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Lesson 10 Assignment Retold Fairy Tale I. Fairy Tale's Analysis

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Lesson 10 Assignment

Retold Fairy Tale

I. Fairy Tale’s Analysis


 This famous fairy tale takes place in Germany before the 19th
Setting (when and where) century. It is set deep in a forest at a witch’s garden with plenty of
beautiful and magnificent vegetables and flowers. The garden is
surrounded by a wall to keep others out of reach, avoiding anyone
to steal plants or flowers.

  A twelve-year-old most charming girl under the sun named

Rapunzel, she has long, beautiful shiny blonde hair. Her splendid
Protagonist (the "good guy") strands of hair are the only way of bringing the sorceress and the
Prince up to the tower.

Antagonist (the evil/wicked   A malevolent, powerful sorceress named Dame Gotheln wants
character) to keep Rapunzel only for herself.

  The central conflict of the story is Rapunzel wants to escape

Main Conflict/Problem  from the tower to live her life independently with freedom and to
fall in love with the Prince; however, Gothel does not let her go. 

Magic Elements (talking animals,

characters with magical powers) + The sorceress who has powerful magic.
+ The sorceress’s splendid garden has beautiful and magical
flowers and herbs
+ In the end, the tears from Rapunzel’s eyes heal the Prince’s
blinded eyes, making his eyes clear once again.

+ Use of threes: “Rapunzel, Rapunzel. Let down your hair.”

+ The story teaches lessons about the consequences of stealing,

the value of patience, and determination.

+ The moral of the story is that when something is destined to

happen, no one, by any of their powers, can stop that from
Fairy Tale Elements (use of threes
happening and caution for adults that children grow up no matter
or sevens, lesson/moral,
how hard the parents try to shield them from the harsh realities of
mistreatment of main character,
+ The mistreatment of the main character is that Rapunzel is taken
away from her birth parents since she was born, and because of
her beauty and unique long hair, Rapunzel is captured in a no-


  Once upon a time, deep in the forest, there was a man and a
woman who wished for a child. They lived near the splendid
garden fulfilled of beautiful and magical flowers and herbs, which
Introduction was owned by a powerful, scary sorceress. The woman craved for
herbs called Rapunzel or rampion and urged her husband to steal
it from the garden.

Rising Action
 + The husband barged in the garden and was caught by the
sorceress while trying to steal some of the herbs. He was forced to
make an exchange by giving up the baby his wife was about to
give birth to to be acquitted of burglary.
+ The sorceress raised the child on her own, and the child grew up
the most beautiful and charming girl under the sun. So, the
sorceress took her to a no-entrance tower where the only way of
going in or out depended on the beautiful strands of Rapunzel’s

Climax The climax of the story starts when Gothel found out Rapunzel
was furtively trying to escape from the tower to hang out with the

Gothel mercilessly banished Rapunzel from the tower and cut off
Rapunzel’s hair to trick the Prince into the trap. The Prince
Falling Action eventually was deceived into climbing up. When he heard that he
had lost Rapunzel, he miserably threw himself out of the window.
He survived, but his eyes were blinded with thorns. 

Rapunzel and the Prince found each other all of a sudden, they fell
in each other's arms, and Rapunzel’s tears healed the Prince’s
eyes. In the end, they lived happily and contently together a long
time afterward.

II. Planning my own Fairy Tale


Setting (when and where)

 This famous fairy tale takes place in Germany Since the setting is
before the 19th century. It is set deep in a forest not crucial to the
at a witch’s garden with plenty of beautiful and plot so it can be
magnificent vegetables and flowers. The garden changed, the new
is surrounded by a wall to keep others out of setting of the new
reach, avoiding anyone to steal plants or flowers. version of this fairy
tale takes place at a
village in the
countryside of
Germany during the
1910s- the period of
World War I.

The protagonist is
still Rapunzel. She
has long, shiny
splendid blonde
 A twelve-year-old most charming girl under the hair; more
sun named Rapunzel, she has long, beautiful importantly, her hair
Protagonist (the "good shiny blonde hair. Her splendid strands of hair possesses a miracle
guy") are the only way of bringing the sorceress and the chemical that can be
Prince up to the tower. used for either
benevolent purpose
of inventing
medicine or for the
malicious intention
of producing drugs.

The antagonist is
still Dame Gothel.
But Dame Gothel is
  a man, and he works
Antagonist (the evil/wicked    A malevolent, powerful sorceress named as a scientist. He is
character) Dame Gotheln wants to keep Rapunzel only for well-known for his
herself. evil wills of
producing drugs for
the army to earn an
enormous profit.

Main Conflict/Problem 
  The central conflict of the story is Rapunzel Since the central
wants to escape from the tower to live her life conflict is vital to
independently with freedom and to fall in love the plot, so there is
with the Prince; however, Gothel does not let her nothing much to
go.  change. Rapunzel
discovers the
scientist’s evil wills,
so she wants to
escape, but Gothel
does not let her go

 + The sorceress who has powerful magic.

To retell the fairy
+ The sorceress’s splendid garden has beautiful tale in a more
Magic Elements (talking and magical flowers and herbs realistic and modern
animals, characters with + In the end, the tears from Rapunzel’s eyes heal way, I would
magical powers) the Prince’s blinded eyes, making his eyes clear eliminate
once again. supernatural

+ Use of threes: “Rapunzel, Rapunzel. Let down

your hair.”

+ The story teaches lessons about the

consequences of stealing, the value of patience, All the fairy tale
and determination. elements in the
original version
+ The moral of the story is that when something shall be kept.
is destined to happen, no one, by any of their
Fairy Tale Elements (use of
powers, can stop that from happening and caution + Use of threes:
threes or sevens,
for adults that children grow up no matter how “Rapunzel,
lesson/moral, mistreatment
hard the parents try to shield them from the harsh Rapunzel, I need
of main character, etc.)
realities of life. your hair.”

+ The mistreatment of the main character is that + Rapunzel,

Rapunzel is taken away from her birth parents Rapunzel, where are
since she was born, and because of her beauty you?”
and unique long hair, Rapunzel is captured in a


  Once upon a time, deep in the forest, there was a man During the time of World
War I, at a village in the
and a woman who wished for a child. They lived near the rural areas of Frankfurt,
splendid garden fulfilled of beautiful and magical flowers there was a man and a
and herbs, which was owned by a powerful, scary woman who had long
sorceress. The woman craved for herbs called Rapunzel wished for a child. Once
or rampion and urged her husband to steal it from the they were reconstructing
garden. collapsed buildings, they
found and saved a baby girl
in the wreckage, so they
decided to adopt her.

+ By chance, Gothel got to

know about the baby girl
and noticed something
special about her hair, so
 + The husband barged in the garden and was caught by he decided to steal her
the sorceress while trying to steal some of the herbs. He away and jail the couple.
was forced to make an exchange by giving up the baby + Gothel raised the child
his wife was about to give birth to to be acquitted of on his own. The baby girl
burglary. grew up and became the
+ The sorceress raised the child on her own, and the child most beautiful girl in the
grew up the most beautiful and charming girl under the village. Moreover, she
sun. So, the sorceress took her to a no-entrance tower possessed a gifted feature
where the only way of going in or out depended on the besides her beauty, which
beautiful strands of Rapunzel’s hair. is her splendid hair with a
particular chemical to
create a new type of heavy
+ To keep Rapunzel for
  himself, he built a “heaven
home” with all
conveniences needed so
that Rapunzel would never
need to go out.

 The climax of the story starts when Gothel found out Rapunzel encountered a
Rapunzel was furtively trying to escape from the tower to soldier from the window,
hang out with the Prince.  and he told her about the
outside world and urged
her to go out and discover.
She hesitated because she
was afraid of what Gothel
warned her about the real
world. Then, she found out
evil secrets about Gothel,
so she wanted to escape.
Gothel discovered
Rapunzel’s escape plan and
her encounter with the
soldier, so Gothel tried to
stop Rapunzel.

+ Gothel seized Rapunzel

and locked her down the
basement of the “heaven
home.” He then cut off her
hair and intended to leave
her to death. The cellar was
fortified with traps so that
no one could reach
Rapunzel to rescue her.
Gothel mercilessly banished Rapunzel from the tower
and cut off Rapunzel’s hair to trick the Prince into the + The soldier audaciously
Falling trap. The Prince eventually was deceived into climbing barge in the “heaven
Action up. When he heard that he had lost Rapunzel, he home,” down to the
miserably threw himself out of the window. He survived, basement, and tried to
but his eyes were blinded with thorns.  rescue Rapunzel. He got
through most traps with his
well-trained physical
health, mental health, and
reactions. However, the
last standing trap stabbed
into his stomach. They
escaped into the nearby
wood, but the soldier was
close the death.

Rapunzel and the Prince found each other all of a + The solider was
sudden, they fell in each other's arms, and Rapunzel’s breathing heavily and
tears healed the Prince’s eyes. In the end, they lived started to choke. Rapunzel
happily and contently together a long time afterward. was scared, and she cried.
Her tear ran down to the
wounded stomach, but it
did not help. She realized
the powerful magic of her
hair, so she cut her hair and
dispatched to the wound.
Amazingly, it quickly
healed, and the soldier
+ The soldier almost died,
but Rapunzel’s hair
magically healed the
wounded stomach.
+ In the end, they live
happily together a long
time afterward while
Gothel was jailed and
executed by the
government of Germany.

 Final Draft
A long time ago, during World War I, there was a man and woman who had long
wished for a child. They pray to God every day, believing that one day their wish
could come true. Indeed, their patience and strong beliefs paid off. After the
bombing of the Allied in the countryside of Frankfurt, a village, fortunately,
remained with few casualties despite many other houses were ravaged. The
village's survivors, including the man and woman, incessantly searched in the hope
of saving more lives in the wreckage. Amazingly, they discovered a baby girl
sleeping peacefully in a cradle surrounded by fragmented walls and ceilings. So,
they decided to adopt the child.

The adopted baby girl has a hair's color of the wonderful flower called rampion, so
the man decided to name her Rapunzel. At the age of two, she already possessed
everything that other girls could only imagine to have in their dreams. She has a
beautiful oval face and blonde long splendid hair that only existed in the fairy tale.
At the time, living not so far away from Rapunzel's house, there was the wealthiest
man in the village named Dame Gothel. In his desperate youth, he was an
audacious soldier who dared to sacrifice himself for the nation's victory. By the
time he retired, he had suffered from both terrible physical and mental illness, but
the government did not even acknowledge his existence. So, he resented and
wanted to retaliate by destroying the army from inside: making the troops addicted
to drugs. He noticed about Rapunzel, and with enormous experiences and
knowledge about chemical he had collected and learned from thousands of books,
he believed that Rapunzel's hair was a fantastic ingredient for heavy drug

At first, he came to make an offer to the man and woman to have Rapunzel for a
tremendous amount of money, but he was rejected. Frustrated with the man and
woman's stubborn decision and defiant altitude, Dame Gothel ensured to have
Rapunzel by paying the corrupted Frankfurt's police to jail the man and woman for
some absurd reason so that Gothel was legally to adopt Rapunzel. The only reason
Gothel cannot stand curbing Rapunzel was that he needed her for an evil plan, not
because he loved and wanted for her goods.

To easily manipulate Rapunzel in the future, Gothel did genuinely care for her, but
he cared about Rapunzel conditionally and selfishly for his hidden purpose. He
instilled in Rapunzel's innocent mind about how evil the outside world was. To
keep Rapunzel under his sight, he built a "heaven house" with every convenience
that Rapunzel would need so that she would never want to go out.

Rapunzel grew up and became the most beautiful and charming girl in the village
while her splendid hair was keeping to grow vigorously. She loved her life, and she
loved Dame Gothel because she thought he was her true father. Rapunzel had trust
in Gothel because she believed he was the one who truly cared for her. Rapunzel
had a hobby to sit next to the window and look outside the street because she was
so curious to discover the world out there, but as a good daughter, she complied
with what Gothel told her strictly. Once, she saw a young man as about her age in
military uniform through the window. She glanced at him, and he glanced back,
then they smiled with each other with smiling eyes. Since then, they fell in love
with one another, so the solider came back every day. The solider asked Rapunzel
if he could come with here; Rapunzel was afraid of Gothel and cautious about
Gothel said about bad people, but she could not resist the call of love. Rapunzel did
not know how to bring the solider up, so the soldier looked her hair and said:

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, I need your hair."

Rapunzel let down strands of her hair, and the soldier climbed up and get inside the
house. They furtively repeated this multiple of times without Gothel ever noticed.
Each time was a wonderful time for them, and the soldier told her about all the
things out there, and life was far more magnificent compared the all the darkest
color Gothel had depicted about life. He also urged her to snicked out sometimes to
discover that though war might destroy the landscape, but with the ardent villagers,
the village was reviving vitally, and war even made people stick closer, stronger
than ever.

Unfortunately, Dame Gothel began to figure out the sneaky and intimate meeting
between Rapunzel and the solder, as well as her intention to escape out of the
house. Gothel felt that it had come to the time when he could no longer control
Rapunzel, so he decided to take a coercive move on Rapunzel's nineteenth
birthday. He asked:

"I have a special present for you. Now, close your eyes, put this blindfold on, and
turn around."

"Yes, father," Rapunzel replied.

Rapunzel turned around and waited patiently for the surprise. From behind, Gothel
hit hard at Rapunzel's back head, and she fainted. Gothel brought her to the
basement, cut off her long miracle hair, and set up lethal traps to avoid anyone
from reaching Rapunzel. Rapunzel waked up and felt the pain ran over her body
then she started to acknowledge the danger she was facing. That night, a colossal
storm pulled over, giving the soldier an ominous sign of something terrible had
happened. Immediately, he got out of bed, rushed to the street into the storm, ran
his heart out to Rapunzel's house.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Where are you?" the soldier screamed under the heavy rain.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Rapunzel…" he incessantly screamed until he lost his voice.

He could not wait for response any longer, so he decided to barge in by breaking
the window with rocks and started to climb. The solider finally got in but with his
hand covered in blood. He was disoriented in the large house and gone insane,
searching for Rapunzel. When he was close to the basement, with all the strength
left, he called out again:

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, please tell me where you are?"

Rapunzel finally heard him and responded:

"The basement, down here, please help me!"

With the acute instinct of a soldier, the man knew accurately where Rapunzel was
captured right the way. He hustled and ran down the basement, seeing Rapunzel, a
happy and satisfied smile, brightened his face, and faded all the pain. Using
professional trained military skills to overcome most of the deadly traps, both
Rapunzel and the soldier thought Gothel had been overconfident and
underestimated the soldier's ability. However, Rapunzel and solider were wrong.
The last trap was what the whole system was about. It looked easy to figure out
and got through, the soldier was overconfident, and though he got lucky, he got
shot in the stomach instead of the heart. Rapunzel panicked and cried; her lips
shook, and her tear rolled down to her cheek. The solider tried to untie her, and
they escaped from the house.

The rain had stopped, the village was in deep silence. Out of the house, Rapunzel
embraced the soldier's hip and guided him while urging him not to give up. They
reached the nearby wood and stopped under a big tree. The solider was breathing
heavily and started to choke. Rapunzel was scared, and she cried. Her tear ran
down to the wounded stomach, but it did not help. She realized the powerful magic
of her hair, so she cut the remnant of her hair, with a small bun inside her hand, she
dispatched to the wound. Amazingly, it quickly healed, and the soldier survived.

In the end, Rapunzel and soldier got marry; they rebuild the "heaven house" of
Gothel into a charming little house, while the rest of the empty land was for
growing crops and raising cattle. Rapunzel gave birth to a healthy and beautiful
baby boy, and three of them lived happily contently a long time afterward. On the
other hand, Gothel was found guilty of producing illegal drugs and was executed
by the head government.

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