation. The revelation starts with this Surah, Its first five verses
are the first divine revelation, which was revealed in the cave of Hira upon Prophet
Muhammad ﷺand his prophethood was declared with these verses. In this Surah,
the wisdom of Allah ﷻAlmighty has been described in the creation of man, that He
has transferred him from the state of weakness to strength, and described the virtues
of reading and writing. He further said that man is not grateful for the blessings of
Allah ﷻAlmighty and is proud of his wealth. In this Surah, Abu Jahl is condemned
who used to forbidding the Prophet ﷺfrom prayer, and in his opinion, he was
{Surat Al-Qadr}
th th
Surah Al-Qadr is a Makki Surah. It is the 97 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 25
Surah in terms of revelation. This Surah was revealed in virtue of the Night of Destiny,
Allah ﷻhonored the Night of Destiny with respect to the revelation of the Holy
Qur'an and declared it better than a thousand months, and mentioned the descent of
angels and Jibrail ) (غلیہ السالمin that night. He did not specify the night of Destiny with
certainty so that the enthusiasm of the servants and the pursuit for goodness can be
tested; however, there are evidences in this Surah which have a strong probability of
the twenty-seventh night.
{Surat Al-Bayyinah}
Surah Al-Bayyinah is the Madani Surah. It is the 98 Surah in terms of scriptural while
the 100 Surah in terms of revelation. In the first verse of this Surah, the word Al-
Bayyinah was mentioned, which means a very clean and clear rationale, so it was
named as Al-Bayyinah.
In this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty has rejected the false religions of the Jews, Christians,
Magians (the fire worshippers), and polytheists and commanded that people leave all
false religions and worship Allah ﷻAlmighty with sincerity and continue to establish
prayer, and keep paying Zakat, This is the true religion.
In verses number: 6 to 8, He called the disbelievers the worst group of creation and
called the believers as the best group.
{Surat Al-Zilzal}
Surah Al-Zilzal is the Madani Surah. It is the 99 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
93 Surah in terms of revelation. The name of this Surah is Al-Zilzal, which is
mentioned in its first verse. In this Surah, the scene of doomsday was described that
on the day of doomsday, there will be a severe earthquake in the earth, whatever
happened on the chest of the earth, it will spill out all the secrets or whatever deaths
are buried, it will exorcise them. On that day, the earth will narrate all the news by the
command of Allah ﷻAlmighty and all the creatures will gather in the field of
Doomsday and everyone will see the result of their small good or evil.
{Surat Al-Qari'ah}
Surat Al-Qari'ah is a Makki Surah. It is the 101 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
30 Surah in terms of revelation. The first word of its first verse is Al-Qari'ah, so this
Surah was named Al-Qari'ah. In this Surah, the fearfulness and consequences of the
Day of Judgment have been described, and reward and punishment have been
explained, and it has been said that the one whose burden of good deeds is heavy, he
will be in the best life, and the one whose burden of good deeds is light, his abode will
be a blazing fire.
{Surat At-Takathur}
Surah At-Takathur is a Makki Surah. It is the 102 Surah in terms of scriptural while
the 16 Surah in terms of revelation. In the first verse of this Surah, the word At-
Takathur is mentioned, so this Surah was named as At-Takathur. It is said in this Surah
that the desire to accumulate more wealth has made men forget Allah ﷻAlmighty,
but when they reach the graves, they will know about their ends, and then they will
sure attain the vision with certainty.
{Surat Al-'Asr}
rd th
Surah Al-'Asr is a Makki Surah. It is the 103 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 13
Surah in terms of revelation. In this Surah, it is said that man is at a loss and the only
way out from this is to attain faith, do righteous deeds, and bequeath one another
truth and patience. In this Surah, the basic principles of Islam have been explained in
brief and they are faith, good deeds, and well-wishing for each other and exhorting
each other to be patient.
Surah Al-Humazah is a Makki Surah. It is the 104th Surah in terms of scriptural while
the 32nd Surah in terms of revelation. The word Al-Humazah is mentioned in the first
verse of this Surah, so it was named Surah Al-Humazah.
In this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty strongly condemned taunting and fault-finding and
said that people who are proud of their wealth are suffering from this moral disease,
but their end is a fire kindled by Allah ﷻAlmighty which will shred.
{Surat Al-Feel}
th th
Surah Al-Feel is a Makki Surah. It is the 105 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 19
Surah in terms of revelation. This Surah is named Al-Feel because it mentions the
people of elephant, i.e. Abraha, the king of Yemen, and his army, who came with the
nefarious intentions of destroying the House of Allah ﷻAlmighty, so Allah
ﷻAlmighty sent flocks of birds, which showered pebbles on them and made them
like eaten straw. This is a manifestation of the excellence, magnificence, and grandeur
of Kaaba.
{Surat Quraish}
Surah Quraish is a Makki Surah. It is the 106 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
29 Surah in terms of revelation. This Surah was named Quraish because in this Surah
Allah ﷻAlmighty mentioned his favors towards Quraish, that because of the
trusteeship of the house of Allah ﷻAlmighty, they made trade journeys to Syria in
summers and to Yemen in winters without fear and danger, and because of the
relation of the house of Allah ﷻAlmighty, and their economy was secure. Therefore,
He said, worship the Lord of this holy house, due to which you have a place of respect
in the society.
{Surat Al-Ma'un}
Surah Al-Ma'un is a Makki Surah. It is the 107 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
17 Surah in terms of revelation. In this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty describes evil acts
like the mistreatment with orphans and not encouraging to feed the poor, and
compared these as denying the Day of Resurrection, and He condemned insincerity in
prayers and condemned the prohibition of minor things of daily use.
{Surat Al-Kafirun}
Surah Al-Kafirun is a Makki Surah. It is the 109 Surah in terms of scriptural order
while the 18 Surah in terms of revelation. The infidels of Makkah were addressed as
Al-Kafirun in this Surah, hence the name Al-Kafirun. In this Surah, the message was
given that there can be no compromise between truth and falsehood, and it also
stated that disbelief and Islam are two separate nations. As per Allama Iqbal:
Untruth conceals in various masks but Truth and God are both unique
There canʹt be pool ʹtwixt good and bad- This fact is known from times antique.
{Surat An-Nasr}
Surah An-Nasr is a Madani Surah. It is the 110 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
114 Surah in terms of revelation. This is the last Surah of the Holy Qur'an, it was
revealed on the occasion of Hajjatul Wada.
In this Surah, Allah ﷻAlmighty described the victory of Islam as His blessing with His
help, that people began to enter Islam army by army, so the obligation of servitude is
to express the glorification of Allah ﷻwith the praise of Allah ﷻAlmighty as a form
of gratitude for His blessings and to seek His forgiveness.
{Surat Al-Ikhlas}
th nd
Surah Lahab is a Makki Surah. It is the 112 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 22
Surah in terms of revelation. This Surah is called Surah Al-Ikhlas because it describes
the untainted monotheism of Allah ﷻAlmighty and that He is without need, pure
from any children and fathers none, and He has no partner. It is also called by the
names of Surah At-Tawhid, Surah An-Najāh, Surah Al-Asas, Surah Al-Ma’rifah and
Surah At-Tafrid.
{Surat Al-Falaq}
Surah Al-Falaq is a Makki Surah. It is the 113 Surah in terms of scriptural while the
20 Surah in terms of revelation. In this Surah, the word Falaq is mentioned, so it is
called Surah Al-Falaq. In it, Allah ﷻAlmighty taught that one should seek refuge in
Allah ﷻAlmighty from the evil of His creation, the evil of all kinds of darkness, the
evil of magicians, and the evil of envious people.
{Surat An-Nas}
th st
Surah An-Nas is a Makki Surah. It is the 114 Surah in terms of scriptural while the 21
Surah in terms of revelation. The word An-Nas is mentioned in this Surah; hence this
Surah is named as An-Nas. This word occurs five times in this Surah. In this Surah,
Allah ﷻAlmighty has taught us to seek refuge from the evil of those who return and
secretly whisper and said that there are djinns and humans who deceive people,
whisper, and make them fall into superstitions. It was the custom of the Messenger of
Allah ﷺthat he recited these last three Sarah’s in the morning and in the evening and
blew over his hands and then moved these blessed hands over his blessed head and
blessed face and entire blessed body and he used to do this three times. By its