Rapunzel is one of the most well-known children's fairytales. However, Disney has a different version.
They may share some parallels and differences, but one thing is certain: they both end happily ever
after. There are similarities between the Brothers Grimm story and the Disney version. Rapunzel was
held captive by the sorceress in both versions, who imprisoned her in the tower to keep out intruders.
Since the day she was born, the sorceress has made it her mission to be Rapunzel's sole contact. When
the sorceress needed to enter the tower, she always let Rapunzel to climb up by letting her hair down.
However, a prince observed the sorceress's actions and imitated them in order to ascend the tower. As
in all versions, the sorceress discovers that the prince and Rapunzel are becoming closer, and she
creates a reason to catch him with Rapunzel by letting Rapunzel's hair down, and they are both punished
by the sorceress when they are caught. This is a recurring theme in fairytales, yet they always have a
happy ending.
Rapunzel -
Flynn Rider -
Gothel – evil witch, foster mother of Rapunzel and the antagonist in the story