The document outlines a gender and development plan for a barangay in the Philippines for 2025. It identifies key gender issues in the community such as lack of health facilities, malnutrition, and lack of gender awareness. It then lists objectives, activities, budgets, and responsibilities to address these issues over the next year.
The document outlines a gender and development plan for a barangay in the Philippines for 2025. It identifies key gender issues in the community such as lack of health facilities, malnutrition, and lack of gender awareness. It then lists objectives, activities, budgets, and responsibilities to address these issues over the next year.
The document outlines a gender and development plan for a barangay in the Philippines for 2025. It identifies key gender issues in the community such as lack of health facilities, malnutrition, and lack of gender awareness. It then lists objectives, activities, budgets, and responsibilities to address these issues over the next year.
The document outlines a gender and development plan for a barangay in the Philippines for 2025. It identifies key gender issues in the community such as lack of health facilities, malnutrition, and lack of gender awareness. It then lists objectives, activities, budgets, and responsibilities to address these issues over the next year.
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Barangay: BAYABAS Total Brgy. Budget: 1,840.951.52
Municipality: MALIBCONG, ABRA GAD %: 92,.047.57 Gender Issue and GAD or GAD Objectives Relevant BLGU GAD Activity Performance Responsible Mandate program or Indicator SOURCE OF FUND person project A.CLIENT- FOCUSED AMOUNT SOURCE 1. Provision of To provide Implementation Barangay Health responsive health programs GAD % BHW Facilities health services /BLGU/BNS to the constituents HEALTH Implementation of maternal and child GAD 5% BHW/BNS/BLGU health Attendance to trainings of GAD % BHW/BNS/BLGU BNS/BHWs
To increase the Ensure Php 4,000.00 BHW/BNS/BLGU
2. Poor nutritional Reduce or nutritional level of mothers and GAD 5% among mothers and eradicate mother and children children children malnutrition, Nutritonal healthy produce by program Maternal and Child Php 3,000.00 GAD 5% BHW/BNS/BLGU health Health perspective Home Visit Once a BHW/BNS/BLGU active parents month and children Nutrition Month Php GAD % BHW/BNS/BLGU 5,000.00 3. Lack of awareness To develop Gender Attendance women Attendance Php 12,047.52 GAD % on Gender advocacy month celebration 100% women BHW/BNS/ Gender/personhood awareness to program in the BLGU and development women’s Barangay 4. Provision of cash To Provide cash Assistance to Cash assistance after Barangay Php 12,000.00 GAD % assistance to all intervention in indigent assessment constituents BHW/BNS/ emergency cases case of BLGU emergencies 5. Ecological Solid Designation of Segregation of waste 100% Php 6,000.00 GAD % Waste Management collect waste Clean and green segregation BHW/BNS/BLGU environment of waste Educational Training on proper 100% Php 6,000.00 GAD % campaign on waste managament attendance BHW/BNS/BLGU proper waste constituents management 6. Gad ISSUE ON vawc Implementation No VAWC Case Seminars/Orientation 100% Php 12,000.00 GAD % BHW/BNS/BLGU of VAWC related to VAWC attendance constituents SUB-TOTAL Php 60,047.52 B.Organizational Focused Low awareness on GAD laws To Provide Issuance of an and mandates and trainings and Executive order strengthening of BGFPS seminars strengthening BGFPS BHW/BNS/BLGU regarding GAD Productive laws and worker with enhancement of Training positive gender GAD/Orientation thinking and sensitvity good Conduct Quarterly mangement Php GAD % BHW/BNS/BLGU Meeting 10,000. 00 Conduct Training on Php 10,000.00 GAD % BHW/BNS/BLGU GPB/HGDGtools TEV BHW/BNS Php 12,000.00 BHW/BNS/BLGU SUB TOTAL B Php 32,000.00 C.ATTRIBUTED PROGRAMS Title of Barangay Program Project HGDG Design/Funding Facility/Generic Total Annual Program Project GAD Responsible Checklistscore Budget Attribute person Program Project Budget SUBTOTAL GRAN TOTAL (A+B+C) Php 92,047.57