8 BS LP - WK 2-Day 2
8 BS LP - WK 2-Day 2
8 BS LP - WK 2-Day 2
Teacher: Ms Wafa Sattar/Ms Bushra /Ms Asma Saad Course/Subject/Grade 8 grade Date WEEK 2- Day 2
Lesson Topic/Title UNIT 2 LESSON 7 - Organisation and management
Objective: Explain meaning of leadership and the different leader ship styles
Essential Question(s):
1. What are the different leadership styles?
2. How do leadership styles impact performance?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of laissez-faire leadership?
4. How can a leader adapt their style to different situations and team members?
Anticipated Misconceptions: one leadership style is universally effective and applicable in all situations.
Prior Knowledge (Engage - Hook, Ask, Primed for 5 min Begin the lesson by asking students to Students discuss various leadership styles exhibited by
learning). brainstorm examples of leaders they admire these individuals.
and what qualities make them effective
Investigate (Explore - we do, you do, groups do. *Allow 10 min Different professions are written in the board: Learners suggest leadership requirements of an
students to observe, record data, isolate variables, design Army commander army commander, a teacher and a head of state
and plan experiments, create graphs, interpret results, Head of a school
develop hypotheses, and organize their findings.) Head of a state
Teach (Explain - direct instruction, 10 min Explain that leadership is important. In groups students discuss the characteristics and key
mini-lesson: I do, I explain, content, vocabulary, Explain the main leadership styles of traits associated with their assigned leadership style.
differentiation) autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. Each group present their assigned leadership style to the
Explain that there are many factors that class.
influence the choice of leadership style such
as personality of the manager and employees,
number of people and type of job.
Understand (Elaborate - Reflect, integrate, compare, 5 min Divide the class into pairs, and assign each pair a real-
synthesize, address misconceptions. *Provide students world scenario that requires leadership decisions (e.g.,
opportunity to apply their knowledge to new domains, raise leading a school team, organizing a community event,
new questions, and explore new hypotheses. May also managing a business project
include related problems for students to solve.) In their pairs, students should discuss and decide which
leadership style would be most effective in their given
Ask each pair to present their chosen leadership style
and explain their reasoning to the class.
Al-Rowad International School Based on the 5E Model (Often used for inquiry and constructivist lessons)
Measure Success (Evaluate - feedback, questioning, 5 min write a short paragraph summarizing their understanding
assessment - formative & summative) of the different leadership styles and when each style is
most appropriate.
Summarize (Learners summarize for self/ teacher 5 min One minute summary
summarize for next steps)
Reflection: Student’s can be given as chance to question a manager to understand their nature or work.
*Phase descriptions adapted from Eisenkraft, Arthur. “Expanding the 5 E Model.
*Investigate, Teach, Understand, and Measure Success might be addressed in different sequence depending on the needs of the lessons.