Storms On The Horizon Magic Item Supplement
Storms On The Horizon Magic Item Supplement
Storms On The Horizon Magic Item Supplement
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068)
8 Vestiges of the Divergence
Table Of Contents 8.1 The Winter Regalia
1 Foreword 8.1.1 History
2 Weapons and Armor 8.1.2 Seeking the Power of Fate
2.1 Felchain Scythe 8.1.3 Unlocking the Power
2.2 Flame Lance 8.1.4 Raven's Song
2.3 Prismatic Sabre 8.2 The Wolf Lord's Regalia
2.4 Teeth of the Dragon 8.2.1 History
3 Wondrous Items 8.2.2 Becoming a Master of Death
3.1 Eye of the Beholder 8.2.3 Unlocking the Power
3.2 Flame Gauntlets 8.2.4 Wolf Lord's Plate
3.3 Phoenix Belt 8.2.5 Wolf Lord's Mantle
3.4 Heart of a Fire Elemental 8.2.6 Wolf Lord's Fang
3.5 Ring of Rejuvenation 8.3 Meteor Hammer
3.6 Shard of an Ice Elemental 8.4 Storm Blades
4 Consumables 8.5 Sword of the Eclipse
4.1 Mana Crystal 8.6 Gae Bolg
4.2 Spell Gems 8.7 Excalibur
5 Caster Guns 8.8 Arondight
5.1 Magic for the Masses
5.2 Caster Pistol
5.3 Caster Rifle
5.4 Scatter Caster
5.5 Caster Cannon
5.6 Caster Shells
6 Evolving Magic Items
6.1 Living Weapons
6.2 Weapons That Grow With You
6.3 From a Time History Forgot
6.4 More Beneath the Surface
6.5 A Will of Their Own
7 Sundering Arms
7.1 The Luna Nova
7.1.1 Personality
7.1.2 Creation and True Name
7.1.3 3rd Level and Beyond
7.1.4 Luna Nova
7.2 The Dawn Bringer
7.2.1 Personality
7.2.2 Creation and True Name
7.2.3 3rd Level and Beyond
7.2.4 Dawn Bringer
7.3 The Pyre Brand
7.3.1 Personality
7.3.2 Creation and True Name
7.3.3 3rd Level and Beyond
7.3.4 Pyre Brand
7.4 The Brimstone Staff
7.4.1 Personality
7.4.2 History
7.4.3 Beyond 3rd Level
7.4.4 Even Further Beyond
7.4.5 Brimstone Staff
7.5 The Mercurial Claw
7.5.1 Personality
7.5.2 Creation and True Name
7.5.3 3rd Level and Beyond
7.5.4 Mercurial Claw
7.6 The Blood Spike
7.6.1 Personality
7.6.2 The Capture of the Vampire Lord
7.6.3 A Monster Uncaged
7.6.4 Blood Spike
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
ithin this document, you will find an The spear's property can't be used again until the next
assortment of magic items created specifically dawn. In the meantime, the spear can still be used as a magic
for my homebrew campaign, Storms on the weapon with a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Horizon. This campaign takes place in a
heavily modified version of Matt Mercer's Prismatic Sabre
Tal'Dorei setting. Therefore some items may Type: Weapon (+3 Longsword)
make reference to some aspects of his setting. Damage: 1d8 Slashing, 1d4 Cold, 1d4 Fire, 1d4 Lightning,
While I don't have any immediate plans to publish the 1d4 Acid, 1d4 Poison, 1d4 Radiant, 1d4 Necrotic
campaign and its adventures, the items you will find herein Properties: Finesse, Light
can be easily inserted into your own campaigns and Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement)
adventures. Feel free to use and adapt them as you see fit. Description:
Weapons and Armor The Blade of this sword is made from some kind of crystal.
Multiple patterns of myriad colors dance across its surface.
Felchain Scythe Prismatic Slash: Once per long rest, as an action, you may
Type: Weapon (+1 Kusari-Gama) speak the command word while swinging the sword in an arc
Damage: 1d6 Slashing/Bludgeoning in front of you. Creatures in a 20ft cone in front of you and not
Properties: Special, Thrown (range 30/--) behind full cover must make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw
Rarity: Uncommon or take 2d6 cold damage, 2d6 fire damage, 2d6 lightning
Special: Attempts to grapple with this weapon have damage, 2d6 radiant damage, 2d6 necrotic damage, 2d6 acid
advantage. damage, and 2d6 poison damage on a failed save or half as
Description: much on a successful one. Additionally, creatures that fail
This hand scythe is connected to a chain of returning with a their save must also make a DC 15 constitution save or be
heavy weight at the end. The chain has a length of 5ft. but can stunned for one round and have their speed reduced by 15ft.
extend up to 30ft. when thrown. for one round after that.
If an enemy is hit with the thrown scythe you can use a Teeth of the Dragon
bonus action to pull the scythe back to you or attempt to
leashed the enemy by wrapping the chain around it (Escape Type: Martial Weapon (+3 Chakrum)
DC 15). A target that is leashed cannot move more than 20ft. Damage: 1d6 slashing, 1d4 poison, 1d4 acid, 1d4 fire, 1d4
away from you. cold, 1d4 lightning
Additionally, when you take an attack action on your turn, Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown (range 15/45)
you may use one of your attacks to inflict 1d8 fire damage to Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement)
the leashed enemy. You cannot use this weapon to attack Description:
while a creature is leashed. This weapon appears to be made from welding 5 individual
daggers together at the pommel. Each blade shimmers with a
Flame Lance different color in the light.
Type: Weapon (+1 Spear) When make a thrown weapon attack with this weapon, you
Damage: 1d6 Piercing can use a bonus action to have it return to your hand
Properties: Versatile (1d8), Thrown (range 20/60)
Rarity: Rare
This spear is made from red metal. Intricate carvings spiral up
its length to the tip of the blade.
This spear is a magic weapon. When you hurl it and speak
its command word, it transforms into a bolt of fire, forming a
line 5 feet wide that extends out from you to a target within
120 feet.
Each creature in the line excluding you and the target must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 fire damage
on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful
Creatures that fail their save are also ignited taking 1d6 fire
damage at the beginning of each of their turns until they take
an action to put themselves out.
The fire bolt turns back into a spear when it reaches the
target. Make a ranged weapon attack against the target. On a
hit, the target takes damage from the spear plus 3d6 fire
damage and is ignited.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
9 Disintegration Ray - If the target is a creature, it must
Wondrous Items succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 45
(10d8) force damage. If this damage reduces the creature
Eye of the Beholder to 0 hit points, its body becomes a pile of fine gray dust. If
Type: Wondrous Item the target is a Large or smaller nonmagical object or
Rarity: Very Rare creation of magical force, it is disintegrated without a
Description: saving throw. If the target is a Huge or larger object or
creation of magical force, this ray disintegrates a 10-foot
This gem glows in your hand and rapidly changes color. cube of it.
Closer inspection reveals that there appears to be a lidless eye 10 Death Ray - The targeted creature must succeed on a
in its core constantly looking in all directions. DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 55 (10d10) necrotic
damage. The target dies if the ray reduces it to 0 hit points.
You can use an action to speak the command word and have
the gem shoot out a beholder Eye-Ray. Roll a d10 to determine Flame Gauntlets
which type of ray the eye shoots. You must complete a short or
long rest before using the eye again in this way. Type: Wondrous Item (Gloves)
Rarity: Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
1 Charm Ray - The targeted creature must succeed on a Description:
DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 These bracers are finely made from iron with platinum
hour, or until you harm the creature. embellishments. There are large rubies inset over the palms.
2 Paralyzing Ray - The targeted creature must succeed on While wearing these bracers your melee attacks deal an
a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 additional 1d6 fire damage.
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
3 Fear Ray - The targeted creature must succeed on a DC Phoenix Belt
16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. Type: Wondrous Item (Belt)
The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Rarity: Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Description:
4 Slowing Ray - The targeted creature must succeed on a
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target's This belt is made from fine leathers with rubies wreathing a
speed is halved for 1 minute. In addition, the creature can't large inset garnet. In the right light an image of a flaming bird
take reactions, and it can take either an action or a bonus is visible.
action on its turn, not both. The creature can repeat the While wearing this belt you are resistant to radiant damage
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the and fire damage.
effect on itself on a success. As an action you can speak the command word to wreath
5 Enervation Ray - The targeted creature must make a yourself in flames. Creatures that start their turn within 10
DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic feet of you while this is active take 2d6 fire damage. Creatures
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a that hit you with a melee weapon attack within 5 feet of you
successful one. take 1d6 fire damage.
6 Telekinetic Ray - If the target is a creature, it must
succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or you may Heart of a Fire Elemental
move it up to 30 feet in any direction. It is restrained by the Type: Arcane Focus (Crystal)
ray's telekinetic grip until the start of your next turn or until Rarity: Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
you are incapacitated. If the target is an object weighing 30 Description:
0 pounds or less that isn't being worn or carried, it is
moved up to 30 feet in any direction. You can also exert While using this focus all of your spells gain a +1 to hit bonus,
fine control on objects with this ray, such as manipulating a and your spell save DC's have a +1 bonus.
simple tool or opening a door or a container. Additionally, when you cast a spell with the fire damage
7 Sleep Ray - The targeted creature must succeed on a type, you may reroll all 1's and 2's for damage but must keep
DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep and remain the new result.
unconscious for 1 minute. The target awakens if it takes
damage or another creature takes an action to wake it.
This ray has no effect on constructs and undead.
8 Petrification Ray - The targeted creature must make a
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must
repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a
success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is
petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Ring of Rejuvenation
Type: Wondrous Item (Ring) Spell Gems in other Campaigns
Rarity: Very Rare (Requires Attunement) The concept of spell gems was introduced in
Description: WoTC's Out of the Abyss campaign. This concept
has been adapted for my purposes in my Storms on
This ring is made up of two golden bands with a third band of the Horizon campain.
polished emerald in the middle. It pulses with a warm glow.
While wearing this ring, you regain 1d6 hit points every
turn, provided that you have at least 1 hit point and are below Acid Gem
half of your maximum hit points. Type: Wondrous Item
If you lose a body part, the ring causes the missing part to Rarity: Uncommon
regrow and return to full functionality after 1d4 + 1 days if you Gem Stone: Jade
have at least 1 hit point the whole time. Description:
Shard of an Ice Elemental This gemstone is translucent light green, deep green, or white
Type: Arcane Focus (Crystal) in color.
Rarity: Very Rare (Requires Attunement) It has been imbued with the Melf's Acid Arrow Spell. As a
Description: bonus action, you can throw the gem at a creature within 30ft.
of you. Make a ranged spell attack (+5 to hit). On a hit, the
This small crystal is attached to a silver chain. A faint blue creature takes 3d4 acid damage and 1d4 acid damage on its
glow pulses within next turn.
While using this focus all of your spells gain a +1 to hit Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
bonus, and your spell DC's have a +1 bonus.
Additionally, when you cast a spell with the cold damage Beacon Stone
type, you may reroll all 1's and 2's for damage but must keep Type: Wondrous Item
the new result. Rarity: Uncommon
Gem Stone: Moonstone
Consumables Description:
This gemstone is translucent white with pale blue glow in
Mana Crystal color.
Type: Wondrous Item It has been imbued with the Guiding Bolt Spell.
Rarity: Varies As a bonus action, you can throw the gem at a creature
Description: within 30ft. of you. Roll a ranged spell attack (+5 to hit). On
hit, the creature takes 2d6 radiant damage. Additionally, the
This crystal is created by condensing arcane energy into a next attack roll against the creature before the end of your
solid form. As a bonus action you may crush the crystal in next turn has advantage.
your hand. Doing so will replenish one expended spell slot. Once0 used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
The level of spell slot is determined by the quality.
Mana Crystal Rarity Table
Burn Stone
Type: Wondrous Item
Crystal Quality Rarity Spell Slot Recovered Rarity: Common
Cracked Uncommon 1st Gem Stone: Obsidian
Lustrous Rare 2nd
Brilliant Rare 3rd
This gemstone is opaque black in color.
It has been imbued with the Fire Bolt Spell. As a bonus
Sublime Very Rare 4th action, you can throw the gem at a creature within 30ft. of
Radiant Very Rare 5th you. Roll a ranged spell attack (+5 to hit). On hit, the creature
takes 2d6 fire damage.
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
Spell Gems
The underground races of the material plane have mastered Cinder Stone
the art of storing magical energy in gem stones for later use. Type: Wondrous Item
Once imbued, the gems can be crushed and then thrown, Rarity: Uncommon
releasing the magical enery within. Over time, it was Gem Stone: Garnet
discovered that certain stones were better suited for holding Description:
specific spells. This gemstone is transparent red, brown-green, or violet in
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This gem has been imbued with the Scorching Ray Spell. As a Rarity: Very Rare
bonus action you can crush the stone in your hand releasing Gem Stone: Diamond
two bolts of fire. You can direct these bolts at two different Description:
creatures or just one within 60ft. of you. Roll a ranged spell This gemstone is transparent blue-white, canary, pink, brown,
attack (+5 to hit) for each bolt. On hit, the target takes 1d6+3 or blue in color.
fire damage. It has been imbued with the Mass Cure Wounds Spell. As a
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed. bonus action on your turn you may, crush the gem in your
Dawn Stone hand. Six creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you regain
Type: Wondrous Item 3d8 hit points. Constructs and Undead are unaffected.
Rarity: Rare Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
Gem Stone: Topaz Plague Stone
Description: Type: Wondrous Item
This gemstone is transparent golden yellow in color. Rarity: Rare
It has been imbued with the Daylight Spell. As a bonus Gem Stone: Opal
action you can crush the gem in you hand and throw it up to Description:
30ft. Once it has traveled 30ft. or impacted a surface it This gemstone is translucent pale blue with green and golden
detonates and sheds bright light in a 30ft. and dim light for an mottling in color.
additional 30ft. It has been imbued with the Blight Spell. As a bonus action
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed. you can throw it at a creature within 30ft. if you. That creature
Explosion Stone must make a DC15 Constitution saving throw or take 6d8
Type: Wondrous Item necrotic damage. The creature takes half damage on a
Rarity: Rare successful save.
Gem Stone: Black Pearl Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
Description: Shadow Stone
This gemstone is opaque pure black in color. Type: Wondrous Item
It has been imbued with the Fireball Spell. As a bonus Rarity: Uncommon
action you can throw the gem at a point within 40ft. of you. On Gem Stone: Jet
impact, all creatures within 15ft of the point of impact must Description:
make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 fire damage This gemstone is opaque deep black in color.
on a failed save or half as much on a successsful one. It has been imbued with the Darkness Spell. As a bonus
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed. action you can throw the stone at a point within 30ft. of you.
Flame Stone On impact, it creates a 10-foot-radius sphere of magical
Type: Wondrous Item darkness that spreads around corners centered at the point of
Rarity: Very Rare impact. This darkness lasts for 30 seconds.
Gem Stone: Jacinth Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
Description: Golem Stone
This gemstone is transparent fiery orange in color. Type: Wondrous Item
It has been imbued with the Flame Strike Spell. As a bonus Rarity: Rare
action on your turn you may throw the stone at the ground Gem Stone: Black Opal
within 30ft. of you. Creatures within a 10ft. radius by 40ft. Description:
high cylinder of the point of impact must make a DC17 This gemstone is translucent dark green with black mottling
Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage and 3d6 and golden flecks in color.
radiant damage on a failed save or half as much on a It has been imbued with the Stone Skin Spell. As a bonus
successful one. action you can crush the stone. When you do this, you gain
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed. resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage
Heal Stone from non-magical weapons for 5 minutes.
Type: Wondrous Item Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
Rarity: Uncommon Storm Gem
Gem Stone: Zircon Type: Wondrous Item
Description: Rarity: Rare
This gemstone is transparent pale blue-green in color. Gem Stone: Aquamarine
It has been imbued with the Cure Wounds Spell. As a bonus Description:
action, you can crush the gem in your hand and touch a This gemstone is transparent pale blue-green in color.
creature. The creature regains 1d8+2 hit points.
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
Greater Heal Stone
Type: Wondrous Item
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
It has been imbued with the Call Lightning Spell. As a bonus Caster Rifle
action, you can throw the gem at a point within 30ft. of you.
On impact, all creatures within 15ft. of the point of impact Type: Martial Ranged Weapon
must make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d10 Damage: Special
lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on a Properties: Ammunition (range varies), Loading, Special,
successful one. Two-Handed
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed. Rarity: Very Rare
Special: This weapon has a complex loading mechanism. If
Vine Stone you use this weapon to attack, you may only make one
Type: Wondrous Item attack on that turn even if you have a feature that allows you
Rarity: Uncommon to make multiple attacks per turn.
Gem Stone: Chrysoprase Description:
Description: This weapon consists of a wide metallic tube that connected
This gemstone is translucent green in color. to a grip with the firing mechanism. The back of the tube
It has been imbued with the Entangle Spell. As a bonus closes once the ammunition has been fed inside. Complex
action, you can throw the gem at a creature within 30ft. of gears and turbines can be observed on the exterior.
you. Roll a ranged spell attack (+5 to hit). On hit the gem This weapon requires special Caster Shells to be used as
explodes into a tangled mess of vines that wrap around the ammunition. The type of shell used determines the amount
target, restraining them. The creature must use their action to and type of damage as wells as other effects.
make a DC13 Strength (Athletics) check to break the vines Caster Shells fired from a Caster Rifle have their properties
and escape. Creatures of size Huge and larger are uneffected. altered. See the Caster Rifle Table below for details
Once used in this way, the gem is destroyed.
Caster Rifle
Caster Guns Normal Target Caster Rifle Augment
Single Target Ignore 1/2 and 3/4 cover
Magic for the Masses
Line Length doubled
The people of the northern kingdoms are not known for their
magic prowess. Due to a general lack in aptitude for the Cone Length doubled in a 5-foot-wide line
mystic arts, the people have turned to science to in an effort to Radius Range doubled and area halved
level the playing field with kingdoms with greater access to
magic. In addition to the advent of black power and cannons Scatter Caster
to make use of it, particularly inspired inventors developed a
way to harness magical energy and unleashed it on demand Type: Martial Ranged Weapon
without a strong connection to the weave. Damage: Special
Using this method, a spellcaster can imbue a piece of Properties: Ammunition (range varies), Loading, Special,
specially crafted ammunition with magical energy. When fired Two-Handed
from a specially crafted weapon, the energy is unleased with Rarity: Very Rare
devastating results. Special: This weapon has a complex loading mechanism. If
With this new technology, any basically trained, soldier you use this weapon to attack, you may only make one
could harness the destructive power of magic. These attack on that turn even if you have a feature that allows you
appropriately named Caster Guns immediately changed the to make multiple attacks per turn.
face of warfare in the north. Description:
Caster Pistol This weapon consists of a wide metallic tube that connected
to a grip with the firing mechanism. The back of the tube
Type: Martial Ranged Weapon closes once the ammunition has been fed inside. Complex
Damage: Special gears and turbines can be observed on the exterior.
Properties: Ammunition (range varies), Loading, Special This weapon requires special Caster Shells to be used as
Rarity: Rare ammunition. The type of shell used determines the amount
Description: and type of damage as wells as other effects.
This weapon consists of a wide metallic tube that connected Caster Shells fired from a Scatter Caster have their
to a grip with the firing mechanism. The back of the tube properties altered. See the Scatter Caster Table below for
closes once the ammunition has been fed inside. Complex details
gears and turbines can be observed on the exterior.
This weapon requires special Caster Shells to be used as
ammunition. The type of shell used determines the amount
and type of damage as wells as other effects.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Rarity: Very Rare
Scatter Caster Special: This weapon has a complex loading mechanism. If
Normal Target Scatter Caster Augment you use this weapon to attack, you may only make one
Single Target 15-foot-cone
attack on that turn even if you have a feature that allows you
to make multiple attacks per turn.
Line Length reduced to half in a cone Description:
Cone Area doubled This weapon requires special Caster Shells to be used as
Radius Range reduce to half and area doubled
ammunition. The type of shell used determines the amount
and type of damage as wells as other effects.
Caster Shells fired from a Caster Cannon range multiplied
Caster Cannon by 10. Damage and area of effect are doubled. Shells with a
Type: Large Object single target instead target all creatures in a 10-foot-radius.
Damage: Special Caster Shells must be specially made to fit the Caster
Properties: Ammunition (range varies), Heavy, Loading, Cannon.
Special, Two-Handed
Caster Shells
Ammunition for caster guns must be specially manufactured by skilled individuals. The method of crafting is a closely guarded
secret but the resulting ammunition is, generally easy to come by if you know where to look.
Below is a list of the known types of caster ammunition but more may be available to you depending on where your campaign
takes place. For shells that require a saving throw, the DC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier.
Caster Shells
Shell Type Rarity Damage Type Amount of Damage Range (Ft.) Target Type Save (Half Damage on Success)
No. 0 Common Special 2d8 60 Single Target N/A
No. 1 Common Force 4d4 10 10-foot-cone Strength
No. 2 Common N/A N/A 60 60-foot-radius N/A
No. 4 Uncommon Lightning 6d6 100 Line Dexterity (H)
No. 9 Uncommon Force 4d12 60 Single Target N/A
No. 12 Uncommon Cold 3d6 10 20-foot-cone Constitution (H)
No. 21 Uncommon Radiant 4d8 50 Line Constitution (H)
No. 31 Uncommon Fire 6d6 60 20-foot-radius Dexterity (H)
No. 33 Uncommon Fire 6d6 10 20-foot-cone Dexterity (H)
No. 44 Rare Lightning 6d8 60 40-foot-radius Constitution (H)
No. 52 Rare Cold 6d8 10 40-foot-cone Constitution (H)
No. 63 Very Rare Fire 12d6 120 40-foot-radius Dexterity (H)
No. 73 Very Rare Fire 12d6 10 40-foot-cone Dexterity(H)
No. 88 Very Rare Radiant 10d10 100 10-foot-wide line Constitution (H)
No. 99 Legendary Force 20d10 100 Single Target Dexterity
Common Shells No. 2 - Type 2 shells are uses as magical flares. Pick a point
No. 0 - Type 0 shells are the most common type. These within range. The shell travels to that point and then explodes
"blank" shells easily absorb magical energy. A spellcaster that shedding bright light in a 60-foot-radius sphere and dim light
can cast a cantrip that deals damage can spend 15 minutes for an additional 120 feet for 1 minute.
focusing on a shell and then casts the cantrip into the shell.
The shell absorbs the magical energy. To use the shell, make a Uncommon Shells
ranged weapon attack against a target. On hit, the target takes No. 12 - Creatures in the area that fail their save have their
2d8 damage of the same type as the cantrip that was cast into speed halved for one round.
it. No. 21 - Creatures in the area that fail their save are blinded
No. 1 - Type 1 shells are used to hold off multiple assailants. for one round.
To use the shell, make a ranged weapon attack against a target
within range. On hit, the shell creates a cone of force from the Rare Shells
point of impact. The target takes damage and all creatures in No. 44 - Creatures in the area that fail their save are
the area must make a saving throw or are knocked back 10 paralyzed for one round.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
No. 52 - Creatures in the area that fail their save have their
movement halved for one round. Sundering Arms Level Guide
Item Level Intended PC Level
Very Rare Shells 1 3rd - 10th
No. 88 - Creatures in the area that fail their save are blinded.
They may repeat the save at the beginning of their next turn. If 2 7th - 14th
they fail a second time, they must wait 24 hours before trying 3 11th - 18th
4 15th - 20th and Beyond
Legendary Shells
No. 99 - Creatures reduced by 0 hit points by this shell are Vestiges of Divergence are designed with 3 power tiers and
destroyed as with the Disintegrate spell level up similarly to Sundering arms. Below you will find a
table detailing recommended level ranges for vestiges.
Evolving Magic Items Vestiges of Divergence Level Guide
This section details the lore and mechanics for numerous Item Level Intended PC Level
legendary, artifact level items. The inspiration for these was Dormant 5th -10th
Matthew Mercer's Vestiges of Divergence weapons from
Critical Role. These items are designed to "level up" with the Awakened 11th - 15th
PCs or as the story demands it. These items come in two Exalted 16th - 20th and beyond
Sundering Arms are sentient magic items that house the
soul of a humanoid. They are intended to be stronger than From a Time History Forgot
normal magic items due to the fact that, lore-wise, there is Sundering Arms were made long ago when the universe was
another soul to shoulder the burden of managing the extra new. The primal forces of celestials, fiends, and elementals
magical power. warred for control of all of existence. In time they involved the
Vestiges of Divergence are, artifact level items that have mortal races in their conflict. Eventually the weapons of war
been infused with divine or fiendish power. These are escalated to the point that all of creation was shattered into
designed based on guidelines found in Matt Mercer's the planes as we know them. These weapons, known as
Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide. sundering arms, were scattered across the planes and lost to
Within this document you will find recommendations for time.
how and when to level up the items but it is up to the DM to Time passed, gods were born, demon princes arose, and a
determine when and how. new conflict was birthed from their quarrel. War raged across
DM's wanting to incorporate these items into their the material plane. Each side of the conflict hellish and divine
campaign should note that these items are exceptionally alike began recruiting champions to take up their cause.
powerful at later levels so you should be careful of how many These champions were gifted items imbued with a small
you include in your campaign and how quickly you allow them portion of their patron's power. These vestiges as they came to
to level up. be known have been passed down through from champion to
chosen one until they lost to time.
Living Weapons Over the course of the campaign, PCs are likely to want to
Many of these items are designed to be sentient and have their seek out information on their artifact to determine how to go
personalities and methods of communication detailed. about increasing their power. While you shouldn't discourage
However, if you choose to include multiple items from this this, you should make the information incredibly difficult to
document, you may wish to limit their sentience or find as any relevant record of the events surrounding the
communication options to prevent loss of role play focus. creation of these artifacts would, at this point, be particularly
rare and limited to large archives or temples to deities of
Weapons That Grow With You knowledge or history. PCs may be able to make bargains with
old and/or powerful entities for information regarding specific
Sundering Arms are designed with four power tiers intended items.
for certain level ranges. Refer to the chart below for a general
guide to how quickly to level up the items' power. You can, of More Beneath the Surface
course choose to level up the weapons earlier or later as the
story demands. Just know that it will have a significant impact Due to the immense power of these artifacts, consider not
on their effectiveness. allowing abilities, skills, and spells that reveal the nature of
magical items, such as the Identify spell, to reveal everything
about the item in question.
Examples of information to keep hidden would include,
their ability to increase in power, detrimental effects of
attunement, the nature of any sentient ego inhabiting the item,
the true name of the personality inhabiting the item.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
You could inform the player that the spell worked partially and
that there is still information to reveal or you could keep it
completely secret and allow them to stumble upon the
information by accident.
A Will of Their Own
For the items with sentience, consider what goals the item
might have of their own and how that might match up or
conflict with the goals of the players.
If the item and the wielder come in conflict, consider
making the players make Charisma saving throws in order to
avoid being influenced by the will of the artifact.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Luna Nova
he Luna Nova is a powerful war scythe infused There is a loud knocking on the door. The man moves to
with power over ice and cold. When it was last answer.
seen, its metal staff was used to impale and Who is it?
seal away a powerful undead or fiend. Consider Open the door in the name of the king!
leading your PCs to a vault or underground The man panics and spins around. You have to go now!
cavern and having them walk in to see some The men outside begin pounding on the door now.
horrible creature pinned to the wall or floor by Open the door this instant!
the silver staff and frost covering the immediate area. The They break the door open. The woman cries out.
players will then have to make a choice whether to indulge NO! Please! Don't take her!
their curiosity. The player's view zooms out to reveal three men in black
Personality armor entering the house. One moves to the side of a basinet
where a small baby is lying. He moves to pick the child up but
Luna Nova houses the soul of a female human knight with no the mother rushes him. In one smooth motion he draws his
name. sword and stabs her through the abdomen. She gasps and
When first attuned, Luna Nova will begin with a question. falls to her knees clutching the wound. The father, seeing this,
Are you my new master? flies into a rage. He draws the sword from the side of one of
If the player responds with a "Yes" Luna Nova will the other knights but is quickly cut down by the third knight.
acknowledge that player as her master and no other player The knights sheathe their blades and begin to leave with one
will be able to attune to the weapon without making a DC17 of them clutching the baby in his arms. The woman whimpers
Charisma (Persuasion) check. as the life begins to fade from her eyes.
As time goes one she will be fiercely devoted to her wielder Please, no… don't take… my… Selena
and speak out to anyone that would disagree with them. If the The vision fades to black and the player is greeted with one
wielder asks for her name she will plainly say that she does final vision. A young woman with silver hair and pale blue
not have a name. If pressed about the issue she will reveal eyes in black armor very similar to the armor worn by the men
that she was never given a name. who took the child kneels before a king. He speaks.
At this point the player may attempt to give her a name. I have a task for you. You will become the blade that
Each time they must make a Charisma (Persuasion) check. ends this horrible conflict.
On a failure she will politely decline and the DC of subsequent Yes my lord
checks will go up to a cap of 25. On a success she will accept I have made arrangements with the high priest. Report
her new name and the artifact's level will increase to level 2. to the temple immediately. This will be your final task.
From this point Luna Nova will have a slightly brighter My lord, am I to be cast off? Am I no longer useful?
demeanor having acquired a name. She will occasionally I have little use for more soldiers. I have need of a great
nudge the wielder to take charge and be more decisive. If the weapon. You will be that weapon.
wielder becomes curious about her past she can show them ...Yes, my lord
glimpses of previous masters she has had in the past. If asked
about her family she will shy away from the question, claiming 3rd Level and Beyond
to not remember. Once the player learns Luna Nova's true name they must
The player can spend time meditating on the weapon and succeed a Charisma (Persuasion) check to get her to accept
the soul inside to further their connection. Have the player this information. She will want to deny the validity of this new
make Wisdom (Insight) checks to determine success. On a information since the thought of having lost a loving family is
success, the PC gains insight into the weapon's past which too difficult to bear. On a success Luna Nova will allow the
could include a brief glimpse of the past. After a number of player to call her by her true name and will request others do
successes, the wielder will see a vision detailing the origin of the same (Level 3). Once this occurs Selena can manifest her
the weapon and the woman inside it. presence visually. She appears as the young knight from the
Creation and True Name vision but her armor is no longer black. Instead, she wears
silvered half-plate armor and has a pale white glow about her.
The vision begins with the player looking up at two humans. When communicating in this way, she can speak any language
The two appear worried and begin to speak. her wielder knows and interact with small objects as with the
She's so beautiful Mage Hand spell. As the bond between Selena and her
I'm sure that someday she will grow up as strong and wielder strengthens she will eventually unlock her maximum
beautiful as her mother power (Level 4).
Oh, stop it!
...You know what you must do…
I can't! I won't leave you!
You must! The king’s decree is absolute! Think of our
I am. She needs her father.
If she stays here she will have neither her mother nor
her father!
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Luna Nova Crystal Spires
Type: Weapon (War Scythe) You speak the command word to stab the scythe's
Damage: 2d8 Slashing blade into the ground. A pillar with a 10ft. radius
Properties: Heavy, Reach (15ft.), Sentient (Lawful Neutral), rapidly grows up to 50ft. tall from a point on the
Special ground within 50ft. of you. Creatures on top of the
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) pillar must make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw or
Abilities Scores: INT: 14 WIS: 16 CHA: 10 take 2d8+8 bludgeoning damage. On a successful
Senses: The Luna Nova has blind sight out to 30ft. It can save, creatures take half damage. If the pillar grows
communicate audibly with anyone who can speak common into the ceiling, and a creature fails its saving throw,
or celestial and can communicate telepathically with it takes 3d8+8 bludgeoning damage and is
whomever is attuned to it. restrained as the pillar pins it against the ceiling
(Escape DC 15).
Passive perception: 15
Description: You can choose to halt the pillar's growth before it
The Luna Nova at first looks like a simple metallic staff. reaches its maximum height lifting a creature
However, when wielded, ice begins to form at the head and harmlessly above the ground.
grows into a large, crescent moon-shaped blade centered at
the head of the staff. Frosty mist constantly falls from the
blade and the air in the area 10ft around it is noticeably
Special: On hit, you can choose to use the scythe to grapple Moon Song
the target (Escape DC = 5 + STR + PROF). The target takes You twirl the scythe above your head and then swing
1d8 slashing damage when attempting to escape. You it in a wide outward arc. Creatures in a target area up
cannot use this weapon to attack while you have a creature to 30ft. Away in a 30ft tall and 20ft radius cylinder
grappled in this way. Attacks made with this weapon against must make a DC17 Constitution saving throw or
take 10d8 Cold Damage and become chilled. On a
a target within 5 feet are made with disadvantage. successful save, creatures take half damage. Chilled
Level 1 Attunement targets have their movement speed halved and have
Attacks with this weapon gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage disadvantage on dexterity and strength saving throws
Attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d4 Cold for one minute.
This weapon has 3 charges.
As an action, you can use one or more charges to use the Lunar Regalia
Crystal Spires feature. You create one pillar for each charge
spent. When you speak the command word you are
encompassed by a set of black plate armor covered
Recharges 1d4-1 each day at dusk. in silvery frost. You gain the following benefits for 1
Level 2 Attunement minute and suffer 2 levels of exhaustion afterwards:
While attuned to this weapon, you gain resistance to Cold Your AC Becomes 20 + DEX Modifier (Minimum 1)
Damage You are immune to cold damage
Bonus to hit and damage increases to +2
Bonus cold damage increases to 1d6 Enemies you hit with melee attacks have their
Crystal Spire charges increase to 6 and recharges 1d3 speeds reduced by 5 for 1 minute. Creatures
charges each day at dusk. immune to cold damage are unaffected. If a
creature's speed is reduced to zero in this way, they
Level 3 Attunement must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. On a
Bonus to hit and damage increases to +3 successful save the creature's speed is 5. On a failed
save the creature is frozen and paralyzed. Only a
Bonus cold damage increases to 1d8 greater restoration spell or similar magic can restore
Crystal Spire DC increases to 17 the creature at this point.
Once per long rest you can use an action to speak the
command word to use the Moon Song ability.
All spent Crystal Spire charges are recovered each day at
Level 4 Attunement
Bonus cold damage increases to 1d10
Crystal Spire and Moon Song DCs increase to 19
Crystal Spire initial damage increases to 4d8+8
Once per long rest as an action you can speak the command
word to don the Lunar Regalia
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Dawn Bringer
he Dawn Bringer is a golden bastard sword The man begins to cry openly now. The priest opposite him
with sun motifs forged into the hilt and cross leans forward placing a hand of each of their shoulders. He
guard. It has not been seen since its original nods solemnly I'm sorry. It is time
wielder died many thousands of years ago. The two look to him their features growing stern with grim
Consider introducing this artifact to your resolve. They nod. The woman speaks
players as a sword embedded in a stone as in Then let it be done
the Excalibur myth. On the other hand, you The robed figures begin chanting louder now and the
could place it in the center of a vile ritual intended to corrupt woman begins to glow with a bright light. She gasps from a
the blade's power to be used for evil. sudden pain. The man's resolve begins to falter but she looks
at him with a look of iron. No she says, It must be done... It
Personality must be now
The Dawn Bringer, houses the soul of a young elven woman The light grows brighter and she grits her teeth through the
whose name is lost to even herself as she has not heard it pain.
spoken in millennia. The light grows brighter still washing out the player's vision
When first attuned she will speak almost timidly. She will in white. Then slowly fades.
be curious and want to know more about her wielder and the Once the player's vision adjusts they will see the same
world that she has awoken to. After spending time with the scene as before. However, the woman is now gone. The man
players, the soul becomes more comfortable and will speak that was holding her hand now leans over the alter holding a
out of she perceives the players doing something unlawful or glowing two-handed sword.
immoral. He whispers, This I swear, that I will bring an end to this
As time goes one the player may spend time meditating and war. I will defend our home and create a place where our
speaking with the sword which will help forge a partnership. child may grow up in peace. This I swear, that your
This will allow the PC to make Charisma (Persuasion) checks sacrifice will not be in vain. This I swear…
to ask about her name. She will be apprehensive and, at first …Leora
tell the player that she will only give her name to a truly
worthy knight. 3rd Level and Beyond
As time goes one and trust is earned, the player may If the player decides to reveal her true name, Leora may
persuade her to admit that she does not know her true name manifest her presence visually. She appears as she did in the
from before the blade was forged. (Level 2). vision but translucent with a glowing aura and can
At this point the player may begin looking for clues to the communicate freely with anyone present and interact with
true identity of the sword they wield. When meditating on the small objects as with the Mage Hand spell.
blade, they can make Wisdom (Insight) checks to get glimpses If the wielder proves themselves to be a true and noble
of the blade's history. They might seek out places of knight and a force for good, Leora can choose to recognize
knowledge in search of ancient texts to gain clues. If this is them as her rightful partner and cement their bond (Level 4).
the case, have them make an Intelligence (history) check. On a If the wielder accepts this, the Dawn Bringer becomes
success, reduce the DC of the next Insight check. After a permanently attuned to the PC and their maximum life span
number of successes, the player will finally be given a view of increases by 1,000 years. If the Dawn Bringer is somehow
when the blade was created and the true name of the soul destroyed, however, the wielder dies on the spot.
Creation and True Name
Two men stand on opposite sides of a stone altar. Around
them, a circle of hooded figures cloaked in robes made from a
vibrant yellow cloth. The robed figures are chanting in a long
lost language. Upon the altar lies a young elven woman
dressed in a pale yellow dress. She is not bound. In one hand,
she holds the blade that would become the dawn bringer. In
the other she holds the hand of one of the men flanking her.
She looks to the man with tears in her eyes. The player will
see that the man is also holding back tears of his own.
A DC 15 Wisdom (perception) check will let the player
notice that the two are wearing identical silver bracelets
indicating that they are married.
She speaks to the man.
It is alright, my love. We will continue to be together. In
this way, I can help you bring an end to this war. I can help
you protect our daughter.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Dawn Bringer
Type: Weapon (Bastard Sword) Sear
Damage: 1d10 Slashing You speak the command word to cause the blade of
Properties: Versatile (3d4), Sentient (Lawful Good), Light, your sword to glow brightly.
Special The next successful attack with this weapon deals an
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) additional 1d6 radiant damage for each charge spent.
Abilities Scores: INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 16
Senses: The Dawn Bringer has blind sight out to 30ft.and can
see clearly in darkness and dim light out to 60ft. It can
communicate telepathically with anyone who has held the
hilt of the sword for a few minutes to a distance of 100ft.
Passive perception: 15 Solar Flare
Description: Radiant energy extends from the blade and from the
The Dawn Bringer is a golden bastard sword. The edges of pommel of the sword. You swing the sword over
the sword curve slightly inward toward the center of the blade. your head in a downward arc. Creatures in a line 10-
The guard is an ornate symbol of the sun and has a hole in the feet-wide and 40-feet-long must make a DC17
middle where a ruby is inset. Any blood or gore that ends up dexterity saving throw or take 10d6 Radiant Damage
on it quickly ignites and burns away leaving the blade pristine. and become blinded. On a successful save, creatures
take half damage. Blinded creatures may make a
Level 1 Attunement DC15 constitution saving throw at the end of their
next turn to remove the blindness. If they fail, they
Attacks with this weapon gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage are blind for 24hrs. or until lesser or greater
Attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d4 radiant restoration is cast on them.
As an action you can use the Shine ability once per long
Level 2 Attunement
While attuned to this weapon you gain resistance to radiant Solar Regalia
damage When you speak the command word you are
Bonus to hit and damage increases to +2 encompassed by a set of gold plate armor covered
Bonus radiant damage increases to 1d6 with silver chain mail underneath. You gain the
As an action, you can use the Shine ability once per short following benefits for 1 minute and suffer 2 levels of
exhaustion afterwards:
Your AC Becomes 20 + DEX Modifier (Minimum 1)
This weapon gains 3 charges
You are immune to radiant damage
As a bonus action you can spend charges to Use the Sear You emit sunlight out to 30 feet and dim light 30
ability feet beyond that. Creatures that start their turn
Recharges 1d3 charges at dawn within 10 feet of you must make a DC 19
Constitution Saving throw or be blinded. Creatures
Level 3 Attunement can repeat the save at the end of each of their turns
Bonus to hit and damage increases to +3 ending the condition on a success.
Bonus radiant damage increases to 1d8
You can use the Shine ability at will
Once per long rest you may use an action to use the Solar
Flare ability.
Sear charges increase to 6
Level 4 Attunement
Bonus radiant damage increases to 1d10
The light from the Shine ability counts as sunlight
Solar Flare DC increases to 19
Once per long rest as an action you can speak the command
word to don the Solar Regalia
Recovers all charges each day at dawn.
You speak the command word and cause the blade
of the Dawn Bringer to light up casting bright light
for 30ft and dim light for an additional 60ft.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Pyre Brand
he Pyre Brand is a long, ruby short sword with Kai looks up and meets the gaze of the man and the two
dominion over heat and fire. It has been at the share a moment of grim understanding. Kai steps back and
sight of many battles and has seen many exclaims.
wielders. It is often taken by force as its wielder No… No, no, no! You didn't!
is cut down by someone coveting it for The man says nothing. He breaks eye contact, unable to
themselves. Consider introducing this artifact look Kai in the eye. Solus steps forward.
to your players as a sword wielded by an enemy, Kai, it had to be done. It had to be her. The ritual
particularly a magic caster using it in the same way one would requires a strong bond between the wielder and the
a wand or staff. You could make the wielder's fire spells be weapon.
extra damaging or harder to avoid. This would most assuredly Kai recoils from the priest's words
peak your player's interests. My sister is NOT a WEAPON!
He pauses for a moment seething in absolute rage. Then
Personality the look on his face changes as though he has thought of
The Pyre Brand houses the soul of an adolescent elven boy something important.
who happens to be the younger brother of the woman inside A strong bond… Father, what about the bond between
the Dawn Bringer. siblings? Could that work?
Initially the Pyre Brand can only communicate through The priest looks at him quizzically. He considers the
emotions. Once the weapon is attuned, the player will sense a question and then replies.
presence of intense rage within the blade. A Wisdom (insight) I suppose that would work but-
check will reveal an underlying sadness beneath the anger. Kai cuts him off.
As the player gains experience slaying monsters the rage Let me be a vessel for her! Two weapons would be
will subside but the sadness will remain. If there is danger better than one, right?!
nearby the blade will become noticeably hotter. At hearing this Solus and the armored man look at each
Once the player has quelled the rage within the blade, they other and the man begins to speak.
must save a female NPC from some manner of danger this Kai, she wouldn't want this. I can't allow you to-
will trigger a memory within the blade. YOU… do NOT… GET… a SAY!
At this point, the soul within will be able to communicate The rage in Kai's eyes comes back to the surface. He turns
audibly in common and elvish. He will reveal that his name is to the priest.
Kai and, after spending time talking with him, the player can Make me into a vessel. Let me be with my sister!
make a Wisdom (insight) check to determine that he is Solus' shoulders sink in resignation.
searching for something, something important. Very well. Come, we must make preparations.
Kai, like many adolescents is head strong, competitive, and The two walk past the man in armor. His gaze not firmly
has a bit of a temper. cast at the ground beneath his feet. He grits his teeth as the
If asked specifics, he will not be able to recall what he is tears flow freely from his eyes.
looking for. The player may spend time meditating and The vision fades
speaking with the weapon to discover answers. As time goes
on the player can make a Wisdom (insight) check to learn that 3rd Level and Beyond
the Pyre Band is part of a set of two weapons. When asked
about this Kai will have a revelation. After learning this new information the player can reveal the
My sister… identity of what Kai is seeking to him. If they do he will ask
After this revelation, the player may attempt a Wisdom that they take time to seek out his sister. If the player agrees,
(insight) check while meditating on the blade. On a success, Kai will begin to trust them (Level 3).
the player will be given a vision from Kai's past. If the party has already acquired the Dawn Bringer, Kai will
recognize it and insist on being reunited with his sister. If the
Creation and True Name Dawn Bringer has reached level 3, Leora will attempt to keep
the peace if the artifacts were given to different wielders.
As the vision comes the player will see an elven boy rushing Once the two are united, Kai will open up to the player
toward a stair case that seems to be built into a tall mountain. granting them an additional 1,000 years to their life span
As he approaches a man in priest’s vestments is descending (Level 4).
the stairs. If the player has already attained level 3 attunement
with the Dawn Bringer, they will recognize this priest. The
young man cries out to him.
Father Solus! Please let me be the vessel!
The priest looks down upon the boy with a solemn look on
his face.
I am sorry, Kai. The ritual has already been completed.
As he says this another man in golden plate mail is
descending the stairs with his head held low gritting his teeth
to hold back tears. At his side is a two-handed sword with a
distinct sun-shaped guard.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Pyre Brand Cry
Type: Weapon (Shorts word) You speak the command word causing the sword to
Damage: 1d8 Piercing cause the sword to erupt into a concentrated beam
Properties: Light, Finesse, Sentient (Chaotic Good), Special of searing heat. The Pyre Brand gains reach (15ft)
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) and 1d6 additional fire damage for the next three
Abilities Scores: INT: 14 WIS: 12 CHA: 16 attacks.
Senses: The Pyre Brand has dark vision out to 60ft. Can
communicate though emotions with whomever is holding it.
Passive perception: 15
The Pyre Brand is an unusually long short sword. The blade Scorch
appears to be made from a material resembling ruby. The You speak the command word causing a gout of
guard is a standard cross guard made from gold with flame- flame to burst out from the sword.
like embellishments when unsheathed, the area seems to
grow warmer. Creatures within 5 feet of you must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw taking 2d6 fire damage on a
Level 1 Attunement failed save or half as much damage on a successful
Attacks with this weapon gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage
While attuned to this weapon, you gain resistance to fire
Once per long rest you can use a bonus action to use the
Cry ability
Level 2 Attunement
Bonus to hit and damage increases to +2 You speak the command word causing a 30ft sphere
centered on you to explode in a giant fireball.
Attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d4 radiant Creatures other than you within the sphere must
damage make a DC17 Dexterity saving throw or take 10d6
You can use the Cry ability twice per long rest. fire damage and become ignited. On a successful
save creatures take half damage. Ignited creatures
This weapon gains 3 Charges take 1d6 fire damage at the top of their turn until the
flames are extinguished. A creature may move into
As a bonus action you can spend a charge to use the Scorch water or spend an action rolling on the ground to
ability extinguish the flames.
The Scorch radius increases by 5 feet for each additional
charge spent.
Recharges 1d3 charges at dawn
Level 3 Attunement
Bonus to hit and damage increases to +3 Wildfire Regalia
Bonus fire damage increases to 1d6 When you speak the command word you are
You can use the Cry ability twice per short rest encompassed by a set of gold plate armor covered
Once per long rest you can use an action to use the Howl with silver chain mail underneath. You gain the
following benefits for 1 minute and suffer 2 levels of
ability exhaustion afterwards:
Scorch Charges increase to 6
Scorch DC increases to 17 Your AC Becomes 20 + DEX Modifier (Minimum 1)
Scorch damage increases to 3d6 You are immune to fire damage
Recharges 1d4 charges at dawn Your attacks have an extra 10 feet of reach and ignite
Level 4 Attunement creatures hit causing them to take 1d8 fire damage
You can use the Cry ability three times per short rest at the start of their next turn for each successful hit.
Cry bonus damage increased to 2d6 Creatures that hit you with a melee attack within 5
Howl save DC increased to 19 feet of you take 2d6 fire damage
Once per long rest as an action you can speak the command
word to don the Wildfire Regalia
Scorch DC increases to 19
Scorch damage increases to 4d6
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Brimstone Staff
hen the Dawn Bringer and the Pyre Brand are
united, they form a long staff with the blades of
its component swords on each end, the Nova
Brimstone Staff. Often considered the As you speak the command word the Inferno Regalia
strongest weapon forged during the primordial erupts into an explosion of light and fire that
conflict, the staff is capable of wielding the expands outward. All creatures within 40 feet of you
destructive power of a dying star. No one has must make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw taking
seen its power since the end of the war it was used to win and 15d6 fire damage and 15d6 Radiant damage on a
failed save or half as much damage on a successful
its component parts were scattered. Only bring this weapon one. Creatures that fail their save are ignited, taking
into your campaign when the story requires the use of a 2d6 fire damage at the beginning of each of their
weapon of great power. turns and are blinded.
Personality While this ability is being used you are considered
restrained. At the beginning of your turn for 3 turns,
While the weapons are connected as the Brimstone Staff, the area of effect expands outward by 20 feet to a
their personalities merge into one. Their opposing quirks maximum of 100 feet. Creatures within the area at
rounding out each other's rough edges. the beginning of your turn must make a DC 21
When they speak through the staff, they sound as if the two Strength saving throw or be knocked back 20 feet
voices are speaking in unison. For some this may be and knocked prone.
unsettling others may find it intriguing. Creatures that begin their turn in the area of effect or
The physical manifestation of the souls within the staff is move into the area on their turn take 7d6 fire
that of Leora clad in ruby armor, representing Kai's damage and 7d6 radiant damage and must make a
overwhelming desire to protect his sister. DC 21 Constitution saving throw or become blinded.
All damage from this attack ignores resistance but
History not immunity.
The identity of the original wielder of the Brimstone staff has After 3 rounds the ability ends. You suffer 3 levels of
been lost to time. However, he was largely responsible for the exhaustion. The Inferno Regalia dissipates. And you
title given to the original wielders of the artifacts created must make a DC 19 Constitution or Charisma saving
during the war, Rend Knights. throw. On a successful save, the Dawn Bringer and
What is known is that this artifact was forged late in the Pyre Brand become inert for 7 days. On a failed save,
conflict and was largely responsible for bringing an end to the the weapons become a mundane bastard sword and
war. Every battle where the Brimstone Staff was present short sword.
ended in a decisive victory on the side it supported. Such was
the overwhelming power of the twinned artifact that is the
Brimstone Staff.
Some stories do survive but the most telling is the story of
the wielder single-handedly obliterating an entire battalion of
demons. The story reads that he waded into the middle of the
demons' ranks and unleashing an immense blast of radiant
energy, annihilated most of the creatures, and left the rest too
injured to put up much of a fight.
Beyond 3rd Level
Once the Dawn Bringer and Pyre Brand are combined and
Leora recognizes the wielder as a worthy individual (Lv4) the
Brimstone Staff increases to level 4 attunement granting
access to the Inferno Regalia.
Even Further Beyond
Once the character has gained access to the Inferno Regalia,
you can choose to also allow them to have access to the Nova
ability. This ability is designed to be a high risk/reward trade-
off that could allow the character to turn the tide of a dire
situation at the risk of their own life and the "life" of the souls
housed in the Dawn Bringer and Pyre Brand.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Brimstone Staff Roar
Type: Weapon (Double-Bladed Staff) You speak the command word and swing the staff in
Damage: Special a horizontal arc followed by a vertical arc. Creatures
Properties: Two-Handed, Finesse, Sentient (Lawful/Chaotic in a line 15ft wide, 10ft tall and 50ft. Long must
Good), Special make a DC17 dexterity saving throw or take 6d10
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) Radiant Damage, and 6d10 fire damage. On a
Abilities Scores: INT: 14 WIS: 14 CHA: 16 successful save, creatures take half damage.
Senses: The Brimstone Staff has blind sight out to 50ft. It can Creatures that fail their save are blinded for 1 minute
communicate telepathically with anyone who has touched and ignited taking 1d6 fire damage at the beginning
both blades out to a distance of 150ft. of each of their turns until a character uses an action
Passive perception: 15 to put them out. A creature can make a DC 15
constitution save at the end of their turn to end the
Description: blindness.
The Brimstone Staff is a legendary artifact created by
combining the Dawn Bringer and the Pyre Brand. Once
combined, the grips of the weapons extend to a total of 3ft, the
bastard sword blade shortens and the short sword blade
lengthens an equal amount. The entire weapon gives off a Inferno Regalia
radiant glow and a soft warmth in the immediate area. When you speak the command word you are
Special: This staff is a combination of two different swords. encompassed by a set of ivory white plate armor
When you land an attack with this weapon (1d10 slashing + with black chain mail underneath. You gain the
1d8 Radiant + 1d6 Fire), you may use bonus action to attack following benefits for 1 minute and suffer 2 levels of
with the opposite blade (1d8 piercing + 1d8 Radiant + 1d6 exhaustion afterwards:
Your AC Becomes 20 + DEX Modifier (Minimum 1)
Attunement Lv3 As an action you can charge up to 50 feet in a
While attuned to this weapon you gain resistance to radiant straight line through any number of creatures’
damage and fire damage spaces. Make an attack on each creature whose
Attacks with this weapon gain a +3 bonus to Hit and space you pass through.
Damage On a hit, the creature takes normal damage and is
This weapon glows with magical energy casting bright light pushed to the left or right of you 10 feet and
for 10ft and dim light for 20 feet beyond that. knocked prone and are ignited taking 1d6 fire
You can use a bonus action to use the Shine Ability from the damage until a creature takes an action to put them
Dawn Bringer or the Cry Ability from the Pyre Brand at will. out. On a miss, the creature is pushed 5 feet to the
Once per long rest you may use an action to use the Roar left or right and may immediately make an
ability. opportunity attack against you with advantage.
This weapon has 3 Charges You leave behind a trail of searing flame where you
As a reaction to being hit by and attack, you can spend a charge. This trail lingers until the end of your next
charge to summon a barrier of searing flame. Your AC turn. Creatures that pass through this trail take 4d6
increases by 5 until the end of the current turn. fire damage.
Until the end of your next turn any creature that hits you You must end this charge in an unoccupied space.
with a melee attack within 5 feet takes 1d6 fire damage and This ability recharges on a d6 roll of 5 or 6 at the
1d6 radiant damage. beginning of your turn.
Recovers all charges at dawn
Attunement Lv4
Bonus to hit and damage increases to +4
Once per long rest as an action you can speak the command
word to don the Inferno Regalia
3 Charges
As a reaction to being hit by and attack, you can spend a
charge to summon a barrier of searing flame. Your AC
increases by 5 until the end of the current turn.
Until the end of your next turn any creature that attacks you
with a melee attack takes 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 radiant
Recovers all charges at dawn
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Mercurial Claw
ot all the artifacts created during The Creation and True Name
Sundering were created for the forces of
light. Some were made for the forces of The Claw will tell the player its story in its own words
darkness and some of the raw material was Long ago, the war between the light and dark raged. The
less than willing. Such is the case with the leaders of both sides desperately wanted a weapon that
Mercurial Claw. This band of amorphous would ensure victory. So the kingdoms from all over the
metal was designed to provide the bearer material plane put their mages and artisans to work
with both offensive and defensive capabilities. Not much is forging weapons of great power. But that power came at a
known about the artifact and what is known is largely cost.
disregarded as ghost stories of men having their bodies A living soul had to be placed in the weapon in order to
consumed by the very weapon they sought to wield. When give it the power that was needed. Some kingdoms only
introducing this artifact to your players, consider placing it in used volunteers. Others used brainwashed zealots. Still
front of them unceremoniously as a simple metallic band. more used souls that were pressed into service. I was one
When a player moves to touch it, have the band begin to of those souls.
liquefy and reach out to try and attach itself the one looking to My name was Vallus. I was a poor man. I had no family.
investigate it. So when I could no longer pay my debts, I ended up living
on the streets. Each day was a struggle for food, water and
Personality shelter and, after a time, I resigned myself to the slow
The Mercurial Claw houses the soul of a half-elven male slave. death that was in store for me.
When first attuned, the Claw with latch onto its bearer and It was then that the man found me, sleeping in an
speak alleyway in a vain attempt to stay out of the rain. He got
So… hungry… out of his coach and offered me a place to stay and a
If the player tries to communicate with the Claw it will warm meal. I think, on some level, I knew that something
weakly plead for the player to feed it as it is so very hungry. was wrong. But I had not seen food in days and the
If the player succeeds in using the Devour ability to thought of a soft place to sleep was too good to pass up.
instantly kill a creature of CR 3 or greater the Claw will thank He took me to his home. I was given a room and some
the player for the meal and the spikes embedded in the dry clothes and told to wait there while the food was
forearm will retract allowing the player to change their prepared. Then the men came for me. They chained me to
bracers at will (Level 2). the floor of a temple underneath the man's home. Men in
From this point the player may speak with the claw and hooded robes kept chanting words I didn't understand.
attempt to learn its true name. If the player succeeds in a When they stopped a man pulled a chain and the last
Charisma (Persuasion) check the Claw will tell them the story thing I remember was the feeling of searing hot metal
of how it came to be. being poured over me. My last thought was of how I hadn't
even been given a final meal.
Growing Hunger 3rd Level and Beyond
As the player spends time Mercurial Claw attached Once the player learns the Mercurial Claw's true name they
to them, the artifact grows and begins covering can begin attempting to form a friendship with Vallus. If they
larger parts of the character's body, slowly are successful in earning his trust Vallus will offer them the
consuming them. opportunity to form a partnership. If the player agrees, The
If the character fails to achieve level 4 Claw will immediately swarm over them and cover them
attunement with it, the Claw will eventually attempt
to consume them entirely. Every time the character
completely. The player must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving
takes a long rest, have them make a DC 20
throw. On a success, the Claw will merge into their physiology
Constitution saving throw (minus 5 for each level of (lv4) granting new abilities and allowing Vallus’ soul to pass
attunement above the first). After every fail, the on. On a failure, the character's body rejects the Claw and
Claw advances and takes up more of the character's they cannot try again for one week.
body. Once level 4 attunement has been achieved, the curse on
The DM decides how many failures it will require the artifact is removed and the player no longer has to make
to have the Claw fully consume a character. Constitution saving throws to avoid being devoured by the
Claw. However, if the player is knocked unconscious and fails
3 death saving throws, their body is instantly consumed by the
Claw and their soul becomes trapped inside. A character that
dies in this way can only be revived by a Wish or True
Resurrection spell or similar magic. In this case, the
character's body reforms within the metal band left behind
after their death.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Mercurial Claw
Type: Armor (Buckler) Scratch
AC: 1 You hold out your arm toward an enemy creature and
Properties: Sentient (Chaotic Neutral), Special speak the command word. Roll a ranged weapon
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) attack (1d20 + DEX + Proficiency). Four liquid metal
Abilities Scores: INT: 10 WIS: 14 CHA: 12 spikes lance outward from the buckler toward the
Senses: The Mercurial Claw has dark vision out to 60ft. Can target dealing 4d4 piercing damage. Target must
make a DC15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6
communicate telepathically with whomever is attuned to it. poison damage
Passive perception: 15
The Mercurial Claw at first looks like a simple metallic
bracelet. However, when worn, the metal begins to shift and
liquefy. The liquid flows up to cover the wearer's forearm and Devour
then releases spikes to anchor it in place and then hardens
around the edges. You place your hand on a living enemy creature and
speak the command word. If target creature has
Cursed: 30HP or less it is instantly consumed by the
mercurial claw and half of its current Hit points are
Once the buckler is equipped, attunement is forced and given to you as healing. If the target has more than
liquid metal spikes pierce the character's forearm and will not 30 hit points they must make a DC15 Constitution
allow the character to remove it. If a creature tries to saving throw or take 5d6 necrotic damage and have
forcefully remove the buckler the wearer must make a DC20 their maximum hit points reduced by the same
Constitution saving throw taking 15d10 necrotic damage on a amount. On a successful save, target takes half
failed save or half as much an a successful one. damage.
Level 1 Attunement
While attuned to this armor, you gain resistance to poison
damage and have advantage on saving throws against being
poisoned. Shred
Once per short rest you can use an action to use the
Scratch ability You kneel and punch the ground and speak the
Once per short rest can use an action to use the Devour command word. 10 liquid metal blades erupt from
the ground underneath the target area and lash out at
Ability enemies. Creatures in target area up to 30ft away in a
Level 2 Attunement 20ft cube must make a DC17 Dexterity saving throw
or take 10d10 slashing damage and be knocked
This armor gains a bonus +1 to AC prone. On a successful save, creatures take half
You can use the Scratch ability twice per short rest damage.
You can use the Devour ability twice per short rest
Scratch damage increase to 6d4 piercing and 3d6 poison
Devour damage increased to 5d8 necrotic
Level 3 Attunement
Bonus to AC increases to +2
You can use the Scratch ability three times per short rest
You can use the Devour ability three times per short rest
Once per long rest you can use an action to use the Shred
Scratch poison DC increases to 17
Devour damage increased to 6d10 necrotic DC 17
Devour instant kill threshold increased to 40 hit points
Level 4 Attunement
Bonus to AC increases to +3
The Scratch and Devour abilities have their save DCs
increased to 19 and you can use them at will.
Shred DC increases to 19
Once per short rest as a reaction to being hit by an attack,
you can speak a command to have the claw create a liquid
metal barrier to block the attack. For one round, all friendly
creatures within 5 feet of you gain +2 to their AC and you gain
+5 to your AC.
Shred damage increased to 10d12 slashing. Area increased
to a 25-foot-cube up to 60 feet away
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Blood Spike
uring the war there was a prevailing theory that Five men stand around a humanoid creature lying atop an
using the soul of something other than a arcane circle etched into the ground. They look at each other
humanoid would produce an even more powerful nodding as if satisfied with situation in front of them. The
weapon. To that end a group of monster hunters humanoid on the ground between them begins to stir. He
cornered and captured a old and powerful looks up at the man in front of him and begins to speak
vampire lord. This creatures undead essence between labored breaths.
was ripped from its body and forced into a You may have bested me, but I will not be caged.
magical rapier. The blade was stained crimson and its hilt The man, the hunt leader, kneels down near the vampire
began to grow numerous metallic spikes. and speaks
Their task accomplished, the leader claimed their prize but You don't have a choice in the matter "my lord". This
none expected what happened next. ritual was specifically made to create an eternal cage to
hold you. There will be no escape
Personality You underestimate me. A simple spell will not be
The blood spike houses the essence of a vampire lord older enough to hold me. I'll get out, I swear it. And when I do,
than recorded history. It is clever and sly and will often dodge you will all suffer
questions regarding its origin or intentions. It will frequently Empty threats from a cornered animal. Enough of this.
encourage the wielder to violence. Begin the ritual!
The Blood Spike can communicate audibly with any At his command, the other men move to the edges of the
creature that speaks common, however it rarely chooses to do glyph and kneel. They begin to channel arcane energy to fuel
so, preferring to communicate telepathically with its wielder, the spell and the glyph begins to glow.
keeping its conversation away from prying ears. The leader pulls a silver rapier from a scabbard at his side
When the wielder proves themselves useful to the Blood and stabs it into the glyph causing the glow to grow to a
Spike by slaying creatures and feeding it on a regular basis it searing white light. The vampire screams in agony.
begins to open up to its wielder, telling them what they want As the light fades, the men begin to stand around the glyph
to hear in order to earn their trust (Level 2) which is now scorched into the ground. The vampire has
In time, if the Blood Spike feels confident that it can disappeared and the hunt leader is standing over the rapier,
overpower the mind of its wielder, it releases metal spikes now buried half-way into the ground. One of the men begins to
from the hilt embedding them in the wielder's hand, speak
preventing them from releasing the grip. It then will attempt DId it work? Is it done?
to dominate its wielder (see the curse section of the weapon's The leader reaches down and pulls the rapier from the
stats). If successful the wielder's soul is drawn into the blade, ground. He examines the blade, now died crimson. After a
switching places with the vampire lord. (Level 3) moment he speaks.
I believe so-
Spikes from the hilt pierce his hand. He cries out in agony.
Eternal Thirst His comrades rush forward to aid their friend, now doubled
The Blood Spike's personality is completely evil, over in pain. After a few labored breaths he slowly raises his
desiring only to drink blood from intelligent head, a menacing grin on his face
creatures. Because of this, it is reasonable to I told you... I would not be... caged...
assume that the party will often be in conflict with
it. A Monster Uncaged
If more than 24 hours has passed since the Blood
Spike was used to attack an intelligent creature it Once the vampire has taken hold of the wielder's body, their
will attempt to take over the wielder's mind. It rolls soul can only be restored by a greater restoration or similar
a Charisma check contested by the wielder's magic cast at 7th level or higher. Until then the vampire has
Wisdom check. If it succeeds the wielder uses it to full control of the body and has full access to the Blood Spike's
attack the nearest intelligent creature. If it fails, it abilities. If the wielder's soul has been restored, the hilt spikes
recedes and the wielder is unaware of the incident. retract and the sword reverts to its level 2 form and the
If more than a week has passed, the Blood Spike vampire is unable to attempt to take over for 1 month.
gains advantage on its check. If more than a month
has passed, the wielder has disadvantage on its
Alternatively, the DM may consider allowing the wielder to
attempt to subjugate or ally with the vampire within the
sword. Doing so would need to be exceptionally difficult but
would provide the wielder with the sword's full power without
giving up control.
The Capture of the Vampire Lord
As the wielder's soul is pulled into the blade they receive a
vision of the day of the Blood Spike's creation.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Blood Spike Rend
Type: Weapon (Rapier) You strike out with the sword piercing the target and
Damage: 1d8 Piercing pulling down to inflict maximum damage. The target
Properties: Light, Finesse, Sentient (Lawful Evil) takes an additional 2d6 necrotic damage and must
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) make a constitution saving throw (DC = 10 + you
Abilities Scores: INT: 16 WIS: 14 CHA: 18 proficiency + your attack modifier). On a failed save,
Senses: The Blood Spike has dark vision out to 120ft. It can the target begins bleeding from the wound taking
communicate audibly with anyone who speaks common but 1d4 necrotic damage at the beginning of each of it's
prefers to communicate telepathically with its wielder. turns for one minute or until it is magically healed.
Passive perception: 15 This effect can stack up to four times and you regain
Description: hit points equal to the bleed damage dealt as the
The Blood Spike is an ornate rapier with a crimson blade. sword rips the life essence from the target.
Its hand guard has numerous sharp spikes pointing outward. Undead and constructs are immune to this effect.
Once attuned to the Blood Spike, you cannot willingly break
the attunement to it and you do not wish to be parted from it
opting to use it above all other weapons. While attuned, you
must regularly use it to slay intelligent creatures. Failing to kill Unrelenting Hunger
such creatures will result in the the sword's ego attempting to The vampiric essence within the Blood Spike
force you to do so. It rolls a Charisma check contested by your compels you to fight on past your normal limits.
Wisdom check. If the Blood Spike wins, you immediately
draw the sword and attack the nearest intelligent creature. If When you drop to zero hit points while you are
you win, you are unaware of the intrusion. wielding this weapon, instead of going unconscious,
you make death saves at the beginning of your turn
Level 1 Attunement and otherwise act as normal with the following
While attuned to the Blood Spike, you gain resistance to exceptions:
necrotic damage. Your speed is halved
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. You lose the bonus to attack and damage rolls
Attacks deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. provided by this weapon
You gain access to the Unrelenting Hunger ability Damage rolls no longer benefit from any bonuses,
Once per turn, when you hit with an attack, you can use the including bonuses provided by ability scores,
Rend ability feats, and abilities.
Failing three death saving throws still results in
Level 2 Attunement your character's death and taking damage while at 0
The Blood Spike's Charisma increases to 20 hit points still results in a failed save. Once you are
The attack and damage roll bonus increases to +2 restored at least 1 hit point, you act as normal.
The bonus necrotic damage increases to 1d8
You can use the Rend ability twice per turn
Rend damage increases to 4d6 with a 2d4 bleed
Level 3 Attunement
The Blood Spike's Charisma increases to 24
The attack and damage roll bonus increases to +3
The bonus necrotic damage increases to 2d8
Rend damage increases to 6d6 with a 3d4 bleed
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Winter Regalia
uring the great war between the gods and demon Unlocking the Power
princes, powers on both sides are known to have
chosen champions to represent them and Once all the items of the Winter Regalia are acquired and
become instruments of their will on the mortal attuned, and the character has unlocked their full power, they
plane. In rare cases, the god or demon would also gain access to the power of the Winter Regalia. Once all
imbue multiple objects with their essence in the items are united and their power has been unlocked,
order to grant a mortal more power than they further abilities become available to their wielder as described
would normally be able to control. Such is the case with the below.
Winter Regalia
Not one object but a collection of three, the Deathwalker's The Deathwalker's Ward
Ward (M. Mercer’s Tal'Dorei Campaign Guide), the Raven's In addition to all of its exalted abilities, the Deathwalker's
Slumber (Geek and Sundry's Critical Role), and Raven's Ward grants the following benefits:
Song, it can only be mastered by a true champion of the
Raven Queen. When you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on a Death Saving Throw
you gain 1 hit point.
History You can use your Raven Wings feature twice per long rest.
The Raven Queen is one of two gods with dominion over The Raven's Slumber
death. The Lady of Winter, as she is sometimes called, see's In addition to its other abilities, the Raven's slumber grants
over all things ensuring that everything is given a time to end. the following benefits:
Those that accept the time that fate has granted them are
welcomed into the afterlife and ushered to their spirit's resting Once per long rest you can spend 10 minutes focusing on
place by the Raven Queen. the pendant. At the end of this period, you and up to 10
It is said that all ravens are actually celestial messengers other willing creatures are transported into the pocket
from the Mistress of Fate, helping to keep a watchful eye over dimension inside the gem for 12 hours or until you use an
all things and safeguarding the natural order of the world. action to end the effect. When the effect ends all creatures
In the past, her champions have been known to perform inside the gem appear in an unoccupied space within 10
great acts in her name. The true mission of the Champion of feet of the pendant.
Winter, however, has always been to grant peace and closure Raven's Song
to the dead and dying, to ease the passing from life, to what In addition to its other abilities, the Raven's Song grants the
lies beyond. It is not uncommon for the Raven Queen's following benefits:
champion to oversee the ceremony of Fate's Call where the
feeble and dying are gifted a sort period of clarity to say their Attacks against undead creatures have advantage
final goodbyes before dying with grace and dignity. Once per short rest you can use a bonus action to force an
undead creature that you can see and can hear you to
Seeking the Power of Fate make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 19). On a failed save, the
The process of becoming the champion of the Raven Queen creature becomes vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing or
begins with discovering the location of the items that make up slashing damage (your choice) until the beginning of your
the Winter Regalia. next turn.
Such items would likely be found in hidden places such as
long forgotten tombs or underground temples. Consider
having some or all of these items be carried by an enemy NPC
using them for a corrupt purpose or having the party stumble
upon one of the items while questing in underground caverns.
This could lead to characters asking questions as to the origin
of this mysteriously powerful item.
Once a character has claimed one of the Raven Queen's
relics, consider having one or more ravens follow them
everywhere. If the character seeks to unlock the full potential
of the artifacts, they will need to come to some manner of
agreement with the Raven Queen herself. This could take the
form of a simple agreement to complete a task for her from
time to time, to taking levels in Paladin or Cleric to become a
proper disciple of the Raven Queen.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Raven's Song Marked for Death
Type: Martial Ranged Weapon (Longbow) After hitting a creature with an attack from the
Damage: 1d8 Piercing Raven's Song, you can use your bonus action to mark
Properties: Light, Sentient (Chaotic Neutral), Range that creature with the Raven Queen's crest. The next
(150/300) attack from another creature against the target
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) before the beginning of your next turn has advantage
Abilities Scores: INT: 14 WIS: 12 CHA: 14 and is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Senses: The Death Wind has Dark Vision out to 60ft. and can
communicate audibly with anyone using any of the
languages of the one to whom it is attuned.
Passive perception: 15
Description: Reap
The Raven's Song is a longbow made from Obsidian with You draw the bow and focus on the enemies in front
two large spikes jutting outward on each side of the grip. The of you. Choose up to 6 creatures within range
bow appears to have no string but closer inspection reveals a ignoring all cover. Six arrows lance outward passing
light wisp of smoke between the tips. When the character through any obstacle to reach their target. Roll 6
pulls on this "string" an arrow made from a violent torrent of ranged attacks with advantage. Each hit creature
wind appears at the character's fingers. Just before the takes normal damage plus 1d6 necrotic damage
character releases the arrow, it solidifies into a bolt of magical
You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this
Additionally attacks from this weapon deal an additional
1d4 force damage and attack rolls of 19 or 20 are critical hits.
Awakened When a character awakens the Raven's Song,
apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2
Increase the additional force damage to 1d6
You can use the Marked for Death ability once per long
The weapon gains 3 charges. Whenever you hit a creature
with attack from this weapon you can use your bonus action
to spend up to 3 charges. The target takes an additional 1d8
force damage per charge spent and all creatures within 5 feet
of the target must make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw,
taking the additional damage on a failed save.
Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this damage are
destroyed as with the Disintegrate spell.
Spent charges are restored each day at dawn
Exalted When a character exalts the Raven's Song, apply the
following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3
Attack rolls of 18, 19, or 20 with this weapon are critical
You can use the Marked for Death ability twice per long
You can use the Reap ability once per long rest
The weapon gains 6 charges. Whenever you hit a creature
with attack from this weapon you can use your bonus action
to spend up to 3 charges. The target takes an additional 1d8
force damage per charge spent and all creatures within 5 feet
of the target must make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw,
taking the additional damage on a failed save.
Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this damage are
destroyed as with the Disintegrate spell.
Spent charges are restored each day at dawn
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The Wolf Lord's Regalia
n the beginning, there was only one god given Unlocking the Power
dominion over death. However, he was shunned by all
living things, even the gods. For all things must end Once all the items of the Wolf Lord's Regalia are acquired and
and yet all things fear that end. "The Pale Man" as he attuned, and the character has unlocked their full power, they
was called came to the conclusion that he would also gain further abilities become available to their wielder as
divide his power. A celestial axe was forged and he described below.
used this tool to split himself, right down the middle,
creating two new gods. Wolf Lord's Plate
The first of these gods came to be known as the Raven In addition to all of its exalted abilities, the Wolf Lord's Plate
Queen, with dominion over the laws of fate. The second, was grants the following benefits:
the Lord of Wolves. Your walking speed is increased by an additional 10 ft.
While the Raven Queen ensures that all things have an while wearing this armor
appointed time to end and watches over that moment of You gain resistance to cold damage
passing, The Lord of Wolves ensures that all things make Your hit point maximum cannot be reduced
their appointment. His dominions are of death, war, and
justice. Wolf Lord's Mantle
Often taking the form of an enormous black wolf, The In addition to its other abilities, the Wolf Lord's Mantle grants
Hound of the End relentlessly hunts those that seek to subvert the following benefits:
the natural order.
You gain advantage on death saving throws.
History Once per long rest, when a creature within 30 feet of you
Many cultures have stories of death and its agent, The Grim makes a death saving throw you can use your reaction to
Reaper. What is not commonly known is that these stories have them treat the roll as if they had rolled a 20.
were created to give a face to the end all things face. The When you are revived using the Relentless Hunt ability of
Raven Queen is represented in the hour glass at his hip. The this item you regain hit points equal to 12 x the spell slot
Lord of Wolves is represented by the Scythe. level spent
After the Dawn War, arcanists of the mortal races became Wolf Lord's Fang
obsessed with obtaining the key to everlasting life through In addition to its other abilities, the Wolf Lord's Fang grants
undeath. The Lord of Wolves made the decision to choose a the following benefits:
champion to work his will in the mortal realm. He gave this
champion three gifts. Your attacks with this weapon deal 2d8 slashing damage
From one of his fangs, a massive sword was forged. From plus 1d8 cold damage and 1d8 psychic damage
his fur was forged into a set of plate mail and woven into a Your critical threat range when using this weapon
cloak and the first Paladin of Wolves was chosen. increases by one to a maximum of 17.
Over the ages the Wolf Lords Regalia has been scattered When you hit an undead creature of CR 7 or less with this
but many have taken up the mantle to become his paladin. It is weapon, you apply damage as if you scored a critical hit.
said that once an age the relics will be united and a champion
chosen to bring an end to a great evil.
Becoming a Master of Death
The process of becoming the champion of the Lord of Wolves
begins with discovering the location of the items that make up
the Wolf Lord's Regalia.
These items are likely in difficult to reach places or carried
by powerful individuals. Consider having the party come in
conflict with the current paladin of the Lord of Wolves. Such
an NPC would likely carry one or more of the artifacts.
Perhaps their oath forced them to do something that the
players find unforgivable. This could drive the players to find
out more about the enigmatic god that this horrible person
Once one of the Wolf Lord's artifacts has been claimed, he
will seek to test its new wielder. Consider having the party
being stalked by a pack of unusually large wolves and
ultimately come to a showdown with some form of celestial to
maintain ownership of the artifact.
However, to unlock the artifacts' true power, the wielder
must pledge to serve the Lord of Wolves.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Wolf Lord's Plate Wolf Lord's Mantle
Type: Armor (Plate) Type: Wondrous Item (Cloak)
AC: 18 Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement)
Strength Requirement: 15 Description:
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) This heavy, black cloak is fastened with a clasp with a wolf's
Stealth: Disadvantage head insignia.
Description: While attuned to this cloak, the wearer gains a +1 bonus to
This stark black armor has pauldrons carved into the shape death saving throws and their strength score becomes 15
of howling wolves. The chest plate is embossed with the unless it is already higher.
image of a snarling canine. The helm is elongated vaguely Additionally, they gain the benefit of the Relentless Hunt
resembling the mussel of a wolf. ability.
You gain +1 to your AC while wearing this armor.
Additionally, while attuned to the armor, your walking speed Awakened When a character awakens the Wolf Lord's
increases by 5 feet, and you gain advantage on Constitution Mantle, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
saving throws to prevent exhaustion. Increase the bonus to death saving throws to +2
Curse: While attuned to this armor, if your HP is below The wearer's strength score becomes 19 unless it is
50% at the end of your turn, you suffer 15 damage and then already higher
gain 20 temporary hit points as the plates in the armor begin The healing from Relentless Hunt increases to 1d8 times
to attempt to stitch your wounds together. While you have the spell slot level.
these temporary hit points all healing you receive is halved.
If, at the end of your turn you do not have any of these Exalted When a character exalts the Wolf Lord's Mantle,
temporary hit points remaining and you are below 50% of apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
your max hit points, the effect triggers again.
This effect continues until you are healed above 50% of Increase the bonus to death saving throws to +3
your max hit points. Once you are no longer wounded, you The wearer's strength score becomes 22 unless it is
lose the temporary hit points provided by this effect. You already higher
cannot remove the armor while you have the temporary hit The healing from Relentless Hunt increases to 1d10 times
points provided by this effect. the spell slot level.
While attuned to the armor if you are ever more than 30
feet away from it you suffer 7(2d6) psychic damage at the
beginning of each of your turns until you are within 30 feet of Relentless Hunt
the armor. You cannot voluntarily unattune from this armor
unless someone breaks the attunement by casting Greater Once per day, when you are reduced to 0 hit points,
Restoration at 7th level or higher or Wish. you instead are reduced to 1 hit point and can
immediately spend a spell slot to heal yourself. You
Awakened When a character awakens the Wolf Lord's Plate, regain a number hit points equal to 1d6 times the
apply the following changes to the item’s traits: level of the spell slot spent.
Feral Speed
On your turn you can choose to take an extra action
(as with the Fighter's Action Surge feature). After
taking this extra action, you suffer 2 levels of
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Wolf Lord's Fang Reality Slash
Type: Martial Melee Weapon (Three-Handed Sword) You grab the secondary grip the sword and bring it
Damage: 2d8 Slashing down in front of you. Then with two horizontal
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed, Reach Special slashes you release two waves of damage in a 30ft
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) cone in front of you.
Special: This sword is massive. You must have a Strength
score of 22 or greater to wield it. If a creature with a lower Creatures in the area must make a two DC 19
constitution saving throws or take 5d6 psychic
strength attempts to wield it, attack and damage rolls are damage and become stunned followed by 5d6 force
made with disadvantage damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save
Description: creatures take half damage.
This massive sword is 6 feet long and has an extra grip cut
into the back of the sword. The guard is wrapped in wolf's fur
and there is a sharp spike for a pommel.
You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this
Additionally attacks from this weapon deal an extra 1d6
psychic damage and, once per long rest, you can use the Warp
Strike ability as a bonus action.
Awakened When a character awakens the Wolf Lord's Fang,
apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2
Increase the additional psychic damage to 1d8
You can use the Warp Strike ability Twice per long rest
Once per long rest you can use the No Escape ability as a
bonus action
Exalted When a character exalts the Wolf Lord's Fang, apply
the following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3
Increase the additional psychic damage to 1d10
When you use your action to take the attack action with
this weapon you can use your bonus action to make one
additional attack. You do not add your ability modifier to
the attack or damage roll for this additional attack unless it
is negative.
Once per long rest you can use the Reality Slash ability as
an action
Warp Strike
You teleport behind a creature within 20ft that you
can see. You then rolls an attack with advantage. This
attack crits on a result of 18, 19, or 20.
No Escape
Choose a creature within 30 feet of you that you can
see. That creature must make a Charisma saving
throw (DC 15). On a failure the target is paralyzed
with fear. The target can repeat the save at the
beginning of each of its turns to end the effect.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Meteor Hammer Storm Blades
Type: Simple Melee Weapon (Mallet) Type: Martial Melee Weapon (Twin Swords)
Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage: 2d4 Slashing
Properties: Light, Thrown (range 30/90) Properties: Finesse, Light, Special, Thrown (range 30/90),
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) Two-Handed
Description: Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement)
This mallet seems extraordinarily light for its size. There is Special: When you are hit by a melee weapon attack While
a faint glow emanating from the head. wielding one twin blade in each hand, you may use your
This hammer was forged from a dying star that fell to earth reaction to parry the attack with one of your blades. You
long before the gods and demons waged war across the gain a +5 bonus to your AC until the end of the current turn.
material plane. It has been passed down the lines of the great Description: These short, curved blades attach together when
dwarven houses for generations. sheathed. Balanced to be used in tandem, one has a blade
Attacks with this weapon gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage with a blue hue that crackles with electricity. The other is
rolls. obsidian black with yellow veins. It softly hums as it vibrates
Additionally, attacks with this weapon deal an extra 1d6 fire in your hand.
damage. While wielding this weapon you have a +1 bonus to attack
While attuned to this weapon you always know its location and damage rolls.
relative to you and you can use a bonus action to summon it to Additionally, attacks with this weapon deal an additional
your hand as long as it is within 150 feet of you. 1d4 lightning damage, and 1d4, thunder damage.
Awakened When a character awakens the Meteor Hammer, Awakened When a character awakens the Storm Blades,
apply the following changes to the item’s traits: apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2 Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2
Add an additional 1d6 radiant damage to successful Increase the additional lightning and thunder damage to
attacks 1d6 each.
When you hit with a thrown weapon attack with this Twice per short rest, when you take the attack action with
weapon, it automatically returns to your hand. this weapon you may make one additional attack
Once per long rest you can use the Star Fall ability as an Exalted When a character exalts the Storm Blades, apply the
action following changes to the item’s traits:
Exalted When a character exalts the Meteor Hammer, apply Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3
the following changes to the item’s traits: When you roll the maximum amount on a damage die for
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3 this weapon, you may reroll it and add it to the total
When you hit a creature with a thrown weapon attack, all damage and continue to reroll the die until you do not roll
hostile creatures within 10 feet of the target must make a its maximum value.
DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking the 1d6 fire damage, Once per long rest, as an action, you may use the
1d6 radiant damage, and 1d6 force damage on a failure. Thunderbolt Cut ability
Star Fall DC increases to 19. Damage increases to 5d10
fire, 5d10 radiant, and 5d10 bludgeoning
Increase the thrown range to 40/120
When you hit a creature or object with the Meteor Thunderbolt Cut
Hammer you can choose to teleport to an open space You speak the command words and throw the blue
within 5 feet of the target holding the hammer blade of lightning at a creature within 30 feet of you
that you can see. Make a ranged weapon attack
against the target. On hit, the target takes 2d6
piercing damage plus 2d6 lightning damage and you
Star Fall teleport an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the
target. You then strike with the black blade of
You speak the command words and throw the thunder. All creatures within 20 feet of you must
hammer at a place on the ground within 60 feet of make a Constitution saving throw taking 4d6
you that you can see. On impact the hammer thunder damage and becoming stunned and
releases a wave of explosive energy. Creatures within deafened on a failed save or half as much damage on
a 25 foot radius around the point of impact must a successful one. If the initial target fails its save it is
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw taking 4d6 knocked prone 10 feet away from you.
bludgeoning damage plus 4d6 fire damage plus 4d6
radiant damage on a failed save or half as much
damage on a successful one. Creatures that fail their
save are also knocked prone.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Sword of the Eclipse Gae Bolg
Type: Martial Melee Weapon (Longsword) Type: Simple Melee Weapon (Spear)
Damage: 1d8 Slashing Damage: 1d8 Piercing
Properties: Versatile (1d10) Properties: Versatile (1d10)
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement)
Description: This longsword has a hilt of polished platinum Description: This spear was last wielded by a mighty warrior
and a blade of polished obsidian. Its grip is icy cold to the who slew a whole army single-handedly. The whole of the
touch and, while unsheathed, the surrounding area grows weapon from the tip of the blade to the pommel is blood red.
dimmer as if it is devouring the nearby light. The head of the spear has many thorn-like protrusions.
While wielding this weapon you have a +1 bonus to attack While wielding this weapon you have a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls. and damage rolls.
Additionally, while not in bright light you can take the hide Additionally, the first attack you make each turn has
action as a bonus action and you have advantage on Dexterity advantage and is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
(Stealth) checks.
Awakened When a character awakens the Gae Bolg, apply
Awakened When a character awakens the Sword of the the following changes to the item’s traits:
Eclipse, apply the following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2 Attacks with this weapon are critical hits on a roll of 19.
You gain advantage on all attacks you make with this The first attack you make each turn is a critical hit on a roll
weapon while in areas of dim light and darkness. of 18, 19, or 20.
As a bonus action on your turn, you may teleport from an Critical hits with this weapon cause the target to bleed
one area of dim light or darkness to another up to 30 feet taking 1d6 necrotic damage at the beginning of each of its
away turns until it receives magical healing.
Exalted When a character exalts the Sword of the Eclipse, Exalted When a character exalts the Gae Bolg, apply the
apply the following changes to the item’s traits: following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3 Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3
You gain the ability to see in dim light and darkness, Attacks with this weapon are critical hits on a roll of 18.
including magical darkness out to 60 feet. The first attack you make each turn is a critical hit on a roll
Once per long rest, as an action, you may use the Crushing of 17, 18, 19, or 20.
Void ability Increase the bleed damage to 2d6.
You can use the Heart Seeker Strike ability as an action
once per long rest.
Crushing Void
You speak the command words and stab the sword
into the ground. all light within a 60-foot-radius Heart Seeker Strike
sphere centered on the sword is devoured. You speak the command word and hurl the spear at a
target creature that is not a construct.
The area is considered magical darkness and all light
except magical light created by spells of 7th level or The creature must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
higher is snuffed out. Creatures in the area, other throw taking 10d10 + 50 magical piercing damage
than you, must make a DC 19 Constitution saving on a failed save or half as much damage on a
throw taking 3d10 bludgeoning damage plus 3d10 successful one. Creatures below half of their
cold damage and becoming restrained or half as maximum health have disadvantage on the saving
much damage on a successful one. throw.
Restrained creatures repeat the save at the beginning If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this
of their turn, ending the condition on a success. damage they instantly die as thorny vines erupt from
Creatures that begin their turn within the area take their body.
1d10 bludgeoning damage and 1d10 cold damage.
The area is considered difficult terrain.
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Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Type: Martial Melee Weapon (Longsword)
Excalibur Damage: 1d8 Slashing
Properties: Versatile (1d10)
Type: Martial Melee Weapon (Bastard Sword) Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement)
Damage: 1d10 Slashing Description: This sword once belonged to an infamous knight
Properties: Versatile (3d4) who betrayed his king and slowly descended into madness.
Rarity: Legendary (Requires Attunement) Its black blade and hilt emanate a dark miasma when
Description: This sword once belonged to a great and noble drawn.
king blessed by the gods. Those who carry it carry with it
the weight of grand expectations. Its hilt and guard are While wielding this weapon you have a +1 bonus to attack
polished gold and the blade gleams with a mirror finish. and damage rolls.
While wielding this weapon you have a +1 bonus to attack Additionally, you gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidation)
and damage rolls. checks while the sword is drawn.
Additionally, you gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) Awakened When a character awakens the Arondight, apply
checks with lawful or good aligned creatures and Charisma the following changes to the item’s traits:
(Intimidation) checks against chaotic or evil aligned creatures.
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2
Awakened When a character awakens the Excalibur, apply Attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d6 psychic
the following changes to the item’s traits: damage
You gain access to the A Knight's Honor ability
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +2
The sword gains the Savage property. When you roll the Exalted When a character exalts the Arondight, apply the
maximum value on a damage die with this weapon, you following changes to the item’s traits:
may roll an additional damage die and add it to the total.
Once per short rest, as a bonus action on your turn, you Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3
may use the Promised Victory ability. Increase the bonus psychic damage to 1d8
You gain access to the Mage Eater ability.
Exalted When a character exalts the Excalibur, apply the
following changes to the item’s traits:
Increase the attack and damage roll bonus to +3 A Knight's Honor
You can use the Promised Victory ability twice per short A knight of honor dies with a weapon in their hand.
rest and its damage increases to 6d6
You gain access to the Avalon ability. You cannot be disarmed of this weapon.
Additionally, when you are reduced to 0 hit points,
instead of going unconscious, you can continue
acting normally on your turn with the following
Promised Victory exceptions.
You speak the command word and the sword begins
to glow with radiant light. It sheds bright light out to Until you have more than 0 hit points you make
30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet. death saving throws as normal. If you take damage
from any source, you automatically fail a death
Your next attack roll is a critical hit on a roll of 17, save.
18, 19, or 20 Your speed is reduced by 10 feet.
You have disadvantage on attack rolls and
Additionally, the next attack that hits within 1 creatures have advantage on saving throws against
minute deals an additional 3d6 radiant damage. spells you cast.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
Andrew DuVarney (order #15687068) are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.