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Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

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Original Research

Gut Microbiome-Targeted Nutrition Interventions and Growth among

Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis
Hammond Yaw Addae 1, 2, *, Charles Apprey 1, Alexander Kwarteng 1, 3
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana; 2 Nursing
Department, Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Kpembe, Ghana; 3 Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine, KNUST,
Kumasi, Ghana


Background: Childhood malnutrition is a public health challenge of much interest and concern globally. However, a perturbed gut
microbiome (GM) may limit some nutrition interventions’ effects among healthy children with undernutrition.
Objectives: This review aimed to evaluate the effects of GM-targeted nutrition interventions on growth outcomes among children (0–59
mo) using published studies in low- and middle-income countries.
Methods: The methods were guided by the Cochrane methodology. The literature search was conducted to include articles published from
inception to July 2023 in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Databases. We identified and included 35 studies among 11,047 children.
The analysis was conducted considering various growth parameters in the qualitative synthesis and weight gain (kg) in the meta-analysis.
Results: In the qualitative synthesis, 55.6% of prebiotics, 66.7% of probiotics, 71.4% of synbiotics, and 28.6% of “microbiome comple-
mentary feed” studies had significant effects on growth outcomes. Also, prebiotics had more studies with significant effects among healthy
children, whereas probiotics, synbiotics, and “microbiome complementary feeds” had more studies with significant effects among children
with undernutrition. Nineteen studies were included in the meta-analyses, of which 7 (36.8%) measured GM outcomes. The meta-analysis
showed that prebiotics exhibited heterogeneity but had significant effects on weight in the intervention as compared with the control (mean
difference [MD]: 0.14 kg; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.25; I2 ¼ 63%, P ¼ 0.02; 4 studies, n ¼ 932). Probiotics had significant effects on weight in the
intervention (MD: 0.15 kg; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.25; I2 ¼ 42%, P ¼ 0.05; 8 studies, n ¼ 2437) as compared to the control. However, synbiotics
(MD: 0.26 kg; 95% CI: –0.04, 0.56; I2 ¼ 41%, P ¼ 0.17; 4 studies, n ¼ 1896] and “microbiome complementary feed” (MD: –0.03 kg; 95% CI:
–0.18, 0.11; I2 ¼ 0%, P ¼ 0.60; 3 studies, n ¼ 733] had no significant effects on weight in the intervention as compared with control.
Conclusions: Although probiotics and synbiotics may be effective at enhancing growth among children, the selection of interventions
should be contingent upon health status.
This trial was registered at www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/ as CRD42023434109.

Keywords: child gut microbiome, low- and middle-income countries, meta-analysis, microbiome-directed complementary feeds, nutrition
intervention studies, probiotics, synbiotics, systematic review

Introduction low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). These countries ac-

count for most child deaths from preventable causes, such as
Globally, childhood malnutrition is a public health challenge diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition [2]. The human gut
of much interest and concern [1]. It affects an estimated 149 microbiome (GM) is a complex ecology of microorganisms that
million children aged <5 y, according to the WHO [1], in coexist with its human host. If unperturbed, such coexistence is

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; F-100, formula-100; F-75, formula-75; FOS, fructo-oligosaccharides; GM, gut microbiome; GOS, galacto-oligosaccharides;
LMICs, low- and middle-income countries; LNS, lipid-based nutrient supplement; MD, mean difference; ROB, risk of bias; RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic feed.
* Corresponding author. E-mail address: Hamondd@yahoo.com (H.Y. Addae).

Received 29 July 2023; Received in revised form 19 January 2024; Accepted 23 January 2024; Available online 14 February 2024
2475-2991/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Nutrition. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

usually a mutually beneficial relationship [3]. Such a relation- proposed as a promising strategy to improve child nutritional
ship plays a significant role in human physiological processes, outcomes. As such, in recent times, nutrition interventions, aside
including brain function [4] and immunity [5]. The GM goes from enhancing growth, have sought to target GM dysbiosis by
through changes throughout the lifecycle particularly from in- using prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, or specialized comple-
fancy to preschool age. Notable changes, occasioned by the mentary feeds [3,9].
changes in feeding mode, occur during the transition from Prebiotics are the nondigestible components of carbohydrates
exclusive breastfeeding to complementary feeding and later such as inulin, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), and fructo-
during weaning [6]. Other factors, such as the child’s mode of oligosaccharides (FOS) that resist breakdown in the small in-
delivery, antibiotics intake, environmental exposures, and testine and reach the large intestines intact, where they serve as a
geographic location all have influence in shaping GM as a child food source for the gut microbiota [10]. Among other things,
ages [3]. Children in LMICs are particularly vulnerable to GM prebiotics stimulate the production of short-chain fatty acids
perturbations because of poor water and sanitation, inadequate [11]. It also helps improve gut barrier function and delay gastric
dietary intake, and infectious diseases coupled with recent rising emptying. To the contrary, probiotics are themselves living mi-
cesarean section rates [7]. croorganisms that, when consumed in appropriate quantities,
Malnutrition is associated with impaired GM development, provide health benefits to the host [10]. Probiotics are typically
reduced immune function, and increased susceptibility to in- beneficial bacteria from the Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium
fections and chronic diseases [3]. GM dysbiosis which is char- genus that play a significant role in maintaining a healthy
acteristic of susceptible children or children with undernutrition, digestive system and overall health [10]. They feed on prebiotics
may limit the effects of nutrition interventions at promoting and enhance nutrient absorption, improve immune function [5],
growth or enhancing recovery [8]. The imbalance between reduce inflammation, and promote a healthy balance of bacteria
beneficial and harmful bacteria associated with GM dysbiosis in the gut. However, synbiotics are a combination of prebiotics
could enhance the overgrowth of specific bacterial species, such and probiotics that work together to confer health benefits to
as Clostridium difficile that could compete for intervention nu- humans [12]. The synergistic effects of combining probiotics and
trients and hence reduce nutrient availability to the host. prebiotics may be achieved when both are administered
Therefore, GM-targeted nutrition interventions have been concurrently [13]. By combining the 2, synbiotics aim to

FIGURE 1. PRISMA 2020 flow diagram for prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, and “microbiome complementary feeds” for low- and middle-income
countries (LMIC).

H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

enhance the survival and activity of probiotic bacteria in the gut, growth outcome(s) among children (0–59 mo) using published
in addition to being a food source for their growth. controlled trials in LMICs. Such a review may inform policy and
Although GM is an important factor that modifies the effects of practice by identifying the most effective and feasible in-
nutrition interventions on a child’s nutritional status, previous terventions, as well as identifying research gaps and priorities for
reviews on this subject have been among only healthy infants [14, future studies.
15]. Some other systematic reviews have centered on both LMICs
and high-income countries [16] or included interventions among Methods
only infants aged <1 y [17]. However, the only reviews examining
the effects of prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics on childhood
This review was registered with the PROSPERO and is avail-
growth in the context of LMICs are publications by Onubi et al. [18]
able at www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/ as CRD42023434109. The
and Heuven et al. [8]. Although the former was published about a
methods and procedures used in this systematic review followed
decade ago, the latter excluded children aged <6 mo. Heuven et al.
the PRISMA checklist [19] and the Cochrane Handbook for Sys-
[8] also excluded interventions with durations <12 wk. Because
tematic Reviews of Intervention Studies [20].
children of some undernutrition interventions recover before the
twelfth week, it is possible that Heuven et al. [8] may have missed
publications of some critical malnutrition interventions. Addi- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
tionally, Heuven et al. [8] did not include studies that used gut The review included all types of controlled trials and studies of
“microbiome complementary feeds” as an approach to enhancing GM-targeted dietary interventions directed at enhancing child
growth. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to evaluate the growth in LMICs. The criteria for classifying a country as an LMIC
effects of microbiome-directed nutrition interventions (prebiotics, was based on the World Bank classifications [21]. The in-
probiotics, synbiotics, and “microbiome complementary feeds”) on terventions included any type of “microbiome complementary

Summary of location, health status and effects on growth of all included studies
No. Author, publication Duration Sample Health status Significant Country Region
year (days)1 size2 positive effect
on growth?
1 Aakko et al., 2017 180 160 Healthy No Malawi Africa
2 Agustina et al., 2013 180 494 Healthy Yes Indonesia Asia
3 Barratt et al., 2022 28 62 Undernourished Yes Bangladesh Asia
4 Batool et al., 2023 56 204 Undernourished Yes Pakistan Middle East
5 Calder et al., 2021 28 58 Undernourished Yes Uganda Africa
6 Chen et al., 2021 90 118 Undernourished Yes Bangladesh Asia
7 Cheung et al., 2016 360 213 Healthy No Malawi Africa
8 Duggan et al., 2003 180 547 Healthy No Peru South America
9 Famouri et al., 2014 180 84 Undernourished Yes Iran Middle East
10 Firmansyah, et al., 2011 365 393 Healthy Yes Indonesia Asia
11 Grenov et al., 2017 84 314 Undernourished No Uganda Africa
12 Hemalatha et al., 2014 270 379 Healthy No India Asia
13 Hughes et al., 2020 360 515 Healthy No Malawi Africa
14 Jones et al., 2015 84 60 Undernourished No Kenya Africa
15 Kamil et al., 2022 50 30 Undernourished Yes Indonesia Asia
16 Kara et al., 2019 90 71 Undernourished Yes Turkey Middle East
17 Kerac et al., 2009 33 795 Undernourished No Malawi Africa
18 Kosuwon et al., 2018 84 119 Healthy No Thailand Asia
19 Kusumo et al., 2019 90 38 Healthy No Indonesia Asia
20 Mai et al., 2020 84 1003 At-risk children Yes Vietnam Asia
21 Nakamura et al., 2006 180 133 Healthy No Bangladesh Asia
22 Nuzhat et al., 2023 28 67 Undernourished Yes Bangladesh Asia
23 Ordiz et al., 2020 168 236 Healthy No Malawi Africa
24 Paganini et al., 2017 120 145 Healthy Yes Kenya Africa
25 Pfluger et al., 2022 180 48 Healthy Yes Mali Africa
26 Rehman et al., 2020 48 30 Undernourished Yes Pakistan Middle East
27 Rehman et al., 2020 48 30 Undernourished Yes Pakistan Asia
28 Ribeiro et al., 2012 108 130 Healthy No Brazil South America
29 Robertson et al., 2023 540 335 Healthy No Zimbabwe Africa
30 Saran et al., 2002 180 100 Undernourished Yes India Asia
31 Sazawal et al., 2010 365 624 Healthy Yes India Asia
32 Silva et al., 2008 101 109 Healthy Yes Brazil South America
33 Sur et al., 2011 84 3229 Healthy No India Asia
34 Surono et al., 2011 90 79 Healthy Yes Indonesia Asia
35 Zambrana et al., 2019 180 95 Healthy Yes Mali and Nicaragua Africa and South America
Mean (range) ¼153.3 (minimum ¼ 28, maximum ¼ 360).
Total sample size ¼11,047.

H.Y. Addae et al.
Characteristics of prebiotic intervention studies
Author, Study Dietary intervention Method of Vehicle(s) Sample size2 Health status Growth Gut microbiome Objective(s) Main finding(s) Significant
publication country type, duration1 bio-specimen (age group) outcome(s) outcome positive
year analysis effect?

1. Batool et al., Pakistan Two-arm study. Complete RUTF 204 Undernourished Weight, MUAC, None To assess the efficacy Supplementation with Yes
2023 4 g/d prebiotic GOS þ blood (6–59 mo) hemoglobin, of prebiotics as a RUTF and prebiotics
[23] RUTF or RUTF þ 4 g/ count hematocrit, synergistic additive to has proven to be an
d starch (placebo) for 8 analysis platelet, RUTF to enhance efficient, effective, and
wk. corpuscular blood parameters and safe therapy for
volume, albumin anthropometric children suffering from
measurements in SAM.
children with
uncomplicated SAM.
2. Duggan et al., Peru Four-arm study. Only Blood Cereal 547 Healthy Weight, WAZ, None To evaluate the effects Prebiotic No
2003 cereal (placebo) or analysis (rice or oat) (6–12 mo) HAZ, plasma zinc of dietary supplementation had
[31] 0.55 g/d OF þ cereal supplementation with no effect on the
only or 1 mg/d zinc þ oligofructose with and occurrence or severity
cereal only or 1 mg/ without zinc on the of gastrointestinal
d znic þ 0.55 g/d OF þ prevalence of diarrhea infections or growth.
cereal for 6 mo. in a community with
3. Jones et al., Kenya Three-arm study. Whole RUTF 60 Undernourished MUAC, WHZ, None To develop a RUTF PUFA requirements No
2015 Standard 92 g/kg/ blood (6–60 mo) WAZ, HAZ, head with elevated lc PUFA and the expected
[30] d RUTF, or 92 g/kg/ analysis circumference, and measure its growth of children
d RUTF containing flax erythrocyte lc n–3 impact, with and with SAM are not met
seed oil or 92 g/kg/ PUFA without fish oil by these specialized
d RUTF containing flax supplementation, on RUTFs manufactured
seed oil þ fish oil children’s PUFA status according to
capsules (containing during treatment of specifications.
214 mg lc PUFA) for SAM.

84 d.
4. Nakamura Bangladesh Two-arm study. Anthropometry Isotonic 133 Healthy Weight, height, None To assess the prebiotic Daily intake of FOS No
et al., 2006 1 g/d glucose only solution (25–59 mo) MUAC FOS effect on body was associated neither
[29] (placebo) or 2 g/d FOS weight and reduction with growth nor
for 6 mo. of diarrhea among diarrhea episodes
5. Paganini Kenya Three-arm study. MNP 16S rDNA Maize 145 Healthy Hemoglobin, Phylogenetic To evaluate the MNP containing a low Yes
et al., 2017 only (control) or MNP sequencing of porridge (6.5–9.5 mo) plasma ferritin, c- distance and gut efficacy and safety of a dose of iron reduces
[26] þ 5 mg/d iron or MNP stool reactive protein, microbiome new MNP formula anemia, and the
þ 5 mg/d iron þ 7.5 g/ alpha- composition with prebiotic GOS addition of GOS
d GOS for 4 mo glycoprotein combined with a low mitigates the adverse
dose (5 mg/d) of effects of iron on the
highly bioavailable gut microbiome and

Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

iron morbidity.
6. Pfluger et al., Mali Two-arm study. Rice Nontargeted Complementary 48 (6 mo) Healthy Weight, WAZ, None To investigate the These findings support Yes
2022 bran prebiotic at 1 g/d, dried food HAZ, WHZ and (methylsuccinate) effects of rice bran rice bran as a weaning
[25] 2 g/d, 3 g/d, 3 g/d, 4 blood spot- hemoglobin, supplementation on ingredient to meet
g/d, 5 g/d for 1st, 2nd, based lipids, and amino healthy infant weaning infant nutritional
3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th metabolomics acid metabolites and utilized dried requirements. This
mo, and no blood spots to identify study provides
intervention for 6 mo, novel nutrition and evidence for dried
respectively. metabolic biomarkers blood spots as a cost-
via nontargeted effective tool to detect
metabolite profiling. infant nutritional
7. Rehman Pakistan Two-arm study. Hematologic F-75, F-100, or 30 (6–59 mo) Undernourished Serum albumin, None To elicit the role of GOS prebiotics Yes
et al., 2020 Prebiotic (F-75, 4.1 g/ analysis using RUTF serum glutamic prebiotics on the supplementation
[24] L, and 6.1 g/L GOS; F- venous blood oxaloacetic nutritional status of improved blood
100 and RUTF, 5.5 g/L transaminase, SAM children by hematology and
and 8.25 g/L GOS) or serum glutamic measuring some decreased the risk of
placebo for 48 d pyruvate, white infection among SAM.
(continued on next page)
H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

nutrient powder; MUAC, mid-upper arm circumference; OF, oligofructose; PDX, polydextrose; RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic feed; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; WAZ, weight-for-age z-score;
F-100, formula-100; F-75, formula-75; FOS, fructo-oligosaccharides; GOS, galacto-oligosaccharides; HAZ, height-for-age z-score; lc PUFA, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid; MNP, micro-
positive feeds,” prebiotic, probiotic, or synbiotic, delivered alone or
effect? through any vehicle such as milk, infant formula, isotonic solu-

tions, maltodextrin, complementary foods, or any nutrition reha-

Rice bran is a practical

bilitation feed, such as formula-75 (F-75), formula-100 (F-100) or

length/height z scores

dietary intervention
strategy that merits
and similar odds of

regions that have a

ready-to-use therapeutic feed (RUTF). The term “microbiome
similar weight-for-

high prevalence of
The 2 groups had

having diarrheal

growth stunting
development in
Main finding(s)

complementary feed(s)” is used reservedly to denote all

because of
GM-targeted dietary intervention studies that sought to enhance
growth but did not specifically mention the use of probiotics,
prebiotics, synbiotics, or their derivatives. The outcomes of interest
included any measure of GM composition or function, as well as
supplemented with the
To assess the effects of

biomarkers, as well as
GOS on diarrhea and

WAZ and length-for-

supplementation on
nutrition outcomes, such as growth (weight gain, height-for-age
prebiotics PDX and

effects of rice bran

growth in toddlers
To investigate the

age z-score, stool

weaning infants
microbiota and
z-score, weight-for-height z-score, weight-for-age z-score, BMI,

metabolome in


stunting, wasting or underweight) or blood outcome parameters

a formula-

such as serum ferritin, serum albumin or hemoglobin. For inter-

vention on complementary feeds to be included, they should report
both GM and growth outcomes.
diversity indices
Gut microbiome

This review excluded studies of animal models. Prenatal GM

Alpha and beta-

studies among women during pregnancy but with outcomes on


infants’ GM and studies of child GM with other outcome mea-


sures aside from nutrition, such as irritable bowel syndrome,

were all excluded. It also excluded GM studies involving preterm
blood cells, serum


babies and studies with part or all participants living in high-

income countries. For synthesis, the interventions were group-


ed into 4, i.e., prebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, and “micro-



biome complementary feed” studies.

The search strategy

The literature search was conducted in PubMed, Google
Health status

Scholar, and Cochrane Library electronic databases. This was



done to identify intervention studies published from inception

till July 2023. The literature search was carried out from June
2023 to July 2023. Grey literature, such as reference lists of
129 (9–48 mo)

Mean intervention duration (range) ¼ 126.2 d (minimum ¼ 48 d, maximum ¼ 180 d).

95 (6–12 mo)
Sample size2
(age group)

relevant reviews and studies, were also included in the search.

EndNote software version X7 (Clarivate Analytics) was used to
detect and expunge duplicate studies. Two authors (HYA and
CA) independently reviewed and screened the titles and ab-
based follow-on


stracts of the identified studies and, subsequently, the full texts of


WHZ, weight-for height z-score; rDNA, ribosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid.


the potentially relevant studies, using predefined exclusion and


inclusion criteria. Identified discrepancies were resolved


through discussion and consensus between the 2 authors in

consultation with the main supervisor. Details of the search

strategy have been included and attached as Supplementary File

sequencing of

Method of

16S rRNA


Data extraction
The data extraction was performed manually using a pre-
¼ 2 g/d, 8–10 m ¼ 3 g/

11–12 m ¼ 5 g/d) and

6–7 m ¼ 1 g/d, 7–8 m
serving or placebo for
GOS þ 0.5 g PDX per
Two-arm study. 0.5 g

no intervention for 6
d, 10–11 m ¼ 4 g/d,
Two-arm study. Rice
Dietary intervention

piloted standardized form that includes study characteristics

bran prebiotic (age

such as author and year, study country, sample size, age of par-
type, duration1

ticipants, dietary intervention and duration, method of bio-

specimen analysis, health status, delivery vehicle(s), growth
108 d

outcome(s), GM outcome(s) main objective(s), main finding(s)


Total sample size ¼ 1392.

and whether the intervention had a significant positive effect.


This data extraction was carried out by 2 authors independently.

and Mali


The standardized forms were then compared after data extrac-

TABLE 2 (continued )

tion, and discrepancies were resolved with the inputs of the main
8. Ribeiro et al.,

et al., 2019
9. Zambrana

Outcome variables




Height or length, weight, height-for-age, weight-for-height,


weight-for-age, wasting, stunting, underweight, BMI, or blood

H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

parameters such as hemoglobin concentrations, albumin, or sample sizes were different for different outcome measures,
serum ferritin were the outcomes of interest in this review. They sample sizes for nutrition-related outcome variables were used
served as the basis for deciding whether an intervention has had for the qualitative synthesis. For the meta-analysis section, forest
the desired effect on participants. Other outcome variables plots were used to present results. For studies in which hetero-
associated with gut health and microbiota, such as microbiota- geneity was detected (P < 0.05 and I2 > 50%), the common ef-
for-age z-score and microbiota alpha and beta-diversity, were fects model analysis was used. For studies with no heterogeneity
also noted. However, the weight gain parameter was included in (P  0.05 and I2  50%), the random effects model analysis was
the meta-analysis section. This is because it was the most prev- carried out. The meta-analysis included only articles that re-
alent nutrition-related outcome indicator among the included ported preintervention and postintervention weight and articles
studies. that reported weight gain. All meta-analyses were conducted at a
95% confidence interval (CI) using R software version 4.2.3 (R
Quality assessment Core Team).
The Cochrane Risk of Bias (ROB) tool for randomized control
trials [22] was used in evaluating the quality of the included trial Results
studies. Areas assessed included bias arising from the randomi-
zation process, bias because of deviation from intended in- The PRISMA flow diagram [19] of the included studies is
terventions, bias in the measurement of the outcome, bias shown in Figure 1. Overall, 35 studies, all published in the last 2
because of missing outcome data, and bias in the selection of the decades approximately, met the inclusion criteria and were
reported results. A composite rating based on the above included in this systematic review.
adjudged each of the interventions as either “low risk,” “unclear,
” or “high risk” of bias. Details of individual ROB scores for all Summary of all included studies
included studies are attached as Supplementary File 2. The number of trials included was 35, and the total number of
children analyzed by all studies was 11,047. Geographically, the
Data analysis review included studies from 16 counties, and most of the studies
Given that this review had the objective of assessing the ef- were conducted in Malawi (5, 14.3%) and Indonesia (5, 14.3%).
fects of various interventions, the end-line, instead of baseline Eleven (31.4%) of the included studies were conducted in Africa,
sample sizes, was used in this systematic review. This is because 16 (45.7%) in Asia, 3 (8.6%) in South America and 4 (11.4%) in
the end-line numbers reflect the participants who completed the the Middle East. Twenty (57.1%) studies had a significant effect
study and, therefore, provide a more accurate estimate of an on 1 growth outcome. Also, 14 (40%) studies were among
intervention’s effect, i.e., mean difference (MD). Weight gain children with undernutrition, whereas 20 (57.1%) studies were
was defined as the differences in preintervention weight and among healthy children, and 1 study with a not clearly defined
postintervention weight in the control group and the interven- health status. The mean intervention duration was 151.3 d, with
tion group. MD referred to the arithmetic differences between a range of 28–360. The summary of the location, intervention
the mean weight gain in the control group and the mean weight duration, sample size, health status, and significant positive ef-
gain in the intervention group. Only the weight gain parameter fect on growth are shown in Table 1.
was included in the meta-analysis as an outcome variable. This
was done to minimize heterogeneity. Weight gain was also used Prebiotics
because it is the most prevalent growth-related outcome re- Nine prebiotic studies met the inclusion criteria [23–31], and
ported in the included studies. Weight is also a part of the other their study characteristics are presented in Table 2. The in-
composite anthropometric measures such as BMI, weight-for- terventions were conducted on 1392 children. Six [25–29,31] of
height z-score, and weight-for-age z-score. Where end-line these studies were among healthy children and 3 [23,24,30]

FIGURE 2. Forest plot of prebiotic studies that reported weight gain. Growth (weight gain) was measured in kg. Weight gain was defined as the
differences in preintervention weight and postintervention weight in the control group and the intervention group. MD referred to the arithmetic
differences between the mean weight gain in the control group and the mean weight gain in the intervention group. CI, confidence interval; SE,
standard error.

H.Y. Addae et al.
Characteristics of probiotic interventional studies
Author, Study Dietary intervention Method of Vehicle(s) Sample size2 Health status Growth Gut Objective(s) Main finding(s) Significant
publication year country type, duration1 bio-specimen (age) outcome(s) microbiome positive
analysis outcome effect?

1. Agustina et al., Indonesia Four-arm study. Blood analysis Low lactose milk 494 (1–5 y) Healthy Weight, height, None To investigate the L. reuteri modestly Yes
2013 50 m/d low calcium WAZ, HAZ, hypotheses that cow improved growth by
[40] milk or 440 mg/ hemoglobin, milk with added increasing weight gain
d regular calcium milk serum ferritin probiotics would and weight and height
or regular calcium hematocrit improve growth, velocity, whereas
milk þ 5 x 108 CFU/ iron, and zinc status L. casei modestly
d Lactobacillus casei or of Indonesian improved weight
regular calcium þ 5 x children, whereas velocity
108 CFU/d L. reuteri for milk calcium alone
6 mo would improve
growth but reduce
iron and zinc status.
2. Grenov et al., Uganda Two-arm study. Anthropometry only F-75, F-100 or 314 (6–59 mo) Undernourished Weight None To assess the effect Results do not support No
2017 5 x 109 CFU/ RUTF of probiotics on using probiotics for the
[33] d Bifidobacterium diarrhea or growth treatment of
animalis ssp. lactis þ 5 during in and out- hospitalized children
x 109 CFU/ patient treatment of with SAM and severe
d L. rhamnosus or children with SAM. medical complications
placebo maltodextrin
for 8 to 12 wk or till
3. Hemalatha India Three-arm study. qPCR of stool Milk 379 (2–5 y) Healthy Weight, height, Bacterial count To determine the Neither of the tested No
et al., 2014 2–5 x 109 CFU/d L. WAZ, HAZ, effect of probiotics probiotics, L. paracasei
[37] paracasei or 2–5 x 109 WHZ on diarrhea and or B. lactis, had any
CFU/d Bifidobacterium growth in preschool influence on weight
animalis ssp. lactis or children in a gain or linear growth

placebo for 9 mo community setting.

4. Kamil et al., Indonesia Two-arm study. 16S rRNA Gummy skimmed 30 (37  11.78 Undernourished Weight, height, Alpha and To evaluate the L. plantarum has the Yes
2022 108–9 CFU/d L. sequencing, qPCR, milk powder mo or 37  WHZ, WAZ, beta-diversity efficacy of gummy potential to prevent
[35] plantarum or placebo and gas 12.98 mo) HAZ L. plantarum in the progression of
(Lactona) for 50 d chromatography of preventing the severe undernutrition
stool progression of in infants
5. Kara et al., Turkey Two-arm study. Blood analysis Age-appropriate 71 (6 mo to 5 y Undernourished BMI, BMI z- None To investigate the Daily prophylactic use Yes
2019 109 CFU/ diet score, albumin protective effects of of L. rhamnosus in
[39] d L. rhamnosus or L. rhamnosus in malnourished children
control for 3 mo malnourished prevents most
children in terms of infections and

Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

incidence of improves nutritional
infection, status
anthropometric and
6. Kusumo et al., Indonesia Four-arm study. Blood analysis maltodextrin 38 (12–24 mo) Healthy Weight, plasma None To investigate the The probiotic No
2019 2.3  1010 CFU/ transforming probiotic function of L. plantarum
[38] d L. plantarum only or growth factor- L. plantarum in significantly increases
2.3  1010 CFU/d β1 modulating immune the humoral immune
L. plantarum þ 20 mg/ response in young response with no effect
d zinc sulfate or 20 children. on growth
mg/d zinc only or
control for 90 d
7. Mai et al., 2020 Vietnam Two-arm study. Anthropometry only Fermented milk 1003 (3–5 y) Nutrient deprived Weight, height None To evaluate the Consumption of Yes
[36] 108 CFU/mL/d L. casei children (at-risk efficacy of fermented milk
or no probiotic for 12 children) fermented milk containing L. casei
wk containing L. casei prevented constipation
on the incidence of and acute respiratory
(continued on next page)
H.Y. Addae et al.
TABLE 3 (continued )
Author, Study Dietary intervention Method of Vehicle(s) Sample size2 Health status Growth Gut Objective(s) Main finding(s) Significant
publication year country type, duration1 bio-specimen (age) outcome(s) microbiome positive
analysis outcome effect?

constipation, infection and may be

diarrhea, and useful for treating
nutritional status. diarrhea and
improving nutritional
8. Rehman et al., Pakistan Three-arm study. Hematologic F-75, F-100 or 30 (6–59 mo) Undernourished Serum albumin, None To evaluate the Probiotics Yes
2020 3 x 109 CFU/d L. analysis using RUTF serum effect of probiotic supplementation
[32] paracasei ssp. paracasei venous blood glutamate, fortification on the 3 markedly affected
or 6 x 109 CFU/d L. serum glutamic phases of SAM important blood
paracasei ssp. paracasei pyruvate rehabilitation. parameters in SAM
or standard therapy children. Both phase
(control) for 48 d and dose exerted
effects on parameters
9. Saran et al., India Two-arm study. Anthropometry only Curd 100 (2–5 y) Undernourished Weight, height None To evaluate if Six months of probiotic Yes
2002 5 x 109 CFU/d L. regeneration of the supplementation may
[43] acidophilus or the damaged gut be beneficial with
control group epithelium through respect to a decrease in
(isocaloric the use of diarrheal morbidity
supplement) for 6 mo Lactobacillus-rich and accelerated
fermented foods growth
may yield beneficial
10. Silva et al., Brazil Two-arm study. Anthropometry and Fermented milk 109 (2–5 y) Healthy WAZ, WHZ, and None To investigate the The fortified beverage Yes
2008 108 CFU/ blood analysis beverage (low–bioavailable- HAZ, effect of iron contributed to
[34] d L. acidophilus or iron diet intake) hemoglobin, fortification with improved nutrient
control for 101 d serum ferritin, probiotic bacteria in intake and nutritional
hematocrit, a milk beverage on status of the preschool
serum iron the growth and iron children

status of preschool
11. Sur et al., India Two-arm study. Multiplex PCR of Nutrient drink 3229 (1–5 y) Healthy WAZ Gene-specific To examine the role Probiotic arm, No
2011 6.5 x 109 CFU/ stool (defatted milk) for enteric of a probiotic in the compared to the
[42] d L. casei or control parasites prevention of acute nutrient arm, was not
drink for 12 wk diarrhea and its associated with any
effects on growth. specific etiology. No
effect on nutritional
12. Surono et al., Indonesia Two-arm study. Blood and saliva Low-fat milk 79 (15–54 mo) Healthy Weight None To investigate the Novel probiotic Yes
2011 2.31 x 108 CFU/ analysis effect of E. faecium in E. faecium had
[41] d Enterococcusfaecium milk on humoral significant positive

Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

or placebo immune response effects on immune
(maltodextrin) for 90 d and on body weight response and on
of preschool weight gain in
children preschool children

BMI, body mass index; CFU, cell forming unit; F-100, formula-100; F-75, formula-75; HAZ, height-for-age z-score; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; qPCR, qualitative polymerase chain reaction;
rRNA, ribosomal ribonucleic acid; RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic feed; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; WAZ, weight-for-age z-score; WHZ, weight-for-height z-score.
Mean (range) ¼ 112.6d (minimum ¼ 48d, maximum ¼270d).
Total sample size ¼ 5876.
H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

among children with undernutrition. Three of the studies used L. rhamnosus [33], Bifidobacteria lactis þ L. paracasei [37], and
oligosaccharides as the prebiotic, which include GOS [23,24] L. casei þ L. reuteri [40] with the last study [41] using Enterococcus
and FOS [29]. However, 2 of the studies used rice bran [25,27] faecium. The vehicles of delivery were mainly F-75, F-100, or
as the prebiotic. The others used a combination of GOS þ iron RUTF for undernourished children and milk or maltodextrin for
[26], GOS þ polydextrose [28], Oligofructose þ Zinc [31], and healthy children. The last and highest duration of intervention
alpha-linolenic acid from flaxseed as prebiotic [30]. In general, was 48 d and 270 d, with the mean duration being 112.6 d,
the vehicles for conveying this prebiotics were RUTF among respectively. In all, 8 [32,34–36,39–41,43] out of the 12 included
undernourished children and milk or complementary feeds probiotic studies (66.7%) reported a significant positive effect of
among healthy children. Five [23–27] of the 9 prebiotic trials probiotics on 1 growth outcome among the intervention group
(55.6%) had significant positive effects on 1 growth outcome as compared to the control group. Four [32,35,39,43] of the 8
relative to their respective control groups. Of the 5 that reported studies with significant effects were conducted among under-
significant effects, 3 studies [25–27] were among healthy chil- nourished and 3 [34,40,41] among healthy children.
dren and 2 children with undernutrition [23,24]. The mean Figure 3 shows the forest plots with heterogeneity de-
number of days for intervention duration was 126.2 d, with the scriptions and the effect sizes MD of selected probiotic studies
least and highest being 48 d and 180 d, respectively. and growth outcome (weight gain) with 95% CI. Two of the
Figure 2 shows the heterogeneity descriptions and the effect included studies showed a positive effect on the intervention
sizes MD of selected prebiotic studies and growth outcome arm. Overall, there was no heterogeneity in the included studies
(weight gain) with a 95% CI. The included prebiotic studies had (I2 ¼ 42%, P ¼ 0.05), and the cumulative effect size was statis-
a significant overall effect on weight gain (MD ¼ 0.14, 95% CI: tically significant (MD ¼ 0.15, 95% CI: 0.06, 0.25).
0.02, 0.25). However, significant heterogeneity was also iden-
tified among the included studies (I ¼ 63%, P ¼ 0.02).
Table 4 contains the characteristics of study interventions that
Probiotics used synbiotics (a combination of prebiotics and probiotics) as a
The characteristics of the included studies are outlined in means of improving GM and growth. The studies analyzed a total
Table 3. The total number of participants analyzed by these of 2144 children. Seven studies met the inclusion criteria
studies was 5876 children. Twelve trial studies [32–43] that used [44–50]. Four [44,46,48,50] of these studies were among chil-
probiotics to influence GM and growth met the inclusion criteria. dren with undernutrition and 3 [45,47,49] among healthy chil-
Of these, 5 studies [32,33,35,39,43] were among children with dren. The mean intervention duration was 154.4 d, with the least
undernutrition, whereas 6 [34,37,38,40–42] were among duration being 28 and the highest 365. Five [44,45,47,48,50] of
healthy children, and 1 study [36] was on children whose health the 7 studies (71.4%) reported a beneficial effect of synbiotics on
status was not sufficiently described (children at-risk). Eight of 1 growth outcome in the intervention group as compared to the
the studies included the Lactobacillus genus only. Specifically, control group. Of the 5 synbiotic studies with beneficial effects, 3
L. acidophilus [34,43], L. plantarum [35,38], L. casei [36,42], [44,48,50] were among children with undernutrition and 2 [45,
L. rhamnosus [39] and L. paracasei [32]. Three studies used a 47] among healthy children. The vehicle(s) of administration
combination of 2 bacteria species, i.e., Bifidobacteria lactis þ were mainly F-100, RUTF, infant formula for children with

FIGURE 3. Forest plot of probiotic studies that reported weight gain. Growth (weight gain) was measured in kg. Weight gain was defined as the
differences in preintervention weight and postintervention weight in the control group and the intervention group. MD referred to the arithmetic
differences between the mean weight gain in the control group and the mean weight gain in the intervention group. CI, confidence interval; SE,
standard error.

H.Y. Addae et al.
Characteristics of synbiotic interventional studies
Author, Study Dietary Intervention Method of bio- Vehicle(s) Sample Health status Growth Gut microbiome Objective(s) Main finding(s) Significant
publication year country type, duration1 specimen analysis size2 (age) outcome(s) outcome positive

1. Barratt et al., Bangladesh Three-arm study. 16S rRNA gene F-100 or infant 62 Undernourished WAZ, WHZ, Amplicon To examine how the Probiotic and Yes
2022 Probiotics 8 x 109 amplicon formula (2–6 mo) MUAC. sequence variants treatment with synbiotic arms
[50] CFU/d Bifidobacterium sequencing of probiotic, B. infantis were associated
infantis, or 8 x 109 stool strain with or without with statistically
CFU/d Lacto-N-Neotetraose significant
B. infantis þ 1.6 g/d of supplementation, improvements in
Lacto-N-Neotetraose, could colonize the gut ponderal growth
or 625 mg/d lactose microbiota of infants (WAZ and MUAC)
(placebo) for 28 d. with SAM
2. Famouri et al., Iran Two-arm study. Whole blood Starch powder 84 Undernourished Weight, height, None To assess the effect of This result has Yes
2014 Synbiotic (100 mg/ analysis (12–55 mo) (failure to thrive) head synbiotics on growth confirmed that the
[48] d FOS þ Bacillus circumference indices of a sample of effect of
coagulans) or control Iranian children with synbiotics is
for 6 mo failure to thrive significant in the
weight gain of
3. Firmansyah, Indonesia Two-arm study. Fluorescence in- Cow milk-based 393 Healthy Weight, height, Bacterial counts To evaluate the effects Milk containing Yes
et al., 2011 Synbiotic (1 x 107 situ hybridization formula (12 mo) change in weight of milk containing synbiotics and lc
[47] CFU/d Bifidobacteria of stool z-score synbiotics and lc PUFA PUFA provide
longum þ 2 x 107 CFU/ on the growth of better growth and
d Lactobacillus healthy 12-mo-old promote favorable
rhamnosus þ 1.02 g/ toddlers gut colonization.
d inulin þ 2.38 g/
d FOS) with milk or
milk only for 12 mo
4. Kerac et al., Malawi Two-arm study. Anthropometry F-100 and RUTF 795 Undernourished Weight, None To assess the effect of Nutritional cure No

2009 RUTF only or RUTF (5–168 mo) nutritional cure synbiotic functional was similar in
[46] with 1011 CFU/d of (WHZ >80% food on improving both synbiotic and
total probiotic median) existing treatments for control groups.
(Pediococcus SAM
pentosaceus, þ
mesenteroides, þ
Lactobacillus paracasei
ssp. paracasei and L.
plantarum) þ 2.5 g/
d of total prebiotics
(oat bran þ inulin þ
pectin þ resistant

Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

starch) for 33
d (median) or till
5. Kosuwon et al., Thailand Two-arm study. Fluorescence in- Young child 119 (1–3 y) Healthy Median weight SCFA content and To determine the effect There were no No
2018 Placebo or 5.4 g lc GOS situ hybridization formula increase, height, microbiome of consuming young significant
[49] þ 0.6 g lc FOS þ 1.1 x of stool immunoglobulin composition child formula differences in
1010 CFU/d B. breve for A (bacterial counts) supplemented with sc height and weight
12 wk GOS, lc FOS, and between both
B. breve on a child’s groups at end-line
6. Nuzhat et al., Bangladesh Three-arm study. Only F-75, 67 (2–6 mo) Undernourished Change in rate of None To explore the role of Infants Yes
2023 Probiotic (8 x 109 anthropometry F-100, infant weight, HAZ probiotic and synbiotic supplemented
[44] CFU/d B. infantis) or formula supplementation on with B. infantis
synbiotic (8 x 109 the ponderal and demonstrated
CFU/d B. infantis þ1.6 linear growth of better weight gain
g/d Lacto-N- infants of 2–6 mo with in comparison to
neotetraose) or SAM the synbiotic or
(continued on next page)
H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

undernutrition, and milk for healthy children, with 1 study using

CFU, cell forming unit; F-100, formula-100; FOS, fructo-oligosaccharides; GOS, galacto-oligosaccharides; HAZ, height-for-age z-score; lc FOS, long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides; lc GOS, long-
chain galacto-oligosaccharides; lc PUFA, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid; MUAC, mid-upper arm circumference; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; rRNA, ribosomal ribonucleic acid;
RUTF, ready-to-use therapeutic feed; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; sc GOS, short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides; SCFA, short-chain fatty acid; WAZ, weight-for-age z-score; WHZ, weight-for-

starch powder [48]. The specific synbiotics used in these studies


include B. infantis þ Lacto-N-neotetraose [44], GOS þ B. lactis [45],

long-chain FOS þ short-chain GOS þ B. breve [49], Bifidobacteria
longum þ L. rhamnosus þ inulin þ FOS [47], Oligosaccharides þ
on weight velocity

and lower risk of
beneficial effect

consumption of
Main finding(s)

B. lactis [45,48] and B. infantis þ Lacto-N-neotetraose [50].

milk for 1 y.
deficient by

being iron
Figure 4 shows forest plots with the computed MD and 95% CI
Found a

for selected synbiotic studies. There is no significant heteroge-

neity (I2 ¼ 41%, P ¼ 0.17) among included studies. Although
only 2 studies had significant effects on weight gain, the effect
prebiotic-fortified milk
on iron status, anemia,
of B. lactis HN019 and
To evaluate the effect

sizes are tilted toward the intervention arm. However, there are
no overall significant differences in effect sizes (MD ¼ 0.26, 95%

and growth

CI: –0.04, 0.56) of synbiotic intervention on the growth outcome

(weight gain).

“Microbiome complementary feeds”

Gut microbiome

Table 5 shows the characteristics of “microbiome comple-

mentary feed” studies. Seven “microbiome complementary

feeds” studies [51–57] met the inclusion criteria and were


included for analysis. Out of these, 5 studies [52–54,56,57] were

conducted among healthy children, whereas 2 [51,55] were
hematocrit, serum
Weight, Height,

among children with undernutrition. The total number of chil-

ferritin, plasma

dren analyzed in these studies was 1635. The dietary in-


terventions include Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement (LNS)


[53], Microbiome-Directed complementary feed þ Ready-to-use

supplementary feed [51], fortified corn-soy blend þ LNS [54],
milk LNS þ soya LNS þ corn-soya blend [56], cowpea flour þ
Health status

corn-soya blend [57] and cowpea enriched F-75 / F-100 [55].


The mean intervention duration was 246.6 d, with the lowest

and highest duration being 28 d and 540 d, respectively. In all, 2
[51,55] out of the 7 studies (28.6%) had significant effects on 1
growth outcome among the intervention group as compared to
624 (1–4 y)
size2 (age)

the control group. The 2 studies were among children with un-

dernutrition. All included studies used the 16s rRNA sequencing

except 1 study [54] that used a PCR method for microbial
Figure 5 shows forest plots with the computed MD and 95% CI
Milk powder

for selected “microbiome complementary feed” studies. There

was no significant heterogeneity (I2 ¼ 41%; P ¼ 0.17) among
Mean (range) ¼ 153.4 d (minimum ¼ 28 d, maximum ¼365 d).

included studies. One study [53] had a significant effect on

weight gain, and generally, the effect sizes are tilted toward the
specimen analysis
Method of bio-

intervention arm. However, no overall significant differences in

analysis using
venous blood

effect sizes (MD ¼ 0.26, 95% CI: –0.04, 0.56) of the “microbiome
complementary feed” intervention on the outcome weight gain
were detected.
g/d oligosaccharides þ

lactis or control for 1 y

placebo (lactose) for 4

Milk fortified with 2.4

Dietary Intervention

1.9 x 107 CFU/d B.

Growth as uniformly positive

Two-arm study.
type, duration1

This study classified all growth as better because a good

number of studies were among children with malnutrition. In
these instances, more growth may usually be good. Additionally,

for studies among presumably “healthy” children, some in-

Total sample size ¼ 2144.

terventions were conducted among participants who were at risk

of undernutrition. For instance, 2 studies [36,54] described their


participants as children “at risk” of undernutrition. The other

TABLE 4 (continued )

studies described the location of their interventions as either

rural [25–27,52,53,56,57], low-resourced [40], urban slum [29,
height z-score.
7. Sazawal et al.,
publication year

42], or shantytown [31]. A significant number of children living

in these locations are more likely to be at risk or suffer from


undernutrition. For these reasons, this study synthesized growth



as uniformly positive and good throughout.

H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

Cochrane ROB tool growth. This kind of synergy may not be plausible in in-
Figure 6 shows ratings of the ROB tool 2.0 and the 5 domains terventions that use only prebiotics or complementary feeds.
for the individual control trials. This is a stacked bar plot, and the Contrary to these findings, a systematic review involving 2971
horizontal axis depicts the percentage risks in all included infants with 25 control trials [15] could not establish that pre-
studies. Most of the studies were found to have a low ROB. The biotics or probiotics administered separately have lesser effects
risks ROB assessments were conducted keeping in mind the than when combined into a synbiotic. Their finding accentuates
tendency of funder influence. Moreover, as such, this study the need for probiotic strains to be well-matched to the specific
factored this into the rating of studies for ROB. Generally, prebiotic ingredient, or else their synergistic effects would not be
studies, where funders either own the data or need to approve harnessed.
the manuscript, were termed as at risk of undue funder influence This systematic review also revealed that prebiotics had a
and were rated higher for ROB. It is also relevant to state that the greater number of studies with significant effects among healthy
majority of the studies were funded by industry, and all authors children than children with undernutrition, whereas probiotics,
declared their conflicts of interest, indicating the funders did not synbiotics, and “microbiome complementary feeds” had more
have an influence on the outcome of the research, where studies with significant effects among children with undernu-
necessary. Additional details on the individual scores of all trition than healthy children. For instance, in a probiotic study
included studies are attached as Supplementary File 2. among children with undernutrition [32], L. paracasei had effects
on growth outcomes, yet the same probiotic did not have effects
Discussion among healthy children in another study [37]. These differences
in effects are anticipated as the physiological states of healthy
This systematic review aimed to synthesize existing evidence children and children with undernutrition may be different, as
on dietary nutrition interventions targeting the child GM, assess children in each group may respond differently even when
the effectiveness of interventions on growth outcome, and exposed to similar nutritional interventions [3,61]. Healthy
identify research gaps and priorities for future studies. This children may have an unperturbed GM, where prebiotics can act
present study involving 35 intervention studies with 11,047 as a food source for the already existing beneficial bacteria,
children aged 0–5 y is 1 of the largest systematic reviews and promoting their growth and activity. By enhancing the growth of
meta-analyses on this subject in LMICs. these beneficial bacteria, prebiotics may help to improve overall
The qualitative results indicate that 5 out of 9 (55.6%) of health outcomes, including growth [62,63]. In children with
prebiotic studies, 8 out of 12 (66.7%) of probiotic studies, 5 out of undernutrition, however, GM may be perturbed and may have
7 (71.4%) of synbiotic studies, and 2 out of 7 (28.6%) of fewer beneficial bacteria. As such, introducing beneficial bacte-
“microbiome complementary feed” studies had significant effects ria strains in the form of probiotics to restore diversity may be
on 1 growth outcome in their respective intervention groups as helpful in that context. Furthermore, the concurrent adminis-
compared with control groups. The effectiveness of synbiotics tration of probiotics and prebiotics may likely yield more bene-
over other approaches at enhancing growth is consistent with the ficial outcomes. In sum, the findings of this study provide
findings of another systematic review [8]. Synbiotics are a com- support for the proposition that the selection of a GM-targeted
bination of probiotics and prebiotics, and this may have syner- nutritional intervention aimed at enhancing child growth
gistic effects, where the probiotic microorganisms derive their should be contingent upon the health status of the specific target
food source from the prebiotic substrate, allowing them to grow population [8]. However, this should be interpreted with caution
and multiply more effectively [58]. The prebiotic substrate(s) is because of the very limited number of studies used in arriving at
often specifically selected to stimulate the growth of the probiotic this finding. The finding should be recognized as preliminary and
strain(s); this can result in more specificity and more targeted be a basis for future studies.
effects on the GM. Together, they provide a range of mutually Generally, although GM-targeted nutrition interventions can
beneficial effects on the GM, resulting in the reduction of have beneficial effects on growth, such effects may be more
inflammation [59], improving gut barrier function [60], and complex and depend on a variety of factors, including the spe-
modulating the immune system [5], which could enhance cific probiotic strains or prebiotic substrates used and other

FIGURE 4. Forest plot of synbiotic studies that reported weight gain. Growth (weight gain) was measured in kg. Weight gain was defined as the
differences in preintervention weight and postintervention weight in the control group and the intervention group. MD referred to the arithmetic
differences between the mean weight gain in the control group and the mean weight gain in the intervention group. CI, confidence interval; SE,
standard error.

H.Y. Addae et al.
Characteristics of “microbiome complementary feed” studies directed at microbiome and growth
Author, Study dietary Method of bio- Vehicle(s) Sample size2 (age) Health status Growth Gut microbiome Objective(s) Main finding(s) Significant
publication year Country intervention type, specimen analysis outcome(s) outcome positive
duration1 effect?

1. Aakko et al., Malawi Four-arm study. Quantitative real- N/A 160 (6–12 mo) Healthy Weight, stunting, Bacterial counts To assess the The dietary No
2017 No intervention or time PCR method HAZ effect of LNS and supplementation did
[54] 71 g/ of stool CSB flour on not have an effect on
d micronutrient- Bifidobacterium the
fortified CSB or 54 and Bifidobacterium and
g/ Staphylococcus Staphyloccusaureus
d micronutrient- aureus gut microbiota
fortified LNS with microbiota composition of the
milk protein base, composition study among infants
or 54 g/
d micronutrient-
LNS with soy
protein base for
12 mo
2. Calder et al., Uganda Three-arm study. 16S rRNA analysis F-75 or F-100 58 (7–59 mo) Undernourished Weight, SCFA counts, To investigate the Legume-enriched Yes
2021 Standard of stool proportion of alpha-diversity use of a legume- feeds perform better
[55] nutritional milk weight gain (>5 enriched feed in than standard feeds in
feeds with 35 g/L g/kg/d) the earliest stages the treatment of SAM
cowpea or 4.8 g/L of in-patient for mortality and
inulin or placebo stabilization in weight gainFaecal
till resolved acutely unwell bacterial richness and
(maximum 28 d) children with short-chain fatty acid
SAM at the concentration are
highest risk of preserved during
death. antibiotic use

3. Chen et al., Bangladesh Two-arm study. Qualitative PCR N/A 118 (12–18 mo) Undernourished WHZ, WAZ, HAZ, ASV abundance To evaluate MDCF Changes in the WHZ Yes
2021 50 g/d MDCF or and amplicons MUAC or RUSF on and WAZ are
[51] 50 g/d RUSF 16S rDNA of stool nutritional consistent with the
(control) for 3 mo outcomes benefit of MDCF on
4. Cheung et al., Malawi Four-arm study. 16S rRNA gene N/A 213 (6-mo-old Healthy Linear growth Bacterial counts To examine Nutritional No
2016 No sequencing of children) whether 2 forms supplementation by
[56] supplementation stool of LNS or a LNS or CSB for 12 mo
(control) or 54 g/ Micronutrient- did not affect the gut
d milk LNS, 54 g/ fortified CSB is microbiota profile
d soya LNS, or 71 associated with
g/d CSB for 12 mo the development
of the gut

Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

5. Hughes et al., Malawi Two-arm study. 16S rRNA gene N/A 512 (6–12 mo) Healthy Weight, WHZ, Shannon diversity To determine Effects were not No
2020 20 g/d LNS or sequencing of HAZ, WAZ, c- and microbiome whether the infant statistically significant,
[53] non-LNS for 12 stool reactive protein for age z-score microbiota suggesting gut
mo modified the microbiota did not
effects of a alter the effect of LNS
randomized on infant growth and
controlled trial of inflammation
LNS on growth
6. Ordiz et al., Malawi Three-arm study. 16S rRNA gene N/A 236 (6–12 mo) Healthy HAZ Alpha-diversity, To determine if a Neither cowpea nor No
2020 Cowpea flour or sequencing of the relative daily legume common bean altered
[57] common beans stool abundance of ASV supplement given the overall 16S
flour or CSB flour to Malawian configuration at any
(control) all arms infants aged 6–12 age. Cowpea
at 80 kcal/d for mo alters fecal supplementation
6–9 mo, 120 kcal/ microbiota and improved linear
d for 9–12 mo for growth growth from the ages
24 wk of 6–9 mo
(continued on next page)
H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

characteristics such as breastfeeding, geographic location, an-

supplementary food; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; SCFA, short-chain fatty acids; WASH, water sanitation and hygiene; WAZ, weight-for-age z-score; WHZ, weight-for height z-score; N/A;
ASV, amplicon sequence variant; CSB, corn-soya blend; F-100, formula-100; F-75, formula-75; HAZ, height-for-age z-score; IYFC, infant and young child feeding; LNS, lipid-based nutrient
supplement; MDCF, microbiota-directed complementary food; MUAC, mid-upper arm circumference; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; rRNA, ribosomal ribonucleic acid; RUSF, ready-to-use

tibiotics intake as well as individual host’s GM.


No We expected that analysis of specimens of all nutrition-

related GM studies would be conducted using fecal 16s rRNA
sequencing. However, this review has revealed that only 4 [26,
interventions intended
unresponsive to the
randomly assigned
27,35,50] out of the 28 prebiotic, probiotic, and synbiotic studies
to improve linear
Main finding(s)

microbiome is

used 16s rRNA sequencing. In addition, the low-cost blood he-

Early-life gut

matologic analysis with anthropometric measurements, PCR


[37,42,54], and fluorescence in-situ hybridization [47,49] are

also acceptable approaches in resource-constrained situations
where bacteria rRNA sequencing may not be feasible. Further,
gut microbiome of

water, sanitation,

infant and young

trial of improved

and hygiene and

assembly of the

assigned in the

analysis of short-chain fatty acids, which include acetate, pro-

child feeding

To map the

pionate, and butyrate, that have been associated with improved



gut health and a more unperturbed GM [11] could also be used.

The role of infant feeding mode in the included studies can be
categorized into 2 main contexts. The first context was mostly
Gut microbiome


associated with breastmilk feeding. Because breastfeeding is


associated with inducing higher proportions of B. infantis, a


beneficial GM bacterium, supplementation provided to breast-

feeding participants may offer no additional clinical benefits
[31]. For instance, in some included studies that were conducted
among breastmilk-fed infants [31,57], the lack of significant
growth velocity

growth differences between the intervention and control groups


was attributed to the beneficial effects of breastmilk feeding,


reiterating the superiority of breastfeeding relative to other

modes of infant feeding as a plausible explanation. However,
this may require further inquiry as some studies [28,46,54],
Health status

despite being among breastfed infants, concluded that insuffi-

cient dosage, effects of antibiotics, and dietary fiber intake are

the reasons for the observed lack of significant differences. In

other studies [28,29,40,47,49], the a priori knowledge of the
Sample size2 (age)

beneficial effects of breastfeeding prompted authors to exclude

335 (1–18 mo

breastfeeding infants from their studies. This was because of the

challenges in measuring the exact quantities of human milk ol-
igosaccharides and other bio-actives supplied through breast-
feeding. This could confound with the dietary intervention and
its effects on growth. In the second context, where the mode of

feeding could limit intervention acceptability and adherence,


some studies [25,26,31,39] used locally available complemen-

Mean (range) ¼ 246.7 d (minimum ¼ 28 d, maximum ¼540 d).

tary feeds as vehicles through which prebiotics and probiotics


were administered. Additionally, in some studies [30,51] that

used specialized feeds such as RUTF, F75, F100, or
specimen analysis

microbiome-directed complementary feed, mothers were asked

Method of bio-

sequencing of

to breastfeed before such therapeutic feeds were given or such

feeds were given at half the daily recommended therapeutic

dose so infants could still be breastfed.

intervention type,

Standard of care
Four-arm study.

for 18 mo. (no

There are several inherent limitations, as captured by



included studies, that could help streamline and guide the di-
rection of future studies. First, a number of studies [23,29,39,
Total sample size ¼ 1635.

44], expressed concern about the influence of antibiotics intake


and their inability to account for their effects on GM and growth.


Some other studies [23,35,44,51,55] stated short intervention

TABLE 5 (continued )

duration or short follow-up time as limitations in their in-

terventions. The term short for these studies was an intervention
publication year

duration of <3 mo and a follow-up time of <2 mo. As such, those

et al., 2023
7. Robertson

studies could not measure long-term outcomes. Additional



studies [25,31,35,40] stated that an underpowered sampled size



calculation was a limitation. In those studies, although the

H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

FIGURE 5. Forest plot “microbiome complementary feed” studies that reported weight gain. Growth (weight gain) was measured in kg. Weight
gain was defined as the differences in preintervention weight and postintervention weight in the control group and the intervention group. MD
referred to the arithmetic differences between the mean weight gain in the control group and the mean weight gain in the intervention group.

FIGURE 6. Evaluation of the risk of bias on growth outcome for all included studies.

sample size was powered enough to measure GM characteristics, not all articles were eligible to be included in the meta-analysis.
it was not enough to detect differences in growth outcomes. The final limitation is the age range of included studies (0–5 y).
Studies [25,35,49] expressed concern about not keeping dietary Although meta-analyzing similar nutrition interventions over
intake log books meant to measure other feeds. These studies such a broad age range has been conducted in the past [16], the
were of the view that aside from the diet used for the intervention, plausible confounding effects of the varying feeding modes dur-
there could be other foods that may have been consumed by ing infancy and childhood in the context of this study should be
participants, which may have gone unnoticed, but such feeds acknowledged. This is particularly relevant as feeding mode dif-
could exert influence on the GM and growth. As such, taking note ferences, especially breastfeeding and complementary feeding,
of such foods would help explain certain unexpected outcomes or and their accompanying behavioral and developmental differ-
control for their confounding effects. Although some studies [26, ences could have profound effects on GM and/or growth.
27,36,39] expressed differences in baseline characteristics as a However, because all included interventions are studies with
limitation, others [33,48] had reservations about the safety of control groups, it is assumed that these limitations would be
probiotics in immune-suppressed children with undernutrition equally distributed among the intervention and the control
because of probiotic-induced sepsis. Finally, the lack of data on groups such that their biased effects may not have significant
the volume of breastmilk consumed by infants [44] and chal- differences on the outcome(s) of interest. It is presumed that such
lenges with sample collection [25], e.g., blood volume and stor- an assumption of random distribution may isolate only the
age process, were additional limitations stated by some authors. intervention to be the sole cause of the observed differences
Hence, when planning sample collection procedures and storage, between the arms at the end-line. These limitations notwith-
it is crucial to account for the half-lives of nutritional outcome standing, promising effects of some synbiotics, probiotic strains,
measures and ensure adherence to appropriate sample collection prebiotic substrates, and some microbiome complementary feeds
procedures. The methodologic limitation of this review is also on growth among both undernourished and healthy children
exogenous in that, because of differences in reported outcomes, were detected in ~60% of the included studies.

H.Y. Addae et al. Current Developments in Nutrition 8 (2024) 102085

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